1 ) Secretary-1 and wife, ambassadors and diplomats take part in Thingyan festivities
Yangon, 15 April
- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs celebrated the Thingyan Festival on the lawns of Zizawah Yeiktha of the ministry on Pyay Road this morning.
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe took part in the festivities.
On arrival at Zizawah Yeiktha, the Secretary-1 and party were welcomed by Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung and wife Daw San Yon, Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win and wife Daw Khin Swe Soe, departmental heads of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and employees and their families.
The Secretary-1 and wife cordially greeted the ambassadors and their wives, families and diplomats and their wives.
The guests were entertained to Thingyan songs and dances by the employees and families of the
The Secretary-1 and wife, the ambassadors and their wives, families, the residential representatives of UN agencies and their wives and families, the departmental heads and employees of the ministry and their wives doused one another with water.
In the afternoon, Chairman of the Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, together with Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Brig-Gen Myint Swe, the ministers and officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, went to the Thingyan pandal of the Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs at the Village of National Races near Thanlyin Bridge in Thakayta Township.
They were welcomed by Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt and wife Daw Kyin Khaing, deputy ministers, departmental heads and employees and their families, and cultural troupes of national races who are currently here at the invitation of the Secretary-1 to enjoy the Thingyan
Festival Kachin and Lawaw Shan cultural troupe from Panwa region and Lwegel region (Kachin Special Region-2), Kayah cultural troupe from Bawlakhe region of Kayah State, Shan cultural troupe from Waishan region in Myawady Township of Kayin State, Kayin cultural troupe from Myainggyingu region, Khamwi Chin cultural troupe from Paletwa region in Chin State, Chin cultural troupe from Kyikha region, Naga cultural troupe from Lashi and Lahe region in Sagaing Division, Palaung cultural troupe from Manton and Kutkai regions in Shan State (North), Wa cultural troupe from Panghsan and Mongmao region, Lahu cultural troupe from Mongpauk region in Shan State (East), Lahu and Akha cultural troupe from Adi region in Tachilek, Shan and Lahu cultural troupe from Monghsat region and Salon cultural troupe from Boakpyin region in Taninthayi Division.

The Secretary-1, the members of the cultural troupes and the guests sprinkled water on one another with sprigs of Eugenia.
The Secretary-1 and the guests were entertained with songs and dances by the belles of the Development Affairs Department and Sibinthaya Bank and the cultural troupes.
The Secretary-1 presented gifts to the cultural troupes.
Then, the Secretary-1, the guests, Minister Col Thein Nyunt and wife, the deputy ministers, the departmental heads, employees and their families and members of the cultural troupes of national races enjoyed the Thingyan
( 2 ) Ambassadors, their wives enjoy water festival at Yangon Mayor's Maha Thingyan Pandal
Yangon, 15 April - The 1363 ME Myanmar Traditional Maha Thingyan Festival continued for the second day at the Yangon Mayor's Maha Thingyan Pandal on Akyat Day today.
The Yangon Mayor's Maha Thingyan Pandal was crowded with those who participated in the water festival, yein troupes and dance troupes. Film stars, vocalists and musicians presented entertainment to the audience.
At 12 noon, Ambassadors and their wives and their families led by Dean of the Diplomatic Corps Ambassador of Lao PDR Mr Ly Bounkham and Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung and wife arrived at the Yangon Mayor's Maha Thingyan Pandal. They were welcomed there by Daw Khin Khin, wife of Mayor U Ko Lay, Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa and wife, the joint-secretary, committee members and their wives and officials.
Then, Ambassadors and their wives and their families, together with families of Yangon City Development Committee, enjoyed the festival. Manawhari yein troupe of Bahan Township, the yein troupe of Pazundaung Market, Myanma Shwethingyan yein of YCDC Engineering Department (Building), the yein troupe of Thuwunna Day-nursery School, Thingyan Tawwin yein troupe of Mayangon BEHS No 5, NweU Kabyar yein troupe of all markets in Thakayta, the yein troupe of Progress of Border Areas and National Races Department, Day-nursery School yein troupe of Dagon Myothit (South), the yein troupe of Kyauktada BEPS No 6, Mingala May yein troupe of Mingala Market, Dagon May yein troupe of Dagon Myothit (North) MCWA, the yein troupe of Dagon Myothit (South) MCWA, the yein troupe of YCDC Production Department, Santawwin yein troupe of Mingala Taungnyunt Ambassadors, their wives
(from page 6)
BEHS No 3, the yein troupe of General Administration Department, Yinthuza yein troupe of Defence Industry-1, Pabu Thuza yein troupe of Mingala Taungnyunt BEHS No 3, Bayintnaung Hteikhtar yein troupe of Bayintnaung Brokerage, Hla Thuza yein troupe of Tamway Pre-Primary School-5, Shwe Yamin yein troupe of Sawbwagyi Highway Bus Terminal, Phupwint Waisi yein troupe of YCDC Sewerage Department, Mayangon BEMS No 4 yein troupe and Day-nursery yein troupe of North Okkalapa presented yein dances to the audience from 8 am to 5 pm.
