1 ) State Peace and
Development Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe sends
felicitations to Italy
YANGON, 2 June - Senior General Than Shwe,
Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of
Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr
Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, President of the Republic of Italy, on the
occasion of the Anniversary of the Proclamation of the Republic of
Italy which falls on 2 June 2002.
( 2 )
Yodaya breeds some traitors of our country,
arms them,
provides them with food and shelter and recruits new members.
The entire Myanmar people know these facts.
These acts are designed to cause disunity among the Myanmar
citizens and create conflicts and bloodshed. The entire Myanmar
people know that the acts lead to instability of the State and
undermining the national development
Shan State (East) holds mass rally to denounce SURA
and KNU insurgents
YANGON, 1 June - A
mass rally to denounce SURA and KNU insurgents, who are encroaching
on security and peace in border areas, was held at the Myoma Sports
Grounds in Kengtung, Shan State (East), this morning.
Present on the occasion were delegates of local
national races from Monghsat, Mongton and Mongpyin townships in
Monghsat District, Mongphyat and Mongyawn. townships in Mongphyat
District, Tachilek in Tachilek District, Kengtung, Monghkat, Mongyan
and Metmang townships in Kengtung District; local people from five
wards, 37 village tracts and 837 villages in Kengtung Township,
members of social organizations Kengtuna Township Union
Solidarity and Development Association, Working Committee for
Women's Affairs, Myanmar War Veterans Organization, Maternal arid
Child Welfare Association,. Red Cross Society, Auxiliary Fire
Brigade and Nurses Association, Shan State (East) traditional
culture troupe. and local residents of Kengtung Township totaling
over 20,000.

The Alaungphaya column comprising members of WVQ,
local people of Kengtung, members of national cultural troupes of Wa,
Shangyi, Lwe and Leshaw national races totaling over 6, 700 took
positions in the grounds through the eastern entrance; the .Hsinbyushin
column of members of I MCWA, WAC and Red Cross Society, nurses,
students, families of local regiments, people of wards 2 and 3 in
Kengtung and members of cultural troupes of Lahu and Shan national
races totalling over 6, 700 through the southern entrance; the
Bayintnaung column comprising members of USDA, Red Cross Society,
Auxiliary Fire Brigade, teachers, students, local people. from
Kengtung Myoma 1 and cultural troupe members of Akha and Shan
national races totalling over 6,600 through the western entrance
holding banners bearing the words "Those who harm the national
sovereignty are our I enemies", "Those who drive a wedge among the
national races are our enemies", "Safeguard and defend the security
and tranquility of the State". "Oppose all destructive insurgents",
"Down with SURA and KNU insurgents", "Oppose those relying on
external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views",
"Oppose those .trying to jeopardize stability of the State and.
progress of the nation", '.Oppose foreign nations interfering in
internal affairs of the State" and "Crush all internal and extern at
destructive elements as the common enemy".

Shan national U Sai Naw Kham of Mongpyin
Township, Shan State (East) presided over the rally together with
Akha national U See Phyan of Kengtung Township, Lahu national U K'1a
Khu of Kengtung Township, Wa national U Nyi Kaung of Kengtung
Township and Bamar national U Win Maung of Mongphyat Township.
Executive of Kengtung .Township USDA of Shan State (East) Daw Nan Wo
Kham acted as master of ceremonies together with Executive of
Kengtung Township USDA Daw Nan
Haung Kham. After me hers of the panel of Chairmen had taken
positions at the designated places, those present saluted the
National Flag.

In his speech, Chairman U Sai Naw Kham said:
I would like to extend my greetings to the
national people who have come to the mass rally to denounce SURA and
KNU terrorist insurge who are attempting to encroach upon the
security and peaceful condition of , border areas, and wish you all
good health in mind and body. We are here to condemn the
opium-trafficking group and the terrorist group who, wearing the
mask of the leading actor, are disturbing our border areas which are
peaceful and developing.

I am Shan national U Sai Naw Kham of Mongpyin
Township, Shan State (East). Over the past ten years,
concerted efforts have been made to ensure security,
stability and pence and tranquility in our Union of Myanmar.
The entire national people are today endeavoring to maintain peace
and tranquility and to modernize and develop the nation.

