1 ) Outstanding Red Cross youth urged to strive to become model leaders, dedicating themselves to discharging humanitarian duties throughout life
Carry out national task dutifully and with great perseveranceas
humanitarian task force contributing to nation's peace and tranquility
Secretary-1 attends opening of Outstanding Red Cross Youths Get-together 2002
Yangon, 3 May - The opening ceremony of Outstanding Red Cross Get-together 2002 of the Myanmar Red Cross Society was held at the Mya Nyilar Hall of No 2 Basic Education High School on Bogyoke Aung San Street, Latha Township, this afternoon, with an address by Chairman of the National Health Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
In his speech, the Secretary-1 said the State has acknowledged that the ability of youth, who will lead
the future nation, is the most basic requirement for emergence of a new nation and for safeguarding the nation.
Thus, the State is making arrangements and giving encouragement to nurture youth who are outstanding in all sectors for national progress, and to develop human resources. Annual emergence of the outstanding Red Cross youth at this time is a good condition contributing to the national development.
Relying on the participation and support of the people, the government is striving to enable Myanmar to keep pace with other nations in terms of development. As the humanitarian organizations of the public are actively participating in the State's endeavors, success has been achieved in building a new nation The Myanmar Red Cross Society is playing a leading role in serving the interests of the people.
In accord with the aims, the MRCS is actively taking part in the primary health care, major diseases control task and nation-building task as well as in its humanitarian activities Ñ health care promotion, diseases control and relief programmers for victims of disasters.
Hence, the State has designated the MRCS as a humanitarian task force contributing to peace and tranquility of the nation, and assigned it national duties.
It is satisfactory to see the society achieving success. For, it is effectively mobilizing the brilliant force of the youth to take part in serving the interests of the nation and the people and in the endeavors contributing to national peace and progress.
The society is organizing the youth, who will discharge the national duty in the future, to effectively use their brilliant ability, willingness and dynamic force in the national development and humanitarian tasks and to steer them towards the correct national path.
The MRCS is systematically implementing the programmed to nurture youth of the Red Cross sector, to transform the Red Cross youth as a qualified and consolidated force. Systematic formation and training of Red Cross brigades and launching of programmers to honor the outstanding Red Cross youth are the effective programmers benefiting the nation.
The outstanding Red Cross youth should be proud of themselves. They will have to strive to become model Red Cross youth and young Red Cross leaders, dedicating themselves to discharging humanitarian duties throughout their life.
At this gathering where the outstanding Red Cross youth from all over the nation meet, they will have to share their experiences, traditions and cultures and customs while living as a closely-knit family. In the future, they are also required to continuously make suggestions and discussions mutually, trying to launch the Red Cross activities actively and harmoniously all over the country.
They should accept themselves as model junior leaders and should carry out an organizational task in all levels including the ward and village levels to implement the seven major tasks of the society.
The Red Cross members, who are born of the people, constitute a force benefiting the nation.
They are the national force which can be mobilized right down from the basic level. So, it is required for them to join hands with the people to offer public welfare services under the leadership of the MRCS (Central).
Especially, they should take part in the 24-zone development project and the five rural development task which are being implemented under the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe.
Today, the endeavors to develop and modernize the Union of Myanmar are gaining momentum. They should strive to serve the national interests through the Red Cross tasks
--- to uplift the health and social standard of the public --- to enable the people of all the regions of the Union including the border areas and rural regions to enjoy the fruits of progress in a peace of mind. In addition, they will have to show great perseverance in daringly and dutifully discharging the national duty as the humanitarian task force contributing to peace and tranquility of the nation.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 urged them to energetically carry out the nation-building task in combination with the Red Cross duties for perpetuation and progress of the Union as they have already dedicated themselves to the noble tasks of the Red Cross; to firmly stand as a humanitarian task force contributing to peace and tranquility of the nation, ever serving and safeguarding the national interests; to strive to continue to develop the society and to raise the reputation of the society which has existed with dignity and fine traditions; and to make efforts to be more outstanding till reaching the top level on whom the nation can rely.
