1 ) Greening Project undertaken by Government to improve environmental quality in Dry Zone one of the success stories in Myanmar
Poverty alleviation programmes being carried out in rural
areas with particular focus on far-flung border areas
Secretary-1 addresses ceremony to mark World Environment Day
Yangon, 5 June - A ceremony to mark the World Environment Day 2002 was held at International Business Centre on Pyay Road at 8.30 am today, with an address by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
First, Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt delivered an address. He said:
It is a great pleasure for me to give an address at this auspicious occasion to mark the World Environment Day. It may be recalled that the United Nations General Assembly held in 1972 adopted a resolution to designate June 5th as the World Environment Day with the aims of promoting environmental awareness across the globe and to sensitize the world's nations to the impending environmental problems. I am indeed very pleased to be here to join you in celebrating this Day which is very special and significant to all the citizens of the Earth, and to planet itself. Nations around the world will also be marking the day with celebrations and special events to express their appreciation for the Earth and the environment.
A look at the state of the world environment today will reveal that environmental conditions are declining in many parts of the world. The sky, the land and the seas are being polluted with various kinds of wastes in the form of gas, liquid and solid.

Though not visible to the naked eye, the atmosphere is polluted with gaseous wastes emitted from factories, vehicles and other sources. These gases are causing global warming, climate change and ozone depletion. Seas, oceans and rivers too are becoming polluted. Even the tallest mountains on Earth have not been spared. It is therefore most appropriate that this year has been
designated as the International Year of Mountains in order to alert nations to protect the mountains. As a country endowed with numerous magnificent and majestic mountains, Myanmar fully endorses the efforts to protect and preserve the mountains for the future generations to enjoy their unique beauty.
In Myanmar, the Govenment is taking measures to promote environmental conditions in the country. The National Environment Policy was adopted in 1994 to harmonize economic development and environmental protection. In order to implement the Policy, Myanmar Agenda 21 was formulated by the National Commission for Environmental Affairs (NCEA) in 1997. The Agenda outlines programmes and activities to promote environmentally sound and sustainable development in the country. To enhance environmental awareness and education, formal and non-formal environmental education is being promoted.
A case in point is the example of the Women and the Environment Sub-committee under the Myanmar National Working Committee for Women's Affairs working together with the NCEA to promote environmental awareness and non-formal environmental education in the country. In case of formal environmental education, a course on
"Environmental studies" is now being introduced at the institutes of higher learning.
Environmental conservation activities have been carried out with success. One of the success stories in Myanmar is the Greening Project undertaken by the Government to improve environmental quality in the Dry Zone in Central Myanmar. The project is making progress in transforming the Dry Zone into a Green Zone. Although originally intended for nine districts, it is now being extended to 13 districts. As a result of the work implemented in the project, over 200,000 acres of land has been reforested and over 600,000 acres of natural forest preserved and protected. Moreover a 30-year master plan of being implemented to ensure that the forests in Myanmar remain green and lush forever.
Recently, the Government has intensified its efforts to implement rural water supply programmes to promote environment and economic conditions in the rural areas. Water is now available in many villages which before have faced water shortage problem,
Being aware that poverty is one of the causes of environmental degradation, poverty alleviation programmes are also being carried out in the rural areas with particular focus on the far-flung border areas. Apart from establishing economic and social infrastructure, modern sustainable agricultural methods are being introduced to the local people to replace the traditional slash and burn method of cultivation.
Myanmar's natural heritage including forest, wildlife and natural areas are systematically conserved and protected under the Forest Law, and Wildlife, Wild plants and Natural Areas Protection Law. Cultural Heritage sites are also carefully protected and preserved.
This year's theme for the World Environment Day is
"Give Earth a Chance". As I have mentioned earlier, our planet Earth is under stress. We should realize that the Earth is our only home and that its destiny is our destiny, and its future
our future. Given a chance, mother nature has shown time and again her resilience in that it could rejuvenate herself. As responsible citizens of the Earth we must give Earth a chance to recuperate.
Thus, it is incumbent upon all the nations and people to cooperate protect and restore the health of the Earth's ecosystems and to create a better future for the present and future generations.
In conclusion, the challenges are big and the tasks are formidable. But if we all act together in good faith and with strong determination, we can meet these challenges, and there will be a bright future ahead for all of us.
