1 ) 15,000 Myanmar seamen work on foreign vessels annually earning more than US $ 80m
Secretary-1 addresses opening of Myanmar Overseas Seafarers Association
Yangon, 18 May - The inauguration ceremony of Myanmar Overseas Seafarers Association was held at Sedona Hotel on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road at 9 am today, with an address by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.

First, Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt delivered an address. He said:
Firstly, I firmly believe that with the establishment of the Myanmar Overseas Seafarers Association, Myanmar Seafarers will be able to contribute towards a strong nationalistic manpower; thereby, benefiting both the seafarers and the economic development of the country.
Nowadays, International Maritime Services are playing a vital role in the world trade by transporting merchandize cargo of all kind, oil an gas. In addition, foreign going ships, luxury liners and holiday cruises have become popular thereby enhancing shipping services.
To provide these services, it has become necessary to have skilled and highly competent sailors, officers, and engineers. Therefore, young people who like to venture out into the world become more interested in this trade. Eastern countries are competing with the rest of the world to produce more experts in this field.
From generation to generation, Myanmar seamen have enjoyed working in international maritime service with well-known attributes of competence, sense of responsibilities and discipline.
In Myanmar today, there are approximately 53,000 registered maritime workers, of whom about 15,000 serve on foreign vessels annually earning more than 80 million US dollars each year in salaries and wages. In the Philippines, an ASEAN member country, about 300,000 sailors earn more than 1 billion US dollars a year.
Therefore, Myanmar needs to make endeavours in order to become a maritime nation that ensures the all-round development of maritime workers and that produced greater numbers of capable and competent seafarers, so that Myanmar will be competitive in maritime labour markets, not only in terms of quality but also in terms of quantity.
To this end, the government has upgraded with both the quality and quantity of the production of international level officers and engineers for maritime commerce through the development of human resources competent in maritime activities at the Maritime Institute.
In addition, preparatory work for the establishment of the Myanmar Maritime University has been completed and soon the University will begin offering training, programmes to produce highly qualified human resources such as specialists in maritime commerce, maritime engineers, and shipbuilders.
Moreover, Myanmar Merchant Shipping Acts have been amended to be compatible with the Conventions of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), and the stipulations of the Conventions have been fully observed.
Therefore, Myanmar trained officers and seamen are in great demand, with the result that Myanmar now stands together with the other 95 countries as a white-listed country.
Surely, with opportunities open on all sides, the skills and dignity of Myanmar sailors have been improved. Accordingly, Myanmar sailors must unite to form a strong, nationalistic labour force. As the Myanmar Overseas Seafarers Association protects the rights and privileges of the Myanmar Overseas Seafarers fully; they in turn must contribute to the development of the national economy; never losing sight of the interests of the seafarers and their own country by observing the policy of the government, obeying existing rules and regulations and helping each other with a nationalistic spirit.
Especially, the Myanmar Overseas Seafarers Association represents all the seamen of this country, internationally; to strive for the good of the country; to uplift and protect the dignity of the Myanmar people as a non-governmental organization.
Today, there exist elements that are striving against the interests of the state and the people for their own private gain. They even make use of expatriate Myanmar in their anti-Myanmar activities.
The seafarers must be aware of these detrimental activities; must see the true picture and discharge their duties with loyalty and responsibility.
All seafarers serving under this association must unite with one
accord, and refrain by their words and actions from harming the State and the people. They should strive to uplift the dignity and sovereignty of their country.
In addition, Myanmar seafarers must promote their fame and expertise; fulfilling their duties; observing law and order and working diligently.
In conclusion, I would like to urge all seafarers serving under the Myanmar Overseas Seafarers Association banner to join together for the development of the motherland; keeping abreast with the nations of the world for the sustained development of the national economy; increasing the foreign exchange earnings of the nation; and uplifting the standard of living of the people.
The Myanmar Overseas Seafarers Association, on its part, must strive for the betterment of the country and safeguard the interests of the seafarers.
May this association become strong, unified and long-lasting.
Then, Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe presented the souvenir in commemoration of the opening ceremony to the Secretary-1.
At 10 am, the meeting of the
Myanmar Overseas Seafarers Association was held.
