1 ) 30-year long-term education plan covers lofty Myanmar education goal
"emergence of an education system that will create
a constant learning society to face challenges of present era"
Seminar on promotion of national education in
basic education sector (Lower Myanmar) held
Yangon, 27 April- The seminar on promotion of national education in the basic education sector (Lower Myanmar) was held at the Diamond Jubilee Hall in Kamayut Township this morning, with an address by Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
The Secretary-1 said development of a nation and cultural standard depend on the quality of national education. So the education sector plays a vital role in the uplift of national prestige and integrity. Nowadays, economic, financial, education, health, social and defense sectors are influenced by advances in science and technology, and efforts are being made to have access to modern science and technology. That is why a new term
"the age of knowledge" has been coined. It is obvious that the role of education has
unprecedented come to the fore, he said. Especially, science and technology are
advancing very rapidly. Therefore, learning will never end, and constant learning is needed. It is difficult to foretell the future development due to such rapid developments and changes. It is time for every country to make efforts without losing sight of these advances so that they do not fall behind others, he added.
That is why, he said, the government has carried out educational reforms that will bring about national development, right down from the basic education sector after laying down systematic plans in keeping with the developments in the international community.
In this regard, educational reforms at the very basic level were carried out for emergence of an education system which will create a constant learning society to face and overcome the challenges of the future, he said.
In order to lay down systematic plans in connection with long-term educational reforms, the Ministry of Education held seminars on education promotion programmers for the basic education sector in April and May every year as of 1998-99. The seminars were attended by education delegates from states, divisions and townships, he said. The government implemented the education promotion programmers, a special four-year plan for promotion of national education and a 30-year long-term plan, he added.
He continued that the basic education sector is a educational structure which is
the largest in size and the most fundamental and it is the first centre to train the students and to implement the education objectives.
Only when student youths are trained well in the basic education sector, will they be imbued with the will to continue to learn in the higher education sector and throughout their lives and to serve the country, patriotism and good character. Hence, the educational plans to be implemented in the basic education sector and basic education teachers and academicians who will undertake these plans are vitally important, and the teachers are the beacons for youths who can shape the future of the State.
Significant educational reforms were successfully carried out to some extent in the basic education sector, the largest education structure, he said.
The education promotion programmers in the basic education undertaken two or three years ago can now be related to higher education sector. He said it is encouraging to note that the 30-year long-term education plan can be implemented.
The 30-year long-term education plan includes detailed points and tasks for implementation of lofty Myanmar education
objective emergence of an education system that will create a constant learning society to face the challenges of the present era and the plan is being implemented systematically.
In basic education sector, nine objectives, ten tasks, 31 projects and 108 sub-projects are being undertaken in order to join higher education sector.
The nine basic education goals are emergence of a basic education system which is on a par with the international education system, emergence of human resources capable of building and safeguarding a modern, developed nation with the help of advances in science and technology, emergence of highly-qualified innovative and inventive persons, emergence of stalwart persons who are imbued with Union Spirit, patriotism and preserve traditional culture, emergence of highly-educated persons who are healthy and fit and have strong morals, emergence of outstanding youths who live together in peace and are capable of improving the entire human society, emergence of a constant learning society, provision of equal opportunities to learn vocational education and emergence of basic education schools which can serve as support centers for regional development.
These goals have been set in the basic education sector to achieve Myanmar education goal. There are ten working programmers laid down in accord with the basic education goals. They are to ensure the emergence of an education system which contributes to modernization and development, to enable all the citizens including those from rural and border areas to acquire basic education, to give training with modern electronic teaching aids, to turn out stalwart persons who acquire well-rounded education, to enlist the participation of parents and public and to work for the development of non formal education activities. All the teachers are to implement these working programmers in cooperation with parents and public.
In the same way, all the teachers are to implement with full determination and actively the working plans designed to promote educational quality, to provide an opportunity to learn pre-vocational and vocational education, to enhance educational management efficiency and to develop education research.
