1 ) Senior General Than Shwe tours
Kengtung, Bahtoo Tatmyo in Shan State
Yangon, 9 April -Chairman of
the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of
Defense Services Senior General Than Shwe, accompanied by members of
the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann, Maj-Gen
Soe Win, Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe, Maj-Gen Thein Sein,
Maj-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo and Maj-Gen Kyaw Win of the
Ministry of Defense, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Vice-Admiral Kyi Min,
Chief of Staff (Air) Brig-Gen Myat Hein, ministers, the Deputy
Minister for Health, Deputy Commander of Triangle Region Command
Brig-Gen Myint Swe, officials of the State Peace and Development
Council Office and departments concerned, inspected development of
Kengtung and completion of Government Technological College
yesterday morning.
Then, the Senior General and party arrived at
Government Computer College where they were welcomed by GTC
Principal U Kyaw Kyaw Lwin, GCC Principal Daw Khin Sandi Bo and
At the briefing hall there, Minister for Science
and Technology U Thaung reported to the Senior General and party on
construction of the Government Technological College and the
Government Computer College in Kengtung, the students who are
attending the colleges and arrangements being made to continue
construction tasks at the respective colleges.
The Senior General gave necessary guidance and
attended to their needs.
Next, the Senior General and party inspected
buildings of GCC and sites chosen for to construct new buildings.
In the afternoon, the Senior General and party
left Kengtung for Heho Airport in Kalaw Township by Tatmadaw
aircraft. At the airport, the Senior General and party were welcomed
by Chairman of Shan State Peace and Development Council Commander of
Eastern Command Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint, Minister for Transport
Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, Commandant of Command and General Staff
College Brig-Gen Nyan Win, Deputy Commander Col Myint Aung and
senior military officers, members of Shan State Peace and
Development Council and Shan State level departmental officials.
At the lounge of Heho Airport, Minister for
Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe reported on matters related to the
runway extension project of the airport. The Senior General gave
necessary guidance.
The runway of the airport is being upgraded to a
10,000 feet long and 200 feet wide tarred phase by phase.
At 1.30 pm, the Senior General and party arrived
in Bahtoo Tatmyo in Yaksawk Township. The Senior General and party
were welcomed there by Vice-Chief of Armed Forces Training Brig-Gen
Aung Kyi, Commander of Bahtoo Station and Commandant of Defense
Services (Army) Combat Training School (Bahtoo) Brig-Gen Kyaw Thu,
senior military officers and departmental officials.
Then, the Senior General and party inspected
development of Bahtoo Tatmyo and greening tasks by car.
Next, the Senior General and party left Bahtoo by
helicopter and arrived in Taunggyi at 4.30 pm.
Member of the State Peace and Development Council
Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann of the Ministry of Defence, other members of
the State Peace and Development Council and the ministers, who
accompanied the Senior General, met with members of Shan State
(East) Peace and Development Council, Shan State (East) level
departmental officials, chairmen and members of Kengtung District
and Township Peace and Development Councils, district and township
level departmental officials and social organizations at Sibinthaya
Hall in Kengtung at 1.30 pm on 6 April.
Secretary of Shan State (East) Peace and
Development Council Lt-Col Aung Soe reported on the area and land
use of the Shan State (East), cultivation of monsoon and summer
paddy and per-acre yield, sufficiency of rice in the region,
extended cultivation of edible oil crops, pulses and beans and
kitchen crops, development of meat and fish sector and progress of
education, health and transport sectors.
Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen
Nyunt Tin reported on cultivation of monsoon and summer paddy in
Shan State (East) and increase of per-acre yield, the need to extend
cultivation with the use of quality paddy strains distributed by the
ministry and extended cultivation of pulses and beans and edible oil
Next, Minister for Science and Technology U
Thaung reported on opening of universities, colleges and institutes
at the designated regions in States and Divisions by the Government
with the aim of turning out technicians on whom the State can rely
in accord with the education promotion programmers and the degree
college, the college and the institute opened in Kengtung region,
Shan State (East), to render more opportunities to enable the local
youths to pursue higher education.
Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Kyaw
Myint reported on assistance being provided to States and Divisions
by the Government for development of the national health sector and
the plans to uplift the health standard being implemented in Shan
State (East) by the Ministry of Health.
In his address, Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann said that
significant progress has been achieved in states and divisions. He
added that Head of State Senior General Than Shwe himself visited
the region to inspect the development of Shan State (East) and to
fulfill the requirements for expediting the development task with
added momentum.
According to the reports, there has been regional
rice sufficiency as paddy cultivation could be extended in Shan
State (East), he said. Extension of beans and pulses and edible oil
crops could also be made in the region and there was a growth in
agricultural and livestock breeding sectors. Only when there is
sufficiency in basic food, will the economy be strong, he said.
In transport sector that contributes to economic
development, significant progress has been achieved in comparison
with the past and it is only three and half hours drive from
Kengtung to Tachilek.
Concerted efforts are being made with the plans
to improve Kengtung-Mong-pyin-Takaw Strategic Road,
Mongphyat-Mongyawng Road, Kengtung-Mongkhat-Mongyan Road,
Tahsan-Mongton-Monghsat Road step by step.
There will be an improvement in transport sector
in Thanlwin East region, that was difficult of access, in the near
future and at the same time, the government is making efforts to
boost education and health sectors in the regions. The Kengtung
General Hospital was extended to a 200-bed one and the degree
colleges and colleges have been built.
In addition, millions of kyat have been invested
to raise the living standard of the national races as a special
programmed for development of border regions. The huge investment
was aimed at facilitating the long-term development of the national
races of the region, he noted.
Requirements were fulfilled to the most possible
degree to bring about equitable development throughout the nation
and at present, based on the correct policies and leadership of the
Government, development has been achieved in states and divisions as
a result of active participation of regional authorities, service
personnel and regional people.
Based on the national strength, the Government
will continue to make efforts for further national development with
He urged service personnel to make earnest
efforts in cooperation with the national races and the people so as
to reach the national goal by correctly realizing the catena of the
Head of State and policy of the Government. Then, he cordially
greeted those present at the ceremony.
Similarly, member of the State Peace and
Development Council member of the Panel of Patrons of the Union
Solidarity and Development Association Maj-Gen Soe Win, who
accompanied the Senior General, met with the secretary and
executives of Shan State (East) USDA, secretaries and executives of
Kengtung District and Township USDAs, organizers and members at Shan
State (East) USDA Office in Kengtung at 1.30 pm on 6 April.
Secretary of Shan State (East) USDA Dr Sai Hsay
Kaw reported on the strength of (East), USDA tasks being carried out
by the association and participation of USDA members in rural
development tasks.
Then, Maj-Gen Soe Win attended to their needs and
gave necessary instructions.
Members of the State Peace and Development
Council Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann, Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein
and Quartermaster-General Maj-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo of
the Ministry of Defence met with Tatmadawmen and their families of
Kengtung Station at the Pyi Nyein Aye Hall of Triangle Region
Command Headquarters in Kengtung at 1.30 pm on 7 April. They
explained the general staff, the adjutant and the quartermaster
affairs and cordially met the Tatmadawmen and families.
Senior General Than Shwe and Daw Kyaing Kyaing
offer rice to monasteries in Kengtung
Yangon, 9 April - A ceremony to offer rice to Sarthintaiks in Kengtung Township, Shan State (East), was held at the Sasana Beikmandawgyi in Kengtung at 10.30 am yesterady.
Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defense Services Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing attended the ceremony and presented rice and offertories to the Sayadaws.

Present on the occasion were Presiding Nayaka Sayadaws of Sarthintaiks in Kengtung Township, members of the State Peace and Development Council, the Commander-in-Chief (Navy), the Chief of Staff (Air), the ministers, senior military officers, the Deputy Minister for Health, departmental heads and officials.
