1 ) Over K 54,913 million spent on construction of 133 dams in the time of Tatmadaw Government
Secretary-1 addresses opening ceremony of Kantin Bilin Dam
Yangon, 21 April - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt addressed the opening ceremony of Kantin Bilin Dam built by Construction-9 of the Irrigation Department under the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation at the pandal near the dam in Minhla Township, Bago Division (West), this morning.
On arrival at the dam by helicopter, the Secretary-1 and party comprising the ministers, the deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of department and officials, were welcomed by Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Southern Command Brig-Gen Aung Min, Minister for Forestry U Aung Phone, Commander of No 66 LID Col Aung Tun, Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council West Branch Col Soe Nwe and officials.
The Secretary-1 said that the Government is systematically implementing plans to build dams, reservoirs and sluice gates at the possible areas in Bago Division with the aim of developing agriculture, a main business in the division. Thonze Dam was opened in Thayawady Township in January 2002, Paingkyone Dam in Kawa Township in February and Bawbin Dam in Gyobingauk Township in March. Today, Kantin Bilin Dam is going to be opened in Minhla Township. In view of this fact, how immense the goodwill of the Government towards the people in Bago Division can be measured.
Arrangements are being made to ensure the
abundant supply of water for the agriculture sector on which the
people of Myanmar rely. This means that the Government is
practically striving to improve the socio-economic life of the
The building of dams and reservoirs for the
agriculture sector, the main pillar of the State economy,
contributes to successful cultivation of crops, extension of
farmlands and the boosting of crop yield.
Although some dams and reservoirs seem small in
size, they are of great benefit to local people. This being the
case, the Government is employing various possible ways and means
for availability of water.
As the Government is building clusters of small- and medium-sized dams in the regions, irrigated areas can be extended and become contiguous. Evidently, this brings good benefits to the local people in the region.
Therefore, the Government is building not only big dams and reservoirs but also clusters of small-and medium-sized dams and reservoirs which cost more money and are not economically beneficial. The Government is doing so out of sheer goodwill and to promote the interest of farmers.
In the agriculture sector, the State can rely on Bago Division where various kinds of crops grow well.
It is found that the farmers in Bago Division are successfully growing paddy, cotton, sugarcane and peas and beans, all of which are designated as the main crops by the State.
After Ayeyawady Division, Bago Division cultivates and produces paddy most in the entire nation. I plenty of water can be supplied and more cultivable lands can be extended, it can become invariably a division which plays an important role in the agriculture sector.
The building of dams and reservoirs to develop the agriculture sector in Bago Division not only contributes to the regional development but also brings benefits to the State and the people.
Bago Yoma mountain ranges are situated in the centre of Bago Division. In the rainy season, rivers and creeks which are in floods emerge in the eastern and western parts of Bago Division. The Government is building clusters of dams and reservoirs on these rivers and creeks with the aim of cultivating paddy, peas and beans, sugarcane, cotton and oil crops all the year round. This can be beneficial to local farmers.
In the same way, sluice gates have been built in the region of Bago Division where floods occurred and sea water flowed in before. Moreover, wetlands have been reclaimed. In this way, arrangements have been made to boost paddy yield.
In the time of the present Government, dams and reservoirs including Kantin Bilin Dam built in Bago Division total 31.
The Government spent K 16,661.70 million on building these 31 dams and reservoirs, which can irrigate 453,770 acres of land in Bago Division.
In the entire nation, there are 133 dams including Kantin Bilin Dam built in the time of the present Government. A total of K 54,913.70 million was spent on constructing 133 dams, which can supply water for 1,920,919 acres of land.
Today, in accordance with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, five rural development tasks betterment of transport in rural areas, supply of water in rural areas, improvement of education and health standard of rural people and development of rural economy including agriculture and livestock breeding.
Construction of dams and reservoirs contributes directly to two development tasks supply of water for irrigation in rural areas and development of rural economy, and also helps improve the education, health and social standard of local people.
At a time when the Government is striving for the development of rural areas, local people need to work harder so that their businesses including livestock breeding and agriculture will be successful and their living standard will improve.
They also need to make best use of water from dams and reservoirs and to work harder for the development of the agriculture sector by extending cultivable lands and cultivation of crops including monsoon and summer paddy and boosting crop yield.
They need to carry out livestock breeding work on a manageable scale as well as agricultural work, and thus improve their economic and social life.
At a time when the Government is systematically implementing plans to improve the standard of education and health in the region, local people need to cooperate so that their children will become outstanding educated persons and they themselves are in fit and healthy condition.