Director-General U Soe Win of Directorate of Marine Administration gave a speech.
Those present elected Captain Myint Zaw Min as the chairman of the association, Captain Soe Min Aung as the secretary and 11 executive committee members.
Next, Chairman Captain Myint Zaw Min extended greetings.
Afterwards, members of the association took part in the general round discussions and the meeting came to an end in the morning.
Secretary-1 inspects construction of buildings for human resources development
Yangon, 18 May - Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, the Ministry of Education in Htantabin township.
At the briefing hall, Minister for Education U Than Aung, the deputy ministers, departmental heads and officials reported to the Secretary on progress of construction work, collection of teaching aids, plans for academic matters and regional development endeavours such as upgrading of roads, electrical work, measures for availability of drinking water and proper drainage system.
The Secretary-1 fulfilled the requirements for future tasks and gave instructions on timely completion of
work. He then inspected the construction work. Later, he inspected measures undertaken for road safety at the junctions of Hlaingthaya-Htantabin and Hlaingthaya-Shwepyitha and left
Secretary-1 and wife offer exercise books, stationery to members of the Sangha and nuns
Yangon, 18 May - Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and family donated 1,350 exercise books and stationery to 1,100 trainee members of the Sangha and 250 trainee nuns attending the fourth summer Dhammacariya course at Aungmyay Bodhi Yeiktha Alodawpyi Kyaungtaik in Tamwaylay Ward, Tamway Township, this afternoon.
The fourth summer Dhammacariya course was conducted by missionary Alodawpyi Sayadaw Maha Ganthavacaka Pandita Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Pariyatti Sasana Hitadhara Bhaddanta Ariyavamsa.
The Secretary-1 and party received the Five Precepts from
Masoeyein Taikthit Pali Lexicographer Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sucittabhivamsa.
Then, the Sayadaws and members of the Sangha recited parittas.
The Secretary-1 and wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe offered alms to the Sayadaw of Masoeyein Taikthit. The Sayadaw of Masoeyein Taikthit delivered a sermon, and the Secretary-1 and party shared merits.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party donated exercise books and stationery to the trainee members of the Sangha and trainee nuns individually. The summer Dhammacariya
course, which will last 45 days, began on 24 April 2002 and will end
on 9 June.
( 2 )
UMEHL gem and jade sales conclude
Yangon , 18 May - The 15th Gems and Jade Sales of the Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Limited continued at Myanma Gems Emporium on Kaba Aye Road here this morning, attended by member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Tin Aye of the Ministry of Defence, Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone and Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint.
Then, the managing director made a speech.
The master of ceremonies explanted the rules and regulations of the bargain system.
Afterwards, the managing director formally opened the sales. The 15th Gems and Jade Sales successfully ended at 7 pm.
A total of K 665.92 million and US $ 1.75 million were realized from the sales of 327 gem lots while 144 jade lots fetched US $ 1.75 million at the 15th Gems and Jade Sales.
Managing Director Brig-Gen Win Hlaing and officials presented gifts to those who bought gems and jade at the highest
( 3 ) Minister inspects roads, bridges in Ayeyawady Division
Yangon, 18 May - Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, accompanied by Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Myint Thein and officials, left here along Yangon-Pathein Highway by car on 16 May afternoon.
The Yangon Division superintending engineer and officials reported on progress of construction work in Yangon Division on Yangon-Pathein Highway and future tasks.
On arrival at Bo Myat Tun Bridge, the minister and party were welcomed by the Ayeyawady Division superintending engineer and engineers of Road Special Group-4 and Group-16.
Then, officials reported on completion of their respective sections and tasks to be done. Next, the minister and party left the bridge and went along Pantanaw-Shwelaung Road. The Maubin District engineer reported on construction of Pantanaw-Shwelaung Road and arrival of gravel.
Next, they arrived at Shwelaung Bridge where they were welcomed by officials. The minister called on engineers to inspect the bridge regularly and gave instructions on tasks to be carried out so that the bridge exists for a long time.
Then, the minister and party inspected Shwelaung-Wakema Road and went to Wakema Bridge. Yesterday evening, the minister and party saw over construction of Wakema-Kyonmange Road. They then arrived at the site for construction of Lanthamaing Bridge on Wakema-Kyonmange Road.
