1 ) President of Socialist Republic of Vietnam
to pay goodwill visit to Union of Myanmar
Yangon, 2 May - At the invitation of the Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar His Excellency Senior General Than Shwe, His Excellency Mr Tran Duc Luong,
President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam will pay an official
visit to the Union of Myanmar in the near future.
( 2 ) Seinbudaw and Hngetmyatnadaw hoisted atop Shwephonepwint Pagoda in Pazundaung Township

Yangon, 1 May - A ceremony to hoist Seinbudaw and Hngetmyatnadaw atop the Shwephonepwint Pagoda and to share merits for renovation of the pagoda in Pazundaung Township for the second time was held in the precinct of the Pagoda this morning, attended by Daw Kyaing Kyaing, wife of Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defense Services Senior General Than Shwe, and Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Taingya Htidaw hoisting team beat the royal drum.
The congregation received the Nine Precepts from Masoeyein Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sirindabhivamsa.
Chairman of the Leading Committee for Second All-round Renovation of the Pagoda Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan supplicated on matters relating to renovation work of the pagoda.
Then, disciples presented Paritta water, Paritta flower and Paritta sand to the Sayadaws.
Members of the Sangha recited the Metta Sutta. Next, the disciples sprinkled
Paritta water and spread the Paritta flower and Paritta sand in the precincts of the Pagoda.
Daw Kyaing Kyaing presented Seinbudaw and offertories to a Sayadaw.
Daw Mya Mya San presented a gem casket and offertories to a Sayadaw.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe presented Hngetmyatnadaw and offertories to a Sayadaw.
Commander Brig-Gen Myint Swe and the ministers, the mayor and well-wishers presented offertories to the Sayadaws.
Agga Maha Pandita Dawei Sayadaw Bhaddanta Arcindabhivamsa delivered a sermon and Daw Kyaing Kyaing and well-wishers shared the merits gained.
Then, the ceremony to hoist the Seinbudaw and Hngetmyatnadaw atop the pagoda followed.
Led by Sasana flag bearers group, Taingya Htidaw hoisting team, and ceremonial deva and regal procession of the Ministry of Culture, Daw Kyaing Kyaing, Daw Mya Mya San, the Secretary-1, the commander, the minister, the mayor and party, Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and party, Daw Khin Thet Htay, wife of the commander, conveyed Seinbudaw, gems casket, Hngetmyatnadaw and other sacred objects round the pagoda and then to the decorated carriage.
Meanwhile, Tipitaka Nikaya Dhamma Puja team beat the royal drum.
Afterwards, Daw Kyaing Kyaing, Daw Mya Mya San, the Secretary-1 and Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and others sprinkled scented water on the sacred objects.
Led by Daw Kyaing Kyaing, Daw Mya Mya San, Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and party hoisted the sacred objects atop the pagoda.
The Secretary-1 fixed the Hngetmyatnadaw and Seinbudaw atop the pagoda and sprinkled scented water on them.
U Than Hla of Taingya Htidaw hoisting team shared the merits gained and read out the Cintamani Gatha.
After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 performed rituals of golden and silver showers to mark the successful completion of the ceremony.
Meanwhile, Taingya Htidaw hoisting team blew conch shell and beat the gongs.
Masoeyein Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sirindabhivamsa and Dawei Sayadaw Bhaddanta Arcindabhivamsa and Sayadaws consecrated the pagoda.
The ceremony came to a close with three-time recitation of Buddha Sasanam Ciram Titthatu.
After the ceremony, "soon" was offered to members of the Sangha.
Brilliant Myanmar women able to stand shoulder to shoulder
with men have emerged in all fields
MWEA participates in nation-building works during seven-year period
Myanmar Women Entrepreneurs Association holds meeting
Yangon, 1 May - The Seventh Anniversary of the Myanmar Women Entrepreneurs Association was held at the meeting hall of the MICT Park in Hline Township at 5.30 pm today, with an address by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Chairperson of the association Thiha Thudhamma Theingi Daw Sein Sein extended greetings.
Then, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt made an address.
He said under the leadership of the State Peace and Development Council, the entire national people are striving in unity for the Union of Myanmar to stand shoulder to shoulder with the world nations in terms of development; it is satisfying to see the Myanmar women dutifully, energetically and actively taking part in the task.
Throughout the successive eras of the nation's long history, the Myanmar women have enjoyed equal rights with men. Thus, it is obvious that brilliant Myanmar women who are able to stand shoulder to shoulder with men have emerged in all the fields including the economic, education, health, social and cultural sectors. Till today, the entire mass of the Myanmar women including the outstanding women are working hand in hand with men to strive for flourishing of the race and religion and to serve the interests of the entire nation.
