1 ) General Maung Aye and Daw Mya Mya San
have audience with King and Queen of Thailand
Yangon, 24 April - Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San, who are visiting Thailand at the invitation of Thai Prime Minister Dr Thaksin Shinawatra, had audience with His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej and Her Majesty Queen Sirikit
at Chitralada Palace in
Bangkok, Thailand, at
6.30 pm yesterday.
Also present on the occasion together with the General and wife were member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann and wife Daw Khin Lay Thet, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung and wife Daw San Yon.
His Majesty the King and Her Majesty the Queen of the Kingdom of Thailand were accompanied by Thai Prime Minister Dr Thaksin Shinawatra.
Thai Prime Minister welcomes General Maung Aye and Myanmar goodwill delegation members
Yangon, 24 April - Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San, accompanied by member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann and wife Daw Khin Lay Thet, member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Soe Win and wife Daw Than Than Nwe, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung and wife Daw San Yon and party, left here by Special Flight at 10 am
yesterday and arrived at the Royal Thai Air Force Headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand, at 11.30 am local time to pay a goodwill visit at the invitation of Thai Prime Minister Dr Thaksin Shinawatra.
Myanmar Ambassador to Thailand U Myo Myint and Director-General Mr Vorapoj Snidvongs of the Protocol Department of Thai Foreign Ministry welcomed the General and wife and party on board the
Then, Thai Deputy Prime Minister Mr Korn Dabbharansi and wife Mrs Rapeephan Dabbharansi welcomed General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San.
Next, the General and wife were welcomed there by Thai Ambassador to Myanmar Mr Oum Maolanon and wife, Thai Military
Attach Col Kamas Nakpun and high-ranking officers, the wife of the Myanmar Ambassador to Thailand and staff of the Myanmar Embassy, Myan-mar Military
Attaché Lt-Col Ko Ko Maung and wife and staff of the Office of the Military

General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San met with Thai Deputy Prime Minister Mr Korn Dabb-haransi and wife and party at the Lounge of the Royal Thai Air Force Headquarters.
Afterwards, the General and wife and members of the Myanmar goodwill
delegation left for the
Peninsula Hotel in a
To attend the welcoming ceremony of Thai Prime Minister Dr Thaksin Shinawatra, the General, accompanied by Myanmar Ambassador U Myo Myint, Military
Attach Lt-Col Ko Ko Maung, Director-General Thura U Aung Htet of the Protocol Department and officials, left the Peninsula Hotel for the State House of Thailand in a motorcade in the afternoon and arrived at the State House of Thailand at 4.20 pm.
First, Thai Prime Minister Dr Thaksin Shinawatra cordially greeted Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar General Maung Aye.
Then, the General and the Thai Prime Minister took the salute of the Guard of
The State Band played the national anthems of the Union of Myanmar and the Kingdom of Thailand. Then, the General and the Thai Prime Minister inspected the Guard of Honor.
Next, the Thai Prime Minister presented his entourage Thai Deputy Prime Minister Mr Korn Dabbharansi, Thai Foreign Minister Dr Surakiart Sathirathai, Secretary-General to the Prime Minister Mr Prommin Lertsuridej and high-ranking officials to the General.
Similarly, the General presented his entourage Members of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann and Maj-Gen Soe Win,
Minister for National Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha, Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, Minister for Science and Technology U Thaung, Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Kyaw Myint, Director-General of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office Lt-Col Pe Nyein
and departmental officials to the Thai Prime Minister.
( 2 ) Auditor-General receives guests
Yangon, 24 April- Auditor-General Brig-Gen Tin Aye received a Korean delegation led by Commissioner Mr Whee Yong Chung of Board of Audit and Inspection at his office here this afternoon. Also present were Deputy Auditor-General U Khin Win, Director-General of Auditor-General's Office Daw Thin Thin, and Korean and Myanmar officials.
( 3 ) Seminar on distribution on e-Data on Blood Donors & Findings opened
Yangon, 24 April - The Seminar on distribution of e-Data on Blood Donors & Findings, organized by the Ministry of Health and Japan International Cooperation Agency, was opened at the meeting hall of the Medical Research Department (Lower Myanmar) on Ziwaka Road in Dagon Township this morning, with an opening address by Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein.