Lanthamaing Bridge will be 220 feet long and its lower structure will be built of reinforced concrete bolte piles and its upper structure of reinforced concrete and steel frames.
The clearance of water under the bridge will be 40 feet wide.
Afterwards, the minister and party went back to Wakema Bridge. The deputy superintending engineer reported on progress of work, tasks to be undertaken and requirements of heavy machinery. The minister asked engineers to control quality of the construction tasks, and gave instructions on supply of heavy machinery and timely completion of the work.
Health Minister attends 55th World Health Conference
Yangon, 18 May - Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein arrived back here by air yesterday evening after attending the 55th World Health Conference held in Geneva, Switzerland.
Myanmar delegation led by the minister attended the pre-coordination meeting of Southeast Asian Countries in Geneva on 12 May.
It was attended by health ministers of member countries in Southeast Asia, Director of Southeast Asia Region Dr Uton Muchtor Rafei and officials of WHO.
Myanmar delegation led by the minister attended the opening ceremony of the 55th Conference of WHO on 13 May.

On 14 May, the minister attended " Risk to
Health" round table discussion and discussed communicable diseases which are harmful to health and combating of infectious diseases caused by way of life in Myanmar.
In his speech delivered at the assembly on 16 May morning, the minister elaborated on health projects being systematically carried out in Myanmar, rural area development endeavours, measures being taken for combating of malaria, tuberculosis and AIDS and health promotion endeavours.
While attending the conference, the minister met with Director of Communicable Diseases Control Dr Maria Neira and discussed combating of leprosy, diseases caused by worms and elephantiasis, sectors assisted by WHO in combating TB and AIDS with Director of Communicable Diseases Control David Heyman and
Myanmar's participation in combat AIDS with Deputy Director Kathaleen Cravero.
While in Geneva, the minister met Director-General of WHO Dr Gro Hanlam Brundtland and discussed matters related to health projects jointly implemented by the Ministry of Health and WHO.
Emphasis was placed on cooperation in combat AIDS, TB and malaria. In addition, matters related to
running for the post of Chairman in the executive board of WHO from Myanmar was coordinated.
The minister also met with Director of Southeast Asia Region Dr Uton Muchtor Rafei and discussed establishment of e-health information network system in the Ministry of Health.
He met with Chairman of Nippon Foundation Mr Sasakawa and discussed combating of leprosy and
promotion of rehabilitation work as the number of patients decreases.
He also met with Director of Vaccination Dr Daniel Torantola and immunization and vaccination work in Myanmar and drawing of National Health Account with Policy Affairs Managing Director Dr G J Murry.
Moreover, the minister met with Health Minister of
People's Republic of China Dr Zhong Wenhang and discussed matters related to sending of students for further study under the programme of cooperation in economy and technology between PRC and Myanmar already agreed by leaders of the two countries and supply of medical equipment. Delegation member Director Dr Pe Thet Tun of Foreign Relations Department also arrived back here on the same flight.
The delegation was welcomed back at Yangon International Airport by Minister at Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Office Brig-Gen Abel, Minister for Cooperatives Lt-Gen
Tin Ngwe, Deputy Minister for Health Dr Mya Oo, directors-general of departments under the ministry, Acting Resident Representative of WHO in Yangon Dr Stephan Jost and relatives of the
Information Minister attends anniversary of Naing-Ngan Gonyi Magazine
Yangon, 18 May - The ceremony to mark the anniversary of Naing-Ngan Gonyi Magazine was held at the hall of Sarpay Beikman Press on Pyay Road at 5.15 pm today, attended by Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung.

First, Patron of Naing-Ngan Gonyi Magazine Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung gave a speech. Then, MWJA Chairman U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung) extended greetings and the Chief Editor reported on matters related to the magazine. Next, the Chief Editor presented K 1.1 million hailing the Third MWJA Conference to the MWJA Chairman.
Naing-Ngan Gonyi Magazine donated cash to the MWJA annually and the magazine have donated
K 3.6 million in three times.
The magazine has presented K 3,434,350 in honorarium to writers and artists to date. Therefore, the magazine contributed K 7,034,350 to the scholars and MWJA.