Next, UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative Mr Patrice Coeur-Bizot read the messages of the UN Secretary-General Mr Kofi A Annan and the UN Environment Programme Executive Director Mr Klaus Topfer.
The Secretary-1 then awarded the first prize in the World Environment Day 2002 commemorative colour photo competition to Maung Maung Soe (Forest Development), the second prize to Kyaw Zeya (Malon), the third prize to Hlaing Than Tint (Shwe Pachi) and the prizes of honour to seven winners.
Next, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Chairman of the National Commission for Environmental Affairs Minister U Win Aung presented Certificates of Honour to the departments concerned taking part in the 2002 World Environment Day Exhibition and to U Mya Than (Zarni Hein, Hsipaw), donor of environmental books.
Afterwards, Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung gave away the prizes to the winners of the World Environment Day 2002 commemorative painting competition of the basic education level. The First, Second and Third prizes were received by Ma Kay Khine Maw (Institute of Education Practising School) Ma May Phyu Syn (BEHS-3, Dagon), and Ma Soe Yadana Htay (BEHS-5, Botahtaung) respectively.
After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 and party and
guests viewed the prize winning photos and paintings for World
Environment Day 2002 and an Exhibition on Environmental Activities
for Myanmar, organized by the National Commission for Environmental
Affairs in collaboration with the ministries concerned.
( 2 )
We will safeguard our territorial integrity and sovereignty with
unyielding and firm national spirit if they are threatened
Mandalay holds ceremony as a mark of respect for sovereignty of Union of Myanmar and to hail mass rallies denouncing SURA and KNU
insurgents, who are encroaching on security and peace in border areas
Yodaya holding war games involving large number of soldiers annually near Myanmar border
It is sign of posing military threat to Myanmar and act of provocation
Houses in Mandalay hoist State Flags as a mark of respect for sovereignty
Yangon, 5 June - A ceremony to hail the mass rallies denouncing the SURA and KNU destructive insurgents who are encroaching on border peace and security was held at the Bahtoo Sports ground in
Chanayethazan Township in Mandalay on 3 June. It was also held as a mark of respect for
sovereignty of the Union of Myanmar.
Present were local people from townships in Mandalay, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Red Cross and Fire Brigades, War Veterans Organization, Women's Affairs Committee and Maternal and Child Welfare Association, bands from Basic Education High Schools, flag bearers, teachers and students.
Local people from townships in Mandalay, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Red Cross and Fire Brigades, War Veterans Organization, Women's Affairs Committee and Maternal and Child Welfare Association, teachers and students led by flag bearers and bands of Basic Education High Schools, marched towards the Bahtoo Sports ground from the gathering points in front of Mandalay City Development Committee Office on 26th Street and the combined offices on 30th Street.
In the morning, the State flags were flown in Mandalay as a mark of respect for the sovereignty.
Executive U Ko Ko Lay of Mandalay District USDA acted as master of ceremonies and announced agenda.
Those present at the mass rally saluted the State Flag.
USDA delegate member of Amarapura Township USDA Ma Hnin Shwe Sin explained about the mass rally.
She said: I am now going to explain why we, in Mandalay, are hoisting the State Flags and are holding the ceremony.
KNU and SURA rebels attacked the various areas along the border with the support of neighbouring Yodaya at the beginning of 2001. We were very angry to hear the fact that they encroached on security and peace along the border areas and our sovereignty using the strength of Yodaya. Our national races held the mass rallies to denounce SURA and KNU insurgents in Kengtung on 1 June and in Taunggyi on 2 June.
We the patriots cannot look on with indifference that destructionists encroached on national races in the border areas as a saying
"If the nail is pinched, the finger head will feel hurt" goes. Local people as well
as we denounce the drug-trafficking insurgents. We also support the mass rallies in Kengtung and Taunggyi. Therefore, the people from Mandalay flew the State Flag in the entire city as a mark of respect for the sovereignty.
This showed that the people of Mandalay valued the sovereignty. It also showed that all of us did not accept those who disturbed the sovereignty.
Especially, youths were very rankled with neighbouring country that encroached on the sovereignty. We all must safeguard in unity the various opportunities we are enjoying due to peace.
