1 ) Industrial Development Central Committee lays down five principles to set up mechanized agricultural system and industrial nation
Secretary-1 attends meeting of Myanma Industrial Development Committee
Yangon, 29 March - Myanma Industrial Development Committee held a meeting on industrial development in the meeting hall of the Ministry of Industry-1 this afternoon.
Vice-Chairman of the Industrial Development Central Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt addressed the meeting.
Also present were members of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Maj-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo and Maj-Gen Tin Aye of the Ministry of Defence, ministers, deputy ministers, members of Myanma Industrial Development Committee, members of the work committees and subcommittees, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of department, chairmen and members of supervisory committees and management committees of 26 industrial zones and officials.
The Secretary-1 said that Head of State Senior General Than Shwe has from time to time given guidance on establishment of industries which necessary for building a modern and developed nation.
The State Peace and Development Council is making all-out efforts with the strength of national forces in enabling the Union of Myanmar to stand shoulder to shoulder with others and building the nation into a modern and developed one.
In so doing, the Government has placed emphasis on development of agriculture as the base and development of industries. Agricultural work has been carried out from generation to generation, and the nation abounds in natural resources.
That is why efforts for industrial development are based on agriculture. Systematic measures are being taken to strengthen the national economy, to encourage the businesses of national entrepreneurs and to enable them to keep the initiative to shape the national economy in their hands.
In this regard, the Government is working for the modernization and development of agriculture, the basis of the national economy, and has given top priority to the mechanization of agriculture. At the same time, the Government is taking measures to lay down the foundations for the emergence of a modern, industrialized and developed nation.
In building a modern and developed nation, it is necessary to create favourable conditions contributing to industrial development, to enable national entrepreneurs to set up small- and medium-size industries and to turn private industries into heavy industries.
It is also necessary to achieve industrial development in the agriculture sector, to establish import-substitute industries and to set up export-related industries.
These measures are to be taken by the Government and entrepreneurs.
The Secretary-1 quoted Head of State Senior General Than Shwe as saying that the establishment of industries is of great importance in building a modern and developed nation. On the basis of agricultural development, necessary industries are to be set up. The industrial sector is to be divided into three sectors Ñ the state-owned sector, the private sector and the foreign investment sector permitted according to the foreign investment law. The industrial sector comprising these three sectors is to be developed. Therefore, it is incumbent upon all to implement the guidance of the Head of State.
Head of State Senior General Than Shwe has given guidance on implementation of five objectives designed to develop the industrial sector based on the agriculture.
These five objectives are development of industries based on agriculture, improvement of industrial products in quantity and quality, production of new machinery items, the manufacturing of machinery for use in industries and to lay down the foundation for turning the nation into an industrialized one on the basis of these four above-mentioned facts.
In implementing the guidance of the Head of State, industrial zones have been established at suitable places as of 1995 so that scattered industries can be put in a place. Now there are 18 industrial zones. Some industrial zones have been extended, and there are altogether 26 industrial zones.
Although the industrial zones have been set up, development has fallen short of expectations.
Head of State Senior General Than Shwe has given guidance on cooperation of the state-owned sector and the private sector, and the provision of financial and technical assistance and raw materials and others for the industries of national entrepreneurs by the Government.
In accord with the guidance of the Head of State, the Ministry of Finance and Revenue has extended loans to industries; the Ministry of
Industry-1 and the Ministry of Industry-2 have provided technical assistance, machinery and raw materials.
To implement the guidance of the Head of State and the industrial policies of the State, the Industrial Development Central Committee chaired by the Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council and Myanma Industrial Development Committee chaired by the Minister for Industry-1 have been formed. The committees are giving policies, working programmes and assistance.
Industrial Development Central Committee lays down five principles to set up mechanized agricultural system and industrial nation
Industrial Development Central Committee laid down the five principles wider flourishing of agricultural mechanization system; extension of new factories; operation of the existing factories at full capacity; extension of new industrial zones; and further development of the private sector with the aim of setting up mechanized agricultural system and an industrial nation.