Well-wishers Latter Day Saint Charity presented US$ 41,934.81 for the funds of MRCS; Primier Petrol Myanmar Ltd 2,000 FECs; Unocol Myanmar Offshore Co Ltd and Afxb Myanmar 1,000 FECs each; Fujitani Chain MFG Co Ltd and U Pwint Kaung-Daw Khin Nwe Yee and family of Shwepazun Co Ltd K 1 million each; U Thein Tun of Myanmar Golden Star Co Ltd and Loi Hein Co Ltd K 500,000 each; Shwe Yi Ko Oo of No 6, Inya Avenue Road, U Ko Lay-Daw Khin San Yee and family of No 98, Inya Road, U Soe Thein of No 57, Manawhari Road, U Ko Ko Aye and Ko Yan Naing of Setse salt enterprise, and U Kyaw Kyaw Win (Mya Kyemon Publishing House) and family K 100,000 each to the Secretary-1, who presented certificates of honor to the well-wishers.
After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 cordially greeted the outstanding Red Cross youths.
( 2 ) Maj-Gen Maung Bo tours Myeik
Yangon, 3 May - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Maung Bo of the Ministry of Defense attended the coordination meeting on economic targets of Taninthayi Division held at the meeting hall of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council Office on 30 April morning.
It was attended by Deputy Commander of Coastal Region Command Brig-Gen Tin Latt and high- ranking military officers, Secretary of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Khin Maung Nyo, local authorities and departmental officials.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo made a speech at the meeting. Departmental officials presented reports on sector-wise implementation of targets. Maj-Gen Maung Bo gave instructions on rice sufficiency, smooth transportation, livestock breeding, extended cultivation of oil palm and department-wise implementation of tasks.
Then, Maj-Gen Maung Bo inspected renovation of Theindawgyi Pagoda, greening of the Strand Road in Myeik, construction of 200-bed Myeik District General Hospital and construction of two-storey buildings in Myeik Degree College and fulfilled the
( 3 ) Intraocular lens donated to
Ministry of Health
Yangon, 3 May - A ceremony to donate eye surgical equipment and intraocular lens to the Ministry of Health by Association of Japan- Myanmar Mutual Cooperation and Dr Yoshifumi Fujita was held at the meeting hall of Eye Hospital on Namauk Road here this afternoon.
Present on the occasion were Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Deputy Ministers Professor Dr Mya Oo and Professor Dr Kyaw Myint, the directors-general of departments under the Ministry of
Health, the directors, Medical Superintendent Dr Chit Kyi and professors, specialists, Vice-Chairman Mr Hideo Iwasaki of Association of Japan-Myanmar Mutual Cooperation, Dr Yoshifumi Fujita and members, and officials.
Dr Yoshifumi Fujita extended greetings.
Then, Vice-Chairman Mr Hideo Iwasaki explained the purpose of the donation.
Next, Dr Yoshifumi Fujita presented eye surgical equipment and intraocular lens worth US$ 100,000 to Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein who gave away certificates of honor to the donors. Medical Superintendent Dr Chit Kyi spoke words of thanks.
After the ceremony, the minister and party visited the eye patients.
Myanmar eye specialists led by Professor Dr Than Aung and Japanese eye specialists led by Dr Yoshifumi Fujita performed surgical operations on eleven eye patients today.
The eye specialist team will also perform surgical operations on eye patients in Mandalay on 4
Cash donated to replica of Shwedagon to be built in Indonesia
Yangon, 3 May - A ceremony to make cash donations to the replica of the Shwedagon Pagoda to be built in Marlam, Indonesia, was held at Chanthagyi Tazaung, of the Shwedagon Pagoda here at 7.30 am today.
Present on the occasion were Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko, Adviser to the State Peace and Development Council U Arnt Maung, departmental personnel, pagoda trustees and well-wishers.
