1 ) Whoever gets immoral, we don't
However, the Union inherited from forefathers must be defended to the last
In Myanmar history, we did not accept any external traitorous destructive elements who wished to threaten
security of neighbouring countries and commit destructive acts there
Yangon, 12 June - Patron of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe made an address at the opening ceremony of the Myanmar Affairs and International Studies Course No 5 and the USDA
Executives' Management Course No 24, held at Pyidaungsu Hall of the Central Public Relations Unit in Hmawby Township, Yangon Division, at 9 am today.

Senior General Than Shwe said the trainees who will attend the Myanmar Affairs and International Studies Course are from the production, trade and services sectors of the departments and organizations and those who are discharging duties in the human resources development field.
They will have to study the major subjects on Myanmar history, development undertakings of the State's economy and social affairs and international situation. In addition to the theoretical studies, they are going to make practical studies at nation-building projects and compile and read papers.
Similarly, Myanmar history will be lectured at the USDA
Executives' Management Course. Subjects at the course also include national defence and security, Our Three Main National Causes, history of anti-colonialist struggles of the national races, Union Spirit and the independence struggles. The trainees will also have to learn developments of the State, social and economic development, library and computer science and departmental functions.
The USDA has been continuously striving for the entire youth members to emerge as a national force. It has been conducting courses on national affairs, international relations, vocational education, culture and morals and new generation marine and new generation aviation courses.
The sector of youths plays a key role in building a peaceful, modern and developed nation, which is a national goal. Thus, the USDA is laying down future work programmes and implementing the national development projects with the strength of the youths. The association is also carrying out the task to nurture youths with added momentum.
The youths are acquiring various skills from the USDA's programmes. The courses will enable the youths to understand the value of the Union, national solidarity, sovereignty and peace and to acquire the qualification to take part in the national politics. They will also learn the international situation. Technical courses will also enable them to acquire vocational science.
One of the significant programmes of USDA is the conducting of the national culture and morals courses down to the rural areas. Over 1,940,000 trainees attended the courses which were opened at 25,143 venues in the entire nation during the summer this year. Over 9.2 million trainees attended the previous courses. Thus, a total of over 11.1 million youths have attended the courses up to this year.
The trainees who have attended the culture and morals courses are teenagers. The courses are being conducted to enable the youth, who will discharge the duties of State in future, to preserve the national characters and the family values of the Myanmar society and observe traditions and culture and morals. Possession of the national outlook and national characters among the youths will enable them to own the qualities of a good citizen.
The USDA's conducting of courses based on the new generation youths amounts to realizing the aim
to vitalize patriotism with a view to uplifting the national pride and integrity of the association's basic principles under Chapter II.
All the citizens will have the ability to defend their nation, to uplift the prestige and dignity of the nation and the people and to build a peaceful, modern and developed nation.
Building a peaceful, modern and developed nation is the goal of the State as well as the political aim.
The practical work programmes are required to realize a political aim.
The work programmes will have to be implemented in the most basic way. The trainees will have to give priority to studying the State's basic requirements in studying the Myanmar affairs. The nation-building task requires policies and projects which meet the State's objective condition.
Modernization and development are needed to reinforce the national strength. First, the government had to strive to restore national consolidation and peace, which are the basic requirements for modernization and development. After restoring national consolidation and peace, it started to implement the infrastructure projects covering transport, energy, development of land and water resources, improvement of economic and social standards and human resources development.
Projects have been drawn and implemented to ensure a proportionate progress in all the regions and sectors in carrying out the practical tasks.
A special project was laid down to make all-out efforts for progress of unity, peace and security and transport, economic, social, health and education sectors of the entire border regions, which lagged behind in progress due to various reasons.
The whole nation has been divided into 24 development zones and projects are being implemented to ensure a cent-per-cent progress in all the sectors including the transport, agriculture, industrial, health and education to see that no area is left unattended.
As is known to all, we are implementing the tasks standing on our own feet. Efforts are being made for speedy development in various regions and sectors by utilizing the time usefully. Plans were laid down for construction of roads, bridges, dams, schools and hospitals. The targets were set to open these structures. The government is making efforts to achieve progress in cooperation with service personnel and the people in the respective roles.