It is believed that arrangements can be made in accord with the present situation at the seminar on promotion of national education in the basic education sector to achieve the education goals of the basic education sector and to implement the working plans.
The seminar on promotion of national education in the basic education sector is held in Yangon for Lower Myanmar, and another seminar will be held in Mandalay for Upper Myanmar. Altogether 3,200 delegates from the basic education sector will attend the seminar. At the seminar, implementation of the 30-year long-term plan and national education promotion working plans in 2001-2002 will be assessed and working plans to be implemented in 2002-2003 will be discussed. Furthermore, papers on international education activities and educational work which can contribute to implementation of the long-term plan will be submitted.
When efforts are being made to achieve the set goals step by step, educational seminars need to be held where the objective condition of the State, advances in science and technology, development of the international education sector can be assessed. The results of the seminars in which academicians and experienced teachers are participating, and future tasks and plans will become a beacon for the youths who will shape the future.
All the teachers need to know clearly and implement with firm belief the future working plans and projects for promotion of national education which result from the seminar.
They also need to see that every school-age child goes to school, that every child has an opportunity to acquire education, that the rate of drop-out decreases, that the rate of completion of basic education is high, that the education quality is high, that education acquired at school can be used at work and that adults can pursue education. Everybody needs to adopt the attitude that the task of promoting education, one of the five rural development tasks which are being implemented in accord with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, is to be carried out by the basic education sector.
In doing so, all are to cooperate with parents and public in improving school buildings, sending every school-age child to school, promoting education and providing teaching aids.
It is of vital importance to lay down systematic plans which are of great help to the basic education sector in implementing the wide-ranging working plans of the basic education sector and trying to achieve Myanma education goals. It is believed that the seminar will be able to produce these important systematic plans.
The Secretary-1 called on all those present at the seminar to discuss openly matters related to achievement of the education goals.
In conclusion, he urged all to perform the tasks of the education sector dutifully with the aim of ensuring the emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed nation, to work hard for the development of highly-qualified human resources in accord with the aims of the State, to contribute to discussions so that effective future tasks and plans can be laid down for the accomplishment of Myanma
education goal and to participate actively in implementing education
working plans when they arrive back to their respective regions.
After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 had a cordial
meeting with the teachers who will attend the seminar. The seminar
will be held from today till 30 April. At the seminar, the
performance of the tasks of the 30-year long-term education plan
will be assessed; the tasks to be implemented in 2002-2003 will be
discussed; six papers on international education activities and
educational work will be submitted.
Mothers and children form massive force accounting for over half of total population
Over 900,000 women given educative talks and over 900 patients referred for medical treatment
Secretary-1 addresses 12th Annual Conference of MMCWA
Yangon, 27 April- A ceremony to open the 12th Annual Conference of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association was held at the meeting hall of the association at the corner of Parami and Thanthumar Roads, South Okklapa Township this morning with an address by Chairman of the National Health Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
In his address, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt said that the Government is at present making efforts to ensure harmonious development in all states and divisions in order to enable the nation to stand shoulder to shoulder with nations of the world. In this regard, emphasis is placed on development in the women sector as well as in the maternal and child sector that play a crucial role in national development.
The noble objectives and nation-building endeavors of MMCWA, a women force comprising voluntary workers and making concerted efforts for the fitness and all-round development of mothers and children, are the same as the objectives of the State for development of the women sector and the maternal and child sector, he said.
Mothers and children are a massive force that constitutes more than half of the population of the nation. It is also a force which is doing the main duty to nurture new generations who play a key role to keep the nation and the race in perpetuity.
So, taking care of mothers and children amounts to safeguarding and promoting the lineage and building the future foundation of the race. Furthermore, efforts for all-round development of mothers and children who have an important part in a family are equal to efforts for development of Myanma society which is based on the families.
While making efforts for national development, the Government combined separate forces into a national force according to their objectives, aims and tasks. As maternal and child care is regarded as important, a law was promulgated to form MMCWA.