The ceremony was opened with three-time recitation of Namo Tassa. Then, member of Shan State Sangha Nayaka Committee Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw of Dhammodaya Sarthintaik in Kengtung Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Arjeya invested the congregation with the Five Precepts.
Members of the Sangha recited the partitas.
Afterwards, the Senior General and Daw Kyaing Kyaing presented rice and offertories to Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Arjeya.
The Senior General and Daw Kyaing Kyaing presented rice, offertories and nun robes to Presiding Nun of Kengtung Dhamma Rakkhita Nunnery Daw „anavati (Dhammacariya) and nuns.
The members of the State Peace and Development Council, the Commander-in-Chief (Navy), the Chief of Staff (Air), senior military officers and the ministers also presented offertories to members of the Sangha.
The Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw of the Dhammodaya Sarthintaik delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits.
The Senior General and Daw Kyaing Kyaing and party shared merits gained and the ceremony came to an end with three-time recitation of Buddha Sasanam Ciramtitthatu.
( 2 ) Myanmar Red Cross Society standing as true national force formed with offspring of people
MRCS needs to organize and nurture members to become consolidated and qualified force actively participating in nation-building
Yangon, 9 April - A ceremony to open the Seventh Conference of Myanmar Red Cross Society was held at the Assembly Hall at the Institute of Nursing on Bogyoke Aung San Street here at 9 am today, with an address by Chairman of National Health Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Chairman of National Health Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and
Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt delivered an address.
The Secretary-1 said at present, the State Peace and Development Council is striving with the united force of the entire nation and with added momentum for harmonious progress of all the sectors to enable the nation to stand shoulder to shoulder to the world nations.
In doing so, the government is nurturing the national forces in all the fronts and systematically laying down the political, economic and social foundations with the participation of the national forces under the leadership of the State.
The participation of the national forces is of vital importance for progress of the social sector in harmony with peace, stability and the national economic strength for all-round development of the nation.
The government is making efforts for development of the foundations of the spiritual sector including vitalization of the patriotism and the will to adore, promote and preserve the traditional culture to improve the social standard of the people. It is also
organization the national forces to become a united strength.
Of the many social organizations cooperating with the government for national progress, the Myanmar Red Cross Society is the one that is taking the front row with great strength.
The MRCS has a fine tradition of serving the interests of the State and the people throughout the successive eras.
Thus, the Tatmadaw government has given honor to the national forces that are taking part in the national development undertakings, and made arrangements for them to participate in the task. Thus, the government has re-organized the MRCS in accord with the time and situation.
The tasks of the Red Cross were born in the European nations. However, in Myanmar the social welfare activities of the Red Cross are flourishing with greater momentum in combination with the original spirit of the Myanmar people to serve the majority's interests, humanity, goodwill, loving kindness and sympathy. As the Red Cross activities are related to the Myanmar way of life and culture, they have borne the significant characters till now.
The MRCS is enhancing its efforts in launching primary health care tasks, uplifting the health and social standard of the nation and taking part in national development undertakings in accord with its aims, which are, to promote the health care activities, to control diseases and to help the victims of the disasters.
The State is giving encourage to the society to become a strong and consolidated national force. It has also designated the MRCS as a reserve force of the nation, and assigned extra national duties.
The society is also accepting the duties assigned to it and the encouragement given to it by the State. It is also cementing its strength and training Red Cross youth at the townships to serve the national interests.
One of the significant characters of the society is that it is organizing the majority of the students to become Red Cross members keenly serving the interests of the State and the people.
In other words, the MRCS will have to organize and steer the student youth to take part as the valuable force in the nation-building
endeavors and humanitarian activities.
