1 ) Highland cultivation project being implemented to ensure fixed homes for
"nomads" of border areas, to improve their living standard
Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races holds work coordination meeting
Yangon, 9 May - The Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races held the work coordination meeting No 2/2002 at the meeting hall of the Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs here this afternoon.
Chairman of the Work Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt attended the meeting.
The Secretary-1 said that to be discussed at the present meeting are the implementation of the guidance and policies laid down by the Chairman of the Central Committee Head of State Senior General Than Shwe after the ninth and tenth meetings of the Central Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races.
To accelerate the tasks for progress of border areas and national races, the ninth and tenth meetings of the Central Committee were held in March and April 2002.
The ninth meeting of the Central Committee laid down 18 guidelines, which are now being implemented.
The ministries concerned and subcommittees are required to speed up their efforts for progress of border areas and national races in keeping with the 18 guidelines and for eradication of narcotic drugs.
The tenth meeting of the Central Committee laid down ten guidelines, which focus mainly on replacement of the shifting farming system with the highland cultivation system at border areas and development of education, health, livestock breeding and energy sectors.
Therefore, the ministries and departments concerned and subcommittees are required to cooperate with local authorities in carrying out tasks concerning agriculture, livestock breeding, communication, power supply, transport, education, health and public relations in accord with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe.
As the shifting cultivation is practiced, national people from border areas have not been able to settle in a place and their living standard is low. The ministries concerned are to cooperate in encouraging them to follow the practice of the highland cultivation to ensure that national people from border areas can settle in a place, that their socio-economic life can improve, that there can be equitable development among national races, that the environment can be preserved, and that the practice of poppy growing can be eradicated.
In accord with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, 24 development zones of border areas development project and five tasks for development of rural areas are being implemented.
These tasks are to be implemented together with border areas development tasks laid down at the meetings of the Central Committee.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 called on officials of the ministries and departments concerned and subcommittees to implement the development tasks as of the present fiscal year.
Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt explained progress in realizing the guidance laid down by Chairman of the Central Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races Senior General Than Shwe at the ninth meeting of the committee, arrangements being made to realize the guidance give by the Senior General at the tenth Central Committee meeting and projects being implemented to enable the youth of the border areas get access to the higher education.
Chairmen of the subcommittees reported to the meeting on progress in implementing the border areas development projects covering the health, education, road and bridge, construction, highland cultivation sectors and requirements.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt looked into their requirements, saying all will have to enhance their efforts to carry out regional development, farming and social development tasks covered by the border areas development projects.
The project to set up highland cultivation is being implemented with the humanitarian spirit to give fixed homes for the nomads of border areas of Myanmar who are conducting shifting cultivation and to improve their living standard.
The project will help free the national races from poverty, green the barren hills which were the results of shifting cultivation, ensure regional food sufficiency and wipe out poppy cultivation and opium production.
The Secretary-1 said the Senior General after assessing the project from all sectors gave guidance to implement it as a national task. All the ministries concerned are required to collectively implement the
( 2 ) Ambassador U Kyaw Tint Swe presents Credentials to Vice President of Cuba
Yangon, 10 May - U Kyaw Tint Swe, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Union of Myanmar to the Republic of Cuba, presented his Credentials to His Excellency Mr
Juan Almeida Bosque, Vice President of the Republic of Cuba on 28
March 2002, in Havana.
L&F Minister receives guests
Yangon, 9 May - Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein received visiting Deputy Minister of Commerce of Thailand Mr Suvarn Valaisathien and party, to attend the Thailand Exhibition being held at Yangon Trade Centre, at his office this afternoon.
Also present at the call were director-general and managing directors of the department and enterprises under the ministry, the head of office and officials.
( 3 )
Regular press conference held with local and foreign journalists
Reception of Myanmars working illegally in Thailand explained
Myanmar launching narcotics elimination and opium-substitute crops cultivation projects
Action taken against smuggling of cars into Myanmar from other country KNU terrorist insurgents fire at passenger buses, blow up gas pipelines
Yangon, 9 April - A regular press conference was held at Tatmadaw Guest House on Inya Road here at 9 am today.