Our Union of Myanmar is the largest nation in
South-east Asia. The Union of Myanmar has an area of 261 ,228 square
miles. In this wide nation, over one hundred nation III race5i such
as the Kachin, the Kayah, the Kayln, the Chin; the Bamar, the
Mon, the Rakhine and the Shan, have been living through thick and
In the course of the history of Myanmar ,which
has existed for years countable by the thousand, all the national
races within the territory of the Union have been living in a
closely-knit community , In retrospect, as the saying goes "In times
of emergency, blood Inspire. unity", all the national, brethren have
protected the sovereignty of the nation with Union Spirit against
every danger posed from inside and outside the country. It is known
to all.
During the reign of King Anawrahta In the Baian Period, the first
Myanmar Kingdom was established with the unity of all the national

In the Toungoo Period, the second Myanmar Kingdom, which was built by King Bayin Naung, stood tall as a strong nation in south-east Asia. At that time, the defence force comprising all the national races of Myanmar was very strong.
In the Konbaung Period, the glory of the third Myanmar Kingdom, built by King Alaungmintaya, reached its peak during the reign of King Hsinbyushin. At that time, the defence force made up of all the national races was able to repel every invasion, and won every battle.
In 1885 during the 19th century, the British enslaved our Myanmar with three aggressive wars; but owing to the patriotism and Union Spirit of the national races, the nation regained independence on 4 January 1948.
The purpose of my relating to the history of Myanmar is to point out that all the Myanmar national races not only resorted to an armed revolution but also launched political activities in the anti-colonialist movement.

Throughout the anti-colonialist movement, patriotism was more and more awakened in all the national races. They stood united for the independence struggle.
Once the colonialists resorted to various tactics and strategies in their bid to divide a wedge among the national races and to break up the national unity. However, our national races, bound by the national unity, strove together for the perpetual existence of the Union of Myanmar and independence.
After taking up the duty of State, the present government has worked for the national solidarity and peace and tranquility in view of the past experiences.
The government has placed in the fore Our Three Main National Causes non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of national solidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty. In making effort for the materialization of Our Three Main National Causes, national solidarity and unity plays a crucial role. All of us need to understand that the achievement of national solidarity and unity leads to the materialization of Our Three Main National Causes.
With regard to national unity, Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe said on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee of the Armed Forces Day,
"As a matter of fact, armed groups in the jungle are the forces of the nation. If these forces of the nation are going against one another, it will be difficult to restore peace and tranquility and to develop the nation. As fighting broke out as a result of disunity, the nation fell far behind other nations in development. If fighting continues, the nation will not develop, and things will go from bad to
worse." The Senior General stressed the importance of national solidarity for the nation.
The government has striven to make peace with armed groups in the jungle out of pure goodwill.
Efforts were exerted to make peace on the basis of Our Three Main National Causes. Altogether 17 armed groups, realizing the genuine attitude of the government, returned to the legal fold. It is a significant political achievement.
Stability and peace and tranquility are now prevailing in the Union of Myanmar. As the leaders of national groups who made peace, have come to work together with the government, the latter has managed to undertake national and rural development tasks in urban and rural areas as well as in border areas. The objective condition bears witness to this fact. The government has systematically worked for the development of border areas and national races, which is the backbone of the perpetual prevalence of peace and tranquility.
Moreover, to improve the socio-economic life of local national people, the government has built transport infrastructures concerning roads, bridges, energy and communication, social infrastructures related to education, health and public relations and economic infrastructures pertaining to agriculture and livestock breeding.

To promote the development of border areas and national races, the government has constituted the Central Committee for Progress of Border Areas and National Races, the Work Committee and the Sub-committee. The Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs has been set up.
In working for the development of border areas and national races, the government has spent over K 24 billion. Moreover, over K 12 billion has been spent on improvement of transport in border areas. This shows that the government has made a lot of investment for border areas and national races.
As the government has worked day and night to the best of its ability, construction of economic infrastructures is gaining momentum.
In implementing four political, four economic, four social objectives, the government is working hard for the development of the State and at the same time keeping a lookout for the danger from inside and outside the nation.
As stability and peace and tranquility has already prevailed in the nation, the government has built economic infrastructures to strengthen the national economy. Up to now, Myanmar is an agro-based country, and agriculture is a fundamental sector in the production sector of the State. Therefore, the government has stepped up its efforts for water supply to increase the number of irrigated areas.
