1 ) Discipline shouldn't be regarded as a burden,
but should be viewed as dignity of an organization
Union Spirit to be built up with national
politics, Our Three Main National Causes
General Maung Aye addresses passing-out parade of 105th Intake of Defence Services (Army) OTS

Yangon, 13 May - The Passing-out Parade of the 105th Intake of Defence Services (Army) Officers Training School was held at the parade ground of the training school in Bahtoo Tatmyo this morning.
On behalf of the Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye delivered an address.
The General said:
I would like to tell you in all seriousness the things you should know at the passing-out parade of the105th Intake of Defence Services (Army) Officers Training School.
You have discharged duty as good Tatmadawmen after joining the Tatmadaw as other ranks. You were allowed to attend the officers training course because you abided by with sound morale everything the Tatmadaw taught and prescribed. At the course you have studied subjects on three capabilities that a platoon commander should know. Today you are going to be appointed as
gazette officers.
I would like to tell you who are going to assume duty as junior leaders at the Tatmadaw a few words about leadership. The field of leadership is very wide indeed. Therefore you need to study it constantly. Firstly, you have to be able to lead yourselves. In other words, you have to nurture yourselves to be an exemplar after gaining victory over yourselves. And you will have to conduct yourselves and live in accord with the 16 leadership qualities. After you have gained these 16 leadership qualities, you have to study the concept of leadership and
practice the leadership methods.
The concept of leadership is to attempt to achieve success after persuading subordinates to have strong morale and good
behavior. Therefore you have to win the trust and reliance of your subordinates through correct means.
The leadership methods are to get prepared for the future, to undergo training in groups, to build up team spirit, to
practice a specific commanding system where necessary and to lead
the subordinates depending on the condition which one encounters in
order to achieve the objective. It is the qualification of the leadership that can overcome complicated situation during the short prescribed time by using at least manpower and weapons and materials. So, the leader must have better ability and efficiency and be far-sighted.
Correct stand is needed for correct leadership. The basic position of military leadership is that they live with patriotism but not for self-interest. Therefore, as long as your leadership plays pivotal role in the interest of the State and the people, you are on the correct path.
I would like to elaborate on enforcement of discipline in the Tatmadaw, a basic quality of leadership. Every organization is formed on the basis of discipline. If discipline laxes, the organization will disintegrate and then collapse. Discipline
shouldn't be regarded as a burden, but should be viewed as the dignity of the organization. Therefore, to keep the organization strong for a long time, top priority is to be paid to discipline. Discipline covers personal dignity, battle-ground discipline, office discipline, the discipline to be observed by single Tatmadaw members and families. If one observes 60 codes of conduct prescribed in the Tatmadaw, one automatically abides by the military law, civilian law and is full of loving kindness, attachment and loyalty.
Similarly, it must always be kept in mind that individual breaking of discipline has a detrimental effect on the entire Tatmadaw. Therefore, you all are to try to set an excellent example in abiding by discipline in response to the goodwill of the Tatmadaw. Only then will the dignity of the Tatmadaw be shining more and more and will the Tatmadaw be able to stand as an organization which can serve the interests of the State and the people all the more.
The stance of the Tatmadaw is that the Tatmadaw never betrays the national cause. Our Tatmadaw is a patriotic Tatmadaw. Therefore, all the tasks are based on Union Spirit, which safeguards the dignity of the race. When Union Spirit is on the wane in our nation, the State will disintegrate. National unity plays a crucial role in keeping the Union Spirit strong and dynamic. In retrospect, as some leaders were in disunity, bloodshed occurred in the nation. As unity collapsed in the nation, everybody entertained the spirit of rivalry. Various ideologies cropped up. As a lot of time had to be spent solving various problems, the nation lagged behind in development. As the people of the nation are endowed with patriotism, the nation did not lose its sovereignty. Therefore, all need to cherish their only motherland, strive in unity for the modernization and development of the State and safeguard it against internal and external danger. Union Spirit is to be built up with the national politics, Our Three Main National Causes.
The three main duties of the Tatmadaw are national defence duty, training and public welfare. For the national defence duty, all are to undergo training constantly. All are to have military vigil constantly. All are to be constantly ready to fight. These three
"Constants" are to be observed. The aim of training is to promote ability. All are to have the will to make progress. To promote the ability of the organization, all are to undergo training. Only when one always undergoes training, will one always be ready to fight. In the same vein, true to patriotic Tatmadaw members, all are to carry out public welfare duty together with the military duty and training duty. You all are to go to various parts of the nation to safeguard Our Three Main National Causes. Wherever you arrive, you have to regard it as your native place; and in conjunction with the Union Solidarity and Development Association, you all are to carry out rural development tasks betterment of transport, water supply, promotion of the education and health standards and regional economic development.
