1 ) Myanmar striving to develop IT
for national progress Special four-year education promotion
programme implemented to reach ASEAN education level
Yangon, 2 April -Secretary-l of the State Peace
and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, accompanied by member of
the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than of
the Ministry of Defence and ministers, deputy minister, officials
from the State Peace and Development Council Office , departmental
head and officials, left here for Padeegon in Thegon Township, Bago
Division (West) by Tatmadaw aircraft and arrived there at 8.30 am.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party were
welcomed there by Bago Division Peace and Development Council
Chairman Southern Command Commander Brig-Gen Aung Min, Diputy
Minister for Industry-2 Brig-Gen Aung Thein Lin, No 66 LID Commander
Col Aung Tun, Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development
Council (West) Col Soe Nwe and officials.
A ceremony to open the multimedia teaching
centre of Padeegon Basic Education High School in Thegon Township,
Bago Division (West) was held at the hall of the school at 8.45 am.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt made an
opening speech. Those present saluted the State Flag. Then,
outstanding students formally unveiled the Myanmar education goal
stone inscription. Headmaster U Thein Swe and SchooI Board of
Trustees Chairman U Tun Maung formally opened the multimedia
teaching centre. Then, Chairman of Myanmar Education Committe
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt formally opened the signboard of the
multimedia teaching centre.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party inspected
rooms of printed media (reading centre), computer aided Instruction,
computer application and e-mail eletronic media (language lab), and
electronic media (video system) and viewed the students learning
with modem equipment. The Secretary-l and party also inspected fine
arts and domestic science rooms. Students presented musical
performance to them.
At the hall of the school, Headmaster U Thein Swe
briefed the Secretary-1 on the purpose of opening of the teaching
centre and installation of teaching aids, School Board of Trustees
Vice-Chairman U Win Myint on donation of over K 8.2 million made by
Thitagu Sayadaw Ashin Nanisara and wellwishers.
Afterwards, the
Seretary-1 Presented video tapes for the school to the headmaster.
Then, the Secretary-1 made a speech. He said the education promotion
programmes have been 1aid down and implemented Under the leadership
of the State and with the assistance of the public to promote the
all-round education abilities of students, to raise the nation's
education level to meet the Interntional standard and to narrow the
education gap between the rural and urban areas. Thus, the
multimedia teaching centres are emerging at the high schools with
higher acceleration.
As the IT is playing a
leading role at present, the nations of the world are competing each
other to acquire the developing IT for their progress. Myanmar is
also living priority to development of the IT.Thus, the
multimedia teaching centres have been opened at the schools, the
basic need for progress of science and technology. Due to the active
participation of the people, the education promotion programmes are
achieving greater success than expected.
Hence, the special
fouryear education promotion programme has been implemented to reach
the education level of the ASEAN. The learning centres which use
data broadcasting system have been set up in major towns, and
e-Education has been initiated in Myanmar. Based on favourable
conditions, the 30-year education plan has been laid down and
implemented. As the firm education plans have been laid down and
implemented the youth are able to understand and know the national
education aims
When today's youth
become intellectuals and technicians, they will have the ability to
continue to realize the education objectives.All should strive for
the school to produce technicians and intellectuals for the future
nation. Accompanied by Commander Brig-Gen Aung Min, the Secretary-1
and party went to Nattalin this morning. They attended the ceremony
to open a multimedia teaching centre at Nattalin Township BEHS at
noon, Headmistress Daw Khin Htay Myin and Chairman of the School
Board of Trustees U Tun Zaw formally opened the centre.
The Secretary-1 unveiled
the signboard. The Secretary-l and party then inspected the
different sections of the centre The Secretary-1 and party watched
the musical perfonnance of the students Next, a ceremony to open the
multimedia teaching centre was held. Headmistress Daw Khin Htay
Myint reported on modern teaching aids installed at the centre and
Chairman of School Board of Trustees U Tun Zaw on efforts for
opening of the centre.
