1 ) State Peace and Development
Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to
Yangon, 30 April - Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to Her Majesty Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, on the occasion of Her Majesty's birthday which falls on 30 April 2002.
( 2 ) Being Tatmadaw doctors, all will have to discharge both national defense duty and medical duty
Political solution given by history for our country is non-disintegration of the Union
and non-disintegration of national solidarity
Senior General Than Shwe addresses graduation parade of 3rd Intake of DSMA
Yangon, 29 April - The graduation parade of the
3rd Intake of Defense Services Medical Academy was held at the parade ground of DSMA, here, at 7.30 am today, with an address by Commander-in-Chief of Defense Services Senior General Than Shwe.
At the ceremony, the Senior General inspected cadet companies and took the salute of the graduation cadet company.
The Commander-in-Chief of Defense Services presented Best Cadet Award, Excellence in Training
Award and Excellence in Studies Award to Cadet Sai Htet Aung.
Then, the Senior General delivered an address. He said:
On the day when the 3rd Intake of the Defense Services Medical Academy is going to conclude, I am going to tell you all what should be known.
As you all have learnt military science and medical science, you all are going to be assigned duty in the Tatmadaw.
Being Tatmadaw doctors, you all will have to discharge both national defense duty and medical duty. You all have to take care of the health of the Tatmadaw members and families and to discharge public health duty for the national races from the border areas.
Only when all the citizens are healthy and strong, will they be able to attain the highest efficiency of man and will the nation be able to achieve all-round development. Therefore, the National Health Committee was constituted in December 1989, and the national health policies were laid down.
The national health plan is being implemented to realize the motto
"Health for All" so that all the citizens are healthy and strong. Health care has been provided especially for rural and border areas. Now the health care services have become extensive. As hospitals have been upgraded
region wise, modern medical treatment of high standard can be received in respective regions.
The most fundamental task in the health sector is giving health education. If everybody is health-conscious, the entire national people will become healthy and strong. If everybody knows how to live to be healthy and strong, how to prevent diseases, what kinds of symptom common diseases have and how it is good for them to undergo check-ups, our people will become healthy and strong and will have resistance to common diseases. If they are affected with a disease, it can be easily cured as soon as they know it.
Child health care, being a task of nurturing new generation, is of vital importance.
To enable a people to become healthy and strong, one generation after another is to be nurtured.
In addition, physical wellbeing is conducive to mental wellbeing, so goes the saying, and only when one is physically healthy, will one have mental happiness and be able to use one's intellect in various ways.
Health care is a task contributing to promotion of education standard.
Therefore, encouragement is being given to the development of human resources in the health and medical field, continuous study to improve Myanma medical standard and the conducting of research.
Previously, there were only three institutes of medicine and one institute of dental medicine in Myanmar. Now there are 16 institutes of medicine and universities concerning health. A lot of medical scientists have been produced. To teach advanced medical science, seven kinds of medical doctorate courses, seven kinds of basic medical doctorate courses, two masters courses on medical science, seven diploma courses on medical science and four diploma courses on pharmacy and paramedical science are being conducted. As scholars have been sent abroad, over 200 got doctorate degree from abroad after 1988.
A study of advances in medical science in the 20th century shows that surgical operation for the substitution of human organs has become successful, that artificial organs can be produced, that what happens inside the body can be seen from outside, and that surgical operation can be done with laser. As regards technology, genetic engineering has evolved. Various kinds of new medical equipment for diagnosis have emerged. Similarly, as regards production of medicines, medicines for hepatitis and polio as well as for leprosy, tuberculosis and malaria have been found.
So you all need to work hard to become outstanding inventors in the medical field who can keep pace with the time and to serve the interests of the Tatmadaw and the people.
The motto of the Directorate of Medical Services is
"to be healthy, strong and ready to fight." In the future warfare, such sophisticated weapons as chemical, biological and nuclear weapons, weapons which can frighten the people and weapons which can destroy food and drinking water can be used. Therefore, research on specialized subjects concerning military medical science need to be done. Everybody needs to think in advance that conventional remedies are not enough in the modern warfare. Therefore, you all have to know and understand the impact of sophisticated weapons. You all need to be well-versed in preventive measures and treatment. A doctor who does not have a good knowledge of branches of military medical science in the modern warfare, will become just an ordinary person.