The industries which are being run with the government support are farm machinery producing enterprises, car and spare parts producing enterprises, radio, TV and communication equipment manufacturing enterprise, electrical apparatus manufacturing enterprises, textile and garment industries, rubber industries, finished wood-based industries and rice oil mills and sugar mills and bakeries.
There are industrial zones producing cars, generators and pumps, and also small zones producing machinery. Some of the zones are not doing their business well.
The Head of State has given guidance, saying that first the industries which include more manual work and less mechanical work will have to be set up; that to reduce the manual part and to increase the mechanical part in the second phase; that to set up industries which almost run with mechanical power in the third phase; that changes and developments should be made gradually; and that the deputy ministers, who take charge of the industrial zones and heads of department will have to render assistance.
The State has set up industrial zones and allotted land for industries, rendered assistance to set up industries, supplied water, electric power and communication facilities, disbursed loans at low interest rates; rendered assistance to provide manufacturing machines and raw materials to the most possible degree, disseminated know-how, produced materials for industries, and bought raw materials for industrial development.
Especially, the State has given priority to agro-based industries, machinery producing industries and import-substitute industries. As the State is rendering assistance, the industrialists are also serving the interests of the nation.
The industrialists will have to strive to manufacture quality machines and social goods required by the nation, to run the existing factories at full capacity, to boost farm machinery production, to extend import-substitute industries, to set up new types of industries.
They are required to make systematic arrangements to increase investments, to apply modern production machinery and systems, to introduce innovative means, to systematically nurture human resources and to strive to develop technologies.
In addition they will have to rely on practical methods to extend factories that rely on raw materials available in the country, to manufacture new brands of goods and to operate import-substitute industries. In the next stage, they should try to produce export goods that meet the international standard.
In conclusion, he urged the industrialists to strive for progress of the national industries to enable the nation to stand shoulder to shoulder with world nations.
Then, Chairman of Myanma Industrial Development Committee Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung reported on fulfilment of requirements including technical know-how and raw materials for the development of industrial zones, progress of the industrial zones, the organizing of work coordination meetings, distribution of automobiles, assistance being rendered and tasks being carried out under the international cooperation programme; Chairman of Myanma Industrial Development Work Committee Minister for Industry-2 Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, on matters related to total quality management courses at which foreign experts gave lectures theoretically and practically, conducting workshops on boosting productivity, creating job opportunities in the industrial zones, arrangements to organize excursions to the industrial zones, doing research in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry-2, conducting surveys on production, maintenance and problems of industries in the industrial zones, drawing designs of each part of automobiles, provision of health care at worksites, engines and spare parts provided for production of automobiles, participation in the ASEAN meetings attended by entrepreneurs form the industrial zones and courses being organized for trainees from the industrial zones; chairmen and officials of supervisory committees and management committees from 26 industrial zones, on requirements of electric supply, fuel oil, industrial raw materials and equipment, water supply, prodution of experts, holding exhibitions, competitions and seminars, arranging study tours, ensuring proper communication and providing techniques and construction materials; and those in charge of the industrial zones Minister U Aung Thaung, Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw and Minister for Electric Power Maj-Gen Tin Htut, on assistance to be provided in connection with requirements of private entrepreneurs.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 said that tasks are to be carried out under the close supervision of the industrial zone supervisory committees and those in charge of the industrial zones ministers and deputy ministers are also to attend to the needs and to provide supervision industrial zone-wise for the development of the industrial zones. If necessary, reports are to be presented to Myanma Industrial Development Work Committee, Myanma Industrial Development Committee and Industrial Development Central Committee.
The Government is working for the equitable development of 14 states and divisions. Although there are 14 states and divisions, altogether 24 development regions have been designated.
Constant attention is being paid to development of all the regions irrespective of states and divisions.
Efforts are to be made for the emergence of an industrialized and modern nation, to be able to place reliance on national forces, and to promote the development of industries of national entrepreneurs.
To develop the nation and to build a modern and industrialized nation, all-out self-reliant efforts are to be made with nationalistic spirit and patriotism.
All are to work hard, adopting the attitude that the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe
is to be implemented successfully and without fail. In conclusion,
the Secretary-1 called on all the industrialists to work in unity in
upgrading small- and medium-size industries to heavy industries.
