1 ) Poppy seeds, seized narcotic drugs, precursor chemicals and paraphernalia destroyed in Lashio, Shan State (North)

Yangon, 8 June - The Destruction Ceremony of poppy seeds, seized narcotic drugs, precursor chemicals and paraphernalia handed over to the authorities by farmers of Shan State (North) and organized by the Central Committee for Drugs Abuse Control, was held at the sports grounds in Lashio, Shan State (North), on 7 June morning, attended by Chairman of the Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.

Also present on the occasion were Chairman of Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council Commander of North-East Command Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing, Chairman of CCDAC Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, Vice-Chairman Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, the ministers, the Chief of Staff (Navy), the deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads, the resident representative of UNDCP, the Japanese Ambassador, Charges d' Affaires ai of the embassies of the United States and the People's Republic of China, local authorities,
departmental personnel, national race leaders of Special Region-1 Kokang Region, Special Region-2 Wa Region, Special Region-3 Shan Region, Special Region-5 Kachin Region and Special Region-7 Palaung Region of Shan State (North), representatives of peace groups, Secretary of Myanmar Correspondents Club U Nyunt Tin, member correspondents, correspondents of foreign news agencies, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, War Veterans Organization, Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigades, nurses, traditional cultural troupes, students, guests and local people.
Professor Daw Myint Myint Than of English Department of Lashio Degree College and Daw Than Than Htay of Lashio Basic Education Middle School No 3 acted as masters of ceremonies. CCDAC Chairman Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing delivered an address. He said:
I believe that the occasion today is significant and will remain as a milestone in the history of Myanmar's efforts to prevent the narcotic drugs.

It is all known that the cultivation of opium poppy in Myanmar is the treacherous legacy left by the colonialism of the past. Even after regaining independence and on account of divide and rule policy of the colonialists, the insurgents came into existence. The insurgency, cultivation, production of opium, drug trafficking became inseparable elements in the past. Although attempts had been made by successive governments resorting to military, political, negotiation and other ways and means to solve this problem, it was far from achieving successful results.
It is an undeniable fact in history that two kinds of legacy inherited in the era of colonialism of the past such as armed insurrection of the national races and the production of opium has made the ill-famed activities to prolong and open opportunities to external interventions so much so that it has developed from the production of ordinary opium into that of highly concentrated heroin products. After the Tatmadaw Government took over the State power in 1988, the policy of national unity was laid down stressing priority in national solidarity, development of the border regions and the national races. As a result of realizing the Government's objectives with sincere intentions, 17-armed insurgent groups have come back into the legal fold. This unprecedented
success laid open for the first time in the post-independence period, opportunities and access to all round development programmes in the entire country and
fulfillment of the basic needs of the inhabitants of the border region.
Since peace and stability were established, access to far-flung and remote places made possible to carry out prevention and suppression of opium production. As a result of the changing situation, the approach and tactics of addressing drug eradication have also changed by focusing not only on law enforcement activities but coupling with alternative development programmes.
In accordance to the changing situation, the Government laid down the following strategy.

Designation of narcotic drug eradication as a national duty and the comprehensive implementation of that strategy. The development and enhancement of the standard of living of the national races in the border areas and the total eradication of poppy cultivation.
To effectively implement the above strategy elimination, demand elimination and law enforcement tactics are to be utilized.
In addition, the following three techniques are also to be carried out:
To change the mindset, attitude and upgrade the moral of drug producers and drug abusers.
To facilitate easy communication and accessibility between plain and highland dwellers.
To develop the economy and social status of the national races of the border region.

The drug problems of Myanmar are not only dependent on and inter-related with stability, peace development and solidarity among the national races but also mixed with the regional development, education, health, social, and development of the quality of life of the inhabitants of the regions. As the eradication of drugs has been carried out focusing on the development of fundamental needs and infrastructure development, the local inhabitants and ethnic groups realizing the sincere intentions of the Government have fully cooperated with the programmes. Mongla Special Region 4 in the Eastern Shan State, established as an opium free zone in April, 1977 stands testimony of this successful cooperation.
Acknowledging the Government's sincere efforts and the leaders of the ethnic groups have joined hands with the government in constructing roads, bridges, canals, dams, hydro-power stations and communications stations as the fundamental items to develop the border region and the national races as well as development in crop substitution, livestock breeding for income substitution, education, health sectors with a view to strengthen solidarity and unity among the ethnic brethrens.

