1 ) Daw Kyaing Kyaing attends opening of exhibition on
documentary photos of Shwedagon Pagoda and religious buildings
Yangon, 26 May
- A ceremony to open an exhibition on the documentary photos of the Shwedagon Pagoda and religious buildings within the precincts of the pagoda was held at the golden prayer hall on the platform of the pagoda this morning.
Daw Kyaing Kyaing, wife of Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence
Services Senior General Than Shwe, formally unveiled the signboard of the exhibition.
The exhibition is held with the aim of enabling monks and the public to study documentary photos of the development of
the Shwedagon Pagoda and religious buildings at a place.
The ceremony was opened with the three-time recitation of Namo Tassa.
Chairman of the Leading Committee Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung explained the purpose of opening of the exhibition.
Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe and Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin formally opened the exhibition.
Daw Kyaing Kyaing, wife of the Senior General, formally unveiled the
signboard of the exhibition, and sprinkled scented water on the plaque of the exhibition.
The three-time recitation of Buddha Sasanam Ciram Tithatu brought the ceremony to a close.
Then, Daw Kyaing Kyaing, wife of the Senior General, and party viewed the photos.
The exhibition comprises five sections.

On display at the first section are 35 photos of the Shwedagon Pagoda and religious buildings; at the second section, 48 photos of ancient religious buildings on the platform, the upper terrace and the lower terrace of the pagoda and
stup as and statues; at the third section, 50 photos past and present of the religious buildings within the precincts of the pagoda; at the fourth section, 97 photos of religious buildings before and after undergoing renovation; at the fifth section, 99 photos of old Shwehtidaw of the pagoda, the new Shwehtidaw hoisting ceremony and the consecration ceremony.
Also displayed inside and outside the exhibition are 14 rare photos of the Shwedagon Pagoda.
The exhibition will be kept open from 7 am to
7 pm daily.

A ceremony to plant a Bandhara mango tree was held at the designated place
near Shin Ahrahan
Prayer Hall on the platform of the pagoda.
Daw Kyaing Kyaing, wife of the Senior General, and party put nine kinds of gems at the place designated for the planting of the Bandhara mango tree.
Then, Daw Kyaing Kyaing, wife of the Senior General, and party planted the tree and sprinkled scented water on it.
Afterwards, a ceremony to pour water at Maha Bodhi trees on the platform of the Shwedagon Pagoda was held.
Daw Kyaing and Kyaing and party took place at the Maha Bodhi tree on the south-east corner of the pagoda.
They poured water at the foot of the Maha Bodhi tree.
They then poured water at the foot of the Maha Bodhi
tree on the south-west corner of the pagoda. Afterwards, they paid
homage to the pagoda and left there.
Daw Kyaing Kyaing pours water on Maha Bodhi tree at Mindhamma Hill

Yangon, - A ceremony to pour water at the Maha Bodhi tree on Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township where the Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Buddha Image is kept, was held at 11 am today, attended by Daw Kyaing Kyaing, wife of Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe.
First, Daw Kyaing Kyaing, wife of Senior General Than Shwe, and party paid homage to the Image.
Next, Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt handed over a
replica of the image to Ambassador of Sri Lanka Mr Ubhayasekara Mapa.
Then, Ambassador Mr Ubhayasekara Mapa presented K 100,000 to the funds of the Image and spoke words of delight.
Afterwards, Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin spoke words of thanks for presenting a Dakkhina-thakha Bodhi young tree that was the southern branch of the Bodhi tree, under which the Buddha attained enlightenment, to be planted within the precincts of the Image and the sacred relic of the Buddha to be enshrined in the head of the Image.

Then, the ceremony to pour water at the Bodhi tree was held.
Daw Kyaing Kyaing, wife of Senior General Than Shwe, and party took position near the Bodhi tree and poured water at the tree.
After that, the ceremony to plant a Bandhara mango tree was held on the hill. Daw Kyaing Kyaing and party put nine kinds of gems, gold and silver at the place chosen for the tree to be planted. They then planted the tree and sprinkled scented water on the tree.
The ceremony came to a close.