Maha Saddhamma Jotika-dhaja Sayagyi U Thu Kha-Daw Kyin May and family presented K 100,100 for the replica; Deputy Director-General of the Attorney-General's Office U Han Shein-Thiri Thudhamma Theingi Thiha Thudhamma Theingi Daw Mya Mya Lay of Mandalay, K 10 million; U Win Myint Thein-Dr Hnin Hnin Tin and family of Indonesia, K 1.8 million; U Khin Maung-Daw Amar Kyi and family of Yangon, K 1.2 million; Thiri Thudhamma Theingi Daw Khin Thein and family, K 1.1 million; Major Thein Zaw-Daw Aye Aye Mon of Bahtoo and Thiha Thudhamma Theingi Daw Tin
Myaing and family of Yangon, K 1 million each; Daw Pon Pon and siblings of Myanma Seinbayin, and Ngwe Yin Yin jewellery shop, K 500,000 each; Assistant Director U Win Myint-Daw Khin Win Thu and family of Mandalay and U Thein Tun-Daw Thin Thin Nwe of ShwechiU Co in Mandalay, K 350,000 each; Daw Khin Nyunt Lwin (P + N Jewel Centre) in Mandalay, U Aung Khaing (Nadi Myanmar Hotel) in Mandalay, and Lt-Col Htin Aung (Retd)-Daw Myint Myint Thein and family of Yangon, K 300,000 each; U Tun Wai (Advocate) and family of Yangon, K 287,000; Director-General of the BSI U Tun Hla Aung-Daw Nu May and family of Yangon, U Tin Oo-Daw Tin Tin Nwe and family of Mandalay, U Saw Lwin-Daw Nyunt Nyunt Han and family of Mandalay, U Pe Khin-Daw Khin Mar Swe and family of Mandalay, U Kyaw Than-Daw Htay Tin and family of Mandalay, Daw Tin Tin Win (Sun Change Light Co Ltd) in Mandalay and U Soe Paing-Daw Tin Tin Wai and family of Yangon, K 250,000 each; Thammada Thingan U Than Naing-Daw Kyi Kyi Swe of Yangon, K 200,000; U Khin Ko Naing-Daw Khin Lay Myint and family of Yangon, US $ 500; Daw Khin May Myint (Ma Tu) and family of Yangon, US $ 100; U Zaw Win-Daw Khin Htwe and family of Yangon, S $ 250; Dipa Aye Mya and family of Mandalay, K 185,000; staff of Myanmar Embassy in Indonesia, K 180,000; U Tun Tint Nwe-Daw Aye Thida Kyaw and family of Yangon, K 118,000; Supreme Court Justice U San Tin Yee-Daw Cho Cho Set and family of Mandalay, Dr Khin Mi Mi Lwin (Mandalay Institute of Medicine), U Thein Tun-Daw Aye Aye Maw and family of Bagan, and U Tin Htay-Daw Than Than Htay and family of Bagan, K 100,000 each; U Soe Win-Daw Myint Myint Lwin and family of Yangon, a pair of pearl ear-clips worth K 100,000; U San Nyunt-Daw Than Than Nwe and family of Yangon, K 50,000; U Ye Htut-Daw Khin Yu Aung and family of Yangon, K 10,000; and U Kyaw Thu-Daw Kyu Kyu Thin and family of Dawbon Naval Base, K 3,000. The minister received the donations and presented certificates of honor to them.
Today, 37 well-wishers donated K 19,333,100, US $ 600 and S $ 250.
Work coordinated to hold 54th Tipitakadhara honouring ceremony
Yangon, 3 May - A work coordination meeting on holding the 54th Tipitakadhara honouring ceremony was held at the meeting hall of the Ministry of Religious Affairs this afternoon.
Present were Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko, Adviser to the State Peace and Development Council U Arnt Maung, Director-General of the Religious Affairs Department Dr Myo Myint, Director-General of the Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana U San Lwin, officials and the work committee and subcommittee members.
On the occasion, Minister U Aung Khin made a speech.
Chairman of the Work Committee for Organizing the 54th Tipitakadhara Honouring Ceremony Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko explained matters related to the ceremony.
Director-General Dr Myo Myint reported on arrangements for the ceremony.
Adviser U Arnt Maung also spoke on the occasion. Then, a general round of
discussions followed. The meeting ended with concluding remarks by
the minister.
Commerce Minister meets with exporters and importers
Yangon, 3 May - Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone met with import and exporters at the ministry this afternoon.
Also present were Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, Director-General of the Directorate of Trade U Nyunt Aye, Director-General of the Ministry of Industry-1 U San Kyi, President of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry U Win Myint and executives, guests and exporters and importers totalling about 300.
