1 ) Purpose of military training to
get prepared to confront modern warfare Psychological warfare can
still overcome most sophisticated weapons Senior General Than Shwe
addresses graduation parade of 44th Intake of DSA
Yangon, 5 April - The graduation parade of the 44th Intake of
Defense Services Academy was held at the parade grounds of the
Defense Services Academy in PyinOoLwin at 7.30 am today, with an address by Commander-in-Chief of
Defense Services Senior General Than Shwe.
At the ceremony, the Senior General inspected cadet companies. Then, the Commander-in-Chief of
Defense Services took the salute of the graduation cadet company.
Afterwards, the Senior General presented Aungsitthi Award to Cadet Hla Moe, Excellent Training Award to Cadet Aung Tin Win, Excellent Study Award (Computer) to Cadet Khaing Thant Moe, Excellent Study Award (Science) to Cadet Lay Naung and Excellent Study Award (Arts) to Cadet Thet Naing.
Senior General Than Shwe said that the day when the 44th Intake of DSA concluded is a milestone of success for all, and it is also the day when the Tatmadaw is further strengthened again.
As all are to be assigned duty as junior leaders, what should be known is going to be told.
All the Tatmadaw members of various ranks are to be imbued with leadership qualities. Only then will they be able to provide leadership at different levels at the same time.
Every leader needs to possess sixteen qualities of leadership. Only when one who is imbued with the qualities of leadership can provide leadership with the outstanding qualities, will he be able to assume the life of a leader.
Leadership is a quality which can evoke a strength by combining the spirit and efficiency of man. With regard to carrying out a task, an analogy can be drawn between leadership and a cart-wheel the hub of the cart-wheel is a task; the outer edge of the cart-wheel can be compared to leadership which mobilizes all the strengths; and the bars which connect the centre of the wheel to its outer edge serve as members who are working with determination.
A leader has to know the ins and outs of his task. He also has to know all about his subordinates and train them as a team. It is wrong if one thinks that a team composed of excellent athletes will achieve success at sports competitions. Only when training is given not only to individuals but also to the whole team, will success be achieved. Training is to be regarded as a kind of investment. Therefore, the Tatmadaw is to be built up by undergoing training.
The purpose of training is to get prepared to confront modern warfare. It is to be understood that today army, navy and air force launch operations together other than separately. Therefore, the nature of army, navy and air force is to be understood. All are to know the effectiveness of electronic arms and ammunition. All are to undergo training so that they are ready in an emergency.
The element which is equal to leadership in importance is administration.
Administration means administering all the affairs systematically.
Administration involves supervision, control and management. Supervision means supervising the performance of the routine tasks in accord with the military traditions. In this way, members of the Tatmadaw are being trained for their long-term benefits. The correct supervision of all the routine activities of a unit enables its members to perform their duty with less supervision. Control is like a rudder. The rudder which can steer a big ship is very small. If one is good at controlling a rudder, one will be able to perform any tasks regardless of their size and importance. Control means authority which the leader can use in a righteous manner in a battle or worksite. Farsightedness, long experience and presence of mind are greatly conducive to control. By supervising and controlling the administrative machinery, the Tatmadaw can be built up.
The leader always has to sacrifice his privilege. He has to make personal sacrifices. He has to work for the interests of the Tatmadaw and avoid self-interest. He has to have parental loving-kindness and attachment towards the members of the unit and their families. How
much work has been done for the welfare of the unit shows this fact. Therefore, in building the Tatmadaw with welfare work, care is to be taken of details. More and more spiritual welfare work and physical welfare work are to be done month after month and year after year. The leader has to be delighted at seeing the peaceful lives of members of the unit. The members of the unit and families will respect the leader and have attachment to the unit. Their esprit de corps will increase. They will be highly motivated.
The first requirement to build up the Tatmadaw with morale is to promote esprit de corps. At that time, the morale of individual members of the unit will lead to enhancement of dignity of the entire unit. The fact that a member is proud of his unit signifies his good morale.
The morale of the members of the unit can be built up. The morale of the enemy can also be undermined. In this regard, psychological warfare is to be touched upon. The underlying factor of going into war is the competition of morale. Morale helps make a decision to win a victory. If there is no will to go into battle, the winner and the loser have already been determined. Therefore, the unit is to be inspired to fighting.
When there is a war, both sides have confidence and calculate that they will surely win a victory.
After they have strengthened their military power, they decide to fight. Only the leader who can make best use of psychological warfare achieve absolute success.
Although the precision and effectiveness of the powerful weapons can destroy a large number of enemy in a battle, the danger of the enemy will sill threaten the nation, if the weapons cannot utterly defeat the enemy and destroy the enemy's spirit to make another war. It can be said the war never ends.
The psychological warfare can shorten the time of war and reduce the number casualties. Only the psychological warfare can totally end a war. In the today's modern warfare also, the psychological warfare can still overcome the most sophisticate weapons. Thus, the psychological is important.
Efforts should be made to protect the nation's troops against the psychological attack. The Tatmadaw must have the ability to defeat the enemy with psychological weapon. The unity within the Tatmadaw and the unity between the Tatmadaw and the people should be organized with the psychological method.
Concerning the leadership ability, the fours tasks, training, administration, welfare and spirit have already been explained. The Tatmadaw is being built to become a powerful, qualified and modern Armed Forces. As the time is constantly advancing, modernization of the Tatmadaw is a continuous task. Thus the comrades will have to strive with firm determination to always develop the Tatmadaw.
At present, the Tatmadaw has assumed the State's duties, and strengthened the political, economic and
defense power with the participation of the people.
