1 ) State Peace and Development Council Chairman
Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to Portugal
Yangon, 10 June - Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr Jorge Fernando Branco de Sanpaio,
President of the Republic of Portugal, on the occasion of the
National Day of the Republic of Portugal which falls on 10 June
( 2 )
Secretary-1 accepts donations for rural water supply programmes

Yangon, 9 June - The third time donation ceremony for water supply programme in rural areas being implemented by Development Affairs Department of the Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs was held at the meeting hall of the department in Botahtaung Township at
1 pm today, attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Speaking on the occasion, Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt reported on the Development Affairs Department carried out the urban water
supply task before 1993-94 and the rural water supply task after 1993-94. The water supply project for rural areas has been implemented with added momentum beginning 1997.
Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Senior General Than Shwe laid down the five rural development tasks to equally develop rural and urban areas.
These five tasks are: smooth transportation in rural area, water supply, uplift
of education standard, uplift of health care services and development rural economy.
The Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs is undertaking not only development tasks in 285 townships plus five townships which are set up according to specific conditions in the entire nation but also rural development tasks.
The Ministry pays emphasis on roads, bridges and water availability for rural development. In so doing, the Ministry spent K 1,073.29 million on construction of rural road and bridge tasks and K 332.4 million on the rural water supply tasks in 2001-2002 fiscal year; and the Ministry also will spend K 1,328.55 million to carry out construction of rural road and bridge tasks and K 396.84 million on the rural water supply tasks in 2002-2003 fiscal year.
For water availability in the rural areas, the
10-year water supply plan for villages in dry zone Sagaing, Mandalay and Magway Divisions and remaining states and divisions is being undertaken. There are 23,225 water shortage villages 8,042 in the dry zone and 15,183 in remaining states and divisions.
A total of 2,926 water supply tasks were carried out at 1,761 villages in the first year of the project 2000-2001 financial year and 3,405 water supply tasks at 2,038 villages in the second year.
According to the guidance of the Head of State, the Development Affairs Department is implementing the 10-year water supply plan for villages all over the country during the period between 2000-2001 and 2009-2010 financial year. In implementing the plan, the well-wishers have donated K 147.55 million and the department spent the donations of the well-wishers on sinking 94 tube wells in Sagaing Division, 81 in Magway Division, 150 in Mandalay Division, totaling 325 in May 2002. In addition, USDA and MCWA sank 7,028 water supply tasks in 4,496 villages for water availability of rural areas in cooperation with international social organizations in the period of the two years of the project.
As water supply tasks have been undertaken in 4,496 villages out of 23,225, only 18,729 villages are left. Therefore, the water supply tasks in the all villages would be carried out before the project period. Water supply tasks are carried out with the arrangements of the ministry as well as with cash assistance of well-wishers. As a result, numerous villages which had difficulties in obtaining water in the past are now being supplied with water.

Next, well-wishers present cash donations for water supply to Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe and ministers. Today's donations were: K 50 million by Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd; K 6.25 million collected from 41 well-wishers by MNWCWA; K 10 million by U Khin Maung Thein of Shan State (East) special region-4, Mongla; K 10 million by Daw Se and family; K 500,000 by Minister for Livestock Breeding & Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, wife Daw Myint Myint Aye and family; K 815,800 by Minister for National Planning & Economic Development U Soe Tha and family; K 500,000 by staff families of the Ministry of Immigration & Population; K 500,000 by staff families of the Ministry of Health; K 250,000 by Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, wife Daw Tin Tin Nwe and family, K 7 million by U Naing Htut Aung of Myanmar Consultancy Co Ltd and K 500,000 each by U Ba Thin -Daw Aung Ya of Kyaukpadaung, U Khin Maung Gyi-Daw Hla Hla Than, Daw Phyu and family, Daw Kyu Kyu Wa of Infinity Marketing Enterprise, U Tin Maw Thein-Daw May May Than, U Soe Myint Thein (Engineer/Trunk call), Maj Ohn Myint (Retd)-Daw Myint Khaing, U Kyaw Myint (DSA)-Daw San San Myint, Chairman of Mongphyat District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Aung Htay-Daw Khin Thanda, Captain Kyee Myint Bo of Air Mandalay-Daw Aye Aye Maw, U Aung Thein-Daw San San Kyi and U Ye Myint-Daw May Thin of Ye Nadi Co Ltd, K 250,000 each by Managing Director Col Kyi Tun (Retd) of Myanma Hotels and Tourism Services-Daw Khin Hla Win, Lt-Col Ye Lwin-Daw Nyunt Nyunt Kyi, Lt-Col Thaik Soe-Daw Htwe Htwe, Daw Than Than and family of Hsan Dana Family, Daw Kyin Nyunt, U Tin Sein of Public Works (Retd)-Daw Khin Win Kyi, U Khin Zaw-Daw Ni Ni Tin Ohn, U Ohn Myint-Daw Yi Yi Myint, the Principal of Yankin Education College and trainees, Captain U Tin Aye-Daw Yin Yin Ohn, U Aye Ko-Daw Marlar Win, U Aung Hlaing-Daw Hla Yi, Managing Director U Than Tun (Retd)-Daw Khin Swe Win, Lt-Col Thein Zaw-Daw Khin Lay Mar, U Chit Maung-Daw Ma Ma, Wunna Kyawhtin U Ba Ohn, Daw Thein Hla, U Chan Tha-Daw Khin Swe Phone, U Myint Lwin-Daw Aung Kyi, Professor U Mya Thaung of Geography Department of YU (Retd)-Daw Nyunt Nyunt Khin, Captain Kyaw Zeya-Daw Nanda Wai Di, U Maung Maung-Daw Khin Kyi, U Sein Win Htut-Daw Cho Wai Thein, U Soe Maw-Daw Myint Myint, U Myint Thein-Daw Than Nyunt and U Myint Thein-Daw Nwe Nwe Oo.