In conclusion she said all citizens must ward off anyone who attempts to break up the State and the danger that is posing as a threat to the State in order to stand tall among the international community. Such patriotism must be awakened for ever, upholding our Three Main National Causes, the policy of the
government Non-disintegration of the Union, Non-disintegration of the National Solidarity and Perpetuation of Sovereignty.
Representative of USDA Secretary of Chanmyathasi Township USDA U Tin Tun explained the various conspiracies made by the SURA and KNU insurgent groups and some terrorist organizations, using Yodaya as their foothold, to harm the peace and stability of the State, development and the peace in border areas.
He said: We welcome and honour the mass rallies denouncing the encroachments on the sovereignty of Myanmar. Today, we raise flags in the entire Mandalay, march and rally at this place to salute the national flag as a mark of respect and honour for the nation's sovereignty and opposition to conspiracies to encroach on the sovereignty.
Since the start of 2001, the SURA insurgents who have footholds in Yodaya have taken positions along the border and intruded into the country with the help of supporting barrage to encroach on our sovereignty.
They brazenly attacked Panmaisun, Nayungbingon, Pangangaw and Yanpaingsun outposts at the border with tanks on 20 May.
What I would like to profoundly say here is that Yodaya has bred some traitors of our national races, armed them, sown seeds of mistrust among them, and
harbored them, provided them with rations and recruited new members for them. All the national people have known all these conspiracies.
The acts of Yodaya are a proof that it has always
aided and abetted all the multicolored of insurgents who will give trouble to Myanmar with the intention of weakening Myanmar, hindering her progress and destabilizing her. It is obvious
Yodaya is trying to keep
Myanmar as its minion.
It is also making attempts to create a blood bath among the national races of Myanmar and to destroy political stability and to obstruct and degenerate the developments of Myanmar.
The neighbouring Yodaya's holding of war games annually with the participation of a large number of soldiers near the border with Myanmar is a sign of showing military threat to Myanmar and an act of
provocation. We all will have to regard the attitude and acts of Yodaya as a
threat to the nation.
We all respect and safeguard our territorial and sovereignty. Sovereignty is our top priority. If our territorial integrity and sovereignty are encroached on, we will never make even a piece concession, but will safeguard them with unyielding and firm national spirit.
Throughout history countable by the years in the thousand, our forefathers had safeguarded the territory and sovereignty of the nation at the risk of their lives regarding the chest as a banker.
Thereby, I would like to sound an alarm, urging all the national people to gallantry ward off and crush all encroachments on the sovereignty to prevent losing of the fruits of independence, security and developments.
At the end of the ceremony secretary of Chanmyathazi Township USDA U Tin Tun, together with those present chanted the slogan of
" Non-disintegration of the Union - Our Cause, Our Cause"; "Non-disintegration of the National Solidarity
- Our Cause, Our Cause"; "Perpetuation of Sovereignty - Our Cause, Our
( 3 )
IPRD Refresher Course opens
Yangon, 5 June - The opening ceremony of the officers refresher course No 1/2002 of the Information and Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Information was held at the training hall of the News and Periodicals Enterprise on Pansodan Street here this morning with an address by Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung.
At the ceremony, Maj-Gen Kyi Aung made an address.
A total of 46 trainees are attending the one-month course.
Information Ministry holds first four-monthly
work coord meeting
Yangon, 5 June - The first four-monthly work coordination meeting 2002 of the Ministry of Information took place in the meeting hall of the Myanma Motion Picture Enterprise (Head Office) on Kokkaing Yeiktha Street in Bahan Township here this morning.

Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung , Brig-Gen Aung Thein elaborated on the guidance of the Head of State in the meeting and gave instructions on administration. Then, Director-General U Khin Maung Htay of Myanma Radio and Television reported to the minister on 30-year long-term plan, future tasks and special tasks being carried out now by his department with the use of audio visual aids before the morning session of the meeting ended.
In the afternoon session of the meeting, Director-General U Chit Naing of the Information and Public Relations Department, Managing Director U Myint Thein of Printing and Publishing Enterprise, Managing Director U Tin Kha of News and Periodicals Enterprise and Managing Director U Bo Kyi of Myanma Motion Picture Enterprise reported to the minister on 30-year long-term plan, future tasks and special tasks being undertaken by the respective department and enterprises.