For the development of the region, the Government has built development infrastructures such as dams, roads and bridges, and local people need to maintain these infrastructures and use them in the most beneficial way.
In addition, they need to carry out the tasks which are within their capacity such as maintenance of the irrigation system and construction of rural roads.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 urged all the local authorities, personnel of departments concerned, farmers and local people to maintain Kantin Bilin
Dam and to work hard for the improvement of living standard of rural
people so that rural areas are developing with momentum.
He also exhorted local people to work diligently
and take innovative measures in striving for the further improvement
of their economic and social life and to help one another in the
agriculture sector.
Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen
Nyunt Tin said the rural development tasks are being implemented
with momentum under the guidance of the far-sighted Head of State.
Kantin Bilin Dam is now seen as a permanent proof that irrigation
projects are also being undertaken in a short time in order to
achieve progress in rural-based agricultural economy.
He said 24 clusters of dams from western and
eastern parts of Bago region make Bago Yoma beautiful and they also
make environment green. Moreover, the dams bring about progress of
agricultural process, he said.
Valuable land, water, human resources and better
climate created by the nature are opportunities for success of the
agriculture, he said. Thanks to Head of State Senior General Than
Shwe's noble goodwill towards the people and guidelines for
utilization of these opportunities for long-term interest, the dams
and irrigation projects have emerged as fruits of development in the
agricultural sector, he added.
Utilizing agricultural infrastructure, the
Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation has been implementing plans
for local food sufficiency, supply of raw materials needed in local
industrial sector, promotion of agricultural export, increase of
income, development of the agricultural sector based on private
sector and building of industrialized nation, he said.
Paddy, beans and pulses, maize, cotton and
sugarcane are major crops. Land, water, machine power, strains and
technology are being utilized for local edible oil sufficiency and
boosting production of industrial crops after the establishment of
agricultural special zones, he said. Now there are over 39 million of sown acreage. Over 16 million acres of
paddy produced 1,067 million baskets, 7.6 million acres of beans and
pulses over 790 million baskets, over 0.6 million acres of maize
20.8 million baskets, 0.73 million acres of cotton 85.2 million
vises, 0.4 million acres of sugarcane 7.2 million tons and 6.6
million acres of oil crops 0.4 million tons.
He said preparations are to be made for 2002-2003
crop cultivation season. According to the plan, 16.4 million acres
of paddy, 7.7 million acres of beans and pulses, 0.76 million acres
of maize, 0.89 m million acres of cotton, 0.5 million acres of
sugarcane and 7 million acres of oil crops are to be cultivated. The
minister spoke of the need for officials to exceed the targets.
He said there are irrigation projects in the west
region of Bago Yoma. There will be no worry about water and
production also is also increasing.
He urged local farmers to implement the projects
for increased production of five major crops in accord with the
objectives of the State after effective utilization of water. Then,
Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of
Southern Command Brig-Gen Aung Min said: Bago Division is agro-based
one. Out of total area 9,737,043 acres, 3,100,347 acres is used for
agriculture. In 2001-2002 fiscal year, 2,378,121 acres of monsoon
paddy, 10,932 acres of monsoon pulse and beans, 121,868 acres of oil
crops, 92,766 acres of sugarcane, 29,831 acres of cotton, 1,233,899
acres of cold season pulses and beans, 182,714 acres of cold season
oil crops, 8,894 acres of kitchen crops and 174,035 acres of summer
paddy could be cultivated. In agriculture sector, net product worth
59,298 million kyat could be manufactured up to the end of March,
2002. It represents 98.3 per cent performance of the target. It is
6.3 per cent more than that of last year. Although there are enough
cultivable land in Bago Division, it could not be put to use to full
capacity. Cultivable land and water is essential for successful
cultivation. Plenty of water can be available in the rainy season in
Bago Division and it is dry in summer. It can be called "lots of
rain but water scarce Division". There was only North Na Win dam
before the Tatmadaw government. Now, a total of 30 dams are
contributing towards cultivation on 423,770 acres of land. Moreover,
nine dams and one sluice gate are under construction. On completion,
they will be beneficial to agricultural work on 635,761 acres of
land. 7,524-foot long, eighteen-foot high Kunthitabin embankment was
constructed to prevent low lying areas along the Ayeyawady river
from erosion, a regular threat every year. The project was finished
on 31 March 2002 within four months. Shan Kaing and Paing Kyon
sluice gates have been constructed in Waw, Thanatpin and Kawa
townships to prevent from entering salty water through Sittaung and
Bago rivers. Tawa sluice gate is under construction at present and
will be commissioned into service soon. Dams have been constructed
on all the creeks that flow from the Bago Yoma. Therefore, it can be
said that the goodwill and endeavors of the government have been
perfect without any loophole. It is a task for me and the farmers in
Bago Division to reciprocate the gratitude we owe.
