1 ) Construction works need to continue in monsoon and carry on
highway project with greater momentum in open season
Secretary-1 stresses completion of sections of Yangon-Mandalay
Union Highway in Bago Division in March 2003
Yangon, 11 April - Chairman of Central Supervisory Committee to Ensure Smooth and Secure Transport Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt inspected Yangon-Mandalay Union Highway Extension Project in Bago Division today.
The Secretary-1 left here for Kyaungshithse village in Ottwin Township, Bago Division, in the
On arrival at the section of the project which is being implemented by Kanbawza Pathfinder Industries Limited near the village, the Secretary-1 and party were welcomed by Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Southern Command Brig-Gen Aung Min and officials.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt inspected paving of the highway with tar with the help of modern machinery.
The company is extending and upgrading the 48-mile section of the highway between Zeyawady and Yedashe.
At the briefing hall, Project Director of the company U Ba Tun reported to the Secretary-1 and party on progress in implementing the project. He said the highway has been expanded to a
24-foot wide tarred facility flanked by 6-foot wide shoulders. The total width of the highway will be 36 feet. The removed soil of the upper layer is being replaced with standard barrow soil.
The curvy sections of the highway outside the towns have been repaired to enable cars to travel at high speed. He also explained the earth filling, granite laying and tar laying work, use of heavy machinery and collection of granite and tar. The six-lane highway will include a tarred four-lane road and a two-lane earth road.
Commander Brig-Gen Aung Min and Deputy Minister for Construction U Tint Swe explained the sectors of the project which will be implemented by the respective bodies. The Secretary-1 gave suggestions. The company is extending the Toungoo-Ottwin-Kywebwe section. Another company Hi-Star Public Co Ltd is extending the Zeyawady-Penwegon section.
After inspecting the two sections from helicopter, the Secretary-1 arrived at the project side of the
Hi-Star Public Co Ltd at mile post 12 in Kyauktaga Township.
First, the Secretary-1 inspected paving of the road with the use of soil-cement stabilization (granular) system at mile post 123/3, tarring the road between mile posts 123 and 125, extension and paving the road with
the use of soil-cement stabilization under renolith system.
At the briefing hall, Managing Director of Hi-Star Public Co Ltd, a subsidiary of the Olympic Co, U Aung Zaw Naing reported on progress of work for upgrading of the six-lane facility at the 48-mile Nyaunglebin-Zeyawady section, future tasks, construction of the bypasses, construction and upgrading of the bridges, arrival of rock and tar and tasks being carrying out with the use of heavy machinery.
The commander and the deputy minister gave supplementary reports.
The Secretary-1 attended to the needs and gave necessary instructions.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party arrived at the worksite of the section being undertaken by Shwe Than Lwin Highway Co Ltd near Wunbe-inn Village, Bago Township.
The Secretary-1 inspected laying of gravel, tarring and extension of the road with the use of heavy machinery and progress of work in upgrading the road.
At the briefing hall, Chairman of Shwe Than Lwin Co U Kyaw Win reported on plans to pave the section, extend the present tarred road to a 24 feet wide one, repair the bridges
and upgrade the present
two-lane road into six-lane
During the inspection, the Secretary-1 said in extending the highway, arrangements should be made to avoid occurrence of traffic congestions on it. Efforts should be made to complete laying of the 24-food wide layer in accord with the required standard before the onset of monsoon. Plans should be laid down to continue earth filling, bridge construction, granite collection and rock grinding works during the monsoon and to start the road construction task with greater momentum after the rainy season. Personnel concerned will have to strive to complete the project in March 2003.
The Secretary-1 then viewed the DaikU-Myitkyo-Nyaungkhashe section of the highway from the helicopter.
On arrival at the project section at Nyaungkhashe in Waw Township, the Secretary-1 and party were welcomed by Commander of No 77 Light Infantry Division Col Thein Htay, local authorities, departmental personnel and members of Union Solidarity and Development Association.
Commander Brig-Gen Aung Min briefed the Secretary-1 on choosing of the axis,
progress in building the highway and bridge construction projects.
The Secretary-1 inspected progress of work and filling of earth with
heavy machinery. The Secretary-1 and party arrived back here in the
( 2 ) U Saw Hla Min appointed as Ambassador to Cambodia
Yangon, 12 April- The Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar has appointed U Saw Hla
Min, as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Union of
Myanmar to the Kingdom of Cambodia.
( 3 ) Minister U Soe Tha receives Japanese guest
Yangon, 11 April -Minister for National Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha received Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan Mr Shotaro Oshima at his office this afternoon. Present were officials of the ministry.
Commerce Minister receives General Secretary of AJC

Yangon, 11 April - Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone received General Secretary of ASEAN-Japan Centre of Japan Mr Takashi Onda and party at his office this evening and discussed matters related to economic cooperation between the two countries.