Also present on the occasion were Deputy Minister Prof Dr Mya Oo, the directors-general, the deputy directors-general, rectors, directors, medical superintendents and officials from JICA and experts, resource persons and invited guests.
Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein said the seminar is the one that will fill a corner of the health sector of the Union of Myanmar and he believed that the seminar will be beneficial to the State and the ministry. Like other nations, Myanmar has both contagious and non-contagious diseases.
Hepatitis-C is an serious problem and emphasis must be placed on it. It is found that two to three per cent of blood donors have suffered the disease. At the seminar, how to record personal data of the blood donors, how to keep them securely and how to distribute them will be discussed. There are two main topics to be discussed at the seminar
data of donors and electronic data system.
The seminar will help not only research included in National Health Plan but also prevention of hepatitis and collection and distribution of health data. The seminar was attended by experts from the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telegraphs, the Myanmar Red Cross Society and the Myanmar Computer
Seminar on cooperation of e-National Task Force ends
Yangon, 24 April - Seminar on cooperation of e-National Task Force ended at MICT Park here this morning, with the concluding speech delivered by Chairman of e-NTF Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw.
Co-sponsored by Myanmar e-National Task Force (e-NTF) and Multi Media Development Corporation (MDC) of Malaysia, the seminar was held with the aim of implementing the Memorandum of Understanding on e-National Task Force between MDC and e-NTF signed on 21 January 2002 and laying down pilot project based on information and communication technology in Myanmar.
Also present at the meeting were Vice-Chairman of e-NTF Deputy Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement U Hlaing Win, Chairman of e-Application Working Committee Col Thein Swe of the Ministry of Defense, members of e-NTF, heads of department, Senior Vice-President of MDC Dr Muhammad Ghazali Ismail,
representatives from Malaysian ICT companies and officials of Myanmar Computer Federation, Myanmar Computer Scientists Association and Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry. The pilot project groups discussed matters relating to smart cards, cyber laws, CA, e-Procurement, e-Visa, TEDI and sending of scholars
( 4
) Summer Dhammacaria Course opens
Yangon, 24 April - The opening ceremony of 4th Summer Dhammacaria Course of Alodawpyay Monastery was held at the Monastery in Tamway Township here this morning.
Present on the occasion were members of the Sangha led by Vice Chairman of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Masoeyein Taikthit Sayadaw Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Bhaddanta Sirindabhivamsa, Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, Adviser to the State Peace and Development Council U Arnt Maung, Director-General of the Religious Affairs Department Dr Myo Myint, Secretary of the Yangon City Development Committee Col Myint Aung, Upathaka members, well-wishers, trainee monks and nuns.
First, the ceremony was opened with three time recitation of Namo Tassa. Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sirindabhivamsa administered the Five Precepts and the Presiding Nayaka of Masoeyein Taikkyi (Mandalay) Aggha Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Kovidabhivamsa gave an ovadakathar.
Then, members of the Sangha recited the parittas. Maj-Gen Sein Htwa and officials presented offertories to the members of the Sangha.
Afterwards, wellwishers Film Director U Than Htut-Actress Daw Wah Wah Win Shwe presented K 3 million; U Mya Han-Thirithu-dhamma Theingi Daw Khin Sabe Kyi (Fortune International Co Ltd) K 3 million; wellwisher family 1.1 million, U Myint Soe-Daw Hnin Hnin Aye (International Airport Garden Restaurant) K 200,000 and exercise books worth K 800,000; Daw Than Than Yi and family of Kyimyindine Township K 1 million; Col Sein Tun (Retd)-Daw Pa Pa Win K 900,000; Dr Daw Khin Khin Yi and family (Shine Hope Co Ltd) K 300,000; U Maung Maung Kywe-Daw Maw Li Tin family K 200,000; families of Tatmadaw Medical Services Unit K 200,000; U That Lwin-Daw Kyin Than K 200,000 and K 100,000 each by Director-General of the Road Transport Administration Department U Hla Thaung Myint and family, U Tin Hla-Thiha Thudhamma Theingi Daw Aye Aye Kyi family, U Shein Myint-Daw Khin Than Myint, Dr Daw Mya Mya Win (Japan), Daw May Si (Golden Tech Co Ltd), U Tha Aung-Daw Khin Nyo, U Nay Win-Daw Khin Thein Yi, U Han Nwe-Daw Myat Poe of Padathasaytaik and families of Defence Services Medical Service Unit K 200,000 totalling K 11.9 million. Maj-Gen Sein Htwa and officials accepted the donations.
