1 ) Development of border areas amounts to development of the entire nation
Border areas development tasks are carried out to ensure equitable development of all regions
Senior General Than Shwe addresses meeting of Central Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races
Yangon, 31 March-The Central Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races held a meeting at the hall of the office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army) at 3 pm today, with an address by Chairman of the Central Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe.
Director-General Lt-Col Pe Nyein of the State Peace and Development Council Office acted as master of ceremonies.
First, Senior General Than Shwe gave an address.
He said the Central Committee for Development of
Border Areas and National Races has laid down guidelines on
development of border areas. The Work Committee for Development of
Border Areas and National Races is implementing the tasks in accord
with the guidelines, he said.
After the Government has made peace with national
race organizations since about 1989, the Central Committee for
Development of Border Areas and National Races and the Work
Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races were
formed. And development tasks for border areas and national races
were undertaken, he said.
In the beginning, he said, other development tasks, however, could not be undertaken effectively, for priority was given to better transportation in border areas. After improvement of transport and communication, those development tasks were implemented effectively with momentum.
At first, he said, emphasis was placed on development of border areas only in Mongma-Mongla region, Mongyang-Mongkhat region, Pansang-Mongmaw region, Kokang-Laukkai region and Panwa-Lwejal region. Later, the development tasks have been extended to all the border areas in the country.
Nearly all the border areas lagged behind in development. Therefore, development tasks for all national races in the country have been carried out with the concept that the development of border areas amounts to the development of the entire nation.
In the course of the history of Myanmar, it is high time for the Government to get an opportunity to carry out the tasks for development of the border areas and national races. Hence, it is needed to make best use of this opportunity.
During the colonial period, the border areas development was ignored as it was in no way beneficial to the colonialists. After regaining independence, the successive governments did not manage to carry out border areas development tasks due to various reasons.
In the time of this Government, border areas development tasks have been carried out with a view to ensuring the equitable development of all regions and enabling the border areas not to lag behind in development. As a result, the border areas have now achieved rapid development.
Nowadays, new cities and big towns have emerged in border areas. Together with improvement in transportation, the education and health conditions of those areas have made progress. Especially, opium-substitute crop cultivation, livestock breeding tasks and business are being carried out in those border areas which relied on poppy cultivation in the past to meet the needs of food, clothing and shelter. The poppy cultivation decreased remarkably.
On account of better transportation, the developed areas and those which lagged behind in development have achieved balanced development. Education, health, social and economic conditions of the national people in border areas are making progress.
Today, the development gap between the border areas and other regions have become narrower and narrower gradually. It is important to make continued efforts to increase the momentum of development.
To enable the national races in the border areas to be free from reliance on opium cultivation in earning their livelihood and to ensure sustainable development of their socio-economic lives, continued efforts are to be made to achieve progress in cultivating opium-substitute crops, livestock breeding and economic conditions.
By ensuring that all the national races entertain the same outlook and ideology and bridging the gap of development, Union Spirit can be further strengthened.
Due to the encouragement and assistance provided by the Government and collective efforts of all the national races, cultivation of opium-substitute crops is making more progress than expected. Schools and hospitals are to be opened extensively and emphasis is to be laid on promotion of education and health standards of the national people.
In conclusion, Senior General Than Shwe urged teachers to inculcate students with a sense of national unity and Union Spirit, to educate them to know the bad consequences of drug abuse and to steer clear of narcotic drugs and to instil them with a sense of willingness to pursue education with the aim of increasing the number of educated persons and developing human resources in respective regions.
Adopting to the attitude that it is incumbent upon the Government to strive for development of all the national races as well as for the national development, it is exerting efforts for development of border areas and national races with added momentum, he said. The responsible personnel and officials concerned are to make serious endeavours for realizing the objectives of the border areas and national races development projects.
In addition, the service personnel in various border areas are to conscientiously discharge duties with Union Spirit.
Then, Chairman of the Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races Secretary-1 said that the tasks for progress of border areas and national races have been carried out in 68 townships of seven states and two divisions near the border areas for about 13 years since 1989.
The Central Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races was constituted on 25 May 1989. The policies have been laid down at the meetings of the Central Committee. Altogether nine meetings inclusive of the present one have been held. The policies laid down at the meetings of the Central Committee have been implemented by work subcommittees, regional work committees and local national people under the supervision of the Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races. As tasks for development of border areas have been carried out in accord with the guidance of the Chairman of the Central Committee, they are making progress.