The signs of success affected the Kokang and Wa regions, Consequently, the leaders of Kokang and Wa with the full support of their peoples have launched crop substitution and income substitution programmes in their respective regions to finally get rid of opium production by 2005. The possibilities of success are inevitable with this sort of setting and full cooperation of the national races topped by assistance from the Government. This confidence in the national races is one of the reasons that prompted Senior General Than Shwe to give guidance to draft a 15-year elimination plan starting 1999-2002 to 2013-2014 fully relying on our own resources. The 5 projected activities of the 15-year plan are supply and demand elimination of narcotic drugs, organizing the participation of the local populace, law enforcement and international cooperation.
With regard to baseline survey of poppy cultivation in Myanmar during 1997-98 seasons, there had been 151,201 acres while it dropped to 62,619 acres in 2001-2002 season. Since 1993, Myanmar has jointly conducted 8 Opium Yield Surveys with the United States of America. According to the surveys so far, it is an undeniable fact that the cultivation and production of opium in Myanmar has been gradually decreasing.
With regard to annual eradication efforts, 10-988 acres were destroyed in 1999-2000, 26,114 acres in 2000-2002 and 26,479 acres in 2001-2002.
At present, the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control has launched
"Project New Destiny" in the regions where poppy cultivation is highly concentrated like the Northern Shan State, the Southern Shan State and the Eastern Shan State. The Project calls for prevention of poppy cultivation by taking action with administrative means, distribution of substitute crop-seeds for poppy and the control of opium seeds. The opium farmers are asked to grow 7 kinds of alternative crops instead of opium in 21,969 acres of land as a preventive measures, Substitute seeds are also distributed in time for cultivation to prevent them from falling back to poppy. To implement the project, 42.5 million kyats for the Northern Shan State, 5 million kyats for the Southern Shan State, 2.5 million kyats for the Eastern Shan State, 0.5 million kyats for Kayah State and 2 million kyats for Kachin State, totalling 52.5 million kyats have been loaned and supported by the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control.
While educating the farmers to grow substitute crops instead of poppy, substitute crop seeds that are appropriate to the areas and climate are distributed for cultivation on the other hand, On realizing the sincere intentions the Government, the opium farmers, on their own accord, have come up voluntarily to submit opium seeds they have kept for the next season. To this date, 58,579 pyis of poppy seeds weighing 96,659.507 kilos and 46,681 pyis of dried poppy bulb weighing 76,230.073 kilos in the Northern Shan State, 1,373 pyis of poppy seeds weighing 2,242.109 kilos in the Southern Shan State, 56,375 pyis of poppy seeds weighing 92.06 kilos and 0.25 pyis of dried poppy bulb weighing 8.165 kilos in the Eastern Shan State, 5 pyis of poppy seeds weighing 8.165 kilos in the Kayah State and 2,013 pyis of poppy seeds weighing 3,287.229 kilos in Mandalay Division, making a total of 62,026.375 pyis of poppy seeds weighing 101,289.07 kilos and 46,681.25 pyis of dried poppy bulb weighing 76,230.481 kilos totalling 73,696.687 baskets of opium seeds and opium bulb weighing 120,346.68 kilos have been voluntarily surrendered to the authorities. In a way, such quantity of seeds that would be grown in over 73,679 acres has been prevented.
The local populace had been active not only in crop substitution and alternative development activities but also in law enforcement activities like collecting information, investigation, search and raid of clandestine refineries.
In Laukkai region, they have formed up drug suppression teams on their own and from 1st to the 15th of April 2002, a total of 52 paraphernalia were discovered and seized from the valleys and mountains. It is indication that the local residents had been fully cooperating with the Government.
With regard to drugs control, Myanmar has been cooperating very closing with neighbouring countries as well as countries in the sub-region and region. As per bilateral cooperation, Myanmar and China under the cross-border cooperation project, liaison offices have been opened in Lweje on the 31st October 2000 and in Chin Shwe haw on the 11th March 2001 respectively.
Moreover, within 2001 and 2002, Myanmar handed over drug traffickers wanted in China for 8 times including 13 drug traffickers by the Wa on their own arrangement. Documents were also handed over once. Such events have clearly proved that Myanmar is very serious and deeply committed to combat drugs. Myanmar attaches great importance to cooperation in the region and in the international arena and the international media has picked up such incidents.