Also present were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, Director-General of Directorate of Trade U Nyunt Aye, Director-General of Border Trade Department U Nay Win and
H & T Minister receives General Secretary of

Yangon, 11 April - General Secretary of
ASEAN-Japan Centre of Japan Mr Takashi Onda called on Minister for
Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin at the hall of the ministry at 3
pm today. Also present at the call were Managing Director of Myanma
Hotels and Tourism Services U Kyi Tun and officials.
( 4
) Maj-Gen Ye Myint attends opening of Zawgyi Bridge (Kyaukse)
Yangon, 11 April -A ceremony to open Zawgyi Bridge (Kyaukse) on Yangon-Mandalay Highway in Kyaukse, Mandalay Division was held at 8 am today, attended by member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defense.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint , Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun and Minister U Thaung formally opened the bridge. Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun formally unveiled the stone inscription of the bridge.
Then, those present strolled along the bridge that is 210 feet long. The original bridge was of steel frame type and it is now upgraded into four lanes for smooth transportation and road safety. The motorway is 60 feet wide. There are two five-feet pedestrians on both sides of the bridge that can withstand 60-ton loads. It was built by the Bridge Construction Special Group-14 of Public Works.
( 5 ) Regional development tasks inspected in Myeik and Kawthoung districts
Yangon, 11 April - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Maung Bo of the Ministry of Defense, together with officials, on 5 April morning inspected the oil-palm plantation and palm-oil mill of Shwe Khamauk International Ltd in Kawthoung.
They were reported on annual production of palm-oil and plans to extend the mill by General Manager of the plantation U Sai Han Soe and officials. Maj-Gen Maung Bo gave necessary instructions and fulfilled the requirements.
In the afternoon, he inspected the oil-palm plantation of Dagon Timber Ltd. Project Manager U Win Myint reported on matters related to cultivation of oil-palm and remaining tasks to be carried out. Divisional Manager of Myanmar Perennial Crops Enterprise U Zaw Win also made a supplementary report.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo gave necessary instructions and fulfilled the requirements. Next, he proceeded to oil-palm cultivation project site of Pokaung Co Ltd in Ayedawgyi Creek region in Kawthoung Township. Maj-Gen Maung Bo fulfilled the requirements concerning the report presented by Managing Director U Aye Maung of the company.
Pokaung Co Ltd has targeted to grow oil-palm in 7,000 acres. So far, it has put 3,107 acres under oil-palm. Continued efforts are being made to put more acres under oil-palm in the coming rainy season.
On 6 April morning, Maj-Gen Maung Bo inspected the construction of self-reliant rural road linking Mathay village-tract of Kawthoung Township and Kawthoung-Bokpyin Union Highway. He gave necessary instructions to the officials concerned. On completion, the road will be 2 miles 4 furlongs long. It will take 4 hours normally to travel from villages of the Mathay Village-tract to Kawthoung. By waterway, it takes 8 hours and during rainy season, transportation is difficult.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo inspected the road extension works between Kyauk Htanaung and Karathuri villages.
He met with village-elders at Karathuri village and discussed matters on regional development. He viewed round the village and donated K 100,000 for construction of a new pagoda at the village.
Thence, he proceeded to South Dagon oil-palm plantation. Official in charge of the project U Maung Maung Latt reported on cultivation of oil-palm; nurturing of saplings and progress in building roads in the plantations.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo fulfilled the requirements and gave necessary instructions.
South Dagon Agriculture Co has planted oil-palms in 3,670 acres and nurtured 140,000 saplings.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Maung Bo proceeded to Bokpyin and inspected the construction of X-Ray room and laboratory at Township People's Hospital. He gave necessary instructions to the officials concerned.
Later in the afternoon, Maj-Gen Maung Bo met with officials of Bokpyin Station, departmental officials, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, War Veterans Organization, Red Cross Society and Auxiliary Fire Brigade and Maternal and Child Welfare Association at the office of Township Peace and Development Council. He spoke of the need for departmental officials to strive for regional development hand in hand with local populace and social organizations.
Township Peace and Development Council Chairman U Soe Than reported on matters related to regional development and agriculture and livestock breeding tasks and departmental officials on tasks being carried out sector-wise. Maj-Gen Maung Bo attended to their needs.
( 6 ) Anniversary of NCRC and CAMM held

Yangon, 11 April - Minister for Education U Than Aung attended the Anniversary of New Century Resource Centre (Mandalay) and Centre for Ancient Myanmar Manuscripts at Yadanapura Hall of CAMM in Mandalay yesterday morning.
Also present were the directors-general of the Higher Education Department (Upper Myanmar) and No 2 Basic Education Department, rectors, members of the NCRC and CAMM.
At the ceremony, the minister made an address. Then, Director-General of HED (Upper Myanmar) Dr Thein Myint reported on the courses which had been opened by NCRC and CAMM, use of e-library, installation of multimedia equipment and future tasks.