To supply water for agriculture, the government has built altogether 134 dams including Baingda Dam in DaikU Township, Bago Division, after 1988. They irrigate 1,967,619 acres of land.
Now there are over 39 million acres of land on which crops have been grown, and cultivation of crops has increased by 155%.
After assuming the duty of State, the Tatmadaw government has spent over US $ 398 million and over K 36,005 million on construction of railroads, motor roads and bridges, and US $ 336 million and K 9,364 million on motor roads and bridges.
To strengthen the national economy, the government has implemented plans by enlisting the participation of the people.

Therefore, significant success has been achieved.
At a time when the government is building a new, peaceful, modern and developed nation, SURA led by opium-trafficking insurgent Ywet Sit, KNU insurgents and some destructive elements, taking strongholds in Yodaya, are encroaching on the security of the state and the stability and peace and tranquility of border areas through various ways and means.
SURA led by Ywet Sit and KNU, regarding the stepfather as their genuine father, are not only speaking disrespectfully of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Union of Myanmar but also launching attacks many times.
SURA opium-trafficking insurgent Ywet Sit and his confederates, a group of Yodayas, crossed into our border areas and fired at the Myanma Tatmadaw outposts, Tatmadaw columns, towns and villages and vehicles.
They launched attacks. They planted mines. They murdered people and looted things. Yodaya is having a hand in this matter like the jungle cat which is filled with glee while the jungle is on fire.
Therefore, the entire people loathe SURA led by opium-trafficking insurgent Ywet Sit and outsiders who are insulting the nation.
In conclusion, I would like to say that despite internal and external disturbances, the government is building a new, peaceful, modern and developed nation. It is working for the development of the nation and seeing to it that the youths of new generation are free from troubles and miseries.
So I would like to urge all the national brethren to denounce courageously whoever encroaches on the sovereignty of the nation, whoever makes an attempt to break up national unity, any organization attempting to disturb the security and stability of the State, any nation putting pressure on the
nation. Shan national U Sai Sam Tip tabled the motion to denounce SURA and KNU insurgents who are encroaching on security and peace in border areas.
Esteemed Panel of Chairmen and national races,
I am a Shan national U Sai Sam Tip of Mongkhat Township Shan State (East).
I will table the motion to denounce SURA and KNU insurgents who are encroaching on security and peace in border areas.
All national people,
Anyone who try to harm the sovereignty of the State is the enemy of the State and the people. We gather here to ward off those who try to harm the sovereignty. Recently, SURA drug trafficking terrorists and KNU terrorists disturbed the border areas of the motherland through various means. It means that they have harmed the sovereignty, security and peace and it also means that they have disrupted border areas development tasks being undertaken by the State.
The chairman of the meeting explained the government's efforts for national development tasks as well as development tasks for national races during the decade after 1989.
According to the speech of the chairman, urban and rural regions including border areas in the Union of Myanmar developed equitably and proportionately after the Tatmadaw government had taken up duties of the State.
The government and national race leaders in harmony made efforts for development. They did so with strong determination. It is obviously seen that all national races living in Myanmar can now enjoy fruits of success.
The government has been making efforts for equal development in states and divisions after designating 24 development regions. The government designated Taunggyi, Panglong, Lashio and Kengtung regions in Shan State as four development regions.
In implementing the development tasks in all regions, the government is also undertaking national development tasks and other development programmes including opening of university, degree college, government technological college and government computer college in designated development regions in states and divisions.
Today, the government has promoted economic and social powers for economic infrastructure to be able to achieve national development.
Therefore, the government laid down the 12 political, economic and social objectives. Strong infrastructures are needed to establish political, economic and social systems.
After the Tatmadaw government had taken up duties of the State in 1989, regional stability was restored.
The government has been establishing economic infrastructures and other infrastructure development such as construction of roads, railroads, bridges, port development, construction and renovation of airports with added momentum.
The government built Kengtung-Tachilek, Kengtung-Mongpyin, Kengtung-Mongla, Tachilek-Monghsat, Mongpyin-Monghsat, Mongyan-Hsilu, Mongyan-Hotaung and Mongpauk-Pansang roads in Shan State (East). Especially, it also built Mongtong-Tarhsan Bridge across Thanlwin River. Therefore people in the region can now go to Taunggyi and various parts of the country.