The above presentation in the efforts and success of drug control covers only some of the activities on Myanmar in cooperation with other countries.
In conclusion, I would like to express here that this Destruction Ceremony to destroy the poppy seeds, seized drugs, chemicals and paraphernalia clearly indicates the result of the commitment and full cooperation of the local inhabitants. If the local inhabitants are fully committed and show this sort of cooperation. I am fully confident the drug scourge threatening the whole mankind will not find a place on the soil of Myanmar.
Then, Chairman of Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council Commander of North-East Command Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing explained endeavors on elimination of narcotic drugs cultivation and production in Shan State. He said:
I would like to state that today's Ceremony is different from the previous occasions because decides narcotic drugs precursor chemicals and paraphernalias, poppy seeds presented voluntarily by native poppy farmers will be destroyed.
Myanmar has to face the internal insurgency problem just after its regain her independence. Insurgency and poppy cultivation and opium production are so much inter-linked that it is not east to unravel them.
After Myanmar regained her independence, the State could destroy poppy fields during poppy cultivation season from 1974 to 1988. From 1974 to 1979, the total fields 199,762.87 acres could be destroyed by the Melon, Hnin Pan, Pauk Pan, Taung Hteik Pan and Hey Man Oo Operations, and Taung Yan Shin phrase (1) to (4) used aerial spraying from 1981 to 1988.
Owing to the evil legacy of the colonialists, the poor national races cultivated opium poppy and attempts made by successive governments to eliminate poppy cultivation, utilizing force had not gained much success. Now, special programmes with a view to obtain alternative income from agriculture and animal husbandry are provided to the poppy farmers and the government and as well as the local national leaders are in full support of these programmes.
Under the instruction and policy of the government, regional national groups had made district declaration against narcotic drugs; on the following dates (26-3-2002) Wa National Groups, on 28-3-2002) Kokang National Groups and on (4-4-2002) Special Region (3) Shan State (north).
The seizures of narcotic drugs within the region of Northern Shan State are Heroin (136.98) kilo, Raw Opium 857.18 kilo, Stimulants (1,066.83) kilo, Ephedrine (277.01), Chemical Liquid (87,200) litres, Chemical Powder (22,531) kilo, altogether 960 cases and (1,241 criminals.
In 2001, heroin 61.23 kilo, raw opium 1,068.03 kilo, stimulant 992,91 kilo, Ephedrine 717.5 kilo, Chemical Liquid 142,344 litres, Chemical Powder 16,345 kilo, altogether 955 cases and 1,224 criminal were seized. Up to May 31st 2002, heroin 65.92 kilo, raw opium 1,133.76 kilo, stimulants 80.99 kilo,
methamphetamine 415.2 kilo, chemical liquid 21,265.932 litre, chemical powder 2,277.4 kilo, altogether 365 cases and 487 criminals were seized.
The cultivation and destruction of poppy within the region of Northern Shan State are in 1999-2000 (63,580) estimated acres were cultivated and (3,307) acres were destroyed, in 2000-2001 (85,580) estimated acres were cultivation and (21,319) acres were destroyed; in 2001-2002 (43,266) acres were cultivated and (17,928) acres were destroyed.
The State has now arranged for the poppy cultivation not to cultivate poppy and urged them to cultivate substitute crops. In Kokang special region-1, Northern Shan State, at Laukkai District, where substitute crops have been cultivated, 500 sacks of rice for 2,479 families; 300 sacks of rice for 1,326 families in Kunlon District; altogether 800 sacks of rice have already been distributed. This year, before poppy cultivating season, poppy cultivators have been given education to cultivate substitute crops as well as seeds suitable to the region have already been distributed. Seeds have been distributed for cultivating 10 kinds of maize which are seasonal Crops of rainy season and winter, at the fields where the poppy were destroyed. The State has laid down to use the capital 42.5
million in Kyats to carry out the tasks of substitute crops cultivation.
In the region, the government make a plan to eliminate the Opium Cultivation and Production and to present and seize the seeds. In the region together with the members of the Northern Shan State Peace and Development Council, members of the Control Committee for Drug Abuse Control, members of the Tatmadaw and Myanmar Police Force, departmental staff, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, members of Fire Brigade, members of Red Cross, people's military and volunteers go to village tracts and give education the local populace to eliminate the opium poppy cultivation. They make them give away the poppy seeds and dried poppy capsules to the authority concerned.
