1 ) H&T Minister receives Korean Ambassador
Yangon, 30 May - Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin received Ambassador of Korea to Myanmar Mr Lee Kyung Woo at the ministry this afternoon.
( 2 )
Maj-Gen Maung Bo inspect regional development tasks in Mon State
YANOON, 30 May -
Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Maung Bo
of the Ministry of Defence met with students who would at- tend the
University for Development of National Races in the 2002-2003
academic year at Yamanya hall of Mon State Peace and Development
Council Office in Mawlamyine at 10 am on 28 May arid delivered an
Present were
Chairman of Mon State .Peace and Development Council Commander of
South-East Command Brig-Gen Thura Myint Aung, Secretary Lt-Col Aung
Maw Maw and members, departmental officials and students.
Mon State Education
Officer U Than Myint introduced 50 students to Maj- Gen Maung Bo
individually. Maj-Gen Maung Bo spoke of the need for the trainees to
learn hard and discharge the duties assigned after completing the
school. Then, the 'commander made a speech and the ceremony came to
a close after Maj-Gen Maung Bo provided. the students with K 100,000
and the commander with gifts.

Maj-Gen Maung Bo,
together with the commander, arrived at the Thanlwin Bridge (Mawlamyine)
Construction Project, where he heard reports presented by Deputy
Superintending Engineer U Myo Chit on progress of work on Mawlamyine
bank and Deputy Superintending Engineer U Ohn Han on Mottama bank.
Then, Maj-Gen Maung Bo gave instructions on timely completion of the
bridge, meeting the standard and work site safety and inspected the
Maj-Gen Maung Bo attended the ceremony to observe the school
enrolment day held at No 6 Basic Education High School of Mawlamyine.
On the occasion, Commander Brig-Gen Thura Myint Aung, Deputy
Director U Kyaw Hoe of No 1 Basic Education Department and Mon State
Education Officer U Than Myint made speeches. To mark the school
enrolment day of Mawlamyine Township, wellwishers U Myint Thein and
Daw Than Than Win presnted K 900,000 to buy exercise books and
stationery , which was accepted by Maj-Gen Maung Bo. After the
commander, presented exercise books and stationery to Township
Education Of- ficer U Tin Nyunt, the ceremony came to an end. Next,
Maj-Gen Maung Bo watched the school enrolments at No 6 BEHS and
presented exercise books and stationery to headmistress Daw Hla Kyi.
Similarly, Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party also watched
the school enrolments in No 7 BEMS and Mahamyine Basic Education Primary School and then the commander and the Mon State education officer presented exercise books and stationery to the headmasters.
Then, Maj-Gen Maung Bo inspected the worksite of 2,500-foot long extension phase-3 of Strand Road, the site chosen for construction of an deluxe hotel by Arrow Myanmar Enterprise Company on phase-4 of the street, the highway bus terminal, the cargo terminal and the construction of Yadana Tun brokerage houses in Mawlamyine and attended to the needs.
On 29 May morning, Maj-Gen Maung Bo, accompanied by Commander Brig-Gen Thura Myint Aung and officials, viewed the collected ploughing and cultivation in the farm of Daw Shan Ma at No 613, Natmhaw-kwin in Chaungzon Township, for monsoon paddy cultivation with the help of power tillers and 100 yokes of oxen and gave necessary instructions.
Then, Maj-Gen Maung Bo attended the School Enrolment Day ceremony at Kayin Win Sein Basic Education Middle School.
Commander Brig-Gen Thura Myint Aung made an opening speech and Deputy Director U Kyaw Hoe of the No 1 Basic Education Department explained the national education promotion programmes.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo accepted the cash donation of the Village Peace and Development Council handed over by Chairman U Myat Shwe and Commander Brig-Gen Thura Myint Aung handed over books and stationery donated by Mon State Peace and Development Council to Township Education Officer Daw Hla Hla Myat.
After the ceremony, Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party inspected the activities of school enrolment.
