1 ) If national solidarity disintegrates, the Union will break up into pieces and will also vanish from world map
State, Tatmadaw, people able to achieve success in implementing
national economic plans despite economic sanctions and difficulties
General Maung Aye delivers address at graduation parade of 30th Intake of Under-Officers Training Course of Defence Services (Army) Officers Training School
Yangon, 10 May - The graduation parade of the 30th Intake of Under-Officers Training Course of the Defence Services (Army) Officers Training School was held at the parade ground of the school in Bahtoo Tatmyo this morning.
On behalf of the Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence
Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye delivered an address.
In his address, General Maung Aye said: Comrades, at this ceremony, I would like to tell you about the things that you should know.
You have already studied the subjects and underwent training courses concerning the three capabilities of the private, sergeant, warrant officer, and platoon commander at Warrant Officers Training School, Non-Commissioned Officers Training School and the OTS. You have also studied the arts and science subjects to enhance your intellectual power. As you have successfully completed all the training courses, you are now going to discharge duties as under officers in the respective regions to gain experiences concerning the three capabilities.
You are the new generation who will have to inherit the 12 noble traditions of the Tatmadaw. The basic
facts leading to uphold the fine traditions of the Tatmadaw are good discipline and obeying of the orders. So, you will have to preserve the noble traditions by constantly upholding the 60 codes of conduct and abiding by the military and civil laws.
The Tatmadaw also keeps in the fore Our Three Main National Causes.
"Our Three Main National Causes" non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of national solidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty is the national task. You can take lessons from some of the world nations whose strengths weakened due to the breaking up of their unions. If national solidarity disintegrates in the nation, the Union will break up into pieces and will also vanish from the world map.
The Union is formed with 14 states and divisions. As various national races are living together in every state and division, they themselves are also the unions. Hence, all the national races must harmoniously safeguard the Union as the single mother- land and the State. Our Tatmadaw will never accept any scheme that will lead to the breaking up of the Union.
When the Tatmadaw took over the State's duties,
the nation's economy was in decline. The political stability was
lost, and the social sector was ruled by atrocities and anarchy.
Thus, the Tatmadaw has laid down the four political objectives, the
four economic objectives and the four social objectives, and has
kept in the fore "Our Three Main National Causes" to march towards
the goal a new peaceful, modern and developed nation. Due to
the participation of the people, success has been achieved again and
again in marching to the goal.
The short-term four-year national economic plan
was laid down and implemented in 1992. The nation achieved 7.5 per
cent average annual economic growth during the four years. The
second short-term five-year national economic plan began in 1996.
During the five-year period, the nation achieved 8.4 per cent
average annual economic growth. Beginning fiscal 2001-2002, the
nation is implementing the third
short-term five-year national economic plan. The targeted annual
economic growth rate is six per cent. In fiscal 2001-2002, which is
the first year of the plan, the annual economic growth rate reached
10.5 per cent. The per capita income increased over 35 times from
only K 1,782 in 1988 to 68,902 in 2002. The State, the Tatmadaw and
the people were able to achieve success in implementing the economic
plans despite the economic sanctions and difficulties.
As there is economic growth in the country, the
government has built a network of motor roads and railroads the
length and breadth of the nation. The Ministry of Construction has
built 141 over 180-foot-long bridges including nine large river
crossing bridges; the Ministry of Rail Transportation, 34 bridges;
and the Directorate Military Engineers of the Ministry of Defence,
three bridges. A total of 133 dams and 263 river water pumping
stations have been built to develop the agriculture. Efforts have
been made with greater acceleration to develop the economic,
education, health and social sectors of the people including those
in the border areas.
The 24 development zones have been designated in
the nation depending on the geographical condition, population
density and economic situation, to narrow the development gap and to
bring progress to all the regions. The transport, education and
health sectors have been effectively improved in the zones. Arts and
science universities, computer colleges and technological colleges
have been opened in the zones. Hospitals have been upgraded to
general hospitals, and equipped with modern facilities and
specialist surgeons.
As there were only 32 institutions of higher
learning in the nation in 1988, access to the higher education was
difficult then. Now there are 150 institutions of higher learning.