Next, the meeting came to an end.
( 2 ) Myanmar and USA jointly carry out survey on poppy cultivation and yield eight times since 1993
Results of survey announced yearly by US Government
According to announcements, poppy
cultivation in Myanmar declined to 105,000 hectares in 2001 from 163,100 hectares in 1996
Yangon, 29 March - The Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control held its meeting No 2/2002 at the meeting hall of the Ministry of Home Affairs at 1 pm today, with an address by CCDAC Chairman Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing.
Also present were Vice-Chairmen of CCDAC Minister of Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt, Minister for Labour U Tin Winn and Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Chairman of the Supervisory Committee for Central Working Groups of CCDAC Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, chairmen of the Work Committees deputy ministers, the Deputy Attorney-General, directors-general and managing directors of respective Work Committees, chairmen of the Myanmar Anti-Narcotics Association and the Border Areas Development Association, the director of the Office of CCDAC, deputy directors and officials and guests.
Minister Col Tin Hlaing said that the meeting was held to coordinate the work carried out by CCDAC in accord with the instructions given by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt at the Special Meeting of CCDAC on 6 March.
Means and ways are to be sought to give medical treatment to the drug addicts at the respective health centres and drug rehabilitation centres in accord with the law.
Drug addict registration and supervision committees should seek ways to accommodate drug addicts who have already undergone treatment at the rehabilitation centres.
Myanmar, in cooperation with the US, has carried out the survey on poppy cultivation and yield eight times since 1993 and the results of survey were announced yearly by the US Government.
According to the announcements, poppy
cultivation in Myanmar was 163,100 hectares in 1996, 155,150
hectares in 1997, 130,300 hectares in 1998, 89,500 hectares in 1999,
108,700 hectares in 2000 and 105,000 hectares in 2001. Opium
production in Myanmar was 2,560 metric tons in 1996, 2,365 metric
tons in 1997, 1,750 metric tons in 1998, 1090 metric tons in 1999,
1085 metric tons in 2000 and 865 metric tons in 2001.
According to the tables, it was undeniable facts that poppy production in Myanmar was on the decrease gradually.
Control of precursor plays a leading part in drug eradication and such precursor was smuggled into Myanmar from neighbouring countries and the seizure of liquid chemical was 58,638 litres in 1999, 89,184 litres in 200o and 159,049 litres in 2001.
In additions, the seizure of stimulant tablets was 28,89 millions in 1999, 26.72 millions in 2000 and 32.43 millions in 2001.
Myanmar in cooperation with such neighbouring countries the People's Republic of China and Thailand in the fight against narcotic drug is making significant progress in 2001.
Cooperation with PRC resulted in the arrest of Drug Lord Tang Xiaolin wanted in PRC and handing over him to the PRC authorities and the arrest of Shang Shou Mei who was at the centre of a probe by the authorities of the two countries.
Similarly, in cooperation with Thailand, further information from the seizure of 116 kilos of heroin and 7.789 million stimulant tablets in the Adman Sea led to the arrest of Myanmar citizens and their properties confiscated in accordance with the law and sentence them.
In connection with the seizure of 1,600 kilos of Ephedrine smuggled into Myanmar from India, Myanmar has been cooperating with India in the fight against drug.
Myanmar citizens who involved in the seizure of 357 kilos of heroin in Fiji by AFP were arrested and Myanmar authorities in cooperation with Hong Kong Police to control their properties and bank account in Hong Kong. According to the 2000 reports of the International Narcotic Control Board, efforts made by Myanmar in wiping out drugs was obvious.
The INCB report said due to destruction of poppy files and opium-substitute projects, one third of the poppy cultivated areas have been reduced. The cooperation between the two nations has led to capturing of top drugs lords. There was a decline in poppy cultivation and opium production and increase in exposing and seizing the traffickers.
The report made a remark that Myanmar is making all-out efforts to eradicate the drugs and to curb drug trafficking under its 15-year plan. It also urged the international community to render assistance to Myanmar drug eradication task.