Then, Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party proceeded to Ywalok Village and encouraged the school enrolment activities. The commander donated books and stationery there.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo inspected the cottage industries of the village such as production of wooden ball pens, toys, walking sticks and rubber rings and gave instructions on innovation and matters related to the marketing of the products. Maj-Gen Maung Bo also viewed the school enrolment activities and learning of students at the learning centre in the Basic Education High School of the village and inspected the ring road by car.
In the afternoon, Maj-Gen Maung Bo met with township level departmental officials and members of ward and village Peace and Development Councils and social organizations in Kyunthaya Hall in Chaungzon Township and explained matters related to regional development, ensuring of smooth transportation, extension of agriculture and livestock breeding work, implementation of the promotion of education and health care programmes.
Then, Maj-Gen Maung Bo paid homage to State Ovadacariya Bhanddanta Nandasami and Sayadaws and presented offertories to the Sayadaws. Maj-Gen Maung Bo and wife Daw Khin Lay Myint paid obeisance to Maha Myat Muni Pagoda on Shwe Myinmo hill and donated cash through the board of trustees for the all round renovation of the pagoda.
( 3 )
Number of Myanmars tortured and killed in inhuman way by
Yodaya along Myanmar-Yodaya border inestimable
Press conference explains inhuman tortures, murders of Yodaya army
and its collusion with SURA and KNU
YANGON, 30 May -A .
press conference was held to explain giving permission to the SURA
drug-trafficking terrorist insurgents and KNU terrorist insurgents
to base in Yodaya territory and to launch attacks on the Tatmadaw
outposts and Wa camps in collusion with the Yodaya anny and the
accusing Myanmars working in Yodaya as spies of Myanma
Tatmadaw and the Yodaya army's inhuman tactics to torture and murder

The press conference
which was held at Tatmadaw Guest House on Inya Road at 1.40 pm today
was at- tended by Minister for Labour U Tin Winn, Vice Chief of
Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Deputy Minister for Foreign
Affairs U Khin Maung Win, Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen
Aung Thein, Brig-Gen Khin Aung Myint of the Ministry of Defence,
senior military officers, heads of department, officials of News and
Peri- odicals .Enterprise of the Ministry of Information, U Sein Win
of Kyodo news agency, Patron of Myanmar Foreign Correspondents Club
U Hla Htway, Secretary U Nyunt Tin and members and guests.
General Staff
(Officer) of the Ministry of Defence Lt-Col Min Lwin quoted the
Yodaya news agencies as saying that the matter concerning the joint
attacks launched by SURA drug- trafficking terrorist insurgents and
Yodaya army troops in reality was just the armed conflicts between
the ethnic races in
and that the Yodaya army had never accepted or helped any terrorist
insurgent group. He said the Yodaya Channel 11 broadcast a news
report at 6.30 pm on 29 May, saying that the Yodaya Prime Minister
Thaksin called a special meeting on the issue of Myanmar- Yodaya
problem; that Foreign Affairs Minister of Yodaya Surakiart told the
: meeting that Myanmar was required to accept and trust
the policy of the Yodaya government; and that it was no other
than the fact that Yodaya had never given encouragement to the
ethnic armed groups. Lt-Col Min Lwin said the statement made by
Yodaya is untrue. Yodaya has permitted the SURA drug-trafficking
terrorist insurgents and KNU
terrorist insurgents to
se e In its territory. Yodaya army and police were recruiting new
members for the two terrorist groups, conducting training courses
for them and providing arms and ammunition to the two groups. There
are obvious incidents in which the Yodaya army was found to be In
collusion with the SURA oplum-trafficking terrorist insurgents when
they launched attacks on the Tatmadaw out- posts and Wa camps.