The society is required to continue to organize and nurture its members to become a consolidated and qualified force actively participating in the nation-building
It will have to train and lead the Red Cross youth to possess humanitarian spirit, the national spirit and brilliant Red Cross qualifications till old age, and to become persons serving the national interests.
Thus, the MRCS is endowed with the essence of a consolidated force, unity, obedience, sacrificing spirit, selflessness, humanity and noble conviction. It is standing as a true nation force formed with the offspring of the people.
The Secretary-1 spoke of the need to lay down systematic plans and tasks for utilization of significant national force effectively and for successful implementation of the tasks and lofty aims of the society. He urged officials to lead the society to be able to discharge national duties with the development of the society in accord with the desire of the State.
As a national level society, he said arrangements are to be made to assign duties at different levels among the state, division, district and township societies and Red Cross Brigades to be able to link them through effective management and communication channel.
He said Red Cross activities must be in accord with political, economic and social objectives and national health policies. He spoke of the need for officials to make concerted efforts to bring about Red Cross activities that could safeguard and promote the already-achieved better political, economic and social foundations.
He said Red Cross societies are to be prepared any time for discharging duties of peace and
tranquility and for stability of the State, development of township and raising of education, health and social standards of the people.
He said it is believed that Red Cross youths who carried out social welfare and humanitarian tasks would discharge national development and peace and
tranquility duties at any time according to their concept and natural bent.
The Secretary-1 urged members of central council of MRCS and executives who led the valuable national force to make efforts for progress of the society and for serving the national interest with the concept of discharging a significant national task.
Now, ministries concerned are implementing rural development plans under the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe. The Secretary-1 said arrangements are to be made for active participation in the plans with the Red Cross motto making trip to villages.
The Secretary-1 said the society is carrying out its tasks in all parts of the country including rural areas. He spoke of the need for MRCS to take part in international Red Cross activities without losing the sight in accord with the attitudes of Myanmar that is actively participating in international humanitarian movement.
He urged MRCS to participate in Red Cross activities with added momentum with humanitarian spirit while preserving the tradition of cooperating with ICRC (International Committee of Red Cross) and IFRC (International Federation of Red Crescent).
At the same time, the MRCS is to increase its active
cooperation's with International Red Cross Societies with a view to letting the world know its Red Cross movement and to convincing the international spheres its noble nationalist endeavors in line with the national policies of the State, he urged.

He continued to say that the MRCS is to utilize advanced science and technology of the world in the long term interest of the society and to take appropriate measures for bringing out international standard human resources in the sector of the MRCS.
In conclusion, he urged all
to render cooperative hands with Red Cross activities for ensuring emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed nation which is the national goal; to take systematic measures for ensuring the MRCS
to continue to stand tall with glamorous prestige and tradition as
well as to stand as a national force on which the nation can rely;
to train and nurture properly for enabling the Red Cross Brigade and
its units to always be ready to shoulder the national tasks
steadfastly as an auxiliary force for peace and stability of the
country, to mobilize and train youths to become a decent and noble Red Cross Brigade members with full of ardor in Red Cross activities and enabling them to shoulder the national tasks for peace and tranquility of the nation steadfastly and brilliantly.
After the ceremony, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt
cordially greeted with guests. After the opening ceremony, the
Secretary-1 cordially met the guests.
Secretary-1 addresses City Housing Project
Supervisory Committee meeting
Yangon, 9 April-Chairman of the City Housing Project Supervisory Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt attended the meeting 5/2002 of the City Housing Project Supervisory Committee held at the hall of the Department for Human Settlement and Housing Development of the Ministry of Construction on Bogyoke Aung
San Street here this afternoon.
Chairman of the committee Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt made an address. He said the committee has to strive for the capital to meet the standard of a capital and to supervise city housing projects so that housing infrastructures will not be too expensive.
Prices in real estate have been raised manifold by brokers and profiteers.