It was attended by Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, high-ranking military officers, departmental heads, information officials, U Sein Win of Kyodo News Agency, Patron U Hla Htwe, President U Sao Kai Hpa and member correspondents of Myanmar Foreign Correspondents Club and guests. Lt-Col Tin Oo of the Ministry of Defense acted as master of ceremonies. First, Maj-Gen Kyaw Win extended greetings.
Then, Head of Department Col Myint Zaw of the Ministry of Defense gave an account of measures for receiving Myanmar workers who worked illegally in Thailand. He said: to receive illegal Myanmar workers, a reception camp has been opened in Myawady since February through the coordination between the two governments. The government has systematically received Myanmar workers who had worked illegally in Thailand like its children in difficulty with genuine goodwill and without taking any legal action. The returnees have been sent to their homes. These measures are being taken by opening a reception camp in Myawady. A total of 2,772 people 1,514 men, 1,117 women and 141 babies have been received. Necessary arrangements have been made to send them home; medical check-up have been conducted; food and care have been provided before they were sent to their homes with the assistance of local authorities. A total of 83 returnees who are not in good health 52 men and 31 women are being given medical treatment. In response to the questions of officials concerned, some returnees said they were not illegal workers; but they were there to sell and buy things; some were visitors. Thai police sent them back to Myanmar after tearing official border passes. Some were sent back to Myanmar after their Thai baht and property were seized. Such unfair treatment will be objected through Thai officials, he said.
Afterwards, Head of Department Col Kyaw Thein of the Ministry of Defense gave clarification on the fabricated concoction of some foreign media that Myanmar opium crop threatens to rise in the 2001-2002 opium cultivation season.
He said: very recently, we read fabricated concoction that Myanmar opium crop threatens to rise in the 2001-2002 opium cultivation season carried by some foreign newspapers.
These are mere concocted news issued by some foreign newspapers and media entertaining pessimism with the intention of tarnishing the image of Myanmar.
Myanmar suffer pessimism.
The government of Myanmar has been undertaking opium yield surveys in cooperation with the Drug Enforcement Administration of the United States since 1993 and the last survey took place from 25 February to 2 March 2002. As a result, since 1997, the opium production has been declining steadily. The tonnage of opium production has declined from 2,365 in 1997 to 865 in 2001, representing a decrease of 64 percent. Acreage under poppy cultivation has also decreased. 151,201 acres under opium in 1997 has declined to 61,824 in 2001, representing a decrease of almost 60 per cent.
During the joint team trips with DEA of the United States, only other crops like buck wheat were found to be grown in Lonhtan, Shaukhaw and Tamoenye regions in Kyutkhine township where there were opium cultivation in past years. Moreover, local Tatmadaw members, members of Police Force, departmental organizations, social organizations and local people, as a national task, have been destroying opium fields illegally cultivated in far flung valleys and hillsides. About 26,000 acres of poppy have been destroyed all over Myanmar during this year opium cultivation season. Therefore, it is totally impossible that opium production in Myanmar will increase as some foreign newspapers and media wrote. Opium production will remain only 40 per cent and it is most likely that opium production would rather drop than rise. Drug control measures have been taken with various ways and means in all sectors for drug elimination. Some doubtful companies from some towns in border areas were liquidated in order to prevent from drug related crimes and cut off the paths related to drugs.
Opium growers have been given educative talks and organized not to grow opium during reclamation period and seeds of other crops have been distributed to them. I would like to present a good news that a seed bank has been set up with initial fund K 50 millions and seeds have been distributed free of charge to them at present. So it is a practical and true condition that opium production will decrease in Myanmar despite rise.
Then, Head of Department Col Kyaw Thein of the Ministry of Defense gave clarification on action taken against illegal import of motor cars from other side.
The Government has permitted doing local and foreign trade freely in accord with the law to ensure the systematic practice of a market-oriented economic system. However, some people imported vehicles through the border entrances and exits and illegal routes, kept them at border towns and sold them to neighbouring nations. According to the information received, a combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force raided and searched some warehouses and houses in Tachilek at 8 pm on 1 April 2002. Altogether 45 vehicles without
licenses were seized 28 owned by U Lauk Kyan (a) Kyan Kya Chee, aged 73, of Makahokham Ward of Tachilek and his son U Than Tun of Maisai of Thailand, 5 by U Tun Yin, aged 41, son of U Lauk Kyan of the same block, and 12 by U Khin Aung (a) Kyin Sin, aged 31, of Hsan Hsaing Oauk Ward of Tachilek.
