1 ) General Maung Aye and wife Daw
Mya Mya San leave for Thailand to pay goodwill visit
Yangon, 23 April0- Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar
Commander-in-Chief of Defense Services Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing saw off Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San who left here by Special Flight for Thailand to pay a goodwill visit at the invitation of Prime Minister Dr Thaksin Shinawatra of the Kingdom of Thailand, at Yangon International Airport at 10 am today.
The General and wife were accompanied by member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann and wife Daw Khin Lay Thet, member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Soe Win and wife Daw Than Than Nwe, Minister for National Planning
and Economic Development U Soe Tha, Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung and wife Daw San Yon, Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, Minister for Science and Technology U Thaung, Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Kyaw Myint, Director-General Lt-Col Pe Nyein of the State Peace and Development Council Office, senior military officers of the Ministry of Defense and departmental heads.
( 2 )
Only higher education sector can lay down foundations required to
continuously produce brilliant intellectuals and technicians
Yangon, 23 April - The Seminar on National
Education Promotion in Higher Education Sector of the Ministry of
Education was held at the Diamond Jubilee Hall in Kamayut Township
at 8 am today, with an address by Chairman of Myanmar Education
Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin
Nyunt delivered an address.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt said development of
the advanced science and technologies and nurturing of the qualified
human resources are the main national requirements in striving to
build a new developed nation.
Only when there is continuous emergence of
intellectuals and technicians who are skilled in their respective
fields in the nation, will the nation be able to steer itself on the
road towards serving the national interests to the most possible
degree on self-reliant basis.
Only the higher education sector can be able to
lay down the foundations required to continuously turn out brilliant
intellectuals and technicians in the developing fields of the nation
such as the economic, social and defense sectors.
Thus, the special four-year national education
promotion programme has been laid down in the higher education
sector; systematic efforts are being made to lay down and implement
the human resources development programmers and to raise the
nation's education sector to reach the international level.
In accord with the objectives, the Ministry of
Education is holding seminars, conferences and talks annually to lay
down and implement the programmers to uplift the higher education
sector; the scholars, researchers and education officials are
striving to realize the objectives.
A workshop on masters' degree courses was held in
October 1997; a workshop to amend the curricula of pre-graduate
courses, in March 1998; a workshop on setting up the National Human
Resources Development Department in 1998; a workshop on development
of the higher education sector, in March 1999; a conference on the
four-year special national education programme, in April 2000; and a
seminar on the higher education sector, in April 2001.
The present seminar will discuss the progress in
implementing the long-term 30-year plan of the higher education
sector and the four-year special national education programme and
the future task.
In order to implement the projects of the basic
education sector and the higher education sector in relation to each
other during the 30-year plan, the Ministry of Education has laid
down and realized the Myanmar education goal for emergence of
an education that will create a constant learning society to face
the challenges of the present era.
The 12 aims, the 36 working programmers and the
78 working plans have been laid down to implement the 30-year plan
of the higher education sector.
The 12 aims of the 30-year plan are: to create
the human resources which have the ability to build a new peaceful,
modern and developed nation; to set up a Myanmar education system
accepting that the human resources endowed with advanced education,
intellectual and human ability are a guarantee for a better future;
to create the Myanmar education system as the main source of the
entire Myanmar society and to use the entire Myanmar society as the
resources of the Myanmar education system; to ensure sustained
development of the qualified human resources of the nation and that
of the human resources required for the regions; to create an
education environment endowed with ever flourishing intellectual
power and outlook and which can timely use the emerging technologies
of the modern age; to conduct international-level research projects
not only in the education sector, but also in other sectors required
in building a peaceful, modern and developed nation; to make
arrangements to transform the entire working force into a learning
force; for emergence of a highly educated Myanmar society; to make
the Myanmar society to become a constant learning society; to pave
the way for the private sector to make investments in and
contributions to the education sector as efforts are being made to
uplift the national education commensurate with the increase in the
gross domestic product; to enable the education level of Myanmar to
reach the international standard; to prevent the degradation and
loss of the spirit to love the Union and national values and
national norms despite the growing globalization.
The 12 aims of the 30-year plan are: the four
goals of the human resources development; the goal of the
technological utilization work; the goal of the research work; the
three goals to create the constant learning society; the two goals
of the education promotion projects; and the goal to safeguard the
national norms and national values.
The 30-year long-term plan (higher education
sector) will be implemented by 36 tasks. To sum up the tasks, they
include two tasks on human resource development, six on use of
technology, three on research, nine on constant learning society, 15
on education promotion and one on national norm and safeguarding the
national value, he said.
He said at the conference the 30-year long-term
plan in higher education sector and the first year implementation of
the first short-term five year plan on national education promotion
is to be reviewed in sector wise and targets for the second year
implementation of the first short-term five year plan is also to be
coordinated. He urged the scholars to discuss the education
objectives for practical use in combination with technological
requirements, the State's educational policies and Myanmar education
objectives and objectives of the higher education sector.
At the conference, papers on international higher
education sector, international distance education system,
international management system in the institutes, international
language teaching systems, programmers on upgrading of teaching of
English and promotion of research and university of distance
education, e-Education Learning Centers, effective use of VAST
system, extension of learning centers without server, open education
system and use of on-line education (International and National
Programmers) programmers for opening of courses on regional trade
promotion, boosting production and packaging technology, programmers
on opening of universities for core curriculum and local needs and
role of universities for rural regions and development of the
respective regions are to be discussed in full. That is why the
conference is an important one for the Ministry of Education, other
related ministries as well as the Union of Myanmar.
He said it was encouraging to note that over 800
participants including directors-general, rectors, pro-rectors,
principals, professors, associate professors and heads of
departments would take part in the conference.
He spoke of the need for the scholars to
participate in the conference in a frank and cordial manner. The
Secretary-1 also said he believed they would make practical
decisions which would realize Myanmar education objectives for
long-term national interest.
He said better foundations for development of
information and communication that practically contribute towards
development of modern teaching methods in the respective fields have
been made. He spoke of the need to lay down the effective plans for
utilization of these foundations.
He said agriculture, livestock breeding and
industry and production play an important role in the national
economic life. He also spoke of the need to formulate education
programmers that could bring about advanced science and technology
and produce highly qualified intellectuals and intelligentsia in the
respective fields of exploration of valuable natural resources.
Arrangements are to be made for emergence of an
education system that contributes towards the development of
knowledge-based economic system in the future, he added. He called
on scholars for taking part in successful implementation of the
tasks after laying down the effective and dynamic education plans
that bring about national interest.
In conclusion, he urged the scholars in education
sector to make efforts for successful implementation of political,
economic and social objectives in building a peaceful modern
developed nation, to actively take part in the programmers of highly
qualified national human resources and Myanmar education standard up
to international level, to make concerted efforts for emergence of a
constant learning society, the goal of Myanmar education objective
and to make endeavors for realization of the 30-year long-term plan
(higher education sector).
After the opening ceremony, the Secretary-1
cordially met with scholars who attended the Conference. The Seminar
on National Education Promotion in Higher Education Sector will be
held from 22 to 24 April. On 22 April, Minister for Education U Than
Aung and Deputy Minister U Myo Nyunt attended the seminar and gave
instructions on papers on branch of studies submitted to the
( 3 ) Minister for Hotels & Tourism receives guests
Yangon, 23 April - Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin received General Manager of Classic International Co Ltd Mr Tan Hock Ying and party at his office on Sule Pagoda Road this afternoon.
Also present at the call were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu, Managing Director of Myanma Hotels and Tourism Services U Kyi Tun and officials.
Similarly, Minister Maj-Gen Saw Lwin received Managing Director of Taipan Tour Co of Vienna, Austria, Mr Krause Gunter and party at his office at 2 pm today.
Also present were Managing Director U Kyi Tun of MHTS and officials.
Basic Printing Course No 1/2002 opens
Yangon, 23 April - Basic Printing Course No 1/2002 of the Printing and Publishing Enterprise of the Ministry of Information was opened at the training hall of GTC Press in Insein Township here this morning with an opening address by Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung.
It was also attended by Deputy Ministers for Information U Thein Sein and Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Director-General of the Myanma Radio and Television U Khin Maung Htay, Director-General of the Information and Public Relations Department U Chit Naing, Managing Director of the News and Periodicals Enterprise U Tin Kha, Managing Director of Myanma Motion Picture Enterprise U Bo Kyi, Managing Director of PPE U Myint Thein and advisers of the ministry, directors, managers, officials and trainees.
Altogether 27 trainees 15 from IPRD and 12 from PPE are
attending the course. The course will last for two months.
Education Minister
receives guest
Yangon, 23 April - Minister for Education U Than Aung received Chairman of Myanmar-Korea Friendship Association Professor Dr Kim Jung Ho at Diamond Jubilee Hall on Pyay Road this evening.
Also present at the call were Deputy Ministers Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung and U Myo Nyunt and
directors-general of the
departments under the
( 4
) Maj-Gen Aung Htwe inspects construction of Kengtung City Hall
Yangon, 23 April -Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Aung Htwe of the Ministry of Defense, accompanied by Deputy Commander of Triangle Region Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe and officials, arrived at the construction site for the City Hall in Kengtung yesterday morning.
At the briefing hall of the site, Project Engineer U Thaw Oo and contractor
U Naw Aung reported to
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe on completed sections of the project.
Then, Superintending Engineer U Thaung Htay and officials gave reports on greening tasks and work being undertaken. Maj-Gen Aung Htwe attended to the needs and gave necessary instructions.
He then inspected the site.
The hall which is of reinforced concrete type is 214 feet long and 120 feet wide and it is built at a cost of K 250 million.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than tours Rakhine State, Magway and Bago (West) Divisions
Yangon, 23 April -Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than of the Ministry of Defense and party, accompanied by Rakhine State Peace and Development Council Commander of Western Command Brig-Gen Maung Oo, attended the Seinbudaw hoisting ceremony of historic PhaungdawU Pagoda, the merit-sharing ceremony of Dhamma Wizaya Sasana Beikmandaw and the 1,100 novitiation ceremony in Taungup on 18 April.
Then, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party arrived at the office of Maei-Kyaukpyu Road Project Special Group near Maei Creek Bridge in Pyinwin village, An Township. Officials reported on progress in construction of Maei-Kyaukpyu Road, Kyaukkyipauk Bridge and Londawpauk Bridge on Maei-Kyaukphyu Road, construction tasks of Sane-pauk Bridge on Maei-Kyaukphyu Road, Deedokpauk Bridge and completion of Minkyaung Bridge and future tasks.

Chief Engineer (Road) U Kyaw Tint of Public Works gave a supplementary report on construction of Taungup-Maei-Kyaukpyu Road and requirements in work.
Next, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party inspected construction of Kyaukkyipauk Bridge on Yangon-Taungup-Kyaukpyu Highway. Deputy Superintending Engineer U Tin Htut conducted them round the worksite.
Kyaukkyipauk Bridge, 300 feet long, has 24 feet wide motorway and three feet wife pedestrian way on both sides. The bridge was built of reinforced concrete piles.
The main bridge is being built of reinforced concrete, steel frames, reinforced concrete beams and tiles.
Afterwards, they proceeded to the office for construction of 66 wooden bridges on An-Padekyaw-Maei road section on An-Taungup Road. Maei-An Road Engineer in-charge U Ohn Lwin reported on completion of construction tasks on Maei-An Road and wooden bridges. Chief Engineer (Road) U Kyaw Tint gave a supplementary report.
A total of nine major bridges are being built on 75 miles and two furlong long Maei-Londawpauk-Minkyaung-Sane (Khonmin Pagoda)-Kyaukpyu section of Yangon-Taungup-Kyaukpyu Highway.
On 19 April morning, they went to Hinywetchaung Reservoir Project near Auk village in An Township. An official reported on the purpose of the reservoir, data of the project and implementation of the project.
They inspected the conduit, the sluice gate, the spillway of the reservoir.
Then, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party met with local authorities, departmental officials, members of USDA, MCWA, Working Committee for Women's
Affairs, War Veterans Organization, Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigades at An Township Peace and Development Council Office and gave instructions on development of An.
Chairman of An Township Peace and Development Council U Tun Kyi reported on management, economic and social matters of the township.
Speaking on the occasion, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than said that An Township is a transport difficulty area in the past; An has no characters of town and it lagged behind economic development.
Nowadays, the Government built roads and bridges including Yangon-Sittway Highway and Yangon-Kyaukpyu Highway for better transportation in Rakhine State; therefore, An will be developed soon; he urged local authorities, departments concerned and local people to make efforts for development of the town.
He stressed to need to reclaim vacant and virgin lands, to cultivate paddy, cotton, sugarcane, pulses and beans with double and multiple
cropping, to extend breeding of fish and prawn, poultry and to cultivate kitchen crops.
He also pointed out to grow Thithseint trees (belleric myrobalan) in An Township with a view to ensuring local sufficiency of edible oil.
Later, local authorities, departments concerned, local people and social organizations were urged to participate in undertaking the five rural development tasks.
Then, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party inspected the video hall for the public performed by Western Command and the nursery farm-1 of the command.
On 20 April, they arrived at Daletchaung Bridge in An Township. Senior Engineer U Khin Maung of Bridge Construction Special Group-10 reported on construction of Paungtoke Bridge in MraukU and Naryikan Bridge in Sittway. Chief Engineer (Road) U Kyaw Tint gave a supplementary report.
Next, they proceeded to the briefing hall of Yangon-Sittway Highway section-2 near Yaw Creek Bridge.
Officials reported on road constructions work. Then, they inspected progress of An-Myebon-Minbya-MraukU-Kyauktaw road section.
Afterwards, they paid homage to Maha Muni Buddha Image in Kyauktaw. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and Brig-Gen Maung Oo offered gold foils to the Image. They then visited the Image. They then inspected development of Kyauktaw by car.
In the evening, they met with authorities of Sittway District, MraukU, departmental officials, social organizations and local people at MraukU Township Peace and Development Council Office.
Officials reported on agriculture, livestock breeding, education, health and social matters, brief history of the town and development tasks.
On 21 April, they proceeded to Shitthaung (a) Yanaung Zeya Stupa in MraukU. They paid homage to the Stupa and then visited pagodas at Htokkathein Stupa. Next, they inspected renovation of West Mya Tazaung Stupa in MraukU. Officials conducted them round MraukU Archaeological Museum.
Afterwards, they inspected the ancient MraukU Palace area excavated in 1996-97 by Archaeology Department.
On their arrival at Taungpaw Camp (Kyatyay Camp) of Road Construction-3 on An-Minbu Road, they were welcomed there by Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Col Zaw Min and officials.
At the briefing hall there, Senior Engineer U Ba Saw reported on repair of road section between mile post 61/0 and 88/0 on Minbu-An-Tettaung Road.
They then arrived at Natyaykantaung Camp of Public Works in Ngaphe where they heard reports on construction and repair tasks on Minbu-An-Tettaung Road presented by officials.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party inspected repair and construction tasks of An-Padan Road. In the evening, they then arrived in Padan Camp. Bago Division (West) Peace and Development Council Chairman Col Soe Nwe and officials welcomed them.
On 22 April, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party, accompanied by Bago Division (West) Peace and Development Council Chairman Col Soe Nwe, proceeded to Ngapyet Lake Camp being undertaken by Pyay District Fisheries Federation in the collective fish breeding zone in Padaung Township.
Officials reported on location of the lake, area, the purpose, fish catching and production and future tasks. Col Soe Nwe gave a supplementary report.
Director-General U Than Tun of Fisheries Department reported on modern fish and prawn breeding methods. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than gave necessary instructions.
Next, they left Pyay and inspected 200,000 acres of summer paddy irrigated from Taungnyo Dam in Ywathagon village, Nattalin Township.
Bago Division (West) Peace and Development Council put 6,000 acres of land under monsoon and summer paddy and pulses and beans all the year round and plans to extend agricultural work in Bago
Division (West) area. Then, they arrived back here in the evening.
( 5 ) Press conference on Thailand Exhibition held
Yangon, 23 April - A press conference on holding Thailand Exhibition 2002 at Yangon Trade Centre on Lower Pazundaung Street in Mingala Taungnyunt Township from 9 to 12 May, under the programme of promotion on economic co-operation between Myanmar and Thailand, with the permission of the Ministry of Commerce and under the organization of the Office of the Commercial Affairs, Royal Thai Embassy and Department of Export Promotion of Thailand, was held at the Hotel Nikko this morning.
Present on the occasion were Charge d' Affairs ai of Royal Thai Embassy Mr Opas Chantarasap, Commercial
Attaché Mr Matyawongse Amatyakul and officials, Managing Director of the News and Periodicals Enterprise U Tin Kha, departmental officials, President of Myanmar Foreign
Correspondents' Club U Sao Kai Hpa and members, chief editors and editors of dailies and guests.
The Charge d' Affairs ai of Royal Thai Embassy and the Minister-Counselor (Commercial) explained the purpose of the exhibition and said that altogether 136 booths of 108 companies from Thailand will be opened at the exhibition.
They invited Myanmar to import more Thai goods and said Thailand will import more Myanmar goods; particularly they would like Myanmar to hold Myanmar Exhibition in Thailand. In doing so there will be mutual benefits between the two nations. Then, they replied to the queries raised by foreign and local correspondents and the press conference came to an end.
Automobile spare parts, chemicals, toys, construction materials, cosmetics, electrical appliances, foodstuff, beverages, furniture, clothes, textiles and fashion designs, souvenirs, decorative items, household items, kitchen utensils, leather-wares, footwear, machinery and lathe spare parts, medicines, cleaning materials, materials used in services and stationery will be displayed at the Exhibition.
The Exhibition will be opened on 9 and 10 May for interested entrepreneurs and traders and on 11 and 12 for the public. The admission tickets for the entrepreneurs and traders are available at TTF (Yangon) Co Ltd of No 96, Bogalayzay Street, Botah-taung
Township (Tel 294006, 296227, 245137, 245138 and Fax 245092).
( 6 ) Cash donated to Myanmar
National Working Committee for Women's Affairs
Yangon, 23 April - Well-wishers donated cash and kind to Myanmar National Working Committee for Women's Affairs at the meeting hall of Social Welfare Department on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road this morning.
Present were Chairman of MNWCWA Deputy Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement U Hlaing Win, Vice-Chairperson Prof Daw May May Yee, member Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, Secretary U Sit Myaing, Adviser to the Education Work Group Daw Khin Than Nwe, well-wishers and officials of the Social Welfare Department.
MNWCWA Chairman Deputy Minister U Hlaing Win gave a speech.
Goodwill delegation leader Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe handed over a DVD amplifier and sound boxes donated by Myanmar Ambassador to China U Sein Win Aung and staff of the embassy to the MNWCWA Chairman.
Then, Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe accepted K 500,000 donated by Charge d' Affaires ai of the Chinese Embassy U Tun Yin and First Secretary Daw Khin Win and a refrigerator worth K 165,000 by U Myat Thin Aung-Daw Khin Myint Myint of Aung Aung Enterprise, and presented certificates of
honor to the well-wishers.
Next, cash donated to sink tube wells for rural areas in States and Divisions where there is a shortage of water. Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, Daw Khin Than Nwe and Prof Daw May May Yee accepted K 250,000 donated by Brig-Gen Lun Thi-Daw Khin Mar Aye and family, K 2,250,000 by U Chaung-Daw Shwe Sin (Gold Uni Jewellery Co Ltd), K 500,000 by Prof Dr Ye Myint-Prof Dr Thein Thein Myint and family, K 250,000 each by U Thaung Tin-Daw Tin Tin Aye (KMD Computer Group), U Pyone Maung Maung-Daw Khin Thida Tun (CE Technology), (U Pwint Kaung)-Daw Khin Nwe Yi (Shwe Pazun family), U Aik Tun-Daw Than Than Win (Asia Wealth Bank), Daw Sein Sein and Daw Khin Myint Myint of Myanmar Women
Entrepreneurs' Association, U Lin Taung-Daw Shu Lwan, U Myint Han-Daw Shu Tin, U Maung Maung Gyi-Daw Tin Tin Hmway, Daw Khin Mya (Taunggyi) and family and Daw Nu Nu Yee and party of MWEA, K 145,500 by MNWCWA, K 100,000 by U Soe Thein-Professor Daw Than Nu Shwe, K 100,000 by U Soe Aung (Baho Pipe shop G 1/PVC), K 50,000 by the women and environmental conservation group and the Office of National Commission for Environmental Conservation and other well-wishers.
At the donation ceremony, 41 wellwishers donated one tube well worth K 500,000 and 23 tube wells worth K 250,000 each
totaling K 6,250,000.
Then, certificates of honor were presented to the well-wishers.
( 7 ) English Proficiency Course opens
Yangon, 23 April - English Proficiency Course No 4 for law officers, organized by the Supreme Court (Yangon), was opened at the meeting hall No 2 of the Supreme Court this morning with an
address by Chief Justice
U Aung Toe.
It was also attended by Deputy Chief Justices U Than Oo and U Khin Maung Latt, Justices of Supreme Court U Khin Myint, Dr Tin Aung Aye, U Chit Lwin and U Tun Shin, Director-General of the Supreme Court (Yangon) U Tin Aye, Director-General (Mandalay) U Thet Tun and directors, advisers, deputy directors-general, course instructors and invited guests.
A total of 50 trainees are attending the 10-week course.
( 8
USDA study group from Padaung tours Yangon
Yangon, 23 April - At the invitation of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Central Executive Committee Member Col Tin Hlaing, a 53-member USDA study group of Padaung Township, Pyay District, Bago Division (West) arrived here yesterday. They were welcomed by the officials.
CEC member Col Tin Hlaing greeted the members of the study group at the USDA office and presented gifts.
The study group paid a visit to Kyaikhmawwun Pagoda in Kyauktan Township this morning and donated cash to the Pagoda Board of Trustees. Afterwards, they visited Thakayta Amusement Park.
The study group visited the Shwedagon Pagoda where they were briefed on the history of the pagoda by member of the Pagoda Board of Trustees U Thein Zaw. The study group made cash donations for the pagoda.
Then, they arrived at the Drug Elimination Museum where they were conducted around the museum by the officials. In-charge of the museum Police Lt-Col Hse Maung explained facts about the museum.
Then, the study group visited Myanma Radio and Television. Deputy Director (Administration) U Maung Pe greeted the study group and explained the process of MRTV with the aid of video. They studied the broadcasting and telecasting of MRTV.
The study group then visited National Museum, Defense Services Museum, Yangon Zoological Gardens and Karaweik
Palace in the evening.
Basic Aviation Courses open
Yangon, 23 April - A ceremony to open the Basic Aviation Course No 1/2002 (Namsang Camp) jointly organized by the Union Solidarity and Development Association (Central) and the Office of Commander-in-Chief (Air) was held at Mingalar Hall of Namsang Station yesterday morning.
Present were Brig-Gen Kyaw Aung of Namsang Station and senior military officers, departmental heads, USDA members, invited guests and trainees.
Brig-Gen Kyaw Aung made the opening address at ceremony.
Similarly, the Basic Aviation Course No 1/2002 (Meiktila Camp) jointly organized by USDA (Central) and the Office of Commander-in-Chief (Air) was opened yesterday morning
at Kantawmingala Hall, Meiktila.
It was attended by Base Commander Col Thura Khin Maung Win of Ground Training Base, and senior military officers, departmental officials, USDA members and trainees.
Col Thura Khin Maung Win spoke on the occasion and the ceremony came to a close.
A total of 50 trainees are attending the courses in Namsang and Meiktila
camps. Each course will last for five weeks.
Donations invited to Third MWJA Conference
Yangon, 23 April- Hailing the Third Conference of Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association to be held in June, 2002, the cash of the well-wishers will be accepted for the first time at Sarpay Beikman building
(Soranto Villa) on Pyay Road at 1 pm on 25 April. Those wishing to donate cash may contact MWJA (Central), Tel: 254173/ 252417, Naing-Ngan Gonyi Literature House, Tel: 725530/ 274532 and News and
Periodicals Enterprise,
Tel: 294523.
UDE (Mandalay) announces schedules of lectures, exam centers
Yangon, 23 April -Mandalay University of Distance Education today announced that its final examinations and giving of special lectures for first year students who passed the matriculation examination in year 2000 and second year students will be held at Taunggyi, Magway, Monywa, Myitkyina, Yada-nabon, Meikhtila and Pakokku universities, Lashio, Kalay, Shwebo and Kengtung degree colleges, Yaynan-gyoung and Loikaw colleges.
Special lectures for first and second year students majoring in Arts, Economics and Law will be given from 22 April to 3 May and final exams from 6 to 11 May. First year and second year students of Arts, Economics and Law who registered at Mandalay UDE (Yadanabon Branch) are to attend lectures at the Yadanabon University.
Second year students of Arts, Myanmarsa, History, Geography, Business Management are to sit for the exams at Yadanabon University; second year Philosophy students, at Mandalay BEHS-12; Psychology students, at Mandalay BEHS-26; Law students, at Mandalay BEHS-24; Economics students at Mandalay BEHS-16; all English, Oriental Studies, Myanmar Studies, Literature, Public Affairs and Home Economy students, at Mandalay BEHS-10; second year Chemistry, at Mandalay BEHS-11; Physics students, at Mandalay BEHS-13; Mathematics students, at Mandalay BEHS-17; and Zoology students, at Mandalay BEHS-7 and Botany students at Mandalay BEHS-5 respectively.
All first year art students of Myanmarsa, Geography, English and Economics who registered at Mandalay UDE (Yadanabon Branch) are to sit for the exams at the Yadanabon University; History students (Roll No 1 to 600) at Mandalay BEHS-5; Roll No 601 to 1200, at Mandalay BEHS-9; Roll No 1201 to 2100, at Mandalay BEHS-17; Roll No 2101 to 2700, at Mandalay BEHS-19; Roll No 2701 to 3008 at Mandalay BEMS-2; Law students (Roll No 1 to 600), at Mandalay BEMS-20; Roll No 601 to 1200, at Mandalay BEHS-21; Roll No 1201 to 1800, at Mandalay BEMS-24; Roll No 1801 to 2300, at Mandalay BEMS-22; Roll No 2301 to 2599, at Mandalay BEMS-17; Business Management students (Roll No 1 to 600), at Mandalay BEHS-25; Roll No 601 to 1200, at Mandalay BEHS-26; Roll No 1201 to 1800, at Mandalay BEHS-27; Roll No 1801 to 2100, at Mandalay BEMS-4; Roll No 2101 to 2400, at Mandalay BEMS-5; Roll No 2401 to 2529, at Mandalay BEMS-9; all Philosophy students, at Mandalay BEMS-9; all Psychology, Oriental Studies, Home Economy, Public Affairs and Myanmar Studies students, at Mandalay BEMS-14; first year Chemistry students (Roll No 1 to 600), at Mandalay BEHS-7; Roll No 601 to 829, at Mandalay BEHS-13; Physics students (Roll No 1 to 670), at Mandalay BEHS-13; Roll No 671 to 861, at Mandalay BEHS-10; Maths students (Roll No 1 to 400), at Mandalay BEHS-10; Roll No 401 to 1000, at Mandalay BEHS-11; Zoology students (Roll No 1 to 600), at Mandalay BEHS-12; Roll No 601 to 801, at Mandalay BEHS-16; Botany students (Roll No 1 to 400), at Mandalay BEHS-16; and Roll No 401 to 734, at Mandalay BEMS-6 respectively. Students who have registered at branches of Mandalay UDE majoring in Arts, Economics, Law are to attend lectures at respective universities, degree colleges and colleges and to sit for exams at respective universities, degree colleges, colleges, BEHSs and BEMSs. Students who have registered at branches of Mandalay UDE majoring in Science subjects are to sit for exams at respective universities, degree colleges, colleges, BEHSs and BEMSs. Further details will be announced at respective branches of the UDE, BEHSs and BEMSs.
___________________________ ( 9
) Symposium on drugs on
30 April
Yangon, 23 April -The Symposium on Drugs and Drug Policy for the Nation, organized by the Myanmar Academic of Medical Science and the Myanmar Essential Drugs Project will be held at 249, Theinbyu Road, Mingala Taungnyunt Township from 8 am to 12.30 pm on 30 April, and interested doctors are invited to attend the symposium as participants.
Poppy plantations destroyed in Kachin State
Yangon, 23 April -A combined team comprising local Tatmadawmen, members of Myanmar Police Force and Special Anti-Drug Squad, together with members of Kachin State Special Region-1 and 2, destroyed a total of 4611.75 acres of poppy plantations in Kachin
State from 1 March to 4 April this year.