Infrastructures for the road and bridge sector, the energy sector, the communi-
cation sector, education, health, the public relations sector, agriculture, livestock breeding, mining and forestry have been built. At the same time, drug elimination plans are being implemented. In some border areas, the socio-economic development has gone beyond expectations. Production of drugs has decreased considerably.
In accord with the policies laid down by the Central Committee, the following tasks have been carried out in border areas since 1989.
In the road and bridge sector, 2,654 miles of earth roads, 1,402 miles of gravel roads and 283 miles of tarred roads have been built; 2,596 miles of roads repaired; 39 big bridges, 627 small bridges and 16 suspension bridges constructed. As a result, the relations among national races and trading have been improving.
In the energy sector, small- and medium-scale hydroelectric power stations have been built in eight towns in the border areas; 177 towns and villages have been given power by 241 generators.
In the communication sector, 53 postal offices, 45 radio telephone stations, 54 telephone exchanges, 45 telegraph offices and 11 satellite stations have been built; 442 miles of trunk call lines and 21 carrier boards have been installed. They contribute greatly to the social, economic and administrative development of the border areas.
In the education sector, 336 primary schools, 48 middle schools and 19 high schools have been built in the border areas. In the regions where there were previously 1,541 primary school students and 12 middle school students in 1989-90, there are 46,018 primary school students, 19,506 middle school students and 1,715 high school students totalling 69,339. It is encouraging to see that they are pursuing education. Those who have passed the matriculation examination in the border areas number 654.
In the health sector, 30 rural health branches, 18 rural health centres, 74 clinics, one station hospital and 46 hospitals have been opened in the border areas. The tasks of providing health care, preventing diseases, giving treatment and disseminating health knowledge are picking up.
In the public relations sector, 85 TV retransmission stations have been built in the border areas. As a result, the national brethren can know the development tasks undertaken all over the nation and the stable and peaceful condition and development of the nation. This contributes greatly to the economic and social development of the region.
In the agriculture sector, 31 agricultural offices, 113 agricultural farms, four canals and 11 tractor stations have been opened; there are altogether 40 dams, some of which have already been built and some of which are under construction; feasibility studies have been carried out for 17 dams. In this way, opportunities for achieving local sufficiency of food have been created.
In the livestock breeding sector, 19 livestock breeding farms and 41 veterinary clinics have been opened. Altogether 111 cows and donkeys have been distributed.
In the forestry sector, seven forest nurseries have been set up; four reserve forests have been established; plans are afoot to establish another four reserve forests; 12 saw mills have been built. In cooperation with local people, efforts are being made to produce forest products and prevent deforestation.
In the mining sector, assistance has been given for the exploration of mineral deposits and the mining of already-found mineral deposits on a commercial scale. In the mining sector, job opportunities are being created. In some border areas, the mining of minerals can be carried out on a commercial scale.
In the border areas human resources development sector, 17 national youth development schools, two national youth development degree colleges and 12 domestic science training schools for women have been opened. Measures are being taken to produce highly-qualified national youths who will take the lead in working for the progress of the border areas.
Altogether K 24,610.42 million has been spent on border area development tasks since 1989. Realizing the genuine goodwill of the Government, the national brethren are earnestly cooperating in undertaking border areas development tasks. According to the facts and figures obtained from 11 national race organizations from border areas, they have spent K 46,443 million and Yuan 949 million on development tasks over the last 12 years. Although some organizations have carried out development tasks, they have not kept a systematic record of the expenditure. So, the actual expenditure will be greater than the amount mentioned above. It is encouraging to see that the border areas are developing due to their cooperation.
For the regional development of border areas and eradication of narcotic drugs, the Government has cooperated with UNDP, UNDCP, JICA, Nippon Foundation, Karamosia International and SWISSAID.
The public development project implemented in cooperation with UNDP in ten far-flung townships has been started since 1994, and up to now three phases of the plan have been completed. With the use of US $ 18 million, 316 primary schools have been built, 378 primary schools repaired, 14 pre-primary schools opened, 67 clinics and one hospital built, 221 water siphoning tasks carried out, 1,752 lakes for drinking water, 673 wells and 11,123 sanitary latrines built. The project covers health, education, supply of clean water, sufficiency of food, income augmentation work, environmental preservation, prevention of deforestation and AIDS control.
