1 ) Secretary-1 inspects development tasks of Khayan,
Thongwa and Kyauktan
Yangon, 7 April - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council, member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than of the Ministry of Defence, Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Brig-Gen Myint Swe, the ministers, the deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of departments and officials, left here by helicopter this morning and arrived at the construction site of Paiksee-Mayan embankment near Paiksee Village in Thongwa Township at 8.15 am.
The Secretary-1 and party were welcomed by Chairman of Yangon South District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Sein Hlaing, members of Thongwa and Khayan Township Peace and Development Councils, departmental officials, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association and local farmers.
At the briefing hall, the Secretary-1 met departmental personnel and local farmers.
Departmental officials reported on completed Mayan-Zwebar embankment in Kyauktan Township and construction of Paiksee-Mayan embankment in Thongwa Township, reclamation of 17,000 acres of cultivable lands after construction of the new embankments, allotment of cultivable lands, soil condition of new farmland, land preparations, selection of paddy strains and cultivation methods.
Local farmers reported on paddy strains and the yield of paddy. Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Brig-Gen Khin Maung gave a supplementary report on selection of paddy strains and cultivation methods.
Head of Division Fisheries Department reported on allotment of 3,100 acres of land for breeding of sea prawn for private entrepreneurs after construction of embankments that prevent the flow of salty water into the region and prawn breeding being undertaken with the use of conventional and modern methods.
Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein gave a supplementary report.
Chairmen of Thongwa and Khayan Township Peace and Development Councils U Khin Maung Aye and U Maung Maung Soe reported on regional development including agriculture, prawn breeding, building of roads and bridges, sinking of wells, digging of canals, education, health and communications. Chairman of Yangon South District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Sein Hlaing gave a supplementary report.
Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Brig-Gen Myint Swe reported on cultivable lands, permits to undertake cultivation on the lands after construction of Paiksee-Mayan-Zwebar embankment and upgrading of roads in the townships.
The Secretary-1 fulfilled the requirements. He said he and the ministers came to the region to inspect construction of Mayan-Zwebar and Paiksee-Mayan embankments, a development task in the agricultural sector being carried out in Khayan-Thongwa and Kyauktan Townships and to fulfil the requirements for regional development.
Economic enterprises based on agriculture are
successful in these three townships. Sea water flowed into the region along the coast and cultivation could not be done. So an embankment was built in those days, he said. Vacant lands were reclaimed outside the embankment. Preventing the region from flowing of sea water, Mayan-Zwebar embankment was built in about 1999 for reclamation of farmlands. As a result, over 10,00 acres of farmlands were reclaimed, he added.
Arrangements are being made for continued construction of Mayan-Zwebar embankment up to Khayan Township. Now construction of Paiksee-Mayan embankment has been completed and there will be over 5,000 acres of farmlands. On completion of the whole project, there will be more farmlands, he said.
Moreover, he said, there has been much success in deep sea prawn breeding outside the embankment. Spending a large sum of money, the government built Mayan-Zwebar-Paiksee embankment for agricultural, livestock breeding and economic development and raising of living standard, he said.
He urged local people to make efforts for progress of agriculture, livestock breeding and economy with the effective use of better foundations achieved.
He said arrangements are being made ensuring better communication and transport in southern parts of Yangon Division.
He said the government is implementing the projects phase by phase for regional development and called on local people for cooperation in the tasks.
Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt presented television sets and batteries to basic education middle schools in Gadonpaw Ale, Seywa and Pyinmagan Villages in Thongwa Township and Yegyaw, Thetkelgon and Maungma Villages in Khayan Township.
The Secretary-1 inspected Paiksee-Mayan embankment.
Managing Director U Thet Aung of Winner Brothers International Co Ltd reported on scientific prawn breeding.
The Secretary-1 and party inspected prawn breeding ponds of the company.
The Secretary-1 and party went to Aungchantha deep sea prawn breeding station of Yangon City Development Committee in Kyauktan Township.
Joint Secretary of YCDC U Kyi Win reported on location of the prawn breeding station, digging of 12 ponds, arrangements for breeding of prawn. The Minister for Home Affairs and officials reported on agriculture and livestock breeding in the township.
The Secretary-1 then gave instructions.
The Secretary-1 said deep sea prawn breeding is a prosperous business if there are systematic arrangements. Natural and modern methods must be combined for success.
Progress in agriculture and livestock breeding in the region will contribute towards the production activities of the State, he said.
The Secretary-1 called for making efforts for regional development and raising of living standard of local people. The Secretary-1 and party inspected Mayan-Zwebar embankment.
The Secretary-1 and party went to Zwebar Gontan Village where they were welcomed by members of District and Township Peace and Development Councils, departmental personnel, members of USDA and social associations and local farmers.
Director U Tin Soe of Yangon Division Development Affairs Committee reported on construction of rural roads in Kyauktan Township and sinking of wells.
District senior engineer of Public Works reported on tasks on roads and bridges.
Chairman of Kyauktan Township Peace and Development Council U Lu Maw reported on regional development including agriculture, livestock breeding, education, health, roads and bridges and communication services.
Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Khin Maung reported on works of agriculture special zones. Commander Brig-Gen Myint Swe gave a supplementary report.
Chairmen of Village Peace and Development Councils reported on requirements of education, health, roads and bridges and communication services.
The Secretary-1 presented television sets and batteries to basic education middle schools in Kaladan, Ywathitgyi and Zwebargontan Villages in Kyauktan Township.
The Secretary-1 said he came to the region to inspect construction tasks on embankment in Khayan-Thongwa and Kyauktan, reclamation of farmland and allotment and deep sea water prawn breeding and to fulfil the requirements for regional development. He said he met officials and local people in Khayan and Thongwa Townships and fulfilled the requirements on transport, education and health.
Under the guidance of the Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, various departments are implementing the five rural development tasks nation-wide.
Village to village roads and village to township ones are being upgraded, bridges are being built for ensuring smooth transportation in Khayan, Thongwa and Kyauktan Townships and road along the coast in parallel with the embankment is under construction.
In education and health sector, schools and dispensaries were opened for promotion of education and health standards of rural people.
It is difficult to get fresh water in the region and people relied on only rain water tanks for drinking. Therefore, arrangements are to be made for sinking of at least a tube well in a village, he said.
Agricultural and livestock breeding works play a vital role in ensuring success of economic progress in rural region. The Mayan-Zwebar-Paiksee embankment was built spending huge sum of funds for reclaiming cultivable land and preventing sea water from coming into coastal regions of Khayan, Kyauktan and Thongwa. As a result, over 17,000 acres of cultivable land have been reclaimed and sea-prawn breeding works are also thriving there. Arrangements are being made to promote the economic lives of the regional people so as to raise their living standards. In accordance with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, rural development tasks are being implemented with added momentum. At this juncture, the local people themselves are to conscientiously strive for regional development as well as for developing their agricultural and livestock breeding undertakings, he urged.
The Secretary-1 and party left there and arrived back in Yangon in the afternoon.
( 2 ) Commander attends corner-stone laying ceremony
Yangon, 7 April - Chairman of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Commander of South-West Command Brig-Gen Htay Oo attended the corner-stone laying ceremony for the Ayenyeinthazay Satu-mudha Zeyatheikhi pagoda held in Laymyethna Township in Ayeyawady Division yesterday morning.
The ceremony was opened with three times recitation of Namo Tassa.
Then, the congregation received the Nine Precepts from Presiding Sayadaw
of Thayettaw Kyaungtaik Maha Kammathana¨ariya Bhaddanta Panditabhi-vamsa.
The commander and wellwishers presented a silver casket and bricks to members of the Sangha who later recited parittas. Afterwards, the Commander presented offertories to the members of the Sangha.
Wellwishers presented cash for the pagoda to the commander and officials, followed by sharing of merits gained.
The commander enshrined the casket and the commander and officials laid foundation of the pagoda at the auspicious time.

The ceremony came to a close with three times recitation of Buddha Sasanam Ciramtithatu.
Commander attends coord meetings
Yangon, 7 April - Chairman of Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Commander of North-West Command Brig-Gen Soe Naing attended a work coordination meeting on boosting production
of Sagaing Division at Myathanla hall of the Division Peace and Development Council office on 2 April morning.
First, the commander made a speech, and Director of the Planning Department U Tin Oo reported on implementation of economic plan in 2002.
Then, members of the Division Agricultural Supervisory Committee explained the work sector-wise and the meeting came to a close with the concluding remarks by the commander.
On 3 April morning, the commander attended a work coordination meeting on boosting agricultural production of Sagaing Division at Myathanla
Responsible officials reported on matters related
to boosting agricultural production and the commander urged those
present to exert efforts for boosting agricultural production.
( 3 ) Minister addresses ceremony to mark World Health Day
Yangon, 7 April - A ceremony to mark the year 2002 World Health Day was held at International Business Centre here at 9 am today, with an address by Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein.
Speaking on the occasion, Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein said that April the seventh was set as the World Health Day and the ceremonies are being held all over the world. In accord with the social
objectives uplift of health, fitness and education standards of the entire nation-Myanmar is making concerted efforts to implement the task of national health throughout the country so that the standard of national health will be promoted.
In line with the national health policies guided by the Myanmar National Health Committee, the national health plan is being drawn and implemented, he added.
Everybody is to participate in health activities not only for diseases control in accord with the motto
-- Move of Health -- but also for improvement of health, he said. It is necessary to cooperate for undertaking health activities in line with the motto
-- Move of Health.
Then, Resident Representative of WHO Dr Agostino Borra read the message on World Health Day for 2002 sent by the WHO Director-General.

After the ceremony, the ministers and guests viewed the Myanmar health activities exhibition.
Minister inspects renovation work of ancient pagodas
Yangon, 7 April - Minister for Culture U Tin Winn, accompanied by Director-General of the Department of Archaeology U Nyunt Han and officials, inspected renovation work of ancient pagodas in Mondaing region, 12 miles west of Meiktila on 5 April afternoon.
Responsible officials reported on renovation of Konboung period pagodas and religious buildings with the use of the State funds in the region.
The minister inspected round the pagodas and ordination halls and left necessary instructions.
Then, the minister inspected Mondaing monastic building and gave instructions on timely renovation of the building. There are 72 ancient pagodas and religious buildings of the Konboung period in the region. On 6 April, the minister proceeded to Bagan Archaeological Museum and inspected 12 kinds of antiques handed over by board of trustees of Shwezigon Pagoda to the museum. Then, the minister inspected renovation of Hsinbyushin monastery in Bagan and left necessary
Sepak Takraw Tournament ends
Yangon, 7 April - Final matches and the prize presentation ceremony of Milo's Trophy Sepak Takraw Tournament, organized by Myanmar Sepak Takraw Federation and Milo's Co under the leadership of Myanmar Olympic Committee, were held at National Indoor Stadium-1 in Thuwunna
this afternoon.
After the final matches, the prize presentation followed. Director-General U Thaung Htaik of Sports and Physical Education Department presented first and second prizes to YCDC (A) team, Home Affairs (A) team and joint third prizes to Home Affairs (B) and YCDC (B) teams in the women's open event.
Vice-President of MSTF U Zaw Win presented joint third prizes to YCDC and Kyaikkasan Youth teams in the under-16 age
boys' event and President Police Brig-Gen Zaw Win presented first and second prizes to Thanlyinthar and Transport teams. Mr Girisb of Milo Co presented first and second prizes to Forestry (B) team, Forestry (A) team and joint third prizes to Agriculture & Irrigation team and YCDC (B) team in the men's open event.
Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint presented Milo's trophy and K 100,000 to YCDC (A) team which stood first in the women's open event, Milo's trophy and K 100,000 to Thanlyinthar team which stood first in the under-16
boys' event and Milo's trophy and K 150,000 to Forestry Ministry (B) team which stood first in the men's open
( 4
) Ordination and novitiation ceremony held
Yangon, 7 April - Under the sponsorship of Dagon Myothit (South) Township Union Solidarity and Development Association, the ordination and novitiation ceremony was held at Nikaya Sarthintaik in Ward 25, Dagon Myothit (South) Township, at 11.30 am today.
Staff Officer of Yangon Division Religious Affairs Department U San Thin Hlaing acted as master of ceremonies.
The ceremony was opened with the recitation of Namo Tassa. The congregation received the Five Precepts administered by Agga Maha Pandita Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kalyana. The Sayadaws recited Parittas such as Metta Sutta. CEC members Col Maung Pa and Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko and donor U Nay Win-Daw Khin Saw Kyu (Myanma Sein Bayin and Ngwe Yin Yin jewellery shop) offered alms to the Sayadaws.
Then, the donor family donated K 300,000 for Taingtaya Monastic Education School, in Ward 21, Dagon Myothit (South) Township, to Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko.
Afterwards, the Taikoak Sayadaw delivered a sermon and the congregation shared merits gained for the good deeds. The ceremony ended with the recitation of Buddha Sasanam ‚iram Titthatu.
Vocalists Yee Yee Thant, Yan Paing Soe, Shwe Yi Win, Sein Le Le Moe and Set Maw entertained the audience with Myanma classical songs at the
Deputy Minister inspects schools
Yangon, 7 April - Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung met township education officers from Nattalin, Zeegon and Gyobingauk townships and teachers from basic education schools in Nattalin Township at the hall of Nattalin Basic Education High School on 2 April.
On 3 April morning, Central Executive Committee member of Myanmar War Veterans Organization Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung met members of division/district WVO Supervisory Committees and township organizing committees and gave instructions on tasks to be carried out effectively at Khittaya hall in Pyay, Bago Division (West).
On 5 April afternoon, he met the Magway Division Education Officer, township education officers, school heads and teachers. He briefed matters on education promotion
( 5 ) CEC member inspects rural development tasks in Meiktila, Yamethin Districts
Yangon, 7 April - Member of Central Executive Committee of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Brig-Gen Khin Maung, accompanied by officials and USDA executives of Meiktila District and Township, attended the launching ceremony of the tube-well, donated by Col Khin Maung Soe-Daw Ni Ni Myint, in Mezalikan Village, Thazi Township, on 4 April.
At the ceremony, a USDA village organizer and a villager opened the tube-well. The CEC member explained development tasks being undertaken by the association. Then, the CEC member and party attended the opening ceremony of a two-mile-long earth road linking Maungmahse and Htanaungkan villages and the gravel road leading from Minhlakan embankment to Pauktaw Village.
Representatives of USDA and respective villages formally opened the roads. The CEC member discussed participation of USDA members in undertaking of five rural development tasks. Next, the CEC member and party attended the ceremony to submit 2,015 USDA membership applications in Myayso Montaw village.
Afterwards, CEC member Brig-Gen Khin Maung-wife Thudhamma Theingi Daw Aye Aye Cho donated books on tri-Pitaka and provisions to Thazi Township Sangha Nayaka Committee Chairman Sayadaw Bhaddanta Ottama at the Tazaung of Shweyinhmyaw Pagoda in Ywagyi Village.
On 5 April, the CEC member, accompanied by officials and executives of Yamethin District USDA attended the opening ceremony of a three-mile-long earth road in Shwenyaung Village-tract in Pyawbwe Township, a five-mile and four-furlong-long earth road in Shwenattaung Village, Myinna Village-tract in Yamethin Township and a one-mile-long earthen road in Sipaing Village-tract in Lewe Township and the membership application ceremony in Yamethin Township. Then, the CEC member attended the opening ceremonyŹof a new school building, 72 feet long and 24 feet wide, built by Pyinmana Township USDA, at Pyankapyay Village Affiliated Basic Education High School in Pyinmana Township. After discussing the aim of the association and future tasks, the CEC member accepted 4,200 membership applications. Later, officials formally opened the new school
( 6 )
Regional development tasks
inspected in Myaing, Pakokku
Yangon, 7 April - Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Col Zaw Min, accompanied by officials, inspected rural gravel and earthen roads linking Myaing-Pyukan-Thanatyin-Bahin villages in Myaing Township on 2 April morning.
At Primate Guest House in Bahin Village, the division chairman heard reports on tasks being carried out in the education, health, water supply, transport, agriculture and regional development sectors by departmental officials and gave necessary instructions.
Then, the division chairman proceeded to Bahin Dam built by blocking Theinhtoo Creek, about one mile from Bahin village. Director of Irrigation Department (Maintenance) U Hon Kyi reported on maintenance work for the dam and water supply for cultivated lands. The chairman left necessary instructions.
Bahin Dam can store 983.2 acres-feet of water. The dam, 2,300 feet long and 35 feet high, irrigates over 600 acres of cultivated land and 100 acres of summer paddy through the 10,000 feet long feeder canal and two small canals.
Next, Col Zaw Min inspected the road linking Bahin and Wetaung villages and met with local people in Wetaung and Huswin villages. He explained regional development tasks to them.
Afterwards, Col Zaw Min inspected two acres of Thithseint trees (belleric myrobalan) grown near Pakokku-Myaing road by Myaing Township Peace and Development Council and left necessary instructions to officials.
Col Zaw Min then arrived at Pakokku General Hospital and cordially met with the specialist surgeon group of Mandalay led by Deputy Director Dr Tin Lin Myint of Health Planning Department (Upper Myanmar) and Dr Daw Nu Nu Yi. He visited wards at the hospital.
The specialist surgeons group gave treatment to 631 patients from townships and villages in Pakokku District.
( 7 )
Annual General Meeting of MWEA held
Yangon, 7 April - The 7th Annual General Meeting of Myanmar Women EntrepreneursÕ Association was held at the building of the association on Shwedagon Pagoda Road this morning.
Patron of MWEA Agga Maha Thiri Thudhamma Theingi Excellent Performance in Social Field (First Class) medal winner Daw Se made an opening speech and Chairperson of MWEA Thiha Thudhamma Theingi Daw Sein Sein extended greetings.
Then, Secretary Daw Nu Nu Yi and treasurer Daw Tin Shwe of the association read out annual report and financial statement respectively and members approved the report and the statement.
Afterwards, Adviser to the association Founder Prof (retd) Daw Yi Yi Myint explained the purposes of the association.
Certificates of honour were also presented to title recipients Patrons writer Daw Saw Mon Nyin and Daw Se, members of the advisory board Prof Daw Khin Aye Win and Daw Thin Thin, Chairperson Daw Sein Sein, Vice-Chairperson Daw Khin Myint Myint of MWEA and member Daw Yin Kyway of MWEA (Pyay).
The meeting came to a close with a concluding speech by the chairperson.
( 8
National races cultural group visits Agricultural Museum
Yangon, 7 April - At the invitation of Chairman of Border Areas and National Races Development Work Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, the visiting 197-member national races cultural group from Panwa and Lweje regions in Kachin State, Bawlake region in Kayah State, Myainggyingu and Whaeitshan regions in Kayin State, Kyikha and Paletwa regions in Chin State, Leshi and Lahe regions in Sagaing Division, Mongton, Panghsan and Mongmao regions in Northern Shan State, Mongpauk, Adee and Monghsat regions in Eastern Shan State and Bokpyin region in Taninthayi Division, which will participate in the year 2002 Maha Thingyan Festival, led by Deputy Director of the Progress of Border Areas and National Races Department Maj Aung Hsan Oo visited and viewed Yangon Zoological Gardens this morning.
Then, they proceeded to Agricultural Museum where the officials conducted them round. Afterwards the group went to the Nursery Market Festival and studied the exhibits.
___________________________ ( 9
Warm-up soccer match held
Yangon, 7 April - A warm-up soccer match between tentatively selected Myanmar Football Team and Combined Football Players Team was held at Thuwunna football ground of Youth Training Centre at 4 pm today.
Among the spectators were Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, General-Secretary of MOC Director-General of Sports and Physical Education Department President of Myanmar Football Federation U Thaung Htaik and officials, members of the panel of patrons of Myanmar Women's Sports Federation, invited guests and fans.
Tentatively selected Myanmar Football Team beat Combined Football Players Team 2-0.