If the independence struggle will be recounted from the political point of view, the strength of unity dwindled due to splits in parties, politics and ideologies. As there were fights against each other within the nation, the nation-building task faced weaknesses. Thus unity is the national politics of the nation. Although a single stick can be broken, a bundle of sticks cannot be broken. But the strength of the rope that is ties the bundle of sticks is also important. Hence, it is of vital importance for all the national people to firmly attached themselves to the nation with
"Our Main National Causes". Only when there is firm unity, will the nation be peaceful and stable and be able to realize the objectives the under any system.
Adequacy in food is the most basic requirement for the nation.
Surplus production of food will lead to increase in financial capital through trade in food. The national will be able to acquire science and technologies if it has financial power. In this way the nation will be able to set up the economic sector led by the science and technologies. Thus, efforts are being made to produce surplus food for the growing population of the nation in the 21st century. The nation is
endeavoring to increase the per capita income and the gross national product. The entire people are striving to boost production. Efforts are being made to develop the import-substitute sector to reduce
spending of the people and the State. Thrifty practice is the basic principle of the economy. The one who gives priority to
practicing the thrifty method will become richer, and the one who ignores it will lose his fortunes.

At present, economy is more important than politics. The economic power is the hub of all sectors. It will have the ability to drive the political and military forces.
Richness of the nation will lead to strengthening the nation's defense might. The ability of the Tatmadaw will be improved till it can totally
defense the State and the people.
The comrades are the human resources to build a powerful modern Tatmadaw with high
caliber. Thus, they should trained themselves to become a good and patriotic soldier. However, tough and hard a duty may be, they should discharge it at the risk of their lives. Hardships and difficulties are the exercises for the Tatmadawmen to become brilliant and good soldiers.
They should nurture their leadership ability in accord with the rank. They must always uphold the 12 noble traditions of the Tatmadaw. They must assess the task to build a peaceful, modern and developed nation from the military, political, economic, administrative and international point of view, and must take part in it with might and main.
Then, the Senior General left the parade grounds.
After the parade ceremony, the Senior General met five outstanding award winner cadets and their parents at the hall of DSA
Senior General Than Shwe tours PyinOoLwin
Yangon, 5 April- Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of
Defense Services Senior General Than Shwe, accompanied by members of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann, Maj-Gen Soe Win, Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Maj-Gen Thein Sein, Maj-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo and Maj-Gen Tin Aye of the Ministry of
Defense, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Vice-Admiral Kyi Min, ministers, the Chief of Staff (Air), the Deputy Minister for Health, senior military officers and officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office and departments concerned, left here by Tatmadaw aircraft and arrived at Mandalay International Airport in TadaU Township, Mandalay Division, at 11 am on 3 April 2002.
Senior General Than Shwe and entourage were welcomed at the airport by Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Central Command Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint, Mandalay City Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Nay Win, military officers and departmental officials.
The Senior General and party proceeded to PyinOo-Lwin by helicopter. On arrival at PyinOoLwin, they were welcomed by State Peace and Development Council member Maj-Gen Kyaw Win of the Ministry of
Defense, Military Appointments-General Maj-Gen Tin Ngwe, Military Advocate-General Maj-Gen Thein Soe, Vice-Chief of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Win Myint and senior military officers, PyinOoLwin Station Commander Rector of
Defense Services Academy Brig-Gen Khin Zaw and senior military officers of PyinOoLwin Station.
Member of State Peace and Development Council and the Panel of Patrons of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Maj-Gen Soe Win, who accompanied the Senior General, met with USDA secretaries and executives of PyinOoLwin District and Township USDAs, ward organizers and members at the office of District USDA at 11.30 am on 4 April 2002.
Secretary of PyinOoLwin Township USDA U Thaung Myint Thein reported on the work being carried out and future tasks for the association and the work being carried out for rural development.
Then, member of the USDA Panel of Patrons Maj-Gen Soe Win explained the future tasks of USDA, rural development tasks and future
programmers, and urged USDA members to actively participate in rural development tasks.
Similarly, member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of
Defense met with district/township-level departmental officials of PyinOoLwin District and Township, service personnel and social organization members at Myanmar Survey Training School at 11.30 am.
Chairman of PyinOo-Lwin District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Kyaw Kyaw Oo, Chairman of PyinOoLwin Township Peace and Development Council U Myint Nyein and officials reported on the work being carried out for regional development.
In response to the reports, Maj-Gen Ye Myint gave instructions on the work being carried out systematically for national development, and spoke of the need for officials concerned to conscientiously discharge duty for district and township development, to make PyinOoLwin green and beautiful so that it possesses the characteristics of the city of flowers, and to fully cooperate with the public in rural development tasks.
Likewise, member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Myanmar War Veterans Organization Central Organizing Committee Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein, together with member of the Central Organizing Committee of WVO Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, met with members of PyinOoLwin District/Township WVOs at the office of PyinOoLwin District Peace and Development Council at 11.50 am. Chairman of PyinOoLwin District War Veterans Supervisory Committee Lt-Col Kyaw Kyaw Oo and Chairman of Township War Veterans Organization Organizing Committee Maj Min Aung (Retd) reported on the work being carried out by District and Township WVOs. Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung gave instructions.
Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein explained the set-up, the objective, work
programmers and the conviction of Myanmar War Veterans Organization, and stressed the need for Township WVOs to carry out the tasks.
Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Kyaw Myint, who accompanied the Senior General, together with Director-General Professor Dr Paing Soe of the Medical Research Department (Lower Myanmar), inspected the district hospital in PyinOoLwin in the
( 2 ) Secretary-1 receives Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand
Yangon, 5 April - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt received Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand Dr Surakiart Sathirathai and party, who are currently here to attend the India-Myanmar-Thailand Ministerial Meeting on Transport Linkages, at the Ministry of
Defense at 5 pm today.
Also present at the call were Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, Director-General of the Protocol Department Thura U Aung Htet and Ambassador of Thailand to the Union of Myanmar Mr Oum Maolanon.
Secretary-1 receives Minister of External Affairs of India
Yangon, 5 April - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt received Minister of External Affairs of India Mr Shri Jaswant Singh and party, who are currently here to attend the India-Myanmar-Thailand Ministerial Meeting on Transport Linkages, at the guest house of the Ministry of
Defense at 4.45 pm today.
Also present at the call were Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Minister for Education U Than Aung, Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, Director-General of the Protocol Department Thura U Aung Htet.
The guests were accompanied by Charge d' Affaires air of the Indian Embassy to Myanmar Mr Ashok Tomar.
With economy on right path to rapid development, Myanmar is to make more meaningful contribution to regional development and prosperity
Secretary-1 addresses opening of 6th ASEAN Finance Ministers Meeting
Yangon, 5 April - The opening ceremony of the 6th ASEAN Finance Ministers Meeting hosted by Myanmar for the first time, was held at the Traders Hotel on Sule Pagoda Road this morning, with an address by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were ministers, finance ministers from ASEAN member nations, the Secretary-General of ASEAN, the chairman of the Asia Development Bank, deputy ministers, the Governor of the Central Bank of Myanmar, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, members of the US-ASEAN Business Council, the Vice-Governors of Finance and Central Banks of three dialogue countries of ASEAN the People's Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea, senior officials, delegates, ambassadors of three dialogue countries of ASEAN in Yangon, chairmen of private banks in Myanmar, local and foreign correspondents and guests.

In his address the Secretary-1 said:
This is the first ever ASEAN Finance Ministers Meeting to be held in Myanmar and therefore, it is a great pleasure and privilege for me to address this opening ceremony. First of all, I would like to take this opportunity, on behalf of the Government and the people of Myanmar, to extend our heartfelt welcome to all the ASEAN Finance Ministers, the Secretary-General of the ASEAN, the President of the Asian Development Bank as well as to all the distinguished delegates. Although your stay in Myanmar is brief, it is our hope that you will be able to have an insight of our country, which is rich in beauty and culture, and is peaceful and economically vibrant.
May I also wish you a most pleasant and enjoyable stay.
The present Meeting has taken a new and urgent significance and importance since it is taking place against a background of a complex international economic situation. It may be recalled that despite the dire predictions by some observers, particularly by those outside the region, the ASEAN countries were able to put their economies on the path of recovery following the financial crisis that shook the region in 1997. By adopting policies and practices best suited to the specific circumstances of individual nations, by enhancing cooperation and integration among member States and by adopting bold measures, we were able to gradually regain the economic initiative as well as increased confidence in the region from international investors. However, the recent events in the global economic situation are presenting new challenges to all of us.
But I am confident that ASEAN will be able to overcome these challenges by working together.
Allow me to take this opportunity to congratulate the ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers for their concerted efforts to establish the Chiang Mai Initiative based on their experience, expertise and their goodwill for the region. The ASEAN Swap Arrangement, one of Chaing-Mai Initiative's main components, has been enlarged to US dollar 1 billion effective from 17 November 2000 and has as its participants all the ASEAN member countries. With regard to the Bilateral Swap Arrangement (BSA), I am pleased to learn that a number of agreements have already been concluded between various countries.
At the Seventh ASEAN Summit held in Brunei Darussalam in November of last year, the leaders agreed to go beyond the ASEAN Free Trade Area and the ASEAN Investment Area by deepening market liberalization for both trade and investment and also agreed to speed up negotiations on liberalizing intra-ASEAN trade in services and to start negotiations on mutual recognition arrangement for professional services. I am pleased to learn that two protocols:
"the Protocol to implement the package of commitments on financial services under the ASEAN Framework Agreement on
Services" and "the Protocol governing the implementation of the ASEAN Harmonized Tariff
Nomenclature" will be signed at this meeting. I understand that these two protocols would give added momentum, to the achievement of the Summit's agreements.
At this juncture, I would like to briefly mention that the Myanmar Government has been striving for all round development in political, economic and social fields to pave the way for the emergence of a peaceful, tranquil and new modern developed nation. By adopting suitable policies and by utilizing our economic potentials, Myanmar has been able to surpass the planned targets in the 1992-93 to 1995-96 Short Term Four Year Plan and the 1996-97 to 2000-2001 Five Year Plan, achieving an average annual growth rate of 7.5 per cent and 8.4 per cent against plan targets of 5.1 and 6 per cent respectively. We have now embarked on a new 2001-2002 to 2005-2006 Five Year Plan and we are fully confident that we shall be again able to surpass the projected annual growth rate of 6 per cent.
With the economy on the right path to rapid development, Myanmar will surely be able to make a more meaningful contribution to the development and prosperity of the region as a whole. Allow me to take this opportunity to reaffirm Myanmar's
commitment to enhance cooperation among the member countries of the
Association. The agenda that is before your Meeting is wide-ranging
and is of great importance to the region. The Meeting will surely
benefit from your wisdom and wide experience. In conclusion, I would
therefore like to wish you every success in your deliberations.
Then, the Secretary-1, together with the ASEAN Finance Ministers and
Secretary-General, posed for a documentary photo and the opening
ceremony came to a close.