Owners of the vehicles U Lauk Kyan, U Tun Yin and U Khin Aung (a) Kyin Sin were arrested. So were Aik Non, aged 31, son of U Kyin Shwe, and U Aik Ton, aged 45, son of U Aik Shen, who helped carry and keep the vehicles.
U Than Tun of Maisai of Thailand, aged 38, son of U Lauk Kyan, is running away.
According to the information obtained from those under arrest, they contacted Thai companies which buy and sell used cars imported from Japan and kept in the customs compound of Maisai in the
neighbouring nation, and carried these vehicles to Tachilek through various illegal ways and means. Then, they sold these cars to those from the country and China.
The seized 45 cars include 12 Land Cruisers, 4 Land Cruiser Prados, 5 Pajeros, 4 Surfs, 2 4x4 Stradas, 1 Corolla Van, 3 Vistas, 1 Chaser, 1 Cherokee (Jeep), 1 Celsior (Saloon), 1 Grandhiace, 3 harriers, 1 Vx-Limited, 1 Laurel, 1 Cresta (Saloon), 1 Mark-II (Saloon), 1 Corolla Saloon and 2 Toyota Coronas. Their total prevailing price is about K 418,440,800.
They have started the smuggling of vehicles since 1999, and have imported over 200 vehicles from Thailand through various illegal ways and means. Action is being taken against them.
Deputy Head of Department Lt-Col Min Lwin said although the government is making efforts to build a modern and developed nation, the KNU terrorist insurgents are trying to disturb community peace, committing destructive acts and butchering innocent people. In one incident, the KNU terrorist insurgents mined and fired at two Hilux light passenger buses near mile post 35 on Kawkareik-Myawady road at 12.45 pm on 30 April 2002. Tali Bai was at the wheels of the car with plate No Hta/6798 and Saw Thaik Pwe at the wheels of another car with plate No 9Ka/5734.
During the attack, Ma Myint Aye, 44, daughter of U Ohn Yin, of Kyondoe village, Kawkareik Township, sustained a bullet wound under her right ear, Ko Hnin Nu, 38, son of U Ohn Khin, of Pata village, Kawkareik Township, was hit by a bullet at his shoulder blade, and Maung Win, 42, was
wounded by the shrapnel at his right shoulder and right neck. The three wounded persons are undergoing treatment at the People's Hospital in Myawady.
Similarly, three KNU terrorist insurgents blew up a gas pipeline at estimate X-399944 near Thabyechaung Creek bridge at railroad mile post 241/18,19 between Hnit Kayin and Ahnin villages in Ye Township at 9.30 pm on 30 April 2002.
The pipeline is transporting gas from Kanbauk to Myainggale. Watchman of the pipeline U Soe Naing, 33, son of U Myat Naing, and wife Daw Nyo of Kyeikkhe village, sustained burns at the back by the explosion.
The three KNU terrorist insurgents holding small arms arrived at civilian guard house near the bridge at bout 9 pm on 30 April. After inquiring the couple about the person who assigned them the duty and the monthly salary, the KNU terrorist insurgents tied up U Soe Naing and wife in the guard house. Thirty minutes later, the terrorists went to the pipeline and then blew it up. The sleepers of the railway were burnt by the explosion. Six units of rails and the some frames of the bridge were twisted by the heat of the fire. U Soe Naing and Daw Nyo sustained burns at the back by the explosion. As the staff of the departments concerned took immediate action to repair the destroyed sections of the railway and the bridge, trains are now running on them regularly.
KNU insurgents are using various means to disturb community peace and tranquility, committing destructive acts and atrocities against the innocent people. At 00.30 am on 6 May 2002, a group of KNU insurgents arrived at a place between
Bilking and Thaton and blew up the gas pipeline linking Yangon and Myainggalay near Kazine Bridge west of Yangon-Mottama motor road between mile posts 130/3 and 130/4 at estimate M-840824.
