1 ) State Peace and Development Council Chairman
Senior General Than Shwe sends message of
congratulations to Prime Minister of Hungary
Yangon, 30 May - Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development
Council and Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of congratulations to His Excellency Mr Peter Medgyessy
who has been elected as Prime Minister of the Republic of Hungary.
( 2 )
Secretary-1 attends ceremony to present exercise books and pencils to monastic education schools in Yangon East District

Yangon, 29 May - A ceremony to present exercise books and pencils to the monastic education schools in Yangon East District was held at the township hall of Dagon Myothit (South) Township this afternoon, and it was attended by Chairman of the Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.

The ceremony was opened with three-time recitation of Namo Tassa.
The Secretary-1 said exercise books and pencils were donated to the monastic schools in Yangon North District on Saturday and to those in Yangon West District yesterday. Similarly, exercise books and pencils are to be donated to the monastic schools in Yangon East District today. Under the national education promotion programme, the State is making efforts to raise the education standard. The
education promotion programmes, which was launched with the purpose of all-round education development, uplifting the national education to meet international standard, and
narrowing the educational gap between the urban and rural areas, are in their fourth year. Plans are under way to accelerate the programme step by step.
Moreover, the special four-year national education promotion plan was laid down to keep up with the advanced education standard of the nations in Southeast Asia.

In line with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, the 30-year long-term education plan is being implemented to develop the human resources in the hope of catching up with the international education standard. It is necessary for
well-wishers to understand the national education promotion programme of the State. With the active participation of the people, the State is striving for turning out intelligentsia and intellectuals who will shoulder the responsibility of the State in future and for development of human resources in order to build up the nation into a modern one.
He said there are some who think that education system in Myanmar is out of date. As they did not know the government's education promotion programme well, they said so, he added.
The government laid down long-term objectives in the education sector and it has been implementing the national education promotion programme systematically in coordination with educational scholars, teachers and education staff.
The national education promotion programmes will be implemented in cooperation with the people. The
schools play a vital role in implementing the National Education Promotion Programme.
The students who cannot pursue their education
at schools for various reasons can receive their education at the monastic education schools free.
Though the Government cannot supply all the requirements of the monastic education schools, it will provide assistance to the schools
as much as possible. The
donation of exercise books and pencils is a kind of
assistance to the students and parents.
Such donations will be made in States and Divisions depending on available
cash and kind of the well-wishers.
The Secretary-1, on behalf of the State, honoured the Sayadaws who made arrangements to open the monastic education schools to enable the students to pursue education for emergence of outstanding students on whom the State can rely in the future, and he spoke words of thanks to the wellwishers.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 said the students are to understand the aims of the State and urged them to learn hard with diligence to become outstanding intellectuals and intelligentsia for serving the nation.
Then, Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, the ministers and the deputy ministers presented 3978 dozens of exercise books and 750 dozens of pencils being purchased with the money donated to the Chairman of MEC to representatives of respective schools for 7951 students including 1098 novices and 140 nuns at 40 primary schools and 6 middle schools in Yangon East District.
Afterwards, Teacher Daw Myint Myint Cho of No 3 Monastic Education School (Dhammacariya Monastery) in Ward 20, Dagon Myothit (South) Township, on behalf of monastic education schools, spoke words of thanks.
The Secretary-1 and party also presented offertories to member Sayadaws of the Supervisory Committee for Monastic Education Schools.
The ceremony came to an end with three-time recitation of Buddha Sasanam Ciram Titthatu.
( 3 ) Information Minister receives ROK Ambassador

Yangon, 29 May - Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung received Ambassador of the Republic of Korea Mr Lee Kyung Woo at his office at 2 pm today.
Information Minister receives Japanese Ambassador
Yangon, 29 May - Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung received Japanese Ambassador Mr Shigeru Tsumori, who had completed his tour of duty at his office at 1 pm today.
Minister receives Ambassadors
Yangon, 29 May - Minister for Culture and for Labour U Tin Winn received Malaysian Ambassador Dato Cheah Sam Kip, Ambassador of ROK Mr Lee Kyung Woo and Japanese Ambassador Mr Shigeru Tsumori, who had completed his tour of duty, at his office at 10 am, 11 am and at noon today respectively.
Industry-1 Minister receives Cuban Deputy Minister
Yangon, 29 May - Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung received Cuban Deputy Minister for Investment and Economic Development Mrs Noemi Bentrezy de Mendoza and party at his office at 2 pm today.
Minister receives Israeli guest

Yangon, 29 May - Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung received Mr Zvi Gabay, Head of Asia and Pacific Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Israel, who was currently here, at his office at 1 pm today.
Myanmar and Cuba sign Agreed Minutes of First Session of Joint Governmental Commission

Yangon, 29 May - The Agreed Minutes of the First Session of the Joint Governmental Commission of the Governments of the Union of Myanmar and the Republic of Cuba was signed by U Khin Maung Win, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar and Mrs Noemi Benitrezy de Mendoza, Deputy Minister of Investment and Economic Cooperation of the Republic of Cuba, at Traders Hotel this evening.
Then, Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win, Deputy Minister Mrs Noemi Benitrezy de Mendoza and members of the Cuban delegation and officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had a documentary photo
( 4
) Government lays down practical programmes to fulfil basic requirements for rapid development in western regions of Magway Division
Minbu (Sagu) Mann Creek Bridge opens

Yangon, 29 May - The inauguration of Minbu (Sagu) Mann Creek Bridge constructed by Public Works of the Ministry of Construction was held at the Mandat near the creek in Sagu Township, Minbu District, Magway Division, yesterday.
Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence delivered an address.
He said the Minbu (Sagu) Mann Creek Bridge was built on Mann Creek in the western part of Magway Division. The volume of water flowing in the creek is large during the rainy season and sometimes there are floods.
It was not easy for the people from Minbu, Sagu, Pwintbyu, Salin, Sedoktara and Seikphyu to cross the creek if the torrent is so strong.
The creek hindered transport in the region. The government laid down practical programmes and fulfilled basic requirements for rapid development in western regions of Magway Division. The Yaw Creek bridge, Nwetamei (Salin) Bridge and Mone Creek Bridge were built in 1997 and 1998. Construction of bridges has helped overcome natural barriers. Transport in the region has become smooth and easier after building of the bridges.
The bailey bridge is the ninth one in the division which is 180 feet long and above. It is 420 feet long and 10 feet wide and it can stand 20 tons of loads. The bridge lies on Pathein-Monywa Road. Pilgrims all over the country can go to the historic Shwesettaw Pagoda through the bridge which contributes towards the propagation of the Sasana,
As is known to all, roads and bridges are being built in the various parts of the country in accord with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, he said. Highways and bridges across the rivers, rural roads linking villages and roads linking rural and urban areas are being constructed one after another in cooperation with local people and Progress of Border Areas and National Races Department, he added.
There were 775 bridges in Magway Division before 1998. Now there are 1,582 bridges. Maj-Gen Ye Myint said there were 1,207 miles of road before 1998 and now there are 1,916 miles of roads in 2002. The Magway-Minby Ayeyawady River Bridge will be completed soon, he said.
After studying the requirements of all the regions in the Union, Head of State Senior General Than Shwe fulfilled them. There are now 24 development regions, he said.
Transport is the most important and basic requirement for development of a region. With the improvement of transport, trade, business, production, regional economy, education, health and social sectors will develop, he said.
High economic growth and high social progress can promote living standard of the people, propagate the Union Spirit and strengthen national solidarity.
That is why the government has laid special emphasis on development of transport, he said.
He said the government implemented the economic plans successfully and built infrastructures on transport. The Ministry of Construction built 143 bridges that are 180 feet long and above.
One can go to An-Sittway Road in Rakhine State and Kanpetlet and Mindat in Chin State through the bridge, he added.
Overcoming the transport barriers of western parts in Magway Division, he said, the government built dams in suitable regions. Development of Magway Division will gain momentum with the construction of roads, bridges and dams, he said.
He urged local people to make efforts for development of the region after realizing the goodwill of the government that built roads and bridges spending large sums of money, to maintain the bridges and strive for national development in harmony.
Next, Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun made a speech. He said the government fulfilled the requirements for regional development in accord with the guidance on equal development in various parts of the country and living with high standard, peace and happiness by Head of State Senior General Than Shwe. The government is utilizing possible ways for the interest of the local people without thinking profit economically.
He said construction started on 3 September 2001 and completed on 31 March 2002. In building a modern developed nation, the government constructed essential transport infrastructures for strong economy without any foreign assistance. He called for maintenance of the bridge.

Then, Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint delivered a speech. He said relations between urban and rural areas would become wider. He believed all-round development could be made in the region.
Member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association thanked the government for construction of the bridge.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint presented gifts to Superintending Engineer U Ba Saw of Road Construction Special Project s Group-3.
Next, Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Brig-Gen Ye Myint and Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun formally opened the Mann Creek Bridge.
Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun formally unveiled the stone plaque. They then walked on the
Maj-Gen Ye Myint inspects Chauk oilfield greening tasks, Ayeyawady Bridge (Magway)
Yangon, 29 May - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence, accompanied by officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office and departmental officials, left here by air on 27 May morning and arrived at Bagan-NyaungU Airport at 7.30 am the same day.
At 8.30 am, they arrived at the cultivation camp of 1,600 acres of neem trees for greening Shwepon Hill being undertaken by Arid Zone Greening Department of the Ministry of Forestry with a view to greening the Chauk oilfield, and inspected cultivation of neem trees on 1,600 acres of land.
At the briefing hall there, Township Staff Officer U Khin Maung Lwin reported on growing of neem trees on 650 acres of land in the year 2000 for greening Shwepon Hill and on 950 acres in 2001, preparations for growing 300,000 neem saplings, successful cultivation of neem trees and arrangements for substitution of new ones instead of the trees that do not grow well. Col Zaw Min gave a supplementary report.

Maj-Gen Ye Myint inspected neem tree plantations and gave necessary instructions.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party proceeded to the construction project of the runway of Magway Airport. Project Engineer U Chan Sein of Asia World Co Ltd reported on the progress of work and future tasks. Maj-Gen Ye Myint gave necessary instructions and inspected construction tasks. Next, they arrived at the site of Ayeyawady Bridge (Magway) construction project and inspected construction of the approach road on Magway side.
At the briefing hall there, Deputy Chief Engineer (Project) U Han Zaw of
Public Works reported on progress of work in installation of iron frames at the bridge on both sides and completion of the approach road. Maj-Gen Ye Myint gave instructions on worksite safety, supervision for minimizing loss and wastage, meeting of the set standard and timely completion.

Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party inspected by boat the progress of construction work and the construction of the approach road on Minbu side.
The lower structure of Ayeyawady Bridge (Mag-way) is of reinforced concrete, the main bridge of steel frame and the approach bridge of reinforced concrete. The bridge has a 28 feet wide motor way and six feet wide pedestrian way on both sides. It can withstand 60-ton loads. The 8,989 feet long bridge including 6,969 feet long main bridge and 2,020 feet long approach bridge links Phaya Koehsu Hill in Htaukshabin village, Minbu Township on western bank and Mingala Street in Magway on eastern bank. On completion, the bridge will contribute to better transportation among eastern and western regions of Ayeyawady River and Rakhine State.
In the evening, Maj-Gen Ye Myint met with officers, Tatmadawmen and families of the local battalion in Minbu
and gave necessary instructions.
( 5 ) Minister inspects cooperative activities in Mandalay Division
Yangon, 29 May - Minister for Cooperatives Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe and party arrived at the condensed milk factory in PyinOoLwin on 27 May and inspected the factory.
Then the minister and party met with officials of PyinOoLwin Myoma Market Credit Cooperative Society. Next, they inspected tasks of Government Employees Cooperative and gave necessary instructions.
Afterwards, the minister and party attended the launching ceremony of the generator arranged by Manawyama Village Agricultural and General Service Cooperative at Pehlawpho Model Village of Manawyama Village-tract, Patheingyi Township.
Officials launched the generator.
The minister and party yesterday attended the opening ceremony of Exhibition on Products of Cottage Industries on the second floor of Yadanabon Market in Mandalay.
Minister Lt- Gen Tin Ngwe and Mandalay City Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein formally opened the exhibition by cutting the ribbon. Then, the minister and officials viewed round the exhibition booths. The exhibition will be kept open till 30 May from 9 am to 9 pm daily.
Afterwards, the minister and party inspected the Panyoma Journals and General Store of Mandalay Division General Merchandise Cooperative Union; and Computer Course and Sales Centre of Divisional GEC.
They also inspected the Thithseint (belleric myro-ballan) nursery and vegetable plantations. The minister and party also inspected the Mandalay branches of CP Bank, Cooperative Bank and Peasants Cooperative Bank and gave necessary instructions.
Final Review Meeting of WHO Multi-country Study on Household Food and
Nutrition Security opens
Yangon, 29 May - The opening ceremony of the
Final Review Meeting of WHO Multi-country Study on Household Food and Nutrition Security was held at the Traders Hotel on Sule Pagoda Road here at 8.30 am today with an address by Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein.
Hosting this inter-country meeting is a good example of our collaboration in the global activities of the World Health Organization.
Myanmar National Plan of Action on Food and Nutrition was developed as the follow-up of the international Conference on Nutrition. The plan of action was approved in 1994 by the National Health Committee which is the highest health policy-making body of the country.
Nutrition programmes have always been placed at the top of the priority list of our National Health Plans.
We are proud to say that Myanmar food and nutrition programmes have been gaining success in many areas. They include breast-feeding promotion, control of micronutrient deficiencies, improving food quality and safety, community health care and control of infectious diseases.
Myanmar has long been recognized as a self-sufficient nation in food supply. We are exporting rice and some other food items including peas and beans, and marine products. Since the adoption of market oriented economic policy in 1989, the GDP of the country has been growing significantly. We also enjoy a high literacy rate among men as well as women. Thus, socio-economic situations at the national level are in favour of nutritional well-being of the people. Nutritional status of a community is directly linked to the ability of the people to consume adequate food and their experience with various diseases.
We also understand that food security at the household level, proper care of the vulnerable family members including mothers and children, and
good access to health services and hygienic environment are major underlying factors which enable the people to combat malnutrition and diseases.
The nature and underlying causes of food insecurity at household level may be similar or different from one country to another. I would like to urge all the participants of the meeting to share their knowledge and experience through open and friendly discussions. By making collaborative efforts among countries, we can save time, money and labour and also enjoy the benefits together.
I also hope that this meeting will generate new ideas about effective and sustainable nutrition programmes in accord with the situations changing over time at the global and regional levels.
Then, Acting Resident Representative of WHO Dr Stephen Jost read out the messages sent by WHO
Director-General Dr Gro Harlem Brundtland and South-East Asia Regional Director of WHO Dr Uton Muchtar Rafei and the ceremony ended. The meeting continues till 31 May.
Minister inspects irrigation projects on western bank of Ayeyawady River
Yangon, 29 May - Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt
Tin and party arrived at the worksite of Ma Mya Dam
Construction Project in Hmyinwataung region, Myanaung Township. Deputy Director of Construction-9 of
U Kyaw Mya Hlaing reported on progress of construction of concrete wall, earth work and arrangements being made for construction of conduit pipe in coming rainy season and Director-General U Kyaw San Win on irrigation projects to be implemented on western bank of Ayeyawady River.
After giving instructions, the minister met Chairman of Hinthada District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Win Htein and those in-charge of division, districts and regions and discussed extension of irrigated acres and kinds of crops to be cultivated. Then, the minister inspected progress in construction of the floor of the main dam and tasks being carried out for construction of conduit pipe.
The minister and party proceeded to the Kun Creek (2) Dam Construction Project site near Tatkon Village, Kyangin Township, where they were reported by Director of Construction-2 U Tin Maung Ohn on progress of work and heavy machinery sector.
Afterwards, the minister, the director-general and directors held discussions on the main conduit pipe of the Kun Creek (2) Dam, scale models of spillway project, progress of work, location of irrigation systems in Kyangin and Myanaung townships and construction of dams, diversion weirs under the irrigation projects on western side of Ayeyawady River, and laid down future tasks. The minister then inspected construction sites of the project. On western bank, Nyaunggaing Dam, Taung-mauk Dam and Phyuboat Dam have been constructed and Ma Mya Dam, Ma Mya Diversion Weir, Kanyin Dam and Kun Creek (2) Dam are under construction.
Together with Chairman of Pyay District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Khin Win, the minister inspected storage of water in Nyaunggaing Dam and spillway, conduit pipe and irrigation structures and gave instructions. The minister and party, accompanied by Chairman of Thayet District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Tin Soe, inspected No 10 Sugar Mill (Duyingabo) in Aunglan Township and left necessary instructions.
The minister and party also inspected No 9 Sugar Mill (Yonseik) and the cotton grinding factory of Myanma
Cotton and Sericulture Enterprise in the same Township.
Hydel power projects inspected
Yangon, 29 May - Minister for Electric Power Maj-Gen Tin Htut, accompanied by Director-General U Win Kyaw of the Hydro-electric Power Department and officials, visited Monchaung hydel power project on 26 May.
At the briefing hall, the minister met with Deputy Director of HPD U Thein Tin, Director of the Irrigation Department U Myint Than and officials and heard reports presented by them. The minister then gave instructions on coordination between departments, earlier completion of tasks than scheduled, installation of power lines and construction of power stations and attended to the requirements.
On 27 May, the minister and party inspected the axis of 132 KV power line crossing the Ayeyawady River to be installed from Monchaung hydel power plant to Chauk power station.
Then, the minister arrived at Yenanchaung Industrial Zone, where he heard reports given by district and township authorities, officials and entrepreneurs and gave instructions on efforts to further develop the zone. The minister also inspected the manufacturing of jeeps and factories in the zone and fulfilled the needs. Yesterday, the minister and party went to Paunglaung hydel power project and inspected the tasks being carried out there.
Afterwards, the minister gave instructions after hearing reports made by officials and attended to the
Minister inspects construction of LPG plant
Yangon, 29 May - Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi, accompanied by officials, inspected the construction of Skid Mounted LPG Plant near Nyaungdon natural gas field in Ayeyawady Division yesterday.
Managing Director U Kyaw Shein of Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise reported on the construction of the plant and the minister attended to the needs.
Then, the minister inspected the drilling of test well No 11 in the field and left instructions.
( 6 ) Development Affairs Committees hold preliminary meeting
Yangon, 29 May - Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt delivered an address at the annual preliminary meeting of Development Affairs Department at Pyihtaungsu Hall, Kyaikkasan Grounds in Tamway Township on 27 May morning.
Director-General Col Myo Myint of DAD read out the annual report.
Officials reported on the review on rural road construction in hill regions, the review on supply of safe drinking water in rural areas, the review on establishment of model villages in hill regions, the review on undertakings for development of coastal regions, the review on tasks of turning river water, dam water and lake water into safe drinking water, the review on construction of bridges for rural development, the review on improving the efficiency of staff and the review on bye-laws of Development Affairs Committees.
Then, Deputy Minister U Kyaw Tin gave instructions on engineering work and Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Than Tun on development tasks.
On 28 May, the preliminary meeting continued. The meeting approved the annual report for 2001-2002 financial year. Director-General Col Myo Myint laid down 14 future tasks. The minister then gave the concluding remarks.
Development Affairs Committees have spent K 1,026.67 million for roads and bridges in urban areas and K 1,351.82 million for 215 miles of roads and bridges in rural areas and upgraded the 45 miles and two furlongs of tarred roads, 345 miles and two furlongs of gravel roads, 112 miles and seven furlongs of laterite roads and 868 miles and seven furlongs of earth roads, totalling 2,372 miles and two furlongs.
The committees have spent K 322.19 million for 4,102 water supply projects in 2,735 villages. Water supply projects will be completed before the 10-year plan period.
Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control meets

Yangon, 29 May - The meeting 2/2002 of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control was opened in the hall of the Ministry of Home Affairs this afternoon, with an address by Chairman of the committee Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing.
CCDAC Chairman Minister Col Tin Hlaing explained conditions of the new plan being drawn for prevention against poppy cultivation in accord with the instructions of Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt to render assistance of K 52.5 million to Shan State (North), Shan State (South), Shan State (East), Kayah State and Kachin State based on the field surveys of CCDAC members and forming of task forces for success of the plan and assigning duties to them. He also spoke of the formation of field survey groups in six regions as instructed by Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt at the Special Meeting of the CCDAC on 8 April 2002 and on the trip to Lashio on 3 March 2002, holding of educative talks for opium cultivators according to the new plan and holding of talks on growing poppy-substitute crops suitable to the region.
On distributing seeds of opium-substitute crops, opium cultivators after realizing the goodwill of the State and presented the authorities 2,912 baskets of poppy seeds and 1,419 two-basket bags of dry poppy pods in Shan State (North), Shan State (South) and Kayah State. This contributes to prevention against poppy cultivation on 59,900 acres of land. This news spread to foreign news agencies and plans have been already made to destroy poppy pods seeds and dry poppy in Laukkai and Lashio, he said.
CCDAC Chairman Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing also spoke of the need to set up task forces for separate plans in Myawady, Kawthoung and Tachilek where measures are being taken to establish drug-free zones. The CNN said Myanmar has engaged more in international cooperation, referring to the handing over the seized 12 culprits by the Wa national race leaders to Chinese officials in relation to the seizure of 354.15 kilos of heroin in Guangdong Province in China on 5 April 2002. The minister also said Myanmar has a strong desire to cooperate with any other nations for drug elimination.
Vice-Chairman of the CCDAC Minister Col Thein Nyunt briefed matters on growing of poppy-substitute crops in border regions, assistance being rendered to Shwepyitha and Shwepyiaye rehabilitation centres of the Social Welfare Department and assistance to poppy cultivators whose poppy plantations had been destroyed and cash assistance to the project for treating drug-addicts in Wa south region.
Vice-Chairman of the CCDAC Minister U Win Aung spoke of the need to protect the false accusations levelled against Myanmar concerning drugs.
Central Committee for Drugs.
Then, Minister U Tin Winn briefed on releasing of news on drug elimination tasks. Afterwards, Joint-Secretary of CCDAC Police Col Kham Aung reported on the accomplishments in implementing the minutes of the CCDAC Special Meeting 2/2002 held on 4-4-2002.
Those present made reports on work done and future tasks of respective working groups.
The meeting ended with concluding remarks by the chairman.
Coord meeting of
Ministry of Rail
Transportation concludes
Yangon, 29 May - The first four-monthly work coordination meeting of the Ministry of Rail Transportation continued in the meeting hall of the ministry today. Minister U Pan Aung attended the meeting and made a speech. At the meeting, divisional offials reported on division-wise implementation of tasks. Then, Deputy Minister Thura U Thaung Lwin discussed progress of work.
USDA CEC member attends exercise books and stationery donation ceremony
Yangon, 29 May
- Central Executive Committee Member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association U Aung Thaung attended the School Enrolment Day and donation ceremony of exercise books and stationery held at No 2 Basic Primary School, Pabedan Township here at 3 pm today.
At the ceremony, U Aung Thaung presented 200 dozens of exercise books and 100 ballpens to schoolchildren and 5,000 dozens of exercise books to three primary schools and two middle schools in Pabedan township.
Afterwards, Pabedan Township Education Officer Daw Kyi Nyunt spoke words of
( 7 )
School Enrolment Day observed in Sangyaung
Yangon, 29 May - A ceremony to observe the Sangyoung Township School Enrolment Day was held at the Sabai hall of No 2 Basic Education High School in the township here this morning.
It was attended by member of the Central Leading Committee for School Enrolment Day Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Deputy Minister for Livestock and Fisheries U Aung Thein, Director-General of the No 3 Basic Education Department U Tin Win, Director-General of the Higher Education Department U Saw Lwin, Director-General of Fire Services Department U Myint Tun, Director of No 3 BED (Yangon City) U Ye Lwin Aung, Chairman of Township Leading Committee for School Enrolment Day Chairman of Township Peace and Development Council U San Win, Chairperson of Committee for Yangon Division Women's Affairs (Education) Daw Mya Mya and Daw Myint Si, township education officer U Win Maw, headmasters and headmistress, wellwishers and students.
On the occasion, Brig-Gen Aung Thein delivered an address and U San Win spoke words of thanks. Then, on behalf of the wellwishers, Daw Khin Thein Win, Treasurer of Township Maternal and Child Welfare Association, explained the purpose of the donation. Next, officials accepted the donations and presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers. School uniforms, exercise books and stationery, which were provided by the Township, were given to each of 60 students.
In Sangyoung Township, a total of 1,428 students who are five years old to start going to school have been enrolled, and cash donations pooled by wellwishers reached over K 460,000.
Education assistance provided for schoolchildren of NPE staff
Yangon, 29 May - The News and Periodicals Enterprise under the Ministry of Information held a ceremony to provide cash assistance for the schoolchildren of its staff for the 2002-2003 academic year in the meeting hall of the NPE (Head Office) at No 212 on Theinbyu Road, Botahtaung Township, this afternoon.
It was attended by Managing Director of NPE U Tin Kha, Director (News) U Hla Tun, Director (Admin) U Soe Win, Deputy Director (Admin) U Hsan, chief editors of Myanma News Agency (Internal) and (International) and Dailies and officials.
The managing director presented cash assistance, school uniforms, exercise books, ball-point pens and pencils to the schoolchildren of the staff through the officials of NPE (Head Office), MNA, the Myanma Alin Daily, the Kyemon Daily, the New Light of Myanmar Daily, Bota-htaung Press, Myanma Alin Press, Guardian Press and sub-printing houses.
The education assistance went to 233 primary school students, 214 middle school students and 111 high school students.
( 8
) 10 armed group members
exchange arms for peace
Yangon, 29 May - The State Peace and Development Council upholding Our Three Main National Causes is striving for national reconsolidation to ensure the emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed nation with genuine goodwill and with might and main.
Remnant armed group members, understanding the genuine goodwill and correct endeavours of the government and realizing that their prolonged destructive acts did not benefit the country and the people at all and hindered development of their regions, have been exchanging arms for peace individually or in groups.
During the period from 1 to 30 April, in the region of Coastal Region Command, Privates Saw Kyu Maung and Than Ngwe, and Saw Musalin of No 10 battalion of KNU armed group bringing along two M 14 mines, Pvt Htoo Myint of No 11 battalion together with one M 16, one magazine and five rounds of ammunition, and deputy-section leader Myint Oo of No 203 battalion of ABSDF armed group, in the region of South-East Command, Pvt Kyaw Tu of No 6 brigade of KNU armed group, in the region of Western Command, Sergeant Lun Be, Corporal Ah Toe, Pvt Tun Aung and Hwayt Ho of KDA armed group with one .22, one .22 revolver, six rounds of ammunition, two grenades and one detonator exchanged arms for peace at the respective camps.
Officials of the military camps warmly welcomed those who exchanged arms for peace and fulfilled their requirements. There are still more members of armed groups to exchange arms for peace.
( 9
) Nikon Camera Service Centre opened
Yangon, 29 May - A ceremony to open the Nikon Camera Service Centre was held at W 2, Gyobyu Street, western wing of Aung Stadium, this morning.
Managing Director U Tin Kha of News and Periodicals Enterprise and Managing Director Mr Kozumi of Nikon Singapore Private Ltd formally opened the centre.
Then, the guests visited the centre.
The opening ceremony was held at Sofital Plaza (Yangon). Managing Director U Than Ngwe of Big Camera Ltd and Mr Kozumi extended greetings. Service Centre Manager Daw Khin
Ni Aye explained facts
about the service centre.
International Service Manager Mr Ito of Nikon Singapore Private Ltd gave a speech.
The centre will serve advanced repairs for various kinds of Nikon cameras and the Big Camera Ltd will sell Nikon cameras with one-year warrantee. Anyone may dial Tel: 289396 and 249170 for further information.