1 ) Secretary-1 receives Japanese Ambassador

Yangon, 10 June - On behalf of Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar Senior General Than Shwe, Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt received Ambassador of Japan to the Union of Myanmar Mr Shigeru Tsumori who had completed his tour of duty
at Zeya Thiri Beikman, Konmyintha, at 9 am today.
2 )
Maj-Gen Maung Bo inspects regional development, agricultural tasks in Kyaikmaraw, Mudon
Yangon, 10 June - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Maung Bo of the Ministry of Defence, accompanied by Chairman of Mon State Peace and Development Council Commander of South-East Command Brig-Gen Thura Myint Aung and officials, paid homage to Hsutaungpyi Pagoda in Kyaikmaraw on 7 June morning.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo and the commander donated cash towards the funds of the pagoda. Maj-Gen Maung Bo signed in the
visitors' book.
Then, Maj-Gen Maung Bo offered provisions to five members of the Sangha led by State Ovadacariya Agga Maha Pandita Silavamsa of Phayagyi Taik.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party proceeded to Township Peace and Development Council Office and met with departmental personnel, members of social organizations, teachers, local authorities and townselders.
Then, Maj-Gen Maung Bo inspected 10 miles and five furlongs long Kyaikmaraw-Kalaing-kanaing-Kyunywa laterite road and gave necessary
instructions to officials.
Next, he went to Mudon Township Union Solidarity and Development Association Office and met with departmental personnel, social organizations and local people. He explained endeavours of the Government.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo inspected development of Mudon. He paid obeisance to Buddha Hsandawshin Kan-gyi Pagoda and donated cash towards the fund of the pagoda. Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party then proceeded to Sasana Beikmandaw in Mudon and donated provisions to Township Sangha Nayaka Committee Chairman Maha Ganthavacaka Pandita Bhaddanta Khemasara and members of the Sangha.
In the afternoon, Maj-Gen Maung Bo, the commander and party arrived at Azin Dam in Mudon.

Assistant Director U Tun Ngwe of the Irrigation Department reported on the location of the dam, watershed areas, storage capacity, irrigated areas, average annual rain fall and water supply for Mudon. Maj-Gen Maung Bo fulfilled the requirements and inspected the conduit and condition of water flowing into the dam.
Azin Dam, 92 feet high and 1,650 feet long, has an earthern embankment. The dam irrigates 2,000 acres of farmland and 850 acres of horticultural land as well as supplying water to local people in Mudon.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Maung Bo arrived at Azin Pepper Research and Development Centre. Officials reported on the growing of pepper saplings, research work and the application of
cultivation methods. Maj-Gen Maung Bo gave instructions and inspected thriving pepper plants.
At the centre, 100 acres of land is put under 100,000 pepper saplings, and saplings are being distributed to the growers.
At the Central Rubber Model Farm, officials reported to Maj-Gen Maung Bo on the tasks of the farm and future tasks.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo and the commander planted PRIM-717 strain rubber trees in the farm.
Then, they went to the rubber-wood factory in Mawlamyine Township. Factory Manager U Kyaw Kyaw reported on production process. The factory manufactures value-added wood products with the use of old rubber trees.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Maung Bo went to the applied research department of Myanma Perennial Crops Enterprise. Deputy General Manager U Aye Pe and General Manager U Soe Htin reported on research on oil palm and cashew, and training courses for service personnel and private organizations. Next, Maj-Gen Maung Bo gave necessary instructions and inspected research work at the department.
( 3 ) Yodaya warned that if it does not behave as good neighbouring nation and is testing response and inciting Myanmar to pick up fight with motives to expand her territory and dominate our nation, it will amount to waking up sleeping tiger
People in Monywa support mass rallies to denounce SURA and KNU terrorist insurgents undermining security and peaceful condition in border areas
Yangon, 10 June
- A ceremony to support the national people's mass rallies denouncing SURA and KNU terrorist insurgents who are violating the security and peaceful condition of border areas and to show respect for the sovereignty of the Union of Myanmar was held at the People's Sports Ground in Monywa, Monywa District, Sagaing Division, on 8 June morning.
