1 ) State Peace and Development Council Chairman
Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to South Africa
Yangon, 27 April - Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr Thabo
M Mbeki, President of the Republic of South Africa, on the occasion
of the Freedom Day of the Republic of South Africa which falls on 27
April 2002.
State Peace and Development Council Chairman
Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to Yugoslavia
Yangon, 27 April - Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr
Vojislav Kostunica, President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,
on the occasion of the National Day of the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia which falls on 27 April 2002.
( 2 ) Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing welcome back General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San on return from Thailand
Yangon, 26 April - Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar Commander-in-Chief of Defense Services Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing welcomed back Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San who arrived back here by Special Flight this morning after paying a goodwill visit to Thailand from 23 April to today at the invitation of Prime Minister Dr Thaksin Shinawatra of the Kingdom of Thailand.
Also present at the Yangon International Airport together with Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing were Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, members of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and wife, Maj-Gen Thein Sein and wife, Maj-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo and wife, Maj-Gen Kyaw Win and wife and Maj-Gen Tin Aye and wife, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Vice-Admiral Kyi Min and wife, Chief of Staff (Air) Brig-Gen Myat Hein and wife, Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Brig-Gen Myint Swe and wife, Ministers, the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, senior military officers, departmental heads, Charge
d' Affaires air of the Thai Embassy Mr Opas Chantarasap and officials.
General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San were accompanied by member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann and wife Daw Khin Lay Thet, member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Soe Win and wife Daw Than Than Nwe, Minister for National Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha, Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung and wife Daw San Yon, Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, Minister for Science and Technology U Thaung, Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Kyaw Myint, Director-General Lt-Col Pe Nyein of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office, senior military officers of the Ministry of Defense
and departmental heads.
( 3 ) General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San and goodwill delegation visit Phuket deep-sea area
Yangon, 26 April - The Myanmar goodwill delegation led by Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San visited the deep-sea area in Phuket, Thailand, on 24 April.
Accompanied by Deputy Minister of Defense of Thailand General Yuthasak Sasiprapha and officials, the General and goodwill delegation left the Peninsular Hotel in Bangkok for Thai Royal Air Force Headquarters at Bangkok International Airport in a motorcade at 8.30 am local time on 24 April.
They left the airport for Phuket by special aircraft of Royal Thai Air Force.
On arrival at Phuket International Airport at 11 am, the General and delegation were welcomed by Phuket Governor Mr Pong Payome Vasaputi and officials. The delegation then arrived at Dusit Laguna Resort Hotel in a motorcade.
General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San, accompanied by member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann and wife Daw Khin Lay Thet, member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Soe Win and wife Daw Than Than Nwe, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung and wife Daw San Yon, Minister for National Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha, Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, Minister for Science and Technology U Thaung, Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Deputy Minister for Health Prof Dr Kyaw Myint, Ambassador of Myanmar to Thailand U Myo Myint and wife, Military Attache Lt-Col Ko Ko Maung and wife, Director-General of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office Lt-Col Pe Nyein and heads of department, arrived at Phuket Deep Sea Port.
They were welcomed there by Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand Dr Surakiart Sathirathai and officials.
Accompanied by the Thai Foreign Minister and officials, the General and delegation visited the deep-sea area and viewed the natural scenes and the undertakings to develop the area on board Fortune Elephant vessel.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr Surakiart Sathirathai and wife Mrs Khunying Suthawan Sathirathai, on behalf of Thai Prime Minister Dr Thaksin Shinawatra, hosted a dinner in honour of General Maung Aye and Daw Mya Mya San and the goodwill delegation at Amanpuri Resort in Phuket.
Also present at the dinner together with the
General and wife were member of the State Peace and Development
Council Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann and wife Daw Khin Lay Thet, member
of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Soe Win and wife
Daw Than Than Nwe, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung and wife
Daw San Yon, Minister for National Planning and Economic Development
U Soe Tha, Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Minister for
Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, Minister for Livestock and Fisheries
Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, Minister for Science and Technology U
Thaung, Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Deputy
Minister for Health Prof Dr Kyaw Myint and Ambassador of Myanmar to
Thailand U Myo Myint and wife. Deputy Minister of Defense of
Thailand General Yuthasak Sasiprapha, Deputy Minister of Agriculture
and Cooperatives Mr Prapat Panyachatraksa, high-ranking officials,
Ambassador of Thailand to Myanmar Mr Oum Maolanon and wife, the
Phuket Governor and officials of Thailand also attended the dinner.