The minister elaborated on import and export business and trade policies.
He said that priority has been given to national entrepreneurs to do trading in accord with one of the four economic objectives
"The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in the hands of the State and the national
Director-General U San Kyi explained matters concerning CMP system. After
the ceremony, the minister had a cordial meeting with the exporters
and importers.
( 4
) Minister visits exhibition
Yangon, 3 May - Minister for Education U Than Aung, accompanied by Deputy Minister U Myo Nyunt and directors-general and chairmen of the departments and boards under the ministry, viewed
"A Journey through the Myeik Archipelago" exhibition of SEAMEO Regional Centre for History and Tradition on Pyay Road this afternoon.
The exhibition showed facts about Salon national races living in the southern part of Myanmar sea, based on the 50 years of research.
Photographs, video tapes, households of daily life and religion and books on the national races were shown at the exhibition.
Minister inspects Myanma Airways
Yangon, 3 May - Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, accompanied by Deputy Minister
Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint and officials, inspected mechanical division of Myanma Airways in Mingaladon this morning.
The minister viewed the repair of XY-ADW, F-28 Jet. Officials reported on requirement of spare parts and explained facts about imported new landing gear.
The Managing Director of Myanma Airways made a supplementary report.
Then, the minister and party inspected the repair of F-27 aircraft XY-AEU and general repair of other aircraft.
The minister also inspected the construction of the communal office building of the Department of Civil Aviation and gave necessary instructions.
Coord meeting on systematic installation of public telephones held
Yangon, 3 May - The coordination meeting on systematic installation of the public telephones in Yangon and Mandalay was held at the meeting hall of Communications and Postal Training Centre of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications of the Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telegraphs on Lower Pazundaung Street here this afternoon.
Present on the occasion were Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw, officials of Yangon and Mandalay City Development Committees, the Managing Director of MPT and
officials, and guests.
First, Minister Brig-Gen Thein Zaw made an speech.
Then, the Chief Engineer of Auto Telephone Station in Yangon and officials reported on the current installation of telephones in Yangon, the purpose of the installation, fees, work required and future tasks.
The Manager of Mandalay Division MPT reported on installation of the public telephones in Mandalay, followed by a general round of discussions.
The meeting ended at 3 pm with the concluding remarks by the minister.
Co-op Minister meets officials of departments and enterprises
Yangon, 3 May - Minister for Cooperatives Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe met directors-general, managing directors and officials of departments and enterprises under the ministry at the meeting hall of Yangon Division Cooperatives Department this morning.
Present on the occasion were Director-General U Soe Win of Cooperatives Department, Director-General U Sein Than of Cottage Industries Department, Managing Director Daw Khin Swe Soe of Cooperatives Exports and Imports Enterprise, the President of Yangon Division General Business Syndicate, officials of Government Employee Cooperatives Syndicate, GEC (Education) Syndicate, Yangon Division GEC Syndicate and staff officers of the township cooperatives departments.
Minister Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe delivered an address.
Then, those present reported on tasks being carried out. The meeting came to a close with concluding remarks by the minister.
( 5 ) Commander attends opening of Padauk Myine Street in Yankin Township
Yangon, 3 May - A ceremony to put tarred Padauk Myine Street, built on self-reliant basis, in Ward 9, Yankin Township, into commission, was held at the archway of the street this morning, with an address by Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe.
First, Commander Brig-Gen Myint Swe formally unveiled the stone plaque in commemoration of the opening of the new street.
Then, Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa, Chairman of Yankin Township Peace and Development Council U Pe Khin and Chairman of the Street Repaving Committee U Kyaw Myint formally opened the street by cutting a ribbon.
Next, the commander, the vice-mayor and guests walked along the street.
Then, a ceremony to mark the successful opening of the street was held at Wasomi Monastery of the street with an address by Commander Brig-Gen Myint Swe. Chairman of the Street Repaving Committee U Kyaw Myint reported on work being carried out for opening of the street.
The street was repaved and tarred at a cost of K 6.4 million-K 3.2 million by YCDC and K 3.2 million by the public. Afterwards, Patron of Yangon Division USDA Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe attended the monthly coordination meeting for Division/District/Township USDA executives held at the USDA office at the corner of Saya San and Kyaikkasan Roads in Bahan Township this morning and gave necessary instructions.