About 700,000 students, nearly 500,000 more than in the past, are
attending classes at the institutions of higher learning. In the
health sector there were only 631 hospitals and over 25,000 beds in
1988. There are now 750 hospitals, some of which have been upgraded
to general hospitals, and over 30,000 beds.
Inter-village roads have been built to form
transport links in rural areas, town-village roads have been built
and rural telephone system to communicate towns has been installed
to enable the rural people to enjoy the fruits of urban development.
Of the nation's population of over 51 million,
over 36 million are living in rural areas. Thus, over 70 per cent of
the population are rural people. To bring down the gap between the
urban and the rural areas, the five rural development tasks
improvement of road transport, agriculture and drinking water
supply, education development, health development and rural economic
development have been laid down. The projects should be
implemented in cooperation with the USDA members and the people.
The respective ministries are taking part in
developing the border areas and national races. As the task is
gaining momentum, arrangements must be made to set up a regular
administration system in the border areas to ensure the rule of law
as in other developing regions. Only then, will the entire Union be
able to gain proportionate progress in all the regions, including
border areas. It is required to introduce highland farming system to
the national races, who are practicing shifting cultivation, for
progress of border areas.
Introduction of the highland farming system to
shifting-cultivators who are roaming the land will help improve
their socio-economy and living standard and reduce poverty. The
project will also help protect the environment and effectively wipe
out poppy cultivation. The task to develop the administrative,
economic, education and health sectors of the border areas which
lagged behind development due to certain reasons has
interrelationship with the 24-development-zone project and five
rural development tasks. Thus, you will have to take part in setting
up the regular administrative system and highland farming system in
the places you will be assigned duty to.
As you are going to discharge duties as under
officers, I would like to tell you about the leadership. First, a
military leader will have to strive to win the trust and reliance of
the subordinates. As the leadership can persuade and overwhelm the
human activities, you are required to concentrate on psychological
and educative organization task.
To realize the aim of a duty, you will have to
explain the value of each member of the unit, the individual duty
and the group-wise duty to organize them to actively participate in
the task with confidence. You will have to organize your
subordinates to have full confidence in themselves. If all the
subordinates will actively discharge the duty with full confidence
and in earnest, the task will achieve success. Harmonious efforts
are required to successfully discharge a duty. Unity is important to
harmoniously discharge a duty. We, the Tatmadawmen, are the persons
who dare to risk our lives to stay in unity. We are required to live
in accord with the political outlook Our Three Main National
Causes to achieve indivisible unity in the Tatmadaw. We need
the ability to differentiate between good and bad to enhance our
intellectual level. Thus, you all need to have total trust in Our
Three Main National Causes from the historical point of view. You
will have to raise your national political spirit to be able to
always play the leading role and to understand that you are working
for Our Three Main National Causes.
Our Tatmadaw will be able to always safeguard Our
Three Main National Causes. Thus efforts are being made to build a
brilliant modern Tatmadaw. There must be highly qualified human
resources for the Tatmadaw to catch up with the advancing
conditions. Thus, priority has been given to teaching computer
science and technology in the Tatmadaw. All the Tatmadawmen are
required to be skilled from the basic levels up to the level of
inventing new programmer in the computer science subject. So, you
must use your time well to be able to adapt yourself to the changing
conditions. The Tatmadawmen should strive with perseverance to
become highly qualified human resources in setting up a constant
learning-teaching society in the entire nation. In conclusion, I
would like to tell you that at present, the Tatmadaw in addition to
taking all the duties of the State is also carrying out the three
main tasks the national defence duty, the duty to train its
members and public welfare duty with might and main. You are
going to discharge the duties.
Thus, you are urged to keep in the fore Our Three
Main National Causes and observe the 12 fine traditions of the
Tatmadaw at the risk of your lives; to live in accord with the
qualities of a leader and to try to possess special leadership
abilities; to strive to become highly qualified human resources in
building a modern Tatmadaw; and to strive together with the people
in building a peaceful, modern and developed
At the ceremony, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of
Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye
inspected the cadet companies.
Then, General Maung Aye took the salute of the
graduate cadet companies.
Next, General Maung Aye presented Best Cadet
Award to Cadet No-108 Cadet Thiha Aung. Then, General Maung Aye left
the parade ground.