In cooperation with UNDCP, a five-year Wa region alternative development project which runs from August 1998 to July 2003 is being implemented in Mongpauk in the south of Wa region. Nine project buildings, four primary schools and two middle schools have been built; Pangsan-Mongpauk power line has been installed; 13.24 kilos of Mongpauk-Maing motor road have been constructed; children from 234 villages covered by the project have been immunized; basic health care and treatment have been provided; water supply tasks have been undertaken at 17 villages; forest nurseries have been established and seeds distributed. The fund of the project is US $ 11.6 million; the Myanmar Government has contributed K 28.36 million; US $ 8.84 million out of the contribution made by UNDCP have been spent.
In cooperation with Japan International Cooperation Agency, an opium-substitute buckwheat cultivation project has been implemented in Kokang region, Shan State (North). In 1997, Japan buckwheat was grown on four acres of land, and success was achieved. Therefore, buckwheat was grown on 2,145 acres in 1999, 3,110 acres in 2000 and 4,160 acres in 2001. The buckwheat grown in Kokang region is of good quality, and 18 tons of buckwheat was sold to Japan in 2000; 54 tons in 2001. Arrangements have been made to sell 54 tons of buckwheat to Japan.
Another task undertaken in cooperation with JICA is a project designed to improve the living standard of Kokang region. An agreement was signed on 13-11-2001 to provide 800 million and machinery for the upgrading of Laukkaing-Kongyan road, construction of a machinery workshop and installation of power lines in Kyashishu and Kyahaw villages. The project will start in the 2002-2003 fiscal year.
Nippon Foundation of the Japanese government signed an agreement on 13-11-2001 to provide US $ 3 million for construction of 100 schools in Shan State. The project will run from 2002-2003 to 2004-2005 fiscal years.
Karamosia International, an NGO of Japan, is being implementing an alternative development project in Hotaung, southern Wa region from October 1999 to March 2002. In Mongpyan region, an industrial development building has been built. The fund of the project is about US $ 2 million equivalent to 220 million. Altogether US $ 0.35 million has been spent.
In addition, in cooperation with Karamosia International, a project for cultivation of crops and establishment of forests in the surrounding areas of Inlay Lake is being implemented from December 2001 to December 2002, using US $ 0.822 million.
In cooperation with Swiss Foundation For Development Cooperation (SWISSAID), a development project for Kachin State and Shan State which runs from 2001 to 2004 is being implemented, using Us $ 0.45 million.
The Work Committee has to implement the guidance of the Chairman.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 called on all to pay top priority to the rural development tasks outlined by Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, to fulfil the requirements for development of the regions like Panglong region which lagged behind in development, to promote cooperation with local national people, neighbouring countries and international organizations in striving to eradicate narcotic drugs in the border areas, to maintain the momentum of building social and economic infrastructures in the border areas and to work for the development of human resources, to carry out regional development tasks all over the nation, to strive for peace and tranquillity and rule of law as well as for the social and economic development of the border areas and to implement the guidance given by the Chairman of the Central Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races.
Then, the Secretary-1 explained the guidance given by the Chairman of the Central Committee at the Meeting No 1/99 of the Central Committee.
Then, Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt made a report. He said to be able to effectively carry out border area development tasks, nine supervisory offices for border area development tasks have been opened in Myitkyina, Bhamo, Lashio, Kengtung, Hpa-an, Mawlamyine, Sittwe and Monywa since 1995. Similar offices have been opened in Loikaw and Myeik on 19 March 1998 and in Khamti and Haka on 2 October 1999. Altogether 13 offices have been opened up to now.
Moreover, 15 mobile development offices have been opened in Myitkyina, Tanai, Laukkai, Panhsan, Mongpauk, Mongla, Hpa-an, Yay, Dawei, Maungtaw, Tamu, Chin region, Naga region, Homein and Kayah region. Similar offices have been opened in Lwejal on 18 May 2000 and Putao in 2 January 2002. Altogether 17 offices have been opened up to now and plans are under way to open offices in Mongyu, Kyainglatt, Mindat and Kanpetlet.