Then, the commander inspected Computer Course No 24 being conducted by the USDA and gave
Commander inspects Thaphanseik Power Plant
Yangon, 3 May - Chairman of Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Commander of North-West Command Brig-Gen Soe Naing, accompanied by officials, inspected Sapbainantha teak special plantation project in Kanbalu Township on 29 April evening and gave necessary instructions.
Then, the commander proceeded to the project site of Thaphanseik hydel-power
plant and heard reports on progress of work. Three 10-mega watt
generators were scheduled to be installed at the plant and one of
them underwent on test run on 20 April. Another one has been
installed on 22 April. On completion, the plant will be able to
generate 30 Mega watts.
Mayor visits agricultural and
livestock breeding farms
Yangon, 3 May - Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay inspected agriculture and livestock breeding work in Uto-Kya-in region, Taikkyi Township, this morning.
The Mayor arrived at the fish and prawn hatchery section in the projected region.
Officials reported on the breeding of freshwater prawn fry and extension of breeding work.
The Mayor gave instructions on sending freshwater prawn fry to breeding ponds in projected regions and provision of supervision at different levels.
Then, the Mayor inspected cultivation of kitchen crops in greenhouses and the breeding of freshwater prawns in ponds, and gave instructions on sending vegetables to markets in town for sale and extension of breeding of freshwater prawns.
Next, the Mayor inspected the production of groundnut oil and briquette, and the 25-ton rice mill.
Afterwards, the Mayor proceeded to Kya-in region agricultural and livestock breeding farm and inspected the winnowing of sesame and the harvesting of paddy.
The Mayor also visited Zegon region agricultural and livestock breeding
( 6 )
Tribunals appointed to hear case of plotting against State
Yangon, 3 May - Authorities arrested U Aye Zaw
Win of No 19, Maykha Street, Yangon, and sons Aye Ne Win, Kyaw Ne
Win and Zwe Ne Win at a restaurant on 7 March 2002 while they were
conspiring with a commander to seize State power after winning over
some forces and leaders of the Tatmadaw and the plan to effect
changes in the leadership of the State.
The information and evidence obtained after
authorities had arrested them in time for hatching a plot to seize
State power and attempting to cause dissension within the Tatmadaw,
were issued at the special press briefings held at the Tatmadaw
Guest House on Inya Road on 9, 12 and 18 March 2002.
To take action according to the law against them
who have been implicated in the cases, Tribunal No 1 comprising
Judge of Yangon Division Court U Aung Ngwe and Joint Judge U Nyan
Win as chairman and member respectively and Tribunal No 2 comprising
Joint Judge of Yangon Division Court U Tin Win and Joint Judge U Soe
Thein as chairman and member respectively were appointed, and have
begun hearing the case as of today.
Tribunal No 1 will hear the cases concerning the
plot to seize State power, the matter on enticing a Tatmadaw member
into committing high treason and illegal import and possession of
communication equipment; Tribunal No 2, eight cases concerning
purchase and use of vehicles without a license and two cases
concerning illegal import and use of satellite phones.
Myanmar workers who illegally worked in
Thailand received and sent back home
Yangon, 3 May - The government has been systematically receiving Myanmar workers who worked in Thailand illegally and Sendimg them back to their homes as Thailand is taking action against them.
Returnees have been received at the reception camp in Myawady.
A total of 2,282 returnees 1,247 men, 919 women, 58 baby boys and 58 baby girls have been received during the period from February to the end of April. Necessary screening and medical check-up were made before sending them back to their homes. Moreover, they are being sent to their homes with the help of the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement and local authorities. Necessary medical treatments have been given to those who are not in good health.
( 7 )
Women and Sports Trophy for Asia Continent handed over
Yangon, 3 May - A meeting of the Leading Committee of Patrons of Myanmar Women's Sports Federation was held in Ruby Hall of the National Indoor Stadium-1, Thuwunna, this morning in
conjunction with a ceremony to hand over Women and Sports Trophy for Asia Continent presented to MWSF by International Olympic Committee.
