1 ) K 4 million for construction of ordination
23 May - Sayadaw of Golden Pagoda Buddhist Temple of Singapore Maha
Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Yen Shi Fazho and disciples donated K 4
million to the fund for construction of an ordination hall in the
compound of Hsinbyushin Kyaungtaik in Bagan at the Ministry of
culture this evening.
Minister for Culture U Tin Winn accepted the
donation and presented a certificate of honour to the well-wishers.

Sayadaw Yen Shi Fazho and disciples from
Singapore donated a total of K 38.8 million to the fund for the
restoration of ancient pagodas in Bagan.
Myanmar delegation arrives back from Malaysia

YANGON, 23 May - A Myanmar delegation led by
Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, after attending the
special meeting of ASEAN ministers on fighting against terrorism
held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, arrived back here by air this
The delegation was welcomed back at the Yangon
International Airport by Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin,
Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung,
Ambassador of Malaysia. Mr Dato' Cheah Sam Kip, departmental heads,
and their families. Delegation members Police Chief of Staff Police
Brig-Gen Tin Win of MPF and Director Police Col Sit Aye of Central
Committee for Drug Abuse Control and Drug Elimination Department
also arrived1 back here on the same flight.
( 2 )
Pyinnya Alin modern library opened in Ayadaw

YANGON; 23 May - The opening ceremony of Pyinnya
Alin modern library , Pyokhintha self-reliant library and, the rural
region hall in Phaletha Village, Ayadaw Township, was held in
conjunction with submitting membership applications of Maternal and
Child Welfare Association in the village on 15 May morning.

Present were Chairman of Sagaing Division Peace
and Development Council Commander of North-West Command Brig-Gen Soe
Naing and wife Daw Tin Tin Lat, Secretary Lt-Col Ye Htut,
departmental officials, members of the Union Solidarity and
Development Association, Township /Nillage Maternal and Child
Welfare Associations and local people. The commander formally opened
the libraries and the hall.

The commander made a speech and presented books
to the libraries. Afterwards, the chairman of Phaletha Village MCW A
presented 1,000 membership applications to Daw Tin Tin Lat. The
commander and wife presented cash do- nations to the village MCWA.
The commander then met with members of the
village USDA and presented cash donations to the association.
( 3 ) Youth educational and training camp opened

Yangon, 23 May - Under the leadership of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association (Central), the youth educational and training camp (4/2002) organized by Yangon Division Maternal and
Child Welfare Association Supervisory Committee was opened at a ceremony at No 1 Basic Education High School, Dagon Township this morning.
It was attended by Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe.
First, Daw Khin Thet Htay made an opening address. She then presented commemorative gifts to Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe and Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe. A total of 41 trainees of four districts in Yangon Division are attending the training camp which will end on 28 May.
( 4
) Myanmar closes border gates due to Thai army's creation of problems
Yangon, 23 May - At a time when Myanmar is promoting Myanmar-Thai friendship, the Thai army is acting to the detriment of it; therefore, Myanmar has closed Myanmar-Thai border gates at Tachilek, Myawady, Phayathonzu and Kawthoung as of 22 May 2002, it is learnt.
SURA opium-trafficking insurgents in cooperation with the Thai army attacked the Tatmadaw outposts at Panmongsun, Nyaungbingon, Pang-antgaw and Yanpaingsun inside Myanmar territory at the Myanmar-Thai border on 20 May 2002. The Thai army camps opposite Pangantgaw and Nyaungbingon outposts provided heavy weapons supporting fire. As the Thai army is breeding and supporting SURA opium-trafficking insurgents inside their country and deliberately creating problems at the border, the Myanmar-Thai border gates from Myanmar side have been closed as of 22 May 2002.
( 5 ) YCDC staff collectively grow trees
Yangon, 23 May - The staff of Yangon City Development Committee collectively grew trees at a ceremony held at Maso Agriculture and Livestock Breeding Resort at the junction of No 2 and No 7 Highways in Dagon Myothit (South) township this morning.