Tourism serves to strengthen friendship and
understanding among nations of the world through direct
people-to-people contacts With abundance of tourist sites, combined
with support of the government and participation of the private
sector, Myanmar will soon become one of major tourist destinations
Yangon, 5 April-A ceremony to open the 7th Mekong Tourism Forum held in Myanmar took place at the Sedona Hotel on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road here this morning with an address by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present on the occasion were Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and development Council Commander Brig-Gen Myint Swe, ministers, deputy ministers, officials at the State Peace and Development Council Office, the ambassadors of foreign missions in Yangon, high ranking delegates of the member countries of the Greater Mekong Subregion Cambodia, the People's Republic of China, the Lao People's Democratic Republic, the Union of Myanmar, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and Thailand, officials of Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA), Asian Development Bank (ADB), Economic and Social Commission of Asia and Pacific (ESCAP), Agency for Coordinating Mekong Tourism Activities, UNESCO, tourism operators of 23 countries, officials of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism and domestic tourism operators.
Speaking on the occasion, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt said : I am greatly delighted to have this opportunity to deliver an address at the Opening Ceremony of the Seventh Mekong Tourism Forum organized by the Pacific Asia Travel Association. This is the first time that Myanmar is hosting the Forum and I wish to express our sincere thanks to all concerned in choosing Myanmar as the host nation.
The theme of this Forum is "Bridging the Mekong, Branding the Jewels" is indeed most relevant as the Meeting will be discussing ways of enhancing tourism cooperation among the Greater Mekong sub-region states as well as endeavouring to promote the region as a common tourist destination. We in Myanmar have a saying:
"If it is a genuine ruby, even mud cannot hide its luster". It is therefore our sincere belief that while many tourist sites in the region remain to be discovered by the world, it will just be a matter of time before the world
travelers enjoy these jewels for the benefit of all. At the same time, it is also incumbent on the governments, the national tourist authorities, the private sector as well as regional tourist organizations like PATA to make them known to the rest of the world.
The potential of the region in the tourism sector is indeed enormous.
It is a truism that tourism contributes much to the economic development of the individual nations, particularly in terms of poverty reduction. It is the ordinary people themselves, the men on the street, who benefit most from the development of tourism. At the same time, it is our belief that tourism promotes more than economic prosperity for it also serves to strengthen friendship and understanding among the nations of the world through direct people-to-people contacts. In this manner, everybody- the people of the host country as well as the tourists- gains unique knowledge and experience, thus enriching the lives of everyone involved.
It is with these sentiments that Myanmar is endeavoring to promote tourism.
In our consideration, tourism means more than a way of bringing economic improvement to the nation and its people. It also represents a means for acquainting the world with the unique beauty and characteristics of Myanmar while increasing goodwill and understanding between Myanmar and the peoples of the world. Our Government is therefore committed to developing the tourist industry and towards this end, it has already initiated the necessary institutions and framework. A separate government ministry called the Ministry of Hotels & Tourism was created to supervise and support the tourism industry in the country. Moreover, a special inter-ministry body entitled the Management Committee for Development of Tourism Industry was also established to provide overall guidance and coordination.
Tourism industry is relatively new to our country and we are still to develop its full potential. But we are confident that with the abundance of tourist sites, combined with the support of the government and the participation of the private sector, Myanmar will in the near future become one of the major tourist destinations.
Myanmar is endowed by nature with mountains including the only snow-capped mountains in Southeast Asia, forests, rivers, lakes and beaches still untouched by mass tourism. Myanmar is also rich in historical and archaeological sites including the world-renowned 11th century Bagan capital and the glorious Mandalay, the last capital of Myanmar Kings as well as numerous pagodas and temples. They constitute the rich heritage of our culture.
Moreover, there are over one hundred national races with their own dialects, traditions and customs. All these, together with the charming smiles and simple hospitality of its people, make Myanmar a unique tourist destination. There is also peace and stability in the country and Yangon has been internationally recognized as one of the safest capitals in the world. It is indeed most appropriate that Myanmar, which has been called the Golden Land, is deservedly called one of the jewels of the Mekong Region.
Allow me also to reaffirm Myanmar's determination to strengthen cooperation with the states of Greater Mekong Sub-Region in developing tourism. The promotion of Mekong Region as a single destination holds great prospects and hopes for regional development down to grassroots levels.
This programmed, I believe, will be successful with closer cooperation among the governments of the member countries and active participation of the private sector.
Once again I wish to express my deep-felt thanks to PATA, ESCAP and ADB for their kind assistance and contributions in holding this Forum. The Agenda before the Meeting is wide-ranging and of great relevance for the promotion of tourism in the region. I am fully confident that the deliberations will be of great significance for the region. In conclusion, I would therefore like to wish the Seventh Mekong Tourism Forum success and all the distinguished delegates a most pleasant and enjoyable stay in Myanmar.
Then, Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin made an address. He said: It is indeed a great honor for the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism to host the Seventh Mekong Forum in collaboration with PATA, ESCAP and ADB.
Tourism in Myanmar is growing steadily keeping pace with the economic development of the country.
Myanmar tourism is based mainly on cultural heritage and unspoilt natural environment. Over 100 national races with their colorful traditional dresses, customs and festivals are the added attractions. Above all, Myanmar is most known for the simple way of life and charming hospitality of its people. Under the guidance of the Tourism Development Management Committee we have been developing tourism with a cautious approach by taking measures to preserve our national identity and traditional values.
We also take great care to see that our natural environment and ecological systems remain intact for future generations.