Then, on behalf of the well-wishers, Vice-Chairperson of MNWCWA Professor Daw May May Yi explained the purpose of the donations. Then, the Secretary-1 spoke words of thanks. He said: It is pleasing to see such donations for availability of drinking water in rural areas. I feel very pleased for the rural people in the regions where water is scarce with sympathy for them.
Socio-economic life and health standard of people in arid zones including Magway, Mandalay and Sagaing Divisions have lagged behind. It is a sympathising fact that they have to suffer from diseases and socio-economic ills due to lack of clean water for hundred of years.

In the time of Tatmadaw government, the Head of State Senior General Than Shwe has given guidance on availability of clean water in the regions with a view to eliminating social ills.
Moreover, the task of availability of water in rural areas also includes five strategies for development of rural areas, the guidance given by the Head of State.
Thus, the Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs has been implementing a ten-year plan for availability of water in the three divisions in arid zone and villages in other states and divisions where water is scarce.
In order to carry out the tasks in a short time according to the guidance of the Head of State and with the support of the people the plan would be carried out in a short time instead of waiting for ten years.
The tasks has been meeting with success due to keen participation of the people. Owing to the donations, the people in the regions can use clean water to their heart's content. Local people can enjoy fruits of concerted efforts of the State and the people. The Secretary-1 thanked those well-wishers who contributed cash donations for the noble purpose.
Then, the ceremony came to a close. After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 and guests viewed documentary photos of endeavors being made with
contributions of the well-wishers.
Today's donations by 176 well-wishers amounted to K 132,792,800.
After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 and party and the well-wishers viewed the documentary photos on sinking the tube-wells.
Today's donations by 176 well-wishers amounted to K 132,792,800.
( 3 ) All the Islamic faithful enjoy freedom of worship
as do those who believe in other faiths
1476th Prophet's Day observed
Yangon, 9 June - The 1476th Prophet's Day was observed at the National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Street this morning.
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt
addressed the gathering.

Joint Secretary (2) of the Central Committee for Observance of the Prophet's Day U Aung Tun opened the ceremony by reciting the Koran.
The Secretary-1 said that as is known to all, all the Islamic faithful who have been residing in the Union of Myanmar since the monarchical time up to date enjoy freedom of worship as do those who believe in other faiths.
The history of Myanmar bears witness to the fact that all the Muslims, performing the duty of State faithfully from whatever role they are assigned, have been living together with all the national people in unity.
The Government treats the entire national people, regardless of race or creed, with four cardinal virtues loving-kindness, compassion, the spirit of rejoicing at somebody's success or prosperity and indifference. In addition, it consistently keeps to Lawkapalataya deterrent principles of shame and fear which guard the world from falling into chaos
in tackling internal and external matters. The State Peace and
Development Council, in cooperation with the people, is working hard
day and night for the emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed nation. It is striving to improve the socio-economic life of all the national people residing in the Union. In the world of today, things are changing fast, and each and every nation is working on their own so that they may not lag behind others in development. At the same time, they are striving for stability, peace and tranquillity and prevalence of law and order.
In Myanmar, stability and peace deteriorated and unity collapsed in the past with the result that the nation fell behind in development. Since the assumption of the duty of State, the Government has been working hard for the restoration of stability and peace and tranquility, and then for development. Efforts for the development of the nation can be exerted only by deeds, not by speech. As efforts have been made day and night, transport infrastructures such as roads and bridges and irrigation facilities such as dams and reservoirs which will contribute to the agriculture and livestock breeding sectors have emerged.
Moreover, railroads and airports have been built and measures taken for the development of human resources, universities, institutes of medicine, computer and technological universities, the Marine Technological University, the Aerospace Engineering University and hospitals have emerged all over the nation.
Twenty-four regions have been designated as development zones, and measures are being taken to achieve equitable development in the nation. Rural development tasks are being implemented for the improvement of living standard of rural people. As efforts have been made successfully to bridge the gap among rural and urban areas, the hills and the plains and the interior and far-flung areas, the entire nation is developing.
There is no discrimination among religions, and freedom of worship is allowed. As a result, all the faiths exist together. If forgiveness, patience, justice and sympathy are exercised on the basis of loving-kindness and compassion, there will be no dispute in the world.
If the strong do not bully the weak, the rich do not oppress the poor, and the developed support the less-developed, the world will be peaceful and pleasant. If the situation is like that, human rights and democracy will exist naturally, and they needn't be claimed.
Therefore, if everybody has delicate mind, is free from pride, and helps one another with fellow feeling and loving-kindness, the world will become a peaceful family. All the peoples are to strive to achieve this end.
The Union of Myanmar is still striving to become a modern and developed nation. In establishing a family, its members have to undergo hardships; in building a new, modern and developed nation, all the citizens will have to go through hardships and insufficiency. If all the citizens work hard with a sense of loyalty and responsibility, a new, modern and developed nation will soon emerge. The leaders of the nation are not talkers. They are practically working for the interests of the nation and the people. If efforts are made with the participation of the people, the aim will be invariably achieved. It is the duty of the people of all faiths and races. Today all the national races are in unity, so they are capable of safeguarding the nation from every internal and external danger. They need to adopt an attitude that they are all responsible for the nation in time of emergency.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 said, "May all the Muslims be able to promote the interest of the Muslim faith and the nation and be able to maintain the tradition of safeguarding the sovereignty of the nation, and may the people of all faiths and races be able to work
untidily for the emergence of a modern nation." Then, the programmes
of the ceremony followed.
Exercise books, cash donated to Myanmar Education Committee
Yangon, 9 June - A ceremony to donate exercise books and education funds to Myanmar Education Committee was held at Tatmadaw Guest House on Inya Road at 2.30 pm today. Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt accepted the exercise books and education funds and thanked the well-wishers.