Poppy cultivators had now presented poppy seeds to the authority concerned according to their will. Up to now 70,249.25 baskets of poppy seeds, weighing 114,717.03 kilos have been presented. Within those poppy seeds, 70,249 acres of land can be put under poppy cultivation and can yield 309 tons of raw opium and 31 tons of heroin can be produced. This occasion will be able to prevent before hand all these opium and heroin.
At this ceremony, I would like to submit the list of seeds, narcotic drugs, precursor chemicals and paraphernalia; and in Laukkai Township, we had arranged another ceremony to destroy poppy seed 7,824 baskets, 12,776.6 kilo and narcotic drugs and paraphernalia seized by special region-1 Kokang.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party, guests, the ambassadors and the correspondents inspected opium seeds presented by farmers and seized narcotic drugs and chemicals for setting fire at the sports grounds.
Next, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Commander Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing, Minister Col Tin Hlaing, national race leaders, Japanese Ambassador Mr Shigeru Tsumori, Charge d' Affaires of the US Embassy Miss Priscilla A Clap, Charge d' Affaires of the Chinese Embassy Mr Tang Ying, UNDCP Resident Representative Mr Jean-luc Lemahieu pressed the buttons of the remote controls to set fire drugs and opium seeds.
Similarly, national race leaders of Special Region-1 Kokang Region, Special Region-1 Wa Region, Special Region-3 Shan Region, Special Region-5 Kachin Region, Special Region-7 Palaung Region, peace groups, national races of Kokang, Wa, Shan, Kachin and Palaung national races, USDA, MCWA, WCWA, WVO, Auxiliary Fire Brigade and Red Cross, nurses, traditional cultural troupes and students joyfully participated in the seized narcotic drugs destruction ceremony.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party and guests inspected drugs, opium seeds and chemicals being destroyed.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party and the guests viewed the exhibition on documentary photos on
endeavors of Shan State (North).
Today's seized narcotic drugs destruction ceremony, organized by CCDAC in Lashio, 62,425.25 pyis of opium seeds weighing 101,940.43 kilos, 249 kilos of raw opium, 102 kilos of morphine powder, three kilos of morphine solid, 6,131.22 litres of ether, 3,673.18 litres of Acid Anhydride, 407.3 litres of chloroform, 7,988.22 litres of alcohol, 225 litres of Lysol, 15 litres of sulphuric acid, 15 litres of acid plus ether, 80 litres of ether plus Lysol, 69 litres of acid plus Lysol, 25 litres of hydrochloric acid, 20 litres of ether plus chloroform, 70 kilos of Phenyl Acetic Acid, 0.75 litre of acid plus opium liquid, 557 litres of opium plus Lysol, 50 litres of opium liquid, 545.52 litres of kerosene, 1,145.2 litres
of chemical powder and 23 items of paraphernalia estimated worth US$
120 were destroyed.
( 2 )
Sacred objects enshrined into middle reliquary of Maha Panthu Theingi Pagoda in Tangyan
Yangon, 8 June - Chairman of the Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt
and party, left Lashio by helicopter and arrived at Panhsan (Pankham) in Tangyan Township at 9.30 am today.
The Secretary-1 and party were welcomed there by Tactical Operations Commander Col Khin Maung Myint, national race leader U Pau Yu Chan of Shan State (North) Special Region 2, national race leaders and local people. The ceremony to enshrine sacred objects into the middle reliquary of Maha Panthu Theingi Pagoda on Theingi Yadana Hill in Panhsan (Pankham) in Tangyan Township, Shan State (North), was held in conjunction with a ceremony to hoist the pivot atop the pagoda at the Mingala pandal on the hill at 10.30 am.
The Secretary-1 attended the ceremony and enshrined sacred objects into the middle reliquary and hoisted the pivot atop the pagoda.
The ceremony was graced by the presence of member of the State Central Working Committee of the Sangha Presiding Nayaka of Lashio Kamaing Kyaungtaik Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Muninda and members of the Sangha.
Adviser of the Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana U Min Kyi
acted as master of ceremonies. Sayadaw Bhaddanta Muninda administered the Nine Precepts to the congregation. Then, lay persons presented paritta flowers, water, thread and sand to the Sayadaws. Members of the Sangha recited parittas. Afterwards, laity spread the paritta water and sand and tied the paritta flowers and thread in the precinct of the pagoda.