Then, Sayadaw Bhad-danta Sirindabhivamsa shared the merits gained and the ceremony came to a close with three-time recitation of Buddhasasanam Ciram-titthatu.
Course instructor is Nayaka Sayadaw of Masoeyein Taikthit (Mandalay) presiding monk of Alowdawpyay Monastery Bhaddanta Sucittabhivamsa and a total of 111,3 trainee monks and nuns are attending. The course will last 45 days.
Co-ordination meeting held
Yangon, 24 April - The Ministry of Industry-1 held a coordination meeting to review work for 2001-2002 and
realization of 2002-2003 targets at the training hall of the ministry on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road this morning.
Present on the occasion were Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, Deputy Ministers Brig-Gen Thein Tun and Brig-Gen Kyaw Win, directors-general and managing directors of departments and industries under the ministry and officials.
Minister U Aung Thaung made an opening address and presented the first prize for outstanding performance in 2001-2002 fiscal year to the Shwedaung Textile and Finishing Plant of Myanma Textile Industries, the second prize to Mandalay Beer Factory of Myanma Foodstuff Industries, the third prize to Wundwin Textile Mill of Myanma Textile Industries and honorary prizes and special prizes to prize-winning factories.
Then, managers of factories under Myanma Paper and Chemicals Industries reported on targets, production, distribution of finished products, financial affairs, raw materials, arrival and consumption of fuel oil, strength of staff, tasks carried out for staff welfare in 2001-2002 fiscal year and targets for 2002-2003 fiscal year and Managing Director U Than Shwe gave a supplementary report. Afterwards, factory managers under Myanmar General and Maintenance Industries, Myanma Ceramics Industries, Myanma Pharmaceutical Industries, Myanma Foodstuff Industries and Myanma Textile Industries reported on work carried out and respective managing directors gave supplementary reports.
Minister U Aung Thaung gave instructions on
meeting the targets set factory-wise.
National Smoking Control Committee holds 1/2002 meeting
Yangon, 24 April-National Smoking Control Committee held its first meeting (1/2002) at the meeting hall of the Ministry of Health on Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Road this afternoon.
Present were Chairman of National Smoking Control Committee Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Vice-Chairman Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Mya Oo, members of National Smoking Control Committee and guests.
Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein said that as is known to all, smoking can be dangerous to health and cigarette smoke includes tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide, benzene, ammonia and a little of very poisonous cyanide that are harmful to mankind.
He said all have come to know the danger of smoking and anti-smoking campaigns have been launched with momentum. Activities on reduction of the use of tobacco products are being undertaken in most countries in the world. No-smoking areas were designated in many public places such as hospitals, universities, airports, stations and workplaces as well as on the bus, on the ship, on the train and on the plane.
The 26th meeting of National Health Committee held on 22 September 1998 passed the resolutions to restrict smoking and cigarette.
Therefore, the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office formed the National Smoking Control Committee in order to carry out preventive measures on the danger of smoking, he said.
The minister called for making efforts for combating the danger of smoking as a national task.
Cardiac disease control project manager Head of Department Professor Dr U Aung and Director (Public Health) of Health Department Dr Htay Lwin reported on disadvantages of smoking and tobacco products and work done for the project.
Director-General of Health Department Dr Wan Maung reported on future tasks on national smoking control. Those present took part in the discussions and the meeting passed
( 5 ) New Generation Youth Marine Courses opened
Yangon, 24 April - A ceremony to open the Basic Marine Course No 1/2002 and the Advanced Marine Course No 1/2002 for New Generation Youth of Defense Services (Navy) (Mandalay Camp) jointly organized by the Union Solidarity and Development Association and the Office of Commander-in-Chief (Navy) was held at the Hall of Mandalay Division USDA office in Chanaye-thazan Township, Mandalay, on 22 April morning.
Present were Patron of Mandalay Division USDA Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint, Chairman of Mandalay City Development Committee Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein, Commander of Naval Dockyard Command Headquarters Commander Myint Thein and senior military officers, secretary of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Tin Ohn and departmental heads, USDA members, course instructors and trainees.
Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint and Commander Myint Thein spoke on the occasion and Mandalay Division USDA Secretary U Tin Maung Oo explained the purpose of the course.
The commander presented K 460,000 donated by Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council and K 150,000 by Mandalay Division USDA and Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein K 150,000 by MCDC for the course to U Tin Maung Oo.
Altogether 65 trainees 50 in the basic course and 15 in the advanced
course are attending the five-week courses.
New generation youth marine courses opened in Mawlamyine
Yangon, 24 April - A ceremony to open Basic Marine Course No 1/2002 for New Generation Youth and Advanced Course No 1/2002 (Mawlamyine Camp), co-organized by the Union Solidarity and Development Association (Central) and the Commander-in-Chief (Navy)'s Office, was held at Yamanya Hall of Mon State Peace and Development Council Office in Mawlamyine on 22 April morning.
Present were Chairman of Mon State Peace and Development Council Commander of South-East Command Brig-Gen Thura Myint Aung, Commander of Mawrawady Naval Region Command Captain Maung Win, officials, authorities, the secretaries and executives of Mon State USDA, instructors and trainees.
Commander Brig-Gen Thura Myint Aung and Captain Maung Win gave speeches. A total of 50 trainees are attending the basic course and 20 the advanced course which will last five weeks
Marine Courses for New Generation Youth opened
in Pathein
Yangon, 24 April - A ceremony to open Basic
Marine Course No 1/2002 for New Generation Youth and Advanced Course
No 1/2002 (Pathein Camp), co-organized by the Union Solidarity and
Development Association (Central) and the Commander-in-Chief (Navy)'s
Office, was held at Kanthaya Forest Nursery in Pathein on 22 April.
Present were Chairman of Ayeyawady Division Peace
and Development Council Commander of South-West Command Brig-Gen
Htay Oo, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Tint Swe, Captain Aye Pe (Navy)
of Pathein Station, senior military officers, departmental
officials, guests, instructors and trainees.
Commander Brig-Gen Htay Oo and Captain Aye Pe of
Pathein Station gave speeches. Then, the commander inspected
Kanthaya Forest Nursery. Officials reported on nursery work,
arrangements for growing trees in the rainy season and progress of
tree plantations. The commander gave necessary instructions. In
Ayeyawady Division, preparatory tasks have been carried out for
growing 1.3 million saplings in the 2002 rainy season and all are
ready for planting the saplings.
( 6 ) CCDAC holds work co-ordination meeting
Yangon, 24 April - The Monitoring Committee for Working Groups of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control held its work coordination meeting at the Headquarters of Myanmar Police Force this afternoon.
It was attended by Chairman of the Monitoring Committee Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, chairmen of the Working Groups deputy ministers, secretaries of the Working Groups directors-general and managing directors, officials of border areas development association of
Myanmar Anti-Narcotics Association, the director of the Office of the CCDAC and deputy directors and guests.
Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung delivered a speech on the occasion.
Then, Joint-Secretary of CCDAC Police Col Kham Aung reported on implementation of resolutions passed at the CCDAC meeting 1/2002 held on 29 March 2002 and the chairmen and secretaries of the Working Groups and departmental officials on work being carried out and future tasks.
The meeting came to a close in the evening with concluding remarks by the chairman of the Monitoring Committee.
( 7 ) Aviation Courses opened in
Myitkyina, Toungoo
Yangon, 24 April - A ceremony to open Basic Aviation Course No 1/2002 for New Generation Youth (Myitkyina Camp), co-organized by the Union Solidarity and Development Association (Central) and the Commander-in-Chief (Air)'s Office, was held at the City Hall in Myitkyina on 22 April.
Present were Deputy Commander of Northern Command Brig-Gen San Tun, Commander of Myitkyina Air Force Base Brig-Gen Bo Kyi, guests, instructors and trainees. Deputy Commander Brig-Gen San Tun and Brig-Gen Bo Kyi gave speeches.