First, on behalf of the wellwishers, Managing Director U Zaw Min Oo of Arrow Paper Services Co Ltd explained the purpose of donation.
Managing Director U Zaw Min Oo and wife Director Daw Khin Khin Hla of Arrow Paper Services Co Ltd presented 10,000 dozens of exercise books worth K 10.2 million to Myanmar Education Committee and another 10,000 dozens of exercise books worth K 10.2 million for youth training
schools, domestic science training schools and schools in border areas to the Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races, members of Myanmar Rice Dealers Association and Myanmar Rice Wholesalers Association K 2 million, Chairman of Myanmar Rice Dealers Association U Nyein and wife Daw Ohn Kyin (OK Rice Brokerage Family-Bayintnaung) K 1 million, U Than Naing-Daw In Si (Tharawun Rice Brokerage-Bayintnaung) K 100,000, U Ohn Ngwe-Daw Khin Lay Swe (Ngwegabar Rice Brokerage-Insein) K 100,000, U Aung Than Oo-Daw Aye Myint (Myashwewa Rice Trading-Thanlyin) K 100,000, U Soe Maung-Daw Khin Than Win (Aung Soe Paing Rice Brokerage-Bayintnaung) K 100,000, U Kyaw Win-Daw Nyo Lay Kyi (Zabu Kyaw Rice Trading-Bayintnaung) K 100,000 and U Htay Win, Daw Tin Tin Maw ( Koe Thonelone-Htay Kyway Rice Brokerage-Bayintnaung) K 100,000.
The Secretary-1 accepted the donations and presented certificates of honour to the well-wishers.
Next, Chairman of Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races and Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt spoke words of thanks. He said donation of exercise books and cash for education funds was very suitable for schoolchildren at the beginning of school year and contributed towards the objective of school enrolment for every school-going age children.
The school enrolment for every school-going age children which is the most basic in uplift of national education promotion programme was laid down as an objective, he said. It was being implemented with the cooperation of social organizations and active participation of the people, he added.
He said achievements have been made in implementation of the government's objective of school enrolment for every school-going age child due to the cooperation and assistance. The school enrolment rate of basic education primary for this year is over 92 per cent. Efforts are to be made for cent per cent, he said.
He said literacy of every citizen and producing brilliant intellectual and intelligentsia after completion of basic and higher education levels are important for emergence of a modern, developed nation.
He said after regaining her independence, national solidarity weakened and the nation lagged behind in development. At the time of present government efforts are being made with added momentum to keep abreast with neighbouring countries and those in the region, he added.
Normal efforts are not sufficient for rapid development. Strenuous efforts are needed because the country lagged behind in development, he said.
The Secretary-1 spoke of the need to nurture new generation youths for keeping abreast with international community. Therefore, development of the education sector is important.
As school enrolment for every school-going age children is the most basic in development of the education sector, the task is being implemented with the cooperation of the people.
Exercise books and stationery were presented to needy schoolchildren as priority task. With the
assistance of the people over K 50 million have been received for donation of exercise books and stationery. These public donations were presented to needy schoolchildren and those in border areas and the Secretary-1 thanked the
( 4
) Yangonites support mass rallies of national people to denounce
Yodaya is harbouring and supporting every kind of insurgents who will give trouble to Myanmar
Our People's Tatmadaw is crushing drug-trafficking SURA and KNU who are encroaching upon sovereignty of the nation
Yangon, 9 June - A
ceremony to support the mass rallies denouncing SURA and KNU destructive insurgents, who are disrupting security and peace in border areas and to show respect for sovereignty of the Union of Myanmar was held at the People's Square on Pyay Road yesterday morning.