General Maung Aye arrives at Bahtoo in Yaksawk township
Yangon, 10 May - Vice-Chairman of the State Peace
and Development Council Deputy Commander- in-Chief
of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye, left here by Tatmadaw aircraft and arrived at Heho airport in Kalaw township at 3.15 pm yesterday.
General Maung Aye and party were welcomed there by Chairman of Shan State Peace and Development Council Commander of Eastern Command Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint, Principal of General Staff College Brig-Gen Nyan Win, Deputy Commander Col Myint Aung and senior military officers, and departmental officials.
At the guest hall of Heho airport, Director-General U Win Maung of the Department of Civil Aviation reported to General Maung Aye on Heho airport extension project.
Next, Managing Director U Tun Myint Naing of Asia World Co Ltd presented a report on the length and width of the runway and progress of extension work. General Maung Aye gave necessary instructions. Extension of the runway covered by Heho airport extension project is being undertaken in two phases the first and the second. Out of the first phase of runway extension tasks, a remaining task to be carried out is the tarring of the runway.
General Maung Aye and party, accompanied by Commander Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint, arrived at Bahtoo in Yaksawk township by helicopter in the evening.
General Maung Aye and party were welcomed there by member of the State Peace and Development Council Chief of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Maj-Gen Tin Ngwe of the Office of Military Appointment-General, Brig-Gen Hsan Hsint, Judge Advocate-General Maj-Gen Thein Soe, Inspector-General of Defence Services Maj-Gen Lun Maung, the Vice-Chiefs of Armed Forces Training, the directors of the Ministry of Defence, the commander of Bahtoo Station, Principal Brig-Gen Kyaw Thu of Defence Services Army Combat Training School (Bahtoo), Principal Brig-Gen Zaw Win of Defence Services (Army)
Officers' Training School and officials.
( 2 ) Secretary-1 attends opening of Baingda Dam in DaikU, Bago Division
Main reforms of agricultural sector includes extension of cultivable land, supply of sufficient irrigation water, emergence of mechanized farming, use of modern
agricultural methods and quality strains
Baingda Dam opens to irrigate about 46,700 acres, prevent floods in rainy season in Pyuntaza plain in Sittaung Valley
Yangon, 10 May - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, left Yangon by Tatmadaw helicopter and arrived at Baingda Dam in Daik-U Township, Bago Division, at 8.30 am today.
Secretary-1 and party were welcomed there by Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Southern Command
Brig-Gen Aung Min and officials.
The opening ceremony of Baingda Dam in Daik-U Township, Bago Division, built by Construction Group-1 of the Irrigation Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation was held at the pandal near the dam at 8.45 am, with an address by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present on the occasion were member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than of the Ministry of Defence, Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Southern Command Brig-Gen Aung Min, ministers, Chief of Staff (Navy), deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads, Division, District and Township Peace and Development Council members, departmental staff, director-general of the Irrigation Department and staff of construction
group-1, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association and social organizations, teachers and students, drum troupe, band troupe, pom pom dance troupe, peasants and local people of DaikU and Kyauktaga Townships, totalling over 5,000.
The Secretary-1 said that as is known to all the local people and farmers, the Government is building dams, reservoirs and sluice gates which contribute practically to the agricultural development of Bago Division, a region on which reliance can be placed in the agriculture sector of the State.
As dams and reservoirs have been built in the eastern and western parts of Bago Division, there are now altogether 134 dams.
The Government has been taking systematic measures for the development of the agriculture sector, a main business which plays a crucial role in improving the economic life of the State and which is also a basis for the business of the majority of the people.
In the agriculture sector, the Government has been making necessary arrangements to replace the conventional with the modern agricultural method.
The main reforms carried out in the agricultural sector are extension of cultivable land, supply of sufficient water for agriculture, emergence of mechanized farming, use of modern agricultural methods and quality strains.
The cultivation method has been changed from single to double or triple cropping. Encouragement is being given to cultivation of all kinds of crops such as cotton, sugarcane, wheat, sesame, peas and beans and oil crops as well as paddy.
