1 ) State Peace and Development
Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to
YANGON, 26 May -Senior General Than Shwe,
Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of
Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr
Eduard Shevardnadze, President of the Republic of Georgia, on the
occasion of the Independence Day of the Republic of Georgia, which
falls on 26 May 2002.
( 2 )
Secretary-1 attends cash-donation ceremony for all-round
construction of Lawka Chantha Abhaya Muni Buddha Image

YANGON, 25 May -The 14th ceremony to present cash
donations for all-round construction of the Lawka Chantha
Abhaya Labha Muni Buddha Image on
Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township was
the Gandhakuti Kyaungdawgyi of the image at 8 am today, at- tended
by Secretary- 1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen
Khin Nyunt.
The ceremony was opened with the three-time
recitation of Namo Talla. .Then, U Chaung- Daw Shwe Zin and family
of Winpba Street in Bahan presented K 15,559,999 for the all-round
construction work; U Aung Zaw Win- Daw Moe Moe Aung and family of
the Star Light Co on University A venue, Bahan Township, K 2.49
million; U Pwint Gaung - Daw Khin Nwe Yee and family, K 1.5 million;
the Scansia Myanmar Ltd, and well-wishers of Thudawzin Sannan
of the Mindhamma Hill, K 1 million each; U NyanMyint Soeand family,
K 900,000; Writer Daw Saw Mon Nyin, K 400,000; U Thein Oo-Daw Khin
Khin Sein (Thitsar Pankhin Co), K 5 million; U Min Min Aung- Daw Soe'
Soe Kan Kyi and family of Shwe Zalat Street in Kamayut Township, and
children and grandchildren of late U Tun San Phyu-DawTin May,
K 380,000 each: No 1 Basic Education Department and its
branches in, states and divisions, K 300,000; U Aung Kyaw- Daw Kyi
Kyi Tun and fam- ily of U Wisara Street K 200,000; sales of the pic-
tures of the image, K 200,000; U Hla Myint Maunl.Daw Su Su Ti and
tamily of University Avenue in ,Bahan, K 200,000; Daw Than May and
family of Sangyoung, K 110,000; U Taw Taw.Daw Htay Htay and family
of Mandalay, U San Tun. Dr Aye Aye Nu and family, U Myo Thiha of
Nantthagon in Insein, U Zaw Min- Daw Yee Yee Thant and family of
Thingangyun, Ko Kyaw Lwin-Ma Sanda Aung and family of pyay Road in Mayangon Township, and Lt-Col Thant Zin (Retd)-Daw Hta Hta Soe of Ma Po Street in Sangyoung Township K 100,000 each; U Ba Ni and U Kyaw Myint of Myanma Thabawa International Co K 111,111; Capt Thein Han (Retd)-Daw Hta Yee and family K 100,000; and public 1,637 US$ and FECs and K 32,300,214 to the Secretary-1, the commander and Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin.

Afterwards, Chairman of the Fund Raising Committee Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa reported on conditions in receiving cash donations for the all-round construction.

The Secretary-1 said a huge marble stone emerged from Sakyintaung in Mandalay Division and people can now pay respects to the highest and the largest Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image. The image has emerged for the interests of the people, he said.

Many marble stones emerged from Sakyintaung and they were carved as Buddha images in Innwa, Amarapura, Sagaing and Mandalay.
The stone which was carved as Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image was bigger than any other stones found in Sakyintaung.
Construction of Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image and all-round construction were undertaken by Myanmar sculptors without any difficulty.
Arrangements are to be made for all-round construction of the image. The well-wishers would enjoy the results of making donations to the image, he said.
The Secretary-1 wished the well-wishers' prosperity.
The Secretary-1 and party inspected all-round construction of Mindhamma Hill.
Over 2,000 US dollars and FECs and over K 800 million have been received up to
attends cornerstone-laying ceremony for construction of MICTDC-Production
25 May -A cornerstone-laying ceremony for construction of a
production block or Myanma Information and Communication Technology
Development Corporation Ltd was held in the compound of MICT Park in
Hline Township this morning, attended by Chair- man of Myanmar
Computer Development Council Secrc- tary-1 of the State Peace and
Development Council Lt. Gen Khin Nyunt.