On arrival at the Amanpuri Resort at 7.50 pm, the
delegation led by General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San were
welcomed by Minister Dr Surakiart Sathirathai and wife and the
Phuket Governor.
The General and wife and delegation members
cordially greeted the Thai Foreign Minister and wife and party
before the dinner. The guests and the hosts posed for a photo. The
Myanmar goodwill delegation stayed for the night at Laguna Resort
On 25 April morning, Daw Mya Mya San, wife of
General Maung Aye, together with Daw Khin Lay Thet, wife of Maj-Gen
Thura Shwe Mann, Daw Than Than Nwe, wife of Maj-Gen Soe Win, Daw San
Yon, wife of Minister U Win Aung, Dr Daw Tin Moe Aye, wife of the
Myanmar ambassador to Thailand, Daw Khin Win Kyaw, wife of the
Myanmar military attaché to Thailand, Mrs Viparanee Maolanon, wife
of the Thai ambassador to Myanmar, visited the Phuket Aquarium. Daw
Mya Mya San and party were welcomed there by officials of the
aquarium, who explained facts about the aquarium. Then, Daw Mya Mya
San and party went back to the hotel.
The Myanmar goodwill delegation led by General
Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San, together with Deputy Prime
Minister and Minister of Defense General Chavalit Yongchaiyudh and
officials, left Phuket for Bangkok by the royal air force plane in
the afternoon and arrived at the Thai Royal Air Force Headquarters
in Bangkok at 3.50 pm.
General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San and
party were welcomed by Air Chief Marshal Pong Maneesilpa and
Then, General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San and party arrived at the residence of the Myanmar ambassador to Thailand on Sathorn Road in a motorcade.
They were welcomed by employees and families of the Myanmar Embassy and the office of the Myanmar military
General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San had a cordial meeting with the ambassador and wife, the military
attaché and wife and officials.
Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann said that the purpose of the visit paid by the Myanmar goodwill delegation led by General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San to Thailand is to further strengthen the ties of friendship between the two nations. The visit to Thailand is a success.
Before they visited Thailand, Head of State Senior General Than Shwe gave guidance on further promoting friendship between the two nations.
The Government is making all-out efforts to build the nation into a peaceful, pleasant, modern and developed one. To achieve the goal, the Government, upholding Our Three Main National Causes, is implementing political, economic and social objectives.
Due to farsighted efforts of the Tatmadaw and the Government, national reconsolidation has been successfully rebuilt, and the Government and national races are joining hands in carrying out regional development tasks.
Short-term plans have been implemented for the development of the nation, and success achieved has gone beyond the expectations. Per capita income has increased. Efforts based on goodwill are being made for the development of the nation.
The efforts for the emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed nation are also concerned with the employees of the embassy and the office of the military
attaché. Diplomats who are discharging duty all over the world need to adopt the attitude that they are more responsible for the achievement of the goal of the State.
Then, General Maung Aye said that Myanmar and Thailand are
neighboring nations. Accordingly, the two nations should always maintain friendly relationship.
The visit to Thailand aims at further promoting friendship between the two nations. They met and had discussions with the King and Queen of Thailand. Thailand took extra care to facilitate the goodwill visit of the Myanmar delegation.
Mutual cooperation is a must to develop the economy of Myanmar and Thailand, two brother nations, and to ensure ever-lasting friendship.
The exchange of visit by heads and leaders of both nations will also promote friendship.
The maintenance of good relations between the two nations is also concerned with the
behavior and speech of employees and families of the embassy and the office of the military
They have to abide by the laws and rules and regulations of Thailand and conduct themselves so that they would win the love and respect of Thai people.
The two brother nations, Myanmar and Thailand, are going to cooperate in various sectors, and the employees of the embassy and the office of the military
attaché need to work hard.
The ambassador and wife, the military attaché and wife and employees and their families paid respects to General Maung Aye and wife.
General Maung Aye presented gifts to the employees and their families.
Then, General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San had a cordial meeting with the employees and their families.
Later, General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San and party left the residence of the ambassador and arrived back at the Peninsular Hotel.
Thai Prime Minister Dr Thaksin Shinawatra and wife Mrs Khunying Potjamarn Shinawatra hosted a private dinner for General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San and party at his residence at 7 pm.
It was attended by Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann and wife Daw Khin Lay Thet, Maj-Gen Soe Win and wife Daw Than Than Nwe, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung and wife Daw San Yon, the ministers, the Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence and the deputy minister for health.
After the dinner, General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San and party went back to the Peninsular Hotel in a motorcade.
The Myanmar goodwill delegation led by General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San went to the Thai Royal Air Force Headquarters at 8.45 am to leave for Myanmar.
They were welcomed by Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand Mr Korn Dabbharansi and wife Mrs Rapeephan Dabbharansi, high-ranking officials of the Royal Air Force and officials.
General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San and party and Thai Deputy Prime Minister Mr Korn Dabbharansi and wife and party had a cordial meeting in the guest hall of the royal air force.
The Thai Deputy Prime Minister presented a photo album of the goodwill visit to General Maung Aye.
General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San bade farewell to Thai Deputy Prime Minister Mr Korn Dabbharansi and wife and party, the Myanmar ambassador to Thailand and wife, the Myanmar military
attaché to Thailand and wife, employees of the Myanmar embassy and the office of the Myanmar military
General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San and
party arrived back here by special aircraft in the morning.
( 4
) Secretary-1 attends work coordination meeting of committee for
production of medicines for six major diseases
Yangon, 26 April - Work coordination meeting No 1/2002 of the committee for production of medicines for six major diseases was held at the meeting hall of the Ministry of Industry-1 on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road at 3.30 pm today, attended by Chairman of the National Health Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
In his speech, the Secretary-1 said that arrangements are being made to form a committee for experimental production of medicines for six major diseases with the use of traditional herbal plants after doing research in accordance with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe.
More medicines will be needed because not only common
diseases but also unusual ones are breaking out internationally.
At present, people have to rely on costly western medicines for six major diseases as well as for most diseases. It will be beneficial only if these medicines can be produced locally.
Success has been achieved owing to the concerted efforts of the
ministries after forming the committee for producing medicines for curing of six major diseases. These endeavors
have been made in I accordance with the guidance of the Head of State for production of important medicines locally without relying on others.
Now, success has been achieved in trial production of malaria vaccine with the use of traditional herbal plants. Plans are under way for commercial scale production.
Moreover, TB vaccines are also on research. TB was previously under control. Now, the government is giving priority to controlling the disease which has come . up again. Thus, emphasis is to be placed on the research work for production of TB vaccines.
There are a lot of potent traditional medicines for other major
diseases. Vaccines are to be produced with the use of western technology based on these traditional medicines. Research has been made
ministry wise regarding production of medicines including traditional ones. The Ministry of Forestry has been growing herbal plants and supporting production of traditional medicines.
Endeavors of each ministry and concerted efforts of ministries have been meeting with success. Efforts of individual technicians are also encouraging. It is
believed that vaccines for curing six major diseases could be produced soon with constant efforts.
In conclusion, he urged the officials to strive for implementation of objectives for production of vaccines for six major diseases and other important vaccines with the. use of
local raw materials.
Afterwards, Deputy Minister for Industry-1Brig- Gen Kya:w Win gave ac- counts of
implementation of resolutions of the committee for production of vaccines for
six major diseases meeting ( 41200 1 ). The Secretary - 1 and those present took part in the discussions.
Later, Minister for In- dustry-1U Aung Thaung re- ported on production of pure quinine
soleplate tablets on an experimental scale and growing of herbal plants in Thandaunggyi region.
Next, Director Dr Myo Myint of Department of Development of Vaccines Production
Techniques, the Ministry of Industry-l, reported on trial production of medicines for curing amoeba dysentery with the use of traditional
herbal plants.Them, Minister for Health Maj~Gen Ket Sein, Director-General Professor Dr Paing Soe of Medical Reseafch Department (Lower Mya:nmar) and Director- General Dr Myint Lwin
of Medical Research Department (Upper Myanmar) presented reports on continuous research work of traditional medicines and findings.
Afterwards, a general round of discussions followed.
Later, giving clarification on the reports the Secretary-l said: according to
the reports presented today, it can be found that potent medicines for curing
six major diseases and other important diseases could be produced with the use of traditional herbal raw materials.
It will be beneficial to the State for being able to produce potent medicine for giving treatment for serious diseases with the use of traditional herbal raw materials which abound in the country.
If efforts are made in maintaining present momentum, potent traditional medicines will be systematically
produced as modern ones.
In addition, traditional medicines which can cure the diseases that western medicines cannot will come out
Technicians who did re- search for successful implementation of tasks of the committee have been put into
In conclusion, the Secretary-l urged the officials to strive for successful implementation
of the guidance of the Head of State.
He also gave instructions to the ministries concerned to give necessary assistance.
After the meeting, the Secretary-l viewed amoeba dysentery tablets produced from herbal plants, traditional herbal raw materials and medicines for six major
diseases produced by Myanmar Pharmaceutical Factory.
( 5 ) Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung sends felicitations to Yugoslavia
Yangon, 27 April - U Win Aung, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr Goran Svilanovic, Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, on the occasion of the National Day of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia which falls on 27 April 2002.
( 6 )
Minister inspects Myanma Shipyards
Yangon, 26 April - Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, together with Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint, arrived at the 12,000-ton dry dock construction site of Myanma Shipyards in Sinmalaik this morning.
Managing Director U Percy Maung Maung of MS and officials of the Shandong Agricultural Industrial & Commerce Group Corporation reported on progress of work and conducted them round the construction site.
The minister and the deputy minister gave instructions.
At the briefing hall, the managing director reported on construction of the dry dock and future tasks. The minister gave instructions on displaying of the scale model of the dry dock and making concerted efforts for meeting the set standard and for early completion in construction of the dry dock in co-operation with Chinese experts.
Then, the minister and party proceeded to the work site of Myanmar Maritime University construction project and inspected construction of the four-storey reinforced concrete school building. Officials of Public Works reported on progress of work.
After giving necessary instructions, the minister left the work site.
Kattel suspension bridge opens
in Tiddim Township, Chin State
Yangon, 26 April - A ceremony to open Kattel suspension bridge across Minipur river in Tiddim Township, Chin State was held at the central pandal of the bridge yesterday morning, attended by Chairman of Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Commander of North-West Command Brig-Gen Soe Naing, Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, Brig-Gen Khin Maung Aye of Kalay Station, Deputy Minister for Construction Brig-Gen Myint Thein,
officials of the ministry, state/district/township level
departmental officials, members of the Union Solidarity and
Development Association, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Red
Cross Society and Social Organization, and local people totalling 2200.
In his address, Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun said that the five major rural development tasks have been laid down and are being implemented in accord with the Head of State for ensuring equitable development across the nation.
A total of 108/5 miles of tarred road, 273/1 miles of gravel road, 51/2 miles of all season road and 628 miles of earth road were constructed on Chin State as of today, and 367/6 miles of road were extended from 1988 to date, he noted.
Kalay-Falam-Hakha road was turned into tarred one while Hakha-Gangaw road, Hakha-Matupi road and Matupi-Mindat road were turned into all season ones, and more bridge were built with the increase in the length of roads in the region.
Bar bridge across Manipur river on Kalay-Hakha road was opened on 13 March 1998 and Kattel suspension bridge which is going to be opened is the second major bridge in Chin State and arrangement is being made to construct Manswan bridge on Tiddim-Rei road.
Altogether 142 major bridges 180-foot long and above including the suspension bridge were opened in the nation after 1988 and the bridge will contribute towards the development in education, social and economic sectors of the region.
He called on all to make efforts for durability of the bridge.
Commander Brig-Gen Soe Naing said that today was an auspicious and
honorable day for Chin State. The Government has drawn the plan and is implementing it with the novel aim of boosting the living standard of the people and developing the nation to be on a par with the nations of the world.
With the opening of the suspension bridge, better transport that contribute to the smooth flow of commodity will gain in the villages on the western side of Manipur river where are difficult of access; Kalay-Falam-Hakha road, Hakha-Gangaw road, Hakha-Matupi road and Matupi-Mindat road were turned into tarred roads, he said.
The suspension bridge will contribute to the development of border trade and making trips in the areas of the western part of Manipur river in a short period of time.
The bridge will also contribute towards the development in education, health, transport and economic sectors of the region.
On behalf of the local people, Secretary of Township USDA U Kham Swin Mon spoke words of thanks.
Then, Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun presented gifts to Deputy Superintending Engineer U San Win.
Next, Minster Maj-Gen Saw Tun, Commander Brig-Gen Soe Naing, Brig-Gen Khin Maung Aye, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Myint Thein, and guests proceeded to the archway where the opening ceremony will be held.
At the auspicious time, Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun and Commander Brig-Gen Soe Naing formally opened the bridge.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Saw Tun formally unveiled the stone inscription of the bridge.
The minister and commander and party inspected the bridge.
The suspension bridge, 480-foot long and 10-foot and nine inch wide is on Tiddim-Kattel-Rei Lake motor road with the clearance of 350-foot wide and 20-foot high and it can bear ten tons of
Minister receives guests
Yangon, 26 April - Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung received Director-cum-General ManagerMr Yukiharu Ito of NHK International
Inc of Japan and party Myanma Radio and TelevIsIon on Pyay Road
here at 3 pm today.
Also present on the occasion were Deputy Minster for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Director-General of MRTV U Khin Maung Htay, Deputy
Director-General Lt-Col Thein Aung and Director (Admin) U Phone Mymt.
( 7 )
New generation youth marine courses opened
YANGON, 26 April -A ceremony to open Basic Marine Course
No 112002 for New Generation Youth and Advanced Course No 1/2002 (Myeik Camp),
co-organized by the Union Solidarity and Development Association (Central) and
the Commander-in-Chief (Navy)'s Office, was held at Pale Yadana Hall in Myeik on 22 April morning.
Present were Deputy Commander of Coastal Region Command Brig-Gen
Tin Latt, Commander Win Shein (Navy) of Taninthayi Naval Regional Command Headquarters and senior military officers, members of , division/district/township Peace and Development Councils, departmental officials, social organization, USDA members, instructors, and trainees.
Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Tin Latt and Commander Win Shein (Navy) gave speeches on the occasion. Then, the well-wishers donated K 1.865 million for the courses. A total of 50 trainees are attending the basic
course, and 20 the advanced course which will last five weeks each.
( 8
) 23,954.05 acres of poppy plantations destroyed
YANGON, 26 April -A combined team comprising companies of
local battalions and units in Pinlaung, Shan State (South), departmental
personnel led by the chairman of the Township Peace and Development Council,
members of Pinlaung police station and local intelligence unit, destroyed 85.75
acres of poppy plantations on East and West sides of Pinlaung Naungtaya
mortor road between Pinmon Village Tract and Naungtaya Village Tract in
Pinlaung Township on 3 April.
Total acreage of poppy plantations destroyed up to 3 April this year in Shan
State (South) in 2001-2002 poppy cultivation season amounted to 1,515.52 acres
and that of all over Myanmar is 23,954. 05 acres.
___________________________ ( 9
) Drug traffickers sentenced
YANGON, 26 April -A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Bago Special Anti- Drug Squad, acting on information,
inspected Ma Moe Moe near Ko Moe TV repair shop on Kan Road in Ward 16, Toungoo, on 16 August 2001 and seized 500 stimulant tablets.
Action was taken against Ma Moe Moe, 32, daughter of U Maung Shwe and Myo
MinTun, 30, son of U Kyaw Thaung of Kwetthit Ward in Ottwin under section 15/19 (A)/21 of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Toungoo No 1 Police Station.
Toungoo District Court handed down 12 years' imprisonment under section 19 (A) on Ma Moe Moe and 12 years' imprisonment under section 19 (A)/21 on Myo
Min TUn" on 21 March this year.
Heroin seized in Mandalay
YANGN, 26 April - A Members of local intelligence unit, acting on information received, searched room No 105 in Padonma Hotel between 64th street and 65th street in , Mahaaungmye Township on 13April and arrested Aung
Than Win (a) Than Win Aung, Daw Ma Nge (a) Daw Shwe Shwe, Daw Aye and Win Myint together with 35 soap boxes containing 904 grams of heroin.
Action was taken against Aung Than Win (a) Than Win Aung, 40, son of U Tin Win of Naungpha street in Ward 2, Tangyan, Daw Ma Nge (a) Daw Shwe Shwe,40, daughter of U Gyapan of Ward 2inTangyan, Daw Aye, 54, daughter of U Win Kyi of Chanmyathazi Town- ship and Win Myint, 27, son of U Aung Maung of Salone Ward in pyigyidagun Township under section 15/16 (A)I 19 (A)/21 of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
Law by No 9 Police Station in Mandalay .