Since the establishment of the Central Committee in 25 May 1989, altogether K 24610.42 million border area development affair funds K 13377.91 million and miniseries funds K 11232.51 million have been spent for border area development tasks. Altogether 53.91 percent of the budget have been used in construction of roads and bridge, 16.77 percent in providing assistance, 4.05 percent in agriculture tasks, 2.9 percent in energy sector, 2.38 percent in construction tasks, 3.49 percent ion education sector, 1.97 percent in public relations, 1.97 percent in communication sector and 13.15 percent in other sectors.
Altogether 1.59 percent of the budget is used for Kachin Special Region-1, 3.66 percent for Kachin Special Region -2, 5.89 percent for Kokang Region, 10.85 percent for Wa Region, 4.17 percent for Shan Region, 1.41 percent for Kachin North-East Region, 1.81 percent for Palaung Region, 14.59 percent for Kengtung East Region, 0.47 percent for Mawhpa Region, 8.16 percent for PaO Region, 2.64 percent for Kayah Region, 4.18 percent for Rakhine Region, 1.97 percent for Chin Region, 1.68 percent for Naga Region, 0.81 percent for Kabaw Region, 13.54 percent for Kayin State, 1.92 percent for Taninthayi Region, 3.42 percent for Mon Region and 17.45 percent for other regions.
The work committee-owned machinery three excavators, 75 bulldozers, 90 road rollers, 150 trucks have been kept in Hsenwi, Kengtung, Bhamo, Myainggalay and Kalay and are used in constructing roads.
The Sports and Physical Education Department has opened 17 Youth Training Schools in different border areas, and these schools have nurtured 408 primary school students, 849 middle school students and 322 high school students totalling 1,579 students. Allowance for the students has been increased. Moreover, 489 students of Parahita Schools in Buthidaung, Maungtaw, Kyauktaw, Paletwa, Mongsat, Lashi, Mongpyin, Falam have been given assistance.
The subject Union Spirit has been taught in the youth training schools. For further study of the students, two Nationalities Youth Resources Development Degree Colleges have been opened in Yangon on and Mandalay on 15 June 2000 and 12 July 2000 respectively.
Altogether 107 students 18 freshmen in Arts, 20 in Science and 14 in AGTI; 15 sophomores in Arts, 18 in Science and 22 AGTI are pursuing their studies at the Nationalities Youth Resources Development Degree College (Yangon), and altogether 235 students 17 freshmen in Arts, 17 in Science and 20 in AGTI; 28 sophomores in Arts, 27 in Science and 19 in AGTI at Nationalities Youth Resources Development Degree College (Mandalay).
Arrangements have been made for the AGTI students who have completed their second year course in the two colleges to appoint them as assistant engineers at respective regions. Similarly, arrangements will be made for Arts/Science degree holders of the two colleges to appoint them at the positions equal to deputy chief officers.
As there are different races of nationalities in the two colleges, the subject Union Spirit is included in the cirriculum to be able to produce hard-core national races leaders who will sacrifice themselves for Our three main national causes
on-disintegration of the Union, Non-disintegration of the national solidarity and Perpetuation of national sovereignty.
Twelve domestic schools in Muse, Lashio, Monghsat, Kengtung, Tachilek, Loikaw, Myawady, Yay, Myeik, Kawthong, Haka, Maungtaw have trained 9,741 trainees to date.
In 2002-2003 fiscal year, in transport sector 109.2 miles of earth road, 179.7 miles of gravel road, 15.4 miles on tarred road, 6 major bridges and 23 minor bridges will be constructed and 784 miles of road will be renovated; in education sector, 32 BEPSs, 8 BEMSs and 7 BEHSs will be opened; in health sector, 9 hospitals, 5 dispensaries and one traditional clinic will be opened. Border Area development tasks will be carried out with added momentum under the guidance of the Central Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races .
Excerpts from the Address of
Senior General Than Shwe
- Priority was given to better transportation in border areas. After improvement of transport and communication, those development tasks were implemented effectively with momentum.
- Development tasks for all national races in border areas are carried out with the concept that the development of border areas amounts to the development of the entire nation.
- During the colonial period, the border areas development was
ignored as it was in no way beneficial to the colonialists.