The explosion caused a four-foot deep hole in the ground which was about eight feet wide and about 10 feet long
At 12.10 pm on the same day, an explosion occurred at the corner of Arzani and Pakokku Kyaung streets, Myaukywa Ward, Dawei. No one was wounded in the incident. When the authorities combed the area, they found that it was a local-made bomb and that the terrorist acts was committed under orders of the KNU Central.
Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, heads of departments of the Ministry of Defense, Col Myint Zaw, Col Kyaw Thein and Col Than Tun, and Deputy Head of Department Lt-Col Min Lwin replied to queries raised by the journalists.
The journalists viewed the documentaries and photos on the terrorists of the KNU
terrorist insurgents.
( 4
) Regional development projects inspected
in Ayeyawady Division
Yangon, 9 May - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than of the Ministry of Defense and party, accompanied by Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Commander Brig-Gen Htay Oo, arrived at the Jute Factory of Myanma Jute Enterprise under the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation in Myaungmya yesterday morning.
Factory Manager U Phe Hsaung conducted them round the factory. Then, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than gave instructions to the officials.
Beginning 17 August 1992, the factory is running with three shifts. It produced 5.3 million gunny bags and 0.026 million square yards of gunny cloth in 2001-2002 fiscal year.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than met with local authorities, departmental personnel, officials of NGOs and industrialists at Naungyo Hall in Myaungmya and gave instructions on development tasks of Myaungmya. Myaungmya District Peace and Development Council Chairman Lt-Col Tin Aye reported on regional development projects implemented and future tasks.
South-West Command Commander Brig-Gen Htay Oo discussed matters related to agriculture, livestock breeding, commodity production, and production methods.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than said that Ayeyawady Division had favorable conditions to conduct agriculture, livestock breeding and commodity production and thus local authorities, departmental officials and local people were to make concerted efforts with added momentum for all-round development of the division. He spoke of the need for farmers and fisheries entrepreneurs to co-operate with respective departments in order to boost their production at a time when the government was rendering assistance for development of meat and fish sector including agricultural and fish and prawn breeding sectors. He gave instructions on organization measures to be taken for cultivation of kitchen crops and breeding of poultry and pigs on a small scale to increase per capita income of local residents, and emphasis to be put on successful implementation of five rural development tasks.
He called on social organizations to
actively participate in carrying out tasks on community peace and tranquility
and prevalence of law and order.
At the briefing hall of Wakema-Kangyi road Kyungon camp of Public Works in Wakema Township, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than heard a report presented by the chairman of Kyungon Village-tract Peace and Development Council on work done for the village development and future Regional development projects
tasks. The township agricultural manager gave a supplementary report. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than fulfilled the requirements.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party proceeded to the worksite of Wakema Bridge Construction Project and inspected progress in construction of the bridge.
They next went to the worksite of the Orchard Co Ltd in Maubin Township, where they were welcomed by Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein and the managing director of the Orchard Co Ltd. Managing Director Dr Myint Sein reported on breeding and production of fish this year, arrangements being made for extended breeding of fish, and cultivation of summer paddy and beans and pulses.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party headed for the agriculture and livestock breeding camp being undertaken by Yangon City Development Committee in Maubin and inspected fish breeding ponds at
the wetland and duck runs. At the camp, the YCDC is breeding different kinds of fish in the ponds of 600 acres out of 2,000 targeted acres of land, and 28,530 ducks. A total of 16,000 duck eggs are being sent to Yangon market daily.
Later, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party arrived at the agriculture and livestock breeding camp of the wetland reclamation project of Wah Wah Win International Co Ltd in Nyaungdonkyun. Project Manager Daw San San Myint reported on progress in carrying out earth work for 6,000 acres of fish breeding ponds, breeding of 6.2 million of fish in the ponds of 1,600 acres of land, breeding of fish at the wetland areas from 1998-1999 to 2001-2002, and cultivation of summer paddy.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than gave necessary instructions.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party arrived back here in the evening.