Likewise, Tin Ko Win Drama troupe and the Anyeint troupe entertained the duet dances and Anyeint
dance to the people from 7 pm to 8.30 pm. Moreover, film stars
performed entertainment to the audience from 8.30 pm to 10 pm.
( 3 )
Diplomats, families enjoy water festival at Ministry Pandals
Yangon, 15 April - The ambassadors and their wives and families, resident representatives of UN agencies and their wives and families led by Dean of the Diplomatic Corps Ambassador of Lao PDR Mr Ly Bounkham, accompanied by Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung and wife Daw San Yon, Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win and wife Daw Khin Swe Soe, directors-general, ambassadors and officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, arrived at the Thingyan Pandal of the Ministry of Home Affairs at 10.30 am today after enjoying the water festival at the pandal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Zizawa Yeiktha.
They were welcomed there by Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing and wife Daw Khin Hla Hla, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, directors-general of departments under the ministry and officials.
Minister Col Tin Hlaing extended greetings to the guests. Then, yein troupes of departments and Myanmar Police Force presented Thingyan yein dances to the audience.
Next, the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and party and Dean of the Diplomatic Corps Ambassador of Lao PDR Mr Ly Bounkham and diplomats participated in the Thingyan festivities.
Afterwards, the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and party and diplomats proceeded to the Yangon Mayor's Maha Thingyan Pandal where they were welcomed by Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa and YCDC members and officials. Then, they were served with lunch on the first floor of the City Hall.
Myanma traditional dance troupes presented dances and songs to the guests. The guests and their families in turn performed dances and sang songs.
The guests, together with Vice-Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa and committee members, participated in the water festival.
Afterwards, the Deputy Minister and party and diplomats arrived at the Maha Thingyan Pandal of the Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs in the Village of National Races near Thanlyin Bridge in Thakayta Township.
They were welcomed there by Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt and wife Daw Kyin Khaing, Deputy Ministers U Kyaw Tin and Brig-Gen Than Tun, officials and cultural dance troupes of national races.
Kachin, Lawaw, Shan, Kayah, Kayin, Chin, Naga, Palaung, Wa, Lahu, Akha
and Salon national races, who are currently here to enjoy the
water festival of the 1363 ME Maha Thingyan Festival at the invitation of Chairman of the Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, entertained the guests with traditional dances. The guests also presented dances and songs.
Later, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Minister for PBANRDA Col Thein Nyunt, the deputy ministers, diplomats and their families enjoyed the water festival of 1363 ME Myanma Traditional Maha Thingyan Festival there.
( 4
) Sayadaws to deliver sermons on Myanmar New Year Day
Yangon, 15 April - Member of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Presiding Lecturer Sayadaw of Yadana Beikman Sarchakyaung of Chanthagyi Kyaungtaik in Aungmye-thasan Township of Mandalay Division Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Jotikabhivamsa will deliver a sermon on the morning of Myanmar New Year Day (17 April) on TV. After the morning TV programme, Secretary of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Maha Withokedha Yama Taikthit Magway Sayadaw Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotika Bhaddanta Kumara
will administer the Nine
Sacred objects enshrined into Lawkamuni Aungdawmu
Yangon, 15 April - A ceremony to enshrine sacred objects into the upper repository of Lawkamuni Aung-dawmu Hsutaungpyi Pagoda was held in the compound of Tayzarama monastery in Theingon Ward, Phyu Township in Bago Division on 11 April morning.