The minister presented gifts of honour to the Resource Persons Dr Khin Maung Nyunt, Dr Toe Hla, Sayagi U Tint Lwin, Dr Maung Maung, U Ye Myat Thu, U Khine Lin Saw, U Bo Bo Lwin and U Thein Htut. Then, the director-general of HED (Upper Myanmar) presented prizes to the outstanding trainees at the Basic Library Course.
Then, the director-general of HED (Upper Myanmar) presented diplomas for the Diploma in IT of National Centre for Human Resources Development and KMD Computer Centre.
Afterwards, Opportunities on e-Commerce and On-Line Education Seminar, jointly organized by Ministry of Education and World Peace IT Co Ltd, was held and the minister made an address. Then, Daw Wa Wa Tun of World Peace IT Co Ltd briefed on the opportunities of e-Commerce and On-line Education and the ceremony came to a close.
( 7 )
Minister inspects communication works in Magway
Yangon, 11 April - Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw, accompanied by officials of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications, arrived at Magway on 8 April and gave instructions on installation of auto telephones at the Institute of Medicine (Magway) and the new airport.
On 9 April, the minister inspected Minbu auto-exchange and gave instructions on facilitation of trunk call in Pwintbyu, Salin and Sinbyugyun townships. Then, the minister inspected the fish breeding with net cage system in the Ayeyawady River being carried out by Myanma Posts and Telecommunications.
On 10 April, the minister inspected Magway and Yanangyoung auto telephone exchanges. Thence, he proceeded to Yanangyoung Industrial Zone and fulfilled the requirements on installation of auto telephones.
The minister also went to Chauk auto exchange and Seikphyu telephone office where he gave instructions on extension of telephone lines and facilitation of trunk call line.
Later, the minister arrived at Bagan-NyaungU and inspected the microwave station. He also met with officials concerned and gave instructions on installation of auto telephones in Pakokku and Myingyan industrial zones.
( 8
Shwehtidaw hoisted atop white elephant house

Yangon, 11 April - A ceremony to hoist Shwehtidaw atop the house of Yaza Gaha Thiri Pissaya Gaza Yaza White Elephant near the Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Buddha Image on Mindhamma Hill, Insein Township, was held in conjunction with putting of the blessed earth at the white elephant house this morning.
It was attended by Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko, Deputy Minister for Science and Technology U Nyi Hla Nge, Adviser to the State Peace and Development Council U Arnt Maung, Director-General of the Forest Department U Shwe Kyaw, in charge for keeping the white elephant Director of FD U Myint Swe, officials and members of Teingya Htidaw Hoisting Group.
Guests took position at the house.
The deputy ministers put the blessed earth on the floor of the house and sprinkled scented water on it. Then, Patron of the Pagoda Board of Trustees Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja U Shein Aung Bo read out the Cintamani Gatha.
Afterwards, the deputy ministers hoisted the Shwehtidaw atop the house and sprinkled scented water on it. Next, U Shein Aung Bo read out the auspicious Gatha
and the ceremony came to an end.
___________________________ ( 9
Examination programmes for teaching staff of MMU, MAEU
Yangon, 11 April - Applications have been invited
for the posts of teaching staff who will discharge duties at the
Myanmar Maritime University of the Ministry of Transport and the
Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University of the Ministry of Science
and Technology to be opened in August, 2002 from dailies.
The lists of candidates will be issued at University
Entrance Scrutiny Board, Higher Education Department (Lower Myanmar),
Thaton Road on 19 April 2002 (Friday). The candidates are to report in
person at the department from 19 to 21 April, 2002 together with
National Registration Card (original and copy) and the original copy of
certificates of educational qualifications. If an examinee is a
government employee, he or she is to bring the identity card or
The exams will be held from 9 to 11 am at Yangon
Technology University, Gyogon, Insein, on 23 April 2002. The list of
interviewees who pass the written exam will be issued at the Higher
Education Department (Lower Myan-mar) on 29 April 2002 (Monday).
Personal interviews will be held at YTU at 9 am on 1 May 2002
Programmes for entrance examinations of MMU, MAEU announced
Yangon, 11 April - Applications have been invited from those who will attend Myanmar Maritime University under the Ministry of Transport and Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University under the Ministry of Science and Technology to be opened in August, 2002 from dailies.
The lists of examinees will be issued at University Entrance Scrutiny Board, Higher Education Department (Lower Myanmar), Thaton Road on 15 May 2002 (Wednesday).
The examinees are to report in person at the department from 20 to 24 May, 2002 together with three passport size photos, National Registration Card (original and copy), the original copy of testimony of Ward Peace and Development Council concerned, the original and copies of mark list in matriculation exam and the original copy of health certificate from township health officer. The entrance exams will be held on 27 May 2002. The schedules for the exams will be issued on 15 May 2002 at the department together with the list of