The MMCWA is now 11 years. The association while
building up and improving itself rendered help for development in health, fitness, education and social sectors of mothers and children during that period. It is encouraging to see the endeavors of the association in laying the good foundations of the State.
MMCWA has over 2.4 million members and 324 associations with 12,262 branches nationwide, and it is carrying out the 21 kinds of national tasks including boosting family income, education as well as health and fitness.
In the health sector, it has opened delivery rooms throughout the nation right down to villages and rendered health care services. The extension of seven delivery rooms in 2001 and the facilities nationwide
totaled 81.
MMCWA at different levels distributed over 12 million
vises of iodized salt in preventing iodine deficiency and systematically provided nutritious food. As a result, it won a certificate of honor presented by the Central Committee for Eradication of Iodine Deficiency in 2001.
MMCWA in cooperation with UN agencies and departments under the Ministry of Health are implementing the birth spacing project, and is making arrangements for extension of the project up to 100 townships.
In control of AIDS, it comforted and referred AIDS/HIV patients and rendered cash assistance in addition to rendering educative works. With humanitarian spirit and sympathy, the MMCWA also rendered help to bereaved family to earn the family income as well as contributed cash assistance to children of the deceased for pursuing education.
MMCWA in making concerted efforts in control of TB and leprosy and has given medical treatment to over 18,000 TB patients and exposed over 11,000 leprosy suspects.
MMCWA is giving educative talks for earlier reference and treatment of cancer that is mostly seen in women and rendering cash assistance to needy patients and referring them to physicians for treatment. In this regard, over 900,000 women were given educative talks and over 900 patients were referred for medical treatment.
Diagnosis for women, transferring those who need treatment to experts concerned, health education and soothing discussion are being made with the help of experts after opening a department for diagnosis of cancer among women.
These tasks are being implemented with the objectives of early diagnosis of cancers related to reproduction, to protect women from side effects through early diagnosis and to
minimize death rate caused by reproduction related cancer. In addition, health care services are being rendered at
"Metta Shin" hospital opened under the leadership of Mandalay Division Maternal and Child Welfare Association. Health care services have been given to a total over 300 inpatients and about 6,000 outpatients in 2001. Out of them, 2,100 patients were given treatments free of charge.
Educative work on mental health in families had been carried out as a future task by MMCWA in 2001 in line with the motto of WHO regarding prevention of mental diseases. A total of 330,000 people could receive educative lectures in 1900 health educative talks all over the country in 2001.
At present, MMCWA is carrying out not only health care work for mothers and children but also taking care of development of education, culture, social and economic affairs widely. Moreover, success has been achieved in extended work for development tasks of age groups such as children, youths and the aged that play a major role in development of social sector.
MMCWA has been establishing model villages since 1993 and 420 model villages had been established up to 2001. These achievements contribute to development of education, health, social, economic and cultural sectors of rural people.
Giving stipends to the pupils of needy families has been carried out since 1996. Cash, stationary and school uniforms worth of K 70 million could be provided to a total of 165,000 students 20,000 in Basic High School level, 45,000 in Middle School level, 98,000 in Primary level and 300 in University level.
Moreover, NGOs such as 2050 Organization from Japan, Asia Maternal and Child Welfare Association, U-Law and Women's Association of the Embassy of Republic of Korea have been giving stipends to 70 students covered by the
programmed of MMCWA.
Day nurseries have been opened with the objectives of all-round development of the children under five and enabling mothers to earn side income for the families as their children were at the safe places. In 2001, about 30,000 children are being taken care of at 737 day care centers.
As literacy campaign, three Recourses have been opened for women. So far, over 400,000 women could read and write. Moreover, over 6,000 reading groups have been formed for maintaining the momentum of reading ability.
As a task for boosting income of the family, domestic courses for women such as science tailoring, cooking, preparing snacks, weaving baskets and mats and running manageable scale livestock breeding have been opened. Arrangements could be made for enabling 140,000 women to attend the courses in 2001.