Present on the occasion were Chairman of Phyu Township Sangha Nayaka Committee Sayadaw Bhaddanta Pannavamsa and member Sayadaws, Presiding Sayadaw of the monastery Bhaddanta Teja and well-wishers led by U Hla Myint-Daw Pyone Yee. The ceremony was opened with the three-time recitation of Namo Tassa.
The Presiding Saya-daw administered the Nine Precepts. Members of the Sangha recited
partitas, followed by the sharing of merits.
The gems, and Buddha images were conveyed around the pagoda three times clockwise and enshrined at 9.10 am.
Title recipient Sayadaw honoured in Pakokku
Yangon, 15 April - A ceremony to honor Saddhammajotika title recipient Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sujata of Myatheintan No 4 Monastic Education School in Kantaw village, Pakokku Township, was held at the pandal in the village on 2 April.
Present were Head of District Religious Affairs Department U Bo Maung, Township Education Officer U Khin Maung Nyunt, officials, students and local
Cultural course to be opened
Yangon, 15 April - A cultural course organized by Sasanadhaja Dhamma-cariya Ubhato Vibhinga-dhara Vinayavidu Kam-mathanacariya Mahasi Dha-makahtika Bhanddanta Kavinda and instructor Sayadaws, will be opened at Hsuhtupan Watawmyatmon Wailuwun Dhammayeiktha in Aung-chantha Ward 3, Thanlyin Township on 19 April.
Those who are interested in the course may contact Yangon Hsuhtupan (Ph: 01-545980) and Thanlyin Hsuhtupan (Ph:056-21926) to enrole.
Course completion certificates and prizes will be presented by Agga Maha Ganthavacaka Pandita Hsuhtupan Sayadaw Bhad-danta Pandita.
( 5 ) PBANRDA Minister taking part in water festival
Yangon, 15 April - Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt and wife Daw Kyin Khaing, together with staff of the ministry, participated in Water Festival at the Pandal of the Ministry of PBANRDA on Akyat Day morning.
Kachin national races from Panwa region, Kachin State; Kachin and Shan national races from Lweje region, Wa national races from Pangsan and Mongmaw regions, Shan State (North); Palaung national races from Mantong and Kutkai regions; Akha national races of Adee region in Tachilek, Shan State (East); Shan and Lahu national races from Monghsat region; Lahu national races from Mongpauk region; Kayah national races from Bawlake region, Kayah State; Shan national races from Myawady and Whaeshan regions, Kayin State; Kayin national races from Myainggyingu region; Salon national races from Kawthoung and Bokepyin regions, Taninthayi Division; Kamwi Chin national races from Paletwa region, Chin State; Chin national races from Kyikha region; Naga national races from Lashe and Lahe regions, Sagaing Division, presented traditional dances to the audience.
Deputy Minister U Kyaw Tin presented cash awards to the doyen film artistes, yein troupe.
Then, cash awards were presented to 197 members of cultural troupes of national races.
Delegates of the cultural troupes accepted K 1 million presented by PaO special region-6 peace group, K 150,000 by Kachin special region-2 peace group, K 100,000 each by Kokang peace group, Palaung peace group, MTA peace group, Kayah special region-2 peace group and KDA peace group, K 50,000 each by Rakhine peace group, Shan State (North) special region-3 peace group and Kachin special region-1 peace group and K 15,000 by Thantaung (North) peace group totalling K 1,815,000.
Afterwards, Minister Col Thein Nyunt and wife Daw Kyin Khaing and the deputy ministers doused water on one another.
Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Than Tun presented gifts to a yein troupe.
Second day of water festival livelier
Yangon, 15 April - Roads and streets were packed with
revelers today, Maha Thingyan Akyat Day. People also did meritorious deeds such as respect paying to the elderly, setting animals free and serving people with eateries free.
Famous pagodas in Yangon and satellite towns were also teemed with merit seekers.
Water festival today was livelier than yesterday. Especially pandals along Inya bund were so crowded with cars of revelers that there was traffic congestion.
The second day ceremony of water festival of Ministry of Home Affairs was attended by Minister Col Tin Hlaing and wife Daw Khin Hla Hla who presented gifts to dance troupes.
Summit Park View Hotel, Tokyo Pipe Co, Imperial Leather Co, New Cussons Beauty Soap Co, Hnin Hnin Khine Co also took part in the festival.