So, arrangements are to be made for the customers to be able to buy houses at reasonable prices. The committee is to see that real estate to be at stable prices and the Government will make arrangements for a decrease in the price of construction materials. All are urged to take part in the discussions in line with the objectives of the committee, he said.
Then, committee members and officials discussed matters relating to development tasks for the city including housing projects and establishment of an industrial town. Afterwards, the meeting came to a close with concluding remarks by Chairman Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
( 3 ) Coop Minister arrives back from Nepal

Yangon, 9 April -Myanmar delegation led by Minister for Cooperatives Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe arrived back here by air yesterday evening after attending the Asia-Pacific Region Cooperative
Ministers' Conference held in Kathmandu, Nepal, from 3 to 6 April.
They were welcomed back at Yangon International Airport by Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein, Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, officials of the Ministry of Cooperatives and Embassy of Nepal and families of the members of the delegation. Chairman of GEC (Education) Union Dr Tun Maung also arrived back here on the same flight.
attends Coop Ministers' Conference
Yangon, 9 April - The Myanmar delegation led by
Minister for Cooperatives Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe, together with Chairman Dr
Tun Maung of GEC (Education) Union attended the Sixth Conference of
Asia-Pacific Cooperative Ministers in Kathmandu, Nepal, from 3 to 6
A total of 196 representatives from 18 countries
and 10 international organizations attended the conference. Chairman
Mr Vanskota of National Cooperative Federation and Mr Shil Kwan Lee
of ICA Regional Office of Asia and the Pacific extended greetings.
Chairman Mr Barberini of International Cooperative Federation
delivered an opening address.
On 4 April, Minister for Cooperatives Lt-Gen Tin
Ngwe gave a speech. On 5 April afternoon, Minister Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe
presided over the conference. The representatives discussed
development of agriculture sector, improvement of international
markets in Asia and the Pacific regions and cooperation tasks to be
enhanced among countries in the region.
Then, they held a discussion on strengthening
management for cooperative societies of the countries in Asia and
the Pacific region and important role of cooperative societies in
the developed and developing nations.
( 4
) Seventh conference of Myanmar Red Cross Society held
Yangon, 9 April - The seventh conference of Myanmar Red Cross Society was held at Assembly Hall of Institute of Nursing on Bogyoke Aung San Street here at 10 am today.
Present were Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Deputy Minister Prof Dr Mya Oo, President of MRCS Dr Kyaw Win and executive members, MRCS Central Council members, representatives of International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, chairmen of State and Division Red Cross Supervisory Committees, Red Cross commanders from States and Divisions, delegates of the conference, and guests.
MRCS President Dr Kyaw Win presided over the conference and Deputy Executive Director U Hla Myint acted as master of ceremonies.
Executive Director U Aung Than read out the minutes of the Sixth conference and reports of the Central Council. The new executive members including President Dr Kyaw Win and 21 executive members were elected to the first meeting of the central council of the conference.
( 5 ) "Soon" offered to
members of the Sangha
Yangon, 9 April - The families of the Ministry of Energy offered a day's meal to the rector Sayadaw and members of the Sangha of the State Pariyatti Sasana University (Yangon) at the Mogok Soonsarhsaung on Kaba Aye Hill here this morning.
Rector Sayadaw Agga Maha Ganthavacaka Pandita Bhaddanta Vannita invested the congregation with the Five Precepts.
On behalf of the Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi, Deputy Minister U Tin Tun presented offertories to the sayadaw. Then, the deputy minister presented K 100,000 for a day's meal of members of the Sangha through Director of the Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana U Tun Mya Aung.
Then, the deputy minister, departmental heads and staff families shared merits gained and offered
"soon" to the sayadaw and members of the Sangha at Sein Brothers Soonsarhsaung.
Minister inspects communication stations
Yangon, 9 April - Minister for Communications,
Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw accompanied by officials,
gave instructions on connection of trunk call telephone line in
Thabeikkyin Township, Mandalay on 5 April. He inspected post
offices, telegraph and telephone stations and the site chosen to
build microwave station in Momeik, Shan State (North) on 6 April.