Before the ceremony Chairman of the Committee for
Construction of MICT Park U Aung Zaw Myint and officials reported on
construction of a three-storey software production building (second
phase) at MICT Park. Then, the cornerstone laying ceremony was held
at the designated place, The ceremony was opened with the three time
recitation of Namo Tassa. Adviser of Calender Board U Kyaw read out
the stone plaque of MICTDC. Production Block. Afterwards, the
Secretary-l placed a casket containing nine gems at the designated
place. Next, the Secretary-l , the commander and the ministers laid
bricks at the designated places.

Then, the Secretary-l laid the stone plaque at
the designated place. The Secretary-l I the commander and the
ministers sprinkled scented water on the bricks, the stone plaque
and the casket. The recitation of Buddha Sasanam Ciram Titthatu
brought the ceremony to a close.

The Secretary-l per- formed the rituals of silver
and golden showers to mark the successful completion of the
ceremony. MICTDC-Production Block will be built by Myanmar
architects without the assistance of fareiln technicians. The
Secretary-1 and party went to Bagan Cybertech IDC and Teleport and
inspected production process of Smart Card. The Secretury-1 left
instruction there.
Secretary-1 attends ceremony to donate
stationery to monastic education schools
YANGON, 25 May-Ceremonies to donate exercise
books and pencils to No 24 Basic Education Primary School in lnsein
Township and monastic education schools in Yangon North District was
held at the No 24 BEPS and No I BEHS in lnsein Township this morning
attended by Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of
the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
First, a ceremony to donate exercise books and
pencils to No 24 BEPS was held at the school at 11.15 am today.
Minister for Education U Than Aung spoke on the occasion. Then, the
secretary-1 presented 1 ,073 dozens of exercise books and 180 dozens
of pencils to schoolchildren of No 24 BEPS. Later, Head- master U
Thein Zaw spoke words of thanks. Then, the ceremony came to a close.
Afterwards, a ceremony to donate exercise books and pencils to
monastic education schools was held at No 1 BEHS in Insein Township
at 11.45 am today.
First, the secretary-l made a speech. He said;
this is the time when the Ministry of Education is striving for
enrolment of the children of school going age at schools. The task
is being implemented allover the country including remote areas and
rural areas in accord with the motto "cooperation with the people
for school enrolment of school going age children". Non-governmental
social associations are also pat1icipating in implementation of the
task for enabling the children of school going uge who are not able
to pursue education to enroll at schools.
As a result of the activity enrolment of the
children of school going age has in- creased year after year. This
year enrolment is 92 per cent. Efforts are being made for cent per
cent enrolment of the children. The monastic education schools' are
also striving for fulfillment of the objective; enrolment of all the
children of school going age. There are I SO monastic education
schools in Yangon Division. The present ceremony was to donate
exercise books and stationery to 42 monastic education schools by
associations and well-wishers under arrangement of the State.
Stationery will be donated to monastic education schools in three districts in Yangon Division. Well-wishers are urged to participate in the donation without losing momentum under the leadership of the State.
The Secretary-1 said with the active participation of the people, achievements have been made in education promotion programmes and uplift of national education tasks being implemented with the objectives of uplift of education to international level, all-round development, narrowing the education gap between rural and urban regions and equality in education.
Progress has also been made in launching of school enrolment activities for school going age children with the cooperation of the people, he added. Well-wishers donated exercise books and stationery valued at K 3 million. The gifts were presented to the chairman of Myanmar
Education Committee, he said.
He said he believed the donation would be useful for the students to some extent. He spoke of the need to make arrangements for such donation.
He said the government has been implementing programme for uplift of national education and every citizen has to receive basic education. Efforts are being made for emergence of human resource development that will contribute to building a peaceful modern developed nation with the help of the advancing science and technology. Basic education schools play an important role in human resource development, he added.
He spoke of the need for the students to try to become intellectuals and intelligentsia.
He also urged the teachers to nurture their pupils to become brilliant ones.