In addition, prevention of possible losses which can occur because of health amounts to prevention of possible losses in the strength of the Tatmadaw. Therefore, you all need to have a sense of maintaining the strength of the Tatmadaw.
I would like to tell you to be patriotic for you are Tatmadawmen. Patriotism must be based on a sound ideology. If not, patriotism can deviate from its way. In the history of our country the strength of the nation was strong when there was solidarity among national races. When the national races were not united, they had to try to end their conflict even though there was no invasion from outside. The State lagged behind in development and it usually became weak in all sectors. So political solution given by history for our country is non-disintegration of the Union and non-disintegration of national solidarity. If we face such bad situation, sovereignty will be lost one way or another. Therefore, I would like to urge you to keep patriotism and to safeguard Our Three Main National Causes at the risk of the lives in accord with the sound ideology.
You who will reach various parts of the country are to carry out the tasks on promotion of health of the national people with special attention. You are to
practice the Union Spirit and implement the tasks of Our Three Main National Causes while actively participating in rural development tasks in border areas. Health and fitness of national people is the defense power and economic power of the State. So you are to take part in rural development tasks hand in had with the Union Solidarity and Development Association.
You are medical junior leaders so you must behave in accord with the leadership qualities and must safeguard the dignity of medical treatment and must have capability in management of the members of medical units.
The main duties of the Tatmadaw are fighting, training and participating in community welfare service. Therefore you must have will to fight, courage and sacrifice. You must apply military science
skillfully, train military science for skill, study medical science continuously, must exchange knowledge among medical scientists in order to catch up with advanced medical science and make efforts for progress in the regions where duties are assigned as if they are your native place.
In conclusion, in accord with the slogan of the academy I urge you to build fit and strong Tatmadaw for victory in every battle, train and make preparedness for protection against danger we may face in modern war through medical science, to actively take part in national health care service as patriotic Tatmadawmen, to try to become good Tatmadawmen and military leaders and to safeguard the twelve noble traditions of Tatmadaw at the risk of the lives.
Next, the Senior General left the graduation parade ceremony.
After the parade, the Senior General met and cordially conversed with the mother and the sister of the outstanding cadet at the parlour of the Defence Services Medical Academy.
Excerpts from the Address of
Senior General Than Shwe
* All have to take care of the health of the Tatmadaw members and families and to discharge public health duty for the national races from the border areas.
* The most fundamental task in the health sector is giving health education.
* To enable a people to become healthy and strong, one generation after another is to be nurtured.
* Health care is a task contributing to promotion
of education standard.
* Now there are 16 institutes of medicine and
universities concerning health.
* A doctor who does not have a good knowledge of branches of military medical science in the modern warfare, will become just an ordinary person.
* The strength of the nation was strong when there was solidarity among
national races.
* Health and fitness of national people is the defence power and economic power of the State.
Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing
Kyaing attend dinner to mark graduation of 3rd Intake of DSMA
Yangon, 29 April - Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defense Services Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing attended the dinner to mark the graduation of the 3rd Intake of Defense Services Medical Academy at the Convocation Hall of the DSMA here at 7 pm today.
After the dinner, vocalists of Myawady music troupe and Myanmar Music Asiayon entertained the audience with songs and dances to the accompaniment of the Myawady music troupe, and the Myawady Anyeint troupe also performed.
( 3 ) Livestock breeding work in Ayeyawady Division inspected
Yangon, 29 April- Members of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Soe Win of the Ministry of Defense, Adjutant General Maj-Gen Thein Sein and Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, accompanied by departmental officials, arrived at the briefing hall of Winn & Shinn Company at Thazin Yekyaw village in Nyaungdon Township, Ayeyawady Division this morning.
Head of Department of the Office of the War Veterans Organization (Central) Lt-Col Win Maung, Head of Maubin District Fisheries Department U Sai Kyaw Myint presented reports on the digging of fish breeding ponds and future plans. Maj-Gen Soe Win and Maj-Gen Thein Sein gave necessary instructions.
Afterwards, they inspected the digging of fish ponds of WVO and the Union Solidarity and Development Association.