Now, the five rural development tasks are being implemented phase by phase. Moreover, measures are also being undertaken for development of transport, water supply, education, health and economic sectors.
Building a nation for development is a very practical task. It is easier said than done. The trainees will observe this during the course. We are also attempting to overcome obstacles and hindrances in building a modern developed nation on our own strength. It is necessary to build a modern developed nation without any obstacles and constraints.
In Myanmar history, the forces of the nation split soon after we regained independence. They fought each other and the nation became weak and lagged behind in development. In order to overcome these conditions, the government made peace with 17 armed groups through practical attitudes. Due to good results, security and peace was restored in border areas and fruits of development can be seen.
However, traitorous destructive insurgents jeopardized security and peace in border areas recently. In this connection, the entire local people held mass rallies in Kengtung and Taunggyi and denounced those who violated sovereignty. They also expressed their condemnation of destructive acts of national traitor insurgents. Local people wanted security and peace and continued progress in border areas. They called for tasks to defend security and peace and keeping the region developing.
The government and the Tatmadaw will always safeguard sovereignty and the life and property of the people and will continue to defend the border areas and remove the danger posed by destructive traitors. Myanmar is a nation that accepts and has been exercising confidently the five principles of peaceful co-existence in maintaining international relations.
In Myanmar history, there had never been external traitors permitted to take a foothold in our territory to threaten security of neighbouring countries and commit destructive acts there.
The government firmly followed the Myanmar
attitude whoever gets immoral, we don't. However, the Union
inherited from the forefathers must be defended to the last.
In conclusion, I would like to say two points. I urge you to thoroughly observe the situations of the past and present and reality for realization of the national objectives and to take part in the task of removing destructive acts that hindered in building of a peaceful, modern developed nation as a duty-conscientious citizen.
After the ceremony, Senior General Than Shwe cordially greeted the trainees. He then had lunch together with them at Bayintnaung Hall and left
Excerpts from Senior General Than Shwe's speech
The USDA's conducting of courses based on the new generation youths amounts to realising the aim
- to vitalize patriotism with a view to uplifting the national pride and integrity
- of the association's basic principles under Chapter II.
Building a peaceful, modern and developed nation is the goal of the
State as well as the political aim. The practical work programmes are required to realize a political aim.
Modernization and development are needed to reinforce the national
Projects have been drawn and implemented to ensure a proportionate
progress in all the regions and sectors in carrying out the
practical tasks.
We are also attempting to overcome obstacles and hindrances in
building a modern developed nation on our own strength. It is
necessary to build a modern developed nation without any obstacles
and constraints.
Local people wanted security & peace and continued progress in
border areas.
In Myanmar history, we did not accept any external traitorous
destructive elements who wished to threaten security of neighbouring countries and commit destructive acts there.
I urge you to thoroughly observe the objective situations of the past and the present for realization of the national objectives and to take part in the task of removing all the destructive acts that hinder the building of a peaceful, modern developed nation as a duty-conscientious citizen.
( 2 ) Commerce Minister receives PRC Ambassador
Yangon, 12 June - Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone received Ambassador of the People's Republic of China Mr Li Jinjun and party at his office at 3 pm today. They cordially discussed matters relating to the economic coorperation between the two countries.
Minister receives ROK Ambassador
Yangon, 12 June - Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun received Ambassador of the Republic of Korea Mr Lee Kyung-Woo at his office at 9 am yesterday.
Transport Minister receives
Japanese Ambassador
Yangon, 12 June - Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe received Ambassador of Japan to the Union of Myanmar Mr Shigeru Tsumori
who had completed his tour of duty in Myanmar at his office at 9.30
am yesterday.
Russian Ambassador calls on Ministers
Yangon, 12 June - Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin received Ambassador of the Russian Federation Mr Oleg V Kabanov
at his office at 10.30 am today.
Then, the Russian Ambassador called on Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt at his office at 2 pm.