The Secretary-l
presented teaching aids to Headmistress Daw Khin Htay Myint.The
Secretary-1 said out of 1,000 basic education schools throughout the
country over 900 schools got multimedia teaching centres and over
500 centres were opened under the leadership of the government and
with cooperation of the people.
He said the multimedia.
teaching centre was opened at Nattalin BEHS with the cooperation of
the people and members of the School Board of Trustees. The
government is making endeavours in all sectors to catch up with the
development of international community. Youths are being nurtured at
the basic education sector to turn out highly qualified human
resources of intenational standard, he said.
conventional methods cannot be applied in producing highly qualified
human resources. Therefore, the government is implementing plans
systematically for emergence of a modern teaching method based on
information and communication technology, he said The success in
implementing the State's educational objectives is now gaining
momentum due to active participation of the peopleand wellwishers,
he said.
Accomplishments have
been made as people are cooperating with the government not only in
education sector but also in health, social, agricultural, livestock breeding and economic sectors, he said.
He said active participation of the people under the leadership of the government plays a vital role in building a modern developed nation.
He called for raising the momentum of cooperation with the government and the people in building a modern developed nation.
After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 and party had a group photos taken with members of School Board of Trustees, the headmistress, teachers, students and wellwishers.
The Secretary-1 and party went to the site of Kantin Bilin Dam in Minhla Township where they were welcomed by Director-General of Irrigation Department U Kyaw San Win and officials.
At the briefing hall, Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin and officials reported on conditions of clusters of dams being built in Bago West, dams which are ready to be opened, progress of work and data of Kantin Bilin Dam and other related works.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and Commander Brig-Gen Aung Min reported on construction of DaikU-Sittaung Road and Thanatpin-Waw Road.
The Secretary-1 then gave instructions.
The Secretary-1 presented medicines to villages.
The Secretary-1 and party inspected the main dam, spillways and tower of Kantin Bilin Dam.
The Secretary-1 and party arrived back here in the evening.
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein this morning inspected people's hospitals in Padigon and Nattalin and fulfilled the requirements.
Secretary-1 attends teaching aids presentation to Badeegon BEHS in Thegon, Bago Division, Sayadaw Bhaddanta „Naissara's birthday ceremony
Yangon, 2 April - ceremony to present teaching aids to the Badeegon Basic Education High School in Thegon Township, Bago Division (West), was held in conjunction with the 65th anniversary birthday celebration of Thidagu Sayadaw Bhaddanta „anissara at the Sasana Beikmandaw in Badeegon this morning, attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.

The Thidagu Sayadaw invested the congregation with the Five Precepts. Then, members of the Sangha recited parittas.
The Secretary-1 and party presented offertories to members of the Sangha.
Afterwards, donations were presented for the multimedia teaching centres, which were founded by the lay disciples of the Sayadaw.
The donations totalled K 1.53 million including K 300,000 donated by the Thidagu missionary association; K 100,000 each by U Tun Shein-Daw Saw Yee, U Ohn Khaing-Daw Thin Thin Soe, Thidagu Sayadaw and his lay disciples, U Sein Hla Win-Daw Phyu Phyu Win, U San Maung-Daw Kyin Than, U Pauk Pauk-Daw Myint Kyi, U Maung Nyunt and family, U Nyo Maung and family, U Maung Maung Thein-Daw Tin Myint, U Aye Maung-Daw Than Hla and U Aye Kyaw-Daw Than Than Aye.
The Secretary-1, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and the commander accepted the donations.
Vocalists Tin Tin Mya, Hta and Khin Soe Paing sang a religious song to mark the Sayadaw's birthday.
Then, the Secretary-1 supplicated on religious affairs. The Sayadaw
delivered a sermon, followed by the sharing of merits gained. Next,
the ceremony came to a close.
( 2 ) U
Thet Win appointed as Ambassador to Brunei Darussalam
YANGON, 3 April -The Chairman of the State Peace
and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar has appointed U Thet
Win, Director-General of the Department for Myanmar Missions Abroad,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary of the Union of Myanmar to Brunei Darussalam.