The Secretary-1, Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe and the ministers presented 3,861 dozens of exercise books and 750 dozens of pencils for 7,721 schoolchildren including 22 novices from 42 monastic education schools in Yangon North District to delegates of the schools.
On behalf of the monastic education schools, U Kyi, a member of monastic education school supervisory committee of WaU Pariyatti Sarthintaik in Phawtkan Ward, Insein Township thanked the donors.
The Secretary-1 and party presented offertories to member Sayadaws of monastic education schools supervisory
1'176 dozen exercise books donated to trainee
monks, nuns of Summer Yamaik and Special Course
YANGON, 25 May -A ceremony to donate exercise
books to trainee monks and nuns who are attending the 12th Summer
Yamaik and Pathan Special Course was held at two-storey Aharadayi of
Ywama Pariyatti Sarthintaik in lnsein Township at 10 am today,
attended by Secretary-l of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt- Gen Khin Nyunt.

First. the ceremony was opened with the
three-time recitation of Namo Tassa. Then, the Secretary-l and party
and the congregation took the Five Precepts from Administrator
Sayadaw of the Sarthintaik Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Tiloka-
bhivamsa. The Sayadaws recited Parittas. Next, the Secretary-l and
party offered provisions to the Sayadaws. Afterwards, the
Administrator Sayadaw delivered a sermon and the Secretary-l and
party shared merits gained. The ceremony ended with the three-time
recitation of Buddha Sasanam C;iram Titthatu.
After the ceremony, the Secretary.1 and party
offered 1,176 dozen exercise books to trainee monks and nuns who are
attending the 12th Summer Yamaik and Pathan Special Course. A total
of 1 ,009 trainee i monks, 142 trainee nuns and five lay persons are
attending the course which will last 36 days, from 24 April to 26
( 3 ) Bayintnaung Golf Training Course opened
Yangon, 25 May - The ceremony to open Bayintnaung Golf Training Course was held at the pandal of the golf course in Oakkyin, Hline Township, this morning, attended by Minister for A & I Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Brig-Gen Khin Maung, Member of Yangon City Development Committee U Aung Soe, departmental heads and guests.
At the ceremony, member of the golf course supervisory committee U Htay Hlaing Oo reported on construction of the golf course of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation and implementation of tasks for emergence of new generation golfers.
Minister Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin teed off the smoke ball to open the golf course. Then, Minister Brig-Gen Pyi Sone and Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Khin Maung also teed off the balls.
Bayintnaung Golf Training Course is situated between Hline River in Hline Township and Bayintnaung Road. It is open daily from 5 am to 9 pm.
Minister inspects unloading of
machinery in Thilawa Por-Terminal

Yangon, 25 May - Minister for Industry-2 Maj-Gen Saw Lwin inspected unloading of machinery from the vessel at No 4 Jetty of Thilawa Port-Terminal in Thanlyin Township, yesterday evening.
The machinery were imported from the People's Republic of China.
Then, Director-General U Khin Maung of Directorate of Myanma Industrial Planning, Managing Director Col Myo Tint of Myanma Agricultural Machinery Industries and officials reported to the minister on arrival of machinery, unloading tasks and arrangements for sending machinery to respective factories by cars and Z-craft. The minister gave necessary instructions.
A total of 142 containers of machinery weighing 306.8 tons, imported from China, arrived here for third time. The machinery will be sent to new factories in Indagaw Industrial Region, new workshops of No 1 Machine Tools Factory (Nyaungchaydauk) under Myanma Machine Tool & Electrical Industries, No 1 Agricultural Equipment Factory (Hsinde) of Myanma Agricultural Machinery Industries. The containers will be sent to the respective factories by car and Z-craft.
Merit sharing ceremony for Dhammayon of Ministry of Information held
Yangon, 25 May - Under the auspices of Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung and wife Daw Khin Khin Lay and Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein and wife Daw Tin Tin Nwe, the merit sharing ceremony for the Dhammayon, built by staff families of the Ministry of Information and
wellwishers, was held at the Dhammayon near Eastern Stairway of Shwedagon Pagoda at 8.30 am today.