It was attended by local people from various townships in Monywa District, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigade, War Veterans Organization, the Working Committee for Women's Affairs and Maternal and Child Welfare Association, band troupes, the State flag bearing troupes, teachers and students.
The six columns Anawrahta, Kyansittha, Tabinshwehti, Bayintnaung, Alaungphaya and Hsinbyu-shin marched into the People's Sports Ground and took their designated places.
The people from various townships in Monywa District hoisted State flags to demonstrate their respect for sovereignty of the Union of Myanmar.
Executive of Sagaing Division USDA U Nay Aung acted as master of ceremonies.
Those present saluted the State flag.
Member of Monywa Township USDA of Monywa District Ma Khet Thanda Soe explained the purpose of the ceremony.
She said: I am a member of Monywa Township USDA of Monywa Distt.
I am going to explain the purpose of the ceremony to support the national people's mass rallies denouncing SURA and KNU terrorist insurgents who are encroaching upon the security and peaceful condition of the border areas, and to show respect for the sovereignty of the Union of Myanmar.
First of all, I would like to elaborate on why we are here and why State flags are hoisted all over Monywa.
Since the beginning of 2001, drug-trafficking SURA and KNU destructive insurgents, based in Yodaya and getting assistance from it, have been launching attacks along the border areas.
Yodaya has helped establish the training school, the arms workshop, the hospital and the quarters inside its territory and provided nine pyis of rice and five tins of canned fish per one SURA insurgent every month. They have perpetrated destructive acts and violated the sovereignty of the nation. Therefore, the ceremony to denounce the destructive insurgents has to be held.
The holding of such a kind of ceremony shows that we and the national brethren living in the border areas are in unity, though not in close proximity to one another. Like them, we also denounce the drug-trafficking insurgents. We also support the mass rallies denouncing drug-trafficking terrorist insurgents held in Kengtung, Taunggyi and other places. Therefore, the townsfolk of Monywa
hoist State flags and hold a ceremony to show how much they value
and respect the sovereignty of the nation. We have to demonstrate
the spirit which never lets the sovereignty of the nation be violated and nationalistic spirit which will crush any form of invasion and insults. On behalf of all the youths, I would like to warn Yodaya that if it does not behave as a good neighbouring nation and is testing our response and inciting us to pick up a fight, it will amount to waking up a sleeping tiger.
Therefore, I would like to urge all to keep alive and dynamic the spirit of fighting against any danger and scheme to break up our motherland and to uphold Our Three Main National Causes non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of national solidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty.
Secretary of Ayadaw Township USDA of Monywa District U Kyaw Myint explained how SURA and KNU terrorist insurgents, taking strongholds in Yodaya, are violating the security and stability of the nation and the peaceful condition of the border areas.

He said: we support the mass rallies denouncing the acts of violating the sovereignty of Myanmar. State flags are hoisted all over Monywa, and we are here to salute the State flag. The purpose is to show the world how much we value and are proud of the sovereignty of the nation. In other words, it means declaring that we are going to respond to every act of violating the sovereignty of the nation.
I would like to give a brief account of the insulting act of some terrorist insurgents and how Yodaya aided and abetted them.
On 11 February 2001, opium-trafficking insurgents launched a surprise attack on the outpost of the Myanma Tatmadaw on
"O" hill near Tachilek and the Yodaya army provided supporting artillery fire. They fired heavy weapons up to Tachilek.
They also attacked Lwedawkham outpost in border areas on 21 February 2001, Pachee outpost near Ponpakyin in Mongton Township on 21 April 2001 and Maekyoak outpost and new Maekyoak outpost on 8 February 2002.