Afterwards, the Chief Editor presented gifts to patrons of the magazine Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung, Deputy Ministers U Thein Sein and Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt and MWJA Chairman U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung).
Minister Maj-Gen Kyi Aung presented gifts to writers of the magazine Daw Saw Mon Nyin, Sayagyi Paragu, U Myo Thant (Maung Hsu Shin), Daw Khin Sein Hlaing (Yuwady Khin Sein Hlaing), Dr Yi Yi Hla (Yuwady Khin Oo), U Kyaw Hsan (Thu Khi Aung), Dr Ma Tin Win, U Mya Thein (Moe Htet Myint-Delta), U Sein Hlaing (Thura Zaw) and artist Aung San Myint.
Similarly, the MWJA Chairman presented gifts to the magazine committee and editors.
Writer U Kyaw Hsan (Thu Khi Aung) spoke words of thanks. After the cere-mony, guests were served with dinner and entertained with songs.
Minister visits Indagaw Industrial Zone
Yangon, 18 May - Minister for Industry-2 Maj-Gen Saw Lwin inspected the industrial zone (Indagaw) in Indagaw Region, Bago Division, this morning.
Then, the minister and party inspected progress in building Inlet and Exhaust Valve Plant of Myanma Automobile and Diesel Engine Industries, forging shop of the power tiller engine factory of Myanma
Agricultural Machinery Industries and gave instructions on
installation and running of the machinery as soon as possible, and
planting of shady trees on either sides of the lanes of the
( 4
) Minister inspects repair of the Sittoung Bridge
Yangon, 18 May - CEC member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Minister for Rail
Transportation U Pan Aung inspected repair of the Sittoung Bridge yesterday and fulfilled the requirements.
U Pan Aung delivered a speech at the opening of Executives Management Course (Multiplier) Course No 5/2002 organized by Waw Township USDA. He accepted 1,520 membership applications.
CEC member of USDA U Pan Aung inspected construction of 223 feet bridge linking Minywa Village and Kokodan Village in Thanatpin Township.
The bridge is being constructed by Thanatpin Township USDA in cooperation with local people.
U Pan Aung greeted donors of the bridge and inspected manual switch board for communication in Minywa Village.
U Pan Aung went to Bago Division USDA Office and delivered speeches at the conclusion of the Executives Management Course (Multiplier) Course No 10 and traditional medicine and music courses.
He presented prizes to outstanding trainees.
The trainees entertained the guests with songs. In the evening, U Pan Aung inspected all-round renovation of Maha Zedi in
Mines Minister inspects industrial zones
Yangon, 18 May - Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint, accompanied by departmental officials, arrived at North Okkalapa Industrial Zone yesterday afternoon where the chairman of the zone and officials reported on fitting of pipes.
Next, the minister inspected production of coffeemix at the Gold Roast Coffeemix Factory and gave necessary instructions. The minister then proceeded to Shwepaukkan Industrial Zone and inspected production of spare parts for agricultural use such as pumps, nets and exhaust pipes at Forward iron smelting plant. Then, the minister also inspected production of personal goods at finished wood product factory of January Co and fulfilled the needs.
Later, the minister met with the chairman of the zone and entrepreneurs at Shwepaukkan
Industrial Zone Management Office and gave necessary instructions.
Minister inspects agricultural and livestock
breeding works
Yangon, 18 May - Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt, accompanied by directors-general of the departments and officials concerned, this morning inspected the agricultural and livestock breeding works undertaken by the ministry and departments under it at the Nyaunghnapin region in Hmawby Township.
First, the minister and party inspected digging of fish ponds, cultivation of vegetables, land preparation and gave necessary instructions to officials. Next, the minister and party saw over vegetable patches of departments. He also inspected digging of fish ponds from the observation tower.

At the briefing hall, directors-general and officials reported to the minister on agricultural tasks undertaken by respective departments, tasks to be done, construction of lanes and power supply. Vegetables and kitchen crops are being cultivated in the patches of respective departments of the ministry and fish ponds are being dug at the places where agricultural tasks could not be carried out.
Vegetables and kitchen crops are distributed to tax-free markets.