Present were Vice-Chairman of State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Bahan Aungmyebonsan Kyaung Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Pan–inda-bhivamsa and members of the Sangha, Minister at the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office Lt-Gen Min Thein, Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung and wife Daw Khin Khin Lay, Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein and wife Daw Tin Tin Nwe, Deputy Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs U Kyaw Tin, Deputy Minister for Livestock and Fisheries U Aung Thein, advisers to the Ministry of Information, departmental heads and their wives, staff families and guests.
Sayadaw Bhaddanta Panindabhivamsa administered the Five Precepts.
Then, members of the Sangha recited Parittas.
Next, Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung and wife Daw Khin Khin Lay, the ministers, Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein and wife and the deputy ministers donated offertories to the Sayadaws.
Then, Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung supplicated on construction of the Dhammayon.
The Vice-Chairman Sayadaw delivered a sermon and all shared merits gained.
Next, the ceremony came to an end with three-time recitation of Buddha Sasanam ‚iram Titthatu.
After the ceremony, Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung performed the rituals of golden and silver showers to mark the successful completion of the ceremony.
USDA management multiplier course concludes
Yangon, 25 May - The concluding ceremonies of USDA
executives' management multiplier course No 12 and other courses were held at Dagon Myothit (East) Township Union Solidarity and Development Association Office yesterday evening.
USDA Central Executive Committee member Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint addressed and accepted 1200 USDA membership applications and presented prizes to the outstanding trainees on the occasion.
USDA Division Executives U Tha Win and U Tin Hlaing, the chairman of the Township Peace and Development Council and officials also presented prizes to the outstanding ones. Township USDA Secretary U Myint Khaing presented the completion certificates to the trainees and accepted donations. Then, the CEC member cordially greeted the trainees and inspected the training hall of the computer application course.
The management multiplier course No 12 started on 9 May with the 100 trainees and the elementary international spoken English course and the advanced computer application course with the 50 trainees each. In addition, the second national cultural and moral courses, attended by 850 trainees, were opened in 4 wards of Dagon Myothit (East) Township.
( 4
) Commander inspects sanitation work
YANOON, 25 May - Collective sanitation work was
carried out this morning to keep Yangon City clean and hygienic and
to ensure the proper flow of water in the drains during the rainy
season. Members of the Tatmadaw and Myanmar Police Force, employees
of Yangon City Development Committee, members of the Union
Solidarity and Development Association, Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire
.Brigade took part in the activity .
Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development
Council Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe visited the site and attended to
the requirements. On arrival at Pauktaw creek which, was being
c]Ifj~Jjea !n front of the railway station hospital on Hline 'River
Road in Insein Township, Yangon North District, Commander Maj-Gen
Myint Swe was welcomed by Secretary of YCDC Col Myint Aung,
Commander of No I Military Regicm Col Khin .Maung Soe, Secretary of
Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Kyaw Tint and
party and officials. The officials reported on measures taken to
ensure the proper flow of water in I
Pauktaw creek and the flowini .of water into the Hline River-
.The commander gave instructions and attended to the requirements.
.Then, Commander Maj- Gen Myint Swe and party
went to Insein Park on Lanthit Street in Inseip Township where
drains were being unblocked. Head of the Roads and Bridges
Department of YCDC U Bo Htay reported on measures taken to ensure
the proper flow of water in the drains. Then, the commander
inspected the sanitation work and gave instructions.
( 5 ) Marine courses for new generation youth conclude in Sittway
Yangon, 25 May - The concluding ceremony of basic marine course 1/2002 and advanced marine course 1/2002 for new generation youth (Sittway Camp), jointly conducted by Union Solidarity and Development Association (Central) and the Commander-in-Chief (Navy)'s office, was held at the city hall of Rakhine State in Sittway yesterday morning.
It was attended by Vice-Chairman of Rakhine State Peace and Development Council Brig-Gen Phone Swe, Captain Aung Thaw (Navy) and officers of Kyaukpyu station, members of Rakhine State Peace and Development Council, departmental officials, the secretary and executives of Rakhine State USDA, course instructors and trainees. Vice-Chairman Brig-Gen Phone Swe and Captain Aung Thaw (Navy) made speeches at the ceremony and the vice-chairman presented prizes to outstanding trainees.