Maj-Gen Thein Sein and Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung arrived at the agriculture camp being built by the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Officials reported on agriculture work and welfare tasks. Maj-Gen Thein Sein and party arrived back here in the
Maj-Gen Ye Myint on inspection tour of
regional development projects in Saw, Pakokku
Yangon, 29 April - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defense, accompanied by Commander of North-West Command Brig-Gen Soe Naing, Minister for Education U Than Aung, Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Col Zaw Min, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, the Ministry of Construction, the Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs and the Ministry of Education, met with departmental personnel at Saw Township Peace and Development Council Office on 27 April morning and gave instructions on development tasks.
Saw Township Chairman U Aung Myint reported on rural development tasks and the planting of trees. Then, officials reported on difficulties in work. Gangaw District Chairman Lt-Col Htay Oo gave a supplementary report. Minister for Education U Than Aung attended to their needs. Next, Maj-Gen Ye Myint gave instructions on rural development, agriculture and construction matters.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party left Saw at 9.30 am and arrived at Kyaukhtu Field at 10.20 am. They inspected the runway of Kyaukhtu Field. They also inspected repairs of Kyaukhtu-Pauk-Pakok-
ku Road. They proceeded to Pakokku and arrived at old Pakokku Airport.
In the evening, Maj-Gen Ye Myint met with district and township departmental personnel at Pyithaya Hall in Pakokku. Also present on the occasion were local authorities, departmental officials, members of USDA and social organizations. Officials reported on their respective sectors. Commander Brig-Gen Soe Naing gave a supplementary report. Next, Maj-Gen Ye Myint gave necessary instructions.
At 8.30 pm, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and Commander Brig-Gen Soe Naing met with Tatmadawmen and families at Ye Tagun Hall and gave instructions on participation of Tatmadawmen in rural development tasks and community welfare tasks.
On 27 April morning, Minister for Education U Than Aung, accompanied by Director-General Lt-Col Win Htein of No 2 Basic Education Department, inspected the multimedia teaching centre at Saw Basic Education High School. He gave necessary instructions and fulfilled the requirements. Maj-Gen Ye Myint left Pakokku and arrived back here yesterday
Four-Country Invitational Hockey Tournament opens
Yangon, 29 April - A ceremony to open the Myanmar Olympic Committee Chairman's Trophy Four-Country Invitational Hockey Tournament was held at Youth Training Centre in Thuwunna this afternoon.
Present were Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe, MOC Chairman Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt, Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, MOC Vice-Chairman Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, Myanmar Hockey Federation President Yangon Station Commander No 4 Military Region Commander Defence Services Records Office Commandant Brig-Gen Myo Myint, officials, members of Leading Patron of the Myanmar Women's Sports Federation, officials of Indian, Malaysian and Bangladeshi embassies, guests and spectators.
Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint extended greetings.
Malaysian Project team met against selected Myanmar team in the first match and selected Indian team against Bangladeshi Army team in the second match.
On 30 April, selected Myanmar team will play against Malaysia-Perak team in the first match and Malaysia Project team against selected Indian team.
( 4
) Foreign Affairs Minister meets General
Secretary of National Security Council of Thailand
Yangon, 29 April - Minister
for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung received General Secretary Mr
Khachadpai Burusapatana of National Security Council of Thailand and
party at his office at 11 am today. Also present at the call were
Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win,
directors-general of the departments under the ministry and
Ambassador of Thailand to Myanmar Mr Oum Maolanon.
Home Affairs Minister receives General
Secretary of National Security Council of Thailand
Yangon, 29 April - Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing received General Secretary
Mr Khachadpai Burusapatana of National Security Council of Thailand and party at the Drug Elimination Museum, corner of Hanthawady Street and Kyundaw Street in Kamayut Township at 1.30 pm today.
They discussed matters pertaining to prevention of narcotic drugs between the two countries.
Appointment of Ambassador agreed on
Yangon, 30 April - The Government of the Union of Myanmar has agreed to the appointment of Mr Rajiv Kumar Bhatia as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of India to the Union of Myanmar in succession to His Excellency Mr Vivek Katju.
Mr Rajiv Kumar Bhatia was born on 29 November 1949.
He holds a post graduate degree in political
science. After joining the Indian Foreign Service in 1972, he served
in various capacities in the diplomatic and consular missions of
India in Paris, Beirut, Brussels, Jakarta and Toronto. He was a
Joint-Secretary in the Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi from
1990 to 1994. He is currently serving as the High Commissioner of
the Republic of India to the Republic of Kenya.
