1 ) Secretary-1 inspects
construction of educational establishments
Yangon, 28 April - Secretary-l of
the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt together
with officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office,
inspected the construction of educational establishments by the
Higher Education Department in Htantabin Township this morning.
On arrival. at the construction site. the Secretary-l and party were
welcomed by the deputy ministers, heads of department and
At the worksite office. the deputy ministers and officials reported
on construction of the educational establishments. by the Higher
Education Department for the development of human resources and
regional development tasks including supply of drinking water.
proper drainage and power supply.
The Secretary-l gave instructions.
Then the Secretary- 1 inspected
measures taken for traffic safety at junctions of
Hlinethaya-Htantabin Road and Hliethaya-Shwepyithal Road.
Later, the Secretary-1 and party went to the management office of
Shwelinpan Industrial Zone in Hlinethaya Township.
In the briefing hall,
Director-General of the Department of Human Settlement and, Housing
Development U Amt Kyaw reported on the location and area of
Shwelinpan Industrial Zone, layout of the plots, the building of new
roads and measures to ensure proper drainage.
The Secretary-l gave instructions.
Afterwards, the Secretary-l and
party proceeded to the furniture factory and salesroom of Khine
Industnes Co Ltd In Hhnethaya Industrial Zone No 3.
were welcomed by Minister for Industry-2 Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, Minister
for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Muung Thein, Deputy
Minister for Forestry Col Thaik Tun, Managing Director of Khine
Industries Co Ltd U Aung Khine and officials.
In the hall of the factory,
Managing Director U Auni Khine reported on the establishment of a
faetory, And produetion And export of furniture.
The Secretary l -give in
Next the Secretary-l viewed the production process of furniture.
The furniture factory of Khine Industries Co Ltd is producting the
furniture of various klnds and designs which are easy to dismantle
and assemble for local and foreign markets.
Later, the Secretary-1 and party
went to the cold storage and processing plant of Minzarni Co Ltd in
Hlinethaya Industrial Zone No 1.
Chairman of Minzarni Co Ltd U Nyo Min reported on the background
history of the plant, dressing of
fish and prawn, and purchase and export of fish and prawn.
The Secretary-l gave instructions.
The production process of fish and prawn was explained with
audio-visual aids.
Then the Secretary-1 viewed the processing of fish and prawn.
Minzarni Co Ltd is building a 100-metric-ton cold storage and
processing plant in Ahlon Township and a 200-metric-ton cold storage
and processing plant in Sittway.
A 5OO-metric-ton cold storage and processing plant has been built in
Hlinethaya Industrial Zone. Fish and prawn are processed and
packaged for export.
Later, the Secretary-l and party went to Pun Hlaing Golf Club House
in Pun Hlaingl Golf Estate in
Chairman of SPA Myanmar Ltd U
Thein Wai reported on the master plan of Pun Hlaing Golf Estate and
future tasks.
The Secretary-l gave instructions and left there.
( 2 ) Secretary-1 attends dinner to mark annual conference of MMCWA
Yangon, 28 April - Chairman of the National Health Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt attended the dinner to mark the 12th annual conference of the Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association at the Karaweik Palace at 7 pm today.
First, MMCWA Chairperson Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe spoke words of thanks.
Next, Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe presented the commemorative gift to the Secretary-1.
Then, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt presented prizes and certificates for outstanding activities in 2001 to patrons of State/Division MCWA Supervisory Committees. Mandalay Division stood first in doing outstanding activities for 2001; Yangon Division second; Sagaing Division third; and Mon State, Ayeyawady Division and Shan State (East) won consolation prizes.
Chairperson of MMCWA Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe presented the first prizes and certificates to chairpersons of Mandalay Division and Chin State MCWA Supervisory Committees for the best paper award, the second prize to Mon State, the third prize to Sagaing Division and Kachin State.
Afterwards, Chairperson of MMCWA Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe presented the first, second and third prizes for invitational article competitions to U Kyi Tun (Social Welfare), Aye Myat Myat and U Than Soe (Dr Than Soe). Vice-Chairperson of MMCWA Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe presented consolation prizes to Dr Nwe Ni Ohn, U Tin Aung Ngwe (Naygyi- Magway), Ma Mu Mu Khine (Ma Pwint Wai), Daw Nwe Nwe Kyi (Nwe Nwe Kyi-Myanmar News Agency), Daw Soe Yin Pyone (Thabyay Nu), Dr Hla Pe (Mandalay), Daw Tin Yi (Phyu Mar Thant), Ma Le Le Cho and Daw Khin Su (Ma Kyi Tan-Myanmarsar) and Capt Khin Thida.