There are opportunities as well as challenges in development of tourism. Improvement in transport infrastructure is one of the major constraints for rapid tourism development. However, the Government without any overseas assistance, has undertaken many major projects in construction of new roads and bridges and expansion of airports which facilitate easy access to tourist sites.
A major obstacle in promoting Myanmar is the foreign media with false reports and distorted information damaging our image abroad. The limited knowledge and misconception about the country keep many tourists from visiting Myanmar.
Therefore, it is a good opportunity for the delegates to see for yourself how safe and peaceful is the country.
In regional cooperation Myanmar has close and friendly ties with all the countries in the region and actively participated in the regional meetings and forums. In order to facilitate intra-regional travel, we have opened up entry points along the borders with Yunnan Province in China and Thailand. Border tourism promotes regional development in infrastructure and the living standard of the people in remote areas.
With regard to the Forum, we note with great satisfaction the theme and interesting topics to be presented by well-known personalities in the field of tourism.
I firmly believe that the presentations and discussions at the Forum will undoubtedly benefit promotion of Mekong region as a single destination. I wish the 7th Mekong Forum a success and the distinguished delegates an enjoyable stay in Myanmar. Next, Chairman and Chief Executive of PATA Mr Peter de Jong made a speech and the ceremony
( 3 ) Some opium-trafficking insurgents, who get foreign assistance, launching fabrications against Wa people
Foreign diplomats continue Wa region visit
Yangon, 5 April - Foreign diplomats including Dean of the Diplomatic Corps Ambassador of Laos Mr Ly Bounkham and heads of foreign missions visited Kengtung and its central market on 2 April morning.
Led by Chairman of Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control of Myanmar Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing and Vice-Chairman Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, the diplomats left Kengtung for Pansang in Wa region by helicopter at 10 am........Full Story
( 4
) Both ONCB in Bangkok and ONCB (North) in Chiang-Rai fail to inform Myanmar officials in advance
Press Conference explains seizure of 37.56 kilograms of heroin from a Thai national
Yangon, 4 April - Press Conference on the seizure of 37.56 kilograms of heroin from a Thai national in front of Dipakyaw Market near the Friendship Bridge in Tachilek and on the comprehensive drug control measures taken by the government as a national duty was held at Tatmadaw Guest House on Inya Road at noon today.
It was attended by Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, Head of Department of the Office of the Chief of Military Intelligence Col Kyaw Thein, senior military officers, departmental heads, news and information officials of the Ministry of Information, U Sein Win of Kyodo News Agency, patron of Myanmar Foreign Correspondents Club U Hla Htwe, President U Sao Kai Hpa and correspondents, Bureau Chief of Tokyo Shinbon News Agency based in Bangkok Mr Kenichi Tauchi, Mr Larry Jagan of BBC based in Bangkok, Vice-Chief of AFP News Agency based in Bangkok Sarah Stewart and Bangkok-based Reuters Correspondent Mr Dominique Whiting and guests.
First, Col Kyaw Thein explained the seizure of the drugs with audio-visual aids.
He said the State has designated the narcotic drug elimination endeavors as a national duty. Especially it is to curb illicit trafficking of drugs at border towns. At 5.30 pm on 1 April 2002, security members intercepted the suspicious-looking Land Rover with Thai number plate 3113 with two Thai nationals on board in front of the Dipakyaw Market near the Friendship Bridge in Tachilek. The two Thai nationals refused the inspection of the authorities. Instead, they struggled with the authorities and tried to flee. One of the two managed to escape and the other sustained gunshot injury on his right calf.

The authorities made a thorough search on the car, and seized 89 packets of Chuhnakaung Globe Brand heroin each containing 350 grams
totaling 31.15 kilos and 16 blocks of Triple Nine Brand heroin each containing 400 grams, totalling 6.41 kilos. The total seizure from the two was 37.56 kilos.
Further interrogations and other evidence have revealed that of the two, the person who was arrested, as Dang, 27, son of Naihnon of No 43, Ward 4, Chiangmai, Thailand, and the other person, who escaped arrest, as Okkara Mong Kol, 38, Thai NRC No 3519900124405 of No 13/1, Ward 6, Linpin County, Muang, Lammum District, Thailand.
Concerning the incident, The Daily News daily of Thailand featured a news report on column 1, page 1, under the heading
"Thailand, Myanmar cooperates to seize heroin near border".
The news report said that the No 1 anti-drug police squad made a contact with drug traders and drew a secret plan to arrest the traffickers. As the Land Rover with Thai number plate 3113 failed to enter Maesai till the last minute of the closing time of the border gate, the chairman of the Thai Border Committee made contacts with the leader of Special Border Supervisory Committee, a member of the Myanmar Border Committee, and made a request to intercept the car and seize the traffickers. The news report was created and presented in accord with the wish of the other side. The truth was that when the Myanmar security personnel were making arrangements to search the suspicious-looking car, Sgt Sadid of Thai Border Committee and U Ko Lay, a member of Thai-Myanmar Border Committee went to Myanmar officials in Tachilek, and informed them that a Land Rover with Thai number plate 3113 was going to transport drugs from Tachilek to Maesai.
Their action did not amount to making
coordination's in advance. The No 1 anti-drug police squad in Chiang-Rai did not inform the matter to any of the official bodies in Myanmar in advance. The No 1 anti-drug police squad made a secret plan to sneak into Myanmar under their own arrangement, and to make a plot. It made contact with and inform the matter to Myanmar officials only at the last minute to close the border gate. It was known that it made contacts with Myanmar officials at a time when the security personnel were going to search the car.
In order to inform the incident to Thai officials, a contact was made with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Myanmar Embassy in Thailand on 2 April 2002.