( 3 ) Myanmar, Japan IATSS Forum Committees sign agreement
Yangon, 2 April- A ceremony to sign the agreement between International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences (IATSS) Forum Myanmar Committee and IATSS Forum Executive Committee of Japan was held at Mindon Hall of Sedona Hotel on Kaba Aye pagoda Road here at 10 am today.
Present were President U Win Myint of Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Vice-President U Htain Win, General Secretary U Zaw Min Win, CEC members, President Dr Masaki Koshi and party of IATSS Forum Executive Committee of Japan, private entrepreneurs and guests.
Facts about the IATSS Forum Executive Committee of Japan was introduced.
President U Win Myint and President Dr Masaki Koshi extended greetings.
Chairman of IATSS Forum Myanmar Committee U Zaw Min Win introduced the committee members to those present at the ceremony.
General Secretary U Zaw Min Win and President Dr Masaki Koshi signed and exchanged agreement.
IATSS Forum was established in 1985 with the aim of enabling youths of ASEAN member countries to study development of science, technology and cultural sector in Japan and to apply their experience in undertaking development tasks of respective
ASEAN officials arrive
Yangon, 2 April - Vice-Governors of Finance and
Central Banks of the ASEAN countries and Asia Development Bank
arrived here today to attend the ASEAN Finance and Central Bank
Deputies Meeting (AFDM), a preliminary meeting for the 6th ASEAN
Finance Ministers' meeting to be hosted by Myanmar. They were
welcomed at Yangon International Airport by officials of the
Ministry of Finance and Revenue. The meeting will be held at the
Traders Hotel on Sule Pagoda Road on 3 April.
( 4
) Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than inspects regional development tasks in Bago District
Yangon, 2 April- State Peace and Development Council Member Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than of the Ministry of Defence and party, accompanied by Bago Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Southern Command Commander Brig-Gen Aung Min, left Bago by car and arrived at Nyaungkhashe road at mile post No 81/4 in Waw this morning.
They were welcomed there by officials and departmental personnel.
At the temporary briefing hall, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than heard reports on earth work and availability of heavy machinery for constructing Nyaungkhashe-Myitkyo-DaikU strategic road by Bago District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Myo Tint. Commander Brig-Gen Aung Min gave a supplementary report. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than left necessary instructions.
Then, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party inspected progress in construction of the road and gave necessary instructions. The axis of Nyaungkhashe-Myitkyo-DaikU strategic road is about 20 miles long. Next, they proceeded to Kangyiseik village of Thabyekan village-tract in Waw Township and inspected old Sittoung River Bridge near the village.
They also inspected Nyaung-khashe railway station. Next, they inspected construction of self-reliant village dispensary in Nyaungkhashe.
Then, they proceeded to the site of digging canals for wetland reclamation near Kyonye village in Waw Township. Bago District Chairman Lt-Col Myo Tint reported on target of digging canals for pre-monsoon paddy cultivation in the township in 2001-2002, progress of work and benefited areas.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than cordially met with local authorities, USDA members, MMCWA members, students and villagers.
In Kyonye village, green bean, green gram and bokate bean have been cultivated in summer and cold seasons. On completion of digging canals, pre-monsoon paddy will be cultivated on the farmland.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party left Minywa village, Thanat-pin Township by boat. They inspected the duck farm of U Soe Thein in Auksu Ward in Thanatpin and thriving summer paddy field of U Thaung Han. A total of 1.3 million of ducks are being bred in Waw, Thanatpin and DaikU townships and 2.1 million eggs are daily distributed to Yangon City and other places in the country.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party arrived at Apaing village-tract and cordially met with local farmers and local people. At the temporary briefing hall, officials reported on cultivation of summer paddy in 9,250 acres on the right side of Bagan-Nyaungbin embankment in 2001-2002 and in 9,250 acres on the left side. Commander Brig-Gen Aung Min explained to local people on repair of Moeyungyi Lake, dam construction, digging of canals and future tasks for developing Bago District.