The SURA headquarters is located at Lwetailyan (map
reference: X-845889) in Yodaya territory. There are one officers
training school, one training school. for recruits, one arm repair work
shop, one hospital, 400 houses and about 1,300 family members at the
headquarters. Lwetailyan was surrounded by 37 small camps. The SURA
camps including Memaw camp (estimate map refer- ence: LU-5495),
Nantpeinlein camp (estimate map reference: LX-8579), Pein-lon camp
(estimate map reference: LY -4482) and Minena camp (estimate map
reference: LY -7589 are all located in the Yodaya territory .Amedical
training school has been opened at Minena camp. It is learnt that four
foreign doctors and one Yodaya doctor have stayed at the camp and given
lectures at the school. In the second week of June 1999, a high-level
local official and a tactical operations commander of Yodaya army,
accompanied by Yodaya police for the sake of security, arrived at Minena
, camp in four cars. They spoke words of encouragement to SURA
drug-trafficking terrorist insurgents and visited the barracks and the
training school.
Yodaya is providing nine pyis of Yodaya rice
and five tins of canned fish to individual SURA terrorists at the Minena
camp every month. There is also a Yodaya police station at Minena
village. The Yodaya police frequently visit the SURA camps. Before the
SURA drug-trafficking terrorist insurgents and Yodaya army , troops
,launched a joint attack on the Tatmadaw outpost at Panmaisun on 20 May
2002, about 400 Yodaya troop& and SURA members were stationed at
Litatmwe village of SURA camp (estimate map reference: LU -6759) and
Memaw (estimate map reference: LU-5459) and 100 Yodaya soldiers arrived
at Maheintet SURA camp and stationed themselves there together with the

SURA drug-trafficking terrorist insurgents and about
100 Yodaya soldiers together with six tanks and 20 chained carriers are
still stationed at Yodaya army camp in Yodaya territory opposite
Panmaisun and Nyaunnon outposts. At about 7 pm on 26 May, three trucks
of Yodaya army arrived at a SURA camp of Ywet Sit at Dwiethtaiklan. The
trucks trans- ported the SURA drug-traf- ticking terrorist insurgents to
a place near BP-I at the Myanmar- Yodaya border.
He added that all the central committee members of
KNU includinl Bo Mya are living in Maesot. The members are living under
the assumed name of refugees at 39 refugee camps including Meyamo,
Bekalot, Wheh kalok, Mawke, Ohnphyan and Nobo camps. The Yodaya army and
police are providing protection to all these so-called refugee camps.
The KNU terrorist insurgents, while living under the assumed name of
refugees at the camps conceal their weapons at the nearby villages. They
usually come out from the refugee camps to fire at Tatmadaw border
outposts and towns and villages and plant mines in Myanmar territory
.The insurgents are living on the dole of foreign countries under the
guise of refugees.

Lt-Col Min Lwin then dealt with how Myanmars working
in Yodaya are accused of being spies of Myanma Tatmadaw and tortured and
killed in an inhuman way by the Yodaya army. On 17 May 2002, the Yodaya
anriy aITested five Myanmars working at
Wanpha village in Yodaya territory opposite Kokko village. The Myanmars came to Yodaya territory from Kokko village in Myanmar territory on the opposite bank of the Yodaya village. The Yodaya soldiers confined the five Myanmars at the Yodaya police station at estimate O-294352 under the command of Yodaya border police captain Phukaunghmi. The Yodaya soldiers accused them as spies sent by the Myanmar Tatmadaw, and tortured them. The Yodaya soldiers killed two of the five Myanmars in an inhuman way at estimate O-291352 in Yodaya territory between Thebon and Wankhathit on 27 May.
Of the remaining three Myanmars, Yodaya soldiers took Than Soe Win, 25, son of U Gadon, Phyuwa village, Paung Township, to Thaungyin River bank in Yodaya territory between Yekyaw and Kokko at about 8 pm on 28 May. The Yodaya solders tied Than Soe Win, kicked him into the river and shot at him. Fortunately, he sustained only minor injuries at the right ear and right side of the neck. He arrived at Kokko village at 9 am on 29 May. He was sent to the People's Hospital in Myawady from Kokko village.