Myanmar is frankly urging her neighbours to control the flow of precursors. Myanmar has never produced the precursors. Myanmar is practically cooperating with world nations to combat the drugs. The national races armed groups have abandoned their armed struggle line and are cooperating with the government and the people to wipe out the drugs.
Myanmar has already signed the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961; Convention on Psychotropic Substances, 1971; UN Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, 1988. It only remains to become a member of the 1972 Protocol Amending the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961.
A Press conference on the irresponsible remarks made against Myanmar was held on 20 March. At the conference, Charge d'Affaires ai of the US Embassy in Myanmar Ms Priscilla A Clapp said that when he read the remakes made by the Assistant Secretary of State of US , she personally questioned Washington to clarify the statement that the US viewed the United Wa Army as a terrorist organization.
She received clarification from Washington which said that Washington regrets the confusion caused by the inaccurate statement. The statement is not true and that the US do not view the United Wa Army as a terrorist organization. Another Press Conference on the terrorist acts of SURA drug-trafficking Ywet Sit group, its drug trafficking and its scheming and fabrication in the attack on Pachee outpost was also held.
Vice-Chairman of CCDAC Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt spoke of expenditure for eradication of narcotic drugs, provision of assistance to rehabilitation camps, provision of rice and salt and cash assistance to farmers whose opium fields were destroyed and working programmes to be implemented.
Vice-Chairman of CCDAC Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung spoke of accusations levelled at Myanmar although it is resorting to various ways and means in eradicating narcotic drugs and implementation of narcotic drug eradication plans in Wa and Kokang regions in accord with the guidance of leaders of State.
Joint Secretary of CCDAC Police Col Khan Aung reported on implementation of decisions made at the work coordination meeting of secretaries of work committees of CCDAC and the International Narcotic Control Board's assessment of Myanmar.
Chairman of the Supervisory Committee for Work Committees of CCDAC Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung reported on progress of work made in the first and second years of the 15-year Myanma narcotic drug elimination plan, expenditure, programmes to be implemented by work committees, assistance provided to rehabilitation camps by CCDAC and the Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs, condition of money and materials confiscated in connection with narcotic drugs and international cooperation in controlling drug abuse.
Then, a general round of discussions followed.
The meeting ended with concluding remarks by Minister Col Tin Hlaing.
( 3 ) SURA attacked Pachee outpost to mislead certain western nation into viewing it as prime mover in drug eradication and the world into believing Myanmar Tatmadaw to be drug producer
Three SURA members who exchanged arms for peace give first-hand account to ambassadors
Yangon, 29 March - The ambassadors of foreign missions met with SURA company commander Kum Kham, platoon commander Aik Maung and private Aik Pee at Tatmadaw Guest House on Inya Road at 10 am today.
Kum Kham, Aik Maung and Aik Pee had recently exchanged arms for peace and given a first-hand account of the terrorist acts of SURA drug-trafficking insurgent Ywet Sit's group, its drug production and trafficking and how fabrications were made in connection with the attack on Tatmadaw Pachee outpost.
Also present at the meeting were ambassadors led by Dean of the Diplomatic Corps Ambassador of Laos Mr Ly Bounkham, Director-General of the Protocol Department Thura U Aung Htet and officials of the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and officials of the Ministry of Information.
Director U Denzel Abel of the Political Department of MOFA explained the arrangements for the ambassadors to meet with a company commander, a platoon commander and a private from SURA group who had recently exchanged arms for peace. He also presented a brief account of the attack of drug-trafficking Ywet Sit's group on the Tatmadaw Pachee outpost.
The attack made by the Ywet Sit's drug-trafficking group on the Tatmadaw Pachee outpost, the conveying of the narcotic drugs and stimulant tablets to the outpost and the fabrications made by the group were presented with audio-visual aids.
In replying to questions raised by the ambassadors, company commander Kum Khan and platoon commander Aik Maung said that Ywet Sit's opium-trafficking group is based in Lwetainglyan in Thailand. The strength of the SURA is about 7,000.