At the opening ceremony of Bawbin Dam held on 24
March 2002, Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt called for construction of drains between farms by
local people for full utilization of the dams. Drains of irrigation
system of Zaungtu dam in eastern part of Bago Yoma, South Na Win and
We Gyi dams in western part of Bago Division are being constructed
under the arrangement of local authorities concerned. Full
utilzation of the remaining dams will further be implemented.
Afterwards, on behalf the local people, Secretary U Kyaw Tun Soe of
Minhla Township USDA spoke words of thanks.
Later, the Secretary-1 presented prizes to Deputy
Director U Kyaw Myint Hlaing and Assistant Director U Aung Kyaw Moe
of Irrigation Department for the service personnel who took part in
constructing the dam.
Next, the Secretary-1 unveiled the stone plaque
of the dam. Then, Commander Brig-Gen Aung Min and Minister Maj-Gen
Nyunt Tin formally opened the dam. Secretary-1 and party posed for
documentary photographs together with local people, students and
service personnel of the Irrigation Department in front of the
archway. The Secretary-1 inspected the main dam and control tower
before the ceremony ended. After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 heard
reports on conditions of the dams in western part of Bago Yoma,
future plans, construction work and irrigation from Kantin Bilin dam
presented by Commander Brig-Gen Aung Min, Minister Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin
and the director-general of the Irrigation Department. Kantin Bilin
dam is located near Kywemagaing village on the upper reaches of
Thekaw dam in Minhla Township, Bago Division. It is an earthen one
and 1,110 feet long and 123 feet high. It will irrigate 25,000 acres
of land. The dam is 31st of the dams and sluice gates opened in Bago
Division and 133rd in the whole country.
( 2 )
Tourism Development Management Committee meets
Yangon, 21 April- The Tourism Development
Management Committee held its meeting at the Office of the
Commander-in-Chief of Defense Services (Army) this afternoon with an
address by Chairman of the Tourism Development Management Committee
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin
The Secretary-1 said the meeting is to discuss
matters about promotion of tourism industry and tourists from Europe
wishing to come to Myanmar by chartered flights. Hearing the good
news about Myanmar such as plenty of tourist attractions, stability
and peace, and hospitality of Myanmar people, he said, tourists from
some European countries will arrive in Myanmar by chartered flights
as of mid 2002.
Arrangements are to be made for the landing
permit of the planes and accommodation. European tourists are
interested in beach resorts. Therefore, ways and means are to be
sought for the upgrading of the beach resorts such as Ngapali,
Chaungtha and Ngwehsaung, he said. He said the government has been providing assistance to promotion of tourism
industry. In this regard, departments concerned need to work harder
in the respective sectors and to make sure that everything is smooth
and convenient for the tourists from Europe.
He said departments concerned are to report on
related matters. Next, Minister for Forestry U Aung Phone, Minister
for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen
Saw Lwin, Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, Deputy
Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, Deputy Minister for
Hotels and Tourism Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu and officials reported on
the landing permit of the planes, accommodation for tourists,
registration of tour operators, arrangements to ensure that
everything is smooth and convenient for tourists and the upgrading
of the beach resorts. The Secretary-1 then fulfilled the
( 3 ) Secretary-1 addresses opening of multimedia teaching centre at Zigon BEHS
Yangon, 21 April - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party, accompanied by Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander Brig-Gen Aung Min, left Minhla this morning by Tatmadaw helicopter and arrived at Nattalin, Bago Division (West), at 10.15 am after attending the opening ceremony of Kantin Bilin Dam in Minhla Township, Bago
Division (West).
The Secretary-1 and party were welcomed there by
local authorities, departmental personnel, members of the Union
Solidarity and Development Association, social organizations and
local people.
The Secretary-1 and party proceeded to Zigon by car and inspected thriving paddy fields irrigated by Taungnyo Dam on both sides of the road. Then, they arrived at Zigon Basic Education High School.
At 10.30 am, the opening ceremony of the multimedia teaching centre of Zigon BEHS was held at the school, with an address by Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt. Also present on the occasion were Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander Brig-Gen Aung Min, ministers, deputy ministers, No 66 LID Commander Col Aung Tun, Chairman of Bago Division (West) Peace and Development Council Col Soe Nwe, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads, local authorities, departmental personnel, members of the USDA and social organizations, officials of No 1 Basic Education Department, members of the School Board of Trustees and the Parent-Teacher Association, Headmaster U Myint Lwin, teachers, and students.