Then, the Secretary-1, the commander and the national race leader presented the sacred objects to the Sayadaws. Next, the minister, the national race leaders and well-wishers presented offertories to members of the Sangha.
Afterwards, member of Shan State Sangha Nayaka Committee Presiding Sayadaw of Yanaungmyin Pariyatti Sarthintaik of Lashio Maha Ganthavacaka Pandita Bhaddanta Vicitta delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits gained.
Then, the ceremony to enshrine the sacred objects into the middle reliquary and to fix the pivot atop the pagoda followed.
First, the Secretary-1 and party, the leaders of the national races and wellwishers, led by the ceremonial regal processions, conveyed sacred objects around the pagoda clock-wise. Then, the Secretary-1 and party, the national race leaders, well-wishers and laity continued to convey the sacred objects onto the middle reliquary.
At the auspicious time, the Secretary-1, the commander and the national race leader enshrined the sacred objects into the reliquary.
Then, the architects closed the reliquary. Afterwards, Secretary-1 and party, the national race leaders, well-wishers stepped up to the position where they would fix the pivot atop the pagoda.
At the auspicious time, the Secretary-1, the commander, Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin and the national race leaders fixed the pivot atop the pagoda.
After sharing merits gained, the ceremony ended with the three-time recitation of Buddha Sasanam Ciram Titthatu.
The Secretary-1 perform-ed rituals of golden and silver showers to mark the success of the ceremony. After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 met with departmental officials at Mitzin Hotel in Panhsan (Pankham) and presented gifts to them.
( 3 ) Secretary-1 inspects regional development work in Shan State (North)
Yangon, 8 June - Chairman of the Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, left here for Lashio, Shan State (North), yesterday morning and arrived at Lashio at 9.45 am.
The Secretary-1 and party were welcomed there by Chairman of Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council Commander of North-East Command Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing, members of Shan State, District and Township Peace and Development Councils, service personnel, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association and local people.
The Secretary-1 attended the Destruction Ceremony of poppy seeds, seized narcotic drugs, precursor chemicals and paraphernalia in Lashio.
Later, the Secretary-1 and party, accompanied by the commander, left Lashio for the coal extraction site in Manpang, Monema region, Tangyan, by helicopter.
They were welcomed there by Director-General U Win Te of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration Department and staff, teachers, students, national race leaders and local people.
Commander Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing gave a preliminary report to the Secretary-1 on coal extraction work in the region.
Then, Director-General U Win Te reported on the geological position of the coal deposit, exploration of the ore at three sites, exploration work at 30 outcrops, the size of coal vein at the outcrops, condition of the coal vein, and future tasks to be carried out. Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint gave a supplementary report.
The Secretary-1 gave instructions and inspected coal samples. The Secretary-1 also inspected condition of the coal lode at the outcrops, the drilling of bore-holes down to 140 feet and condition of the coal extracted.
According to the latest survey conducted by the experts of the Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration Department, the Ministry of Mines, it is estimated that millions of tons of coal can be extracted; the size of the coal deposit is enormous; and it is highly likely to produce coal on a commercial scale. The expert team of the ministry is conducting a detailed survey to get more reliable data about the deposit.
Later, the Secretary-1 met teachers and students of Naunglai Basic Education Primary School in Tangyan Township and fulfilled the requirements.
At the briefing hall, the Secretary-1 met with national race leaders of Manpang region.
On behalf of national race leader U Sai Mon, U Sai San gave an account of cultivation of opium substitute crops for elimination of poppy cultivation, doing other businesses, measures taken for availability of drinking-water, construction of roads and bridges, education and health development tasks of Naunglai
region and the requirements. The Secretary-1 fulfilled the
requirements. The national race leaders presented gifts to the
The Secretary-1 then presented cash awards to the employees of coal exploration project in Manpang and Mongma region under the Ministry of Mines. The Secretary-1 and party arrived back in Lashio in the afternoon.
At the parlor of Shweli Yeiktha in Lashio, Director U Htoo Myint and U Kyaw Thura of Aung Gyokyar Company reported to the Secretary-1 on exploration of copper ore near Parmalut village, Taung-sayleik region, Kyaukme Township, geological data and position of the ore, lab report of mineral samples from the ore and plans to conduct pilot exploitation. The Secretary-1 gave necessary instructions.