The group captures youths of the national races and recruits them by force. The group threatens to kill the parents and relatives of the youths if they refuse to join it. Although the youths are reluctant to join the group they have been recruited under intimidation. In some cases, Thai police arrested those who came to Thailand without identification and sent them to the SURA. Thai police sent the arrested persons to the SURA at its requests. The SURA wants to raise its manpower. Thus, the manpower of the SURA has reached about 7,000 at present. Military instructors of a certain western nation give instructor training to Thai war veterans, who in turn give military training to the recruits.
That western nation provides financial assistance to Thailand to buy arms for the SURA. Thais bought arms for the SURA members, and equipped them.
Ywet Sit has applied various means to obtain continuous assistance from a certain western nation and Thailand. Platoon commander Aik Maung happened to learn these facts as he was working closely with Ywet Sit as his batman.
As a batman, Aik Maung had to cook and prepare meals for Ywet Sit and to wash his clothes. As he knew the ins and outs of the economic and military affairs of Ywet Sit, he was promoted to a platoon commander by Ywet Sit. Thai military instructors and westerners can always be seen at Lwetainglyan camp.
Ywet Sit orders the villages of the areas on the Myanmar side of the border which are beyond the reach of the Tatmadaw to grow poppy. When the poppy fields are thriving, Ywet Sit takes the westerners to the villages, shows them the poppy fields and says that they are grown by Myanmars. He asks the correspondents and TV crews to shoot photo and TV documentaries. He tries to distribute the news to western nations through the Thai news agencies. He gets assistance from the western nation by doing so. One of Ywet SitÕs malicious acts done in 1999 was that he ordered his men to find and arrest some persons who had consumed stimulant drugs (Yama) in a village at the border on Myanmar side.
The villagers were found together with a small number of Yama stimulant tablets. Ywet Sit added more stimulant tablets numbering from 100,000 to 200,000 to those found together with the villagers. He then asked Thai correspondents and TV crews to take documentary on the seizure. He sent the TV and photo documentaries to western nations through the Thai media in an attempt to discredit Myanmar. This is one of the slanderous acts of Ywet Sit. A western nation gave three dollars per seized tablet to the group for making the slander.
The SURA attacked the Pachee outpost with similar ill intention. A western
nation which is indirectly supporting SURA views the group as the one which
is actively eradicating drugs.
The group attacked the
outpost to mislead the
world into viewing the Myanmar Tatmadaw as a drug producer and discrediting Myanmar. Kum Kham and Aik Maung are able to reveal the truth as they had participated in the attack to launch fabrications against Myanmar. About 250 members were divided into three columns to attack the Pachee outpost. The two are included in the columns. Fifteen 6-wheel trucks of Thai army carrying about 60 Thai troops and arms and ammunition were also included in the columns. They found two Thai correspondents in the Thai military trucks. They said prayers at Paneik camp before the attack.
The purpose of the attack was explained before they headed for Pachee outpost.
Thai military vehicles were left at Pennate outpost and they marched on foot. As instructed by Ywet Sit personally, company commander Kum Kham carried three packages of stimulant tablets, and platoon commander Aik Maung, eight packages of stimulant tablets. The company commander and the platoon commander themselves had to carry them. It was because they were the trusted persons of Ywet Sit that he himself bade them carry the packages.
When SURA launched the attack on Myanma Pachee outpost at about 1 am, Thais who came along with the SURA columns, projected searchlights on Myanma Pachee outpost and gave a supporting fire of heavy weapons. The searchlights shown in the video are those carried by Thai military vehicles.
After Pachee outpost was taken at about 5 am, as instructed by Ywet Sit, platoon commander Aik Maung himself put the packages of stimulant tablets at the place in Pachee outpost where rations were kept, and cut open the packages with a knife.
Then, Thai reporters videotaped the stimulant tablets. The purpose of cutting the packages open was to get stimulant tablets easily seen on TV.
Later, about 15 Thai reporters arrived at Pachee outpost, and took photos and video films. When they did so, the stimulant tablets and arms and ammunition seized from Pachee outpost were displayed. The one who was putting these things in display in the video is company commander Kum Kham. He had to display the stimulant tablets carried by himself according to the instruction of Ywet Sit as if they were seized from Myanma Pachee outpost. The stimulant tablets were displayed in such a way that they were easily seen on TV. Moreover, in displaying the seized arms and ammunition, they also used their arms and ammunition together with the seized arms and ammunition.