The government has acknowledged the cooperation and the ability of the women in building a modern and developed nation; it is also giving encouragement to them in all fields for the development of the women's sector and to enable them to take part in the nation-building task in unity and with might and main.
With the conviction that emergence of the Women Entrepreneurs Association will serve the interests of the nation and people to a certain degree, the State has provided assistance to the best of its ability for progress and success of the association formed with successful women entrepreneurs who are brilliantly taking part in the economic sector.
With assistance of the State, the MWEA while promoting its efficiency has participated in nation-building works during the seven-year period.
In accord with its noble and lofty aims, the association members are touring down to the wards and villages, actively striving with full sincerity and goodwill to increase the income of women and to develop their socio-economy.
Providing capital and disseminating knowledge to rural women those women engaging in agriculture and cottage industries and vendors are noble tasks practically developing the socio-economy of the women in wards and villages. Such activities should be gradually extended to gain more success.
Similarly, the task of holding health, education and culture talks and seminars for its members and sending them to attend workshops abroad will serve as a means to contribute to the development of the women's sector. Thus, all should strive to successfully carry out the task.
He said it is encouraging to note that MWEA has participated in the progress of races and propagation of the Sasana in group or individually. That is why members of MWEA deservedly won titles and medals conferred by the State almost year, he said.
He said MWEA actively took part in the activities of Myanmar Women's Affairs Committee and the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry as its member.
He spoke of the need for MWEA to make continued efforts for participation in nation-building tasks while maintaining the already-achieved success.
He urged the MWEA which formed with brilliant women entrepreneurs, intellectuals and intelligentsia in economy and successful women in management sector to make concerted efforts for contribution towards the State economy, uplift of socio-economic life of Myanmar women and improvement of modern economic knowledge and technology with the use of the strength of its members.
Now rural development tasks are being implemented hand in hand with departments concerned and social associations in accord with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, he said. He urged the MWEA
to participate in the tasks for the interest of the majority living
in rural areas in relation with works on building of model village,
rural education, health and increase of their income.
He urged the association to effectively apply the
strength of Myanmar women in the economic sector for the service of
national interest and to contribute towards the economic development
of the State.
The Secretary-1 wished the association success in the future and increased number of brilliant Myanmar women entrepreneurs with the development of the country.
Afterwards, Patron of the association Agga Maha Thiri Thudhamma Theingi Daw Se made a speech.
Secretary of the association Daw Nu Nu Yee reported on activities of the association in 2001-2002 and Adviser to the association Retired Professor Daw Yee Yee Myint, on matters related to the association.
Then, the chairperson and the vice-chairperson accepted the donations of wellwishers. U Tun Myint-Daw Aye Aye Nyunt (Kyetshasun Pilaf) presented K 600,000; Pholapyae Co Ltd, C Plus soft drinks worth K 504, 000; U Khin Maung Aye-Daw Khin Lay (Shwetayaw shampoo), K 200,000; U Tun Myint-Daw San San Oo (Bokesonma chilli powder), K 207,000; Daw Khin Aye Win and Daw Mi Mi
Kyu (Tin Tun Oo & Brothers Trading), 190,000; Mercury Economic Service Co Ltd, K 150,000; Agga Maha Thiri Thudhamma Theingi Daw Se, 100,000; U Thein Oo- Daw Khin Khin Sein (Thitsa Pankhin General Services Co Ltd), K 100,000; Zifam Medical Pty Ltd, 100,000; U Ho Som-Daw Aye Aye Mu (Phone Han Gyaw Gold Smith), 100,000; Daw Yin Yin Kyway, 100,000; Ma Thuza Oo and Ma Phyu Ma Oo, 100,000; Daw Khin Aye Myint (Zaw Win Hlaing Gold Smith), 70,000; Daw Tin Tin Oo, K 65,000; Daw Hla Hla (Tun Clinic), 60,000; Daw Nyunt Yee (Nay Cell), K 60,000; Daw Kyi Kyi Lwin and group of Yankin Township, K 56,000; and Education Committee of MWEA, Daw Nu Nu Lwin, Daw Khin Than Lwin, Daw Khin Yee (Pantanaw) and Daw Khin San Oo (Pantanaw), 50,000 each.
Chairperson Thiha Thudhamma Theingi Daw Sein Sein spoke words of thanks and the ceremony came to a close.
Then, guests were hosted dinner.
( 3 ) Minister inspects Anawrahta Bridge (Chauk)
Yangon, 1 May - Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun inspected maintenance work of Anawrahta Bridge (Chauk) in Chauk, Magway Division, on 29 April.
Accompanied by Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Myint Thein, the minister also inspected Chauk-Seikphyu-Salin-Pwintbyu-Minbu Road.