Next, U Chit Naing reported on matters related to rural development tasks and establishment of self-reliant libraries. Later, the minister gave instructions on the reports. Afterwards, the meeting came to a close with concluding remarks by the minister.
Construction Minister tours Rakhine State, Ayeyawady Division
Yangon, 5 June - Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, accompanied by Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Myint Thein and officials of Public Works, inspected earth work and construction of gravel roads and temporary bridges along Maei-Taungup Road in Rakhine State on 2 June.
On arrival at Lamu bridge, officials reported to the minister on upgrading of Lamu bailey bridge into a new one built of reinforced concrete beams and floor tiles and finding of the axis for construction of Hsapyin Bridge.
They proceeded to Toungup. Deputy Superintending Engineer U Tin Htut reported on tasks of Padaung-Taungup Road undertaken in the open season and future tasks.
On 3 June, the minister and party inspected Padaung-Taungup Road.
Afterwards, the minister and party arrived at Pyintha Workshop. Officials reported on setup of the workshop and repairs of vehicles and heavy machinery.
Next, the minister inspected Okshitpin-Betye Road.
On 4 June, the minister and party saw over Betye-Yekyi Road, Yekyi-Ngathaingchaung-Gwa Road and Ngathaingchaung-Kankalay Road in Ayeyawady Division.
The minister also inspected construction of Daka Bridge.
Minister for A&I inspects Zaikkaye Sluice
Gate in Mon State

Yangon, 5 June - Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin inspected Zaikkaye Sluice Gate being built by construction division 6 of the Irrigation Department near Aungkantha village in Thaton Township, Mon State, yesterday.
He inspected construction of the sluice gate, installation of 21 six-foot by 12-foot valves and the inflow and outflow of the sluice gate.

The sluice gate will benefit 20,000 acres of wet land areas on both sides of Thaminyoe canal in the
At the briefing hall of the project, the minister met with officials and discussed matters relating to the project, reclamation of wet land areas in Thaton District and creeks where sluice gates or dams can be built.
The sluice gate will prevent entering of sea water into crops fields in summer and floods during the rainy season. It will also irrigate crops fields in summer.
At Daukyat village in Bilin Township, the minister inspected 2,662 acres of high-yield sugarcane plantations, which are being cultivated by farmers of Myanmar Sugarcane Enterprise.

During his meeting with local authorities, the minister spoke of the need to cultivate sugarcane as targeted, boost per acre yield and disseminate modern agricultural techniques.
The minister then inspected machines, rollers, boilers, and maintenance work at No 14 Sugar Mill in Bilin. At the briefing hall of the mill, he heard reports on production processes and improvement of production capacity, presented by officials. The minister gave suggestions.
He also observed cultivation of crops at the perennial crop plantation near Letpya village in Kyaikhto Township.
Taekwondo contest opened
Yangon, 5 June - A ceremony to open the 6th Inter State and Division Taekwondo Contest, 2002, was held at Aung San Stadium here this morning, attended by Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint.
First, Yangon Division (Men's) and Kaya State (Women's) teams which were champions last year returned their championship shields to the minister. Then, the minister made an address and opened the contest.
Altogether 14 teams from states and divisions are taking part in the contest which continues till 7 June. A total of 36 matches of fly weight, light weight and heavy weight divisions took place in today's
contest .
USDA CEC Member tours Magway Division
Yangon, 5 June - CEC Member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association U Soe Tha, together with officials, inspected Township Basic Education Primary School under repair by Township USDA in Inpauk Village, Aunglan Township, and fulfilled the requirements for school furniture on 31 May.
The CEC member met secretaries and executives of USDAs of Thayet District, and Thayet, Aunglan, Kanma, Mindon, Sinpaungwe and Minhla townships at Aunglan Township USDA office and gave instructions on participation of the association in carrying out rural development tasks which are given priority in the third short-term five-year plan being carried out by the State.
On 1 June, the CEC member attended and addressed the ceremony to honour course instructors, teachers and trainees of the national culture and morality course organized by Magway Division USDA at the Town Hall. Together with course instructors, teachers and executives of USDAs in the division, the CEC member viewed Magway side and Minbu side of the Ayeyawady River Bridge (Magway) Construction Project site.