Notwithstanding that drug-trafficking terrorist insurgent Ywet Sit and the SURA leadership are shouting that they are fighting for the liberation of Shan State and eradication of narcotic drugs, they are in practice producing heroin and stimulant tablets. Opium refineries are near Lwetainglyan Camp. Although Thais and westerners have frequented the camp and known and seen that Ywet Sit have established the opium refineries and produced stimulant tablets, they have said nothing about it. Nor have they prohibited it.
The purpose of their exchanging arms for peace is that they do not like the act of SURA drug-trafficking Ywet Sit and his group. They had to join SURA not out of their volition. It was because he was arrested and forced to enter SURA. The subordinates have to live lives of animals. The leadership like Ywet Sit are rolling in wealth. They bide the subordinates work without any consideration.
They were not satisfied with the facts that they had to attack Myanmar national races and that SURA, while under the name of MTA, killed their relatives. They did not like the act of making fabrications for self-interest, either. Because of these above-mentioned facts, they ran away from there. There are a lot of SURA members who wish to flee like them. When those who attempted to run away were arrested, they were shot dead. A lot of land mines have been planted around the camp. It is difficult to avoid the land mines in attempting to escape. As they themselves planted the land mines and knew the places where the land mines were planted, they managed to escape.
When they attempted to flee, they were in SURA uniform. As they were in luck, they managed to escape. The video on the attack on Pachee was taken by Thai reporters.
Then, the ceremony came to a stop at 11.20 am.
Later, the ambassadors viewed the photos and personal data of company commander Kum Kham, platoon commander Aik Maung and private Aik Pee, a map showing Lwetainglyan, SURA headquarters, and SURA opium refineries, a map showing outposts of SURA, photos showing facts about SURA insurgent group, a map showing the attack launched by SURA on Tatmadaw Pachee outpost and photos showing explosion of Mongshu gems land by SURA
terrorist insurgents.
( 4 )
Leading Committee for Observance of 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day holds work appraisal meeting
Yangon, 29 March -The Leading Committee for Observance of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day held a work appraisal meeting at Pyidaungsu Hall at Kyaikkasan Grounds this afternoon with an address by Chairman of the Leading Committee for Observance of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day member of the State Peace and Development Council Chief of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Kyaw Win.
Also present were Chairman of Management Committee for Observance of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe, Chief of Staff (Navy) Rear-Admiral Soe Thein, Chief of Staff (Air) Brig-Gen Myat Hein, Vice-Chiefs of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Win Myint and Brig-Gen Thein Swe, chairmen and officials of the Work Committee for Observance of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, Parade Commander of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Brig-Gen Hla Tun, commanders of parade columns, battalion commanders and company commanders, officials of Myanmar Police Force, Fire Services Department and Myanmar Red Cross Society.
Maj-Gen Kyaw Win made a speech.
Then, Commander Brig-Gen Myint Swe and officials of various committees reported on the work done by the respective committees.
Brig-Gen Hla Tun, officials of Myanmar Police Force, Fire Services Department and Myanmar Red Cross Society reported on their participation in the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day ceremony. The meeting ended with concluding remarks by Maj-Gen Kyaw
( 5 )
A & I Minister tours Mandalay, Sagaing
Yangon, 29 March - Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, accompanied by officials, arrived at Myitha Gin of Myanma Cotton and Sericulture Enterprise in Myitha, Mandalay Division on 27 March.
Officials concerned reported on facts about the factories and their functions to the minister, who gave instructions on meeting the target.
The minister then proceeded to the construction project site of Myitha Textiles Factory where officials reported on the work being carried out.
The minister gave necessary instructions and inspected the buildings under construction and the already-constructed ones, and the driving of stakes for construction of a factory.
Next, the minister arrived at the project site of Myanma Farm Equipment Factory of the Agricultural Mechanisation Department.
Officials reported on construction of the factory's facilities, water supply and installation of power lines to the minister, who gave instructions on timely completion of the project. Then, he inspected construction of factories for production of spare parts of light farm equipment, power tillers and paddy harvesting machines.