F&R Minister receives German delegation
Yangon, 12 June - Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein received General Manager Mr P D Christ of Fritz Werner Co of the Federal Republic of Germany and party at his office at 10.30 am yesterday.
( 3 )
Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann and Commander inspect Vegetable and Poultry Farming Special Zone
Yangon, 12 June - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann of the Ministry of Defence, accompanied by Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe, this afternoon inspected Yangon Division Vegetable and Poultry Farming Special Zone near Nyaunghnapin Village, Hmawby Township, Yangon North District, and fulfilled the needs.

On arrival at Hmawby Hsan Hall of the zone-1, they were welcomed by Col Tin Tun of Phugyi Station, No (1) Military Region Commander Col Khin Maung Soe and members of the Zone Supervisory Committee.
At the briefing hall, Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe reported on allotment of land for national entrepreneurs to do business of agricultural and livestock breeding in accord with the five objectives laid down by the Head of State and implementation of tasks in the zone.
Next, Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann urged the staff of the zone to cooperate with the national agricultural and
livestock breeding entrepreneurs in implementing the tasks and to successfully
implement the tasks of the zone.
Then, Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann and the commander inspected cultivation of vegetables in the zone-1 cultivation of vegetables in the greenhouses and tunnels undertaken by the Myanmar
Agro peace, irrigating to the zone, raising of layers by battery cage, vegetable plantations of national agricultural entrepreneur U Tun Oo in the zone-2 and Taingmyan Kyaw layer breeding farm.
They then cordially met with the officials and
attended to requirements and left the zone in the evening. Yangon
Division agricultural and poultry farming special zone has 10,588
acres of land. Of them 9,173 acres of land have been allotted to the
national entrepreneurs and 8,093 acres have been reclaimed. The
tasks for cultivation of vegetables is being implemented in the
zone. A total of 686,638 broilers are being raised in the zone and
over 500,000 broilers have been put on sale.
( 4
) National Convention Convening Commission meets

Yangon, 12 June - National Convention Convening Commission held the coordination meeting at the
meeting hall of the Commission at 2 pm today.
Present on the occasion were Chairman of the Commission Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, Vice-Chairmen Maj-Gen Sein Htwa and Brig-Gen Pyi Sone and Commission members.
Chairman Maj-Gen Saw Lwin presided over the meeting. Then, the National Convention Convening Work Committee and the National Convention Convening Management Committee reported on matters related to the National Convention. The members of the National Convention Convening Commission took part in the discussions. Next, the meeting ended with concluding remarks by the Chairman.
Ministry of SWRR holds
coord meeting
Yangon, 12 June - The Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement held the first four-monthly coordination meeting for 2002 at Thida Hall of the Fire Fighting Training School of the Fire Services Department in Mayangon Township yesterday afternoon, with an address by Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa.
Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa gave a speech.
After the ceremony, the minister inspected two fire engines built by the FSD to be handed over to Monghsat and Mongphyat and the ambulance donated by well-wisher Daw Aye Aye Khaing of 7th mile, Pyay Road, Mayangon Township.
Oil palm plantations, raw palm oil mill inspected in Kawthoung
Yangon, 12 June - Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe arrived at the oil palm plantation and the raw palm oil mill being jointly undertaken by MPCE and the private entrepreneur at the 18th mile in Kawthoung on 10 June.
Managing Director U Myint Oo reported the minister on production of palm oil and milling matters.
Then, the minister and party viewed production process at the mill.
Next, they visited oil palm plantations of regiments and units of Kawthoung Station, the Township Peace and Development Council and private entrepreneurs. Afterwards, the minister and party inspected private prawn breeding ponds and raising of layer farms and provided assistance to the officials.
USDA CEC member tours Kachin State
Yangon, 12 June - CEC Member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Minister for
Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw visited the office of Kachin State USDA in Myitkyina on 10 June.
Secretary of Kachin State USDA U Ra Wan Joun reported on tasks of Kachin State USDA and arrangements being made for planting oil palms for regional oil sufficiency. The CEC member gave instructions.
Next, he went to Myitkyina Township USDA office and inspected the scale model of the office and conditions of the surrounding areas.