Although the government has goodwill toward national races, SURA drug trafficking terrorist group and KNU terrorist are making schemes with ill intention. The entire people detest them for their rude behaviours.

On 11 February 2001, from the side of Yodaya, SURA drug trafficking insurgents and his group launched surprise attack on Myanmar Tatmadaw camps on
'O' hill near Tachilek. They fired shells of heavy weapons into Tachilek. As a result, ten shells fell and exploded in Tarlot Ward and Tarlot Market, destroying seven houses, one monastery, three shops and three vehicles. This is the rude act of SURA toward our country.
As a saying goes " the slave behaves imprudently for ingratiate the master", SURA drug trafficking insurgents attacked Lwetawkhan camp in border area on 21 February and Parchee camp near Pungpahkyem camp in Mongtong Township on 21 April 2001.
In order to discredit the dignity of Myanma Tatmadaw, SURA drug trafficking insurgents and follower group in collaboration with some media stations announced that they had seized 200,000 stimulant
tablets from Myanmar Tatmadaw camp.
True event about the made-up story came to light when company commander Kwankham, platoon commander Aik Maung and private Aik
Pi returned to the legal fold. SURA drug trafficking insurgents gradually showed their true colour. Altogether 200 SURA drug trafficking insurgents with the help of Yodaya attacked Lwedawkhan camp in Myanmar border on 21 February 2001, about 200 SURA insurgents the Tatmadaw camp in border post BP-1 Ponpakyin in Mongtong Township on 21 April 2001 and 80 SURA terrorists also fired at Maikyoke camp, new Maikyoke camp and Maikyoke Village with heavy weapons on 8 February 2002.
Altogether 28 houses, one vehicle and two motorcycles were burnt and destroyed. They took two cars and two motorcycles. In the battle of Maikyoke camp five Tatmadaw men, three people militiamen and nine villages were killed and public properties were lost.
KNU terrorists committed destructive act over 50 years and caused harm to Myanmar internal affairs and security of the border region. Yodaya bred the armed terrorists attempted to weaken Myanmar and to cause disintegration of the Union of Myanmar.
All national people,
I would like to say earnestly that Yodaya bred some traitorsĘof our country and equipped with arms and provided with rations and allowed them to stay in their land and to gather people for recruitment. The entire Myanmar people know these facts.
These acts lead to disunity among the Myanmar citizens. The entire Myanmar people know that the acts lead to disrupt stability of the State and the insurgents undermine the national development.
On 6 May 2002 KNU terrorist group relying on external elements entered Bilin and Thaton and destroyed Yangon-Myainggalay gas pipe line near Kazaing Bridge between mile posts 130/3 and 130/4 on Yangon-Mottama Road by planting mines.
At 4.20 am on 15 May 2002, about 100 terrorists from KNU and ABSDF attacked Minletpan Village in Myawady Township.
The acts of SURA drug-trafficking insurgents and KNU caused harm to regional security and peace.
The destructive acts of SURA and KNU terrorists caused harm to regional security and peace. Properties of the people in border areas were lost.
Esteemed Chairman and national races,
SURA drug-trafficking insurgents and KNU extremely caused harm to regional security and peace.
On 20 May 2002, the drug-trafficking insurgents with the tanks and heavy weapons from Yodaya brazenly opened fire on Panmongsun, Nyaungbibgin, Pangangaw and Yanpaingsun outposts.
On behalf of the national brethren in Myanmar, I would like to table a motion to denounce SURA drug trafficking insurgents and KNU insurgent destructionists who are encroaching on security and peace along the border in line with the People's Desire:
- Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views,
- Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation;
- Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State;
- Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy.
Afterwards, Akhar national Daw Ahphe of Kengtung township seconded the motion that all regional people denounce SURA and KNU insurgents who are violating border area security and peace tabled by Shan national U Sai San Tip of Mongkhat township.
She said; The government is building the nation upholding the three main national cause Non-disintegration of the Union; Non-disintegration of the National Solidarity; Perpetuation of national sovereignty.
Mutual respect, understanding, reliability and help could be set up among national brethren now. We are now witnessing good outcome of peace and development of the country. During a decade period when the government implemented plans for development of border area and national races with momentum, border areas where national brethren live have developed and local people are now enjoying the fruit of socio-economic development of the region.