In Bago Division, these main crops are growing well. After Ayeyawady Division, Bago Division grows
paddy on the largest acres of fields. It can be said that it is a granary on which the State can rely.
As the Government is building dams and reservoirs wherever possible in Bago Division to ensure that water is available in all weathers, it can be surely said that Bago Division will, in future, become an agro-based region on which the State can place more reliance.
As Bago Yoma is situated at the centre of Bago Division, there are many creeks and tributaries in the rainy season. As they are linked with three rivers the Ayeyawady, the Bago and the Sittaung the region is in floods in the rainy season and are dried up in the hot season. Therefore, it has a strange geographical feature.
Therefore, on the plains, floods can be prevented by building sluice gates. The water which flows from Bago Yoma through rivulets can be caught by small- and medium-sized dams. Therefore, the regions around Yoma can get water in all weathers, and floods can be checked on the plains to some extent. This being the case, a large number of dams, reservoirs and sluice gates are being built.
Baingda Dam can irrigate the fields in Pyuntaza Township and DaikU Township and prevent the floods in Pyuntaza plain included in Sittaung Valley in the rainy season.
Baingda Dam is the 32nd of its kind built in Bago Division in the time of the present government and can irrigate about 46,700 acres of fields. The State spent K 1998.5 million on Baingda Dam.
In the time of the present government, K 18,660.20 million was spent on building 32 dams, reservoirs and sluice gates in Bago Division, and they can benefit over 500,000 acres of fields.
Altogether 134 dams including Baingda Dam have been opened all over the nation and are benefiting 1,967,619 acres of fields. The State spent K 56,912.2 million on building 134 dams.
However, the Government continues to build new dams and reservoirs wherever necessary.
In Bago Division, Kawliya Dam is being built in DaikU Township to irrigate over 24,000 acres of fields; Yenwe Dam, in Kyauktaga Township to irrigate over 118,000 acres; Gamon Dam and
Inhale Dam, in Okpo Township to irrigate 12,000 acres and 15,000 acres respectively; Phyu Dam, in Phyu Township to irrigate 120,000 acres; Khabaung Dam, in Oktwin Township to irrigate 135,000 acres; Alaingni Dam, in Bago Township to irrigate 10,000 acres; and Tawa Sluice Gate, in Thanatpin Township to irrigate 32,000 acres.
The efforts of the Government for the development of each region have resulted in the improvement of economic and social life of local people and equitable development of the entire Union. This shows the genuine attitude and goodwill of the Government towards all the national people. Altogether 24
development regions have been established. The Head of State himself is supervising the tasks for social development covering health and education and for the all-round development of infrastructures.
Therefore, local people and farmers need to make best use of these facilities and to work hard for the development of agriculture, livestock breeding and other economic undertakings.
If local people work hard, their living standard will improve as expected by the Government.
The Government has held the attitude that only when the economic and social life of farmers which constitute the majority of the population improves, will the entire Union develop.
Therefore, Head of State Senior General Than Shwe has given guidance that five rural development tasks are to be implemented in rural and far-flung areas, the fundamental areas of the 24 main development regions.
Local people need to participate actively in the implementation of the five rural development tasks after realizing the goodwill of the Head of State and to work diligently for the development of agriculture, livestock breeding and economic undertakings and for the improvement of health and education standards.
Farmers are responsible for the maintenance of the dams and reservoirs built at a large amount of money by the Government to supply water.
The farmers in Bago Division need to cultivate and produce crops in line with the projects of the State and respond to the goodwill of the State in this way.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 urged all to make effective use of water supplied by Baingda Dam in striving for the development of the agriculture sector and the region and for the improvement of living standard of local people, to work together for rural development in response to the goodwill of the Head of State and to help one another so that all can enjoy benefits in the agriculture sector.
Minister Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin said that a cluster of dams which will contribute to enhancing agro-economy of the State emerged in eastern and western Bago Yoma at a time when development tasks surfaced phase by phase nationwide with the guidance of the Head of State.
Based on the agriculture on which the majority of rural people rely, the Government is making efforts to build an agro-based industrial nation and is implementing the small, medium and large dam projects with added momentum in conjunction with the regional greening tasks.