Afterwards, the minister inspected Zeedaw Diversion Weir, sluice gates, maintenance works, canals and dredging work, and gave instructions.
Then, the minister and party arrived at Indaw River Water Pumping Project being undertaken by the Water Resources Utilization Department near Indaw Village, Budalin Township, Monywa District, and inspected progress of work, the work being carried out and future tasks.
( 6 )
Upgraded Thwin Cinema opens
29 March - The ceremony to open the upgraded Thwin Cinema renovated
by Mingala Co Ltd was held at the cinema at the corner of Bogyoke
Aung San Street and 35th Street this morning.
Present on the occasion were Minister for
Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aung Thein,
Director-General of Myanma Radio and Television U Khin Maung Htay,
Deputy Director- General of Information and Public Relations
Department U Aung San, Managing Director of Myanma Motion Picture
Enterprise U Bo Kyi, Managing Director of Printing and Publishing
Enterprise U Myint Thein and General Manager Lt Col Thet Soe,
Managing Director of News and Periodicals Enterprise U Tin Kha,
Director (News) U Hla Tun, Chairman of Myanmar Motion Picture
Asiayon U Sein Tin, officials of Myanmar Writers and Journalists
Association (Central), Managing Director of Mingala Co Ltd U Zaw Min
and guests. Minister Maj-Gen Kyi Aung, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aung
Thein and Managing Director U Zaw Min formally opened the cinema.
Then, the minister inspected the cinema which underwent renovation
and decoration and gave necessary instructions to the officials. The
cinema was installed with modern facilities.
Running five shows daily, the cinema
charges K 200, K 300, K 500, K 600 and K 750 per seat for respective
stalls. As the opening of the new cinema,
ÒYaukkhama-soda-ta-kha-don-ka-thamat-par-beÓ film is being shown.
( 7 )
Hydrographic Survey System demonstrated
Yangon, 29 March - With the sponsorship of the Directorate of Water Resources and Improvement of River Systems of the Ministry of Transport and jointly organized by the Suntac Technologies Co and the Bruttour International Pty Ltd of Australia, a demonstration on CEEDUCER Hydrographic Survey System took place at the International Business Centre this morning.
Present were Minister for Forestry U Aung Phone, Deputy Minister U Pe Than, departmental officials, senior military officers, officials and guests.
The deputy minister spoke on the occasion.
Then, Managing Director of the company Mr David Anthony Garforth explained salient points of the System and replied to the queries raised by those present.
Afterwards, those present viewed the survey equipment on the System.
The modern system was invented for the development of irrigation facilities.
( 8
) Chinese tourism delegation leaves
Yangon, 29 March - The tourism delegation led by Chairman of National Tourism Administration of the People's Republic of China Mr He Guangwei left here by air at 10.25 am today.
They were seen off at Yangon International Airport by Deputy Minister for Hotels and Tourism Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu, officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of H&T and Charge
d' Affaires ai Mr Tang Ying and officials of the PRC Embassy in Yangon. During their visit, the delegation also visited Mandalay.
___________________________ ( 9
MoU signed for water supply in dry zone
Yangon, 29 March- A ceremony to sign Memorandum of Understanding between Department of Development Affairs (DDA), Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs and Bridge Asia Japan (BAJ) for Secure Water Supply Project in the Dry Zone and Project Management Meeting was held at the
Traders" Hotel this morning. Present at the ceremony were Director-General Col Myo Myint and responsible officials of DDA, responsible personnel of the Embassy of Japan, Japan
International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and BAJ.
First, Col Myo Myint and Mr Kenichi Minoda of BAJ made speeches.
Then, they signed and exchanged documents of Memorandum of Understanding.
Next, the Project Management Meeting was continued and speeches were made by Col Myo Myint and responsible personnel of JICA and BAJ. Afterwards, progress report of the project for the current fiscal year and the plan for the next fiscal year was presented by BAJ and it was discussed and approved at the meeting. Finally, Director-General Col Myo Myint made a closing speech after which the meeting came to an end at 11:30