The Tatmadaw is endowed with 12 fine traditions. It always pays top priority to the interests of the people. After taking up the duty of State under unavoidable circumstances, it has been implementing plans and objectives for the emergence of a system which the people aspire to. Therefore, the people, joining hands with the Tatmadaw, are building up the nation. The fruits of the efforts of the State can now be witnessed. After the third short-term five-year plan, the momentum of development will be greater. The collective strength of the people and the Tatmadaw is also greater day by day. Therefore, organizational work is to be carried out inside and outside the Tatmadaw with the national political outlook.
In conclusion, I would like to say that you all are human resources required for the building of a capable, dynamic and modern Tatmadaw. You all have to make best use of your life time so that you all are able to keep abreast with the times. You all are to sacrifice your lives for the sake of the State, the people and the Tatmadaw. You all are to safeguard the 12 fine traditions and try to become brave junior leaders. In view of the five basic qualities morale, discipline, loyalty, unity and three capabilities, the
weaknesses of every unit and every Tatmadaw member are to be remedied with four Tatmadaw restructuring tasks. Therefore, all are to understand the four Tatmadaw restructuring tasks training, administration, welfare and morale to build up the Tatmadaw.
The General inspected the cadet company and took the salute of the cadet companies.
Then, the General presented the sword to Best Cadet Award winner Cadet Hla Naung.
Afterwards, the General left the parade ground.
General Maung Aye inspects construction of Saikkhaung-Namsang railroad
Yangon, 13 May - Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung
Aye left Taunggyi for the site of Saikkhaung-Namsang railroad near
Hear Village in Namsang Township on 12 May.
General Maung Aye and party were welcomed by Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung, Commander of Forward No 55 LID Brig-Gen Sein Lin and officials.
Minister U Pan Aung reported to General Maung Aye on construction of Saikkhaung-Namsang railroad and construction of Ponchaung Bridge on the railroad.
Commander Brig-Gen Sein Lin reported on construction of the railroad in cooperation with personnel of Myanma Railways and Tatmadawmen of battalions under No 55 LID, laying of rails, earth work, embankment and work of quarry and progress of work, machinery and measures undertaken for community welfare service for development of transport, education and economic aspects.
General Maung Aye then gave instructions and inspected sample of rocks found in construction of the railroad.
General Maung Aye and party inspected construction of the railroad with the use of machinery. General Maung Aye also inspected earth work being undertaken by Tatmadawmen of No 55 LID.
The Saikkhaung-Namsang railroad is a part of Shwenyaung-Taunggyi-Namsang railroad.
The 62.06 miles Shwe-nyaung-Taunggyi-Saik-khaung railroad has been built.
The Saikkhaung-Nam-sang railroad is 103 miles long and efforts are being made for completion of the railroad by the end of 2002.
General Maung Aye and party went back to Taunggyi after inspecting the project sites.
General Maung Aye and party inspected the development of Taunggyi.
General Maung Aye and party went to Htonbo Farm.
Shan State Manager U Saw Jackson of Myanma Agriculture Service reported on arrangements for production of wine from grapes in cooperation with Myanmar Vineyard Management Co Ltd.
Managing Director of Myanmar Vineyard Management Co Ltd
Mr. Morch Berlt reported on experimental cultivation of grapes for production of wine in 1999 and production and arrangements for extended production.
Mr. Morch Berlt also reported to General Maung Aye and party on production techniques and material used in production.
General Maung Aye inspected experimental cultivation of grapes and gave instructions.
General Maung Aye and party arrived at Ayethaya Industrial Zone in Ayethaya, Taunggyi Township, and met with industrialists in the hall of the industrial zone.
Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi, in charge of Ayethaya
Industrial Zone, reported on distribution of allotments to industrialists, matters related to the industries run by 680 industrialists, formation of the motor vehicle production work committee, the farming implement production work committee and other machinery production work committee and production of Shan Star motor car and parts of tractors.
Two industrialists reported on production of motor vehicles and farming implements and efforts for development of Ayethaya Industrial Zone.
Chairman of the Industrial Development Central Committee Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye said that measures are being taken for the development of the industrial sector while efforts are being made to achieve food sufficiency.
Only when the nation becomes an industrialized one, will a modern, developed nation emerge. So efforts are to be made for the development of the industrial sector. Industrial zones are being established at
possible regions for the development of the private industrial sector. Now there are altogether 18 industrial zones.
The Head of State himself has laid down guidance for the development of industrial zones.