In the evening, the Secretary-1 and party paid homage to the Buddha Image at Tilawka Wizaya Hsutaungpyi Pagda on Yekan hill in Lashio Township. They also paid homage to the images in Gandhakuditaik.
Later, the Secretary-1 made cash donations to the pagoda. Next, the Secretary-1 and party paid homage to Maha Myat Muni Image in Lashio and gilded the image.
The Secretary-1 then made cash donations to the image. Then, the Secretary-1 and party spent the night at Shweli Yeiktha.
The Secretary-1 this morning inspected runway extension project of Lashio Airport. Director-General U Win Maung of Department of Civil Aviation and Managing Director U Tun Myint Naing of Asia World Co Ltd reported to the Secretary-1 on facts about the projects, condition of existing runway, advanced maintenance work, laying water proof layer at the apron, measures taken for extension of the runway, plans to extend existing airport building. Commander Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing gave a supplementary report. The Secretary-1 gave instructions and inspected runway extension work at the site.
The Secretary-1 this morning attended a ceremony to enshrine religious objects in middle reliquary and to fix pivot atop Maha Panthu Theingi Pagoda, Panhsan (Pankham) in Tangyan Township. The Secretary-1 and party left there for Lashio and arrived back in Yangon this evening.
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein who accompanied the Secretary-1 inspected People's Hospital in Lashio on 7 June.
First, the minister met with Medical Superintendent Dr Khin Maung Kyaw,
specialists, doctors and nurses.
Later, he inspected the operation theatre and the
delivery room and construction of maternity ward.
( 4
) Information Minister inspects Sub-Printing House and IPRD in Kalay District
Yangon, 8 June - Minisrer for Information Maj-Gen Kyi
Aung, arrived in Kalay, Sagaing Division on 7 June morning. They were welcomed there by Brig-Gen Khin Maung Aye of Kalay Station, Chairman of Kalay District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Myo Chit and officials.
First, the minister went to the Sub-Printing House of PPE in Kalay and inspected test-run of the press, sending e-mail via network with the use of data broadcast system for printing the newspapers and fulfilled the needs. Then, the minister proceeded to Kalay District Information and Public Relations Department in Kalay where he met with the staff officers of Kalay, Mawlaik, Tamu District and Haka, Falam, Tiddim and Tonzang Township IPRDs and attended to the requirements. Next, the minister inspected Kalay TV retransmission station and arrived back here at 11 am
( 5 ) Commander inspects sanitation, hygienic tasks carried out at drainages, markets
Yangon, 8 June - Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe inspected tasks for proper drainage and collective sanitation work in Yangon City and gave necessary instructions.
At 7.30 am, the commander arrived at the site for proper drainage of the under- ground drainage in front of Yuzana Plaza on Banyadala Road in Tamway and Mingala Taungnyunt townships. Officials of YCDC reported on proper drainage tasks being carried out. The commander gave necessary instructions.
Next, the commander and party inspected unblocking of the drainage.
Afterwards, the commander and party proceeded to Tamway Tax-free Market on Kyaikkasan Road in Tamway Township and inspected buying and selling at vegetable shops and meat and fish shops of departments, regiments and units of Yangon Command, companies and private producers, edible oil shops of the Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd, rice shops of Myanmar Rice and Paddy Wholesalers Association and shops of personal goods of the Ministry of Industry-1. The commander gave necessary instructions to officials.
Then, the commander and party inspected sanitation work at the under- ground drainage which flows in Khunnapinlein Creek on the West Race Course in Yankin Township and gave necessary instructions.
On arrival at Yankin Tax-free Market near the Ministry of Industry-2 on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road in Yankin Township, the commander inspected selling and buying at vegetable shops, meat, fish and egg shops, edible oil shops and rice shops and left necessary instructions.
The commander and party went to Brokerage and Highway Bus Terminal on Sawbwagyigon, Insein Township and inspected sanitation tasks carried out in the terminal and gave instructions on sanitation and beautifying tasks to be carried out and hygiene work to be undertaken at vehicles, shops and brokerages in the terminal to the officials.
Afterwards, the commander and party proceeded to Thiri Mingala Market in Kyimyindine Township and inspected sanitation work carried out at vegetable shops on the ground floor and vegetable, fish paste and dried fish shops on the first floor, the children's playground on the second floor, the furniture workshop of Simma Co, installation of black & white TVs of Pyanhlwarmin Co Ltd and production of Nikko brand umbrellas on the third floor.