Present on the occasion were members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association from Kyauktada, Pabedan, Latha, Lanmadaw, Seikkan, Ahlon, Kyimyin-dine, Sangyoung, Kamayut, Hline, Mayangon, Dagon and Bahan townships in Yagon West District; Bo-tahtaung, Tamway, Pazun-daung, Yankin, Mingala Taungnyunt, Dawbon, Tha-kayta,Thingangyun, South Okkalapa, North Okkalapa, Dagon Myothit (South), Dagon Myothit (North), Dagon Myothit (East) and Dagon Myothit (Seikkan)
townships in Yangon East District; Thanlyin, Kyauktan and Dalla Townships in Yangon South District; Mingaladon, Insein, Shwe-pyitha and Hlinethaya townships in Yangon North District; members of Red Cross Society and Fire Brigade, Women's Affairs Committee, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, social organizations, flag bearers, bands, teachers and students from basic education schools, and journalists.
First, the Bayintnaung column from the venue at corner of Pyay Road and Ahlon Street in Dagon Township, Sinbyushin column at the corner of Pyay Road and Shinsawpu Road in Sangyoung and the State flag bearers together with members of band troupes from No 1 Basic Education High School, Dagon Township, No 2 BEHS, Latha Township, No 1 BEHS, Mingala Taungnyunt Township, No 2 BEHS Sangyoung Township, No 2 BEHS Kamayut Township and No 4 BEHS Tamway Township took positions in the grounds of the People's Square.
Executive of Yangon South District USDA U Than Htay acted as master of ceremonies and announced the agenda.
First, those present saluted the State Flag.

Next, Executive of Yangon West District Seikkan Township USDA Daw Thuza Min said that the duty to safeguard the sovereignty of the nation is incumbent not only on the government but also on the entire national people. It is a national duty which the entire national people have to perform without fail.
The Myanmar people value and respect the integrity of the race and origin. Everybody who value and respect the integrity of the race and origin loves the motherland. They do not let the sovereignty of the nation be violated.
I would like to elaborate on the reason why all of us are assembling here and why the State flags are hoisted in the entire city of Yangon.
The national people from border areas have suffered atrocities of SURA and KNU insurgents such as shooting, setting fire, looting, explosion of bombs and planting of mines.
In addition, drug-trafficking SURA and KNU insurgents, relying on Yodaya, are violating the security and peace of border areas.
Therefore, our national brethren held mass rallies to denounce SURA and KNU insurgents in Kengtung on
1 June and in Taunggyi on
2 June.
Our Yangon-city dwellers absolutely support the mass rallies.
Like the national people in other regions, we totally condemn drug-trafficking terrorist insurgents.
As is known to all, our People's Tatmadaw is crushing drug-trafficking SURA and KNU who are encroaching upon the sovereignty of the nation.
We have a duty to safeguard the land bequeathed to the new generation by our forefathers. It is a national cause which our entire national people have to support.
To evince the spirit of safeguarding the sovereignty of the nation at the risk of our lives, the State flags are hoisted at offices, markets, schools and houses in Yangon. This
symbolizes how the people of Yangon value and respect the sovereignty of the nation. It also shows that if an attempt is made to violate our sovereignty, we will not take it lying down.
We all have to protect the privileges which we can enjoy as a result of peace and stability. I would like to urge all emphatically to keep alive and dynamic the national spirit of safeguarding the nation against any danger and uphold Our Three Main National Causes non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of national solidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty.
Then, with regard to supporting the mass rallies of local national people to denounce SURA and KNU who are violating the security and peace of border
areas, Secretary of Minga-ladon Township USDA of Yangon North District U Soe Min said: all the patriotic people feel indignant if the sovereignty of the nation is violated. The national people held mass rallies in Kengtung on 1 June and in Taunggyi on 2 June to condemn SURA and KNU who are violating the security and peace of the border areas.
The national people gave full vent to their feelings by holding the mass rallies. Our Yangon city dwellers hoist State flags to support the mass rallies and to demonstrate our respect for the sovereignty of the nation.
Since the beginning of 2001, drug-trafficking SURA and KNU insurgents, placing overwhelming reliance on Yodaya, have been violating the peace and stability of the border areas. Yodaya has a hand in this matter.
Yodaya is harbouring and supporting every kind of insurgents who will give trouble to Myanmar with the aim of making Myanmar weak, preventing the nation from developing, causing instability in the nation. What's more, they are attempting to cause bloodshed among the national people. This act disturbs the stability and peace of the nation and retards the development of the nation. Yodaya is
conducting military exercises with many troops, which amounts to posing
a threat to Myanmar. On
20 May, Panmaingsun, Nyaung-bingon, Pangantgaw and Yanpaingsun outposts of Myanmar were attacked by tanks and artillery.
Therefore, we, on behalf of the entire national people, denounce SURA and KNU relying on Yodaya and encroaching upon the sovereignty of the State.
I would like to emphatically call on all to courageously denounce whoever encroaches on the national sovereignty, security and stability of the nation, any organization attempting to disturb the security and stability of the State, insurgents who are committing destructive acts and any nation putting pressure on our nation.
Then, all those present at the mass rally shouted slogans
"non-disintegration of the Union - our cause, our cause; non-disintegration of national solidarity
- our cause, our cause; perpetuation of national sovereignty - our cause, our cause, which brought the ceremony to an end.