Ayethaya Industrial Zone is gathering momentum, and should exert efforts to make more progress by following the example of more developed industrial zones.
The State is fulfilling financial, technical and
machinery requirements of the industrial zones.
Ayethaya Industrial Zone needs to cater to the
requirements of users in producing machinery and to take innovative
measures to improve the quality of products.
Innovative measures are to be taken to produce machinery needed not only for Shan State but also for the nation.
It is important for industrial zones to contribute to production work of the State. All-out efforts are to be made to produce not only motor vehicles but also farming machinery.
Then, the General had a cordial meeting with the industrialists.
Then, the General and party inspected parts of engines of motor vehicles, farming implements and Shan Star motor vehicles.
Afterwards, the General and party went to Bahtoo Station in Yaksauk Township by helicopter in the evening.
Member of the Central Executive Committee of the Union Solidarity and Development Association and member of the Central Organizing Committee of Myanmar War Veterans Organization Brig-Gen Pyi Sone met with executives, ward organizers and members of Township USDA and the chairman and members of Township War Veterans Organization at the office of Yaksauk Township USDA.
( 2 )
Highland farming introduced in Shan State (North)
Opium growers hand over opium seeds of their own volition Gigantic
coal deposit found in Lashio
Secretary-1 inspects development in Shan State
Yangon, 13 May - Chairman of the Work Committee
for Progress of Border Areas and National Races Secretary-1 of the
State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party left
Meiktila in Mandalay Division by Tatmadaw aircraft and arrived at
Lashio in Shan State (North) at 3 pm yesterday.
The Secretary-1 and party were welcomed there by
Chairman of Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council
Commander of North-East Command Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing, members of
Shan State (North), District and Township Peace and Development
Councils, departmental staff, members of the Union Solidarity and
Development Association and local national races.
Then, Secretary-1 and party
arrived at Shweli Yeiktha in Lashio and inspected samples of coal
from new mines, lead, galena alloy, white and brown quartz, spinel,
gneiss, garnets alabaster, sand mixed with grains of gold and ores
samples extracted in Shan State (North). Commander Brig-Gen Myint
Hlaing and Col Soe Oo of Hsenwi Station reported on condition of
existing coal mines and new ones, coal mining and quality of coal
extracted from new mines.
Secretary-1 gave necessary instructions.
The recently discovered coal deposit is gigantic
and it is estimated that coal can be produced on a commercial scale.
Detailed surveys of the coal deposit are being conducted by the
experts of the Ministry of Mines.
Then, the Secretary-1 and
party arrived at the People's Hospital in Lashio, where they were
welcomed by Medical Superintendent Dr Khin Maung Kyaw, specialists
and doctors. At the briefing hall, the Secretary-1 heard reports by
Medical Superintendent Dr Khin Maung Kyaw on the background of the
hospital, emergence of the present 200-bed hospital, more intensive
care units which have been opened, supply of necessary medicines and
equipment and arrangements to upgrade the hospital to an 300-bed
Next, Managing Director U Tun Myint Naing of Asia
World Co Ltd reported to the Secretary-1 on the building of a
maternity ward, and Director-General of the Health Department Dr Wan
Maung presented an additional report.
Later, the Secretary-1 gave necessary
instructions and inspected the scale model of the buildings to be
constructed in turning the hospital into a 300-bed one.
The Secretary-1 also inspected the preparations
for constructing a new maternity ward and the building which
included an operation theatre and a maternity ward, which has been
Next, the Secretary-1 and party went to Lashio
Degree College, where they were welcomed by Principal U Tha Oo,
professors and department heads.
Chairman of the Myanmar Education Committee
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin
Nyunt met with families of education staff at Kanbawza hall.
Principal of Lashio Degree College U Tha Oo reported to the
Secretary-1 on matters related to the college. Then, the Secretary-1
made a speech.
In meeting with the educational staff, the
Secretary-1 said that he would like to elaborate on the progress of
the nation's education and regional development.
Nowadays, the government is making efforts for
the nation to become modern and developed and to be able to catch up
with other nations of the world.
Ours is a country where more than 100 national
races reside. This being the case, the Head of State has called for
balanced and harmonious development of all the regions in the Union.
And therefore, work programmers have been laid down and are being
As there were armed struggles among the national
brethren before, it was found that there was no regional stability
and peace. Thus, regional development was delayed. Therefore, since
the Tatmadaw resumed State responsibilities, strenuous efforts have
been made to put an end to armed insurgencies, to enforce law and
order and to carry out regional development works.