Ninth Archdiocesan Youth Day celebrated
Yangon, 18 May - The Archdiocesan Youth Apostolate (Yangon) held the Ninth Archdiocesan Youth Day Celebration at Summit Parkview Hotel on Ahlon Road at 7 pm today.
Present were Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin, deputy ministers, the Vice-Adjutant-General, ambassadors of foreign missions, departmental heads, the Archbishop and Youth Chaplain and member youths of the Archdiocesan Youth Apostolate (Yangon) and guests.
Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko read out the message sent by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Then, Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin and Deputy Minister for Forestry Col Thaik Tun gave speeches.
Next, Youth Chaplain Father Edwin David spoke words of thanks.
Later, Archbishop Gabriel Thohey Mahn Gaby and Youth Chaplain Father Edwin David gave blessings and the ceremony came to an end.
( 5 ) Sanitation works carried out to clear drains in Yangon
Yangon, 18 May - Tatmadawmen, members of Myanmar Police Force, personnel of Yangon City Development Committee, members of Fire Brigade and Red Cross Society, the Union Solidarity and Development Association and city dwellers this morning collectively carried out sanitation work and cleaned up drains to prevent roads in Yangon from being flooded in the rainy season.
Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe visited the sites and attended to the needs.
The commander arrived at the site of Myanma Gonyi Street in Mingala Taung-nyunt Township at 6 am. YCDC Vice-Chairman Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa, No 4 Military Region Commander Brig-Gen Myo Myint, Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Secretary Lt-Col Kyaw Tint, Yangon East District Peace and Development Council Chairman Lt-Col Aung Pyi and officials welcomed him. Then, the commander and party inspected the clean-up of the main drain of Myanma Gonyi Street and gave instructions.
Then, the commander and party proceeded to the site of Banyadala Street in Tamway Township.
They were welcomed by No 2 Military Region Commander Col Tin Oo Lwin and officials. The commander and party inspected the clean-up of Moemakha drain and gave necessary instructions to officials concerned.
The commander also inspected the cleaning up of Myinsay Lake near the junction of East Myinpyaingkwin and North Myinpyaingkwin Streets in Tamway Township and Yaypaukkyi Creek to ensure the proper flow of water near the junction of Parami Road and the circular train railroad and left necessary instructions.
Later, the commander, the Vice-Mayor and party inspected cultivation of 2,242 teak saplings being undertaken by YCDC on either side of the approach road of Bayintnaung Bridge in Mayangon Township and gave instructions.
Afterwards, the commander and the Vice-Mayor inspected construction of Bayintnaung jetty and left necessary instructions to the officials concerned.
Commander attends consecration ceremony, coord meeting
Yangon, 18 May - The consecration and merit-sharing ceremony of Thayaung Maha Zedidawgyi in Phayagyigone Village, Pathein, Ayeyawady Division, was held at the pagoda on 15 May morning.
It was attended by Chairman of Division Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Presiding Sayadaw of Konetha Kyaungtaik Agga Maha Pandita Bhanddanta Vilasa and members of the Sangha, Chairman of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Commander of South-West Command Brig-Gen Htay Oo and wife Daw Ni Ni Win, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Tint Swe, local authorities, departmental officials, members of social organizations, wellwishers and guests.
The Sayadaw and members of the Sangha consecrated the pagoda.
Then, the merit-sharing ceremony followed. After the reciting of Parittas by members of the Sangha, the commander and officials donated offertories to members of the Sangha.
The commander and officials accepted cash donations of wellwishers and the ceremony came to a close with the three-time recitation of Buddha Sasanam Ciram Titthatu.
The commander attended the opening ceremony of Kyitha Model Village Library.
The commander and wife, and wellwishers donated books to the library.
Then, the commander and wife made speeches at the educative talks on women's affairs organized by Ayeyawady Division Working Committee for
Women's Affairs at the meeting hall of Pathein Glass Factory.
At 1.30 pm, the commander made a speech at the meeting of Ayeyawady Division Supervisory Committee for Boosting Agricultural Productivity held in conjunction with a coordination meeting on GDP of Ayeyawady
The meeting came to a close with concluding
remarks by the commander.
Bago Division launches programme for getting school-age children enrolled
Yangon, 18 May - A ceremony to launch the programme for sending school-age children to school in Bago Division was held at the hall of Toungoo District Peace and Development Council Office at 12.30 pm yesterday.