After 1988 the government has assumed the responsibilities of the State, in education sector, 366 basic education primary schools, 48 basic education middle schools, 19 basic education high schools have been opened in border areas under the arrangement of the Ministry of Progress of Border Areas and National Races Development Affairs. 586 BEPS, 59 BEMS, 39 BEHS have been opened in border areas under the arrangement of the Ministry of Education. The total number of the schools opened is 1,117.
35,154 BEPS, 3,109 BEMS, 1,712 BEHS have been opened all over the country. In higher education sector, a total of 150 institutions could be opened including 62 universities, degree colleges and colleges under the Ministry of Education.
In health sector, 46 hospitals, one station health care centre, 74 dispensaries, 18 rural health care centres and 30 branches of rural health care centres could be opened in border areas.

The government has made equitable efforts in livestock breeding sector, electric power sector and communication sectors. In transport sector, union roads have emerged as the outcome of far-sighted endeavours of the government. As a result, national brethren have easy access in the Union. Union Spirit has become tempered for unity among national brethren has become more strong as a result of friendship among them.
All national people loathe the act of violating State security and peace of opium trafficking insurgents and KNU insurgents at the time when the government is building a peaceful modern developed nation.
Especially, classifications about the attempts of harming State sovereignty and peace of SURA and KNU insurgents have been given by the chairman and the mover.
SURA and KNU groups are opium trafficking insurgents under the cover of racism and politics.
They are harming State sovereignty with reliance on Yodaya.Taking stronghold in Yodaya territory, they are destroying security and peace of border areas.
At this point, I would like to point out some fact regarding Yodaya. It is known to all that Yodaya, through out the history, has given assistance to any insurgents who would give trouble to Myanmar in order that Myanmar were weak, undeveloped and instability caused in Myanmar.
It is also known to the world that invasion of nationalist Chinese in the Myanmar territory from 1949/50 to 1970 was due to the assistance given by Yodaya.
Yodaya has rendered assistance to any armed insurgents from Myanmar. Yodaya provides them with arms, food and shelter. Yodaya recruits for them. Moreover, Yodaya is giving assistance to any association against Myanmar no matter they are armed or not. We the people know that there are many offices of the associations against Myanmar in Bangkok.
I would like to stress that we the national people oppose and denounce
- anyone who encroaches on the national sovereignty
- all activities of the destructive insurgents
- all traitorious insurgent destructionists and all those who are supporting them
- those who are harming the State from outside the framework of law and those who are
stealthily or blatantly conspiring with them
- any attempts to hinder the developments by defaming the
State with pessimism
I will put it bluntly.
- Down with SURA and KNU drug trafficking
destructive insurgents
Down with external elements that interfere internal affairs of Myanmar by
keeping destructionists
The following are our desire.
Those who are endowed with National Spirit and Union Spirit have a desire for border area security and peace, continuous development in border areas. She urged those present to safeguard security, peace and development.
We must bravely crush those who are violating sovereignty along the border area of Myanmar and any destructive activities of insurgents. Thus, opium
trafficking SURA and KNU insurgents at the border area will be crushed with the strength of the people, she added.
Later, Chairman declared approval of the motion.
The ceremony came to a close with recitation of "Non-disintegration of the
Union — Our Cause, Our Cause"; "Non-disintegration of the National
Solidarity — Our Cause, Our Cause"; "Perpetuation of national
sovereignty — Our Cause, — Our Cause".
( 3 ) Maj-Gen Ye Myint inspects dam projects
Yangon, 1 June - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence, Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint and Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Col Zaw Min, after attending the inauguration ceremony of Mann Creek Bridge (Magway Division), arrived at the Kyeeohn-Kyeewa Dam Project on Mone Creek being undertaken by the Irrigation Department in Pwintbyu Township, Magway Division.

At the briefing hall, Assistant Director of ID U Tint Lwin reported on implementation of the project and future tasks. Maj-Gen Ye Myint gave instructions.
The Kyeeohn-Kyeewa Dam Project is 15 miles downstream of Mone Creek Multi-purpose Dam Project. Plans are under way to build a hydel power plant by harnessing Mone Creek to supply more electricity and to provide water for cultivation.
At the briefing hall of the Mone Creek Multi-purpose Dam Project, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party heard a
report presented by Director of ID U Myint Than on progress of implementation of the project, tasks being carried out and future tasks. After giving instructions, Maj-Gen Ye Myint inspected the work-site of the project.