With peace and stability prevailing in the
country, plans for development of border areas and national races
were laid down and implemented first to bring rapid development to
the border areas which were left behind in development. As a result,
it can be found that education, health and living standards of the
national races living in remote areas have been improving.
The Head of State has given guidance on narrowing
the gap among the regions of the nation and bringing about balanced
development of them. In accord with his guidance, 24 development
zones have been designated and regional development works are being
carried out to make sure that there is no development gap among the
already-existing 14 states and divisions. For example, in Shan State
alone, four development zones Lashio-based development zone in
Shan State (North), Kengtung-based development zone in Shan State
(East), Taungyi-based development zone in Shan State (South) and
Panglong-based development zone in Loilem district have been
designated and regional development works are being done.
Similarly, Myitkyina and Bhamo development zones
in Kachin State, Dawei and Myeik development zones in Taninthayi
Division and Pathein,Hinthada and Maupin development zones in
Ayeyawady Division have been established to bring balanced
development to all regions of the entire nation.
It is with the kind of goodwill shown by parents
towards their children that the government is working for
development of various regions in the Union. New technological
colleges and universities as well as arts and science colleges and
universities have been opened for improvement of transportation and
human resources development in designated development zones.
To improve the health standard of the local
people, 200-bed and 300-bed hospitals have been built; specialists
appointed; and modern medical equipment installed.
In addition, to fulfill the demand of the State,
institutes of medicine, institutes of economics, the Maritime
University and Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University have been
The Head of State himself has given guidance on
promotion of education and health standards.
The Government is undertaking development tasks
in border areas. Similarly, in accord with the guidance of the Head
of State, it is implementing five rural development tasks
betterment of transport, improvement of education and health
standards, water supply and rural economic development.
Projects for progress of border areas and
national races are being implemented; 24 major development regions
have been designated; five rural development tasks are being
undertaken; in this way, all-out efforts are being made to ensure
equitable development of the Union.
In the basic education sector, the education
promotion programmer designed to ensure the emergence of
well-rounded education, to upgrade national education to the
international level and to bridge the gap between rural and urban
areas is being implemented in combination with a special four-year
national education promotion plan designed to enable the nation to
be on a par with other nations in South-East Asian region in the
education sector. Moreover, in view of the long-term interests of
the State, a 30-year education plan has been formulated and is being
Teachers are performing the noble duty as they
are not only educational employees but also can be regarded as one
of those to whom everybody owes infinite gratitude.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 called on all the
teachers to work hard in unity for the successful realization of the
educational objectives as they are teaching and nurturing children
to become academicians and technicians who will build a modern and
developed nation.
The Secretary-1 and party visited Maha Myatmuni
Buddha image in Lashio. The Secretary-1 presented cash for the
Buddha image.
The Secretary-1 and party
offered Shwethingan to Maha Myatmuni Buddha image and they arrived
back to Shweli Yeiktha.
Chairman of Shan State Peace and Development
Council (North) Commander Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing reported to Chairman
of Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt on implementation of opium substitute
cultivation project for eradication of opium in coordination with
national race leaders and condition of the enhancing over of opium
seeds by opium growers of their own volition, after the government
had provided crop seeds to them before opium cultivation season.
The Secretary-1 said the work being done was
good. He spoke of the need to make efforts for spreading of similar
situation among opium growers and to raise the momentum.
He said methods and seeds are to be provided and
cultivation loan is to be disbursed to opium growers.
He called for providing assistance to those opium
growers for success of opium substitute crops.
The Secretary-1 inspected
opium seeds given by the opium growers at Shweli Hall.
The government is providing seedsm methods to
opium growers and disbursing loans to them after laying down the special project for opium substitution crop .
Farmers are giving opium seeds they stored to
authorities concerned.
The Secretary-1 and party, accompanied by
Commander Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing left Lashio this morning and arrived
in Kaungka Myothit in Kutkai Township at 8.45 minutes.
The Secretary-1 and party were welcomed by
national race leader of special region-5 U Mahtu Naw and members and
local people.
The Secretary-1 and party arrived at Kaungkha
Myothit guest house.
The Secretary-1 attended a ceremony to enshrine
relics and fix pivot of Maha Dhammayanthi Yanaung Pagoda in Kaungkha
The Secretary-1 and party went to the farm of
special region-5 and inspected reclamation of highland farming on
100 acres of land for opium substutute crops.
Deputy minister for Agriculture and Irrigation
Brig-Gen Khin Maung and officials reported on the site.
The Secretary-1 and party went to model opium
substitute crops farm of Myanma Agriculture Service and inspected
sample plants for tea plantation on highland farming and opium
substitute crops.