District Engineer U Min Zan reported to the minister on the completed sections of the road and future tasks. The minister looked into the requirements in building the approach structures of Mann Creek.
At Ayeyawady Bridge (Magway) Project, the minister heard a report on progress in implementing the project, installation of steel frames at the main bridge and construction of the approach structures. The minister said as it is an important bridge, it is required to complete the project in time. Efforts should be made for the facility to meet the required standard, he added. He then attended to the needs in providing equipment and heavy machinery to the project.
The minister then inspected the maintenance and upgrading work of Minbu-Padan section and Padan-Mindon-Okshitpin section of the road. He urged engineers to strive to maintain the road's
condition and take necessary measures.
MOGE, MPE hold meetings
Yangon, 1 May - Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise held the first quarterly meeting for 2002-2003 yesterday morning at the meeting hall of MOGE, attended by Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi.
The meeting reviewed the region-wise drilling and production of oil and gas in fiscal 2001-2002. It also laid down work programmers for fiscal 2002-2003.
Director-General of Energy Planning Department U Soe Myint, the acting managing director of MOGE, directors and oil field general managers took part in the discussions.
The minister also attended the first quarterly meeting for 2002-2003 of Myanma Petrochemical Enterprise at the same venue.
Officials including Director-General U Soe Myint, the Managing Director of MPE
and others discussed supply of natural gas and generation of power.
They also laid down production targets for chemical fertilizer
Minister receives national races from border areas
Yangon, 1 May - At the invitation of Chairman of Working Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, 97 national races
24 from Kachin State, 43 from Chin State, 30 from Sagaing Division arrived here to visit famous pagodas and to study the development of the State.
They called on Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt at No 1 Transit Centre, Bayintnaung, this evening.
Also present were Deputy Ministers U Kyaw Tin and Brig-Gen Than Tun, directors-general and officials. In meeting the national races, the minister made a speech and presented gifts to the delegates. Chin national Ma Yin Yin Htwe,
on behalf of the group members, spoke words of thanks. Then, they
were served with refreshments.
( 4
) Commander visits tax-free markets in Yangon
Yangon, 1 May - Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Yangon Command Commander Brig-Gen Myint Swe this morning inspected
producers' tax-free markets in Yangon and gave instructions to the officials.
The commander first arrived at Yankin tax-free market on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road in Yankin Township at 6 am today.
The commander then inspected the vegetable shops of ministries, Yangon City Development Committee, battalions and units under Yangon Command, departments and producers; meat, fish and egg shops of ministries, YCDC, Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd and producers; edible palm oil shop of UMEHL and rice shops of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council and Myanmar Rice
Wholesalers Association.
He had a cordial conversion with the shopkeepers and customers and attended to the needs.
After that, the commander proceeded to the producers' tax-free market at the corner of Hanthawady Street and Kyundaw Street in Kamayut Township where he was welcomed by No 3 Military Region Commander Col Yan Naing Oo, Yangon West District Peace and Development Council Chairman Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein and officials.
The commander inspected the shops there and cordially conversed with shopkeepers and buyers and fulfilled the needs.
Next, the commander, together with Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Kyaw Myint, Director-General of the Department of Health Dr Wan Maung, No 2 Military Region Commander Col Tin Oo Lwin, Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Secretary Lt-Col Kyaw Tint and division level departmental officials, attended the opening of the 16-bed station hospital of Kamarmat Village in Khayan Township, Yangon South District, this afternoon.
Head of Yangon Division Health Department Dr Tin Maung Win, Yangon South District Peace and Development Council Chairman Lt-Col Sein Hlaing and the village Peace and Development Council Chairman U Soe Tin formally opened the hospital and the commander formally unveiled the signboard of the hospital.
Afterwards, the commander, the deputy minister and party inspected the wards, operation theatre, delivery room and medical store of the hospital.
Speaking on the occasion, the commander said that the Head of the State had given the guidance on five rural development tasks; one of them was development of health standard of the people in rural areas; so station hospitals, rural health care centers and dispensaries were being opened for rural people; that 16-bedded station hospital would contribute to the people of Kamarmat Village and its surrounding villages. He called for medical staff and local populace to make concerted efforts for durability of the hospital.
The village Peace and Development Council Chairman Committee for Construction of the Hospital Chairman U Soe Tin reported on the purpose of construction of the hospital.
The village Union Solidarity and Development Association Organizer U Soe Nyunt handed over the documents related to the hospital to Head of Division Health Department Dr Tin Maung Win.
Altogether 57 well-wishers presented cash donations for building of the hospital and for the trust fund of the hospital through the commander, the deputy minister and officials, who presented certificates of honor to them. The donations included K 10,562,816 by the public and over K 3 million by the State.
The deputy minister spoke words of thanks for construction of the hospital.