In the afternoon, the CEC member met secretaries and executives of Magway District and Township USDAs at Magway Division USDA and gave instructions and attended to the needs.
On 2 June morning, the CEC member also met with secretaries and executives of Minbu District and Township USDAs in Minbu. At the affiliated BEHS in Zeebyubin Village, Salin Township, he fulfilled the requirements for the school, concerning the reports presented by the headmistress, teachers and village elders.
Afterwards, he addressed the USDA membership applications presenting ceremony at the Tun Yadana Monastery, Tanyaung Village-tract, Salin Township. Division USDA Secretary U Thwin Lin accepted 3,690 applications from village-tract organizers.
Later, CEC Members U Soe Tha and Col Thaik Tun, and Deputy Minister for Transport Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint attended the USDA membership applications submitting ceremony at Pakokku BEHS No 2 on 3 June. The CEC members accepted 3,853 applications.
After that, Minister U Soe Tha, Deputy Minister Col Thaik Tun and Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint inspected the old Pakokku ariport and the chosen site for construction of the new Pakokku airport four miles to the north of Pakokku and in the west of Pakokku-Yesagyo road.
In the afternoon, the minister offered rice and robes to members of the Sangha of Maha Vijara Rama Asheitaik and Maha Visutarama Aleitaik in Pakokku.
Accompanied by officials, the minister met secretaries and executives of Pakokku District and Township USDAs at the District USDA office and left instructions on development tasks to be carried out in Pakokku District and townships.
The minister then attended the USDA membership applications presenting ceremony at the BEPS in Kyunnyo Ywathit Village, Pakokku, and accepted 970 applications yesterday. The secretary of Division USDA presented cash donations made by Magway Division USDA to three primary schools in Kyunnyogyi Village through an official. Then, the minister viewed the greening of Pakokku from the Keinnaya
( 4
) Matters on ensuring smooth and secure
transport coordinated
Yangon, 5 June - Yangon Division Supervisory
Committee for Ensuring Secure and Smooth Transport held its
co-ordination meeting No 1/2002 at the office of the Divisional
Peace and Development Council this afternoon.
Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Secretary Lt-Col Kyaw Tint acted as master of ceremonies. Chairman of the Supervisory Committee Commander Brig-Gen Myint Swe made an address. He said that the supervisory committee was formed with nine tasks namely to enable the public to commute conveniently; to ensure speedy and easy transport of goods; to contribute towards smooth and speedily flow of commodities; to ensure secure transport of passengers and goods; to keep airports, railway stations and bus terminals clean and pleasant and free from hazards; to keep motor vehicles and rail coaches clean and firm, to wipe out crimes on buses and railway carriages; to wipe out misappropriations in plying buses and trains; and to ensure
coordination's among the departments concerned for harmonious efforts in transport sector.
He urged all to take systematic measures for
implementing the tasks effectively. Next, a general round of
discussions followed. Then the meeting ended with concluding remarks
by the commander.
( 5 ) Korean journalist delegation leaves
Yangon, 5 June - Visiting Korean delegation comprising correspondent Mr Ryu Jae Hoon and party led by Deputy Director-General Mr Seok Tong-youn of ASEAN and Pacific Affairs Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of ROK, visited the Myanma Alin Daily on Natmauk Street in Bahan Township at 9 am today.
The Korean guests were welcomed there by Chief Editor U Win Tin, Deputy Chief Editor U Hlaing Win, Manager U Zaw Win and officials. At the meeting hall, Chief Editor U Win Tin explained facts on the newspaper. The guests then viewed round the press. Afterwards, the guests visited the Myanma Gems Mart on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road.
At 11.30 am, the guests, accompanied by Korean Ambassador Mr Lee Kyung Woo, visited Zay Kabar Co Ltd in Mingaladon Garden City. Chairman of Zay Kabar Co Ltd U Khin Shwe and officials welcomed them and conducted them round the city.
Next, the guests visited A-1 garment factory in Yangon industrial zone. At 7.30 pm, the delegation left here by air. They were seen off at the airport by Director (News) U Hla Tun of NPE, Chief Editor U Maung Maung Aye of the New Light of Myanmar daily, Deputy Director U Aye Kyaw Lwin of ASEAN Affairs Department, Counsellor Mr Park Ro-byug and officials.