On 8 June, State flags were hoisted at the government offices, markets, schools and houses to support the mass rallies which denounce SURA and KNU and to demonstrate respect to the sovereignty of the State.
( 5 ) MWVO Central Organizing
Committee Chairman inspects fish farm in Nyaungond Township

YANGON, 9 June - Chairman of Central Organizing
Committee of Myanmar War Veterans Organization member of the State
Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein,
accompanied by Secretary of COC Deputy Minister for Home Affairs
Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, Director of Resettlement of the Ministry
of Defence Brig- Gen Aung Thein and senior military officers of the
Ministry of Defence inspected the fish farm where the 350- acre fish
breeding ponds of MWVO (Headquarters) were being dug in Thazin
low-lying area in Nyaungdon Township, Ayeyawady Division, this
Maj-Gen Thein Sein and party were welcomed there by
Chairman of Maubin District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Thein
Hlaing and members, Chairman of Nyaungdon Township Peace and Development
Council U Nay Tun and members, officials of the farm and members of the
Union Solidarity and Development Association.
First, Maj-Gen Thein Sein and party inspected the
progress of digging ponds of the farm. At the temporary briefing hall,
Head of Department of MWVQ (Head- quarters) Lt-Col Win Maung reported to
Maj-Gen rhein Sein on progress of digging ponds of the farm, members of
COC Managing Director of Inland Water Transport U Tun Aung Myint and
Deputy Director-General of the, Prisons Department U Saw Ngwe on fish
breeding project and future plans. Next, Maj-Gen Thein Sein gave
instructions on tasks being carried out by the MWVO, participation of
MWVO members in implementing tasks for the nation- building and future
tasks and fulfilled the requirements of the fish breeding farm.
Then, Maj-Gen Thein Sein and party inspected the
digging of the ponds and gave necessary instructions to the person in
charge of the farm, WVO members, staff and Tatmadawmen.
( 6 )
Opium worth US$ 3.89 billion calculated with New York street value destroyed
Poppy seeds, seized narcotic drugs, precursor chemicals, paraphernalia torched in Laukkai, Kokang region

Yangon, 9 June - The Destruction Ceremony of poppy seeds presented by farmers, seized narcotic drugs, precursor chemicals and paraphernalia, organized by the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control, was held at the Drug Elimination Museum in Laukkai, Kokang region, Special Region-1, Shan State (North), yesterday morning, with an address by Chairman of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing.
Also present on the occasion were Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Brig-Gen Khin
Maung, Deputy Minister for Livestock and Fisheries U Aung Thein, Col Than Win of Laukkai Station, the representative of UNDCP, departmental heads, the Japanese Ambassador, Charges d' Affaires ai of the US embassy and the Chinese embassy, CCDAC Joint Secretary Police Col Kham Aung and members, members of work groups, national race leader U Phon Kyar Shin of Shan State (North) Special Region-1 and officials, Deputy Head of the Drugs Control Department Mr Chaung Shi Myin and party of Yunnan Province of the People's Republic of China, officers of Myanmar Police Force, Director (News) U Hla Tun of News and Periodicals Enterprise and information officials, Secretary of Myanmar Foreign Correspondents Club U Nyunt Tin and members, correspondents of foreign news agencies, officials of Border Area Development Association, the flag-bearing troupe, the pom-pom dance troupe, the band troupe, the traditional Ozi troupe and guests.
Daw Nang Khin Phone Myint and Ma Pyone Myint Han of Laukkai Basic Education High School No 2 acted as masters of ceremonies.
CCDAC Chairman Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing delivered an address. He said:
It is an undeniable fact in history that two kinds of legacy inherited in the era of colonialism of the past such as armed insurrection of the national races and the production of opium has made the ill-famed activities prolonged and opened opportunities to external interventions so much so that it has developed from the production of ordinary opium into highly concentrated heroin products.
After the Tatmadaw Government took over the State power in 1988, the policy of national unity was laid down stressing priority in national solidarity, development of the border regions and the national races. After realizing the Government's objectives with sincere intentions, 17 armed insurgent groups
have come back into the legal fold. This unprecedented success laid open for the first time in the post-independence period, opportunities and access to all round development programmes in the entire country and
fulfillment of the basic needs of the inhabitants of the border region.
Since peace and stability were established, access to far-flung and remote places made possible to carry out prevention and suppression of opium production. As a result of the changing situation, the approach and tactics of addressing drug eradication have also changed by focusing not only on law enforcement activities but coupling with alternative development programmes.
The drug problems of Myanmar are not only dependent on and inter-related with stability, peace, development and solidarity among the national races but also mixed with the regional development, education, health, social, and development of the quality of life of the inhabitants of the regions. As the eradication of drugs has been carried out focusing on the development of fundamental needs and infrastructure development, the local inhabitants and ethnic groups realizing the sincere intentions of the Government have fully cooperated with the programmes.
Mongla Special Region 4 in the Eastern Shan State, established as an opium free zone in April, 1997 stands testimony to this successful cooperation.
Acknowledging the Government's sincere efforts,
the leaders of the ethnic groups have joined hands with the
government in constructing roads, bridges, canals, dams, hydro-power
stations and communications stations as the fundamental items to
develop the border region and the national races as well as
development in crop substitution, livestock breeding for income
substitution, education, health sectors with a view to strengthening
solidarity and unity among the ethnic brethren.
The signs of success effected the Kokang and Wa regions. Consequently, the leaders of Kokang and Wa with the full support of their peoples have launched crop substitution and income substitution programmes in their respective regions to finally get rid of opium production by 2005. This confidence in the national races is one of the reasons that prompted Senior General Than Shwe to give guidance to draft a 15-year elimination plan starting 1999-2002 to 2013-2014 fully relying on our own resources. The 5 projected activities of the 15-year plan are supply and demand elimination of narcotic drugs, organizing the participation of the local populace, law enforcement and international cooperation.