Commander Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing and Deputy
Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Brig-Gen Khin Maung reported
on reclamation of 300 acres of fields on the highland in accord with
the guidance of Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council
Senior General Than Shwe, cultivation of tea on 100 acres of land,
Chinsawka plants on 30 acres and coffee on five acres and benefits
gained due to Kaungkha Dam.
Then, the Secretary-1 gave instructions. The
Secretary-1 said that according to the guidance of Head of State
Senior General Than Shwe, highland reclamation work is being carried
out. All need to work hard as the reclamation work will contribute
to the economic development of the local farmers.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party inspected
Kaungkha Dam which will irrigate 100 acres and highland reclamation
The Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, in
cooperation with the peace group of Special Region-5, is reclaiming
100 acres of land for cultivation of tea; now 40 acres have been
placed under tea plants. In addition, 300 acres are being reclaimed
on the highland. Now 165 acres have been reclaimed, and paddy, peas
and beans will be grown. Next, the Secretary-1 and party went to
Lashio by car in the afternoon.
The Secretary-1 inspected the extension of the
runway at Lashio Airport.
Managing Director of Asia World Company U Tun
Myint Naing reported on the upgrading of the present 5,250-foot-long
and 100-foot-wide runway to a 8,500-foot-long and 100-foot-wide one.
Then, the Secretary-1 gave instructions. The Secretary-1 and party
arrived back here in the evening.
Members of the Central Executive Committee of the
Union Solidarity and Development Association Minister Col Tin
Hlaing, Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen
Khin Maung and Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko met with the executives and
organizers of Shan State, District and Township USDAs and members of
Shan State War Veterans Organization at the office of Shan State
(North) USDA and discussed the purpose, future tasks and
organizational and administrative matters of the association and
implementation of five rural development tasks.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt attends
relic-enshrining and pivot-fixing ceremony of
Maha Dhammayanthi Yanaung Pagoda
Yangon, 13 May - Secretary-1
of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt
attended the enshrining ceremony and erecting the pivot of Maha
Dhammayanthi Yanaung Pagoda on Thiri Manda Hill in Kaungkha Myothit,
Kutkai Township, Shan State (North) held at Mingala Pandal on the
hill at 9 am today.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party paid
obeisance to the image in the Mingala Pandal.
Advisor to the Department for Promotion and
Propagation of the Sasana U Min Kyi acted as master of ceremonies.
The ceremony was opened with three times
recitation of Namo Tassa. Famous vocalist U Tun Shwe, to the
accompaniment of Harpist U Nyo Win, sang songs. The Mandalay
Nandawshae Big Drums group
beat the drums three times.
Then, the congregation led by the Secretary-1
received the Nine Precepts from the Vice-Chairman Sayadaw.
Next, disciples presented Paritta flowers, water,
thread and sand to the Sayadaws.
The Secretary-1 then presented a Buddha image in
dedication to the pagoda to the Sayadaws; the commander, a Bo tree;
and national race leader U Mahtu Naw, the pivot.
After that, the Sayadaws recited parittas. The
disciples took the Paritta flowers, water, thread and sand and
scattered and tied them on the platform of the pagoda.
Then, the relic-enshrining and pivot-fixing
ceremony continued. The Secretary-1 and party and the national race
leaders, well-wishers and disciples conveyed the objects which were
to be enshrined, from the Pandal and circled the pagoda clockwise.
The objects were then taken to Thatta Htana
repository and the middle repository and the pivot, atop
the pagoda. The master of ceremonies read
the verses.
At the auspicious time, the Secretary-1 enshrined
the sacred objects in the reliquary. Then, the Secretary-1 sprinkled
scented water on the relic chamber. Members of the Sangha recited
Later, the Secretary-1 and party and national
race leaders went to the middle reliquary and enshrined sacred
objects in the relic chamber at the auspicious time. Then,
Secretary-1 sprinkled scented water on the relic chamber. Members of
the Sangha recited Gathas.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party and
national races leaders proceeded to the top of the pagoda and
erected the pivot and sprinkled scented water on it. Meanwhile,
members of the Sangha recited
Gathas. The ceremony ended with three times recitation of Buddha
Sasanan Ciram Titthatu.
The Secretary-1 performed rituals of golden and
silver showers to mark the successful completion of the ceremony.