People merrily doused water at the pandals on Bayint Naung Road, Pyay Road, Baho Road, Inya Road, University Avenue, Theinbyu Road, Myanma Gonyi Road, U Chit Maung Road, Saya San Road, Kaba Aye Pagoda Road, etc.
( 6 )
Commander attends course concluding ceremony
Yangon, 15 April - The concluding ceremony of National Culture and Morals Course (First Batch-2002), conducted by Mawlamyine Township Union Solidarity and Development Association, was held in Mawlamyine on 11 April evening.
It was attended by Patron of Mon State USDA Chairman of Mon State Peace and Development Council Commander of South-East Command Brig-Gen Thura Myint Aung and wife Daw Than Than Nwe, Secretary Lt-Col Aung Maw Maw and members of Mon State Peace and Development Council, departmental officials, members of social organizations, trainees and guests.
First, Patron of Mon State USDA Commander Brig-Gen Thura Myint Aung made a speech. Then, Secretary U Zaw Moe Lwin of the Township USDA explained matters related to the opening of the course.
Afterwards, the commander and responsible officials presented prizes and certificates of
honor to outstanding trainees and instructors of the course.
Altogether 3,817 trainees attended the 11-day course opened at 40
places in the township.
Commander attends Women's Affairs Committee meeting
Yangon, 15 April - The coordination meeting between Rakhine State Working Committee for Women's Affairs and Township Working Committee for Women's Affairs was held at Bandoola Hall of Sittway Station at 8 am on 10 April, attended by Chairman of Rakhine State Peace and Development Council Commander of Western Command Brig-Gen Maung Oo and wife member of Rakhine State Working Committee for Women's Affairs Dr Daw Nyunt Nyunt Oo.
Also present on the occasion were Vice-Chairman Brig-Gen Phone Swe and departmental officials, members of Rakhine State and Township WCWAs, members of Maternal and Child Welfare Association and the Union Solidarity and Development Association, members of Red Cross Society and Auxiliary Fire Brigade, invited guests and well-wishers.
Commander Brig-Gen Maung Oo made an opening speech on the occasion.
Then, the wellwishers presented cash to wife of the commander Patron of Rakhine State Maternal and Child Welfare Association Supervisory Committee Dr Daw Nyunt Nyunt Oo, who accepted the donations and presented certificates of
honor to the well-wishers.
U Maung Than Shwe and family of Sittway presented K 250,000 for Rakhine State MCWA to buy a generator; Owner of the Noble Hotel U Aung Naing Win of Sittway, K 200,000 for Rakhine State MCWA and K 200,000 for WCWA; U Than Shwe and Daw Win Shwe of Diamond Arrow fisheries enterprise, K 500,000 for Rakhine State MCWA; Rakhine State Agriculture Department Manager U Kyawt Maung, K 176,100 for the flooring of Rakhine State MCWA office; on behalf of Capt Aung Naing Oo, Chairman of Sittway District Lt-Col Myo Tint, K 350,000 for MCWA to install a water pipeline at Rakhine State MCWA office.
Afterwards, members of Rakhine State Working Committee for Women's Affairs Dr Daw Nyunt Nyunt Oo and Daw San San Wai explained matters pertaining to the functions of the committee and eight sectors.
The meeting continued the next morning.
Twelve wel-lwishers from Maungtaw Township presented K 1,830,000; eight well-wishers from Buthidaung Township, K 640,000 for Rakhine State MCWA.
On 10 April morning, the commander attended the coordination meeting on rural development tasks to be implemented during the fiscal year 2002-2003 at the meeting hall of Sittway Station. He made a speech on the implementation of the five rural development tasks in Rakhine
Then, those present discussed matters related to the
work done and to be carried out in the respective sectors. The first-day
session of the meeting ended in the evening. The meeting continued the
next morning. Chairmen of district/township
committees reported on work done and Rakhine State Vice-Chairman Brig-Gen Phone Swe briefed on reclamation of paddy fields in Rakhine State and extension of cultivation.
Commander Brig-Gen Maung Oo attended to the needs and made a closing speech.
On 12 April morning, the commander attended the fourth novitiation ceremony held at Border Area National Youths Development Training School in Sittway.
The ceremony was opened with three times recitation of Namo Tassa. The congregation received the Five Precepts from Chairman of Sittway Township Sangha Nayaka Presiding Sayadaw of Yedra monastery Bhaddanta Pa–ayatana. Then, members of the Sangha recited Metta Sutta.