Then, MMCWA Vice-Chairperson Dr Kyi Soe presented gifts to Secretary of Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association U Hla Tun (Hla Tun-Twantay) and officials who are the members of the manuscripts scrutinising panel of judges and artistes.
Then, the dinner was hosted for the guests.
( 3 ) Press conference on abduction of two members of Wa national group by Thai Frontier
Force and attack on small camp of Wa national Group from Thai side held
Yangon, 28 April-A press conference on the abduction of two members of the Wa national group by Thai Frontier Force and attack on the small camp of the Wa national Group from the Thai side was held at Tatmadaw Guest House on Inya Road here at 12.30 pm today.
Deputy Head of Department of the Office of the Chief of Military Intelligence Lt-Col San Pwint said there is a small camp on Point 3850 hill ( map reference U-465488) at the border of Myanmar and Thailand in Mongyun region, Monghsat township. Opposite the camp at a distance of about 400 or 500 yards on the Thai side is a small camp of Thai Frontier Force. There is a small creek which serves as the border line between the two camps. The creek is used by both the Wa national group and the Thai force. Although the two camps were closely located, there was no problem before. Two members of the Wa national group went to the creek between the two camps to fetch water at about 3 pm on 26 April 2002 and were abducted by the Thai force. Although the leader of the Wa national group camp contacted the Thai camp and asked for the release of the two detainees, they were not released.
They did not release the two abducted members of the Wa national group. At 6 pm, two helicopters of deep green color from the Thai army arrived at the border areas. They flew over the camp of the Thai force and fired three rockets and about 300 machine gun shots at the camp where Wa nationals were stationed. The right leg of a member of the Wa national group was wounded. The helicopters flew back after firing. At 7 pm, the Thai side opened fire on the Wa camp with heavy guns two times. It is learnt that altogether six shots were fired. At midnight, the Thai side again fired six shots at the Wa camp with heavy weapons. But the Wa camp did not return the fire at all. At 5 am on 27 April, the Thai side fired about six shots with heavy weapons. There were about 20 artillery fires from 8.05 am to 9.45 am. But the Wa camp did not return fire at all. The Thai side opened about 60 heavy fires from 7.10 am to 10 am today, and a member of the Wa national group was killed.

In connection with the incident, arrangements were made to solve the issue through diplomatic means peacefully. At 4.15 pm on 27 April, Director-General of the Political Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs U Thaung Tun met with Charge d'Affaires ai of Royal Thai Embassy Mr Opas Chantarasap and handed him an Aide-Memoire. Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung sent a letter of protest about the incident to Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand through Myanmar Ambassador that evening. At a time when the authorities of Myanmar are making arrangements through peaceful means, iTV, a television station from Thailand, telecast
the news about the event at 7.20 pm on 27 April. It announced that Wa group trespassed Meisalaung Village in Maifalaung Township in Thai-Myanmar border in the morning. A fighting between the Wa group and Fah Muang force of No 3 Division of Thai Army took place the whole day. The Thai force fired 44 shots with 120 mm and 105 mm guns. The Wa forces retreated after the fighting. In the incident, the Thai force arrested two members of Wa group. According to them, they came there in search of food. The Thais assumed that they were the men who searched for the route for carrying narcotic drugs.
At 00.20 hr on April 28, iTV News Agency of Thailand reported that a Wa armed group invaded the area near Wantonphaing in the border and fired heavy weapons; therefore, the Thai side fired artillery about forty times in return; two Wa camps were destroyed, and heavy casualties were reported; No 3 Division was blocking and inspecting the entrances and exits at the border; the Myanmar army sent two persons to gather information about the movement of the Thai army; the two crossed the border under the pretext of buying rations; they were under interrogation; the two were from the people's militia unit formed by the Myanmar army. This information is not true. The information about the invasion of the Wa national group and their firing of heavy weapons is not true at all.