- After regaining independence, the successive governments did
not manage to carry out border areas development tasks due to
various reasons.
- Border areas development tasks are carried out with a
view to ensuring equitable development of all regions and enabling
the border areas not to lag behind in development. As a result, the
border areas have now achieved rapid development.
- Today, the development gap between the border areas and
other regions have become narrower and narrower gradually.
- Due to the encouragement and assistance provided by the
government and collective efforts of all the national races,
cultivation of opium- substitute crops is making more progress than
( 2 )
Secretary-1 inspects Drug Elimination Museum
Yangon, 31 March - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt inspected the Drug Elimination Museum and gave instructions to officials this morning. The Secretary-1, accompanied by officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, arrived at the museum at the corner of Hanthawady Street and Kyundaw Street in Kamayut Township.
They were welcomed by Chairman of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, the deputy ministers, members of the CCDAC and officials.
The Secretary-1 inspected the place where seized narcotic drugs will be put to the torch in the compound of the museum, and gave instructions.
Then, the Secretary-1 inspected the booths on treatment and rehabilitation, the meeting room, the e-library, the booth on giving education on the danger of drugs, the booth on the development of border areas, the booths of Myanmar Anti-Drug Association and the Border Area Development Association, the booth on drug elimination operations and the booth on efforts for eradication of narcotic drugs.
He gave instructions on the display of drug control cooperation programmes being implemented by Myanmar, neighbouring
countries and foreign organizations, and the systematic keeping of
documentary photos on drug control efforts.
( 3 ) Daw Kyaing Kyaing attends 93rd birthday ceremony of State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Chairman Myingyan Koehsaungtaik Sayadawgyi
Yangon, 31 March-A ceremony to mark the 93rd birthday ceremony of Chairman of State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhammajotika Myingyan Koehsaungtaik Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sobhita was held at Pyilon Chantha Maha Ordination Hall of Nikaya Sarthintaik on Pale Yadana Road in Ward 25, Dagon Myothit (South) Township, at 8 am today, attended by Daw Kyaing Kyaing, wife of Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe.
Also present on the occasion were State Ovadacariya Sayadaws, members of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee, members of the State Central Working Committee of the Sangha, Sayadaws of townships in Yangon Division, Daw Mya Mya San, wife of Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye, Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, wife of Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Daw Khin Than Nwe, wife of Lt-Gen Tin Oo, wives of the members of the State Peace and Development Council, wives of the Commander-in-Chief (Navy) and the Chief of Staff (Air), wives of the Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander and the ministers, the deputy ministers, the vice mayor, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads, officials of the organizing committee of the ceremony and the sub-committee, wellwishers and disciples.
The congregation opened the ceremony with three-time recitation of Namo Tassa.
Then, on behalf of the Chairman Sayadaw, Vice-Chairman Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Dawei Sayadaw Bhaddanta Arinnabhivamsa administered the Five Precepts.
The Sayadaws recited Mangala and Metta Suttas.
Next, member of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Pakokku Sayadaw Bhaddanta Viara read the Gunapuja paper of the committee.

Vocalist Daw Yi Yi Thant sang the Gunapuja Ratu.
Afterwards, Daw Kyaing Kyaing offered provisions and three sets of Tri-Pitaka treatise in Yun Shan version donated by Tachilek Naga Hnakaung Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Agga Maha Saddhammajotikadhaja Bhaddanta Dhammasiri to Chairman Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sobhita.
Then, Daw Mya Mya San offered provisions and one set of Tri-Pitaka treatise in Yun Shan version donated by Tachilek Naga Hnakaung Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Agga Maha Saddham-majotikadhaja Bhaddanta Dhammasiri to Secretary of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Magway Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kumara.
Afterwards, Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, Daw Khin Than Nwe and party presented offertories to the Sayadaws.
On behalf of the wellwishers and the disciples, Yangon Division Religious Affairs Department Staff Officer U San Thin Hlaing read the letter for wishing the Myingyan Sayadaw a long-life. Magway Sayadaw Bhad-danta Kumara delivered a sermon. Then, Daw Kyaing Kyaing and party shared merits gained. Next, the ceremony came to a close.
After the ceremony, Daw Kyaing Kyaing and party and the wellwishers donated provisions to the Sayadaws who attended the Sayadaw's birthday ceremony and performed the rituals of golden and
silver showers.
( 4
) U Than Tun appointed as
Ambassador to Sri Lanka
Yangon, 1 April - The Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar has appointed U Than Tun, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Union of Myanmar to Brunei Darussalam, as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Union of Myanmar to the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
( 5 ) Seventh anniversary of Myawady
TV, prize presentation for outstanding staff held
Yangon, 31 March- The seventh anniversary of Myawady TV and the prize presentation ceremony for outstanding service personnel was held at Myawady TV Broadcasting Unit at 6 pm today, attended by member of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein.
Also present on the occasion were Vice-Quartermaster-General Brig-Gen Htin Aung Kyaw, Brig-Gen Khin Aung Myint of the Ministry of Defence, senior military officers, guests, commanding officers of regiments and units, Commandant Lt-Col Chit Swe of Myawady TV unit, officers and staff. Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein gave a speech.
Then, Maj-Gen Thein Sein presented best TV cameramen awards to WO Han Win Aung and Sgt Tun Tun Aung, best editing award to WO Daw Than Than Win, best producer award to Sgt Naing Oo and best news caster award to WO Daw Khin Wah Wah Myint. Brig-Gen Khin Aung Myint of the Ministry of Defence presented best make-up artist award to WO Daw Sabai Maw, best film editor award to WO Daw Tin Tin Ko, best programmer award to Sgt Daw Cho Nwe Phu and prizes to personnel from mechanical department to one medal winner for Excellent Performance in Social Field (First Class), four winners for Excellent Performance in Administrative Field (Second Class), 11 winners for Excellent Performance in Social Field (Third Class) and U Aung Kyaw Oo of IDEA Co who donated the background paintings.
Next, Lt-Col Kyaw Myo Htut and Lt-Col Than Oo presented prizes to outstanding staff, units and depots. Vice-Quartermaster-General Brig-Gen Htin Aung Kyaw presented K 300,000 to the staff welfare funds of Myawady TV. Col Kyaw Myint presented gifts to artistes and technicians who contributed to the production of Myawady TV. Later, Maj-Gen Thein Sein and guests were served with a dinner and entertained with the Spectrum modern music troupe and Myawady music
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe inspects
regional development tasks
Yangon, 31 March -Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Aung Htwe of the Ministry of Defence, accompanied by departmental officials, arrived at the construction site for the 37- mile long Tale-Pahlyo-Kayinglatt road of Tachilek District Public Works in Shan State (East) yesterday morning.
At the briefing hall of the site, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe heard reports on tasks being carried out with the use of heavy machinery by Shan State Superintending Engineer U Thaung Htay and officials. After leaving instructions, the Maj-Gen arrived at Namhmwe Creek bridge construction site on the road and heard reports by Shan State Superintending Engineer U Thaung Htay and officials on upgrading the road and construction of the 300 feet long bridge, use of machinery and construction materials.
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe gave instructions and inspected the construction site. The Namhmwe bridge is of reinforced concrete type with bailey steel frames. At 11 am, he arrived at Kyainglatt Police Station and inspected the station. He then met departmental officials, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association and social organizations at the hall of Wankyin Village BEPS in Kyainglatt, Tachilek District.
Chief Officer U Pe Thein of Shan State (East) General Administration Department and Director U Thet Hnin Oo of Shan State (East) Development Affairs Department reported Maj-Gen Aung Htwe on development tasks with the help of charts.
Police Col Ba Kyi of Shan State (East) Police Force reported Maj-Gen Aung Htwe on upgrading of Wanlon Police Station, Secretary of Tachilek District Peace and Development Council Maj Win Htut Oo and Secretary of Tachilek Township Peace and Development Council U Kan Pwint on implementations of tasks guided by leaders of the State on their tour in Kyainglatt region. After giving instructions to the officials, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe proceeded to Hlainggushin Image monastery in the town and paid obeisance to the Presiding Sayadaw there.
He then visited Mekong bank and inspected Rural Area Development Hospital (16-Bed) in the town. Tachilek Medical Superintendent Dr Chit Thein conducted him there and Maj-Gen Aung Htwe attended to the needs.