( 5 ) Coordination
meeting on uplifting of health care service held
Yangon, 29 April - A ceremony to open
coordination meeting on uplifting of health care service of Health
Department, the Ministry of Heath was held at the meeting hall of
the head office of Health Department on Thein- byu Road here this
It was attended by Minister for Health Maj-Gen
Ket Sein, deputy ministers Professor Dr Mya Oo and Professor Dr Kyaw
Myint, directors-general of departments under the ministry, deputy
directors-general, directors, medical superintendents of central
hospitals, health officers of States and Divisions, medical
superintendents of stat and division level hospitals and officials.
First, the minister made a speech. Professor Dr Kyaw Myint presided
over the meeting.
Those present took part in the discussion on the
reports presented by medical superintendents, health officers of
states and divisions.
Course on Export & Import Procedure concludes
Yangon, 29 April - The opening ceremony of English proficiency course No 3 and the concluding ceremony of export & import procedure course No 21, organized by the Ministry of Commerce, were held at the meeting hall of the ministry at 11 am today with an opening address by Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone.
Present were directors-general, managing directors, course instructors and trainees.
Minister Brig-Gen Pyi Sone presented completion certificates to the
trainees. A total of 73 trainees attended the export & import
procedure course.
Minister inspects Bicycle Factory
Yangon, 29 April - Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thein Tun and officials inspected Bicycle Factory of Myanmar General and Maintenance Industries in Mingala Taungnyunt Township this morning.
The minister inspected production of mudguard, bicycle spare parts, installation of machines, quality control machines and production of bicycle fork.
The minister also inspected flower plantation, extension of the factory and storage of raw materials and gave instructions.
General Managers of Myanmar General and Maintenance Industries U Thaung Nyunt and U Nyunt Aung reported on installation of new machines and production.
The minister gave instructions on increased production of Maung Myanmar bicycle and production of battery-operated bicycle, load carrier bicycle and trishaws.
The minister inspected bicycles of different eras showroom.
The minister also inspected garment factory in the township.
A ceremony to honor athletes of the Ministry of Industry-1 who won victory in local and international sport tournaments was held at the training hall of the ministry. The minister and the deputy ministers presented gifts to the athletes and
Minister sees over construction of roads,
Yangon, 29 April - Minister for Construction Maj-Gen
Saw Tun, accompanied by Brig-Gen Khin Maung Aye of Kalay Station,
Deputy Minister for Construction Brig-Gen Myint Thein and officials
from Public Works, inspected the Tiddim-Falam road section in Chin
State and gave instructions on 25 April.
Then, the minister and party proceeded to Varl
bailey bridge between Tiddim and Falam. Afterwards, he proceeded to
at Haka and gave instructions on timely reconstruction of the road.
On 26 April morning, he met staff in Chin State and made a speech at
the hall of Chin State Superintending Engineer's Office in Haka. The
superintending engineer, Deputy Superintending Engineers U Thein Tun
and U Kyu En and Falam District Superintending Engineer U Thein Oo
reported to the minister on construction of roads and bridges in
Chin State. After leaving necessary instructions to the officials,
the minister inspected the Haka-Gangaw road section, and gave
instructions to the Chin State Superintending Engineer and the
Deputy Superintending Engineer.
( 6 )
Thai delegation visits Shwedagon
Pagoda, Drug Elimination Museum
Yangon, 29 April - At the invitation of Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar U Khin Maung Win, the visiting Thai delegation led by General Secretary of the National Security Council of the Kingdom of Thailand Mr Khachadpai Burusa Patana visited the Shwedagon
Pagoda at 8.30 am today and made cash
donations to the funds of the pagoda.
At 10 am, Thai delegates paid a courtesy call on Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win at the hall of the ministry on Pyay Road and held discussions on mutual interest between the two countries.
Then, the delegation paid a visit to the Drug Elimination Museum at the corner of Kyundaw and Hanthawady roads in Kamayut Township where Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung and Deputy Director-General of Myanmar Police Force Police Brig-Gen Zaw Win and officials welcomed them.
At the hall of the museum, Joint-Secretary of the Central Committee for Drugs Abuse Control Police Col Kham Aung briefed them on drugs eradication tasks and undertakings in Myanmar with the help of video slides.
Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung presented gifts to the General Secretary of the National Security Committee.
Afterwards, the visiting delegates were conducted round the museum by Director (International Relations) of Drugs Elimination Department of the CCDAC Police Col Sit Aye.