( 2 ) Secretary-1 addresses ceremony to donate over 3,000 tons Massive Jade Dyke to the State
Yangon, 26 May
- A ceremony to donate the Massive Jade Dyke weighing over 3,000 tons discovered by Ruby Dragon Jade & Gems Co Ltd of Pa-O National Peace Group and Jade Dragon (Gems) Co Ltd to the State was held at the Traders Hotel on Sule Pagoda Road this evening, with an address by Secretary-1 of the
State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
First, member of Central Committee of the Pa-O National Peace Group in-charge of special economic affairs U Nay Win Tun reported on extraction process of the Massive Jade Dyke weighing over 3,000 tons.
He said on 22 December 1995, the Ruby Dragon Jade & Gems Co Ltd was established in accordance with the law and gem mining was carried out in line with the rules and regulations set by the State in Mongshu region in Shan State and Phakant region in Kachin State. At present 71 blocks in Mongshu region and 66 blocks at Namhmaw in Phakant region have been allotted for gem mining.

In so doing, although gem mining in Mongshu region has succeeded, there was little success in Phakant region till 1998. Success is achieved only when the present system (tunnelling system) is used, he added. During the first three years, the company was not successful at the plot where the Great Jade was unearthed. With diligence, manpower, finance and machinery, gem mining continued and the world's biggest jade was found.
Gem mining was undertaken by Ruby Dragon Jade and Gems Co Ltd in cooperation with the State.
Altogether 800 viss of uncut gems including ruby mined in Mongshu region and 50,000 viss of uncut jade found in Phakant region, were put on sale at Gem Emporium and they fetched over US $ 11 million. Over US $ six million has already been paid to the State.
As a private enterprise, about 50,000 viss of uncut gems including ruby and 200,000 viss of uncut jade were mined during the period
of seven years and they fetched K 15,200 million and US $ 10 million. Altogether K 617 million for allotment of the plots and K 35 million and US $ one million for gem tax have already been paid to the State.
The interests gained due to the goodwill of the State towards the national organizations and people and efforts carried out under the systematic disciplines of PaO National Race Leader U Aung Kham Hti, have been invested to extend the agriculture tasks, the cement plant, jade finishing services and gold mining tasks in Wuntho Kawlin region.
As regards agriculture sector, altogether 5,106 acres of land in Nanthe plantation in Inle region, Nyaungshwe Township, 5,000 acres in Hsiakkaung region in Hsihseng Township and 500 acres in Tanai region in Kachin State have been reclaimed and put under plants.
Likewise, plans are underway to set up a 600-ton cement plant in Tekyit region, Pinlaung Township, Shan State (South). The jade finishing factory has already established in Mandalay, he added.
The finding of the great jade was reported to national race leader U Aung Kham Hti and he said it should be owned by the State, that it should be donated to the State and that the State, the whole people and the generations to come should own it as an historic gem. As the State accepted the donation, national race leader U Aung Kham Hti and the national people delightfully donated it to the State, he said.
Chairman of PaO National Peace Group U Aung Kham Hti explained purpose of the donation of massive jade dyke.
He said: Head of State Senior General Than Shwe has guided that as our country is rich in natural resources including land and water resources, the nation will develop when all the citizens work hard with goodwill. Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt also has mentioned that Myanmar is endowed with various kinds of precious stones, Phakant region is well-known for jade mining and it can contribute towards the progress of national economy effectively. Measures will be taken for ensuring economic development as well as education, health and social development of the Phakant region, said the Secretary-1.
U Aung Kham Hti continued to say: since 1988 Myanmar has been practising market oriented economic system. In the years of 1989 and 1990, altogether 17 armed groups have returned to the legal fold and almost all the regions in the country have become peaceful. Myanmar precious gems can now be traded legally.

Accordingly, the national gem traders who are undertaking gem business legally can earn incomes increasingly. Myanmar jade has earned a significant reputation in the world market. The PaO National Peace Group, the Ruby Dragon Jade and Gems Co Ltd and the Jade Dragon (Jewellery) Co Ltd have been doing gem mining business in 66 allotted plots. In so doing, the mining works have been carried out in plot No 109 since 5-5-2000. At that plot, the massive jade dyke weighing over 3,000 tons was discovered. Our groups firmly believe that the world's largest jade was found in our country due to the goodwill and immense cetana of State Leaders. It is to be attributed to the correct economic objectives of the State and the achievement of national reconsolidation.