Regional development, argiculture and
livestock breeding tasks inspected in Hmawby, Taikkyi,
Yangon, 31 March- Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe, accompanied by Col Tin Tun of Phugyi Station, Secretary of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Kyaw Tint and officials, inspected regional development and agriculture and livestock breeding tasks in Hmawby, Taikkyi and Htantabin Townships this morning and fulfilled the requirements.
First, the commander and party inspected Tawhse, Kawmu Creek and Okpho bridges on the road linking Hleseik, Kyutaw, Nyaung-lebin, Kyobinwaing and Okpho villages in Htantabin Township. The commander gave instructions to the officials concerned on maintenance works of roads and bridges for long-term use.
Then, the commander and party proceeded to Dagon International Co Ltd's Agricultural and Livestock Breeding Farm in Kyaman region of Htantabin Township.
They viewed the farm from the observation tower. Managing Director of the company U Win Aung reported on progress of work.
Next, the commander and party inspected construction of the road to link the Kyaman-Shandaw Road with Bawle Village. Afterwards, they met with local populace and discussed matters on regional development tasks. The road linking Kyaman-Shandaw Road in Bawle Village is five miles and two furlongs long and is being built by Dagon International Co.
The commander and party visited Aungzeya Monastery in Upper Bawle Village and paid homage to Sayadaw Bhaddanta ana-vamsa and members of the Sangha.
The commander and party proceeded to the briefing hall of the company in Kyaman region. Managing Director U Win Aung reported matters on land
reclamation, cultivation of monsoon paddy, summer paddy and other crops and digging of fish ponds. Division level departmental officials also reported on agricultural and livestock breeding tasks. The commander then gave necessary instructions.
Next, the commander and party arrived at Thebyedan electric river water pumping station in Taikkyi Township. At the temporary briefing hall there, officials reported matters on progress of summer paddy cultivation and preparatory measures for cultivating monsoon paddy.
Taikkyi Township Development Committee Executive Officer U Aung Kyaw Nyein reported on progress in building bridges on Tawlati-Kalawthawt Road.
The commander urged the officials to make efforts for achieving success in their respective sectors. He also inspected the nine miles and four furlongs long Tawlati-Kalawthawt road and wooden bridges on it. He also inspected 100 feet long Bayme wooden bridge construction site and gave instructions.
Afterwards, the commander and party inspected over 100 acres of vegetable patches of the Hmawby Township General Administration Department near Hnawgon Village.
They inspected distribution of vegetables to tax-free markets and other markets in Yangon. The commander fulfilled the requirements.
Next, they proceeded to Hmawby Hsan Hall of Yangon Division Vegetable and Poultry Farming Special Zone-1 near Nyaunghnapin Village. At the briefing hall there, officials reported matters on land reclamation, land preparation, cultivation of vegetables and raising of broilers and layers.
Officials concerned also reported on installation of the transformer and power lines and others. He also inspected 170,000 saplings of Thithseint (belleric myrobalan), tamarind, shady trees and flowery plants of the Forest Department at the special zone-1. Later, the commander and party inspected the poultry farm of Kaungthukha Co Ltd and 10 acres of vegetable patches of U Tun Oo. The commander fulfilled the requirements.
( 6 ) Max Myanmar Inter Club Tennis
Championship continues
Yangon, 31 March - Max Myanmar Inter Club Tennis Championship, organized to hail the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day by Myanmar Tennis Federation and sponsored by Max Myanmar Co Ltd continued at Theinbyu Tennis Court here this morning.
It was attended by Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint and directors, General Secretary of MTF Dr Myint Soe and executive committee members, guests and fans.
Yangon City Development Committee team and Top Star (A) team beat Ministry of Forestry team and Storm team with 2-1 respectively in Division-1 matches.
Twantay (A) team beat Golden Eagle (A) and Ko Ko Ro (A) teams with 3-0, and Bago team and Evening Star team beat Twantay (B) team and Khayan team with 3-0 respectively in Division-2 matches. The championship will continue tomorrow.
Agricultural and livestock breeding works inspected
Yangon, 31 March - Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, accompanied by Managing Director of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading U Min Hla Aung and officials, arrived at Emerald Green Agricultural and Livestock Breeding Camp in Ye Mon Village, Hlegu Township this morning. At the hall of the camp, Managing Director U Min Hla Aung and general managers concerned reported on matters pertaining to agricultural and livestock breeding. Then, the minister inspected fish ponds, poultry farms and plantation of summer paddy and gave necessary instructions.
Agga Maha Pandita title recipient Sayadaw Bhaddanta Vannitabhivamsa honoured
Yangon, 31 March- Agga Maha Pandita title
recipient Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw Bhaddanta Vannitabhivamsa of Hsinshin Kyaungtaik in Myaung, Sagaing Division, was honoured at Sasana Linkara Dhamma Beikmandaw on Gyatawya Street in the eastern archway of Shwedagon Pagoda this morning.
Present on the occasion were members of the Sangha led by State Ovadacariya Minkyaung Sayadaw of Myaung, Sagaing Division, Sayadaw Agga Maha Saddhammajotikadhaja Bhaddanta Obhasa, State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee member Laykyunmye Okkyaung of Sagaing Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Sagara and Maha Nanditheyna Yamataik of Mandalay Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Ariyabhivamsa, Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung and wife Daw Khin Khin Lay, Deputy Director-General of Information and Public Relations Department U Aung Hsan, guests, nuns and disciples from Myaung Township.
The congregation received the Five Precepts from Sayadaw Bhaddanta Vannitabhivamsa. Members of the Sangha recited Parittas.
Member of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka
Committee Laykyunmye Okkyaung Sayadaw delivered a sermon.
Minister Maj-Gen Kyi Aung and wife Daw Khin Khin Lay and officials presented offertories to the members of the Sangha.
Adviser to the Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana U Min Kyi (Dhammacariya B.A) read the biography of Sayadaw Bhaddanta Vannitabhivamsa of Hsinshin Kyaungtaik. Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw of Maha Nanditheyna Yamataik of Mandalay delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of
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Senior officials from ASEAN countries arrive to attend AFDM-WG
Yangon, 31 March - Senior officials of Finance and Central Banks of the ASEAN countries arrived here by air today to attend the ASEAN Finance and Central Bank Deputies Working Group Meeting (AFDM-WG), a preliminary meeting for the 6th ASEAN Finance
Ministers' Meeting to be hosted by Myanmar.
They were welcomed at Yangon International Airport by officials of the Ministry of Finance and Revenue.
The meeting will be held at the Traders Hotel on Sule Pagoda Road on 1 and 2 April.
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) Bangladeshi cultural troupe continues entertainment
Yangon, 31 March - Under the cultural exchange programme between Myanmar and Bangladesh, visiting Bangladeshi cultural troupe members presented entertainment at the National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Street today for the last day. Among the audience were, Director-General of the Fine Arts Department U Kyaw
Win, departmental officials, officials of Bangladeshi embassy,
students of the University of Culture and others.
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Raw opium seized
Yangon, 31 March - combined group comprising
members of local intelligence unit and Kengtung Special Anti-drug
Squad, acting on information, searched the house of Kyalaw in Tamyay
Village in Kengtung Township on 4 March 2002 and found 4.6 kilos of
raw opium in the bedroom. Kengtung Police Station has filed Kyalaw,
63, son of U Law Si, under Section 15/16 (C)/ 19 (A) of the Narcotic
Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Drug possessors sentenced
Yangon, 31 March -Members of local intelligence
unit and Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on information, searched
the house of Ma Malu and Ma Makaw in Monkoe on 6 July 2001 and found
396 grams of heroin in 18 soap-boxes. Kyugok Police Station filed Ma
Malu, 30, of Ward 6 and Ma Makaw, 34, of Ward 4 in Monkoe under the
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. Muse District Court
handed down fifteen-year imprisonment each on them under Section 19
(A) on 15 February 2002.
1.28 kilos of heroin seized in Muse
Yangon, 31 March-combined team comprising members
of local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, acting on
information, searched the house of Aik Yon in Kaungmulwe Ward, Muse
Township, on 19 March. The authorities seized Ma Chwe Kyein (a) Ma
Shwe Kyi, wife of Aik Yon and her step-mother Daw Chein Mi Lein with
four blocks of heroin weighing 1.28 kilos and one Super Cub (green)
motorcycle with number plate MaHsa/1481 which was used in drug
trafficking. Action is taken against them under the Narcotic Drugs
and Psychotropic Substances Law.