( 6 )
USDA CEC member honours NCMC course instructors, trainees
Yangon, 5 June - The ceremony to honour course instructors and trainees of the National Culture and Moral Character Course, organized by Kayah State Union Solidarity and Development Association during summer holidays, was held at Town Hall in Loikaw, Kayah State, on 3 June morning, with an opening address by USDA Central Executive Committee member Brig-Gen Thein Aung.
Kayah State Peace and Development Council Chairman Brig-Gen Nyunt Hlaing spoke words of honour. USDA CEC member Brig-Gen Thein Aung and Chairman Brig-Gen Nyunt Hlaing presented certificates of honour to course instructors.
Then, Daw Lwin Lwin Cho of No 2 BEHS, on behalf of course instructors, spoke words of thanks and ninth grader Ma Khaing Lwin Oo of No 1 BEHS, on behalf of trainees, spoke of the benefits of attending the course.
Brig-Gen Thein Aung and Brig-Gen Nyunt Haling presented cash awards to member youths who presented entertainment programmes and the ceremony ended.
Altogether 315 course instructors gave lectures to 7,352 youths at the national culture and moral character courses conducted at 93 places this summer.
Brig-Gen Thein Aung and Brig-Gen Nyunt Haling inspected progress of renovation of school building of Htaythama Village BEPS, construction of a new school building for Lwetamu Village BEPS and building of Pangan rural health care unit in the township and fulfilled the requirements.
Market festival of MMA (Mandalay) opens
Yangon, 5 June - Under the organization of Myanmar Medical Association (Mandalay) (women chapter) and the fund raising committee, a ceremony to open the market festival and fun fair was held at the association in Mandalay on 4 June morning.

It was attended by Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, Secretary Dr Daw Tin Lin Myint, Mandalay City Development Committee Chairman Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Nay Win, Division MCWA Supervisory Committee Patron Daw Myat Ngwe and members, MMA (Mandalay) President Dr U Ko Lay and members, medical superintendents, physicians and guests.
The vice-chairperson formally opened the ceremony and together with officials viewed food stalls of respective health departments at the Yadanabon Hall. In the afternoon, the vice-chairperson and party
spoke words of encouragement to Siamese twin sisters Moe Ma Ma Aung and Moe Pa Pa Aung, who are going to receive an operation, at Mandalay General Hospital. They then met with executives of Mandalay Division and township MCWAs at Division MCWA Supervisory Committee Office. Afterwards, the vice-chairperson presented medicines and medical equipment donated by MMCWA (Central) for township MCWAs in Mandalay Division through Patron Daw Myat Ngwe, who then spoke words of thanks.
( 7 )
45 remnant MTAs led by Col Lin Hsaing
exchange arms for peace

Yangon, 5 June - The State Peace and Development Council, upholding Our Three Main National Causes, is striving for national reconsolidation for emergence of a new, modern and developed nation with genuine goodwill.
After understanding the genuine goodwill and correct endeavours of the Government, remnant armed group members, abandoning their destructive acts which did not benefit the people at all and made their region retard development, have been continuously exchanging arms for peace individually or in groups.

A total of 45 armed group members led by Col Lin Hsaing of remnant MTA armed group in Shan State, bringing together with two M-16 automatic rifles, three M-23 automatic rifles, eight M-22 automatic rifles, four .30 carbines, two BA-63 automatic rifles and three pistols, totalling 22, 427 assorted rounds of ammunition, 23 magazines, two walkie-talkies and two communication machines, exchanged arms for peace at the local battalion in Manhsan, Shan State (South), on 30 May morning. A ceremony to exchange arms for peace of Col Lin Hsaing and party of remnant MTA armed group was held at the local battalion in Manhsam on 30 May morning.

About 2,000 departmental personnel, social organizations and local people welcomed Col Lin Hsaing and party of remnant MTA armed group.
At the ceremony, Col Hsan Tun extended greetings. He said that he warmly welcomed the remnant MTA armed group members who had realized the genuine goodwill of the State and the Tatmadaw and exchanged arms for peace; that at a time when the Government is striving for emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed nation with added momentum, armed group members have exchanged arms for peace and engaged in regional development tasks; that the armed group members joining hands with the State, the Tatmadaw and the local people are to participate in undertaking of the regional development; and requirements will be fulfilled.