KNU insurgents mined Yangon-Mottama motor road between Bilin and Thaton and Yangon-Myainggalay gas pipe near Kazaing bridge. KNU, together with ABSDF, attacked Minletpan Village near Myawady on 15 May 2002.
Due to terrorist acts of SURA, KNU and ABSDF, the lives and property of the national people were lost and even religious buildings destroyed.
The terrorist group, in cooperation with the Yodaya army, blatantly attacked Pangmaingsun, Nyaungbingon, Pangantgaw, Yanpaingsun outposts near Yodaya-Myanmar border on 20 May this year. The Yodaya army provided supporting artillery fire.
The acts of Yodaya, which harbours, arms and feeds some national race traitors, recruits new members, and provided supporting fire with heavy weapons, amount to insulting our nation again and again.
In addition, Yodaya conducts maneuvers near our border every year. This shows signs of posing threats to and levelling insults at our nation. It has become a danger to our nation.
Therefore, I would like to emphatically call on all the people to get prepared to crush terrorist insurgents and outsiders at risk to our lives to defend the sovereignty and territory of the nation and to keep intact the dignity of the nation built by our forefathers.
Then, the mass rally shouted the slogans "non-disintegration of the Union
- our cause, our cause, non-disintegration of national solidarity -
our cause, our cause, and perpetuation of sovereignty - our cause,
our cause. Afterwards, the ceremony came to an end.
( 4 )
Minister meets Maldivian
Yangon, 10 June
- Chairman of Health Ministers of South-East Asian Region of World Health Organization Minister of Health of Maldives Mr Ahmed Abdullah and party arrived here yesterday evening. They were welcomed at the airport by Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Deputy Minister Professor Dr Kyaw Myint and officials and WHO Resident Representative Dr Agostino Borra.
This morning, Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein met Minister Mr Ahmed Abdullah at his office. Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein extended greetings.
Next,Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Mr Abdullah, Prof Dr Mya Oo and
officials discussed matters related to health care services in Myanmar. Directors-general reported on accomplishments of their respective departments.
Afterwards, the guest minister gave a speech.
The visiting Health Minister of Maldives and party visited Medical Research Department (Lower Myanmar), Institutes of Medicine under the Medical Science Department and Drug Elimination Museum this morning.
In the evening, Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein hosted a dinner in honour
of the guests.
Transport Minister inspects
departmental work in Kawthoung
Yangon, 10 June
- Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, accompanied by the chairman of Kawthoung District Peace and Development Council and departmental officials inspected loading and unloading of cargoes of private vessels at Tawwin Jetty in Kawthoung on 8 June and gave necessary instructions to the officials.
Next, the minister inspected the Myanma Port Authority Office building which is under construction near the jetty and fulfilled the needs.
Then, the minister and party proceeded to Kawthoung Market and saw over grocery and vegetable shops.
Ministry of Mines holds work coord meeting
Yangon, 10 June - The first four-monthly work coordination meeting for 2002 of the Ministry of Mines was held in conjunction with a meeting on exceeding the production targets for the second four months in 2002 at Thiri Yadana hall of the ministry this morning.
It was attended by Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint, Deputy Minister U Myint Thein, directors-general and managing directors of departments and enterprises under the ministry, advisers, general managers, directors and officials.
Brig-Gen Ohn Myint made an opening speech. Then, responsible officials reported on production being targeted and arrangements for the second four months of 2002. Afterwards, the deputy minister made additional reports. Later, the minister gave instructions on minimizing loss and wastage, boosting the production and practising thrift.
Banking Services Course 1/2002 opens

Yangon, 10 June - The Ministry of Finance and Revenue opened Banking Services Course 1/2002 for Assistant Managers of Myanma Economic Bank at the training hall of Myanma Economic Bank Branch-1 on Pansodan Road this morning.
It was attended by Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Than Tun, Governor of the Central Bank of Myanmar U Kyaw Kyaw Maung, Managing Director of MEB U Soe Tin, officials, course instructors and trainees.