Therefore, due to the emergence of Kintha, Monchaung, Sinthe, Pathi, Ngamwe. Yetho, Minye, Swachaung, Bawni, Mazin, Zalethtaw, Shwepyi, Ngamoeyeik and Taunglon-myaung dams including newly opened Baingda in east Bago Division, more and more irrigated lands came up and North Nawin, South Nawin, Mataungta, Kangyikon, Natmaw, Shewdaung, Wegyi, Taungnyo, Bawbin, Thegaw, Kantinbilin, Thonze and Otkan dams in west Bago Division created the beauty of Bago Yoma with the agricultural work.
Having natural resources and human resources opportunities, the government is making all-round endeavours to ensure local sufficiency in rice and to earn foreign currency by exporting surplus crops and at the same time to boost the living standard of the public including the peasants who engage in agriculture undertakings.
Rice has been a significant characteristic in the Myanma agriculture history as Myanmar was among the nations which exported rice most in the past. The State is making endeavours to produce 1138 million of paddy baskets in year 2002-2003 by cultivating 16.4 million acres of monsoon and summer paddy to meet the local demand and to export the surplus as the State can grow and export the rice.
Arrangements are being made to produce 2.7 million tons of pulses and beans by growing 7.7 million acres of pulses and beans in the coming cultivation season to become Myanmar as a leading nation in South-east Asia region in producing pulses and beans.
Furthermore, the State is making efforts to cultivate 6.9 million acres of edible oil crops such as sunflower, groundnut and sesame to ensure self-sufficiency. And arrangements are being made to grow 0.89 million acres of cotton, 0.125 million acres of jute, 14,000 acres of kenaf and in year 2002-2003 cultivation season as well as to grow oil palm and Thitseint trees (Termina Belerica).
Bago Division accounted for 158 per cent of the total agriculture undertaking of the State.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation has implemented 32 projects of dams and sluice gates including the newly opened Baidah Dam and other related agro-based industries in Bago Division.
And he urged all farmers to make more earnest efforts in producing crops in the nation in accord with the objectives of the State.
Then, Commander Brig-Gen Aung Min said: Bago Division is an agro-based one. Out of total area 9,737,843 acres, 3,100,347 acres are cultivable land. To make agriculture a success, it is necessary to have water for cultivation and cultivable land alone is not enough. It is mainly necessary to irrigate water to the places where there needs water at the right time.
Baingda Dam to be opened now is one of the cluster of dams such as Ye Nwe, Baingda, Kawliya. Ye Nwe, Baingda and Kawliya creeks flow into Sittaung river through the Pyuntaza plain. Yearly flow of Ye Nwe, Baingda and Kawliya creeks are 861,000 acre ft, 330,000 acre ft and 139,230 acre ft respectively. There are floods on Pyuntaza plain and it has become a wetland and fields are destroyed because Pyuntaza plain is a narrow region between the rail road and Sittaung river, flow of water in creeks is little due to silt deposited in them and the water in Sittaung river blocks the flow of water. As a result, Pa Kaing bank built to prevent Sittaung river from floods is being threatened from the danger of floods. 330,000 acre ft of water will be put under control owing to the construction Baingda dam. As a result, Pyuntaza plain will become free from danger of flood. On completion of construction of remaining Kawliya and Ye Nwe dams, the plain will be completely prevented from floods.
The government has been constructing dams. In addition, silted up creeks are being dredged, embankments have been constructed in order to prevent plains like Pyuntaza from floods.
Special care is to be taken for long lasting of projects work in which a lot of money was invested. Local people will be persuaded to follow rules and regulations issued by Irrigation Department for durability of the dams constructed in Bago Division. Concerted efforts will be made with local people and departmental personnel for effective utilisation of water, he said.
Then, on behalf of the local people, Secretary of Bago District USDA U Aung Soe thanked the State Peace and Development Council Government for the construction of the dam.
Afterwards, Secretary-1 presented honorary prizes for the civil staff who participated in construction of the dam to Assistant Director
U Khin Maung Yu and for mechanical staff, to Assistant Director U Myint Cho.
The ceremony continued at the archway of the dam. Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt formally unveiled the stone inscription of the dam.