On 3 April, the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control of Myanmar also informed the incident to the Office of the Narcotics Control Board (ONCB) of Thailand. At that time, there was no response from the other side. According to the Thai, who was arrested, it was known that they sneaked into Myanmar via Panmaihsun village at Thai-Myanmar border on 28 March 2002. They traded their goods with drugs in Tachilek. Cooperative efforts will be made to expose the persons from both Myanmar and Thailand who are involved in the case.
In cooperating between the two nations to eliminate the drugs, it is required to give priority to making contacts with each other and
coordination's in advance. But during the incident, both the ONCB in Bangkok and ONCB (North) in Chiang-Rai, which was always making contacts with anti-drugs bodies of Myanmar in Tachilek District, failed to inform the Myanmar side in advance.
There is a tradition of making advanced
coordination's between the officials of the two sides to carry out a task at the border. In this incident, it seemed that the Thai side made arrangements on its own to sneak into Myanmar with a scheme and informed the Myanmar authorities when their situation was turning to bad. It is obvious that it was a clandestine plot. Concerning the matter, the Myanmar side will inform the other side to make
coordination's and exchange information in advance with mutual sincerity.
Concerning the drug elimination efforts of Myanmar, he said the drug problem is an evil legacy of the colonialists. The problem not only tarnishes the norms and dignity of the nation, but also threatens the entire mankind.
As the problem concerns with the sincere hill people, the State has to make broad and delicate plans to combat the drugs. The drug problems do not occur in a single country. As there are cross-border trafficking of drugs, the State is combating the drugs as a national duty. It is cooperating with NGOs, UN agencies,
neighbors and nations in the region and sub-region.
As the drug abuse and trafficking are threatening the regional security and peace and stability and connecting with the cross-border crimes, a decision was made at the Ministerial level meeting which was held in Bangkok in Thailand in July 2000, to guard the region against the danger of narcotics, especially the stimulant drugs and to set the date to realize the aim
"the Drug Free Asean" in 2015, instead of 2020. As there is illicit trafficking of drugs at the Myanmar-China border and Myanmar-Thai border, the State is giving priority to making
cooperation's with the neighbors to decrease the illegal narcotic business at the borders and to curb cross-border trafficking.
When Myanmar was able to effectively control and curb the opium-related drug problem, it faced the problem of ATS, stimulant drugs, in 1996. Thus, the nation has accelerated the momentum of its efforts to cooperate with her
neighbors and regional nations in launching anti-stimulant drugs and education
programmers. As the danger of the stimulant drugs has grown in the region, the six countries, Myanmar, Thailand, China, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam cooperatively launched the cross-border drug elimination
programmed (1999-2003). In the first phase, the cooperative drug elimination campaigns have been launched at Myanmar-China-Lao-Vietnam border. In the second stage the campaigns have been launched at Myanmar-Thai-Lao border.
Under the Myanmar-American cooperation programmed on eradication of narcotic drugs, the eighth opium yield survey was conducted at far-flung areas in Mongshu Township of eastern Shan State and in Hsenwi Township, Tangyan Township, Kutkai Township and Muse Township of northern Shan State from 25 February to 2 March in 2002. The opium yield survey was conducted at poppy fields. Samples of poppy seeds, sap and leaves and soil were collected. Poppy growers were interviewed, and so were the officials with regard to cultivation of opium-substitute crops, livestock breeding, giving treatment to drug addicts and drug abuse control measures.
According to the opium yield survey conducted under the Myanmar-American cooperation
programmed, the cultivation and production of opium in Myanmar has decreased considerably every year since 1997. In 1999, cultivation of poppy declined by 31% and opium yield decreased by 38%. The decrease in cultivation of poppy and yield was the lowest after 1988.
The members of the American delegation which conducted an opium yield survey in 2002, said that they had heard from the American officials who had returned from Myanmar that as the weather had been good, poppy cultivation had been successful; however, when they arrived at the areas where poppy was grown, what they had heard proved wrong; although there were poppy fields at the places where a opium yield survey was conducted, most poppy fields failed due to the bad weather and scarcity of rainfall. In addition, poppy fields in northern Shan State are being destroyed in accord with the plan. Altogether 18,553.53 acres of poppy fields were destroyed up to 19 March in 2002.
The opium yield of this year was lower than that of previous year.
The national race armed groups who returned to the legal fold have been working for the development of border areas in cooperation with the Government. Therefore, the Government has been able to exert more efforts for drug abuse control. The seizures made from January to December in 2001 were 1,629.06 kilos of opium, 96.74 kilos of heroin, 579.63
liters of Phensedyle, 175,754.68 liters of acid and chemicals of various sorts, 3,922.96 kilos of Ephedrine, 3,024 kilos of Caffeine, 518 kilos of Methamphetamine Hydrochloride (ICE), 32,438,981 Metham-phetamine tablets and 72 Ecstasy tablets.
Sixteen opium refineries and 26,113.46 acres of poppy fields were destroyed.
With the help of Yunnan Province Drug Abuse Control of the People's Republic of China, cultivation of opium-substitute crops, livestock breeding work and alternative regional development work are being carried out in cooperation with the Kokang group of Special Region-1. In cooperation with Japan, buckwheat has been cultivated on a commercial scale in Kokang region. In 2002, buckwheat has been cultivated on 4,160 acres of land in Kokang region. In 2002, the Japanese Government will grant assistance for the upgrading of Laukkai-Kongyan Road and two projects for installation of power lines in Kyashishu Village.