Next, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than explained endeavours of the Government, future tasks, five rural development tasks, extension of agriculture for increasing per capita income of local people, and extension of poultry farming from manageable scale to commercial scale.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party inspected summer paddy fields on both sides of Moekhainggyi-Apaing embankment Lethamar embankment linking Moekhainggyi and Apaing villages.
For thriving summer and monsoon paddy in Bago District, Moeyungyi Lake irrigates over 45,000 acres of summer paddy in Waw, Thanatpin, Bago and Kawa Townships through Abyar, Minywa, Bagan-Nyaungbin and Kyaikpadaing conduits along Bago-Sittoung Canal from Myitkyo to Tawa sluice gate in Thanatpin Township. So far, about 85,000 acres of land have been put under summer paddy against the target of over 90,000 acres of summer paddy this year. Later, they inspected Tawa sluice gate in Tawa village in Thanatpin Township. Officers reported on progress of work and Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than gave necessary instructions. They arrived back here in the evening.
Prawn and fish breeding stations inspected
Yangon, 2 April -Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Maung Bo of the Ministry of Defence, together with Command Staff Colonel of Coastal Region Command Col Than Myint and departmental officials, inspected production and breeding of sea shrimp fry in Kyunsu Township, Myeik District, Taninthayi Division, on 31 March.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party first inspected the worksite for construction of the sea shrimp fry hatchery camp of the Aquafarm Investment Pte Ltd in Katange Island, Kyunsu Township.
At the briefing hall, Deputy Director of Division Fisheries Department U Than Oo Wai reported on work being carried out for prawn breeding, project targets and future tasks; and local in charge of the company Daw Kyawt Kyawt Lwin on progress of construction of the station, future tasks, arrangements to be made for distribution of sufficient shrimp fries in the region and plans for breeding of prawn.
Then, Maj-Gen Maung Bo gave instructions on extended breeding of prawn from a small scale to a commercial scale in the entire division.
He spoke of the need for officials concerned and entrepreneurs to disseminate breeding techniques, and attended to the needs.
Efforts are being made for sea prawn breeding in the breeding ponds of 5,000 acres of land in Dawei, Myeik and Kawthoung districts in the division.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo proceeded to the Ma-ai Kyung sea prawn breeding station in Kyunsu Township and inspected the sea prawn breeding camp of the Aquafarm Co Ltd and inspected digging of prawn breeding ponds. After hearing reports presented by officials of the company, Maj-Gen Maung Bo left necessary instructions and fulfilled the requirements.
The company started land preparation for digging ponds in February 2001. It has dug fourtean 227 metres long and 120 metres wide prawn breeding ponds out of 24 ponds to be dug. The 24 breeding ponds can produce 576 tons of prawn a year.
Next, Maj-Gen Maung Bo inspected the fish breeding camp of Pyi Phyo Tun Co Ltd in Mawhtongyi Village, Kyunsu Township, and discussed extended breeding of fish and prawn and attended to the requirements.
The company is breeding about 300,000 fish in the 350 ponds, and produces 35 tons of fish yearly.
( 5 ) Dinner hosted to USDA members
Yangon, 2 April - A ceremony to host dinner to the excursion group of the members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association from Loilem Township and Panglong region, Shan State (South) was held at the Ministry of Commerce at 7 pm today.
It was attended by Central Executive Committee member of USDA Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone.
Also present were USDA Secretary-General U Than Aung, CEC member Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, departmental officials, officials of the USDA Head Office, 158 members of the excursion group.
First, Brig-Gen Pyi Sone extended greetings and exchanged souvenirs with U Zaw Min Tun, leader of the excursion group. Then, U Zaw Min Tun spoke words of thanks.
Then, the excursion group members were entertained with music by the artistes over dinner was served.
After the dinner, Brig-Gen Pyi Sone presented cash awards to the excursion group members and artistes. Then, the excursion group and artistes sang Myanandar song and the ceremony came to an
HS Code course concludes
Yangon, 2 April - Harmonized System Code Course No (1), organized by the Ministry of Commerce concluded at the meeting hall of the ministry this morning, attended by Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, directors-general, managing director and directors and trainees.