It was attended by Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Southern Command Brig-Gen Aung Min and wife, Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung, Director-General of No 1 Basic Education Department U Tin Nyo and officials, Secretary of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Aung Min, division/district/township level officials, township education officers, teachers, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, social organizations and guests.
Commander Brig-Gen Aung Min made a speech on the occasion. Next, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung elaborated on five tasks of the national education programme and Director-General U Tin Nyo
reported on implementation tasks for sending school-age children to
Then the ceremony came to an end.
( 6 ) Myanmar delegation arrives back from Thailand
Yangon 18 May - Myanmar delegation headed by Myanma Radio and Tele-vision Director-General U Khin Maung Htay arrived back here by air this morning after attending the 2002 Thaicom International
Users' Seminar held in Bangkok, Thailand, from 15 to 18 May.
The director-general was welcomed back at Yangon International Airport by Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Man-
aging Director of the Printing and Publishing Enterprise U Myint Thein, Deputy Director-General of MRTV Lt-Col Thein Aung, departmental officials and families of the delegation.
MRTV Deputy Chief Engineer U Myint Aung and Lashio TV Relay Station Assistant Engineer U Win Myint Oo also arrived back here on the same flight.
( 7 )
Seminar on Internet Strategies for Business and Customer Relationship Management held
Yangon, 18 May - Seminar on Internet Strategies For Business and Customer Relationship Management, organized by Myanmar Computer Federation and Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) and jointly sponsored by Asia Wealth Bank Ltd, Bagan Cybertech, Yoma Bank Ltd, Win Win Wah Media Co Ltd (Myanmars Net) and Myanmar Universal Bank, was held at MICT Park in Hline Township this morning.
It was attended by Vice-President of MCF U Thein Oo, General Secretary U Tin Win Aung and executives, executives and members of Myanmar Computer Scientists Association, Myanmar Computer Industry Association and Myanmar Computer Enthusiasts Association, IT industrialists, business entrepreneurs and guests.
MCF Vice-President U Thein Oo made an opening speech.
Then, Associate Professors of Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) Dr Clemens Bechter and Dr Vatcharaporn Esichaikul, Sale Manager of Bagan Cybertech U Ye Htut explained The Internet Revolution, e-Marketplaces, Building An Online Shop (DEMO), Bagan Net Presentation, e-Government, Online Marketing Search Engines, Online Purchase, Mobile Commerce (M-Commerce) and The New Wave For The Software Industry, and replied to quarries raised by those present.
The seminar continues tomorrow.
( 8
24,678.34 acres of poppy fields destroyed
Yangon, 18 May - A combined team comprising Tatmadawmen of local battalion, members of the Military Intelligence, Township Police Force, Myitkyina Special Anti-drug Squad, KIA and NDAK destroyed 474 acres of clandestine poppy fields Sadon Region in Waingmaw Township, Kachin State, from 1 to 6 April this year.
The acreage of poppy fields destroyed up to April this year during the 2001-2002 poppy cultivation season in Kachin State
totaled 4775.66 acres and that of all over Myanmar is 24678.34 acres.
( 9
) Drug traffickers sentenced
Yangon, 18 May - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Mandalay Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on information received, intercepted a motor vehicle with number plate Nange/4493 at Yinmabin
camp on 13 June evening in the year 2000 and seized 2098 packages of
orange-coloured stimulant tablets bearing WY letters, hidden in the floor and a secret drawer in the fuel tank. With each package containing 1900 stimulant tablets, total amount of seized tablets was 358.758 kilos and 3,986,200 tablets.
Action was taken against Ainamt, 30, son of U Hsanlu and Saikhwet,46, son of U Nyimon of region 19 ward 12 in Lashio, and owner of the stimulant tablets Kyaphe (a) Ahsein, 31, son of U Chinmhi of 43rd street in region 13 ward 5, Lashio under section 15/19 (A)/21 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Meiktila District court handed down 25 years' imprisonment under section 19 (A) and 5
year's imprisonment under section 15 on Ainamt to serve separately and 25
years' imprisonment each under section 19 (A) on Saikhwet and Kyaphe (a) Ahsein on 10 April this year.