At present, the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control has launched
"Project New Destiny" in the regions where poppy cultivation is highly concentrated like the Northern Shan State, the Southern Shan State and the Eastern Shan State. The Project calls for prevention of poppy cultivation by taking action with administrative means, distribution of substitute crop-seeds for poppy, the control of opium seeds and taking legal actions. The opium farmers are asked to grow 7 kinds of alternative crops instead of opium in 21,969 acres of land as a preventive measure. Substitute seeds are also distributed in time for cultivation to prevent them from falling back to poppy cultivation.

While educating the farmers to grow substitute crops instead of poppy, substitute crop seeds that are suitable for the areas and climate are distributed for cultivation on the other hand, On realizing the sincere intentions of the Government, the opium farmers, on their own accord, have come up voluntarily to submit opium seeds they have kept for the next season. To this date, 58,579 pyis (95,659.507 kilos) of poppy seeds and 46,681 pyis (76,230.073 kilos) of dried poppy bulb in the Northern Shan State, 1,373 pyis (2,242.109 kilos) of poppy seeds in the Southern Shan State, 56.375 pyis (92.60 kilos) of poppy seeds and 0.25 pyis (0.40825 kilos) of dried poppy bulb in the Eastern Shan State, 5 pyis (8.165 kilos) of poppy seeds in the Kayah State and 2,013 pyis (3,287.229 kilos) of poppy seeds in Mandalay Division, making a total of 62,026.375 pyis (101,289.07 kilos) of poppy seeds and 46,681.25 pyis (76,230.481 kilos) of dried poppy bulb
totaling 73,696.687 pyis (120,346.6898 kilos) of opium seeds and opium bulbs have been voluntarily surrendered to the authorities. In a way, such quantity of seeds that would be grown in over 73,679 acres has been prevented.

Estimated with the yield rate of 4.4 kilo per acre, the output would be 324.2 tons of opium or 32.42 tons of heroin worth 3.89 billion US$ calculated with the New York street value of 120,000 US$ per kilo of heroin.
In Laukkai region, they have formed up drug suppression teams on their own and from 1st to the 15th of April 2002, a total of 52 paraphernalia were discovered and seized from the valleys and mountains. It is indication that the local residents had been fully cooperating with the Government.