CEC member of USDA Brig-Gen Thein Zaw met with the USDA members at
Shwegu Township Peace and Development Council Office in Shwegu on 7
Then, he inspected telephone exchange, posts and
digital microwave stations in Shwegu. In the afternoon, he formally
opened new office building of Mansi Township USDA. Afterwards, he
inspected digital telephone exchange and microwave stations in Bhamo.
He accepted membership applications at the Bhamo Township USDA
office. Yesterday, he inspected work being carried out for
installation of auto telephone line to schools in Bhamo.
( 6 ) Agriculture and livestock
breeding tasks inspected
Yangon, 9 April -Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Yangon Command Commander Brig-Gen Myint Swe and Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, together with departmental officials, arrived at Seinpan Myaing All-round Agriculture and Livestock Breeding Farm being undertaken by the Ministry of Home Affairs on Thudhamma Road, North Okkalapa Township this afternoon.
They were welcomed there by officials of the farm. At the briefing hall, Commander of Yangon Division Myanmar Police Force Police Col Aung Daing reported on cultivation of vegetables and breeding of fish in the farm. The commander and the minister gave instructions and attended to the needs. After inspecting the farm, they gave instructions on making concerted efforts for marketing vegetables and fish in any season. The 9.7-acre farm is producing vegetables as well as fish and meat and sending them to
producers' tax-free markets and other markets in Yangon.
Thence, the commander and the minister proceeded to integrated model plantations being run by the Yangon East District Myanmar Police Force and the General Administration Department in Htawunbe Ward of North Okkalapa
Township. At the briefing hall, officials concerned reported on
progress of works so far carried out. The commander and the minister
fulfilled the requirements and gave necessary instructions.
They also inspected round the vegetable patches
and fish breeding ponds. The 10-acre integrated farm is supplying
vegetables, fish and meat to family members free of charge and is
sending its vegetables, fish and meat to producers' tax-free
markets. The General Administration Department has cultivated
vegetables in 190 acres and the Divisional Police Force in 120
( 7 )
Co-ord meeting on wiping out narcotic drugs (poppy cultivation) held
Yangon, 9 April - Chairman of the Central
Committee for Drug Abuse Control Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin
Hlaing held the co-ordination meeting on eradication of drug (poppy
cultivation) with the commanders of state/division/district/township
Myanmar Police Force at the meeting hall of the Ministry of Home
Affairs at 4 pm yesterday.
Present on the occasion were Secretaries of Working
Groups of the CCDAC Deputy Ministers, officials of the CCDAC, the
commanders of State/Division MPFs, the commanders of district MPFs in
poppy cultivation areas, the commanders of township MPFs and officials
concerned. In his address, Minister Col Tin Hlaing said that the purpose
of the meeting was to co-ordinate the most effective ways in stamping
out poppy cultivation in poppy cultivation areas in 2001-2002 poppy
cultivation season.
He added that the 15- year narcotic drug eradication
plan was being carried out and the third year of the project was over on
30 March. He spoke of the need to organize the public and regional
people for eradication of poppy cultivation by means of destruction of
poppy fields and called for providing the seeds of substitute crops to
wipe out poppy cultivation. He urged officials concerned to present
their requirements.
Chairman of the Monitoring Committee for Working
Groups of the CCDAC Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura
Myint Maung also spoke of the need for officials concerned to get to
know the main poppy cultivated areas in their respective townships,
districts, states/divisions; to draw up plans on how to eradicate poppy
cultivation in their respective areas; and to report progress of work
monthly. CCDAC member Suppression Work Committee Chairman Deputy
Director-General of MPF Police Brig-Gen Zaw Win explained in detail the
reformations and duties of anti-drug squads at different levels such as
state/division, district, township, ward and village-tract. CCDAC
Joint-Secretary Police Col Kham Aung submitted matters on destruction of
poppy fields, survey of poppy yield, ground survey of poppy cultivation
and progress in implementation of 15-year narcotic drug eradication
Then, Director of International Relations Department
of CCDAC Police Col Sit Aye reported on drug elimination tasks being
carried out by the International Relations Department. The meeting
adjourned at 7 pm. The second-day session of the meeting continued at 8
am today. Chairman of Monitoring Committee for Working Groups of the
CCDAC Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung
reported on narcotic drugs eradication undertaken by the Government and
the 15-year narcotic drug elimination plan to be carried out with added
momentum. Deputy Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National
Races and Development Affairs Brig-Gen Than Tun reported on opium
substitute cultivation in the border regions and formation of regional
development supervisory committees.
Deputy Minister for Livestock and Fisheries U Aung
Thein reported on assistance provided to local farmers for opium
substitute livestock breeding tasks and Director-General U Win Mra of
International Organizations and Economic Relations Department on
international relations concerning narcotic drug. Then, officials of the
working group for cultivation of substitute crops, the working group for
livestock breeding, the educative working group for student youths, the
educative working group for the public and the working group for
resettlement reported on endeavors of their respective sectors.
Next, officials of the supervisory committees for
taking effective action against drug cases and the supervisory committee
for controlling chemicals using in of refining drugs took part in the
discussions. Joint-Secretary of CCDAC Police Col Kham Aung reported on
opium cultivation and destruction, tasks of opium yield survey, data
collection of illegal opium cultivation, tasks being carried out for the
15-year drug elimination plan, Director of CCDAC (Drug Elimination)
Police Col Tin Maung Htay on implementation of drug elimination plans
and Director of CCDAC (International) Police Col Sit Aye on
international relation matters. Later, CCDAC Chairman Minister for Home
Affairs Col Tin Hlaing gave instructions on stamping out opium
cultivation and production of stimulant tablets and methods for
prevention of opium cultivation. The meeting came to a close at 6 pm.
( 8
) Over 21,000 acres of poppy plantations destroyed in 2001-2002
Yangon 9 April - The combined team comprising Tatmadawmen, members of local intelligence unit, Township Myanmar Police Force, Anti-Drug Squad, NDAK and KIA groups and local residents destroyed 199 acres of poppy plantations in Sadon region, Waingmaw Township, Kachin State, on 17 March this year.
Similarly, a group comprising departmental personnel led by the chairman of Pinlaung Township Peace and Development Council, Shan State (South), policemen led by Township MPF, members of local intelligence unit and local people destroyed 35 acres of poppy plantations, estimated map reference R-292423, Belu Creek, western Hsaunghsi Village, Panlong Township, on 21 March 2002. Up to 25-3-2002 poppy cultivation season, 2,576.663 acres of poppy plantations were destroyed in Kachin State and 1,278.02 acres of poppy plantations in Shan
State (South). Altogether 21,840.54 acres of poppy plantations have been destroyed in the entire nation.
___________________________ ( 9
) Narcotic drugs dealers jailed
Yangon, 9 April - The Toungoo District Court sentenced prison terms on two narcotic drug dealers on 20 March 2002. The combined team of local intelligence unit and Bago Anti-Drug Squad, acting on information, waiting in Zwepo Cafe in Yaykhe Kwetthit, Zeedaing Ward, Toungoo Township, and searched Sa Thant Zin Ohn, 26, son of U Ohn Kyaing of Kyauktaing Village, Toungoo Township, and Soe Lwin, 36, son of U Po Htein of Hsaya Phye Street, Ward 1, Toungoo, entering the cafe and seized 5.7135 kilos of marijuana from them on 31 October 2001. The Toungoo Police Station filed a case against them. The Toungoo District Court heard the case and sentenced the former to 20 years under Section 19 (A) and the latter to 5 years under Section 15 and 15 years under Section 19 (A) 21 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law, to serve separately.