Then, Commander Brig-Gen Aung Min and Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin formally opened the dam. Secretary-1 and party posed for documentary photos together with local people and students in front of the archway.
Secretary-1 cordially greeted the local people attending the ceremony and inspected main embankment, spillway and control tower of the dam. Then, the ceremony came to a close.
After the ceremony, Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin and Director-General U Kyaw San Win of the Irrigation Department reported to the Secretary-1 on conditions and irrigated areas of the cluster of dams constructed under the Sittaung Basin Development Irrigation Projects in east side of Bago Yoma, conditions of dams under construction, Pyuntaza plain cluster of dams, facts about the construction of Baingda Dam Project and quality control at the briefing hall of the dam.
The Secretary-1 gave instructions on arrangement to effectively utilize irrigated water in agriculture works.
The dam, earthen one 122-foot high and 1,400-foot long, is situated in DaikU Township, Bago Division, and can irrigate 46,700 acres of land.
Secretary-1 attends opening of DaikU BEHS multimedia teaching centre, inspects construction of Nyaungkhashei-Myitkyo-DaikU road in Bago Division
Yangon, 10 May - Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party attended the opening of Baingda Dam in DaikU
Township, Bago Division and, accompanied by Bago Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Southern Command Commander Brig-Gen Aung Min, left there by helicopter and arrived at DaikU at 10.45 am today.
They were welcomed there by No 77 LID Commander Col Than Htay and officials. The opening ceremony of the multimedia teaching centre of DaikU Basic Education High School in Bago Division was held at the school at 11 am, with an address by the Secretary-1.
At first, the unveiling ceremony of the stone inscription bearing
"Myanmar Education Goal" was held at the school.
The Secretary-1 and party and those present saluted the national flag. Meanwhile, the students, accompanied by the school band, sang the national anthem. Then, the students who won all-round development awards formally unveiled the stone inscription.
Later, the opening of the multimedia teaching centre followed. Headmistress Daw Myint Myint Nyunt and School Board of Trustees Chairman Lt-Col Tin Myint (Retd) formally opened the centre.
The Secretary-1 formally unveiled the signboard of the centre and inspected the electronic media room (language lab), the computer application & e-mail room, the computer-aided instruction room, the projected media room (visual presenter), the electronic media room (video system) and the printed media room (reading corner) and the
students' study with the use of modern teaching aids. They then inspected the domestic science room and the arts room, and viewed the artistic skill demonstration of the students.
The headmistress reported on the purpose of opening the centre and matters pertaining to the modern teaching aids installed at the centre; and the chairman of the School Board of Trustees on concerted efforts for opening the centre.
The Secretary-1 presented video tapes to be used as teaching aids to the headmistress.
In his speech, the Secretary-1 said that it is obvious that the State is making progress in implementing the national education promotion
programmer in cooperation with the public who possessed a sense of responsibility
in accord with the education policy laid down by the State.
Emergence of human resources plays a key role in ensuring the emergence of a modern developed nation and so do schools in nurturing and bringing about human resources.
This being so, multimedia classrooms have emerged one after another in high schools and middle schools as well as in primary schools nationwide resulting from concerted efforts of the State and the people in trying to enable the students of the basic education schools to pursue the international level education.
Due to the active participation of students, teachers, parents, the School Boards of Trustees and wellwishers, national education promotion programmes have met with success; and a special four-year education promotion plan and a 30-year education plan have been laid down and are being implemented. The implementation of those plans is making progress to a certain extent.
Outstanding and brilliant intellectuals and intelligentsia have emerged as they were nurtured and brought up with the use of modern teaching aids and methodology, and at the same time, a modern developed nation will emerge soon.
He also expressed thanks to those who participated in the project for opening the multimedia classrooms of Basic Education High School in DaikU and called on those concerned to provide constant assistance for the education project.
He also urged the teachers and students to make earnest efforts to enhance the education standard up to the international level with the use of the modern teaching aids and methodology.
After the ceremony, together with members of the School Board of Trustees, the headmistress, teachers and students, the Secretary-1 posed for a documentary photo.
The Secretary-1 and party left for the worksite of Nyaungkhashei-Myitkyo-DaikU Road Construction Project by helicopter. On his way to the project site, the Secretary-1 inspected progress of construction of DaikU-Mingalun section of the road.