Afterwards, the minister proceeded to Myitkyina auto exchange and inspected installation of equipment for extension of telephone lines and arrangements being made for installation of rural telephone lines, and left necessary instructions.
Patron of Kachin State USDA Chairman of Kachin State Peace and Development Council Commander of Northern Command Brig-Gen Maung Maung Swe and the CEC member inspected production of asbestos being undertaken by Kachin State USDA.
Then, the commander and the CEC member inspected the site chosen for planting oil palm to be undertaken by Kachin State
USDA CEC member tours Sagaing Division
Yangon, 12 June - Central Executive Committee member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, accompanied by executives of Sagaing Division USDA, arrived at Seikkuan Village in Shwebo Township, Sagaing Division on 9 June morning.

CEC member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint met with Shwebo District Peace and Development Council Chairman Lt-Col Than Han and district/township level departmental officials, social organizations and, district/township level USDA executives and members and local populace.
Then, Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint and party viewed the process of making salt at Kyaket Village in Sagaing Division.
They later met with district and township level departmental staff, social organizations, local authorities, teachers, students and
( 5 ) Commander inspects agricultural tasks, meets local farmers in Taikkyi
Yangon, 12 June - Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yagnon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe
and party in Taikkyi Township, Yangon North District, this afternoon.
The commander and party first arrived at Targwa Village-tract in Taikkyi Township at 5 pm and they were welcomed there by officials concerned.
Then, the commander met with local farmers at the temporary pandal where the collective
sloughing ceremony was being held in farmer Daw Mya Thi's field near Targwa Village. The commander said that Taikkyi Township was a reliable one in cultivation of monsoon paddy in Yangon Division; so local farmers were to cultivate monsoon paddy in all vacant lands; by doing so, local farmers could earn more income and consequently their living standard would improve; and requirements of local farmers would be fulfilled.
After that, local farmers reported on requirements in cultivation of monsoon paddy.
The commander attended to their needs after co-ordinating with division level departmental officials.
National culture and morals course concludes in Myitkyina
Yangon, 12 June - A ceremony to honour instructors and trainees of the national culture and morals course, organized by Kachin State Union Solidarity and Development Association, was held at the town hall in Myitkyina, Kachin State, on 9 June morning.
First, Commander Brig-Gen Maung Maung Swe and CEC member Brig-Gen Thein Zaw gave speeches.
Next, the CEC member presented certificates of honour and cash awards to instructors of Myitkyina, Putao and Bhamo Districts.
Then, the Commander presented prizes to the outstanding trainees.
On behalf of the trainees, USDA member Ma Win Sanda Moe of Ayezedi Ward in Myitkyina Township reported on advantages of the training.
On behalf of the instructors, USDA member Headmistress Daw Su Su Mar of Basic Education Primary School No 8 in Yangyiaung Ward, Myit-kyina Township, spoke words of thanks.
Rainy season tree planting ceremony held in Mawlamyine
Yangon, 12 June - The rainy season tree planting ceremony for 2002 was held in Mawlamyine Industrial Zone on 11 June morning.
Staff Officer U Khin Maung Myint of Mawlamyine Township Forest Department reported on the purpose to hold the tree planting ceremony.
Then, Chairman of Mon State Peace and Development
Council Commander of South-East Command Brig-Gen Thura Myint Aung formally opened the ceremony.
Next, the Commander and wife and those present at the ceremony planted trees.
A total of 6,130 trees including 1,000 Thithseint trees (belleric myrobalan), 1,500 teak and 2,000 mahogany trees were planted at the ceremony.
( 6 )
NCMC course instructors, trainees honoured in Haka
Yangon, 12 June - A ceremony to honour instructors and trainees of the national culture and moral
character course, organized by Chin State Union Solidarity and Development Association, was held at the town hall in Haka, Chin State, on 10 June.
In his address, CEC member Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko said that the USDA has sponsored to conduct national culture and moral character course to about 10 million USDA members throughout the country. In Chin State, the course with 16 course instructors was conducted to over 600 USDA members.