At the hydel power plant project site, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party then heard a report presented by Deputy Director U Thein Tin of Myanma Electirc Power Enterprise on condition of building the hydel power plant, construction of the canal, progress of construction of floodgates and arrival of equipment imported.
After that, Maj-Gen Ye Myint inspected the spillway and the main spillway, the control station and construction of the embankment of the main dam.
After inspecting Se-doktara Township People's Hospital, Maj-Gen Ye Myint met with departmental personnel of Sedoktara Township at the Town Hall at 4 pm. Also present were Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint, Chairman Col Zaw Min, local authorities, departmental officials and staff.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint fulfilled the requirements after hearing the reports presented by Township Peace and Development Council Chairman U Win Swe and Minbu District Peace and Development Council Chairman Lt-Col Tin Maung Win.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint said that the 24 major development zones have been designated in accord with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe to ensure equitable development in all parts of the country. The five rural development tasks have been laid down and are being implemented.
He said that to successfully implement the five major tasks, he arrived there to make a tour of inspection in accord with the guidance of the Head of State.
And he called on departmental officials and
service personnel to implement these tasks in co-operation with
social organizations. In doing so, all are to make concerted efforts
with Union Spirit and to extend cultivation of crops in the regions
as condition of transport is improving.
Maj-Gen Thein Sein attends tree-planting
ceremony of MWVO
Yangon, 1 June - The tree-planting ceremony of Nyaunghnapinkwin agriculture and livestock breeding
camp project of Myan-mar War Veterans Organization was held at the project camp in Hlegu Township, Yangon Division, this morning.
Member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of the Central Organizing Committee of MWVO Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein
made a speech and planted a tree at the ceremony. First, Maj-Gen Thein Sein made a speech and planted a Seintalon mango tree at the designated place of the project camp.
Those present also planted trees at the camp.
Then, Maj-Gen Thein Sein inspected the camp.
Deputy Adjutant-General Col Khin Soe of the Ministry of Defence reported on construction work of the project camp.
Afterwards, the chairman of members of the Central Organizing Committee of MWVO discussed matters related to the successful implementation of the project and the ceremony came to an end.
( 4
) Cooperative works inspected in Shwepyitha Industrial Zone
Yangon, 1 June - Minister for Cooperatives Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe inspected cooperative export & import services in Shwepyitha
this morning.
Minister for Cooperatives Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe arrived at Chemical Engineering Production Cooperative Society in Shwepyitha Industrial Zone.
Chairman of the Society U Paw Hein reported on production of the society and research work. The minister gave necessary instructions and inspected the factory of the society.
Next, the minister and party arrived at Metallurgical Engineering and General Cooperative Ltd.
The minister heard reports on production process and inspected the factory.
Afterwards, the minister and party saw over the joint- venture fish breeding of Yangon Division Cooperative Syndicate and Kyawya General Economic Cooperative Society in the zone.
Then the minister gave necessary instructions to officials.
Myanma Alin Daily holds ordination ceremony
Yangon, 1 June - Under the patronage of Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung and wife Daw Khin Khin Lay, the 24th ordination ceremony of Thathana-weitphari Buddhist Association members of the Myanma Alin Daily was held at Mya Thein Dan Monastery at the corner of Anawrahta Street and Botahtaung Pagoda Road in Pazundaung Township here this evening.
Nine men were ordained by Mya Thein Dan Kyaung-taik Presiding Sayadaw Chairman of Pazundaung Township Sangha Nayaka Committee Agga Maha Gantha-vacaka Agga Maha Pandita U Kesara. Then, staff and wellwishers presented offertories to members of the Sangha.
The Sayadaw and members of the sangha will deliver a sermon at noon tomorrow after serving food to the guests from 8 am to 10 am and offering
"soon" to the monks.
Myanma Mohingha and Traditional Food Competition opened
Yangon, 1 June - Under the supervision of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism, the fifth Myanma Mohingha and Myanma Traditional Food Competition, organized by Myanmar Chefs Association and Myanmar Tourism Entrepreneurs Association, was held at the People's Park Restaurant on Pyay Road this morning.