The Secretary-1 and party arrived at the worksite where local authorities, departmental personnel and local residents welcomed them.
At the briefing hall, Bago District Peace and Development Council Chairman Lt-Col Myo Tint reported on the sown acreage on southern and northern sides of Mingalun in DaikU Township, construction of dams and drains for proper flow of water; and opportunities for cultivation of summer and monsoon paddy and peas and beans after emergence of the two 24-foot-wide drains on both sides of Nyaungkhashei-Myitkyo-DaikU Road; and Commander Brig-Gen Aung Min on progress of the road construction, possible benefits to be gained from construction of the road, and construction of bridges. The Secretary-1 gave instructions.
The Secretary-1 had a cordial conversation with
members of Village Peace and Development Council, departmental
personnel and local people. Afterwards, the Secretary-1 attended to
the needs concerning the reports on regional development tasks
including the development tasks for the education sector presented
by chairmen of Village Peace and Development Councils and
departmental officials. The Secretary-1 said that the new road,
which passes through the region, has been constructed and as a
result the local populace would
enjoy regional development as well as smooth transport soon; in constructing the road, there emerged two drains on both sides of the road and these contributed to travelling by boat, agriculture and livestock breeding; the government was constructing a lot of dams with the use of mountain torrents at the foot of Bago Yoma and so crops could be cultivated in all seasons and agricultural sector was going to develop speedily in the Division; at the same time the five rural development tasks were being carried out with added momentum in accord with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe; thus rural regions would enjoy fruits of all-round development before long; that indicated the government was making efforts with genuine goodwill for development of not only urban areas but rural ones and for promotion of economy and living standard of local populace; therefore, in return, local residents were to strive for the development in agricultural sector by carrying out tasks for reclamation of farmlands and extended cultivation of crops.
The Secretary-1 and party arrived back here in
the evening.
( 3 ) Exchange of Notes between Myanmar and Japan signed
Yangon, 10 May - Minister for National Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha and Japanese Ambassador to Myanmar
Mr. Shigeru Tsumori this afternoon signed an Exchange of Notes at the meeting hall of the ministry.
It was also attended by Deputy Minister for NPED Brig-Gen Than Tun, Deputy Minister for Electric Power U Myo Myint, responsible personnel from the Japanese Embassy and officials from government enterprises.
According to the Exchange of Notes, Japanese Government will provide assistance to Myanmar Government with 628 million yen for the project, Rehabilitation for Baluchaung
No 2 Hydro Power Plant.
( 4
) Surgical equipment donated to Ministry of Health
Yangon, 10 May - Chairman Dr Lewis G Zirkle of Surgical Implant Generation Network donated orthopedic surgical equipment to the Ministry of Health at Yangon General Hospital on Bogyoke Aung San Street this morning.
Present on the occasion were Minister at the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office Brig-Gen Abel, Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Deputy Minister Prof Dr Kyaw Myint and officials of the ministry, medical superintendents, professors, physicians and guests.
Chairman Dr Lewis G Zirkle explained the purpose of donation. Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein accepted the equipment worth K 16 million and presented a certificate of honour to the donor. Medical superintendent of YGH Dr Teik Wan expressed thanks.
Then, Dr Lewis G Zirkle explained the function of the equipment to Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein and party.
( 5 ) Work coordinated for holding of SKRL Meeting
Yangon, 9 May - The work coordination meeting for holding the third meeting of Singapore-Kunming Rail Link Special Working Group, to be held from 14 to 15 May 2002 at the Sedona Hotel here, took place at the meeting hall of the Ministry of Rail Transportation this morning, with an address by Deputy Minister for Rail Transportation Thura U Thaung Lwin.
Also present on the occasion were Chairman of the Working Committee for Holding SKRL Working Group Meeting Director-General of the Transport Planning Department U Kyaw Hsan, committee members and chairmen and secretaries of the respective sub-committees and officials.
Then, Director-General U Kyaw Hsan reported on work being carried out for the holding of the SWG meeting.