Trainee youths were urged to embrace the patriotic spirit and the Union Spirit based on national culture and moral and to built and safeguard the State in future. Then, the CEC member presented gifts and certificates of honour to the instructors.
After the ceremony, the CEC member, accompanied by Chin State Chairman Col Tin Hla and officials, inspected the tea plantation being undertaken by USDA on Haka-Falam Road and planted tea saplings at the designated places.
( 7 )
Yangon Mayor leaves for China
Yangon, 12 June - Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay left here by air yesterday afternoon to attend the Third Meeting on Information of Cities in Asia and the Pacific Region to be held in Shanghai and the fifth anniversary of Yangon and Rongzu sister city to be held in Rongzu, Jiangsu Province of the People's Republic of China.
The Mayor was seen off at Yangon International Airport by Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, Minister for Education U Than Aung, Chinese Ambassador Mr Li Jinjun, YCDC Vice-Chairman Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa, Secretary Col Myint Aung, Joint-Secretary U Kyi Win, heads of department and officials and families.
The Mayor is accompanied by Head of Information Department U Hla Myint Swe and Deputy Head of Production Department U Chit Swe.
( 8
) Journalism course trainees visit GTC Press
Yangon, 12 June - A total of 45 trainees of the Journalism Course No 1/2002, organized by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, led by Principal U Kyaw Sunn, visited GTC Press of the Printing and Publishing Enterprise of the Ministry of Information in Aung San Myo yesterday morning.
They were welcomed there by Press Manager U Kyaw Thu and officials.
At the training hall there, Press Manager U Kyaw Thu extended greetings and explained facts about the history of the press and printing technology and Deputy Manager U Kyaw Kyaw about modern off-set printing system.
Then, the trainees viewed the printing works. Officials answered queries raised by the trainees. Afterwards, trainee leader Ko Lwin Aung spoke words of thanks.
( 9
) Three Yodaya nationals with stimulant tablets, arms and ammunition, paraphernalia arrested in Tachilek
Yangon, 12 June - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit, local Tatmadawmen, Myanmar Police Force and officials, acting on information, searched Room No 106 of Golden Triangle Hotel in Wankaung Ward, Tachilek, Shan State (East) on 7 June and arrested Yodaya nationals Sonechaiseteim, son of Sonehaiseteim of No 25, Kyaleinkon Lane 24, Semphahtawon Township, Bangkok, Yodaya; Ophatparmut, son of U Lontwontakonphu of No 44, Lane 76, Wutchilatan Road, Khonbantkyat Ward, Phakhanon Township, Bangkok, Yodaya; and Wichitaihsattaya, son of U Montalitaihsattaya of No 15/3, Tautlathin Road, Phatonwon Township, Bangkok, Yodaya, and Aik Kat, son of U Nyi Kyon of Panlonlan Ward, Tachilek, with 10,000 stimulant tablets, one .32 pistol, one magazine and its three bullets, one Panasonic video camera, one Pentax camera and one Nissan saloon car.
After questioning them, the authorities also arrested Sai Non, son of U Phawta of Weinkyauk Village, Haungleik Village-tract, Tachilek
Township, together with 200 stimulant tablets, one .32 pistol, two
.32 revolvers and one magazine and 94 assorted ammunition. Action is
being taken against them in connection with the seizures under the
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the police station
99 bottles of pholcodine seized in Hopong
Yangon, 12 June - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit, Taunggyi Special Anti-Drug Squad and local police force, acting on a tip-off, searched the mini-bus with number plates Da/9716 and Hilux with number plates Na/4290, en route from Kengtung to Taunggyi at toll-gate in Hopong on 26 May.
The authorities seized 99 bottles of pholcodine liquid weighing 98.5 litres hidden in the seven boxes from the Hilux.
Action is being taken against Ko Tun (a) Tun Khaung, 32, and Htay Hlaing, 27, sons of U Aung Ngwe of No 13/267, Yadana Street, Seittathukha Ward, Shwenyaung and Pho Cho, 42, son of U San of No 145, Shwewah Tun Street, Nyaung Shwe Hawgon Ward, Taunggyi, under section 15/19 (A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Hopong Police