Capital loans have been given at low interest rate for those who cannot afford to start a business. The total loan given to 80,000 borrowers amounted to K 90 million so far.
As youth programmers, educative talks have been held. Moreover, youths have been given lectures on attitudes to be adopted which are very valuable in their life at the youth training camps opened for seven times.
Out of the youths who have completed the courses in the training camps some have been sent abroad to attend training and workshops as youth delegates of MMCWA to gain international experiences.
Youth members of MMCWA are taking part in nation-building endeavors of MMCWA. Over 9,000 youth delegates participated in activities held for 900 times.
Especially, the "Nay-Min-La-Min-Do-Ei-Alin-Yaung" (Light of the Sun and the Moon) youth educative video movie recently broadcast by MRTV could educate not only youths but also parents effectively.
As health care service for the elderly, not only cash and kind assistance, general health care and optical surgery but also dental health care services could be rendered extensively.
In 2001, health care service could be given to a total of 100,000 elderly people. Cash and kind worth K 29 million could be provided to them.
To have a look at the success of MMCWA, it has been effectively and successfully contributing towards all round development tasks of education, social, economy and culture apart from health care service rendered to mothers and children during the period of 11 years. Moreover, separate programmers for children, youths and the elderly have been extended year after year. The outcome of these endeavors are encouraging.
The Secretary-1 called for further implementation of tasks for development of fundamental conditions for education and health to the grassroots level as well as fitness of mothers and children maintaining the momentum of the success already gained.
The Secretary-1 also urged those present to make concerted efforts for promotion of efficiency of the association members to be able to make use of the strength all over the country for the interest of the people and the State.
The Secretary-1 also called for organizational tasks for safeguarding lineage and Myanmar cultural traditions in line with endeavors for all round development of education, health, economy and social for the young as MMCWA is an association that makes efforts based on the strength of the women.
At present, five rural development tasks are being implemented in accordance with the guidance of the Head of State Senior General Than Shwe.
MMCWA is to strive for realization of these tasks hand in hand with other social organizations and departments in line with the main tasks of the association.
In conclusion, he urged those present to strive for all round development of education, health, economy and social for families including mothers and children with a view to ensuring emergence of peaceful, modern developed nation, to participate in rural area development tasks in accord with the guidance of the Head of State, to strive for lasting existence of MMCWA established to serve the interest of the nation.
Then, the Secretary-1 and guests viewed the documentary photographs of the activities of the MMCWA displayed at the hall.
Afterwards, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt formally opened the 12th MMCWA Conference commemorative shops. Then, the Secretary-1 and party viewed round the shops.
( 2 ) Secretary-1 inspects construction progress of
Yangon Psychiatric Hospital
Yangon, 27 April - Chairman of National Health Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, accompanied by Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Brig-Gen Myint Swe and officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, arrived at the construction site of Yangon Psychiatric Hospital of the Ministry of Health near No 2 Highway in Dagon Myothit (East) Township at 11 am today.
The Secretary-1 and party were welcomed there by Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, the deputy ministers, the vice mayor, departmental heads and officials.
At the briefing hall there, Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein reported to the Secretary-1 on the project matters of the hospital and Deputy Ministers Professor Dr Kyaw Myint and Professor Dr Mya Oo on location and area of the hospital, layout plan, progress of construction tasks and treatment given to the patients.
Then, Managing Director U Tun Myint Naing of Asia World Co Ltd reported on the main building of the hospital, wards and completion of hospital buildings.
Medical Superintendent Dr Toe Aung also reported on matters related to treatment given to the patients.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 fulfilled the requirements and gave instructions on hospital construction work to be carried out in connection with the master plan of Dagon Myothit (East) Township, greening tasks for environs of the hospital and proper drainage.
Then, the Secretary-1 inspected the ward for drug addicts rehabilitation and other wards of the hospital.
Next, the Secretary-1 saw over treatment given to patients at the new main building of the hospital and gave necessary instructions. The Secretary-1 left the hospital in the afternoon.