The one-storey hospital, 126 feet long and 76 feet wide, was built at a coast of over K 22 million and it will contribute towards over 40,000 local
Hsihson tarred Road in Sangyoung
Township opened
Yangon, 1 May - The opening ceremony of self-reliant Hsihson tarred Road in Sangyoung (South) Ward, Sangyoung Township, Yangon District (West) was held at the archway at the top of the road this morning, attended by Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe.
Also present on the occasion were Central Executive Committee member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Yangon Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa, No (3) Military Region Commander Col Yan Naing Oo, officials of Yangon City Development Committee, Chairman of the Township
Peace and Development Council U San Win, Secretary of township USDA U San Lwin, officials of the township Working Committee for Women's Affairs and Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Ward Peace and Development Council, members of the committee for construction of the road and guests.
Commander Brig-Gen Myint Swe and Patron of the committee for construction of the road U Myo Swe formally opened the road.
Next, the commander, the vice-mayor and guests inspected the road.
The vice-mayor made a speech on the occasion.
U Myo Swe of Friend Electronics Co Ltd, who mainly donated cash for the construction of the road, was presented a certificate of honor.
The self-reliant 1276-foot-long tarred road was built at a cost of over
K 6 million. The road-dwellers contributed over
K 3 million and the State, K 3 million.
( 5 ) Stake-driving and cornerstone laying
ceremony held
Yangon, 1 May - Stake-driving and corner- stone laying ceremony of the Pagoda Board of
Trustees' Office of Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Buddha Image was held at the site chosen for the office on Mindhamma Hill this morning.
It was attended by Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko, Deputy Minister for Science and Technology U Nyi Hla Nge and officials and members of the Pagoda Board of
( 6 )
Artistes of MMCWA video play honoured
Yangon, 1 May - Artistes who took part in the educative video play
"Nay-la-min-do-alin-yaung" (The lights of the Sun and the Moon) produced by Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association were honoured at the ceremony held at the Mya Yeik Nyo Royal Hotel this evening.
It was attended by MMCWA Chairperson Professor Daw Kyu Kyu Swe, Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, Vice-Chairman Dr Kyi Soe, CEC members, departmental heads, the chairman of Myanmar Motion Pictures Asiayon and executives, guests and artists.
The chairperson spoke words of thanks to the artistes.
Afterwards, the chairperson and the vice-chairperson presented gifts of honor to the artistes and the vice-chairman to the scriptwriter and shooting manager and those who contributed to bring out year 2002 MMCWA calendar.
Then, a dinner was hosted to those present.
( 7 )
Chin national race study group visits Bago
Yangon, 1 May - At the invitation of Chairman of the Working Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races, visiting members of Chin national race study group from the border area of Matupi Township in Chin State accompanied by departmental officials, went to Bago this morning and paid homage to Shwemawdaw Pagoda.
Then, they visited the Kambawzathadi Palace and Shwethalyaung Image.
Next, they also visited Myawady Television.
( 8
Hockey Tourney continues
Yangon, 1 May - The Four-Country Invitational Hockey Tournament continued at the Youth Training Centre in Thuwunna today.
In the first match, Bangladeshi Army team beat Malaysia-Perak team 3-0 and in the second match held in the afternoon,
selected Indian team beat selected Myanmar team 2-0. The tourney continues tomorrow and Malaysian Project team will play against Malaysia-Perak
team and selected Myanmar team against Bangladeshi Army team.
London Club Event Golf Tourney on 3, 4 May
Yangon, 1 May - The London Club Event Golf Tournament, organized by the Myanmar Golf Federation and mainly sponsored by the Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd, will be held on a grand scale at Myanmar Golf Club on Pyay Road, 9th mile here on 3 and 4 May.
The tournament will be held one day in advance because of huge numbers of golfers registered at Myan-mar Golf Club.
The veteran division and the bronze division handicap (19-24) will be held on 3 May, and the gold division handicap (0-12) and the silver division handicap (13-18), on 4 May.
Loi Hein Co Ltd, Accel International Co Ltd, Tiger Beer, KM Golf Centre, Wilson, Ping, Sunfar Travels and Tour, Begesic will also sponsor the tournament.
Han Event Management will take responsibilities for the success of the
( 9
44,000 stimulant tablets seized in Hsenwi
Yangon, 1 May - A combined team, comprising members of local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, acting on a tip-off, stopped and scarched the Hilux car with number plates (Pa/4051) on its way from Hopang to Lashio driven by Hla Than, son of U Nyunt Thein of Wa Village, Hopang and conductor Hsai Nat, son of U Nyi Ket of Hopang at Yebu check point, Hsenwi, Shan State (North) on 22 April. The authorities seized 44,000 stimulant tablets from the car's rear.
The police station concerned filed them under Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances