1 ) Senior General Than Shwe inspects Kengtung Degree College, Shan State (East) General Hospital (200-bed)
Yangon, 8 April - Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of
Defense Services Senior General Than Shwe, accompanied by members of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann, Maj-Gen Soe Win, Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Maj-Gen Thein Sein, Maj-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo and Maj-Gen Kyaw Win of the Ministry of
Defense, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Vice-Admiral Kyi Min, Chief of Staff (Air) Brig-Gen Myat Hein, ministers, the Deputy Minister for Health, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office and departments concerned, arrived at Mandalay International Airport from PyinOoLwin by helicopter on 6 April morning.
Then, the Senior General and party arrived in Kengtung, Shan State (East), by Tatmadaw aircraft at 11.10 am. The Senior General and party were welcomed there by member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Aung Htwe of the Ministry of Defense, Deputy Commander of Triangle Region Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe, Secretary of Shan State (East) Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Aung Soe and members and state level departmental officials.

In the evening, the Senior General and party paid obeisance to Khemarethta Buddha Image on Swamhsat Hill in Kengtung.
The Senior General presented donations to the chairman of the pagoda
board of trustees.
At the Cultural Museum there, the Senior General
and party viewed cultural booths of national races in Shan State
Afterwards, the Senior General and party paid obeisance to Maha Myatmuni Buddha Image in Kengtung and donated cash to the funds of the pagoda to the chairman of the pagoda board of trustees.

At 8.15 am on 7 April, the Senior General and party arrived at Kengtung Degree College where they were welcomed by Principal U Aung Nyunt and faculty members.
At the hall of the main building, Principal U Aung Nyunt reported to the Senior General and party on location of the degree college and area, progress in construction of buildings, academic matters, the number of students, strength of teachers and staff and greening tasks of the degree college.
Then, Shan State (East) Superintending Engineer U Thaung Htay of Public Works reported on progress in implementing Kengtung Degree College Project and tasks to be undertaken.
In his guidance, Senior General Than Shwe said
there were many insurgents in Shan State (East) regions in the past
and there was no peace and regional stability. Therefore, education,
health and economy of the region lagged behind in development.
He said the government has made efforts to
achieve peace and made arrangements for speedy regional development.
Efforts are being made for development of education, health,
economic and transport sectors, he said.
The future of an era depends on human resource
development.So Kengtung region was designated as a development region and plans are being implemented for development of human resource, he said.
Moreover, he said, Kengtung is being developed as the capital of Shan State (East). Many areas in the region share the border with
neighboring countries. He spoke of the need to catch up with the development in education, health and economic sectors. Only when national dignity rises and national forces develop, will the future of the region be improved, he added.
Degree College, Computer College and Technological College were opened in Kengtung for turning out arts and science scholars, engineers and computer scientists, he said.
In order to produce highly-qualified educated persons, modern syllabuses are to be prescribed in universities and colleges and modern syllabuses can now be drafted, he said.
He also urged faculty members to possess high qualifications. Chances to take master's
degree and PhD courses are given to them. The third important factor
after modern syllabuses and qualified faculty members is sufficiency
of teaching aids. Necessary funds were set up to supply teaching
aids, he said.
He said the government is making all-out efforts
to serve the interests of national races and to ensure a brighter
future for them. All races living in the Union are Myanmar
nationals. The government has no will to discriminate against any
national races and wants to lead them towards prosperity, he said.
Continuing, he said, the government has been making arrangements for harmonious development of the entire Union. In doing so, the government designated 24 development regions in the country and it is undertaking the necessary measures for development.
Education and health sectors are being promoted not only in Kengtung region but also in Lashio and Taunggyi region in Shan State. The government designated Loilem District (Panglong region) where the Union Spirit and independence was born as a development region and development work of Shan State is now being undertaken.
The Senior General urged teachers to nurture the students to become highly-qualified persons and good citizens, after realizing the goodwill of the State. Students are to be trained to contend not only for development of other regions in the Union but also that of
neighboring countries, he added.
He spoke of the need to cultivate the Union Spirit for non-disintegration of the Union and perpetuation of the existing boundary of State, states and divisions. He said it is important to become citizens with national dignity so that the future of the youths will be strong and prosperous.
As the government has carried out the tasks dutifully, teachers are urged to discharge their duties conscientiously with essence, he said.
Senior General Than Shwe and party inspected scale model of Kengtung Degree College.
Senior General Than Shwe and party went to the site for construction of 200-bed General Hospital where they were welcomed by Director-General of Planning and Statistics Department Dr Kyi Soe, members of state health committee, medical superintendent Dr Than Maung and doctors.
Deputy Minister for Health Dr Kyaw Myint reported to Senior General Than Shwe and party on public health care service project in Shan State (East) and 200-bed General Hospital construction project.
Director-General Dr Kyi Soe reported on progress of disease control and public health care service, border areas health care service in cooperation wit
neighboring countries, measures undertaken for health human resource development. upgrading hospitals, supply of modern hospital equipment, progress of work on construction of 200-bed General Hospital.
Senior General Than Shwe said the work of health staff is to save the lives of the people and it is noble one. Health is important for everyone as the saying goes
"Arojam Paramum Labham". It is the desire of the people who wants to live long and to be free from disease. Health staff
fulfill this desire, he said.
Health education, prevention of diseases and
treatment of diseases are to be carried out harmoniously and the
Government is creating conditions for extensive undertaking of these
tasks, he said.
As new hospitals are being opened region-wise, so
the existing ones are being upgraded. In addition, more institutes
of medicine, institutes of dental medicine, institutes of nursing,
institutes of pharmacy, institutes of paramedical sciences and
university of primary health have been opened with the purpose of
turning out doctors, nurses and experts in paramedical sciences.
In building the nation, outstanding scholars are
necessary. Not only that, these scholars must be healthy. Only then
will highly qualified and healthy nation appear.
Therefore, human resources development programmed
is having to be implemented by laying down special four-year plan to
bring about a harmonious development of health and education sector.
Only when education and health standards of the
nation are high will the nation develop in future and be able to
keep pace with other nations.
Being close relatives and brethren, all the national people residing in 14 states and divisions are having to look after the health and wealth of one another. Twenty-four development regions have also been designated and development
programmers are being implemented.
Formerly, as there were various groups of
insurgents in Shan State (East), the social life of the local people
was very low and so was the health standard of the villages there.
Therefore, health staff should visit the villages
and take care of health care services.
As the government is making all-out efforts for
the future of the nation and development of Shan State (East), I
would like to urge the health staff to try their utmost to promote
the health standard of local people.
In conclusion, the Senior General said, all those
concerned, combining their goodwill and hard work, should carry out
their duties for the appearance of a modern and developed Union as
well as for the development of Shan State (East).
Then, Senior General Than Shwe and party inspected the progress of work in the construction of 200-bed general hospital of Shan State (East).
Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defense Services Senior General Than Shwe viewed Kengtung and its environs by helicopter and gave necessary instructions to those responsible at the Golden Triangle Guest House.
In Shan State (East), traditional shifted cultivation system has been leading to deforestation and it is found that hills are becoming bare. Due to reliance on shifted cultivation system, the people could not settle properly as villages. They have to move from one place to another where the land is more fertile. The forests are getting depleted gradually year after year. While we have ushered into 21st century, shifted cultivation system should no longer be
practiced. Such instances can also be found in Chin and Kachin States too. In hill regions, measures should thus be taken as a national plan for promoting the living standard of those who are relying on the shifted cultivation system; for enabling them to settle down properly; for conserving environment; and for replacing the shifted cultivation with terrace cultivation. The tasks to reclaim cultivable lands in hill region and substituting the shifted cultivation with terrace cultivation are related with rural development, border areas development and opium substitution crops cultivation. Hence, efforts should thus be made to meet success in implementing the tasks, he urged.
( 2 ) The INCB acknowledges Myanmar's continuous efforts to eliminate narcotic drugs with 15-year drug elimination as proof
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt attends CCDAC meeting
Yangon, 8 April - The special meeting 2/2002 of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control was held at the hall of the Ministry of Home Affairs at 1 pm today, attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt made an opening speech. He said false allegations on drugs have been made against Myanmar recently and groups which were against the State were continuously trying to be little Myanmar's drug elimination efforts. However, the State has laid down and implemented the 15-year drug elimination
programmed continuously.
Although those groups are trying to discredit Myanmar, the State is still carrying out the drug elimination tasks and holding press meets to let the others know the truth. Because of the undesirable groups, sometimes the bilateral relations may be affected despite Myanmar's efforts to promote the friendly ties.
At present, Myanmar and the other country are trying to strengthen government-to-government and Armed Forces-to-Armed Forces relations. But some groups are trying to destroy to strengthening relations. Recently, opium-trafficking SURA group's scheme to create problems relating to drugs had been revealed. At the time of the previous government of the other country, the SURA group raided the Myanmar Pachee outpost at the border. The SURA members showed the stimulant pills to media persons as if they were seized at the outpost. But, in reality, they brought the tablets there. The media they brought along exaggerated the case.
Now, some officials of SURA returned to the legal fold and the truth has been revealed with evidence. Recently, some politicians and
media men made efforts to spread the false news which said that production of the drugs had increased in Myanmar, especially in Wa region.
So, foreign diplomats and pressmen were invited to Wa region to visit it. Arrangements were also made for the diplomats and
media men to interview the national race leaders.
He said he met national race leaders and had discussions on implementing the 15-year drug elimination
programmed with added momentum to refute the fabrication on Myanmar. National race groups also issued orders on drugs in the respective regions. Success has been achieved due to combined efforts of the Government and national race groups.
The Government is taking the responsibilities to eradicate poppy cultivation and actions against drug traffickers continuously. Myanmar's efforts on drug elimination tasks have been included in the assessment of International Narcotics Control Board in Vietnam. The INCB acknowledged Myanmar's continuous efforts to eliminate the drugs with the 15-year drug elimination
programmed, which began in 1999, as the proof. The board also recognized the decrease in poppy cultivation, increase in drug seizures and the setting up of opium-free zones in recent years. The board also called for necessary assistance to international organizations. Myanmar thanked the INCB for letting the world know the drug elimination tasks.
The Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs of the United State of America stated that according to data collected on drug production by Myanmar and America, there was decline in cultivation and production of opium; opium production in 2001 decreased to 865 metric tons. Cooperative efforts have been made with
neighboring countries as well as with other organizations to a
significant degree.
Myanmar and US jointly conducted opium yield
survey for eight times. The survey showed that drug production has
been decreasing. The US is cooperating with the opium-producing
nations of the world to conduct the survey. Based on the findings,
the United State of America has given assistance on poppy-substitute
programmers to the countries concerned. Concerning Myanmar, the US
only collected the data and released the find, but did not provide
any assistance to her.
Myanmar is cooperating with ASEAN nations. It
will continue the tasks to eradicate drugs in the region by the year
2015 which is the aim of the ASEAN.
The drug elimination programmed has been laid down with the firm determination of the Myanmar people.
To point out the cooperative efforts of Myanmar with other nations, Myanmar is cooperating with China, Thailand, India and Laos, and tripartite tasks such as Myanmar-Thailand-UNDP, Myanmar-China-UNDP and Myanmar-Laos-UNDP
have been carried out.
Of the collective work with other nations,
success has been achieved most in cooperation with China.
Information exchange and cooperative efforts on elimination drugs have been made.
In Myanamr-Thai cooperation, although the governments and the armed forces are making cooperative efforts friendly, there is weaknesses in grassroots level and some plots to destroy the good terms between the two countries is found.
The SURA group's creating conflicts at the border
area between the two countries is the main factor and evidence have
been revealed.
In the last incident, the grassroots level
association form the other nation without making cooperation entered
the Myanmar and take actions on their own accord. They give
information to Myanmar only when their plans did not work. They
announced they made cooperative efforts with Myanmar when Myanmar
officials have revealed the case and taken actions. But, Myanmar
will maintain and promote the friendship between the two countries.
To give as example of positive cooperation,
Myanmar has successfully held the meeting of foreign ministers from
India, Myanmar and Thai during the last few days.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 said earnest efforts are to be made to let the world know Myanmar's effort on drug elimination and to implement the drug elimination
programmed with added momentum.
Then, Chairman of Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing said:
Step by step endeavors are being made for narcotic drugs elimination in accord with the guidance because narcotic drugs issue is not only national cause but also international cause.
Resolutions of CCDAC meetings are being materialized work committee-wise. These measures are being made known by international community and diplomats. Led by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and me, ambassadors and Charge d Affairs of embassies in Yangon made visits to Wa regions-Kengtung, Mongyun, Wunhon, Pangsang and Namtit. These visits enabled them to witness opium substitute agricultural undertakings and regional development work, projects, thriving cultivation of yearly crops and perennial crops. The trips also enabled them to meet national leaders.
The diplomats got a chance to study how much investment is made and how much difficulty the government and local national groups are experiencing in cultivation of opium substitute agricultural work and regional development
endeavors in border areas.
Diplomats were pleased to have a chance to meet Wa leaders and raised questions to their heart contents. While they were in Mongyun, they were conducted around the hydro-electric power station, the rice mill and the warehouses and the markets which were accused to be stimulant tablet producing factories by Thai newspapers with the use of satellite photos.
They were also shown thriving summer paddy cultivation by irrigated water in Mongyun region. They also got a chance to know that production of rice meets rice sufficiency as the region becomes developed. Similarly, they also witnessed establishment of new business and new life for opium cultivators apart from reduction in opium cultivation. Explanations were given to them that Wa leaders are making concerted efforts for regional development with broad outlook opening door to outside world.
In collaboration with UNDCP, field survey could be conducted in 2001-2002 under the
programmed of surveying of illicit opium cultivation in the whole Wa region.
Wa national group gave full assistance. Seeds of opium substitute crops were distributed by CCDAC to the opium cultivators through local authorities during the raining seasons and land reclamation period after raising a fund. This was made with the aim to tackle difficulties in growing other crops apart from opium by opium cultivators and to prohibit opium cultivation starting from reclamation period. These
endeavors were also explained to the diplomats. Projects are implementing for prohibiting opium cultivation in Shan State, Shan (North) and Shan (East) where opium is grown most during forthcoming opium cultivation season laying down plans.
Plans are being made for timely distribution of seeds of opium substitute crops, growing the crops and constant supervising till harvest. Technical assistance and fertilizers will also be given. Moreover, livestock breeding work will be carried out to earn substitute income. Although UN organization and countries in the region recognized success in drug elimination endeavors in Myanmar, pessimists are speaking ill of it. In spite of it, we will continue our endeavors with greater momentum with mutual understanding from central level to basic level.
Minister Col Thein Nyunt briefed the meeting on cultivation of buckwheat at border areas covered by the drug elimination project with the participation of the CCDAC and the leaders of the national races groups, assistance being given to export buckwheat to Japan, setting up of opium-substitute plantations, distribution of seeds, provision of food and financial assistance to farmers whose poppy fields had been destroyed.
Minister U Win Aung explained the expedition of the diplomats of foreign mission to southern and northern Wa regions.
Leader of Public Relations and Information Group Minister for Labour U Tin Winn explained the activities of the group.
CCDAC Joint Secretary Police Col Kham Aung
reported on the accomplishments in realizing the minutes of meeting
/.2002, followed by a general round of discussions.
In his concluding address, the Secretary-1 said
drug eradication tasks must be carried out with greater momentum in
accord with the decisions laid down at the meeting. The leaders of
the national races themselves are actively participating in the
tasks to wipe out the drugs.
Efforts will have to be made to curb illicit
trafficking of drugs at the border. The local authorities and
regional drug eradication bodies should be dutiful. All are required
to make harmonious efforts root out the drugs sooner than the set
( 3 ) H & T Minister inspects hotels in Rakhine State
Yangon, 8 April - Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, accompanied by Deputy Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs U Kyaw Tin, Managing Director of Directorate of Hotels and Tourism U Kyi Tun, arrived at Sittway Airport by air on 6 April afternoon.
Together with Commander of Regional Control Command Brig-Gen Phone Swe, the minister after hearing reports of implementation tasks in the period of 2001-2002 fiscal year presented by the managers gave instructions on exceeding the target of the project, promoting the standard of the hotel by keeping it neat and tidy and minimizing loss and wastage at Sittway Hotel.
Next, accompanied by Deputy Commander of Western Command Col Myo Lwin, the minister and party inspected private Nobel Hotel and Shwe Thazin Hotel in Sittway and gave necessary instruction to the officials.
On 7 April the minister and party met Commander of Western Command Brig-Gen Maung Oo and discussed matters on ensuring transport of Sittway-MraukU trip and upgraded renovation of Sittway and MraukU hotels. They proceeded to MraukU Hotel and met with Chairman of MraukU Township Peace and Development Council U Thein Tun and the Deputy Director of the Department of Archaeology. They discussed matters related to greening of MraukU and maintenance tasks of pagodas and prayer halls in the archaeological zone.
Deputy Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs U Kyaw Tin inspected renovation of roads and bridges and gave necessary instructions to the officials.
Afterwards the minister and party visited Shitthaung pagoda of MraukU, Archaeological Museum and gave instructions to the officials on required renovation of the pagoda. They then in the afternoon visited Kothoung Pagoda, Wisitaw Pagoda, West Myatansaung Pagoda and Maha Myat Muni Pagoda in Kyauktaw. Later, the minister and party inspected MraukU Hotel and private Nawarat Hotel in MraukU.
( 4
) Construction of Domestic Training
School inspected
Yangon, 8 April- Minister for Social Welfar,
Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, acoompained by officials
concerned, inspected construction of a domestic science training
school and a per-primary school inspected Zeebingyi Fire Services
Training School in Pyin Oo Lwin Township on 3 April.
( 5 ) Shan
State Special Region-1 Administrative
Committee issues notification to effectively
combat scourge of narcotic drugs
Yangon, 8 April- Shan State Special Region-1 Administrative Committee issued a notification to effectively combat narcotic drugs on 28 March 2002.
The full text of the notification is as follows:
Notification to effectively combat narcotic drugs by
Shan State Special Region-1
Administrative Committee
Letter No: 2002, No (1)
Considerable success has been achieved in fighting against narcotic drugs due to over 10
years' efforts of the Special Region-1. However, narcotic drugs continue to threaten our country and local national races at present. According to the instructions of Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt at the meeting held in Lashio on 22 March 2002, Kokang Administrative Committee held its meeting on 25 March 2002 and passed the decree, mentioned below, to effectively eliminate the narcotic drugs.
(a) Everyone whoever engages in production and trafficking of narcotic drugs is responsible for his or her own deed. Action will be taken against whoever engages in narcotic drugs production and trafficking, as follows:
(b) Drug related crimes
(i) Production of heroin and amphetamine
(ii) Trafficking of various kinds of narcotic drugs and keeping chemicals and paraphernalia in
(iii) Abuse of various kinds of narcotic drugs
(iv) Poppy cultivation
(c) Effective and deterrent action will be taken under the law of the State against the person who is guilty of producing various kinds of narcotic drugs. Punishments ranging from prison term, life imprisonment and death sentence will be meted out to the guilty person commensurate with the offence committed.
(d) Action will be taken effectively against traffickers of narcotic drugs under the law of the State. Punishments ranging from prison term, life imprisonment and death sentence will be meted out to the guilty person commensurate with the offence committed.
(e) If poppy growers cannot be admonished not to grow poppy, the poppy fields shall be destroyed and legal action be taken against the poppy growers.
(f) Effective and deterrent action will be taken against narcotic drugs abusers.
(g) In order to wipe out the narcotic drugs menace, the Narcotic Drugs Control Committee of the Special Region-1 and the group members to whom duty was assigned for that purpose by the Committee are to see to the enforcement of the above-mentioned stipulations.
(h) With effect from the date this notification is issued, the public and Kokang Group members of the Special Region-1 are to abide by it and strive for
elemi- nation of narcotic drugs in the light of serving the interests of the State and the residential national peoples.
U Phon Kyar Shin
Special Region-1 Administrative Committee
( 6 )
Wa State United Army HQ of Shan State (North)
Special Region-2 in Pangkham issues
Drug Elimination Order No 2
Yangon, 8 April - The Wa State United Army Headquarters of
Shan State (North) Special Region-2 in Pangkham issued the Drug
Elimination Order No 2 on 26 March 2002.
The full text of the Order is as follows:
Shan State (North) Special Region-2
Wa State United Army Headquarters, Pangkham
The Drug Elimination Order No 2
26th March 2002
The Wa region separated itself from the Burma
Communist Party in April 1989. Afterwards, the Wa region laid down
the drug control and elimination plan in November 1990 to reduce
opium sown acreage annually, and to totally wipe out poppy
cultivation in the end without any assistance from others. It has
also made a decision and the arrangements to totally end poppy
cultivation within a period from 15 to 20 years.
Under the leadership of the government of the
Union of Myanmar and with the assistance of UNDCP, a plan to totally
free the region from poppy cultivation and drug production by 2005
has been declared to the world in 1997. The Drug Elimination Order
was declared in 2000.
Due to the efforts made during the previous 10
years, our drug control project has achieved great success, and has
also won the praise and appreciation of the local and foreign
As we have no propaganda machinery (media) and
due to other reasons, some nations and some organizations cannot
fully understand the drug control undertakings of the Wa region, and
there occurred some misunderstandings. Especially, the foreign
assistance recipient opium-trafficking armed group and the traitors
of the Myanmar people are trying to cause confusion at Myanmar-Thai
border and intentionally misusing the name of the Wa group; they are
also creating drug trafficking problems at the border and spreading
fabrications to discredit the Wa group. Thus, the Wa group has to
suffer much from their conspiracies. So, we will have to present the
true situation and must always be vigilant.
Upholding the guideline and the policy of the
State, and in cooperation with the drug eradication task of the UN,
the Drug Elimination Order No 2 is issued for all the commanders and
troops of the Wa group in the Wa region and the local people to
abide by it, and to successfully implement the drug elimination
project (2005).
Shan State (North) Special Region-2 Wa State
United Army Headquarters, Pangkham
Date: ------
1. Re-cultivation of poppy is totally prohibited
in 2002 at townships and village-tracts included in the restricted
zone which forbids poppy cultivation. If poppy cultivation is found,
the poppy field will be destroyed, and action will be taken against
the cultivator under the criminal act.
2. No organization nor individual shall refine
heroin and manufacture stimulant tablets in the Wa region. And if
found committing the offence, all the properties shall be impounded,
and the persons who are involved in the case shall be arrested and
action shall be taken against them.
3. There shall not be abuse of heroin and
stimulant pills in any form. The violator shall undergo physical
treatment. He will face action if he commits the crime once again.
4. The employees who are discharging duties at
the commercial and trade enterprises in towns such as Yangon,
Mandalay, Lashio, Kengtung, Taunggyi and Tachilek and the gems land
shall abide by the laws and rules enacted by the State. Illegal
trade is prohibited. Those who conduct trafficking shall face
punishment in accord with the law. Those who commit serious
offences shall face capital punishment.
5. No trafficking shall be permitted under the
name of the Wa group. No one shall be permitted to try to recover
loans or do business armed and in the uniform of the Wa army.
6. Trafficking of narcotic drugs to or through
the Wa region is totally prohibited. If found, all the property
including the cars shall be confiscated. The traffickers shall face
arrest and legal action.
7. The members of the Wa army, departmental
personnel, political parties and other organizations in special
townships and districts, the administrative bodies and the important
leaders of the Wa troops shall implement the task by launching
propaganda, education programmes and inspections and taking action
- Progress on investigations and
implementation must be reported in writing to the Headquarters
20th April 2002.
- After 20th April 2002, the Headquarters
will send inspection teams to various departments.
8. As the 2005 Deterrent Plan against cultivation
and production of narcotic drugs is a massive and significant work
plan, we must see to it that the plan be successfully implemented.
9. In implementing this Order, the respective
departments and units must be free from attachment to own
department, egoism and conventional means. Let's invigorate
ourselves to pay serious attention to serving the interests of the
whole region, to stability and solidarity and to promoting the
social life of the people of Wa region.
10. Immediate and prompt actions must be taken by
various departments concerned with effect from the moment they
receive this Order.
The Special Order is hereby issued.
Central Committee
Wa Region United Party
Naing-Ngan Special Region-2, Wa Region
( 7 )
Inye Station Hospital opened in Kyonpyaw

Yangon, 8 April - USDA CEC member U Aung Khin met
with executives and the secretary of Kyonpyaw Township USDA on 6
April and presented K 150,000 and 200 copies of the national culture
and moral character to the Township USDA. On 7 April, the CEC member
attended the opening ceremony of Inye Station Hospital in the
Then, Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin-wife
Daw Yin Yin Nyunt and family donated K 300,000 for the
funds of the hospital to Deputy Director-General U Soe Aung of Health
Department.Next, the minister accepted K 2 million donated by Golden
Temple Sayadaw Ven Shi Fa Zhao of Singapore and K 500,000 by Shri Asia
Co Ltd proprietor U Hla Thein. At the donation ceremony, Kyonpyaw
Township Sangha Nayaka Committee U Obhasa delivered a sermon, followed
by sharing of merits. Later, the minister and wife and guests offered
"soon" to the Sayadaws.
( 8
) 37,000 stimulant tablets seized in Hsenwi
Yangon, 8 April - A combined team comprising
members of local intelligence unit and Lashio Anti-Drug Squad,
acting on information, searched Yanei (a) Kyaw Win, 40, son of U Yan
Phone Sheng of Kunlong Township, Shaukpanhai Village, and Aik Nay,
41, son of U Khay Sai Yi of Ward-12, region-3, Lashio on 22 March
evening at the Namptu Bridge at the entrance to Hsenwi and arrested
them together with 37,000 stimulant tablets weighing 3.7 kilos from
their knapsacks. Action is being taken against them by the Lashio
Police Station No 2 under section 19 (A) of Narcotic Drugs and
Psychotropic Substances Law.
___________________________ ( 9
) Drug dealers jailed
Yangon, 8 April - A combined team including members of local intelligence unit and Yagon Anti-Drug Squad, acting on a tip-off, on 6 February 2001 searched Soe Myint at the corner of Anawrahta Road and 33rd Street and seized three blocks of heroin weighing 1.065 kilos from his suitcase.
In connection with the case, Kyauktada Police Station filed Soe Myint, 42, son of U Khin Pe of No 93, U Chit Maung Street, Saya San Ward (South), Bahan Township, and Soe Aung, 46, son of U Tin Shein of Kyungalay Village in Latpadan Township under section 15/19(A)/20(A)/21 of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
On 11 March 2002, Yangon District Court (West) sentenced Soe Myint to 20
years'imprisonment under section 19 (A) and Soe Aung to five yearsŐ under section 15.