When Than Soe Win, who got injuries and escaped, was asked in connection with the matter in detail, he said that he was born of U Gadon (deceased) and Daw Win in Phyuwa Village, Paung Township, Mon State, and has five siblings including him; he left Paung in about April, 2001, and worked as a casual worker in Maesot on the other bank of Myawady; he got a six-month work-permit; when his work-permit expired, he returned to Kokko Village for fear that he might be arrested by Yodaya police; at that village, he worked as a casual worker; on 11 May, he went to Wanpha Village in the Yodaya territory on the other side of Kokko Village and worked on a farm as a daily-wage earner; at about 11.30 am on 17 May, he was arrested by a patrol of Yodaya army; he was taken to a Yodaya camp which is about 20
minutes' drive from the border of Yodaya on the other bank of Kokko Village; in the evening, three Myanmar workers were arrested and taken to the camp; all of them were Kayin nationals; a person called Hla Htoo was from Kyaikmaraw and the other two were from Kawkareik; On the morning of May 25, a worker from Hpa-an was arrested and taken to the camp; they were kept in a lock-up, which was ten feet square and three feet high in the compound of the Yodaya camp; they were asked to dig bunkers and to do tiring work; they were given only insufficient amount of food.
The five Myanmar workers including Than Soe Win were accused of being spies sent by Myanmar and given electric shock; though asked about the army camps and movement of DKBA
on the bank of Myanmar, they could not answer the questions, as they did
not know the matter; so, they were severely tortured. At about 8 pm on
27 May, two out of five Kayin national Hla Htoo who lived in Kyaikmaraw and the one who lived in Hpa-an Ñ were taken by a car, and were killed in an inhuman way between Thebon and Wankha-thit on the bank of Yodaya.
At about 8 pm on 28 May, Than Soe Win was taken alone from the lock-up to the bank of the Thaungyin river by car; then, the hands of Than Soe Win were tied with his longyi and kicked into the river; afterwards, Yodaya troops fired into the water, and Than Soe Win was floating along the current by playing dead; the Yodaya troops left the site, thinking that he was dead; Than Soe Win got wounded on the right ear and nape of the neck; he also got injuries on the right of the lip and on the arm, back and chest.
The number of Myan-mars who were tortured and killed in an inhuman way by Yodaya along the Myanmar-Yodaya border is inestimable.
Yodaya TV and broadcasting stations are reporting that Yodaya does not accept or support national race terrorist insurgents who are opposing the Myanmar government; but, SURA opium-trafficking terrorist insurgents and KNU terrorist insurgents have been allowed to be stationed in the Yodaya territory; Yodaya army units are also supporting them; when SURA opium-trafficking terrorist insurgents and KNU terrorist insurgents attacked the Tatmadaw outposts, and Wa and DKBA camps, Yodaya forces participated in the attack; Myanmar workers in Yodaya have been accused of being spies of the Myanmar Tatmadaw and killed in an inhuman way.
Then, Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win gave an additional account of what Lt-Col Min Lwin already had explained.
Minister U Tin Winn, Maj-Gen Kyaw Win and Lt-Col Min Lwin replied to the
queries raised by the journalists. After the Press conference, the
journalists viewed the maps showing the so-called refugee camps where
KNU terrorist insurgents and KNU/Yodaya are stationed and the camps of
SURA in the Yodaya territory.
( 4
) Construction of dams inspected in Magway
and Bago division
YANGON, 30 May - Minister for Agriculture and ,
Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, accompanied by departmental officials,
inspected Bwetgyi Dam Construction Project being undertaken by
Construction-3 of the Irrigation Department near Dandaunt Village 26
miles east of Aunglan in Magway Division yesterday morning.
At the briefing hall, , Director of the
Construction-3 U Tun Aung Lwin reported on progress of construction
of the main dam, control tower and spillway and future tasks; and
Director of ID U Kyaw San Win on construction of a cluster of dams
in the east of Magway and facts about Bwetgyi Dam.