Present were Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu and departmental heads, Chairperson of Mynamar Maternal and Child Welfare Association Professor Daw Kyu Kyu Swe, Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, Daw Khin Than Nwe, wife of Lt-Gen Tin Oo, Patron of Yangon Division MCWA supervisory committee Daw Khin That Htay, Chairperson of Myanmar Women's Affairs Committee Dr Daw May May Yi and executives, Chairman of Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung), Secretary U Hla Tun (Hla Tun-Twantay), Joint-Secretary U Myint Kywe (Maung Myint Kywe) and executives, patron writers, officials of the organizers, guests and enthusiasts.
Director-General of Directorate of Hotels and Tourism U Khin Maung Latt and MCA Chairman Mr Oliver E Soe Thet formally opened the competition.
Minister Maj-Gen Saw Lwin and party viewed Mohingha and traditional food shops and studied the cooking of food with the use of solar energy. Then,
MMCWA Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe accepted K 300,000 for the association donated by MCA.
Mohingha shops of Sangyoung, South Okkalapa, Dagon Myothit (North) and Kyimyindine townships MCWAs, Mohingha and Myanmar food shops of Mr Ghetty Com and Hmawby Ma Ma Nyein, Yadana Garden Mohingha Shop and Seafood Rooftop Restaurant are participating in the contest.
Cooking of food with the use of solar energy. Myanmar vinegar, manufactured by the Ministry of Industry-1 and distributed by Dream World Co Ltd, is introduced at the Dream World Mohingha Shop.
The competition continues tomorrow.
( 5 ) Commander attends opening of USDA management multiplier course
Yangon, 1 June - Patron of Yangon Division Union Solidarity and Development Association Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen
Myint Swe attended the opening ceremony of Management Multiplier Course No 1 for USDA Executives of Yangon East District USDA held at the office of Yangon Division USDA this morning.
First, Patron of Division USDA Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe and Executive Committee member In-charge of Division USDA Col Tin Hlaing made opening speeches.
Then, a cash donation ceremony followed. The central executive committee members and officials accepted the cash donation of wellwishers including K 400,000 donated by chairman of Nayla bus line and vehicle owners, K 150,000 by Yangon East District Peace and Development Council, K 200,000 by Managing Director U Myint Thein of Than Htaik International Co Ltd and K 100,000 by U Maung Maung Aye and Daw San Myint and presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers.
Rainy season tree-planting ceremonies held in four Yangon Districts
Yangon, 1 June - Under the leadership of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council, the rainy season tree-planting ceremonies for 2002 were held in four districts and military stations in Yangon Division this morning.
Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe this morning attended the rainy season tree-planting ceremonies in front of the Psychiatric Hospital No 7 Highway in Dagon Myothit (East) Township, Yangon East District and in front of Eastern Yangon University on Thanlyin-Thon-gwa Road in Yangon South District; Secretary of Yangon City Development Committee Col Myint Aung attended the ceremony on Okkalapa Street in Mayangon Township of Yangon West District; and Chairman of Yangon North District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col San Matu attended the ceremony at the corner of No 3 Highway and the bypass in Hlegu Township of Yangon North District.
The rainy season tree-planting ceremony was held in front of the Psychiatric Hospital on No 7 Highway in Dagon Myothit (East) Township this morning.
Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe gave a speech. Chairman of Yangon East District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Aung Pyi and Assistant Director of District Forest Department U Myo Win formally opened the ceremony.
Then, the commander, the deputy minister and the vice-mayor planted the commemorative trees and saw over the activities of the tree planting ceremony. Next, they inspected the collective growing of trees in the compound of the Psychiatric Hospital. Then, the commander and the vice-mayor proceeded to Maungmakan Kanthaya Street in Dagon Myothit (South) Township where the rainy season tree-planting ceremony was held under the leadership of YCDC.
The commander and the vice-mayor planted Yaytama trees (Cedrela febrifuga) on Maungmakan Kanthaya Street.
Afterwards, the commander and the vice-mayor attended the ceremony in front of Eastern Yangon University on Thanlyin-Thon-gwa Road in Thanlyin Township, Yangon South District. Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe gave a speech. Officials formally opened the ceremony.
Over 4,000 people planted over 15,000 trees at the ceremony.
The rainy season tree-planting ceremony was held at the regiments and units under Yangon Station, which was inspected by Yangon Station Commander No 4 Military Region Commander Brig-Gen Myo Myint.
A total of 108,280 trees were planted at the regiments and units.
A similar ceremony was held at regiments and units under Indaing Station this morning, attended by Indaing Station Commander Col Hsan Aung.