On 27 April, this event was reported on the Internet as Bangkok (AP) news. The news said that two armed men were arrested in the territory of Thailand, and the Thai troops got fired at by mortars; Col Surasak Boonsiri said that this event happened after the two unidentified armed men were arrested at the place 300 meters from the border in Chiangrai Province, northern Thailand; over 70 men from Myanmar crossed the border firing at the Thai troops by motors and attempted to rescue their men; after about 20 minutes of the clash, they withdrew; two hours later, they launched another attack; two helicopters with machine guns attached to it from the Thai side gave supporting fire; exchanges of fire were occurring in the border areas. They are false and fabricated news. The pieces of news reported by
their news agencies are not consistent. It is found that the news was invented in different ways day after day. The event occurred on the day when Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defense Services General Maung Aye and party came back after concluding their goodwill visit to Thailand. During the goodwill visit, General Maung Aye had an audience with the King and Queen of Thailand. He also discussed with the Thai Prime Minister matters relating to promotion of friendship between the two nations, elimination of narcotic drugs and mutual cooperation. The goodwill visit of General Maung Aye was a great success. There is understanding between the two governments, and they held constructive discussions. It is believed that the two nations will cooperate more and more. However, this event occurred on the day when General Maung Aye and party concluded their successful goodwill visit. This amounts to deliberately attempting to harm the friendship between the two nations. In view of this event, the acts of the Thai troops at the lower level show insincerity. It is tantamount to attempting to disrupt the ties of friendship.
The authorities of Myanmar, wanting to handle the matter in a peaceful manner, informed the embassy concerned of it. However, the Thai side issued false news by using the Thai media. Therefore, the press briefing is held to inform the journalists of the true event. The two governments will solve the matter with full understanding.
Then, Minister for Labor U Tin Winn, Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win and Deputy Head of Department Lt-Col San Pwint replied to the queries raised by the journalists. The press briefing ended at 12.55 pm. Then, the journalists viewed the maps showing the abduction of the two members of the Wa national group in the territory of the nation and the maps showing how the camp where the national race group was stationed got fired at by heavy weapons from the territory of
( 4
) Maj-Gen Ye Myint tours Magway Division, Chin State
Yangon, 28 April - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defense, accompanied by Minister for Education U Than Aung and officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, the Ministry of Construction, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs, the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation and the Ministry of Education, left here by air for Bagan-NyaungU on 24 April morning.
They were welcomed in Bagan-NyaungU by Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint and Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Col Zaw Min. They then proceeded to Pakokku via Letpan Chaypaw village.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party, accompanied by Col Zaw Min and officials, inspected the tarring of a section of Pakokku-Kyaukhtu road in Yaypya village of Pauk Township. Pakokku District Senior Engineer U Zaw Win Myint reported on construction of Pakokku-Pauk-Kyaukhtu section and Pakokku-Seikpyu-Saw section.
At noon, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party arrived at Pauk and met with township level departmental officials at Pauk Township Peace and Development Council Office. He gave instructions on regional development tasks.
Officials reported on agriculture, regional development, basic education and road construction matters. Minister for Education U Than Aung gave a supplementary report. Speaking on the occasion, Maj-Gen Ye Myint said Pakokku-Pauk-Mindat road will be upgraded. The condition of transport in Pauk will soon be better. Local people of Pauk are to participate in development tasks of the township and departmental personnel should carry out the development tasks.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party inspected the runway of Pauk Airport.
Next, they proceeded to Pondaung Hill in Saw Township in the afternoon. They were welcomed there by Chairman of Chin State Peace and Development Council Col Tin Hla and local authorities.
They then inspected Tapyin Creek Bridge in Tapyin village, Saw Township and 40 acres of summer paddy in Thayetchin village.
In the afternoon, they inspected wooden Yaw Creek Bridge in Kyaukhtu and old Kyaukhtu Airport.
At the office of Public Works in Kyaukhtu, Maj-Gen Ye Myint met with departmental personnel. Also present were Minister for Education U Than Aung, Chairman of Chin State Peace and Development Council Col Tin Hla, district chairmen of Gangaw and Mindat, officials and personnel of social organizations. Maj-Gen Ye Myint and Minister U Than Aung attended to their needs.