( 3 ) Maj-Gen Maung Bo inspects factories in Kyunsu Township
Yangon, 27 April - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Maung Bo of the Ministry of Defense, accompanied by departmental officials, arrived at 100-ton Cold Storage and 25-ton Ice Factory of International Fisheries (Taninthayi) Co in Panlonaung village in Kyunsu Township on 23 April evening.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo inspected availability of raw materials, production process and ice production.
At the briefing hall there, Maj-Gen Maung Bo heard reports on production capacity of Panlonaung Ice Factory and export presented by Director U Kyar Maung of International Fisheries (Taninthayi) Co and the official of Fisheries Department. Maj-Gen Maung Bo attended to their needs.
Panlonaung Cold Storage and Ice Factory was built in 1986. There are 250 workers of International Fisheries (Taninthayi) Co at the factory.
A total of 25 tons of ice can be produced and 30 tons of prawn can be prepared. International Fisheries (Taninthayi) Co earned US$ 11.75 million from 1998-99 to 2002.
On 24 April, Maj-Gen Maung Bo proceeded to Kyaukmatkat Pearl Breeding Farm being undertaken by Myanmar Kasaki Co at Domei Island, Kyunsu Township. At the briefing hall, Assistant General Manager Dr Zaw Win Myint and Mr Ramachi reported on breeding of mother
o'pearl and breeding steps. Maj-Gen Maung Bo gave necessary instructions and inspected the farm.
At 10 am, Maj-Gen Maung Bo went to the Myanma Pearl Production Camp at Pale Island in Bokpyin Township.
Managing Director U Maung Toe of Myanma Pearl Enterprise reported on the history of Myanma pearl and steps of breeding tasks. Maj-Gen Maung Bo attended to their needs and inspected the functions of the camp.
Pearl production has been undertaking in Taninthayi Division since 1954. Nowadays, two pearl production farms are being carried out by the two ministries, three by private entrepreneurs and three by foreign companies.
At 5 pm, Maj-Gen Maung Bo arrived at Wakyun village, Bokpyin Township, and inspected construction of 150-ton cold storage and 50-ton ice factory. He met with local people and attended to their needs.
( 4
) Religious Affairs Minister tours Kayah State
Yangon, 27 April - The Union Solidarity and Development Association CEC member Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin, accompanied by Kayah State Peace and Development Council Chairman Brig-Gen Nyunt Hlaing and Secretary Lt-Col Naing Win, visited Border Area Missionary Centre TatU Kyaung in Loikaw and presented offertories to Kayah State Sangha Nayaka Committee Chairman Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kesaradhaja and 19 missionary Sayadaws and supplicated on religious affairs on 24 April.
The minister and party later visited Lawka Manaung Chanthagyi Pagoda, Thiri Mingalar Taungtaw (Taunggwe Pagoda), historic Hsutaungpyi Myonam Shwe Zedidaw and Sasana Beikmandaw.
On 25 April, he inspected construction of Nyaungzin Dhammayon of Nyaungzin Theravada Buddhist Missionary Pariyatti Monastery in Pruhso Township, Kayah State, and attended to the needs.
In Dimawhso, the minister supplicated on religious affairs and presented
offertories to Myoma Parahitakyaung Sayadaw of Hilly Region Missionary Centre Bhaddanta Sobhana and missionary Sayadaws.
In the afternoon, the CEC member, together with Brig-Gen Nyunt Hlaing met with departmental officials, secretaries and executives of Kayah State, District and Township USDAs, organizers and members at Kayah State USDA office and gave instructions on the rural development tasks to be undertaken hand in hand with local people.
He next presented 200 books on national culture and morality to the Kayah State USDA secretary, and accepted 1,546 USDA membership applications. He also visited Loikaw Maha Ponnyakari Nunnery, Abbots Training School and Maha Dhammavihari Nunnery.
( 5 ) Commander attends coord meeting on cotton cultivation
Yangon, 27 April - A work coordination meeting on
cotton cultivation in Ayeyawady Division took place at the meeting hall of the office of Division Peace and Development Council in Pathein on yesterday morning.
It was attended by Chairman of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Commander of South-West Command Brig-Gen Htay Oo and senior military officers, Managing Director of Myanma Cotton and Sericulture Enterprise Dr Thein Htay, Division Secretary Lt-Col Sein Maung and officials concerned.
The commander made a speech. Those present reported on arrangements made for cultivation of cotton
sector wise. Then, the commander gave necessary instructions.
The meeting ended with concluding remarks by the commander.
Sacred objects enshrined into
reliquary of Yantaing-aung Hsutaungpyi TatU Pagoda in Hsenwi
Yangon, 27 April - A ceremony to enshrine sacred objects into the reliquary of Yantaing-aung Hsutaungpyi TatU Pagoda and to fix the pivot atop the pagoda was held at the pagoda in Hsenwi on 23 April morning.
Present were State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Vice-Chairman Lashio Myole Kyaungtaik Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Kavindacara and members of the Sangha, Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council Chairman North-East Command Commander Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing and wife Daw Khin Thant Sin, Col Soe Oo of Hsenwi Station, Deputy Commander Col Hla Myint, senior military officers, departmental officials, national race leaders and local people.
The commander and officials presented Buddha images, sacred objects and pivot and offertories to the Sayadaws. The commander and lay persons enshrined the sacred objects into the reliquary and then fixed the pivot. The commander and wife presented K 100,000 each for the TatU Kyaung and Htunkhaik Kyaung. National race leaders and wellwishers also made cash donations.
The donations totaled K 8.54 million.
At noon, the commander arrived at Maha Dhamma-ramsi Yan Aung Pagoda on Thiri Mantan Hill in Kaungkha Myothit, Kutkai Township, and inspected arrangements for construction of the pagoda and fixing a pivot. Then, he inspected the site chosen for construction of station hospital in Kaungkha Myothit, Kaungkha dam and 135 acres of tree plantations and left necessary instructions.
Later, he inspected the 40-acre model summer paddy field of Hopeik Village USDA in Lashio Township.
( 6 )
Annual conference of MMCWA held
Yangon, 27 April - The Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association held its 12th annual conference at Multipurpose Building of the association, corner of Parami Road and Thanthuma Road, South Okkalapa Township, this morning.
Present on the occasion were MMCWA Chairperson Professor Daw Kyu Kyu Swe, Vice-Chairpersons Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and Dr Kyi Soe, Central Executive Committee members, patrons of Supervisory Committees from States and Divisions and central
Chairperson Professor Daw Kyu Kyu Swe presided over the conference.
Joint-Secretary of the MMCWA Dr Nwe Oo acted as master of ceremonies.
The patrons of supervisory committees from the States and Divisions presented flower baskets to mark the 12th anniversary of MMCWA to Chairperson Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe and Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe.
The chairperson gave a speech, and then Joint-Secretary Dr Nu Aye Khin read out the 2000-2001 annual report.
Financial statement and auditing report and annual budget for 2000-2001 fiscal year were read out by Honorary Treasurer Daw Khin Myint Myint and Honorary Auditor of the association Daw Thin Thin, and they were approved.
Secretaries of Supervisory Committees from Kachin, Kayah, Kayin and Chin States and Sagaing Division submitted respective annual reports.
In the afternoon session, Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe presided over the conference.
Secretaries of Supervisory Committees from Taninthayi, Bago, Magway, Yangon, Ayeyawady and Mandalay Divisions and Mon, Rakhine, Shan and Shan (South), (North), (East) States, also submitted respective annual reports.
After approving the reports, the first day session of the conference came to an
( 7 ) Thai-Myanmar Cultural and Economic
Cooperation Association delegation visits Yangon
Yangon, 27 April - At the invitation of Myanmar-Thai Cultural and Economic Cooperation Association, led by General Secretary of Thai-Myanmar Cultural and Economic Cooperation Association General Sanankajornklam, the 17-member delegation including those of arts schools and colleges of Thailand arrived here by air on 25 April.
The delegation was welcomed at the Yangon International Airport by Secretary of the association Col Ba Hein (Retd), Joint-Secretary U Ohn Kyaw and officials.
Next, General Sanankajornklam and party cordially greeted President of the association Lt-Gen Kyaw Than (Retd) and executives at the office of the association on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road. In the afternoon, the delegation, accompanied by officials of MTCECA, visited Abhaya Labha Muni Buddha Image on Mindhamma Hill and made cash donations and viewed Yaza Gaha Thiri Pissaya Gaza Yaza White Elephant.
Then they visited Defense Services Museum.
Afterwards the delegation visited and paid obeisance to Shwedagon Pagoda where they made cash donations and offered 1,000 lights.
The president of the association in the evening hosted dinner to the delegation at the Karaweik Palace.
On 26 April the delegation went to Bago and visited Shwemawdaw Pagoda, Hinthagon, Shwethalyung Buddha Image and Kanbawzathadi Palace Museum. They visited and studied National Museum and Drug Elimination Museum here this morning.
After that they also visited Myanma Gems Museum on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road.
The delegation left here by air for Thailand this evening. The guests were seen off at Yangon International Airport by officials of the
( 8
) Hockey teams from Malaysia,
India arrive
Yangon, 27 April - The selected hockey team of Perak Province led by Mr Darshan Singh Teja Singh arrived here by air this morning to participate in the Four-Country Invitational Hockey Tournament to be held from 29 April to 4 May.
The team was welcomed at Yangon International Airport by Vice-Chairman of the Organizing the Tournament Defense Services Records Office Commandant Myanmar Hockey Federation President Brig-Gen Myo Myint, executives and officials.
Similarly, Malaysian project hockey team led by Mr Poon Fook Loke and selected Indian hockey team led by Mr Chandan Deb arrived here by air yesterday to participate in the Myanmar Olympic Committee Chairman's Trophy Four-Country Invitational Hockey Tournament.
The teams were welcomed at Yangon International Airport by Myanmar Hockey Federation President Brig-Gen Myo Myint, Vice-President Police Col Soe Naing (Retd), officials, First Secretary of the Malaysian Embassy Mr Mohd Rabin Bin Basir
and officials.
up___________________________ ( 9
Heroin traffickers sentenced
Yangon, 27 April - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, acting on information, searched a Dyna with number plate Hta/6745 of No 11 Bus Line at Ohnchaw Police Station in Patheingyi Township, at 7 am on 1 July 2001 and seized 189.02 grams of heroin kept in 10 soap boxes in three handbags of passenger U Aung Din.
Ohnchaw Police Station filed U Aung Din, 65, son of U Pu Tin of Laypangon village in Mahlaing Township, his accomplices Thet Mon Oo, 29, son of U Soe Thein of Ward 9, Lashio, and Tun Maw Oo, 35, son of U Mya Lwin of Ward 11 in Lashio under Sections 15/19 (A)/21 under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
On 15 March 2002, Mandalay District Court sentenced U Aung Din and Tun Maw Oo to 20
years' imprisonment each under Section 19 (A) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law and Thet Mon Oo to 20
years' under Section 19 (A) and four years' imprisonment under Section 15 of the law to serve separately.
Marijuana seized in Kawkareik
Yangon, 27 April - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit, Hpa-an Special Anti-drug Squad and local Police Force, acting on information on 30 March searched Zaw Latt (a) Thiha near Aukywa Check Point in Ward-5, Kawkareik Township and seized 2.122 kilos of marijuana from his suitcase. In connection with the case, Kawkareik Police Station filed Zaw Latt (a) Thiha, 21, son of U Ngwe Soe of Hlinewa village in Kawka-reik
Township under section 15/19 (A)/20(B) of Narcotic Drugs and
Psychotropic Substances Law.