First, Minister U Khin Maung Thein made an address. He said Myanma
Economic Bank is providing services for financial matters and
banking services. The opening of the banking services courses aim at
producing qualified service personnel. So, the trainees are to try
hard to become qualified service personnel. Then, the minister
formally opened the course. A total of 40 assistant managers are
attending the seven-week course.
USDA Courses open
Yangon, 10- June - Sangyoung Township USDA opened management multiplier courses (Nos 8/9/10) in the township this morning.
Present were USDA CEC member U Aung Khin, secretaries and executives of the district and township USDAs, trainees and others.
CEC member U Aung Khin made an opening speech.
Minister inspects agriculture and livestock breeding farm in Laukkai
Yangon, 10 June - Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, accompanied by Deputy Minister for
Agriculture and Irrigation Brig-Gen Khin Maung, Deputy Minister for Livestock and Fisheries U Aung Thein and officials, arrived at the poppy-substitute agriculture and livestock breeding model farm of Yanlonkyaing Special Region-1 in Laukkai Township, Shan State (North) on 8 June morning and inspected cultivation of paddy and hybrid corn on 150 acres and mango, lychee and other trees.
Leader of Kokang national race U Phon Kyar Shin conducted the minister and party round the farm.
Then, the minister and party went to Kokang-Myanmar friendship agriculture and livestock breeding farm, where they inspected the raising of 1,200 pigs and 5,000 broilers, and cultivation of poppy-substitute pear, peach and grape, and the hatching of chicks.
Instructors and trainees of national culture and
morals course of Shan State (North) USDA honoured
Yangon, 10 June - A ceremony to honour the instructors and trainees of the national culture and morals course sponsored by Shan State (North) Union Solidarity and Development Association was held at the city hall in Lashio yesterday morning.

Executive Daw Nwe Ni Myint of No 4 Ward USDA in Lashio acted as master of ceremonies with Executive Daw Nang Hat Sai of No 1 Ward USDA as co-master of ceremonies.
CEC member of USDA Col Tin Hlaing said four social objectives play an important part in the twelve objectives of the State. It is morale and morals that create the ups and downs of society. Myanmar nationals have been recognized as the most honest people with high morals in Asia since ancient times.
However, imperialism and the Second World War made moral virtues, nationalistic spirit, culture and character of the people weak. It is necessary to uplift national culture and character, he said.
Therefore, the government has been making efforts to uplift national culture and character including nationalistic spirit, patriotic spirit and Union spirit, he said.
The Union Solidarity and Development Association is discharging national duty by conducting national culture and morals courses, and especially instilling a sense of national culture in the youths who will shoulder the duties of the future State, and promoting their morals, he said.
He said it is necessary for children and youths to uplift of national culture and character. This is why the association is conducting national culture and morals course. About 10 million USDA members attended the course nationwide.
He said Shan State (North) USDA handed down the heritage of national culture and morals to nearly 300 instructors and over 14,000 USDA members.
He said Shan State (North) is a significant State where Shan, Palaung, Kachin, Kokang and Wa nationals reside. These national races have their own language, literature, noble customs and gentle culture. The courses taught the national youths with high culture education and social guidelines. They will possess spirit to preserve their own culture and become valuable good sons and daughters of the State.
Col Tin Hlaing urged the trainee youths to build and safeguard the future State with patriotism and the Union Spirit based on national culture and morals.
Commander Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing and USDA CEC member Brig-Gen Khin Maung presented prizes to outstanding trainees.
Col Tin Hlaing presented prizes to Hsipaw, Namhkam and Lashio Township for their best performance in conducting courses and Executive of Shan State (North) USDA U Sai Myint Aye certificates of honour to course instructors.
Outstanding trainee Ma Wint Myat Thi reported on benefits of the course. She thanked the USDA for conducting course during the summer holidays. Millions of youths in the country realized what is good and what is bad.