Then, the minister inspected construction of the
spillway and reinforced control tower, and land preparations being
carried out with the use of heavy machinery , and gave instructions
on future tasks.
On completion, the dam can irrigate over 10,000
acres of land in Aunglan Township. The minister and party proceeded
to No 12 Sugar Mill (Nawaday) in Pyay and looked into maimenance of
machinery and1eft necessary instructions. At the briefing
.hall, the manager of the mill reported on repairs and mainteiiance
of machinery for the 2002-2003 sugarcane crush- ins season and
growing of sugarcane in the surrounding areas of the mill. The
minister gave instructions on meeting the target of sugarcane sown
acreage and purchasing and crushing of sugarcane. Afterwards, they
viewed the harvesting and threshing of Hmawby Hsan strain paddy and
the measuring of per-acre yield in the field of farmer U Khin Thein
in Kyakhat Wayon Village, Nattalin Township, Bago Division (West).
The minister and party then inspected
construction of the, spillway and control tower at the worksite of
Gamon Dam Construction Project in Okpo, Bago Division (West). The
director of the Construction-2 reported on the building of the main
dam, dyke and spillway, and Director-General U Kyaw San Win on
implementation of projects in the western part of Baio Yoma
including , Damon Dam. The minister fulfilled requirements for
timely completion of the task and ensuring storale of more watar in
the dam and arrival of heavy machinery .He discussed conditions of
volume of water flowing in the creeks, and supply of water for
cultivation after constructing sluice gates.
In the afternoon, the minister and party arrived
at the Minhla Dam Construction Project being undertaken by the
Construction-2 near Hse Village, Okpo Town- ship, in the western
part of Bago Yoma. The director of the Construction-2 gave an
account of construction of the main dam, spillway and conduit pipe
and future tasks. Next, the minister saw over construction of the
conduit pipe and main dam, and the lower site of Minhla Creek where
the dyke has been built. On completion, the dam will benefit over
10,000 acres of land for double crop- ping in Minhla Township.
Later, the minister and party inspected sluice
Bates built on small creeks for Supply of water for cultivation and
for prevention measures against water floods.
Minister inspects
, warehouses of MAPT in Taunggyi
YANOON, 30 May -
.Minister for Commerce Brig- Gen Pyi Sone, accompanied by officials,
met with the staff of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading in
Taunggyi Township in the Township Manager's office yesterday.
Then, the minister
inspected the warehouses of MAPT and gave instructions on the
systematic storage of crops, purchase of crops in the coming year,
the minimizing of loss and wastage of the purchased crops and the
need to take measures for natural disasters preparedness and
fulfilled the requirements.
CPT Minister leaves for ROK
Yangon, 30 May - Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw left here for Republic of Korea by air at 12.30 pm today to attend the Asia IT
Ministers' Meeting to be held on 31 May and 1 June.
Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint, Minister for Labour U Tin Winn, Korean Ambassador Mr Lee Kyung-Woo, departmental heads of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications and Directorate of Post and Telecommunications and families saw off the minister at the airport.
Chief Engineer U Tint Lwin of MPT accompanied the minister as a member of Myanmar
Sports Minister's trophy soccer tourney ends
Yangon, 30 May - The final match of the year 2002 second Sports Minister's trophy soccer tournament and prize presentation ceremony took place at Thuwunna Youths Training Centre at 4 pm today.
Among the spectators were Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, Vice-Chairman of MOC Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo and committee members, members of Leading Panel of Patrons of Myanmar Women';s Sports Federation and guests.
In the final match, Ministry of Defence team beat Finance and Revenue Ministry team 4-1.
Director of the Sports and Physical Education Department U Than Zaw presented the man of the match prize to San Maung (Defence); Director U Kyaw Soe Myint silver medals and K 200,000 to second prize winners; and No 2 Military Region Commander Col Tin Oo Lwin gold medals to the first prize winners.