With the use of 20 million baht given by the Office of Narcotics Control Board of Thailand, a model village is being established in Yaungkha Village, Satone Village-tract, Monghsat Township, southern Wa region, in cooperation with the Wa group of Special Region-2.
Moreover, as instructed by the Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council, a group comprising members of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control conducted a field tour of Kokang and Wa regions on 14-8-2001 with the aim of speeding up the performance of alternative development tasks in border areas. Wheat and peas and beans were grown on 941 acres of land. A total of 30,000 walnut saplings, 1,500 orange saplings and 1,500 lychee saplings were distributed.
To cultivate perennial trees, 196 acres of land have been reclaimed. In addition, some plots of land are left vacant in the poppy growing season, June and July. Therefore, to distribute seeds of monsoon crops at that time, K 50 million is being used on cultivation of opium-substitute crops and livestock breeding. Moreover, efforts are being made to designate Kokang region and Wa region as opium-free zones in 2005. Kokang Region Drug Elimination Museum was opened on 27 December 2000. To promote the public awareness of danger of narcotic drugs, to enlist public cooperation, to give education on the danger of drugs, to implement drug control
programmers successfully and effectively, and to make efforts of the Government for eradication of narcotic drugs known to the world, the Government opened the Drug Elimination Museum on 26 June 2001 hailing the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.
The Government has been cooperating with the
neighboring countries, the countries in the region and the sub-region, the UN agencies and NGOs in striving to eradicate narcotic drugs. It has laid down a 15-year drug elimination plan. It has been implemented in 51 townships of Chin State and Kayah State since 1999. Up to 2001, the second year of the first five-year plan, K 2,502.635 million and US $ 1.495 million have been spent on alternative development plans concerning agriculture, health, education, livestock breeding and transport. The Government spent over K 24,610 million on development tasks of border areas up to March in 2002.
The world today is confronted with the threat of Transnational Organized Crime Groups. They are now involved in transnational organized crimes including drug trafficking in connection with terrorist organizations. Myanmar is cooperating with members of the UN in fighting against terrorist groups as well as narcotic drugs.
The collection of base line data on cultivation and yield of poppy has been conducted since 1998 under the
programmed of Myanmar. It has also cooperated with the US in conducting an opium yield survey from 1993 to 2002. In conclusion, the Government is stepping up the cooperation with the
neighboring countries and the countries in the region and the sub-region in combating narcotic drugs.
Col Kyaw Thein and Joint Secretary of the CCDAC Police Col Khan Aung
replied to the queries raised by the journalists. The Press
conference ended at 1 pm.
( 5 ) 6th ASEAN Finance Ministers Meeting held
Yangon, 5 April - The 6th ASEAN Finance Ministers Meeting the first to be hosted by the Union of Myanmar started at the Traders Hotel on Sule Pagoda Road here this morning.
It was attended by Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein and finance ministers of ASEAN member countries, Secretary-General of ASEAN Mr Rodolfo C Severino and delegates from the ASEAN member countries.
Minister U Khin Maung Thein presided over the meeting and extended greetings.
Then, those present discussed matters related to economic cooperation between ASEAN countries and future tasks, and the morning session adjourned for a while.
In the afternoon session, officials of the US-ASEAN Business Council reported on matters related to economic cooperation between US and ASEAN countries to ASEAN finance ministers who discussed the related works.
Then, the first day session ended in the evening.
The second day session will be held at the same venue tomorrow. Before the 6th ASEAN Finance Ministers Meeting, ASEAN Finance and Central Bank Deputies Working Group Meeting (AFDM-WG), Meeting of the ASEAN+3 Study Group, ASEAN Finance and Central Bank Deputies Meeting-AFDM and ASEAN+3 Finance and Central Bank Deputies Meeting (AFDM+3) were held at the Traders
Hotel on 1, 2, 3 and 4 April.
Ministers of Thailand, India arrive

Yangon, 5 April -A Thai delegation led by Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand Dr Surakiart Sathirathai and an Indian delegation led by Minister of External Affairs of India Mr Jaswant Singh, arrived here this afternoon to attend the India-Myanmar-Thailand Ministerial Meeting on Transport Linkages at the Sedona Hotel on 5 and 6 April.
The delegations were welcomed at Yangon International Airport by Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win, officials of the ministry, Ambassador of Thailand to Myanmar Mr Oum Maolanon, Charge
d' Affaires air and officials of the Indian Embassy.
In the evening, Minister
U Win Aung hosted dinner to the delegates of the three countries at the Sedona
Seventh Mekong Tourism Forum held
Yangon, 5 April-The 7th Mekong Tourism Forum, organized by Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) and hosted by Myanmar, began at the Sedona Hotel on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road this morning.
It was attended by high ranking delegates from the member countries of Greater Mekong Subregion Cambodia, the People's Republic of China, the Lao People's Democratic Republic and Socialist Republic of Vietnam, officials of PATA, Economic and Social Commission of Asia and Pacific (ESCAP), Asian Development Bank, Agency for Coordination of Mekong Tourism Activities (AMTA), UNESCO, Ministry of Hotels and Tourism, international airlines and private tourism agencies.
Travel writer Dr Paul Temporal of the Republic of Singapore, Director Mr Arjun Thapan of the Mekong Subregion Development Branch of ADB, Director Mr Paisan Wangsai of AMTA and Secretary General Dr Chira Hongladarom and party of the Foundation for International Human Resource Development submitted
"Strategic Partnerships in Branding and Selling the Mekong",
"Tourism and Poverty Reduction", " State of the Mekong Report" and
"Cautious approach to attracting Investments in Tourism" papers respectively and replied the queries raised by those present. Then, the morning session adjourned for a while.