Then, they went to Natye village in Saw Township.
They inspected 556 acres of thriving sunflower and fulfilled the requirements.
At 6.30 pm, they arrived in Mindat, Chin State. They paid homage to Sayadaw Bhaddanta Pan–asiri of Taungpulu Pariyatti Patipatti Kyaungtaik in Mindat and donated provisions to the Sayadaw. They also offered provisions to a Sayadaw of the monastery in Mindat.
In the evening, they met with departmental officials and local authorities at the office of Mindat District Peace and Development Council. Officials reported on development tasks. Chin State Chairman Col Tin Hla gave a supplementary report. Minister for Education U Than Aung attended to their needs.
Next, Maj-Gen Ye Myint gave necessary instructions.
Similarly, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party, accompanied by Chin State Chairman Col Tin Hla, met with members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association at Mindat Township USDA Office. Maj-Gen Ye Myint gave necessary instructions.
Minister for Education U Than Aung, accompanied by Director-General Lt-Col Win Htein of No 2 Basic Education Department, inspected multimedia teaching centres at basic education high schools in Pauk and Kyaukhtu and left instructions on academic matters.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint inspects regional development work in Chin State
Yangon, 28 April Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint, during the tour of Chin State, together with Chairman of Chin State Peace and Development Council Col Tin Hla and senior military officers, chairmen of Mindat District and Township Peace and Development Councils and officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, the Ministry of Construction, the Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs and the Ministry of Education, inspected Mindat District People's Hospital this morning.
Medical Superintendent Dr Maung Maw and officials conducted Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party round the operation theatre and the X-ray room.
Then, Maj-Gen Ye Myint fulfilled the requirements of the hospital.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Minister for Education U Than Aung and party proceeded to Bawkwe plantation of the Myanma Agriculture Service and inspected tea saplings for the rainy season cultivation and tea plantations. Maj-Gen Ye Myint gave necessary instructions.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Minister U Than Aung and party left Mindat by car along the Mindat-Matupi Road and inspected maintenance of the road at 45th mile post and gave necessary instructions.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party, who arrived at Matupi at 4.35 pm, met with the chairman of the Township Peace and Development Council, district and township level departmental officials, the secretary and members of the township Union Solidarity and Development Association and members of Auxiliary Fire Brigade and Red Cross Society and discussed regional development tasks.
First, the chairman of the Township Peace and Development Council explained matters related to implementation of five rural development tasks, mobile libraries and eradication of illiteracy.
Then, the Mindat District Engineer of Public Works reported on tarring of 102 miles long road section of Mindat-Matupi Road and arrangements for earthen section and gravel section of the road.
The manager of MAS, an assistant township education officer and a member of War Veterans Organization of the township reported on cultivation of paddy and local rice sufficiency, education and school buildings and arrangement for a passenger bus line respectively.
Afterwards, Minister for Education U Than Aung explained matters related to organization work of the schooling of school-age children according to the 30-year education plan laid down for the national education promotion and extension of new basic education primary schools.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint explained upgrading of Pakokku-Pauk-Kyaikhtu- Mindat and Mindat-Matupi roads and urged departmental personnel and local people to extend cultivation and livestock breeding.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party, then, proceeded to a monastery and greeted the welcoming students there.
First, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party paid homage and presented offertories to the presiding Sayadaw.
Minister U Than Aung donated stationery to the monastery.
They also inspected Matupi Township People's Hospital and Maj-Gen Ye Myint fulfilled the requirements.
In the evening, member of the Panel of Patrons of USDA Maj-Gen Ye Myint, together with Secretary General U Than Aung, met with members of the Township USDA at the township USDA office. Secretary General U Than Aung gave instructions on active participation of USDA members in implementation of rural development tasks and unity of members. Then, Maj-Gen Ye Myint urged those present to participate in cultivation and livestock breeding and to organize for the construction of inter-village roads.
Afterwards, the Secretary General presented books for the township USDA to the secretary of it. Later, Minister U Than Aung, accompanied by the director-general of the No 2 Basic Education Department, inspected learning centers in No 1 and No 2 Basic Education High Schools in Mindat
and presented a video television set and a video-cassette recorder,
a cassette, ear-phones and a generator for BEHS-2.