Then, the Vice-Adjutant-General presented best player awards to respective winners and the minister the trophy and K 400,000 to the
School enrolment day held
Yangon, 30 May - A ceremony to present cash awards to outstanding employee title recipients and cash assistance to staff and their family was held at Wizaya Mingalar Dhamma Thabin, Kaba Aye Hill at 3 pm today.
It was attended by Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko, Director-General U Sann Lwin of Department of Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana, Director-General Dr Myo Myint of Religious Affairs Department, Pro-Rector (Planning) Dr Hla Pe of International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University, Deputy Minister U Htin Myo of Religious Affairs Department and staff.
At the ceremony, each of four outstanding employee title recipients was presented K 3,000. A total of K 1,427,000 for 1,427 employees and K 1,590,600 for students of staff families was presented. Cent per cent school enrolment day commemorative ceremonies were held in Ahlone, Hline and Yankin townships here yesterday and today.
The ceremony held at No 1 Basic Education High School in Yankin Township was attended by members of central committee for observing the ceremony Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Deputy Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement U Hlaing Win, Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Thura U Aung Ko, the deputy director-general of No 3 Basic Education Department (Yangon City), the rector of the Institute of Education and officials, the chairman of Yankin Township Peace and Development Council and officials, the township education officer, teachers and students.
Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aung Thein spoke on the occasion. Then, a total of 56 dozens of exercise books were donated to a monastic education school and BEPSs in Yankin township.
Afterwards, donations were made for cent per cent enrolment of students of school going age to schools. Today's donation amounted to K 217,100. Owing to concerted efforts made by departments concerned, social associations and wellwishers, students of school going age there was cent per cent enrolment.
The ceremony held at No 1 Basic Education High School in Hline Township was attended by Director-General U Bo Win of Education Planning and Training Department and officials. Cash and kind amounted to K 776,186 were donated for cent per cent enrolment at schools. Similar ceremony was held at No 3 BEHS in Ahlone township. A total of K 212,000 were donated to 14 needy students and schools in Ahlone
Minister attends school enrolment day ceremony
Yangon, 30 May - The school enrolment day ceremony of No 2 Basic Education Primary School in
Kamayut Township was held at the meeting hall of the school this afternoon, attended by Minister for Education U Than Aung.
First, the minister delivered a speech and presented exercise books to students.
Then, the deputy ministers accepted the exercise books and stationery donated by wellwishers.
Later, Managing Director Mr Yoshinori Komaru and General Manager U Saw Win of Myanmar Yutani Co Ltd also donated exercise books and stationery worth
K 15,000 for students.
( 5 ) Commander visits No 3
Livestock Breeding Farm
YANGON, 30 May -The
opening of Yangon Command Commander's Shield Soccer Tournament was
held at the sports ground of Yangon Command at 3 pm today, attended
by Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Yangon
Command Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe.
The commander made
an opening speech. He took the salute of the footballers.
Then, a football match was held. Altogether 16 teams are taking part
in the tournament. Afterwards, Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe visited
No 3 Livestock Breeding Farm of the command at Danyingon in Insein
Township. Secretary of the Yangon Command Agriculture and Livestock
Breeding Committee Lt-Col Thein Hsint reported to the commander on
livestock breeding tasks.
The commander gave
necessary instructions and attended to the needs. Then, he inspected
vegetable plantations and raising of pigs there and gave
instructions. Chicken, pork and vegetables produced by the farm are
on sale at tax-free markets and other markets.
( 6 ) U Kyaw Myint appointed as
Ambassador to Indonesia
Yangon, 31 May - The Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar has appointed U Kyaw Myint,
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Union of Myanmar
to the Federative Republic of Brazil, as Ambassador Extraordinary
and Plenipotentiary of the Union of Myanmar to the Republic of
U Wunna Maung Lwin presents
credentials to Queen of Netherlands
Yangon, 31 May - U Wunna Maung Lwin, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Union of Myanmar to the Kingdom of Netherlands, presented his credentials to Her Majesty Queen Beatrix,
Queen of the Netherlands on 22 May 2002, in the Hague.