The commandants of the units, officers and Tatma-dawmen joyfully participated in the activity.
Under the leadership of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council, districts and townships in Yangon Division, military stations and Forest Department will plant 1.2 million trees and YCDC 200,000 trees, totalling over 1.4
million in the 2002 rainy season.
Commander inspects circular railroad
Yangon, 1 June - Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe, inspected circular railroads this afternoon.
The commander and party left Yangon railway station at 1.30 pm for Thamaing railway station and went on an inspection tour along the local railroad.
Afterward, the commander and party met with chairmen of district and township Peace and Development Councils and staff of Myanma
Railways at the meeting hall of Yangon railway station and gave
instructions on maintenance, cleanliness and growing of windbreak
trees along the railroad.
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Chinese delegation arrives
Yangon, 1 June - At the invitation of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, a Chinese delegation led by member of the Chinese Association for Establishing International Understanding Mr Wu Shumin of China arrived here by air this evening. The delegation was welcomed at Yangon International Airport by USDA CEC member Brig-Gen Khin Maung and party and officials of the Chinese Embassy.
CEC member tours Kyauktaw, MraukU
Yangon, 1 June - Member of Central Executive Committee of the Union Solidarity and Development Association and member of Central Committee for Ensuring Enrolment of School-age Children of Myanmar Education Committee Brig-Gen Khin Maung gave a speech at the whole township school enrolment ceremony in Kyauktaw, Rakhine State, on 30 May.
Also present were the Rakhine State USDA Secretary and members, representatives of the Basic Education Department, townselders, teachers and students totalling over 2,000.
Wellwishers donated cash, exercise and text books for the education plans of the Ministry of Education and ensuring enrolment of school-going age.
Then, certificates of honour and gifts were presented to the teachers who contributed to teaching in the summer national culture and moral character course.
In the afternoon, the CEC member party attended the ceremony to donate desks and exercisebooks to the teachers of the summer national culture and moral character course by MraukU Township USDA at Myaungbwe village BEHS in MraukU Township.
They also attended opening of the rural road in Chaungtu village in Kyauktaw Township on 31 May.
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Padaung/Kayan national races continue sightseeing in Yangon City
Yangon, 1 June - At the invitation of the Chairman of Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races, the visiting 54 Padaung and Kayan national races including three monks of Phekhon Township, accompanied by Assistant Director Capt Kyaw Kyaw and officials of Progress of Border Areas and National Races Department, continued sightseeing in Yangon downtown this morning.
They paid obeisance to Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Buddha Image on Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township. Members of the Pagoda Board of Trustees explained facts about the Image. The study group donated cash to the funds of the Image.
In Hlinethaya Industrial Zone, Director Lt-Col Htin Aung Kyaw of Department of Human Settlement and Housing Development extended greetings and explained facts about the city.
They then
visited the Glory Victory cap factory, the Opal textile factory and FMI City. In the afternoon, the national races visited Defence Services Museum on Shwedagon Pagoda Road and Yuzana Plaza in Mingala Taungnyunt Township.
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) Table tennis championship concludes
Yangon, 1 June - The final match and prize presentation ceremony of Commander-in-Chief (Air)'s Shield Table Tennis Championship for 2002 was held at Thura Ohn Khaing hall of Meiktila Flying Training Base yesterday morning.
On behalf of the Commander-in-Chief (Air), Base Commander of the FTB Col Maung
Tin presented prizes to the winners. In the final match, Corporal Aung Thura Maung of Mingaladon Air Base beat Private Aung Myint Myat of GTB 3-1 and won the championship.
Then, on behalf of the Commander-in-Chief (Air), Base Commander of the FTB Col Khin Maung
Tin presented the first, second and third prizes to the winners and
the ceremony came to a close.
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) Marijuana seized in Bilin
Yangon, 1 June - Bilin Township Police Station, acting on a tip-off, searched the house of Ko Naing (a) Naing Naing Tun of Kawtkadut Village and seized 4.6712 kilos of marijuana which were packed with the polythylene bag kept in the mango tree within the compound of the house on 15 May.
Action was taken against Ko Naing (a) Naing Naing Tun, 36, son of U Tin Tun of Kawtkadut Village, Bilin Township and Tin Myint, 44, son of U Maung Tun from the same village under section 15/19 (A)/20 (A)/21 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Taungsoon
Police Station.