Later, merit sharing ceremony and cash donation
ceremony were held at the Pandal. The Secretary-1 and party
presented offertories to members of the Sangha. Then, wellwishers
donated cash for Maha Dhammayanthi Yanaung Pagoda. The Secretary-1
accepted the donations. Today's donations were K 9 million by people
of No 5 special region in Shan State (North), K
10 million by Asia World Co Ltd, K 200,000 each by people of No 1
and No 2 special regions, K 500,000 by people No 3 special region, K
300,000 by people of No 7 special region, K 300,000 by people of
Menpan region, K 200,000 by people of Monpaw region, K 5 million by
Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Dr Tha Yin
Myat and wellwishers, K 1 million by the commandant and families of
local intelligence, K 500,000 by No 4 Border Area Immigration
Inspection Control Unit, K 6.5 million by Muse District Peace and
Development Council, K 1 million by Kutkai Township Peace and
Development Council, K 1 million by U Aik Aye family of Muse, K 1
million by Yahtaik Co in Muse and K 500,000 by U Kyaw
Myint of Muse.
Next, Vice-Chairman of State Sangha Maha Nayaka
Committee Presiding Sayadaw of Myole Pariyatti Sarthintaik Agga Maha
Pandita Agga Maha Saddhammajotikadhaja Bhaddanta Kavindacara
delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits gained. Then, the
ceremony came to a close. After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 and
party offered "soon" to the Sayadaws.
( 3 ) Maj-Gen Ye Myint inspects regional development tasks in Mandalay, Sagaing Divisions
Yangon, 13 May - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence, accompanied by departmental officials, left here by air on 10 May and arrived at Mandalay International Airport.
Then, they inspected roads and bridges in TadaU Township and regional development tasks in Monywa.
At 7.30 am, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party, accompanied by Chairman of Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Commander of North-West Command Brig-Gen Soe Naing, Deputy Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Nay Win, Mandalay Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein, inspected construction of Panhsay Creek Bridge on the road section between Mandalay International Airport and Inwa Bridge. Upper Myanmar Superintending Engineer U Maung Maung of Public Works reported on construction of Panhsay Creek Bridge.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint inspected completion of earthen road section and Dokhtawady River Bridge and proceeded to Monywa.
At the city hall in Monywa, Maj-Gen Ye Myint met with division level departmental officials and explained regional development tasks.
Officials reported on tasks being undertaken by respective departments. The Commander reported on progress of Sagaing Division and rural development tasks being carried out.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint gave instructions.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Ye Myint inspected the New Century Resource Development Centre opened by North-West Command. Librarian U Kyaw Myint Cho and officials conducted Maj-Gen Ye Myint round the centre.
On 11 May, Maj-Gen Ye Myint, accompanied by Commander Brig-Gen Soe Naing and senior military officers of the command headquarters, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office and departmental heads, inspected extended construction of the runway at Monywa Airport.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint saw over construction of the runway and digging of upper layer of the soil.
Next, they proceeded to the construction site of Chindwin Bridge (Monywa) Project near Letkhokpin village, Yinmabin Township and Mindaunt Ward in Monywa Township. Senior Engineer U Sein Maung reported on construction of the bridge, progress in building the piles of the approach road on Mindaunt bank, completion of the approach structure and piers, installation of beams and fuel supply.
Upper Myanmar Superintending Engineer U Maung Maung reported on implementation of the project and tasks to be undertaken.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint gave instructions on efforts to be made for completion of the bridge in March 2003.
Construction of 31 piles of the approach roads on both sides and two approach structures were completed at Chindwin Bridge (Monywa). At present, beams are being installed and floor tiles are laid.
Commandant of Defence Services Engineering School in-charge of Monywa-Kalaywa Road construction project Col Soe Thein reported on road construction and completion of earth road. Maj-Gen Ye Myint gave instructions.
Then, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party inspected piles of the approach road, completion of piers and installation of beams on Yinmabin side by boat.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party inspected Monywa Industrial Zone.
Then, they met with local authorities and industrialists. Commander Brig-Gen Soe Naing reported on assistance provided to the entrepreneurs, power supply and development of the zone.
Next, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party inspected agricultural equipment, Chindwin Star Jeep and trailer-G produced from Monywa Industrial Zone. On 12 May, they proceeded to Sagaing from Monywa by car and inspected tasks of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading in Sagaing.
Tactical Operations Commander Col Min Swe of North-West Command reported on findings on inspection of the warehouses.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint, accompanied by Commander of No 33 LID Col Tin Tun Aung, inspected warehouses of MAPT.
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe inspects regional development tasks in Shan State (East)
Yangon, 13 May - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Aung Htwe of the Ministry of Defence accompanied by Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and
Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt, Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin, Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Mya Oo, Deputy Commander of Triangle Region Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe and departmental officials left Kengtung for Mongkhat by helicopter on 11 May morning.