( 5 ) Htidaw hoisted atop Yaza Zeya Muniaung
Pagoda in Htantabin
Yangon, 28 April - Under the auspices of Thabawchaung village Sayadaw U Iicchariya in Htantabin Township, Yangon Division, the Htidaw hoisting and enshrinement ceremony for Yaza Zeya Muniaung Pagoda building by the Ministry of Transport in Thabawchaung village was held at the compound of the monastery this morning.
Present were Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe and wife Daw San San Myint, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint and wife, Deputy Minister U Pe Than, departmental heads, wellwishers and local people.
First, member of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta ‚antasiri administered the Nine Precepts.
Then, members of the Sangha recited Parittas.
The minister supplicated on religious affairs. Then, the minister and wife, the deputy ministers and departmental heads offered relics, Buddha images, the Htidaw and provisions to the Sayadaws. Sayadaw Bhaddanta ‚antasiri delivered a sermon.
Next, the minister, the deputy ministers and disciples conveyed the relics, the Buddha images and the Htidaw round the pagoda for three times.
Afterwards, they kept the relics and the Buddha images into the upper reliquary. Then, they hoisted the tiers of the Htidaw atop the pagoda by the decorated carriage of Teingyar Htidaw hoisting team. The minister performed the rituals of golden and silver showers to mark the successful completion of the ceremony.
Later, members of the Sangha enshrined religious objects in the pagoda and the ceremony came to an end.
After the ceremony, Minister Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe unveiled the stone plaque of the pagoda. Later, they offered
"soon" to the Sayadaws.
Communications tasks inspected
Yangon, 28 April - Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw, accompanied by officials of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications, arrived at Okshitpin Village in Padaung Township, Bago Division (West) on 25 April where he, together with Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council (West) Col Soe Ngwe, inspected Okshitpin Telephone Office.
Then the minister gave instructions on installation of auto telephone system there.
In the evening the minister inspected construction of Taungup microwave station in Taungup, Rakhine State, and gave instructions on timely completion of the station. Next he inspected Taungup telephone office and post and telegraph office.
On 26 April, Rakhine State Peace and Development Council Chairman Western Command Commander Brig-Gen Maung Oo and Minister Brig-Gen Thein Zaw saw to installation of auto telephones in Taungpongyi, Myaya and Maei villages along Taungup-An road and attended to the needs of communications in Rakhine State.
The minister in the evening made arrangements for facilitation of trunk call communications of Tattaung village telephone exchange.
Merits shared for Dhamma Weikza Beikmandaw in Thingangyun
Yangon, 28 April - The smerit-sharing ceremony for Yakkansin Eiddhiaung Maheikdi Dhamma Weikza four-storey Beikmandaw built at a cost of over K 199.8 million by wellwishers was held at Pariyatti Patipatti Missionary Mula Hsetaung-pyay Kyaungtaik in South Za Ward, Thingangyun Township, this morning.
Present on the occasion were Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin and wife Daw Yin Yin Nyunt, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko and wife, directors-general of the Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana and the Religious Affairs Department, the pro-rector of International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University, officials and well-wishers.
Vice-Chairman of State Sangha Maha Nayaka
Committee Agga Maha Pandita Agga Maha Saddhammajotika Thayet Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kesara and members of the Sangha consecrated the Buddha Image. Then, the merit sharing ceremony followed.
The minister and officials and the wellwishers offered provisions to the Sayadaws. Thayet Sayadaw delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits.
Minister inspects construction works in Chin State
YANGON, 28 April - Minister for Construction
Maj-Gen Saw Tun and Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Myint Thein, together with
Commander of North-West Command Brig-Gen Soe Naing and Brig-Gen Khin
Maung Aye of Kale Station, left Kale, Chin State, for Kalewa where they
inspected the site chosen for construction of Myittha Bridge on 23 April.
The minister gave instructions on starting the construction works as soon as
possible, fulfilment of necessary machines and collecting sand and stones for
construction of the bridge.
Commander Brig-Gen Soe Naing, Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun, Brig-Gen Khin Maung Aye,
Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Myint Thein and officials inspected Kale-FalamHaka
(Kale-Thingngin road section) and Thingngin-Tiddim road section on 24 April.