Minister Brig-Gen Pyi Sone made a speech on the occasion. Later, the minister presented completion certificates to the trainees individually.
Roads and bridges inspected
Yangon, 2 April - Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, accompanied by Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Myint Thein and officials of the Public Works arrived at Ywangan-Pindaya Junction by car through Nyaungshwe-Shwenyaung-Aungban-Ywangan-Myogyi-Hanmyintmho Road in Southern Shan State yesterday morning and inspected erecting of the signposts for directions to the streets and stone inscription for opening of streets and roads and gave necessary instructions to the officials.
On arrival at Ywangan, the minister gave instructions to the district superintending engineer and officials on storage of required materials for the work project before rainy season, proper drainage, and extension of signposts for directions to the streets for safety of vehicles. Then, he inspected maintenance tasks along Ywangan-Myogyi-Hanmyintmho Road section.
Afterwards, the minister and party proceeded to the construction site of Kyaukse-Minsu-Myittha road where they inspected progress of works, construction of temporary small bridges and gave necessary instructions to the officials.
Kyaukse-Minsu-Myittha road is 12 miles and 2 furlongs long.
Then, the minister and party went to Zawgyi River-crossing Bridge on Yangon-Mandalay Highway in Kyaukse and inspected progress of works of the bridge and construction of approach roads. The minister then left instructions there.
Prizes presented for Max Myanmar Inter-Club Tennis Championship
Yangon, 2 April - Marking the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, final matches of Max Myanmar Inter-Club Tennis Championship, organized by Myanmar Tennis Federation and sponsored by Max Myanmar Co Ltd and the prize presentation ceremony, were held at Theinbyu Tennis Court here this evening.
Present on the occasion were Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, Patron of MTF Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, officials of the Sports and Physical Education Department, President of MTF U Chit Swe, Secretary Dr Myint Soe and executives, guests, players and fans.
At the prize presentation ceremony after the final matches, respective officials presented the third prizes to Golden Eagle (B) Club and Ever Top (B) Club in the Division B and Top Star (A) Club and Top Star (B) Club in the Division A, the second prizes to Ever Top (A) Club in the Division B and YCDC Club in the Division A.
Then, Maj-Gen Kyaw Win presented prizes to members of the MRTV
Club which won the first prize in the Division B individually.
Afterwards, Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint presented prizes to members of the first-prize winning Ever Top Club in the Division A individually.
After that, Managing Director of Max Myanmar Co Ltd U Zaw Zaw presented souvenirs to Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint and Patron of MTF Maj-Gen Kyaw Win.
President of MTF U Chit Swe presented a souvenir to Managing Director U Zaw Zaw. The ceremony then came to a close.
After the ceremony, Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, Maj-Gen Kyaw Win and officials posed for a documentary photo.
( 6 ) Industry-1 Minister inspects factories
Yangon, 2 April- Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, accompanied by Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thein Tun and officials, arrived at Toilet Factory in Ward 29 of Thuwunna this morning and inspected new products of the factory.
The minister inspected vegetables patch of the factory and gave instructions on beautifying of the factory's environs and fire prevention measures. He inspected manufacturing of Pepsodent tooth paste. The Ministry of Industry-1 distributes Pepsodent tooth paste to the consumers meeting the set standard.
Then, the minister and party inspected production of Thin powder and construction of the new factory. The minister inspected research and test of cosmetics at the quality control and research division. He urged the personnel concerned to keep records on the research works.
Next, he also inspected the printing section, cultivation of pepper, warehouse, store and fish breeding pond. Then, he proceeded to Textile Mill No 12 of Myanma Textile Industries in Mingala Taungnyunt Township and inspected the weaving of nylon lace, quality control tasks, dyeing section and weaving of cotton lace. Afterwards, the minister met with officials at the briefing hall of the factory and gave necessary instructions.
Minister inspects renovation of Mahazedi Pagoda
Yangon, 3 April- Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung, accompanied by officials concerned, inspected the laying of marble slabs on the platform and all round renovation of the Mahazedi Pagoda in Bago on 1 April and attended to the needs.
Then, the Minister proceeded to the Sittoung Bridge and gave instructions to engineers on construction of rail-cum-road on the
( 7 )
National races study group continues tour of Yangon
Yangon, 2 April-A total of 150 national races 25 Naga nationals of Leshi Township, Sagaing Division, 34 Chin nationals of Kyikha region in Tonzang Township, Chin State, 45 national races of Mongsit and Narai regions in Shan State (South) and 46 national races of Aungthabye Village in Maungtaw Township, Rakhine StateÑwho arrived here at the invitation of Chairman of Work Committee for Implementation of Border Areas and National Races Development Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, accompanied by Deputy Director Col Kyaw Min of the Ministry of Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs, continued their study tour downtown Yangon this morning.
First, the study group at 7 am arrived at Hlaingthaya Industrial Town where Assistant Director of Department of Human Settlement and Housing Development U Myit Swe explained the salient points of the industrial zones in Yangon and Hlaingthaya Industrial Town at Kanaung Hall of the industrial town.
Then, the study group proceeded to Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni on Mindhama Hill in Insein Township where they paid homage to the Image, made cash donation and viewed the white elephant.
In the afternoon, they visited Myanma Radio and Television on Pyay Road where they were greeted by Deputy Director-General of MRTV Lt-Col Thein Aung who explained the salient points of the station.
Next, they viewed round the production work of MRTV. The study group then visited the Drug Elimination Museum at the corner of Hanthawady and Kyundaw Streets in Kamayut
( 8
) 15th UMEHL gem and jade sales to be held
Yangon, 2 April - The 15th sales of gems and jade for the year 2002 of Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd will be held at Myanmar Gems Emporium, No 66, Kaba Aye Pagoda Road, from 14 to 18 May. Inspection of jade can be made from 14 to 17 May and sales with bargain and auction systems will be conducted on 18 May.
Buyer registration can be made starting from 11 May with a fee of K 4,000 for citizens and US$ 20 for foreigners. Private jade and gem entrepreneurs may entrust their items for sale from 18 to 30 April, and 0.4 per cent of the itemsÕ value is to be paid to UMEHL.
Tax on sold items will be collected in accordance with law and rules of the Ministry of Mines.
For more information, contact can be made with Myanmar Ruby Enterprise and Myanmar Imperial Jade at No 24/26, Sule Pagoda Road, Yangon, or dial 287328, 285582, 285074 and 285584 during office hours.
___________________________ ( 9
) Thai national with 37.56 kilos of heroin arrested in Tachilek
Yangon, 2 April-The government is accelerating
the momentum of control and suppression of narcotic drugs
trafficking at border towns as a national duty. Security members
intercepted the suspicious-looking Land Rover with Thai number plate
3113 with two Thai nationals on board in front of the Dipakyaw
Market near the Friendship Bridge in Tachilek at 5.30 pm yesterday.
The two Thai nationals struggled with the authorities and tried to
One of the two managed to escape and the other
sustained gun-shot injury on his right calf. The authorities made a
thorough search on the car, and seized Chuhnakaung Globe Brand 89
packets of heroin each containing 350 gm and totally weighing 31.15
kilos and Triple Nine Brand 16 heroin blocks each containing 400 gm
and totally weighing 6.41 kilos.
Further interrogations and other evidences reveal
that the two are identified as Dang, 27, son of Naihnon of No 43,
Ward 3, Chiangmai, Thailand, who was arrested, and Okkara Mong Kol,
38, Thai NRC No. 3519900124405 of No 13/1, Ward 6, Linpin County,
Muang, Lammun district, Thailand. Action is being taken against the
two under Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the
police station concerned. Cooperative measures are being taken to
further expose and arrest those from Thailand and Myanmar involved
in the case.