The General Secretary of the National Security Committee signed in the
visitors' book and left there.
Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win hosted a dinner at Karaweik Palace.
( 7 )
Auditor-General tours Ayeyawady Division
Yangon, 29 April - Auditor-General Brig-Gen Tin Aye, accompanied by officials, made an inspection tour of Ayeyawady Division from 26 to 28 April and met with officials and staff of account offices in Myaungmya District, Pathein District, Hinthada District and Myanaung and Kyangin townships.
In his inspection tour, the auditor-general gave instructions on completion of auditing work according to plan and staff welfare.
Officials of Hockey Tournament and mediamen
Yangon, 29 April - Officials of the Organizing
Committee of Four-Country Invitational Hockey Tournament and the
selected hockey teams met with officials of periodicals and sports
writers at the Yuzana Hotel here yesterday evening. It was attended
by Vice-Chairman of the organization committee Commander of No 4
Military Region Defense Services Records Office Commandant Myanmar
Hockey Federation President Brig-Gen Myo Myint and executives,
Managing Director of News and Periodicals Enterprise of the Ministry
of Information U Tin Kha, members of referees, journalists, athletes
and invited guests. Members of the organizing committee and
officials of the hockey teams replied to the queries raised by those
( 8
) PBANRDA Minister attends opening of training courses
Yangon, 29 April - Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt delivered an address at the opening ceremony of training courses for departments under the ministry at the Central Training School in Dagon Myothit (North) Township this afternoon.
Also present were Deputy Ministers U Kyaw Tin and Brig-Gen Than Tun, directors-general of departments and guests.
Altogether 60 staff officer trainees of Development Affairs Department are attending the management course No 13, 60 trainees of DAD at the clerical course No 15 and 15 trainees of Education and Training Department and 15 of Progress of Border Areas and National Races Department at the clerical course No 16.
After the opening ceremony, the minister and party saw over the tube-well sinking machine and the pile driver at the warehouse of DAD. Then, they inspected sinking machines and spare parts imported from Japan and gave necessary instructions.
Specialists make field tour
Yangon, 29 April - A team of medical specialists, physiotherapists, rehabilitation nurses and prosthetics and
esthetics technicians, led by President Prof Dr Than Toe of the Society of Rehabilitation Medicine, Myan-mar Medical Association, and Medical Superintendent Dr Min Lwin of the National Rehabilitation Hospital, Thamaing, visited Pathein General Hospital in Ayeyawady Division on 26 April and treated patients with musculo skeletal problems.
Afterwards, President Prof Dr Than Toe gave a lecture on " Low Back Pain" at Pathein Medical Association.
___________________________ ( 9
) Myanmar National Working Committee for Women's Affairs holds coord meeting
Yangon, 29 April - The coordination meeting of the Myanmar National Working Committees for Women's Affairs and State/Division Women's Affairs Work Committees was held at Bogyoke Aung San Hall of the Social Welfare Department on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road here at 3 pm today.
Present on the occasion were Vice-Chairperson of the MNWCWA Prof Dr Daw May May Yee, Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, leaders of work committees, members of State/Division Women's Affairs Work Committees and officials.
Vice-Chairperson Prof Dr Daw May May Yee, extended greetings, and briefed on formation, objectives and tasks of the association.
Then, Head Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe of Work Group for Prevention of Violence Against Women and Rehabilitation, Head Prof Daw Khin Aye Win of Education Group, Head Dr Moe Moe Khaing of Health Group, Leader Daw Sein Sein of Economic Group, Head Daw Thein Thein Nyunt of Culture Group, Head Daw Khin Myo Myint of Girls and Adults Group, Head Daw Yin Yin Lay of Environmental Conservation Group and Head Daw Mya Mya of Information Group briefed on tasks of respective groups and replied to the queries raised by those present.
Then, a general round of discussions followed and the meeting came to a close in the evening.
Cash donated to MMCWA
Yangon, 29 April - Well-wishers donated cash to Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association at MMCWA Multi Purpose Building in South Okkalapa Township this afternoon.
It was attended by Vice-Chairperson of MMCWA Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and others. Managing Director U Thein Naing of Tri Star General Trading Co Ltd presented K 1.5 million and De- Ahywe-Ma-Ma -Doh-Ahywe Yein Troupe presented K 100,000 to Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe.