1 ) Maj-Gen Aung Htwe inspects development of Mongpyin Township
Yangon, 22 April- Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Aung Htwe of the Ministry of Defense, accompanied by Deputy Commander of Triangle Region Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe and departmental officials, went to Weiluwun Monastery in Tongta village, Mongpyin Township on 18 April morning and offered provisions to members of the Sangha there.
Then, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe proceeded to Tongta Village Affiliated Basic Education Middle School. At the hall of the school, Shan State (East) Additional Education Officer U San Shwe reported to Maj-Gen Aung Htwe on school buildings, student numbers and requirements for construction of the Basic Education High School with the use of charts. Maj-Gen Aung Htwe attended to the requirements and chose the site for construction of the BEHS.
Next, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe went to Tongta Station Hospital and visited the wards. At the hall of the hospital, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe gave necessary instructions to officials and staff. Maj-Gen Aung Htwe heard reports on facts about the hospital presented by Shan State (East) Medical Officer U Win Myint. He then inspected the medical store and attended to their needs.
In the afternoon, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe arrived at the office for extended construction and repair of Mongpyin-Tarkaw section on Kengtung-Mongpyin-Tarkaw-Taunggyi Road, in Thetaung region, seven miles from Mongpyin.
Officials reported on tasks being carried out for respective road sections. Maj-Gen Aung Htwe gave instructions on timely completion and work site safety and fulfilled the requirements.
Shan State (East) Superintending Engineer U Thaung Htay gave a supplementary report on matters related to the work site and requirements in work. Next, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and party inspected road construction with the use of heavy machinery, the retaining walls, land preparation and construction of culverts.
On 19 April, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe, accompanied by officials, went to Kyaunglon Pariyatti Kyaungtaik in Mongpyin Township and donated provisions to Township Sangha Nayaka Committee Chairman Sayadaw
U Paabala and members of the Sangha.
They then took the Nine Precepts from the Sayadaw and shared merits gained.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe met with township level departmental officials at Mongpyin Township Peace and Development Council Office.
Township Chairman U Zaw Zaw and officials reported on regional development tasks of the township being carried out. Maj-Gen Aung Htwe then gave necessary instructions and attended to their needs.
Next, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe proceeded to Mong-pyin Hospital and visited patients. He inspected the operation theatre and the medical warehouse. At the hall of the hospital, he met with Township Medical Officer Dr Tun Tun
and staff and gave necessary instructions.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo inspects development tasks in Myeik
Yangon, 22 April- A coordination meeting on beautifying Myeik and making Strand Road green and pleasant was held at the meeting hall of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council Office in Myeik on 20 April.
Present were member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Maung Bo of the Ministry of Defense, Deputy Commander of Coastal Region Command Brig-Gen Tin Lat, senior military officers, Secretary of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Khin Maung Nyo, members of Division, District and Township Peace and Development Councils and departmental officials.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo spoke on the occasion.
Director of Taninthayi Division Development Affairs Committee U Myint Oo reported on the upgrading of Strand Road, repair of the pavement and bridges, the growing of flowering plants along the road in monsoon and Chairman of Myeik District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Khin Maung Kywe on development tasks for Myeik.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo gave instructions on the designation of a place for trawlers, arrangements to grow flowering plants and trees and implementation of regional development tasks with momentum. Maj-Gen Maung Bo and officials inspected renovation of Strand Road.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo inspected fish powder factories of Taninthayi Fisheries and Vintage Co and production process of fish powder at the factories in Inlaymyaing industrial zone in Myeik. He fulfilled the requirements.
The fish powder factory of Taninthayi Fisheries was opened on 27 March 1997 and it can produce 14 tons of fish powder a day. The fish powder factory of Vintage Co which opened on 27 November 1997 produces 25 tons of fish powder daily.
Fish powder can be used as feedstuff in poultry farming and as fertilizer in agriculture. Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party arrived at the cold storage of Ahsaungkaung Co where General Manager U Thein Aung reported on production of dried cuttlefish and dried prawn and condition of export. Maj-Gen Maung Bo fulfilled the requirements and inspected the production process. The cold storage was opened on 27 March 2000 and can store 20 tons of cuttlefish and 400 tons of fish, prawn and crab. High quality products are exported to Malaysia, China, Singapore, Japan and
( 2 ) Dinner hosted in honour of national races study group
Yangon, 22 April - Central Executive Committee Member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Brig-Gen Pyi Sone hosted a dinner for the members of the national races study group who are also members of USDA from Leikha and Mongkhai Townships in Loilem District, Shan State (South), at the hall of the ministry this evening.
Also present were CEC member of USDA Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, departmental officials and officials of USDA (Headquarters).
First, CEC member Brig-Gen Pyi Sone extended greetings to the study group and presented gifts to the leader of the group.
The leader gave a com-memomerative pennant and souvenirs to the CEC member and spoke words of thanks. After the dinner, the CEC
member presented cash awards to the national races.
Ministry of Industry-1 holds ordination and no
vitiation ceremony
Yangon, 22 April -Under the patronage of Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung and wife Daw Khin Khin Ye, the first ordination and no vitiation ceremony of the Ministry of Industry-1 was held at
Kyaukkon Kyaung-gyitaik, Yankin Township, here, at 2 pm today.
Present were Minister U Aung Thaung and the deputy ministers, directors-general and managing directors of the departments and industries under the ministry, families and managers.
They took the Five Precepts from Kyaukkon Kyaunggyitaik Sayadaw Dhammacariya Bhaddanta Visarada.
Then, the minister, the deputy ministers and guests donated provisions to the Sayadaws. Sayadaw Bhad-danta Visarada delivered a sermon followed by sharing of merits gained and then the ceremony came to an end with the three-time recitation of Buddha Sasanam‚ iram Titthatu. Later, 65 men were ordained, 26 boys no vitiated and 75 girls initiated into
nun hood.
Agreement on upgrading of hospitals in Yangon signed
Yangon, 22 April - A signing ceremony for granting assistance to upgrade the hospitals in Yangon by the Government of Japan was held at the hall of the Ministry of Health on Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Road here this afternoon.
Present on the occasion were Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Minister at the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office Brig-Gen Abel, Deputy Ministers for Health Prof Dr Mya Oo and Prof Dr Kyaw Myint,
Ambassador of Japan Mr Shigeru Tsumori and officials, directors-general, deputy directors-general, directors and medical superintendents from the ministry and officials.
Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein and Ambassador Mr Shigeru Tsumori signed the agreement and exchanged the documents.
Then, the minister elaborated on the assistance and spoke words of thanks. The ambassador also made a speech and the ceremony came to a
Seminar on cooperation of e-National Task Force held
Yangon, 22 April-A seminar on cooperation of e-National Task Force jointly sponsored by Myanmar e-National Task Force (e-NTF) and Multimedia Development Corporation (MDC) of Malaysia was held at Myanmar Information and Communication Technology Park on Hline Campus this morning.
Present were Chairman of Myanmar e-National Task Force Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw, Vice-Chairman Deputy Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement U Hlaing Win and members of e-NTF, departmental heads, Senior Vice-President Dr Muhammad Ghazali Ismail of MDC, delegates from ICT companies from Malaysia and officials of Myanmar Computer Federation and Myanmar Computer Scientists Association and the
Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry.
Chairman of Myanmar e-National Task Force Minister Brig-Gen Thein Zaw and Senior Vice-President Dr Muhammad Ghazali Ismail of MDC spoke on the occasion.
The seminar was held with the aim of implementing Memorandum of Understanding on e-National Task Force between MDC and e-NTF signed on 21 January 2002 and laying down pilot project based on information and communication techno-logy in Myanmar.
Altogether 28 participants from MDC and ICT companies are attending the seminar which continues till 24
News and Periodicals Enterprise opens
journalism course
Yangon, 22 April - Journalism Course No 1/2002 conducted by News and Periodicals Enterprise under the Ministry of Information was opened at the training hall of the New Light of Myanmar daily on Strand Road this morning with an address by Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung.
The course is opened with the aim of teaching journalism, giving knowledge about information technology and mass media and teaching trainees to enable them to write news and articles and publish newspapers.
Also present on the occasion were Deputy Ministers for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein and U Thein Sein, directors-general and managing directors of departments and enterprises under the ministry, directors, the principal of the journalism training course, advisers, chief editors, deputy chief editors, course instructors, managers, officials, guests and trainees.
Director (News) of News and Periodicals Enterprise U Hla Tun (Hla Tun - Twantay) acted as master of ceremonies.
The minister said that the present journalism course is the ninth of its kind. News and Periodicals Enterprise under the Ministry of Information is publishing the Myanmar Alin and the Kyemon dailies in Myanmar language and the New Light of Myanmar daily in English. It is also publishing magazines and journals such as the Guardian Magazine, the International Journal and the Sports Journal. With a view to promoting the flourishing of patriotism and Union Spirit, Shwe Maungthan journal is being published, which mainly features national culture, nationalistic literature and national character.
The Myanma Alin and the Kyemon dailies have a circulation of about 425,000. However, over 220,000 copies are distributed in Yangon Division.
There are only over 200,000 copies distributed in other states and divisions. Therefore, it can be assumed that distribution of more newspaper to states and divisions, especially to the districts, is still needed. The newspapers readers are three times greater in number than those who subscribe to the newspapers. Arrangements are being made to meet the demand.
To enable the public to read the newspapers in keeping with the time, the Myanma Alin, the Kyemon dailies have been printed in Mandalay since 1 March 2001. Therefore, the people in Mandalay can read newspapers at 7 am like those in Yangon.
In January 2002, new printing presses were set up in Magway and Taunggyi.
Another printing press was set up in Kengtung. Plans are afoot to set up more printing presses in Myitkyina, Kalay, Hpa-an and Sittway. On completion of establishment of printing presses in eight towns, the demand for newspapers can be fulfilled, even if not fully, to a satisfactory extent.
More journalists who work for the regular publishing of newspapers need to be trained. Therefore, journalism courses are being opened.
Media plays an important role in most nations. There are two kinds of media electronic and print. Electronic media is making considerable progress.
But, it cannot be said that print media has fallen behind the time. Print media cannot be overtaken. In view of advertisements and condolences which appear in the newspapers, the importance of print media can be seen.
Therefore, it is needed to further develop print media. The trainees who are going to attend the course will have an opportunity to learn the experience and knowledge of doyen journalists who are practically engaged in publishing newspapers and editing news.
They will also have a chance to learn how to use computer in combining print media and electronic media.
The trainees will have to learn journalism theoretically and practically to such an extent that they are able to publish a newspaper of their own.
All the trainees need to take keen interest in the lectures of course instructors including the principal of the course.
Altogether 45 trainees 14 from News and Periodicals Enterprise, five from Myanma Radio and Television, one from Myanma
Motion Picture Enterprise, two from Printing and Publishing
Enterprise, three from Myanmar Police Force, two from the National
Intelligence Bureau, two from the Union Solidarity and Development
Association and 16 from the Information and Public Relations
Department are attending the four-month course.
Basic Traditional Medicine Course (1/2002) for
missionary Sayadaws opened
Yangon, 22 April - The Basic Traditional Medicine Course (1/2002) for missionary Sayadaws was opened at the Maha Convocation Dhammayon on Kaba Aye Hill this morning.
Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin supplicated matters on religious affairs. Professor Dr Thein Swe supplicated matters on the course.
Then, it was the Sayadaws who were offered provisions by those present.
Afterwards, Sayadaw Bhaddata Visarada delivered a sermon followed by sharing of merits gained and then the ceremony came to an end with three times recitation of Buddha Sasanam ‚iram Tithatu.
( 3 ) Commander looks into regional development projects
Yangon, 22 April -Chairman of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Commander of South-West Command Brig-Gen Htay Oo, accompanied by departmental officials arrived at Ngapudaw Township and met departmental staff, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association at Township Hall on 19 April morning.
After making a speech on regional development tasks, the commander proceeded to Deedugon, Wagon and Pyinkhayine villages in the township and met villageselders, members of social organizations and local people.
He made speeches on condition of implementing the five rural development tasks and attended to the needs.
On 20 April morning, the commander visited Amatgyi Village in Labutta Township and met local people. In the afternoon, he attended the opening ceremony of operation theatre at Pyinsalu station hospital in the township. Chairman of the township Peace and Development Council U Kyaw San, Chairman of the committee for construction of the building U Shwe and Township Doctor Dr Khin Cho Latt formally opened the theatre. The commander and officials looked around the hospital .
Chairman U Shwe made a report on construction of the ward, Township Chairman U Kyaw San on regional development tasks to the commander who attended to the needs. The commander then visited Peasant U Shwe's prawn breeding ponds and salt production site at Yaykyawgyi Village in Pyinsalu Village-tract.
The commander also had discussions on regional development tasks in meeting with members of USDA at Labutta.
Commander inspects development tasks in Muse,
Yangon, 22 April -Chairman of Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council Commander of North-East Command Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing met with Muse District and Township level departmental personnel in Muse on 18 April. The commander spoke at length on regional rice sufficiency, extended cultivation and implementation of the five development tasks.
Officials reported on regional development tasks.
The commander attended to their needs.
In the afternoon, the commander met with officials and local people at the office of Manhiro Ward Peace and Development Council, Muse Township, and discussed undertakings of rural development tasks. The commander then inspected the sites chosen for construction of the Basic Education Middle School, the Station Hospital and departmental offices in Manhiro and fulfilled the
Next, the commander met with Muse District and Township War Veterans Organizations in Muse.
He then met executives of Muse District and Township Union Solidarity and Development Associations.
On 19 April, the commander inspected thriving summer paddy in Muse and Namhkam Townships and Shweli Suspension Bridge.
The commander then inspected construction of the road leading to Shweli Hydel Power Plant Project and quarry. At the briefing hall of the plant, officials reported on project implementation tasks, construction of the 20 feet wide and 30 miles long earth road linking Namhkam, quarry, supply of heavy machinery and office vehicles.
The commander gave necessary instructions. Then, the commander inspected the site for construction of the concrete embankment of the power plant project and fulfilled the requirements.
The Shweli Hydel Power Plant Project is located near Mantet village, 17 miles from Namhkam.
Commander attends Htidaw hoisting ceremony of Lawka Chantha Pagoda
Yangon, 22 April-A ceremony to hoist Shwe Htidaw atop the Lawka Chantha Pagoda on the platform of Aungzay Yanaung Pagoda in Myitkyina was held at Aungmingala Dhammayon of the pagoda on 17 April morning, attended by Presiding Sayadaw of the monastery in the pagoda compound U Varaminda and members of the Sangha.
Also present on the occasion were Chairman of Kachin State Peace and Development Council Commander of Northern Command Brig-Gen Maung Maung Swe, Base Commander of Myitkyina Air Base Brig-Gen Bo Kyi, Deputy Commander of the Northern Command Brig-Gen San Tun and senior military officers, their wives, Secretary of Kachin State Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Myint Thein and well-wishers, departmental officials, members of the Pagoda Board of Trustees, wellwishers and invited guests.
The congregation received the Five Precepts from the Sayadaws, who later recited Parittas. The commander then presented Seinbudaw to be hoisted atop the pagoda to the Sayadaws.
He also presented offertories to the Sayadaws, followed by the sharing of merits gained. At the auspicious time, the Seinbudaw and the tiers of Htidaw were hoisted atop the pagoda and the ceremony came to a
Commander attends respects paying ceremony in Mandalay
Yangon, 22 April -A ceremony to pay respects to the older persons in Mandalay District organized by Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council was held at the Nanmyo Station Hall of Central Command on 19 April evening.
It was attended by Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint and wife, Chairman of Mandalay City Development Committee Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Ne Win and senior military officers, Secretary of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Tin Ohn and departmental officials, guests and 62 older persons.
First, the commander explained the purpose of the ceremony.
Then, the commander and those present paid respects to the older persons.
The commander and wife and officials also presented gifts to the older persons.
( 4
) Deputy Health
Minister receives
JICA official
Yangon, 22 April - Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Mya Oo received Hepatitis
"C" Research Expert of JICA Professor S Okada of Japan and party at his office on Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Road in Dagon Township this morning.
Also present at the call were officials of the Ministry of Health.
Deputy Minister for F & R meets Japanese delegation
Yangon, 22 April - Deputy Minister for Finance and Revenue Brig-Gen Than Tun met Managing Director Mr Mazuhisa Nakano and party of Burma Petroleum Development Co Ltd of Japan at his office at 10 am today.
Also present at the call were Governor of the Central Bank of Myanmar
U Kyaw Kyaw Maung and officials.
Dy Ministers help drug elimination drive
Yangon, 22 April - Leader of Work Committee for Development of Kokang Region Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Brig-Gen Khin Maung, members Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung and Deputy Minister for Livestock and Fisheries U Aung Thein arrived at tea plantation in Kaungkha Myothit in Kutkai Township on 19 April morning.
National race leader U Zaw Yun and officials reported on completion of Kaungkha Dam to the deputy ministers who gave instructions on thriving of tea plants and water supply.
The deputy ministers arrived at Kunlon in the afternoon where Col Sein Win of Kunlon Station briefed them on arrangements for growing of Thitseint trees and production of standard rubber and alloy.
The deputy ministers then arrived at Laukkai Township in the evening and together with Col Than Win of Laukkai Station inspected plantations and land reclamation in Mantonpa, Shaukhtinpa, Mukwakyaing and Mankha villages in the township.
The Work Committee has reclaimed altogether 620 acres of land and distributed quality strains. On 20 April morning, the deputy ministers met national race leaders, departmental staff and local people at the hall of Laukkai Station and held discussions on elimination of drugs and regional development tasks.
Chairman of the Committee Deputy Minister U Aung Thein handed over the list of five cows, 33 pigs, 100 goats and 450 fowls to national race leader U Pe Shauk Chain.
Then, the deputy ministers viewed narcotic drugs, chemicals used in producing drugs, and 89 drug producing equipment seized in Laukkai District from 1 to 15 April at the hall of Yanlonkyaing Village Administration Office.
National race leader U Phon Kya Phu and officials conducted them round there.
National race leaders in Kokang Region have realized the goodwill of the Government and have been implementing drugs eradication tasks.
Altogether 25,500 stimulant tablets, 167.1 kilos of Amphetamine that can be used in producing about 1.7 million tablets, 348
liters of hydrochloric acid, 425 kilos of Ammonium Chloride, 1,386.53 liters of Lysol, 7,045 kilos of Sodium Chloride, 169.43 liters of Chloroform, 250.19 liters of Ether, 7 bags of NO2, 500.1 liters of spirit, 50 kilos of opium residue, 100 gallons of opium residue, 25 bags of calcium residue, 45 bags of soda, 0.5 kilo of forge heroin, 89 machines used for producing stimulants were found ownerless in the forests and ravines in Laukkai District from 1 to 15 April.
Central Executive Committee members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Brig-Gen Khin Maung and Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung met Laukkai District USDA members and urged them to actively take part in regional development tasks upholding Our Three Main National Causes and social welfare tasks.
Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung inspected Laukkai Township Police Station, District Police Commander's Office, township/district General Administration Departments on 20 April morning. The deputy minister inspected staff housing of the ministry in Lashio yesterday morning and attended to the needs.
Coord meeting of Bago Division (West) Drugs Abuse Control Committee held
Yangon, 22 April -The coordination meeting of the Committee for Drugs Abuse Control of Bago Division (West) was held at the hall of Bago Division (West) Peace and Development Council on 19 April, with an opening address by Chairman of Bago Division (West) Peace and Development Council Col Soe Nwe. Then, Commander of Bago Division (West) Police Force Police Col Hla Min explained the coordination meeting
2/2002 of the Central
Committee for Drugs Abuse Control. Afterwards, those present took part in the discussions and the ceremony came to a close with concluding remarks by Chairman Col Soe
( 5 ) New Generation Youth Marine Courses opened
Yangon, 22 April - A ceremony to open the Basic Marine Course No 1/2002 and the Advanced Course No 1/2002 for New Generation Youth of Defense Services (Navy) (Yangon Camp) jointly organized by the Union Solidarity and Development Association and the Office of Commander-in-Chief (Navy) was held at Ayeyawady Naval Command Headquarters here this morning.
Present were Member of USDA Secretariat U Ko Lay, CEC member Col Maung Pa, Commander of Ayeyawady Naval Command Headquarters Captain Maw Thein, senior military officers and trainees.
U Ko Lay and Captain Maw Thein spoke on the occasion. Altogether 67 trainees--50 in the basic course and 17 in the advanced course are attending the five week
Aviation Courses for New Generation Youth open
Yangon, 22 April - A ceremony to open the Basic Aviation Course No 1/2002 and the Advanced Aviation Course No 1/2002 for New Generation Youth of Defense Services (Air) (Yangon Camp) jointly organized by the Union Solidarity and Development Association and the Office of Commander-in-Chief (Air) was held at No 1 Basic Education High School, Lammadaw Township here this morning.
Present were Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe, Commander of Mingaladon Air Force Base Brig-Gen Thein Myint, Commander of No 4 Military Region Brig-Gen Myo Myint, senior military officers and trainees.
Brig-Gen Myint Swe and Brig-Gen Thein Myint spoke on the occasion. Altogether 75 trainees 50 from Yangon Division and 25 from states and divisions are attending the basic course and the advanced course. The courses will last for five weeks.
Marine Courses for New Generation Youth opens in Sittway
Yangon, 22 April - A ceremony to open the Basic Marine Course No 1/2002 and the Advanced Course No 1/2002 for New Generation Youth (Sittway Camp), co-organized by the Commander-in-Chief (Navy)'s Office and the Union Solidarity and Development Association, was held at the City Hall in Sittway this morning.
Present were Vice-Chairman of Rakhine State Peace and Development Council Brig-Gen Phone Swe, Acting Commander of Danyawady Naval Region Command Cmdr Aung Thaw, senior military officers of Sittway Station, local authorities, the Secretary of Rakhine State USDA, executives, course instructors and trainees.
Brig-Gen Phone Swe and Cmdr Aung Thaw gave speeches. Then, Cmdr Aung Thaw presented the commemorative pennant to Brig-Gen Phone Swe.
A total of 50 trainees are attending the Basic Course and 20 at the
Advanced Course. The courses will last till 24 May.
( 6 ) African yachtsman arrives Nanthida Jetty
Yangon, 22 April - For development of tourism industry with cooperation of Tourism Services Development Management Committee and Myanmar Yacht Federation, Mr Jo Sinfield of South Africa left Bhamo in Kachin State on 30 March by a 19-foot-long Cape Cutter yacht along Ayeyawady River and arrived at Nanthida jetty yesterday noon safely.
Mr Jo Sinfield took the documentary photos and video of scenic beauty of the Ayeyawady River and it took him 23 days to cover about 900 miles journey from Bhamo to Yangon. Next, he will leave here for Phukhet, Thailand and Singapore. The Tourism Services Development Management Committee, the Myanmar Yacht Federation and local authorities provided necessary
assistance to him to be able to conveniently continue the journey.