She assured that the trainees had to try to become good citizens who would build the good atmosphere and preserve national prestige and integrity.
On behalf of the trainees, senior assistant teacher Daw Tin Yu of No 4 Basic Education High School spoke words of
( 5 ) Regional development work inspected
Yangon, 10 June - Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe, and party arrived at Aphyauk in Taikkyi township where they were welcomed by Col Tin Tun and officials of Phugyi station.

The commander and party inspected the measures taken to prevent erosion of Aphyauk by the Ayeyawady river. Head of Yangon Division Directorate of Water Resources and Improvement of River Systems U Thein Aung reported on the work.
The commander gave instructions and fulfilled the requirements.
Afterwards, the commander and party arrived at the construction site of an embankment being built by the Irrigation Department with the use of heavy machinery. Director U Kyaw Thein of Yangon Division Irrigation Department reported on the construction work with the use of charts.
The commander gave instructions and fulfilled the requirements.
Later, the commander and party met with township-level departmental officials,
towns elders and local people at Than Tazaung in Lawka Manaung Pagoda, Aphyauk Township and explained the measures to be taken to prevent erosion of
Apyhauk Township by the Ayeyawady River.
On behalf of local people, U Win Kyi, a retired teacher, spoke words of thanks for the work.
The commander fulfilled the requirements.
The commander and party then proceeded to the Station Hospital in Aphyauk Township and inspected patient wards, the operation theatre and the delivery room.
The commander and party arrived at the collective ploughing ceremony to grow monsoon paddy near Nyaunghnapin Village, Hmawby Township where they were welcomed by members of Yangon Division Supervisory Committee for agriculture and division level officials.
The commander and party inspected making E M bokarshi for quick use and spraying liquid fertilizer. Manager U San Maung of Yangon Division Agriculture Department gave explanations.
The commander then viewed collective ploughing with the use of 50 yokes of cows and tillers.
The commander and party arrived at Hmawbyhsan Hall of Yangon Division Vegetable Production and Chicken Breeding Special Zone (1) near Nyaunghnapin Village, Hmawby Township.
At the briefing hall, In Charge of Zone (1) Manager U San Maung of Yangon Division Agriculture Department, District Commissioner U Thein Naing of Yangon North District General Administration Department of Zone (2) and In Charge of Zone (3) Head of Yangon Division Settlement and Land Records Department gave accounts of clearing work, reclamation, cultivation of crops and breeding of chicken and fish.
Later, Director U Kyaw Thein of Yangon Division Irrigation Department reported on construction of Kalihtaw Dam, Division Engineer U Hla Paik of Myanmar Electric Power Enterprise on installation of cables and transformers in the zones, and Chairman of Supervisory Committee for Yangon Division Vegetable Production and Chicken Breeding Special Zone Division Commissioner U Thein Swe of Yangon Division General Administration Department on agriculture and livestock breeding work being carried out by national entrepreneurs.
The commander gave instructions and fulfilled the requirements.
Then, the commander inspected Aungtaingkyan vegetable farm and Taingarman broiler breeding farm and gave
Commander meets with trainees of MAIS and
Executives' Management Courses
Yangon, 10 June - Member of the Panel of Patrons of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Patron of Bago Division USDA Commander Brig-Gen Aung Min and Bago Division USDA In-charge U Pan Aung met with secretaries, executives and trainees of Bago Division, District and Township USDAs who will attend Myanma Affairs and International Study Course No 5 and
Executives' Management Course No 24 organized by the USDA at Bago
Division USDA office this morning and spoke on the occasion. Then,
Commander Brig-Gen Aung Min presented cash assistance for the
( 6
Appointment of Ambassador agreed on
Yangon, 10 June - The Government of the Union of Myanmar has agreed to the appointment of Dr Klaus Peter Wilda as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Union of Myanmar in succession to His Excellency Dr Marius Haas.