At the guest house of Thingngin Construction, the engineer of Tiddim Township
and the superintending engineer of Chin State reported on completion of Kale-Falam
road section in open season and works to be carried out. The minister left
necessary instructions.
( 6 )
Commander inspects regional development in
three townships
YANGON, 28 April - Chaiman of
Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon
Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe, Col Tin Tun of Phugyi Station, Secretary
of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Kyaw Tint
and departmental officials inspected regional development in
Htantabin, Hmawby and Hlegu Townships this morning and fulfilled the
Commander Big-Gen Myint Swe and party attended ceremonies to open
new road in Bawle Village in Htantabin Township and to launch a new
Blwle-Yangon Dagon transport service.
Commander Brig-Gen Myint Swe and
Chairman of Dagon Agriculture and Livestock Breeding Group U Win
Aung formally opened the new road and inspected it.
Member of Bawle Village Union
Solidarity and Development Association U Than Myint expressed thanks
for opening of the road and launching of transport service.
Comnder Brig-Gen Myint Swe spoke
on the occasion.
Chairman of Dagon Agriculture and
Livestock Breeding Group U Win Aung reproted on the opening of the
new road and new transport service.
Member of Bawle Village Union
Solidarity and Development Association U Than Myint Expressed thanks
for opening of the road and launching of transport service.
U Win Aung and U Kyaw Zaw Aung of
Dagon Agriculture and Livestock Breed. ins Group presented
cammemorative pennants to Commander Brig-Gen Myint Swe and party.
The new road linking Bawle,Kyaman and Shandaw Villages is eight
miles and two furlongs long and it was built at accost of over K
100 million by Dagon Agriculture and Livestock Breeding Group.
In the past people from
Bawlekyun took a day to reach Yangon by cart and by boat. There
were transport difficulties although the regions are very close to
Yangon. The government built roads linking villages
and bridges and Yaybawthoung river bridge for
development of Tetthitkyun, Bawlekyun and Aikalaung. kyun regions in
accord with tasks for ensuring smooth and secure transport included
In the five rural development tasks of the Head of State.
Now there is a transport service
between Bawle Villase and Yangon. People from Bawlekyun region can
go to Yangon and other cities in a short time.
The commander and party presented
offertories to Sayadaw Bhaddanta Nanavamsa and members of the Sangha
of Aungtheikdhi Kyaunltalk in BfiwIe Village.
The commander and party inspected rural health care centre at the
village. They also inspected construction of motor road linking
Bawle and Kyaman Villages.
The commander and party inspected
goat farms of regiments and units under Yangon Command and fulfilled
the requirements.
The commander and party arrived at Kalihtaw Dam project site in
Wanetchaung Village in Hmawby Township where Director of Yangon Division Irrigation Department U Kyaw Thein reported on the project. The commander gave instructions on worksite safety and completion of the project in time with the set standard.
The commander inspected construction of the dam.
The earth dam is being built on Kalihtaw Creek and it is 3,500 feet long and 65 feet high. The capacity of the dam is 26,000 acre feet and the area at full brim is 1,650 acres. It contains outlet conduit and a spillway.
On completion of the dam, it can supply water to Nyaunghnapin vegetable production and poultry farming special zone.
The commander went to Hmawby Hsan Hall of Yangon Division vegetable production and poultry farming special zone-1. Divisional Commissioner of Yangon Division General Administration Department U Thein Swe, Manager of Yangon Division Myanma Agriculture Service U San Maung, head of Yangon Division Settlement and Land Records Department U Naing Win and officials reported on reclamation of land with the use of machinery, raising of layers and broilers, digging of fish ponds, power supply, arrangements for supply of water to the special zones and requirements.
The commander and party inspected cultivation of vegetables in green house and tunnel of Myanmar Agro Peace Agricultural Group.
( 7 )
General Secretary of National
Security Council of Thailand arrives
Yangon, 28 April - An eight-member delegation led by General Secretary Mr Khachadpai Burusapatana of National Security Council of Thailand arrived here by air this morning.
They were welcomed at Yangon International Airport by Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win and departmental heads, Ambassador of Thailand to Myanmar Mr Oum Maolanon and staff of the embassy. They will stay here up to 1 May and exchange views on mutual interests between the two
Bangladeshi hockey team arrives
Yangon, 28 April - The selected hockey team of Bangladesh led by Col Abul Kalm Muhammad Zaki arrived here by air this afternoon to take part in the Four-Country Invitational Hockey Tournament to be held from 29 April to 4 May.