( 7 )
Myanmar women's team beat Thai 2-0
Yangon, 22 April-Selected Myanmar women's team beat Thai team 2-0 in the First Asian U-19 Women's Football Qualifier held in Goa, India
In the first half, Thuza Htwe scored the first goal. Two minutes before the final whistle, Hninzi Myint scored the second goal.
In today's match, goalkeeper Thanda, defenders Moe Moe Wah and Moe Moe Htwe, midfielder Thuza Htwe, strikers Hninzi Myint and Soe Myat Thida and the rest of the Myanmar women's team played to the best of their ability.
In the second half, the Myanmar women's team had chances five times to score goals. But, the Thai team managed to foil the attempts of the Myanmar team to gain more goals.
IOC Women and Sports Trophy awarded to MWSF
Yangon, 22 April - Vice-Chairperson of the Myanmar Women Sports Federation Daw Nu Nu Yi and Executive Daw Kyu Kyu left here for Lausanne, Switzerland, yesterday evening to accept the IOC Women and Sports Trophy for 2002, at the meeting of Women Sports Working Committee of International Olympic Committee on 26 April, presented by the International Cooperation Department of IOC for active participation in women's sports activities in 2002 among Asian countries. They were seen off at Yangon International Airport by panel of patrons of MWSF, Chairperson of MWSF Dr Daw May May Yi and
( 8
Homage paid to teachers
Yangon, 22 April - Old students of Penwegon Basic Education High School paid respects to teachers at the school in Penwegon
on 17 April. Altogether 506 old students paid respects to 48
teachers presenting cash and gifts worth about K 500,000. The old
students then set up the funds worth K 1 million for holding to pay
respect teachers annually.
Shwenaingngan Journal comes out
Yangon, 22 April - Shwenaingngan Journal No 4, Volume 1, published by the Union Solidarity and Development Association Headquarters (Education Division) comes out today.
It is illustrated by the documentary photos which show that the patron of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defense Services Senior General Than Shwe is taking the salute of the graduation cadet company of the 44th intake of Defence Services Academy and member of the State Peace and Development Council member of Panel of Patrons of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Maj-Gen Soe Win is meeting with the members of PyinOoLwin District and township USDAs. The contributions of writers Aung Si Hein, Tekkatho Tin Kha, Chit Naing (Psychology), Maung Hsu Shin, Tekkatho Myat Thu, Maung Khaing Khant, Ko (Tekkatho)and L Juni are also included in the journal together with
color photos. Manuscripts can be sent to Chief Editor, Education Division of USDA headquarters, No 455/457, Tekka-tho Yeikthalann-thit, Bahan
Township, Yangon.
___________________________ ( 9
) 23868.3 acres of poppy plantations destroyed in 2001-2002
Yangon, 22 April - A combined team comprising Tatmadawmen of local battlians and units, members of the local intelligence unit, Myanmar Police Force, Special Anti-Drug Squad and NDAK Organization and local people destroyed 263 acres of poppy plantations in Sadone region in Waingmaw Township, Kachin State 105 acres on 30 March, 67 acres on 31 March, and 91 acres on 1 April.
A total of 4392.663 acres of poppy plantations were destroyed in Kachin
State up to 1 April in the 2001-2002 poppy cultivation season. The
total acreage of poppy plantations destroyed all over Myanmar in the
cultivation season amounted to 23868.3 acres.
Drug Traffickers sentenced
Yangon, 22 April -A combined team comprising
members of local intelligence unit and Yangon Special Anti-Drug
Squad searched the house of Tin Aye at Room 205, Building 5, Shwe
Hti Housing Complex in Ward-1, Mayangon Township, on 26 April 2001
and seized 93.8 gm of heroine and 177 stimulant tablets. Actions was
taken against Tin Aye, 53, son of U Hla Kyi under section 15/19 (A)
of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Bayintnaung
police station. Yangon (West) District Court handed down 25 years'
imprisonment under section 19(A) on Tin Aye on 29 March this year.