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe met with local authorities, members of social organizations and townselders at the meeting hall of Mongkhat Township Information and Public Relations Department. Officials reported to Maj-Gen Aung Htwe on education, health, transport, supply of electricity and regional development work and the requirements. Minister Col Thein Nyunt, Minister U Aung Khin and Deputy Minister Professor Dr Mya Oo gave accounts of ministrywise implementation for regional development. Maj-Gen Aung Htwe fulfilled the
Then, Col Thein Nyunt presented uniforms for members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association and War Veterans
In the afternoon, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and party visited Maha Bodhi monastery in Mongkhat.
Later, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and party left Mongkhat for Mongyang by helicopter. They had a cordial meeting with local authorities and local people and fulfilled requirements for regional development. Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and party presented gifts to service personnel and uniforms to members of USDA and WVO.
Afterwards, they arrived at Mekmann and met with local authorities and local people and fulfilled the requirements for regional development.
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe presented cash and kind assistance to government employees in Mekmann. Col Thein Nyunt
presented uniforms for members of USDA and a wall clock for Township Maternal and
Child Welfare Association.
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and party arrived back in Kengtung in the evening.
Central Executive Committee member of USDA Col Thein Nyunt met with members of USDA at Mongkhat Township USDA office on 11 May and he visited Mongkhat Township Development Committee office. On 12 May, member of Central Organizing Committee of WVO Col Thein Nyunt met with members of WVOs in Shan State (East) at the hall of Township Development Committee in Kengtung.
Minister U Aung Khin visited Sasana Yaungchi monastery in Mongyang, Pyinnyadiya monastery in Mekmann and Sasana Waibonla and Dhammawde Sarthintaik in Kengtung on 11 May. Deputy Minister Professor Dr Mya Oo inspected
People's Hospitals in Mongyang and Mekmann townships on 11 May.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than inspects construction
of Sittoung Bridge (Shwegyin-Madauk)
Yangon, 13 May - During his tour of Toungoo in Bago Division, Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than of the Ministry of Defence and party, together with
Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Southern Command Brig-Gen Aung Min, on yesterday morning inspected the repairs of the bridge at the mile post 150, between Ottwin Township and Phyu Township and gave instructions on timely completion of the bridge to Assistant Engineer U Myint Soe.
Then, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party arrived at Sittoung Bridge (Shwegyin-Madauk) construction project site in Nyaunglebin Township where Superintending Engineer U Win Aung reported on progress of the approach bridge on Madauk bank, laying concrete, construction of bole piles, the approach road on Shwegyin bank and surfacing of gravel road and Assistant Engineer U Kyaw Thu on measures undertaken for installation of the frames of upper structure of the bridge. Then, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than gave instructions on timely completion of the bridge meeting the set standards and durability of the bridge. Afterwards, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party inspected the progress of the construction of the bridge and gave instructions to the officials.
The bridge linking Madauk and Shwegyin in Nyaunglebin Township is 1,500 feet long, 28 feet wide and has four-foot
pedestrian lanes on each side. The clearance of the bridge is 80 feet-wide and 12 feet-high. It can withstand 60-ton loads.
Thence, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party inspected the progress of construction works of the bridge (Shwegyin bank). They then paid homage to the Maha Buddha Phayagyi Pagoda in Shwegyin and left there for Yangon.
( 4
) Industry-1 Minister receives guests
Yangon, 13 May - Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung received Chairman
Mr. Yang Chang Heng of China Metallurgical Construction (Group) Corporation of the
People's Republic of China and party at his office at 4 pm and the business delegation headed by Chairman of Indo-Myanmar Chamber of Commerce & Industries of India
Mr. G L Goenka at 5 pm today. Also present at the calls were Deputy
Minister Brig-Gen Thein Tun, directors-general and managing
Coord meeting on air transportation held
Yangon, 13 May - A coordination meeting for the development of air transportation was held at the meeting hall of the Ministry of Transport on Merchant Street this afternoon attended by Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint, Director-General of Transport Department Col Nyan Tun Aung, Director-General of the Department for Civil Aviation U Win Maung, Managing Director of Myanma Airways U Tin Hlaing Hmi, chairmen and directors of joint-venture airlines of Myanma Airways International, Air Mandalay and Yangon Airways and officials. First, the minister made an address. Then, the chairmen of the joint-venture airlines reported on the conditions of the flights, passengers, changing of flight schedules according to the weather, convenience of the passengers and condition of income and expenditure.
Those present also discussed measures to increase the income of the airlines.
Next, the deputy minister reviewed the meeting, which came to an end with concluding remarks by the minister.