The team was welcomed at Yangon International Airport by Vice-Chairman of the Organizing the Tournament Defence Services Records Office Commandant Myanmar Hockey Federation President Brig-Gen Myo Myint, Vice-President Police Col Soe Naing (Retd) and officials.
The opening ceremony of the tournament will be held at the Youth Training Centre in Thuwunna at 3 pm on 29
( 8
) MMCWA 12th Annual Conference concludes
Yangon, 28 April - The final day of the 12th Annual Conference of the Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association was held at the meeting hall of the association at the corner of Parami and Thanthuma roads in South Okkalapa Township this morning, attended by Chairperson of the association Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe, Vice-Chairpersons Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and Dr Kyi Soe, central executive committee members, the patrons of state/division Maternal and Child Welfare Association Supervisory Committees, members of central council.
Vice-Chairperson Dr Kyi Soe presided over the conference in the morning session, and Chairperson of the association Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe, in the afternoon session. Joint-Secretary of the association Dr Nwe Oo acted as master of ceremonies.
First, Chairperson Dr Kyi Soe made an opening speech.
Then, Prof Daw May Kara Su, Kachin State MCWA Supervisory Committee Chairman Dr U Joseph, Kayin State MCWA Supervisory Committee Chairman Dr Myo Lwin, Chin State MCWA Supervisory Committee Chairman Dr Hla Myint, Sagaing Division MCWA Supervisory Committee Chairman Dr Kyaw Shein, Taninthayi Division MCWA Supervisory Committee Chairperson Dr Aye Aye Thein, Bago Division MCWA Supervisory Committee Chairman Dr Maung Maung Myint, Magway Division MCWA Supervisory Committee Chairman Dr Kyaw Hla Myint, Mon State MCWA Supervisory Committee Chairman Dr Than Tun Oo, Rakhine State MCWA Supervisory Committee Chairman Dr Ba Shwe read papers.
The conference came to an end.
In the afternoon session, Chairperson Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe made a speech.
Then, Yangon Division MCWA Supervisory Committee Chairman Dr Tin Maung Win, Dr Khin Maung Kyaw of Shan State (North) MCWA Supervisory Committee, Shan State (East) MCWA Supervisory Committee Chairman Dr Win Myint, Ayeyawady Division MCWA Supervisory Committee Chairman Dr Than Aung read papers.
Those present took part in the discussions. Dr Tin Lin Myint was chosen secretary of the association; Daw Yuzana and Dr Daw Htay Nwe, CEC members. Then, they took the oath in front of the chairperson. Future tasks were discussed and the conference came to a close in the evening.
The 12th MMCWA Conference commemorative shop sells local products of state/division MCWAs at the association till 29 April.
___________________________ ( 9
23,959.05 acres of poppy
fields destroyed
Yangon, 28 April - A combined team comprising the Tatmadawmen of local battalions and units in Pinlaung, Shan State (South), members of Pinlaung police station and the local intelligence unit, destroyed 5 acres of poppy fields on the northern and southern sides of Pinlaung- Pyinmana mortor road near Yaychaung
Creek on 6 April. The total acreage of poppy fields destroyed up to
5 April this year in Shan State (South) in 2001-2002 poppy
cultivation season amounted to 1,520.52 acres and that of all over
Myanmar is 23,959.05 acres.
traffickers sentenced
Yangon, 28 April - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Yangon Special Anti-Drug Squad, acting on information, searched the house of Daw Myint Swe on 5th street in Ward 3-B, Mingaladon Township, on 30 September 2001 and seized 2.0738 kilos of marijuana.
Action was taken against Daw Myint Swe, 50, daughter of U Than Hla, and Aung Kyaw Zan, 35, son of U Childna Aung of Kalai Village in Thanatpin Township, Bago Division, under section 15/19 (A)/21 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psycho-tropic Substances Law by the police station concerned. Yangon (North) District Court handed down 25
years' imprisonment each under section 19(A) on Daw Myint Swe and Aung Kyaw Zan on 29 March this year.