The finding of this massive jade dyke is not merely a victory of PaO National Peace Group so also a victory of 135 national races or over 50 million people of Myanmar. We have traditionally believed that donation of a precious stone brings good luck and wealth to the donor as well as to the receiver. We assumed that it is better to hand over the world's interested massive jade dyke to the State than keeping in our possession. We have now unanimously decided to donate this massive jade dyke to the State which has already possessed the world's largest ruby, the world's largest sapphire, the world's largest peridot and the world's largest pearl.
Next, PaO National Peace Group Chairman U Aung Kham Hti and PaO National Peace Group CEC member in charge of special economic undertakings U Nay Win Tun handed over the miniature figure of the massive jade dyke and its related documents to Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt. The Secretary-1 presented to them a certificate of honour and a honorary medal. Then, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt spoke words of thanks.

The Secretary-1 said that today is a very auspicious day, and everybody should be proud of the act of donating to the State the benefits gained through working hard on the allotted plot of the gems land.
It is a very noble act of Ruby Dragon Jade and Gems Co Ltd of PaO Peace Group and Jade Dragon (Gems) Co Ltd to donate an invaluable big block of jade with the attitude that it is more appropriate to keep the big block of jade as a thing owned by the public and the State. They should be regarded as those imbued with nationalistic spirit.
The Union of Myanmar is a nation at which other nations are casting covetous eye, as it is world-famous for its inexhaustible precious gems.
Although the nation is endowed with precious gems, there are some significant events and belief. Myanmar people believe that only when there are those who are loyal to the State, their people and business partners and have strong morals, can gems and jade of high quality be found.
Today the Sasana is flourishing in the Union of Myanmar, and significant gems are also emerging. A big block of marble which has been carved into Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Buddha Image, a big ruby stone which can be termed the biggest in the world, a natural pearl which is the biggest of its kind in the world and a big block of jade weighing over 3,000 tons which has been donated today have emerged. These are Myanma gems which every Myanmar should be proud of.
The donation of this invaluable jade by Ruby Dragon Jade and Gems of PaO Peace Group and Jade Dragon (Gems) Co Ltd to the State and the people is a very generous deed.
Today the State Peace and Development Council is making all-out efforts for the stability, peace and tranquillity and modernization of the Union of Myanmar.
When the Tatmadaw started to assume the duty of State, it has, with the spirit of national solidarity and Union Spirit, invited all the national organizations which were launching armed opposition against the State; as a result, 17 armed national groups returned to the legal fold.
The Government has made necessary arrangements to promote the unity and friendship, mutual understanding and the spirit of reliance among all the national organizations. The Government has also seen to it that they are able to do business.
Arrangements have been made to enable the national organizations to do business such as gems mining.
As the national organizations have worked hard with the aim of serving the interests of the people and the State, their business has become successful.
The emergence of the big block of jade weighing over 3,000 tons can be attributed to the loyalty of all PaO nationals led by PaO leader U Aung Kham Hti to the State.
The Secretary-1 continued to say that achievements have been made in other business including agriculture and tourism services of Pa-O national peace group.
The government has been making efforts for stability of the State and for peace and national solidarity among national races. It has also been promoting national economic life for national development, he said.
He said the government gave encouragement to the State and national economic enterprises as a policy in order to achieve progress in their enterprises and to be strong in national economic life.
At this time, national peace groups in the regions where peace was restored have participated in the government's endeavours to uplift of national economic life. The success of strong economic enterprise is the basis foundation for perpetuation of the Union and a emergence of a modern developed nation, he said.
He said the successful business of national private entrepreneurs including national groups means to bring about genuine interest of the State. With this concept, the government is giving encouragement to the entrepreneurs for success of the private economic sector, he added.
With the success of the national private economy, the government believed they would repay the government's gratitude in accord with Myanmar customs and they would participate in national development tasks, he said.
He said it is encouraging to note that successful national entrepreneurs have taken part in education, health, social and other religious sectors with added momentum.
Special Region-2 Pa-O peace group has gained progress in strong economic enterprises such as agriculture, gems and tourism. We witnessed the fact that the group participated in education, health, social sectors, development tasks and the tasks of propagation of the Sasana.
After making peace with the government, the Pa-O peace group donated K 700 million for education, health, social sectors and development and religious tasks that would bring about the interest for the nation and the people, he said.
According to the experts, the great jade weighing over 3,000 tons is of high quality and it is very valuable and a rare one.
The Pa-O peace group deservingly mined the great jade and donated the jade to the State and the people generously.
Such donation showed noble attitude of Pa-O nationals. The Secretary-1 thanked Pa-O leaders and nationals.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 wished enjoyment of results for making donations and prosperity of Pa-O leaders and
The Secretary-1 and party hosted dinner in honour of the guests.
Pa-O peace group of Special Region-6, Ruby Dragon Jade and Gems Co Ltd and Jade Dragon (Gems) Co Ltd mined the great jade weighing over 3,000 tons at 40 feet under the ground at Nanthmawphaw block No 109, Nanthmaw Village, Phakant Township, Kachin State with the use of tunnel system. It is 70 feet long, 16 feet wide and 30 feet high dyke.
The dyke was covered by serpentine and this crystal has white green and violet in colour. The dyke consists of jade quality and it is rare and of great
20th donation ceremony held for construction of Thabbyinnyu Stupa in Mayangon
Yangon, 26 May - The 20th donation ceremony for construction of Thabbyinnyu Stupa was held at the construction site of the Stupa in Mayangon Township at 2 pm today.
The ceremony opened with the three-time recitation of Namo Tassa.
Then, Secretary of the Stupa
Construction Work Committee Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Brig-Gen Khin Maung reported on progress of work in construction of the Stupa and Chairman of the Finance Sub-committee Deputy Minister for Rail Transportation Thura U Thaung Lwin on the receiving of cash towards the funds of the Stupa.
Next, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and family donated exercise books to Dhammesaka Nunnery through Presiding Nayaka Nun Daw Dhammesi and exercise books to students of Kyaukyedwin Ward 5 (South) in Mayangon Township through Secretary of Township USDA U Win Kyi.

Afterwards, the Secretary-1, the ministers, the Yangon Mayor and the Deputy Minister for Rail Transportation accepted K 60,549,372 for construction of the Stupa, 1,000 Rupiah and 100 US $
donated by the wellwishers including K 5 million by Yangon City Development Committee, K 5 million by the Ministry of Transport, K 500,000 by the Ministry of Industry-2, K 11,466,261 by U Thein Win-Daw Ni (Shwe Thanlwin Co), K 5 million for the Stupa and K 5 million for the Nunnery by Takkham Co Ltd, K 250,000 by the Ministry of Finance and Revenue, K 350,000 by Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Brig-Gen Khin Maung-Daw Aye Aye Cho and family, K 1,500,000 by Asia World Co Ltd, K 500,000 by Yuzana Co Ltd, K 500,000 by Annawa Holdings Ltd, K 300,000 by Yuzana Fishery, K 500,000 by Asia Wealth Bank Ltd, K 500,000 by U Tin Win-Daw Khin Swe Win (Tin Win Tun Co Family/Monywa), K 300,000 by Jade Dragon and Ruby Dragon Gems Joint-Venture Co and K 11 million by construction entrepreneurs.
Then, the Secretary-1 gave instructions on construction of the Stupa.
Next, the ceremony ended with the three-time recitation of Buddha Sasanam ‚iram Titthatu.
After the ceremony, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe donated exercise books to the students from Kyaukye-dwin Ward 5 (South) in Mayangon Township.
( 3 ) Ministry of Religious Affairs holds Bo tree water-pouring ceremony
Yangon, 26 May - The Ministry of Religious Affairs held the 10th water-pouring ceremony at the Bo tree within the precincts of Pitakat Taik on Kaba Aye Hill today.
Present were Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin and wife, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko and wife, Adviser U Arnt Maung to the State Peace and Development Council, officials and staff.
Then, Director U Nyunt Maung of the Religious Affairs Department read out
the paper on the Day of Buddha Fullmoon Day of Kason. Staff Officer U Aung Htwe read out the Gatha on pouring water at the Bo tree.
Next, the minister and wife, the deputy minister and wife, officials and staff watered the Bo tree. Afterwards, religious organizations and women wut associations recited Gathas and religious verses. Later, the ceremony ended with the three-time recitation of Buddha Sasanam ‚iram Titthatu.
( 4
) Bo tree water-pouring ceremonies held on Fullmoon Day of Kason
Yangon, 26 May - Today is the Fullmoon Day of Kason. The significant day is called the Buaddha Day. Buddhist Myanmar nationals today poured water at Bo trees which are Pariboga Zedi.
This morning, a Bo tree water-pouring ceremony was held on the south-east corner on the platform of the Shwedagon Pagoda.
Ovada-cariya Sayadaws of the pagoda consecrated the Bo Tree.
Next, members of the Pagoda Board of Trustees, religious organizations and the congregation offered provisions to the Sayadaws.
Afterwards, the Sayadaws and the congregation poured water at the Bo Tree. The pagoda was crowded with devotees offering flowers, water, lights and incense sticks to the pagoda. The devotees poured water at the Bo Tree the whole day.
Likewise, the Kason water-pouring ceremony was held at Botahtaung Pagoda this morning.Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe and wife Daw Khin Thet Htay attended the ceremony.
Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe and wife Daw Khin Thet Htay, No 4 Military Region Commander Brig-Gen Myo Myint and party led by the Sayadaws went round the pagoda clockwise. Then, the commander and wife and party poured water at the Bo tree.
Similarly, a Bo tree water-pouring ceremony was held at Sule Pagoda at 9 am today. Present were members of the Sangha, No 4 Military Region Commander Brig-Gen Myo Myint and wife Dr Daw Thi Thi Aye, the pagoda board of trustees and members of religious organizations.
After pouring water at the Bo ree, the congregation took the Five Precepts from the Sayadaw of Theindawgyi Pariyatti Sarthintaik. Then, members of the Sangha recited Metta Sutta. Next, provisions were offered to the Sayadaws, followed by the sharing of merits.
At Kaba Aye Pagoda, a water-pouring ceremony was held. Pagoda Trustee U Tin Oo explained the purpose of pouring water at the Bo tree. Then, the congregation participated in the Bo tree water-pouring ceremony.
The 16th Kason water pouring ceremony at the Bo tree was held at Maha Wizaya Pagoda this morning.
Members of the Sangha, pagoda trustees and the devotees poured water at the Bo tree. Similar ceremonies were held at Buddha Tooth Relic Pagoda (Yangon) on Dhammapala Hill in Mayangon Township and Kyaikkasan
Pagoda this morning. Members of the pagoda board of trustees and the
people participated in the Bo tree water-pouring ceremonies.
( 5 ) Bago Division Peace and Development Council meets
Yangon, 26 May - A work coordination meeting of Bago Division Peace and Development Council was held at Thiri Oktha Hall in Bago yesterday.
Present were Bago Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Southern Command Commander Brig-Gen Aung Min and members, Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council (West Branch) Col Soe Nwe, departmental officials and guests.
Marine courses for new generation youth conclude in Mawlamyine
Yangon, 26 May - The concluding ceremony of basic marine course 1/2002 and advanced marine course 1/2002 for new generation youth (Mawlamyine Camp), jointly conducted by the Union Solidarity and Development Association (Central) and the Commander-in-Chief (Navy)'s office, was held at Yamanya hall of Mon State Peace and Development Council in Mawlamyine on 24 May morning.
It was attended by Patron of Mon State USDA Commander of South-East Command Brig-Gen Thura Myint Aung, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Myo Hla and officers, Captain Cho Than Maung (Navy) of Maw-rawady Naval Region Command Headquarters, Secretary of Mon State Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Aung Maw Maw and departmental officials, members of Mon State USDA and Women's Affairs Committee, guests and trainees.