Then, the commander met officials at the office of the market. He gave instructions on cleaning and beautifying the market area to be carried out and hygienic work for the shops to be undertaken and left the market.
( 6 )
Korean delegation arrives
Yangon, 8 June - A ten-member delegation led by Dr Kim Sei-ung, Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea arrived here by air at 9.05 am on 6 June, as a study tour delegation in Myanmar under the exchange of visits programme between Korea and ASEAN member countries.
The delegation called on U Khin Maung Win, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs at the Wungyi Padetha Yaza Hall at 4 pm yesterday. The delegation also had a meeting with Myanmar officials led by U Aung Bwa, acting Director-General of the ASEAN Affairs Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at 10 am. After that Korean delegation also called on the Director-General U Soe Lin of Foreign Economic Relations Department. The delegation visited Shwedagon Pagoda, Gem Museum and also visited Daewoo Garment Factory at Pyinmabin, Mingaladon
Township, during their stay in Yangon.
The Korean delegation left here by air this
( 7 )
Educative talks on breast cancer held
Yangon, 8 June - Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association held an educative talks on breast cancer at the Early-Childhood Depelopment Centre of the association at the corner of Parami and Thanthuma roads in South Okkalapa this afternoon. It was attended by MMCWA Chairperson Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe, Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, CEC members, honorary patrons, township MCWA members and guests.
First, Head of Department Prof Dr Khin Aye Mu of Surgical Unit of Yangon General Hospital gave talks on breast cancer with the help of video slide. After the talks, Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe presented souvenir to Dr Daw Khin Aye Mu.
( 8
) Myanmar Karatedo team back from Indonesai
Yangon, 8 June- The selected Myanmar Karatedo
team, led by Executive Committee member of Myanmar Karatedo
Federation U Saw Aung, arrived back here by air yesterday afternoon.
Altogether over 200 contestants from 20 nations took part in
Indonesia Open Karatedo Tournament in Jakarta, Indonesia, from 4 to
6 June. In the Team Kata event, Myanmar team won the silver, host
Indonesia Tiger team the gold and Malaysia team and Indonesia
(Buffalo) team jointly won the bronze.
Members 6f the team were welcomed at Yangon
International Airport by President of MKF Police Col Khin Maung Tun (Retd),
General Secretary Coach Officer U Soe Win and executives, officials of
the Sports and Physical Education Department and others.
Coach of Myanmar team Joint-Secretary of MKF Coach
Officer of the Sports and Physical Education Department U Htein Win
Myint, Myanmar selected athletes Min Aye, Wan Ko Ko 00, Myint Zaw 00 and
Han Kham Kat also arrived back here on the same flight. Executive of MKF
executive committee member U Min Maw and wife Dr Daw Mya Win hosted a
dinner in honour of Myanmar silver medalists of the Team Kata event at
Myanmar Life Hotel yesterday evening.
( 9
) Raw opium seized in Momauk
Yangon, 8 June - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit, Bahmo Special Anti-drug Squad and the local police force, lying in wait at the graveyard bend of 8th-Mile motor road in Momauk, inspected pedestrian Phon Chein Yon on 21 May and seized inside his bag 2.65 kilos of raw opium, which he had bought from Wan Pan Shin of Aungmyay Ward in 7th-Mile Village.
Action is being taken against Phon Chein Yon, 22, son of Phon Telt Hluo of Ward 3 in Lwejel and Wan Pan Shin, 24, son of Wan Shin Hauk of Aungmyay Ward in 7th-Mile Village, Momauk Township, under section 15/19 (A)/21 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Momauk Police Force.
Marijuana seized in PyinOolwin
Yangon, 8 June - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit, Mandalay Special Anti-drugs Squad and the local police force, acting on information, searched the house of Myo Thant @ Shwe Toe in Region 5, PyinOolwin on 19 May and seized under the cupboard 114.3 gm of marijuana, which he had received form his elder brother Pauk Pauk @ Thein Htaik.
Action is being taken against Myo Thant @ Shwe Toe, 20, and Pauk Pauk @ Thein Htaik, 21, sons of U Hla Win on No 114, 35th street, Ward 1, Region 5 in PyinOolwin under section 15/19 (A)/21 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by PyinOolwin Police Force.