H E Dr Klaus Peter Wild was born in 1940. He studied Chemistry and served as Scientific Assistant at the Institute for Chemical Technology at the University of Karlsruhe where he obtained a Doctorate in 1973. He joined the Federal Foreign office and attended the Diplomatic academy for the Senior Foreign Service from 1973 to 1975. He has served in various capacities at the Federal Foreign office in Bonn and at diplomatic missions in Kathmandu, Pretoria and London. At present, he is serving as Deputy Head of Mission of the German Embassy in Beijing since 2000.
He is married and has three children.
VOV delegation arrives
Yangon, 10 June - Under the arrangement of Myanmar Radio and Television, the Ministry of Information of the Union of Myanmar and Radio the Voice of Vietnam of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, a three-member delegation headed by Director of the Voice of Vietnam (VOV) Mr Do Ngoc Anh arrived here by air this evening.
The delegation was welcomed at Yangon International Airport by MRTV Director (Admin) U Phone Myint, Director (Broadcast) U Ko Ko Htwe and officials.
National Seminar on Sustainable
Development of
Eco-tourism to be held
Yangon, 10 June - Jointly organized by the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism and the Asia and Pacific Regional Economic and Social Affairs Commission, a National Seminar on Sustainable Development of Eco-tourism will be held on 26 and 27 June 2002 in Bagan-NyaungU. Anyone wishing to attend the seminar may enroll in advance at the Directorate of Hotels and Tourism.
( 8 ) Collective ploughing
ceremony held
Yangon, 10 June - The collective ploughing ceremony of monsoon paddy fields for 2002-2003 cultivation season in Mingaladon township, Yangon North District, was held at 10-acre of field of No (527/A) paddy field in Ywama Village-tract on 6 June morning.
It was attended by division, district and township level departmental officials of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation and local peasants totalling about 200.
In Wanetgon Village-tract, the officials demonstrated, with the help of a threshing machine and a solar paddy-dryer of Myanma Agricultural Services, the threshing and drying of summer paddy reaped from some patches out of 29825 acres grown in Hlegu Township in 2002-2003 cultivation
Agricultural duty assigned to Yangon South District
Yangon, 10 June - A ceremony to assign duty concerning the plan for 2002-2003 to Yangon South District was held at Shin Saw Pu Hall in Thanlyin this morning. The duty concerning the plan for 2002-2003 to cultivate 798,263 acres of monsoon paddy, 81,800 acres of summer paddy, 282,838 acres of pulses and beans and 56,344 acres of edible oil crops were assigned to Yangon South District.
( 9 ) Raw opium seized in Momauk
Yangon, 10 June - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit, Bhamo Special Anti- Drug Squad and local police force, searched the house of Daw Labanhtu of Aungmyay Ward, 7th-mile Village on 22 May midnight and seized 5.92 kilos of raw opium buried under the house.
The search followed after questioning Wan Pan Shin, who was filed by Momauk Police Station on drug first information report No 3/2002. In connection with the case, Momauk Police Station filed Wan Pan Shin, 24, son of U Wan Shin Hauk of Aungmyay Ward, 7th-mile village, Momauk Township, under Section 15/19 (A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
Stimulant tablets seized in Kengtung
Yangon, 10 June - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit, Kentung Special Anti- Drug Squad and Criminal Investigation Department, acting on a tip-off, searched the house of Aik Sike of Wankan Village, Kettaung Village-tract, Kengtung Township on 22 May early morning and seized 40 stimulant tablets bearing WY letters from him.
In connection with the case, the team also searched the house of Lonkhan of the same village and seized one grenade and parts of a gun.
Action was taken against Aik Sike, 40, son of U Saila and Lonkhan, 21, son of U Sai Shan in Wankan Village, Kettaung Village-tract, Kentung under Section 15/19 (A)/ 20 (A)/ 21/22 (B) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Kengtung Police