( 7 )
Commander and Deputy Minister inspect
YANGON, 30 May -
Deputy Minister for Hotels and Tourism Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu and
party on 27 May morning left Sittway by boat and arrived at MraukU
at noon. They inspected renovation of executive rooms and
services of the staff in the Mrauk U Hotel.
Then, the deputy
minister inspected the Nawarat Hotel and the Waithali Hotel. Afterwards,
Commander of Western Command Brig-Gen Maung 00 and the deputy minister
in spected renovation of the MraukU Hotel. .
On 28 May, the deputy
minister gave Instructions to the hotel
manager and officials on timely completion of I renovation tasks,
minizing loss and wastage, greening of hotel environs and
upgrading of hotel services.Next, the deputy minister and party
paid homage to Sanda Muni Budha Image, Koethaung Pagoda and
Thakyamanaung Pagoda.
( 8
) Workshop on promoting standard of MMCWA delivery rooms
Yangon, 30 May - Jointly organized by the Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association and Malaysia base the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), an opening ceremony of a workshop to promote the standard of delivery rooms of the MMCWA was held at the meeting hall of MMCWA at the corner of Parami and Thanthuma Roads in South Okkalapa Township here this morning.
It was attended by MMCWA Chairperson Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe, Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin
Win Shwe, CEC members, officials from IPPF, Patron of Supervisory Committee for Yangon Division MCWA Daw Khin Thet Htay, Chairman of the supervisory committee Head of Yangon Division Health Department Dr Tin Maung Win and officials, secretaries of state/division supervisory committees and responsible officials.
Chairperson of MMCWA Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe made an opening speech on the occasion. Then, Vice-Chairperson of MMCWA Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe accepted a fan donated by Myawady Township MCWA to MMCWA. Later, the opening ceremony came to a close and the workshop followed. The workshop was attended by secretaries of supervisory committees from Kayin State, Kayah State, Mon State, Thaninthayi Division, Bago Division, Rakhine State, Shan State (East) and Yangon Division, chairmen of township delivery rooms supervisory committees, doctors in charge of delivery rooms and nurses
totaling 44, and it will continue tomorrow.
Cash and books donated in memory of writer Ma San Lay
Yangon, 30 May - In memory of late writer Ma San Lay, who had passed away three years ago, a ceremony to present cash and books took place at Moehnyin Vipasana Kyaungtaik at the corner of Dhammazedi and Inya-myaing Roads in Bahan Township here this morning.
Present at the ceremony were Vice-Chairperson of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, Chairman of Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung), Director-General of the Information and Public Relations Department U Chit Naing, Bahan Township WJA Chairman U Aung Thein Win (Maung Khaing Khant) and members, and guests.
Firstly, the congregation received the Five Precepts from Moehnyin Vipasana Kyaungtaik Dhammakathika Sayadaw Moehnyin Ashin Indaka and members of the Sangha. Merits gained were shared and the Sayadaws recited parittas. Then, offertories were presented to the Sayadaws.
Next, U Chit Naing and U Aung Thein Win (Maung Khaing Khant) spoke words of remembrance of writer Ma San Lay. Later, K 1 million was donated to MMCWA, K 100,000 to MWJA,
"Cooking Techniques" books worth K 100,000 to IPRD and K 50,000 to Bahan Township WJA. Copies of
"Cooking Techniques" books worth K 100,000 were also presented to
( 9
) International Trade Course concludes
Yangon, 30 May - A conclusion ceremony of International Trade Course (Program-1) organized by Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI) was held at UMFCCI Training Centre at 12.30 pm yesterday.
It was attended by Adviser Dr Kyaw Htin, President U Win Myint, General-Secretary U Zaw Min Win and central executives of UMFCCI, course instructors, trainees and guests.
At the ceremony, U Win Myint and Chairman of Economic and Education Committee U Sein Win Hlaing
delivered addresses and presented completion certificates to the