Minister inspects development tasks in Kengtung
Yangon, 13 May - Minister for
Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs
Col Thein Nyunt, accompanied by Deputy Commander of Triangle Region
Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe and officials, arrived at the Training
School for the progress of national youths in border areas in
Kengtung yesterday afternoon and met with the principal, teachers
and trainees of the school. The minister made a speech. Then, the
minister inspected hostels, ordination hall and plantation of the
school and attended to the needs. He then inspected the domestic
science training school in Kengtung. The minister and party met the
staff and their families of the departments under the ministry at
the hall of Kengtung Township and discussed unity in departments,
cooperation and welfare and fulfilled the requirements.
CEC member meets USDA executives
Yangon, 13 May - Central Executive Committee member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung met executives of division/district/township USDAs in Mandalay Division at the meeting hall of Mandalay Division USDA in Chanayethazan Township, Mandalay Division yesterday evening.
CEC member U Aung Thaung made a speech on implementation of the five rural development tasks in accordance with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe. He urged USDA members to continue carrying out the tasks upholding the guidance of the Head of State.
Executives of division/district/township USDAs briefed on future tasks for the welfare of the people.
After attending to the needs, the minister visited Paleik Textile and Finishing Plant in Singaing Township in Kyaukse District and inspected weaving machines and production line there. Then, he gave necessary instructions to the officials.
( 5 ) Commander inspects Yangon Division Vegetable Cultivation and
Poultry Farming Special Zone
Yangon, 13 May - Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe, accompanied by division level departmental officials, went to Yangon Division Vegetable Cultivation and Poultry Farming Special Zone near Nyaunghnapin village, Hmawby Township, this morning and inspected land reclamation, cultivation of crops and poultry farming tasks.
At 9.15 am, the Commander arrived at Hmawby Hsan Hall in the special zone where he was welcomed by Col Tin Tun of Phugyi Station, Hmawby
Station Commander Lt-Col Aung Than Tun and officials. Then, the
Commander inspected preparations for growing of over 270,000 shade
trees and flowery plants being undertaken by the Forest Department
in the zone-1, land reclamation in the zone-2 and cultivation of
vegetables in the special zones. The Ministry of Agriculture and
Irrigation, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry for Progress
of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs, the
Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Electric Power, the Ministry of
Rail Transportation and private entrepreneurs have put 3,325 acres
of land under vegetables.
Over 650,000 broilers and layers have been bred
and over 400,000 broilers have been sold. A total of 9,288 acres of
land have been reclaimed so far.
( 6 ) CEC member tours Ingapu, Myanaung
Yangon, 13 May - Member of Central Executive Committee of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Brig-Gen Thein Aung delivered an address at the closing ceremony of summer courses, organized by Ingapu Township USDA, at Ingapu Basic Education High School on 10 May.
On 11 May, he attended the opening ceremonies of the new school buildings in Takethagyi village, the township, in Kyaukkyee village, Myanaung Township, and in Laytu village, Myanaung Township. In the afternoon, the CEC member met with secretaries and executives of Myanaung and Kyangin Township USDAs.
( 7 )
Representatives of Rail Link Special Working Group arrive
Yangon, 13 May - The representative of Singapore and officials of the ASEAN Secretariat arrived here by air at 11 am today to attend the third meeting of Singapore-Kunming Rail Link Special Working Group to be held at Sedona Hotel on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road on 14 and 15 May.
Similarly, representatives of Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam and Lao People's
Democratic Republic and Malaysia arrived here by air this afternoon.
Chairman of Welcoming and Accommodation Subcommittee
Director-General U Hla Thaung Myint of Road Transport Administration and
officials welcomed the representatives at the airport and accommodated
them at the designated places.
( 8
Kay Thi Win wins gold in weightlifting
Yangon, 13 May - Kay Thi Win lifted 192.5 kilos and won gold in the
women's 48-kilo event of the First Asian All Star Weightlifting
Championship on 12 May. The Indonesian weightlifter secured silver
and the Chinese won bronze. Today, Aye Mon Khin of Myanmar is taking
part in the above 75-kilo event.
( 9
) London Inter Club Team Championship Golf Tournament to be held in Mandalay
Yangon, 13 May - The London Inter Club Team Championship Golf Tournament, organized by the Myanmar Golf Federation and mainly sponsored by the Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd, will be held at Shwe Mann Taung Golf Club, Mandalay, Mandalay Division, on 20 and 21 June.
Only the golf clubs, which play 18 holes, can participate in the tournament.
There will be three divisions the Gold Division Handicap (0-12) class, the Silver Division Handicap (13-18) and the Bronze Division Handicap (19-24).
Those wishing to participate in the tournament are to register at Han Event Management, Tel: 723221 and 543207 not later than 4 pm on 10 June. The tournament will be sponsored by the Han Event Management.