The Secretary-1 and party and those present saluted the State Flag. The students sang the National Anthem with the accompaniment of the band.
The outstanding students unveiled the stone plaque bearing Myanmar Education Goal. Next, the students sang the song
"Myanma School" to mark the opening of the stone plaque.
The opening ceremony of the multimedia teaching centre of Zigon BEHS followed. Headmaster U Myint Lwin and Chairman of SBT U Kan Nyunt formally opened the multimedia teaching centre. Afterwards, the Secretary-1 unveiled the signboard of the centre.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party viewed the computer application & e-mail room, the computer aided instruction room, the visual presenter room, the language lab, the electronic media (video system) room, the printed media (reading corner) room and the art and domestic science training room where students are studying. Next, the Secretary-1 and party inspected music and artistic skill demonstration of the students.
Headmaster U Myint Lwin reported to the Secretary-1 on the purpose of the opening of the centre and
installation of modern teaching aids and Chairman of the School Board of Trustees U Kan Nyunt on the efforts to open the multimedia teaching centre. The Secretary-1 presented video tapes to be used as teaching aids for Zigon BEHS to the Headmaster.
Speaking on the occasion, the Secretary-1 said that the Government is building agriculture-based national economy and striving for the development of the State.
In building a modern and developed nation, it is necessary to develop human resources as well as strengthening the national economy.
Therefore, the Government is making efforts to open modern multimedia teaching centers not only for the nurturing of human resources but also for the economic development of the State.
After independence was regained, there occurred weakness in national unity and prevalence of law and order of the State, and the
Secretary-1 addresses opening of multimedia country lagged behind development of the economic, social and technological, etc sectors.
Hence, the Government is building day and night for development of the State; and participation of the people played a vital role in achievement of success in the respective sectors.
In undertaking to open the multimedia teaching
centers at the basic education schools, the centers have been opened at the schools all over the country in participation of parents and well-wishers under the leadership of the Government.
If the students would be tough with the use of modern teaching methods at the multimedia teaching centers, they would become outstanding intellectual and intelligentsia in the future.
Then, the Secretary-1 thanked those present for their performance of opening the multimedia teaching centre of the school and urged them to undertake the tasks of the school with momentum.
After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 an party had the documentary photo taken together with members of the School Board of Trustees, the headmaster, the teachers and the students.
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, who accompanied the Secretary-1, proceeded to Zigon Township Hospital (25-bed) this morning. Head of Bago Division (West) Health Department Dr Zaw Win and Medical Superintendent Dr Kyaw Than and staff welcomed the minister. After inspecting the operation theatre, the delivery room, the medicine warehouse, the minister met with service personnel and gave instruction son warmly welcoming the patients and health care service matters.
The Secretary- and party arrived back Yangon in
the afternoon.
( 4
) Minister inspects Hepatitis-B Vaccine Factory
Yangon, 21 April - Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, accompanied by Deputy Ministers Professor Dr Mya Oo and Professor Dr Kyaw Myint, inspected the construction site of the Hepatitis-B Vaccine Factory on No 7 Highway in Dagon Myothit (East) Township yesterday morning.
Director-General Professor Dr Paing Soe of Medical Research Department (Lower Myanmar) reported to the minister on progress of construction tasks and future tasks and Worksite in-charge U Shwe Tun Hlaing on tasks being carried out and availability of construction materials. The minister gave necessary instructions.
Then, the minister and party proceeded to the construction site of Ywathagyi Psychiatric Hospital.
Health Department Director-General Dr Wan Maung, Medical Superintendent Dr Toe Aung and Engineer U Aung Sein
reported on progress of work and tasks being undertaken. The
minister attended to their needs and inspected the construction
( 5 ) Ministry of Industry-1 holds collective
ordination and novitiation ceremony
Yangon, 21 April - The first collective ordination and
novitiation ceremony of the Ministry of Industry-1 was held at Shweminwun Sasana Yeiktha in Bahan Township and Kyaukkongyi Kyaunggyitaik in Yankin Township here this evening. It was attended by Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung and wife Daw Khin Khin Yi, Deputy Ministers Brig-Gen Thein Tun and Brig-Gen Kyaw Win, directors-general and managing directors of the ministry and families.
First, the minister and party viewed the initiation of 75 women into nun
hood in Shweminwun Sasana Yeiktha.
Then, they proceeded to Kyaukkon Kyaunggyitaik and viewed the no vitiation
of 26 boys and ordination of 65 men.