Then, officials presented completion certificates to the trainees and the ceremony came to an end.
( 6 )
Cash and kind donated to Thingangyun Sanpya Hospital
Yangon, 25 May - A ceremony to donate cash to the Renal Foundation for the second time was held in conjunction with the donation of cash and medical equipment to Thingangyun Sanpya Hospital at Asia Royal Hospital on Baho Road in Sangyoung Township this morning.
Present were wellwishers led by Vice-Chairman of Asia Wealth Bank U Aik Tun, officials of the renal foundation, specialists and guests.
First, U Aik Tun explained the purpose of the donations. Chairman of the renal foundation work committee Director-General of Medical Research Department (Lower Myanmar) under the Ministry of Health Professor Dr Paing Soe spoke words of thanks.
Then, Professor Dr Paing Soe accepted a total of K 10 million for the four patients who will undergo kidney transplant
operation K 5.3 million by the vice-chairman of AWB Ltd, K 100,000 each by Managing Director of Asia Royal Co Ltd Dr Myat Thu and Dr Zaw Tun of Shwegondaing Special Clinic, K 500,000 by Mikko Co Ltd, K 300,000 by Hsaunghayhman Co, K 200,000 each by Royal Special Clinic, Diamond Star Co Ltd, Benhur Co Ltd, Peace Myanmar Electric Co Ltd, Min Ayar Co Ltd and Myo Thant Aung Trading, K 100,000 each by Aung Myat Thu Co Ltd, Tokyo Pipe Co, Newest Garment Co Ltd, Min Htet Tha lottery shop, Soe Moe Kyaw and Waing Waing Le lottery shop, Western Park Restaurant and Aung Thiha Co Ltd.
Next, Specialist Professor Dr S Kyaw Hla and Medical Superintendent of Thingangyun Sanpya Hospital Dr M Jarnaw accepted an ECG worth K million and K 1.5 million donated by Vice-Chairman U Aik Tun and K worth 300,000 disposal syringes by Myanmar Jick Young Co Ltd for the hospital. Then, on behalf of the kidney transplant patients, Daw Hnin Hnin Mya and Dr Kyaw Kyaw Htay who took kidney transplant operation by first donations, spoke words of thanks.
This donation is the second time.
In the previous time, wellwishers led by AWB Ltd donated K 2 million each to four kidney transplant patients. AWB Ltd also donated a building worth K 120 million in Mongkai Hospital and a building worth K 60 million in Pakokku People's Hospital.
( 7 )
KNU terrorist insurgents attempting to sow misunderstanding between
Myanmar and Thailand
YANGON, 25 May -A group of KNU insurgents from
the other side of the Thaungyin River inside the Thai territory
fired at DKBA camp near Kokko village, Myawady Township, at the
Myanmar- Thai border for about 30 minutes at 10 pm on 24 May.
Similarly, at 1.50 am on 25 May, a group of KNU
insurgents fired from the other bank of the Thaungyln' River at the
place near Medawthalay village in Myawady Township for about is
minutes, and one civilian Was killed. At that time, reports of
fire were heard from two or three places opposite Myawady Township
inside the territory of Thailand.
According to the news report broadcast by Thai
television station ITV on 24 May, a group of troops which were not
identified attacked a unit of No 13 Division of the Thai army
stationed at Mawke Ward, Wawlay village-tract, Phoakpha Township,
Thailand, for about is minutes: after the clash, it was
reported that one hat with the KNU badge and some bullet shells were
KNU insurgents, who are based at the Myanmar- Thai
border inside the Thai territory cross into the Myanmar territory attack
villages and cause disturbances along Myawady- Kawkareik motor road and
plant mines on it.