Respective sub-committees also reported on work done. The deputy minister gave necessary instructions and the meeting came to a
( 6 ) U Aye Zaw Win and sons put on trial
Yangon, 10 May - Tribunals No 1 and No 2 of Yangon Division Court since 3 May 2002, have been hearing the cases of U Aye Zaw Win of 19, Maykha Street, Yangon, and sons Aye Ne Win, Kyaw Ne Win and Zwe Ne Win who persuaded some Tatmadaw members and leaders to plot a coup, to effect changes in the leadership of the State and to incite dissension in the Tatmadaw.
Tribunal No 1 of Yangon Division Court comprising Judge of Yangon Division U Aung Ngwe and Joint Division Judge U Nyan Win as chairman and member respectively tried U Aye Zaw Win, Aye Ne Win, Kyaw Ne Win and Zwe Ne Win on the charges of attempting to seize power and enticing military personnel to commit High Treason at 10 am today. As the defendants said that they hadn't hired a lawyer, the tribunal postponed hearing of the case till 15 May to enable the defendants to hire a lawyer, and the tribunal stopped hearing the case at 10.30 am.
Tribunal No 2 of Yangon Division Court comprising Joint Division Judge U Tin Win of Yangon Division Court and Joint Division Judge U Soe Thein as chairman and member respectively tried U Aye Zaw Win, Kyaw Ne Win, Kyaw Thiha, Wai Lin Hsan and Tun Tauk Win on eight charges of purchase and use of vehicles without licences
and two charges of illegal import and use of satellite phones.
The witnesses were examined in connection with
fugitives. The tribunal stopped hearing the case at 1.30 pm so that
the defendants can make necessary arrangements to hire a lawyer and
to submit the power of attorney. At the hearing, 19 local and
foreign correspondents were present to cover the news.
( 7 )
Symposium of Leonics Products held
Yangon, 10 May - Symposium of Leonics Products, jointly organized by Earth Computer Systems Co Ltd (Myanmar) and Leonic Co Ltd (Thailand), was held at MICT Park in Hline Township this morning.
It was attended by Chairperson and Managing Director of Earth Group of Companies Daw Khaing Zaw, Technical Director
Mr. Chokechai Chong Siri Ra Tanakul and Export Manager Mr. Eddy Pua and officials of Leonic Co Ltd, managing directors of companies and retailers and guests.
Managing Director of Earth Group made a speech and Technical Director of Leonic Co explained facts about products of the company.
Then, the export manager of Leonic Co presented souvenirs to customers who bought products of the company most.
Then, the technical director presented completion certificates to trainees of Leonics UPS Training Course.
( 8
) Myanmar-Malaysia friendly soccer match on 17, 19 May
Yangon, 10 May - Myanmar-Malaysia friendly soccer matches will be held at Youth Training Centre (Thuwunna) on 17 and 19 May. Selected Malaysia team will arrive here on 15 May and will play against tentatively Selected Myanmar team at 4 pm on 17 May and against tentatively Selected Myanmar Youth team, at 4 pm on 19 May. Entrance fee is K 200 for ordinary stand and K 400 for grand strand.
( 9
) Bomb explosion at Strand Hotel in Tachilek
Yangon, 10 May - A bomb exploded in Room 308, 3rd floor, in Strand Hotel, No 215, Talawt Ward in Tachilek at 2.50 am yesterday. Due to the explosion, four people Kya Min (a) Son Sui San, 50, and wife Ma Ah Hpan, 35, who were staying at Room 308 and Ko Kyi Soe, 30, and Nay Lin, 24, who were staying at Room 208 on the second floor under the Room 308Ñwere wounded. The victims were taken to People's Hospital in Tachilek and given treatments. Ma Ah Hpan succumbed to the injuries at 4.40 am. Cause of explosion is under investigation.
tablets seized
in Tangyan
Yangon, 10 May - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, acting on information, searched a DT motorcycle with a number plate W-10607 at Takawsat Check-Point in Tangyan Township, Shan State (North), on 25 April, and nabbed motor cyclist Aik Khan, son of U Aik Tun of Baunglaung Village, Naungkhit Village-tract, Tangyan Township, and his accomplice Aik Kaw, son of U Aik Aung of Mongyawng, together with 37,000 stimulant tablets.
Action has been taken against them under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the police station.