With regard to drugs control, Myanmar has been cooperating with neighbouring countries as well as countries in the sub-region and region.
Moreover, within 2001 and 2002, Myanmar handed over drug traffickers wanted in China for 8 times including 13 drug traffickers by the Wa on their own arrangement. Documents were also handed over once. Such events have clearly proved that Myanmar is very serious and deeply committed to
combating drugs. Myanmar attaches great importance to cooperation in the region and in the international arena and the international media has picked up such incidents.
The above presentation in the efforts and success of drug control covers only some of the activities on Myanmar in cooperation with other countries.
In conclusion, I would like to express here that this Destruction Ceremony to destroy the poppy seeds, seized drugs, chemicals and paraphernalia clearly indicates the result of the commitment and full cooperation of the local inhabitants. If the local inhabitants are fully committed and show this sort of cooperation. I am fully confident the drug scourge threatening the whole mankind will not find a place on the soil of Myanmar.
Then, Kokang national race leader U Phon Kyar Shin explained endeavours of their region to eradicate opium cultivation. He said:
First, on behalf of the Administrative Committee of Special Region No 1 and regional people of Kokang region. May I extend warm welcome to all of you, the State leaders and personnel from international organizations.
By studying the history of narcotic drugs in Kokang region, we can find that narcotic drugs have been in existence for over 100 years till up to now. The tasks of narcotic elimination can abolish the menace of narcotic drugs to human society. This duty has now dwelt upon our shoulders. When we look back at the past ten years, we were looked down on because of the reflection of narcotic drugs. This's why we live in humble with patience. We had to pay a great amount because of this narcotic drugs.
At these recent years, under the guidance and goodwill of the State government, members of our associations took active role in carrying out the tasks of drugs eradication. So the task of drugs eradication has now become wider and changed its appearance as in its outer and inner parts. We can predict that like this occasion of destroying narcotic drugs can never be occurred in the coming years. Poppy cultivation in Kokang region can also be ceased. We have laid down plan for eradication of poppy cultivation in this special region. We have assured that there will be no more poppy cultivation in this region by the year 2003. This promise can be implemented in this Kokang special region.
By looking back at past experience of carrying out the drug eradication tasks we had encountered difficulties, had to repay a great amount and had been tested with various experiments. This drugs problem is the legacy of the history and make people to keep out danger of narcotic drugs has become our unavoidable duty. After taking peace with the State government, Administrative Committee of Special Region-1 has been formed since 1989 in this Kokang region and has been implementing the drug elimination tasks with added momentum. This activity has never stopped during the past 10 years. However this problem has been deeply rooted in this region that the progress of carrying out the drug eradication tasks never reached as we hoped to do so. It is not possible to solve the difficult problem at once. Drug problem in Kokang cannot be solved in a short time according to the natural law.
In the past drug elimination tasks have been carried out continuously. However, our efforts could not get true realizations. The only things we obtained are that being looked down upon us, being blamed and rumours about us. That is why we felt very sorry about that.
Hence, all people must be active and participating the activities of drug eradication and facing all difficulties, opium cultivation is to be eradicated completely with added momentum. On 2 March, 2002, a decision was made for total eradication of opium cultivation in 2002. It is much earlier than the previously target of 2005 for total eradication. After this decision was made, as the task is being carried out continuously, the materials shown at today's ceremony are those which are seized in the present activities. It is the evidence of out activities of drug eradication. Establishing the special region-1 as the opium free zone beginning 2003 is the only goal of the people in special region-1 and group members.
It is a problem connected with the food, clothing and shelter in the special region. To solve this problem providing assistance from every factors is needed. I would like to request the organizations and observers for drug abuse control with the goodwill to have right understanding on us and to give practical assistance more.
It is to realize that narcotic drug eradication is the problem of all the people in the world, not only of a region and a country. Hence, I think it will be easier to solve the burden of food, clothing and shelter of the people in Kokang after the activities of narcotic drug abuse control and the total eradication of opium.
As conclusion, including opium cultivation, total eradication of narcotic drugs is our main goal. I would like to state that from 2003, setting up and performing Kokang as a narcotic drugs free zone is our great effort and great goal.
Next, Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Brig-Gen Khin Maung explained matters related to endeavours on development of border areas and opium substitute cultivation. He said: The first step being as you all know, is the regional development task in agriculture, livestock breeding, health, education, construction of roads and bridges, power supply, etc. carried out by the Ministry of Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs. If we look back at the situation of Kokang region, until 1989, main roads were just ordinary ones and unlike now, regions like
"Chin Shwe Haw", "Par Sin Kyaw" and "Lauk Kai", were without buildings, electricity, school, hospitals and dispensaries.
In the agricultural sector you will also notice the presence of rubber, sugarcane, vegetable and maize plantations, high-yielding paddy, hybrids, in addition to dams like Shiphan;
"Larlee", "Sitone Shwe" and "Man Khar" and the development of irrigation systems.
In fact for the speedy development of agriculture and livestock breeding in Kokang and Kachin regions, a group of four deputy ministers, have been especially assigned by the Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council in October 2001 during his tour of Kokang.
In Kokang area, 941 acres of land prepared for poppy cultivation could be substituted with wheat, beans and pulsesÊin last October and November, 462 acres were grown with mangoes, orange, lychee, longons, grapes plantation etc. For that, for which the Government has spent 48.9 million kyats. Plans are also under way to distribute 20,000 trees of other kinds of fruits like walnuts, during this year in
"Tar Shwe Htan" village.
The leader of Kokang special region-1, has also set up a livestock breeding farm on 150 acres as opium substitute undertaken near
"Yan Lon Kyaing" village and has arranged to build a dam at a cost of 8.5 million kyats close to it. Likewise in Kachin State, 325 acres of farmland and 300 acres of orchard could be developed, and
"Nant San Yan" weir to irrigate 5,000 acres that had been built at a cost of 77.2 million kyats by government.
The second step being 52.5 million kyats assisted by CCDAC, for the cultivation of opium substitute crops, in time for the years 2002-2003 monsoon cultivation season on 13,528 acres.
In other words, edible crops will be produced from the land prepared for poppy crops. For Laukkai region, paddy, maize, wheat, buckwheat, beans and pulses seeds for 3,064 acres have been distributed and assisted by Kokang national race leader U Phon Kyar Shin and Kokang Organization.
As such assistance rendered by the agricultural sector for the development of border areas and cultivation of opium substitute crops is meeting with success. Based on this, we would carry on with our assistance, for the regional and socio-economic developments of our national brethren and eradication of cultivation and production of opium crops.
Afterwards, Myanmar Border Area Development Association Chairman U Tin Hlaing presented 487 dozens of exercise books and 100 dozens of pencil worth K 499,650 and medicine worth K 562,350 to Kokang region to national race leader U Phon Kyar Shin.
Then, Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing and members and the guests inspected opium seeds presented by farmers and narcotic drugs and paraphernalia seized in Laukkai region.
Next, Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Brig-Gen Khin Maung, Shan State (North) Special Region-1 national race leader U Phon Kyar Shin and officials, Deputy Head Mr Chong Sheng Meng of Drugs Elimination Department of Yunnan Province and party took designated places and pressed the buttons of the remote controls to set fire to drugs, precursor chemicals, paraphernalia and opium seeds. Afterwards, CCDAC Chairman Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing and party and the guests visited the Drug Elimination Museum in Laukkai, Kokang Region. Next, national races, members of Red Cross and USDA and students destroyed precursor chemicals.
Today's seized narcotic drugs destruction ceremony on 8 June, organized by CCDAC in Laukkai, 7,824 pyis (12,776.6 kilos) of opium seeds, stimulant tablets weighing 2.72 kilos, amphetamine tablets solid weighing 119.41 kilos, amphetamine powder weighing 23.1 kilos, 1.209 kilos of caffeine, 0.055 kilo of heroin, 50 kilos of opium sediment, tablets containing Ephedrine weighing 10.8 kilos, 0.5 kilo of Ice, 136.38 litres of opium liquid, 34.1 litres of opium liquid plus Lysol, 568.25 litres of acid anhydride, 11.36 kilos of hydrochloric acid, 1,591.1 litres of Lysol, 1,545.68 litres of alcohol, 529 litres of hydrochloric acid, 68.19 litres of ether, 320 litres of tinder, 1,704.75 litres of water plus Lysol, 9,184.5 kilos of chemical powder and 23 paraphernalia were destroyed.
After the ceremony, Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, the deputy ministers, the diplomats and journalists viewed thriving of 450,000 lychee and longan trees, 10,000 mango trees and 550,000 rubber trees in Namtip Township of Shan State (North) Wa Special Region-1.
( 7 )
Diplomats, UNDCP representative, journalists visit Kaungkha Myothit