It was attended by Chairman of YCDC Yangon Mayor U Kolay, Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa, Secretary Col Myint Aung, members of YCDC U Aung Soe and Col Tin Soe, heads of departments under YCDC and employees.
At the ceremony, 500 employees of departments under YCDC grew shade trees, flowering plants and fruit trees totalling 4200 in front of the resort on either side of No 2 and No 7 Highways.
The mayor and officials inspected fish breeding ponds, the planting of coconut trees around the bunds of the ponds and the proposed place for construction of a golf training range at the resort and fulfilled the requirements for greening of the resort and for the convenience of holiday makers who come to the resort to enjoy recreation
Myanmar Gazette
Yangon, 23 May - The State Peace and Development Council has confirmed the appointment of Director-General Lt-Col Kyaw Zaw
of the National Archives Department of the Ministry of National
Planning and Economic Development on expiry of the one-year
probation period.
Cash donated
for MWJA Conference
YANGON. 23 May - As a gesture of honouring
the 3rd Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association Conference, cash
donations were made by township WJAs and well-Wishers Sarpay Beikman
Building on Merchant Street today.
Present were MWJA Chairman U ma Myaing (Ko Hsaung),
Joint-Secretary U Myint Kywe (Maung Myint Kywe), Joint-Secretary of
the work committee for fund raising U Soe Shein (Maung
11 Soe Htaik- Thonze) and
Donations -K 50,000 worth medicines by U Hla Pe
of Prolife Group, K 10,000 by Chairman Col Tha Win (Rtd) on behalf
of Thingangyun Township WJA, K 20,000 by U Than Win ( Than
Win-Customs), K 30,000 by Chairman U Kyin Win, on behalf of Maubin
Township WJA, and K 10,000 by Chairperson Daw Cho Cho Than (Cho Mya
Nwe), on behalf of Ahlon Township WJA - were accepted by U Hla
Myaing (Ko Hsaung), who later presented certificates of honour to
the well-wishers.
( 6 )
Sermon to be delivered on Fullmoon of Kason
YANGON, 23 May - A sermon on "The Full Moon Day
of Kason, the Buddha Day, and Buddhabhiseka Mingala Gatha", will be
delivered by five Sayadaws headed by member of the State Sangha Maha
Nayaka Committee Presiding Sayadaw of Ywa Oo (Sandayon) Sarthintaik,
Tatkon, Mandalay Division, Bhaddanta Candasiri ( Agga Maha Pandita),
from Myanmar Radio and Television programme at 7 am on 26 May, Full
Moon Day of Kason, 1364 ME.
Water-pouring festival at Tooth Relic Pagoda
YANOON, 23 May -
The 4th Bo tree water-pouring ceremony, organized by the board of
trustees of Wayadahta Datusetiya Tooth Relic Pagoda
(Yangon) on Dhammapala Hill, Mayagon Township here, will be held at
the Bo tree, south of the pagoda at 9 am on 26 May, Fullmoon
Day of Kason, 1364 ME. Arrangements
have been made for monks and people to pour water at the Bo tree.
( 7 )
13th Buddhist Culture Course concludes
Yangon, 23 May - A concluding ceremony of the 13th Buddhist Culture Course, which is conducted yearly at Mingaladon Defence Services General Hospital, was held this morning at the Abhayayanthi Dham-mayon of the hospital.
Sayadaw U Sunanda, on behalf of the Shwe-U-min Tawya Sayadaw of North Okkalapa Township, and instructor Sayadaws
attended the ceremony. After opening the ceremony with the three-time recitation of Namo Tassa, the congregation received the Five Precepts from the Sayadaw, who later explained the purpose of the course.
Then, Col Tin Thein Lwin supplicated on the opening of the course.
Next, the commandant and officials gave away prizes to the trainees.
Later, exercise books were donated to the trainees 26 dozen exercise books by Toe Pyi Printing and Binding Industry and 12 dozens by Sgt Kyaw Lwin and wife.
The donations were accepted by the commandant and officials, who then presented certificates of honour to the well-wishers.
Coord Meeting on World No Tobacco Day held
Yangon, 23 May - A coordination meeting on preparatory tasks for observance of the World No Tobacco Day was held at the meeting hall of Aung San Gymnasium this morning.
It was attended by Director-General U Thaung Htaik of the Sports and Physical Education Department and officials, the director-general of the Health Department and officials, responsible personnel from Myanmar Music Asiayon, Yangon Division Police Force, Yangon Division Union Solidarity and Development Association, Myanmar Red Cross Society and Fire Services Department and guests.
Director-General U Thaung Htaik made an opening speech. Director-General of the Health Department Dr Wan Maung discussed matters on observance of the World No Tobacco Day; Project Manager Dr Nyo Nyo Kyaing on the agenda of the ceremony; and departmental officials on respective tasks to be carried out. A general round of discussions followed; the meeting ended with concluding remarks by Director-General U Thaung Htaik.
Journalism course trainees visit
Thanlyin IPRD
Yangon, 23 May - The forty-five trainees of Journalism Course (1/2002) organised by the News and Periodical Enterprise of the Ministry of Information, led by Principal of the course U Kyaw Sunn and accompanied by Assistant Director of the Information and Public Relations Department Thura U Swe Win and course coordinator U Mya Hlaing, visited the Yangon South District Office (Thanlyin) of the IPRD this morning.
They were welcomed there by Staff Officer of the Yangon South District Information and Public Relations Department U Win Kyi and officials.
First, Assistant Director Thura U Swe Win and U Win Kyi explained facts about the knowledge bank library and the mobile library respectively. Then, the officials answered the queries raised by the trainees. On behalf of the trainees, course monitor Ko Lwin Aung
Toe spoke words of thanks. Afterwards, they viewed round the documentary
photos on display and visited the library of the department.
( 8
) Shwe Naing-Ngan Journal comes out
Yangon, 23 May - Shwe Naing-Ngan Journal Volume 1 No 6 published by Education Department of the Headquarters of the Union Solidarity and Development Association came out today.
The Shwe Naing-Ngan Journal carries colour documentary photographs, articles, poems, features and short stories by famous writers. Manuscripts for Shwe Naing-Ngan Journal and Myanmar Gon Yi Magazine published by the Headquarters of USDA may be sent to Chief Editor, Education Department, Union Solidarity and Development Association Headquarters, No 455/457 New University Avenue,
Nursery Market Festival continues
Yangon, 22 May - To provide assistance to growers for their works, the Nursery Market Festival is kept open at Myaypadetha Park in Bahan
Township. As now is the time for rainy crops, people are buying
seeds of vegetables and fruits, and saplings at the festival. An
abundance of pepper nurseries are available for those who want to
grow pepper plants on a commercial scale, and the cultivation
techniques can be studied there. Moreover, chicken-breeding methods
of the Livestock, Feedstuff and Dairy Products Enterprise are on
display, and farm produce on sale.
( 9
) Raw opium and heroin seized in Shan State (North)
Yangon, 23 May - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, acting on information, stopped and searched a van with number plates La/6622 on Namtaung-Monpaw Road in Shan State (North) on 6 May and arrested passengers Bran Aung, son of U Sha Yual of No 25, Myoma Street, Ward-2, Panwa Village, Myitkyina, and Zaw Shin Pauk, son of U Zaw Lin Liu of Yan Jian city, China, together with 2.4 kilos of raw opium concealed on their bodies.
Similarly, a combined team comprising local Tatmadawmen, members of the local intelligence unit and Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on a tip-off, searched the Tekkanine Village in Kutkai Township and arrested three persons together with 0.382 kilo of heroin, 20 kilos of raw opium, K 538,500 which was realized from the sale of drugs, and one gold chain on 6 May.
Action has been taken against them under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Myanmar Police Station concerned.
Illicit drug
possessor jailed
Yangon, 23 May - Loilem District Court passed sentence on an illicit drug trafficker on 12 April this year.
The combined team of the local intelligence unit and Taunggyi Anti-Drug Squad, acting on information, searched the house of Saing Phone in Hsaihylan, Monghsu Township, at 6 pm on 6 January 2002 and seized 38 grams of heroin.
Lwehsaunghtauk Police Station took action against Saing Phone, 29, son of U Aik Pan under section 15/19 (A) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Loilem District Court heard the case and sentenced him to 15 years' imprisonment under section 15 and 15
years' imprisonment under section 19 (A) to serve separately.
Heroin seized in Monywa
Yangon, 23 May - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit, Monywa Special Anti-drug Squad and local police force, acting on information, searched Room No-102 of Butterfly Guest House, where Khaing Lam Kyint was staying, in Yongyi Ward, Monywa, and seized 1.547 kilos of heroin on 3 May.
Monywa No 1 Police Station has filed a law suit against Khaing Lam Kyint, 18, son of U Shan Kyin Yone of region-9, Panglong Ward, Kale, Lauk Pa, 34, son of U Won Kyan of Nansanyoyawng Ward, Mong-hsu, Kam Khant Yoe, 42, son of U Zel Kho Haung of Panglong Ward, Kale, and Don Son Htan, 25, son of U May Kho Hauk,
under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.