The commander and Captain Cho Than Maung (Navy) made speeches at the ceremony.
Then, the commander and officials presented prizes to outstanding trainees and the ceremony came to an end.
Altogether 70 trainees attended the courses.
Marine courses for new generation youth conclude in Myeik
Yangon, 26 May - The concluding ceremony of basic and advanced marine courses 1/2002 for new generation youth, jointly conducted by the Union Solidarity and Development Association (Central) and the Commander-in-Chief (Navy)'s office, was held at Pale Yadana hall in Myeik on 24 May morning.
Thew conlcuding ceremony was attended by Chairman of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Coastal Region Command Brig-Gen Tha Aye, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Tin Latt and senior military officers, division/district/township level departmental officials, members of Myeik District and Township Union Solidarity and Development Associations, course instructors, trainees and guests.
The commander made a speech at the ceremony and presented prizes to outstanding trainees.
Fifty trainees and 20 trainees attended the five-week basic and advanced courses respectively.
( 6 ) USDA management multiplier course concludes
Yangon, 26 May - Central Executive Committee Member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Brig-Gen Thein Zaw attended the concluding ceremony of USDA
executives' management multiplier course No 24 and the ceremony to submit USDA membership applications at Thin-gangyun Township USDA office this morning.
It was also attended by secretaries and executives of division/district/township USDAs, departmental officials and officials of social organizations.
Brig-Gen Thein Zaw presented prizes to the outstanding trainees and accepted 981 USDA membership applications on the occasion. He then accepted donations and presented the completion certificates to 85 trainees. Afterwards, Brig-Gen Thein Zaw went to the Dawbon Township USDA Office and met with the township USDA executives.
( 7 )
Marine courses for new generation youth conclude in Mandalay
Yangon, 26 May - The concluding ceremony of basic and advanced marine courses for new generation youth, jointly conducted by the Union Solidarity and Development Association (Central) and the Commander-in-Chief (Navy)'s office, was held at the meeting hall of Mandalay Division Union Solidarity and Development Association Office on 24 May morning.
It was attended by Deputy Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Nay Win, Commander of Naval Training Command Headquarters Captain Myint Thein, Command Staff Colonel Col Bo Ni, Secretary of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Col Tin Ohn and members, departmental officials, Mandalay Division USDA executives and members, course instructors, trainees and guests. Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Nay Win and Captain Myint Thein (Navy) made speeches at the ceremony and the deputy commander presented prizes to outstanding trainees. Then, Captain Myint Thein (Navy) presented completion certificates to the trainees and the ceremony came to a close.
( 8
Myanmar and
Shanghai tie 1-1
Yangon, 26 May - The Hanoi International Women's Invitational Soccer Tourney continued at 5.:45 pm local time in Hanoi, Vietnam, today.
Selected Myanmar Women's team and selected Shanghai team played 1-1 draw. In the second half, Mai Nilar Htwe scored the only goal at the 30th minute. The Myanmar team will play against selected Vietnamese team on 28 May evening.
( 9
) Stumilant tablets, pistol seized
Yangon, 26 May - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit, Tachilek Special Anti-drug Squad and the local police force, acting on information, searched the house of Ahti (a) Zaw Naing Oo at 1/68 in Sansai (B) Ward, Tachilek, on 10 May and seized 40,000 stimulant tablets, one 9 mm pistol, its two cartridges and ten bullets under the seat of a motor cycle. Action is being taken against Ahti (a) Zaw Naing Oo, 32, son of U Law Aye according to law by Tachilek Police Station.
Marijuana trafficker sentenced
Yangon, 26 May - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit, and local Police Force, acting on information, searched the house of Lu Aye at 2069 on Kanthaya 4th Street, Region 3 in Pathein on 27 November 2001 and seized 72.68 gm of marijuana.
Action was taken against Lu Aye, 48, son of U Kyaw Yin under section 15/19 (A)/20 (A) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Athegyi Police Station. Pathein District Court handed down 15
years' imprisonment under section 19 (A) on Lu Aye on 30 April this