In the afternoon session, those present discussed the travel destinations in the Mekong Basin, promotion of market and the delegates of tourism agencies of Thailand, Myanmar and Cambodia explained the Mekong Innovative Tourism Product Award with the use of video tapes. Then, the forum came to an end in the evening.
The forum will continue tomorrow at the Sedona Hotel.
Director-General U Khin Maung Latt of Directorate of Hotels and Tourism Services hosted dinner in
honor of the delegates at Karaweik Palace Hotel in the evening.
H&T Minister receives guests
Yangon, 5 April - Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin received Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Vered Group of Companies Mr Uzi Vered accompanied by Ambassador of Israel to the Union of Myanmar Mr Yaacov Avrahamy at his office at 1 pm today and discussed the matter related to promotion of tourism.
Also present at the call were Deputy Minister for Hotels and Tourism Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu, Managing Director of the Myanma Hotels and Tourism Services U Kyi Tun and
Minister receives ADB Chairman
Yangon, 5 April- Minister for National Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha received Chairman of Asia Development Bank Mr Tadao Chino and party at his office this afternoon.
Also present at the
call were officials of the ministry.
( 6 ) Maj-Gen
Aung Htwe inspects Namwot hydel plant
Yangon, 5 April - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Aung Htwe of the Ministry of Defence, accompanied by Deputy Commander of Triangle Region Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe and officials, arrived at Namwot hydel power plant of the Ministry of Electric Power ten miles south of Kengtung in Shan State (East) on 2 April morning and inspected functions of the plant.
At the briefing hall of the plant, Engineer of Shan State (East) Myanma Electric Power Enterprise U Aye Kyaw reported on generation of power, power supply from Namwot and Namlan hydel power plants to Kengtung through Kengtung branch power station and results of the preliminary survey for generation of hydel power at Namkhon creek 6 miles south of Kengtung.
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe fulfilled the requirements and gave necessary instructions.
On 3 April morning, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe met with members of Shan State (East) Peace and Development Council, and state/district/township level departmental officials at the meeting hall of Triangle Region Command and discussed matters related to the work carried out to realize the targets of economic plans in 2000-2001 financial year in Shan State (East) and implementation of economic plans for 2001-2002 financial year.
Then, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe made a speech.
Officials reported on implementation of regional development, agriculture and livestock breeding, education, health, ensuring of smooth transportation and future tasks.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe fulfilled the requirements and spoke of the need for cooperation among the government departments in realizing the targets of economic plans, striving for successful implementation of five rural development tasks hand in hand with local people and conducting field tours.
( 7 )
Health Minister inspects TB centre
Yangon, 5 April - Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, accompanied by Deputy Minister for Health Prof Dr Mya Oo, inspected the Union Tuberculosis Centre in Aung San, Insein Township, this morning.
At the meeting hall there, officials concerned reported matters on providing medical treatment to TB patients and the minister fulfilled the requirements. Next, he inspected round the laboratory, x-ray room and the centre. Later, the minister proceeded to construction site of Medical Science Department in Aung San Myothit
and gave necessary instructions.
Minister attends course
concluding ceremony
Yangon, 5 April - Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone attended the concluding ceremony of Basic IT Training Course No 2 and the opening ceremony of Commodity Account Course
(1/2002) at the head office of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading this morning.
Also present were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, Director-General of the Directorate of Trade U Nyunt Aye, Managing Director of MAPT U Min Hla Aung
and departmental officials. The minister made a speech and presented
prizes to outstanding trainees.
( 8
) Rural development tasks co-ordinated in Thanlyin
Yangon, 5 April -Yangon Division Development Affairs Committee of the Development Affairs Department under the Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs held a work co-ordination meeting on rural development tasks and development affairs at the Divisional Development Affairs Committee in Thanlyin at 1 pm today.
Present on the occasion were Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Yangon Command Commander Brig-Gen Myint Swe, No 2 Military Region Command Commander Col Tin Oo Lwin, Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Secretary Lt-Col Kyaw Tint, local authorities, departmental officials and others.
First, Commander Brig-Gen Myint Swe delivered an address. He urged the Yangon Division Development Affairs Committee to make energetic efforts for regional development in line with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe
on five rural development tasks. All-round discussions were then
held. The meeting ended with concluding remarks by the commander.
___________________________ ( 9
) Minister tours Chin State, Magway Division
Yangon, 5 April - Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt, accompanied by officials, inspected Mindat-Matupi road on 2 April.
The minister met with departmental personnel and social organizations at the office of Matupi Township Peace and Development Council and attended to the needs. He then handed
over books donated by PBANRDA and the Ministry of Information to the officials.
He also inspected TV retransmit ion station and the People's Hospital in Matupi.
The minister visited Central Theravada Buddhist Missionary Monastery and presented offertories to Sayadaw Bhaddanta Rajinda Saddhamma Jotikadhaja and gifts to Parahita students.
CEC member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Col Thein Nyunt met with members of Township USDA and War Veterans Organization at Matupi Township USDA office and gave instructions and fulfilled the requirements.
On 3 April morning, the minister and party arrived at Natmataung National Parks in Kanpetlet Township where officials reported on the salient points of the Parks.
Yesterday morning, the minister met with departmental officials of Kanpetlet Township at Township Peace and Development Council office and attended to the needs. He then presented books to the officials.
The minister then visited Kanpetlet Central Theravada Buddhist Missionary Monastery and presented offertories to Sayadaw U Ottama.
The minister and party also met with departmental officials and social organizations at the town hall in Saw and fulfilled their needs.