( 5 ) First meeting of UN Regional Task Force on
Mobility and HIV Vulnerability Reduction held
Yangon, 9 May - The first meeting of the UN Regional Task Force on Mobility and HIV Vulnerability Reduction, organised by the Ministry of Health, UNDP and UNAIDS for South-East Asia and the Pacific, was held at the Traders Hotel this morning.
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein delivered an address.
Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein said that being a member of the ASEAN, Myanmar is striving to eradicate malaria, tuberculosis and AIDS in cooperation with the nations in the region. Myanmar hosted the ninth ASEAN meeting on AIDS control programmes in September 2001. Together with member nations, Myanmar approved AIDS control programmes. One of them is mobility and HIV vulnerability reduction.
The task for prevention of migrating people against AIDS resulted from the seventh ASEAN meeting on AIDS control held in Brunei in 1999. The nations in the Mekong subregion have ratified the agreement on mobility and HIV vulnerability reduction. Myanmar has been taking AIDS preventive measures for 15 years. The Central Committee for Prevention and Eradication of AIDS was formed in 1989. Now an AIDS eradication project has been formulated. In accord with the guidance of Senior General Than Shwe, a 15-year narcotic drugs elimination plan has been drawn and implemented.
At the 34th meeting of the Myanmar National Health Committee, which was held on 12 April 2002, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt spoke of the need to make systematic efforts for the success of the AIDS control project.
The minister then elaborated on Myanmar's holding of workshops and launching of projects in cooperation with international agencies to control the epidemic.
Myanmar is making plans to closely cooperate with the nations of the Mekong region to control the spread of HIV among the people of the nomadic groups.
Chairman of the UN Theme Group on HIV/AIDS Resident Representative of UNICEF Mr J Bertrand Mendis
extended greetings. The meeting continues tomorrow.
Thailand Exhibition "2002" opened
Yangon, 9 May - Under the programme to promote the economic cooperation between Myanmar and Thailand, and with the assistance of the Ministry of Commerce, the opening ceremony of
"Thailand Exhibition "2002", organized by the office of the Commercial Affairs, Royal Thai Embassy, and
Department of Export Promotion of Thailand, was held at Yangon Trade Centre in Mingala Taungnyunt Township here this morning.
It was attended by Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, Deputy Minister for Finance and Revenue Brig-Gen Than Tun, Deputy Minister for Hotels and Tourism Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu, Deputy Minister of Commerce of Thailand Mr Suvarn Valaisathien and party, who are currently here, departmental heads, ambassadors of foreign embassies in Myanmar and officials and guests.
First, Mr Suvarn Valaisathien extended greetings and spoke words of thanks.
Then, together with Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, he opened the exhibition. Next, the minister, deputy ministers and guests viewed the exhibition, where machinery, stationery, household and kitchen utilities, Lolane hair design and hair care products of Grand Wynn Enterprise, cosmetics from Thai companies, construction materials, medicines and chemicals, foodstuff and beverages, packaging machines, ornamental materials, leather ware and textiles are on display.
At the exhibition, a total of 136 booths from 108 companies are opened. Entrepreneurs are allowed to visit the exhibition on 9 and 10 May, and the public on 11 and 12 May from 10 am to 6 pm daily. Admission is free.
USDA Management Course opened
Yangon, 9 May - Executives Management Course No 12 and other courses of the Union Solidarity and Development Association of Dagon Myothit (East) Township took place at the association's office yesterday afternoon.
Member of the Central Executive Committee of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint attended the opening ceremony. He delivered an address on the occasion and accepted cash donations to the association's office. It was also attended by township USDA executives, township authorities and trainees.
CEC member Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint spoke of the need to follow the purposes of the association, to strive for the development of human resources, to abide by the rules and regulations laid down by the association in carrying out the rural development tasks and to be dutiful.
Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint then accepted K 30,000 donated by five well-wishers
to the township USDA office. After which, the ceremony came to an
end. A total of 100 trainees are attending the Executives Management
Course No 12, and 50 the basic international spoken English course
and advanced computer course.