Then, Col Lin Hsaing of the remnant MTA armed group handed over weapons and ammunitions to Tactical Operations Commander Col Hsan Tun who presented temporary identity cards to them.
Next, Col Lin Hsaing of the remnant MTA armed group spoke words of thanks and asserted that they will participate in the regional development tasks to join hands with the State, the Tatmadaw and the people.
Next, Eastern Command presented K 225,000, Shan State Peace and Development Council K 225,000, the local intelligence unit K 200,000, local national race groups K 1 million and Tun Tun Sein Co, Sai Tun Myat Co, Shwe Thanlwin Co and Asia World Co K 450,000 to the armed group members.
In the evening, 45-member remnant MTA armed group who exchanged arms for peace were hosted a dinner in their honour
at the local battalion. More armed group members are going to exchange
arms for peace.
( 8
) Cash donated to honour third MWJA conference
Yangon, 5 June - As a gesture of hailing the third Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association conference, cash donations were made to MWJA (Central) by members of township WJA and wellwishers today. Present on the occasion were Chairman of MWJA U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung), Joint-Secretary U Myint Kywe (Maung Myint Kywe), CEC member U Khin Swe (Shwe Son Nyo), Joint-Secretary of fund-raising work committee U Soe Shein (Maung Soe Htaik-Thonse) and wellwishers.
Cash donations were K 300,000 by Patron of Pazundaung Township WJA writer and journalist director U Tin Soe (Saya Thagadoe) and Daw Tin Tin Aye, K 27,000 by the executive committee of Insein Township WJA, K 10,000 by Maha Saddammajotikadhaja U Shein Aung Bo and family, K 15,000 worth 50 copies of Paunglaung Image magazine by Pyinmana Township WJA, K 10,000 by U Than Pe (Tour Guide) and party, K 50,000 by U Kyaw Sein (Mogok) and Daw Nan Kham Hsar, K 10,000 by Phyabon Township WJA, K 10,000 by Sangyaung Township WJA, K 10,000 by Dawbon Township WJA, K 10,000 by Hline Township WJA, and K 10,000 by U Aung Kyi Nyunt and Daw Khin Phyu Byin which were accepted by U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung), who later presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers.
Anyone wishing to make donations to the third conference of MWJA
may contact No 529, corner of Merchant Road and 37th Street, Yangon,
Tel 252417, 254173.
( 9
) Drug traffickers sentenced
Yangon, 5 June - A combined team, comprising members of local intelligence unit and Lashio Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on information, while waiting at Thazin Street in Ward 11, Lashio, searched Yan Chan Aung and found 50,000 stimulant tablets in his bag at 4 pm on 7 January 2002.
Further investigation revealed the owner of the pills, Li Kyi Phu of 326, Kamaing Kyaung Street in Ward 12, Lashio. At 4.30 pm, the authorities searched the house of Li Kyi Phu and arrested Li Kyi Phu and Li Ah Sone together with 10,400 stimulant pills bearing the letters
"WY" hidden in the bushes in the yard. At 6.10 pm, on confession of Li Kyi Phu, the combined team searched the house of Li Kyi Phu at Manna Village in the township and seized 400,000 more stimulants on his bed.
No 2 Lashio Police Station sued Yan Chan Aung, 30, and Li Kyi Phu, 38, of Namhsam Street, Ward 4, Lashio, and Li Ah Sone, 36, of Hatkar Street, Ward 12, Lashio, under Section 15/19 (A)/20 (A)/21 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Lashio Township Court handed down 18 years' imprisonment with labour on Yan Chan Aung under Section 19 (A), 15
years' imprisonment with labour on Li Ah Sone under Section 19 (A)/21 and 25
years' imprisonment with labour on Li Kyi Phu under Section 19 (A)/20/21 on 29 April 2002.
Raw opium, heroin seized in Tangyan
Yangon, 5 June - Altogether six groups under the leadership of Vice Chairman of the Committee for Drug Abuse Control the Township Police Station Commander made surprise checks at wards in Tangyan and found 12 grams of heroin and 4.899 kilos of raw opium at the house of Aik Win in Ward 5, Tangyan.
Action is being taken against Aik Win, 38, son of U Naw Chan, under Section 15/19 (A) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Tangyan Police Station.