( 6 ) Ancient pagoda renovation tasks inspected
Yangon, 21 April - Minister for Culture U Tin Winn, accompanied by Director-General of the Archaeology Department U Nyunt Han and officials, paid homage to ancient Maungtee Pagoda built with laterite in Twantay Township this morning.
Director-General U Nyunt Han reported on the history of the pagoda and its renovation tasks; Director Daw Sandar Khin of the cultural heritage branch of the department on completion of renovation work and future tasks. The minister gave instructions on construction of a wall and a new shrine with the use of public donations.
Then, the minister inspected the booth where excavated votive tablets donated by King Anawrahta were displayed.
He gave instructions and paid homage to the pagoda.
Afterwards, the minister visited Yokson Pagoda in Kyundaw Ward, Twantay and viewed 29 votive tablets excavated at the edge of northern and southern lower terraces of the pagoda. He said they must be well-maintained because they date back to Bagan period.
The minister then arrived at the excavation site of glaze kiln near Phayagyi Village in the township where Research Officer Daw Baby conducted him round the site. The minister gave instructions on maintenance of the glaze kiln that date back to AD 16. Then, the minister left there.
( 7 )
Myanmar secures second in Yunnan Invitational Soccer Tourney
Yangon, 21 April - The Yunnan Invitational Soccer Tourney continued this afternoon. In the final match, Yunnan Internet Club beat Myanmar football team 5-3. In the 15th minute of the first half, Soe Myat Min opened the scoring of the first goal for Myanmar side. In the 45th minute of the second half, Yunnan Internet Club equalized to draw the match with a goal.
Yunnan Internet Club won over the Myanmar team 5-3, though Soe Myat Min and Aung Kyaw
Moe added one goal each in the penalty decision.
( 8
Narcotic drugs seized in Hsihseng, Kutkai
Yangon, 21 April - According to the information on refining of the narcotic drugs undertaken by Law Lu and Tun Shwe of Banyin village, Hsihseng Township, the local national races of Hsihseng Township, Shan State (South), searched the refinery on the hill, east of Pyiyan village, Hsihseng Township, on 21 March.
The national races seized Law Haik, son of Law Lu, together with 143 kilos of morphine block, one kilo of morphine powder, 13 grams of Ephedrine powder, 448 litres of acid, 65 kilos of chemical powder, 65 kilos of charcoal powder, six items of paraphernalia, three weapons, one magazine and one bayonet and sent them to the departments concerned.
Similarly, a combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, acting on information, searched the house of Daw Nang Dwe, daughter of U Zaw Hka at Nga/143, Ward 5, Nam-hphetka village, Kutkai Township, Shan State (North) on 30 March and seized Daw Nang Dwe with 0.018 kilo of heroin and K 567,800 from the sale of narcotic drugs.
Action is taken against them under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotrophic Substances Law at the respective police stations.
___________________________ ( 9
) Marijuana seized in Thingangyun
Yangon, 21 April -A combined team comprising
members of local intelligence unit, Yangon Special Anti-Drug Squad
and local police force, acting on information received, searched the
house of Hla Oo (a) Sargale at No 573 Thamadi 5th street in Ka/Sa
Ward, Thingangyun Township, at 2 pm on 9 April and seized 1.1431
Kilos of marijuana hidden in a pot in the kitchen. Action was taken
against Hla Oo (a) Sagale 41, son of U Bale under section 15/19 (A)
of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the police
station concerned.
Marijuana Traffickers sentenced
Yangon, 21 April - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Yangon Special Anti-Drug Squad searched the house of Maung Kyaw on Gyogone East 1st street in Insein Township on 18 July 2001 and seized 6.128 Kilos of marijuana.
Actions were taken against Maung Kyaw, 41, son of U Tun Shwe, Maung Soe, 32, son of U Hla Han of Thayetaw Village, Htantabin Township, Hla Htay, 28, son of U San Thein, Thein Myint Swe, 24, son of U Aye Win and Win Kyi, 45, son of U Tun Wa of Gwai Village, Htantabin Township and Hla Aye, 26, son of U San Thein of Kyundaw Village, Kyaukkyi Township, under section 15/19(A)/21 of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the police station concerned.
Yangon (North) District Court handed down 25 years' imprisonment under section 19 (A) on Maung Kyaw, 5
years' imprisonment under section 15 and 20 years' imprisonment under section 19 (A)/21 on Maung Soe to serve separately and 20
years' imprisonment under section 19(A)/21 on Hla Htay, Thein Myint Swe, Win Kyi and Hla
Aye on 14 March this year.