( 6 ) Commander inspects development works
Yangon, 9 May - Chairman of Mon State Peace and Development Council Commander of South-East Command Brig-Gen Thura Myint Aung, accompanied by Chairman of Kayin State Peace and Development Council Col Maung Shein and departmental officials, inspected the construction works of bridge Nos 8 and 7 near Zarthabyin Village, Hpa-an Township on 8 May and fulfilled the requirements.
Then, the commander inspected the construction of a station hospital in Katoe Village and works of the gravel extraction site of South-East Command. He then fulfilled the requirements there.
At 1 pm, the commander attended and made a speech at the work coordination meeting on promotion of basic education in Mon State held at Yamanya Hall of the Mon State Peace and Development Council Office.
Next, Mon State Education Officer U Than Myint and Secretary of Mon State Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Aung Maw Maw reported on the progress of work on promotion of basic education in the state and installation of equipment at the multi- media classrooms respectively. The commander attended to the needs.
Afterwards, the commander presented teaching aids to Education Officer U Than Myint.
International Relations Courses conclude
Yangon, 9 May - A concluding ceremony of the spoken (English/Japanese) courses for Intrernational Relations, organized by Kachin State Union Solidarity and Development Association, was held at City Hall of Myitkyina at 9 am on 7 May.
Present were Chairman of Kachin State Peace and Development Council, Commander of Northern Command Brig-Gen Maung Maung Swe, Patron of Kachin State Maternal and Child Welfare Association Supervisory Committee Daw Tin Tin Nwe, Brig-Gen Bo Kyi of Myitkyina Air Base, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen San Tun, senior military officers, Secretary of Kachin State Lt-Col Myint Thein and committee members, state and division level departmental personnel, secretary and executives of USDA , members of USDA, social organizations, course instructors, trainees and invited guests.
Patron of Kachin State USDA Commander Brig-Gen Maung Maung Swe made a speech at the ceremony and secretary of township USDA U Nyo Win presented gifts to outstanding trainee Ma Saw Yu Mon and course instructors, and then the ceremony came to an end.
( 7 )
Mayor inspects agriculture and livestock breeding tasks
Yangon, 9 May - Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay inspected agriculture and livestock breeding tasks in Uto-Kya-in region, Taikkyi Township in Yangon Division this morning.
The mayor inspected land preparation and canals in the region and storage of water in the Insu pond. Then, the mayor inspected the main sluice gate and raising of pigs. Afterwards, the mayor went to Indwingyi region and viewed summer paddy fields.
The mayor also inspected tarring of No 1 Road and raising of broilers and extension of broilers farms.
Then, member of the National Health Committee Mayor U Ko Lay met with over 200 outstanding Red Cross youths who came there to visit the City Resort at Shwewa Tun Hall and gave an account for the implementation of agriculture and livestock breeding. The mayor hosted lunch to them at the Shwewa
Tun hall.
( 8
Co-ord meeting for MWJA
conference held
Yangon, 9 May - The meeting of the information work committee for holding the third Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association conference was held at the News and Periodicals Enterprise (Head Office) on Theinbyu Road here at 1 pm today, attended by chairman of the work committee and committee members.
First, work committee Chairman Director (News) of NPE U Hla Tun (Hla Tun-Twantay) delivered an address and Secretary of the work committee adviser to NPE
U Maung Maung Nyo reported on the plans of the committee. Then,
those present took part in the discussions and the meeting came to a
close at 2 pm.
( 9
) National race study group continues tour
Yangon, 9 May - Altogether 126 members of the national race study group from An Township, Rakhine Region, who are here to visit famous pagodas and to study the development of the state, together with Deputy Director of the Department for Progress of Border Areas and National Race Maj
San Wai and officials, paid homage to Shwethalyaung, Mahazedi and Shwemaw-daw Pagodas in Bago and made cash donations to the funds of the pagodas this morning.
The study group proceeded to Kanbawzathadi Palace where they were briefed on facts about the palace by Assistant Director of the Department of Archaeology U Myat Swe. Then, they viewed around the Archaeological Museum and the palace.
Then, they arrived at the Myanma Perennial Crops Enterprise (Indagaw) of the
Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation and studied the rubber
production. They also paid homage to Tooth Relic Pagoda.