In addition, KNU terrorist insurgents are, as, usual,
found to be creating problems at the border which can cause
misunderstanding "between Myanmar and Thailand. In view of these
incidents, KNU terrorist insurgents are attempting to cause a misleading
Impression that the Myanma Tatmadaw and DKBA entered into the Thai
territory and launched attacks. In order to prevent misunderstanding
between the two nations, Thailand will be in fonned of the matter
through the border committee concerned.
( 8
) Deputy Commander attends conclusion of marine courses
Yangon, 25 May - The concluding ceremony of basic and advanced marine courses 1/2002 for new generation youth (Pathein Camp), jointly conducted by Union Solidarity and Development Association (Central) and the Commander-in-Chief (Navy)'s office, was held at Ayeyashwewa hall in Pathein yesterday morning.
It was attended by Deputy Commander of South-West Command Brig-Gen Tint Swe, Captain Aye Pe (Navy) and officers of Pathein station, Secretary of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Sein Maung and departmental officials, secretaries and executives of division/district/township level USDAs and trainees.
Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Tint Swe and Captain Aye Pe (Navy) made speeches at the ceremony and the deputy commander and officials presented prizes to outstanding trainees.
Then, Executive U Aung Tin Myint of Ayeyawady Division USDA presented completion certificates to the trainees and the ceremony came to a close.
Basic aviation courses conclude
Yangon, 25 May - The Basic Aviation Course No 1/2002 (Myitkyina Camp) for new generation youth concluded at the city hall in Myitkyina on 24 May morning. Present were Northern Command Deputy Commander Brig-Gen San Tun, Myitkyina Air Force Base Commander Brig-Gen Bo Kyi, military officers, departmental officials, USDA members and trainees.
Similarly, Basic Aviation Course No 1/2002 (Toungoo Camp) for new generation youth concluded at Kaytu Yadana Mingala Hall in Toungoo on 24 May morning.
Southern Command Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Thura Maung Ni and Brig-Gen Myint Thein of Toungoo Station gave speeches. Then, prizes and certificates were presented to the trainees.
Likewise, the closing ceremony of the Basic Aviation Course No 1/2002 (Namhsan Camp) for new generation youth was held at Namhsan Station Hall on 24 May. Brig-Gen Kyaw Aung of Namhsan Station made a speech and presented prizes and certificates to trainees.
At Meiktila Camp, the closing ceremony of the Basic Aviation Course No 1/2002 for new generation youth was held at Kandaw Mingala Hall in Meiktila on 24 May morning.
No 99 LID Commander Col Aung Khin Soe, Commander of Ground Training Base Col Thura Khin Maung Win and Mandalay Division USDA Executive U Soe Aung gave speeches.
Then, officials presented outstanding prizes and certificates to the trainees.
( 9
) Chemical liquid seized in Muse
YANGON, 25 May - A combined team made up of
members of the local battalion, the local intelligence unit and the
Anti-Drug Squad. acting on information, combed the areas to the east
of Monghsat Village in Muse Township( Map reference - 0-795688) at
1.15 am on 8 May this year and seized 40
plastic containers with 909.2 litres of
acetic anhydride and 30 plastic containers with 709.176 litres of
ether. In connection with chemicals used in producing drugs, the
police station concerned is taking action under the Narcotic Drugs
and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Raw opium seized in Taunggyi
YANGON, 25 May -A combined team comprising
members of the local intelligence unit, Taunggyi Special Anti-drug
Squad and the lo- cal police force, acting on information, searched
the house of Aung Naing Lauk Chan at 39/C in Aung Thukha region,
Wunkan Ward, in Taunggyi on 7 May evening and seized 3.3476 kilos of
raw opium.
Action is being taken against Aung Naing Lauk
Chan, 33, son of U Kyaing San under section 15/19 (A) of the
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Lwehsaunghtauk
Police Station.
Stimulant tablets seized in Kyauktada
YANGON, 2S May -A combined team comprising
members of the local intelligence units and Yangon Special Anti-Drug
Squad, acting on information, searched Ma Su Su (a) Su Thet Hnin and
Ma Htet Htet Aung in Global Restaurant on Pansodan Street in
Kyauktada Township on 5 October 2001. The authorities seized five
stimulant tablets from them.