Yangon, 9 June - A team comprising the Ambassador of Japan to Myanmar, Charges d' Affaires ai of the US embassy and the Chinese embassy, the representative of UNDCP, the Director (News) of News and Periodicals Enterprise, officials, Secretary of Myanmar Foreign Correspondents Club U Nyunt Tin and members and correspondents of foreign news agencies, led by member of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control Col Kyaw Thein of the Ministry of Defence, Joint-Secretary Police Col Kham Aung and Director-General Col Than Swe of the Department for Progress of Border Areas and National Races, left here by the special flight of Myanma Airways on 6 June morning and arrived at Lashio Airport in Shan State (North) at 9.45 am.

They were welcomed there by Chairman of Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council Commander of North-East Command Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing, senior military officers, departmental
officials and members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association.
Then, the team proceeded to the briefing hall of Kaungkha Agricultural Farm in Kutkai Township where they were welcomed by Shan State (North) Special Region-5 national race leader U Ma Htu Naw and officials.
First, national race leader U Ma Htu Naw introduced his members to the team and explained opium substitute cultivation, the growing of tea on 100 acres of land, educative tasks on eradication of poppy cultivation and measures taken to ensure that no poppy is grown at all in the Special Region-5 this year.
National race leader U Ma Htu Naw answered the queries raised by the diplomats and the representative of UNDCP.
The team viewed development of Kaungkha Myo-thit and agricultural work and left for Lashio.
( 8
) Press conference on destruction of poppy seeds, seized narcotic drugs, precursor chemicals and paraphernalia in Lashio, Laukkai

Yangon, 9 June - Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control held a press conference on destruction of poppy seeds, seized narcotic drugs, precursor chemicals and paraphernalia in Lashio on 7 June and in Laukkai on 8 June at Maw Star Hotel in Lashio on 8 June.
Present were officials of Shan State (North) Committee for Drug Abuse Control, members of Task
Force of eradication of poppy cultivation and regional development in Shan State (North), departmental officials, Director (News) U Hla Tun of News and Periodicals Enterprise and information officials, Secretary of Myanmar Foreign Correspondents Club U Nyunt Tin and correspon-dents and reporters from Myanmar Times.
Joint Secretary of CCDAC Police Col Khan Aung explained holding of the press conference regarding destruction of poppy seeds, seized narcotic drugs, precursor chemicals and paraphernalia in Lashio and Laukkai.
Journalists could meet and ask departmental and CCDAC officials.
In reply to queries raised by the journalists, officials from CCDAC, Shan State (North) Committee for Drug Abuse Control, Task Force of eradication of poppy cultivation and regional development in Shan State (North) said the list of farmers who handed over poppy seeds to the authorities township-and-village-wise was compiled. They also attended the destruction ceremonies in Lashio and Laukkai. The price of poppy seeds is K 500 per pyi.
Out of over K 50 million funded by CCDAC for opium substitute cultivation, K 42.5 million was targeted for distribution of seeds in districts and townships.

Although the year 2005 was designated as an opium eradication year in Kokang, no poppy was grown beginning this year.
U Phon Kyar Shin and officials assured that there will be no poppy in Kokang region by the year 2003. Maize seeds were distributed to those who handed over poppy seeds. Measures were undertaken for opium substitute cultivation, livestock breeding and industries. For anti-drug education activities drug elimination museums should be constructed in major cities of states and divisions.
Ceremonies to hand over poppy seeds to authorities and destruction took place in eastern, western and southern Shan State. The CCDAC will announce facts and figures about them. Former poppy cultivators are now working in industries, mining and gems mining.
The press conference ended at 6.40 pm.
( 9
) Construction of road and bridges inspected
Yangon, 9 June - Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, accompanied by officials, arrived at Nyaunglebin-Madauk road in Bago Division this morning and heard report on progress of work and future tasks presented by officials.
Then, the minister proceeded to Shwekyin-Madauk bridge construction site on Sittaung river. Senior Engineer U Win Aung of the bridge construction project reported the work progress. The minister gave necessary instructions and fulfilled the requirements.
Afterwards, the minister went to Yenwe bridge construction project and gave instructions and inspected round the project site. The minister also inspected Baingdar bridge construction site. The minister gave instructions and attended to the need.