Director U Nyo Win Myint of Rakhine State Development Affairs Department explained the novitiation ceremony. The commander and well-wishers offered alms to the members of the Sangha.
Afterwards, Chairman of Rakhine State Sangha Nayaka Committee Presiding Saya-daw of Dakkhinarama monastery Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Yansandha delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits gained for good deeds.
Then, the ceremony came to a close with three times recitation of Buddha Sasanam Ciram Titthatu. The commander and wife and officials offered soon to the members of the Sangha.
In the afternoon, the commander visited Lawka Nanda Pagoda and attended the ceremony to present the Three Theravada Pitakas donated by the International Dhamma Giri Vipassana Association of Yangon. The commander and officials handed over nine sets of books to Sayadaws. Merits gained were shared and the ceremony came to a close.
( 7 )
Revelers in Mandalay enjoy Maha Thingyan Festival

Yangon, 15 April - On the Akya Day yesterday of 1363 ME Maha Thingyan Festival, revellers in Mandalay participated in water-throwing festival in accord with the Myanmar tradition.
The residents of Mandalay paid respects to elders, cleansed the Buddha images and pagodas, released the animals and kept the
Even before the festival, collective no vitiation and ordination ceremonies were held in Mandalay.
In the morning, Mandalay Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein, Deputy Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Nay Win, Secretary of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Tin Ohn and members enjoyed entertainment presented by Mann Sibin dance troupe to the accompaniment of film stars and vocalists at Mandalay Mayor's Maha Thingyan Pandal and attended the opening ceremony of Vegas Pandal and formally opened it.
Next, the mayor, the deputy commander and party took part in dousing water over one another
at Health Department Pandal.
Around the Mandalay Moat at the pandals of Myanma Timber Enterprise Kyun Shwe Wah Pandal, Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading Pandal, Shan National Race Pandal, Mandalay Division All Bus Lines Control Pandal and private pandals,
revelers happily enjoyed the water festival.
At the Mayor's Central Pandal dance troupes and famous vocalists entertained the
revelers together with Myodaw Band. Mandalay Zaycho Pandal and Padauk Shweyi Pandal of Myanma Communications were also crowded with people enjoying the festival and entertainment.
In the evening, the decorated Floats Scrutiny Committee and Pandals Scrutiny Committee began scrutinizing the floats and pandals.
Workshop of Division Working
Committee for Women's Affairs held
Yangon, 15 April - A workshop sponsored by Sagaing Division Working Committee for Women's Affairs was held at the city hall in Monywa on 9 April.
Present were member of Sagaing Division Working Committee for Women's Affairs wife of the commander Daw Tin Tin Lat, members of Division, District and Township Working Committee for Women's Affairs and guests.
Chairman of Sagaing Division Working Committee for Women's Affairs Division Commissioner U Khin Maung Myint spoke on the occasion. Daw Tin Tin Lat reported on functions of the Working Committee for Women's Affairs.
A general round of discussions then followed.
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Padaukyeik Family Maha Thingyan Festival held
Yangon, 15 April - The Padaukyeik Family Maha Thingyan Festival of Military Intelligence Units was held on the lawns of the military intelligence unit on Pyay Road this morning.
Members of military intelligence units, families, yein troupes and guests participated in the water festival.
Yein troupes presented songs and dances to the audience.
___________________________ ( 9
) Examination programmes for teaching staff of MMU, MAEU announced
Yangon, 15 April - Applications have been invited for the posts of teaching staff who will discharge duties at the Myanmar Maritime University under the Ministry of Transport and the Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University under the Ministry of Science and Technology to be opened in August, 2002 from dailies.
The lists of candidates will be issued at University Entrance Scrutiny Board, Higher Education Department (Lower Myanmar), Thaton Road, on 19 April, 2002 (Friday). The candidates are to report in person at the department from 19 to 21 April, 2002, together with National Registration Card (original and copy), the original copy of certificates of educational qualifications. If a candidate is a government employee, he or she is to bring identity card or documents.
The exams will be held from 9 to 11 am at Yangon Technological University, Gyogon, Insein, on 23 April 2002. The list of interviewees who passed the written exam will be issued at Higher Education Department (Lower Myanmar) on 29 April, 2002 (Monday).
The personal interview will be held at YTU at 9 am on 1 May 2002 (Wednesday).