It was attended by Leader of Leading Committee of Patrons of MWSF Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and patrons and President of MWSF Prof Dr Daw May May Yi and executives.
First, the president of MWSF made a speech.
Then, Vice-President of MWSF Daw Nu Nu Yi and Executive Daw Kyu Kyu, who, on behalf of MWSF, had accepted the trophy in Switzerland, handed over the trophy to the president of MWSF.
Afterwards, the vice-president explained matters related to presenting the trophy to MWSF
in Asia. Later, the meeting continued.
Kachin and Naga study group continues tour of Yangon
Yangon, 3 May - Visiting Naga and Kachin national races study group from Kachin State and Sagaing Division, together with Deputy Director of Progress of Border Areas and National Races Department Major San Wai, continued the tour of Yangon today.
First, the study group visited Drug Elimination Museum in Kamayut Township where they were conducted round the museum by the officials.
Afterwards, they arrived at Myanma Radio and Television on Pyay Road. Deputy Director-General of MRTV Lt-Col Thein Aung explained facts about MRTV to them with the aid of video. Then, they studied the broadcasting and telecasting of MRTV.
In the afternoon, the study group visited the Union Solidarity and Development Association head office.
USDA CEC member Col Maung Pa extended greetings. Then, they viewed around the head office.
Then, they visited Fire Services Training School (Yangon), and viewed the skill demonstration of trainees of the school. The study group enjoyed a film at Thamada
Upgraded Cinema in the evening.
Medals presented to outstanding Red Cross youths
Yangon, 3 May - A ceremony to present medals to outstanding Red Cross youths, who are attending the Outstanding Red Cross Youths Get-together 2002 organized by Myanmar Red Cross Society, was held at the Mya Nyilar Hall of No 2 Basic Education High School on Bogyoke Aung San Street, Latha Township, at 5 pm today. President of MRCS Dr Kyaw Win and CEC
members presented medals to the outstanding youths from States and
Divisions through respective representatives.
( 8
Hockey Tourney continues
Yangon, 3 May - The Four Countries Invitational Hockey Tournament continued at the Youth Training Centre in Thuwunna today.
Officials of Myanmar Hockey Federation, General Secretary of Asian Hockey Federation Mr Tan Seri Datu Seri P Alagendra, member of Hockey Development Committee of the World Hockey Federation U Kyaw Naing, guests and fans viewed the matches today.
In the first match, India national team and Malaysia-Perak
team played scoreless draw. In the second match, Malaysia Project
Youth team and Bangladeshi Army team played 1-1 draw. The tourney
continues tomorrow. Selected Myanmar Youth team and India national
team will compete for the third place at 7.30 am and Malaysia
Project Youth team and Bangladeshi Army team will play the final
match at 4.30 pm tomorrow.
Landon Club Event Golf Tournament commences
Yangon, 3 May - The London Club
Event Golf Toumarnent, organized by Myanmar Golf Federation and
mainly sponsored by Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd, was held
at Myanmar Golf Club on Pyay Road at 9 miles this morning.
Among the spectators were officials of
MGF, Managing Director of Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd Mr Arend
Ng and officials and guests.
113 golfers took part
in the veteran division and 95 golfers in the Bronze
Division Handicap (19- 24). Loi Hein Co Ltd, Al- pine Drinking Water,
Accel International Co Ltd, Tiger Beer, K M Golf Centre, Wilson. and Sun
Far Travels and Tour also co-& sponsored the tournament.
The gold division handicap (0-12) and
the silver division handicap (13-18) will be held tomorrow.
( 9
) 67 litres of Phensedyl seized in Mandalay
Yangon, 3 May - Acting on a tip-off, members of local intelligence unit arrested Zaw Khet, son of U Win Za Kyin of Yaukchot-win Village, Pyinpongyi Village-tract, Kale Township, and Kyaw Shit, son of U Aung Tun of No-900, Chanmyathazi (North) Ward, Maha Aungmyay Township, Mandalay, together with 670 Phensedyl bottles (67 litres) at the corner of 65th and Zabe Streets in Chanmyathazi
Township, Mandalay, on 25 April. Action was taken against them under
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the police station