Similarly, the opening ceremony of Basic Aviation Course No 1/2002 for New Generation Youth (Toungoo Camp) was held at Kaytu Yadana Hall in Toungoo on 22 April.
Present were Deputy Commander of Southern Command Brig-Gen Thura Maung Ni, Brig-Gen Thura Myint Thein of Toungoo Station, guests and trainees.
A total of 50 trainees each are attending the five-week course at Myitkyina and Toungoo
( 8
) USDA study group tours Yangon
Yangon, 24 April - The Union Solidarity and Development Association members study group of Padaung Township in Pyay District, Bago Division (West) visited the Tooth Relic Pagoda (Yangon) this morning.
They paid homage to the pagoda
and made cash donations.
Next, they proceeded to Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Buddha Image on Mindhama Hill in Insein Township. They paid homage to the Image and made cash donations. They also viewed the Yazagaha Thiri Pissaya Gaza Yaza White Elephant.
Then, the study group went to the gymnasium in Hlinethaya Township. Project Manager U Myint Swe of Hlinethaya Industrial Zones Management Office explained facts about the zones to them with the aid of video.
Afterwards, the study group visited Tokyo Pipe Factory and Shwe Ywet Hlay Garment Factory in the zones.
The study group also visited Myawady Television and USDA Training School in Central Public Relations Unit, Hmawby.
Study group visits USDA head officeal
Yangon, 24 April - Nation races from Leikha and Mongkai townships in Loilem District, Shan State (South) and members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association
totaling 38 visited the USDA head office this afternoon.
They were welcomed there by CEC member Brig-Gen Thein Aung and officials. CEC member Brig-Gen Thein Aung extended greetings and briefed on facts and data of the association.
Then, he presented gifts for the members of the study group to Leaders Daw Su Su Nwe and Executive of Leikha Township USDA, and Secretary of Mongkai Township USDA Daw Nan Win Shwe.
The group leaders presented a commemorative pennant to the CEC member. Executive Daw Su Su Nwe spoke words of thanks. The study group members looked around the head office and left there at 2
___________________________( 9
) Drug traffickers sentenced
Yangon, 24 April - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and local police force, acting on information, searched a bus with number plates 4 Kha/3119 which was on its way from Taunggyi at Phayangazu Village, Thazi Township, and seized 4.980 kilos of marijuana and 138.805 grams of raw opium inside the bags of Thein Lwin Aye and Zaw Myo Tun on 9 July 2001.
Thazi Police Station filed Thein Lwin Aye, 20, son of U Thein Oo of Kalaw and Zaw Myo Tun, 23, son of U Tun Lin of Kalaw, under Section 15/19 (A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Meiktila District Court heard the case and sentenced Thein Lwin Aye to 15
years' imprisonment under Section 19 (A) and five years' imprisonment under Section 15 to serve separately, and Zaw Myo Tun to 15
years' imprisonment under Section 19 (A) on 21 March 2002.
Phensedyl seized in Tiddim
Yangon, 24 April - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and regiment, while discharging duty in the region, seized a total of 40.3
liters of handedly liquid in 403-100-mililitre bottles from Kham Za Tun near the Tiddim Bridge on 25 September 2001.
Tiddim Police Station filed Kham Za Tun, 43, son of U Man Za Kat of Pyidawtha Ward, Kalay Township, under Section 15/19 (A)/20(B)/21 of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Falam District Court handed down a ten-year imprisonment under Section 19 (A) and a fifteen-year imprisonment under Section 20 (B)/21 on Kham Za Tun
to serve concurrently on 13 March 2002.
Marijuana seized in Thingangyun
Yangon, 24 April -A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Yangon Special Anti-Drug Squad, searched Room-2, Building-7, Yadana Myint Housing Estate, Za/Taung Ward, Thingangyun Township, on 13 April morning and arrested Ma Khin San Maw together with 2.2857 kilos of marijuana.
In connection with the case, action was taken against Ma Khin San Maw, 30, daughter of U Maung Kyi, and accomplice Saw Nyar Htoo (a) Kayin, 31, son of U Ngwe Thaung of No-130, U Cho Street, Ward-8, Hline Township, under section 15/19 (A)/21 of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances Law by the Thingangyun Police Station.