1 ) Chairman of the State
Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services
Senior General Than Shwe delivered an address at the 57th
Anniversary Armed Forces Day
History of Myanmar politics clearly shows that what caused the most harm to our nation
was colonialists' weapon of sowing discord and disunity in the country
Unity of the entire nation is a prerequisite for the perpetuation of the Union
Seeing 14 States and Divisions in our nation separately instead of as one integral whole brings the risk of national disintegration
Principal underlying factor in a nation's development is none other than peace and tranquility
Yangon, 27 March-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe delivered an address at the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade in the Resistance Park on U Wisara Road here today.
The following is a translation of the address.
Today is the 57th Anniversary of the Armed Forces Day, a day of special significance for our nation. It is the anniversary commemorating the day when the people and the Tatmadaw joined hands to successfully carry out a great revolution, enabling the Tatmadaw to break free from subservience to others and to become the unique Armed Forces with distinctive attributes. It also represents a historic and auspicious milestone in Myanmar's independence struggle.
During the period of the struggle for independence, the patriotic youth, sacrificing and disregarding all self-interest, took the initiative and formed the Tatmadaw for the sake of the nation and her people. Those who were capable of military service enthusiastically joined the Tatmadaw. They did so without any hope for privileges and even at great risk to their own lives, leaving behind their wives, children, fathers and mothers to go to the battlefields. The Sangha and the entire people were of one mind with the Tatmadaw, providing assistance in every way. Convinced that the nation can be strong only through the strength of the Tatmadaw, the people and the Tatmadaw, the Tatmadaw and the people, were as one. All our citizens were united by the national political awareness that independence was the first priority, making sacrifices and taking risks. Through sheer determination, industry and perseverance, we were able to successfully overcome all obstacles and difficulties. In this manner we were able to establish a great tradition so that even the colonialists themselves could not help but re-cognize and acknowledge the capabilities of the Tatmadaw.
Our Tatmadaw is a Tatmadaw that arose out of national necessity and is formed from among the different national groups in the country. Our people have a keen national spirit and never hesitate to lay down their lives for national prestige and national integrity.
Thus, first of all I would like to tell you comrades to safeguard the glorious attributes and traditions of the Tatmadaw even with your lives if necessary.
In 1988 due to an atmosphere of general dissatisfaction based on low levels of economic performance, the situation went out of control. Therefore the Tatmadaw had to assume the responsibility for the State unavoidably. The responsibility to undertake a transition from one age and one system to a new age and a new system that was in line with the political, economic and social desires of the people also fell on the Tatmadaw. The Tatmadaw had to step in and bring about national economic recovery at a time when the Myanmar economy was in a downturn. The assumption of state responsibility was not a routine task, as the Tatmadaw had to endeavour for the transition from one period, one system to a new age and system in the face of great difficulties. As this great task can only be accomplished with the strength and unity of the entire nation, national reconsolidation was carried out as the first step.
A review and analysis of the history of Myanmar politics clearly shows that what caused the most harm to our nation was
colonialists weapon of sowing discord and disunity in the country.
In our country, all the national groups have lived together in harmony since prehistoric times. Even during the feudal period, there was no thought of creating boundaries within the nation according to national groups. The national groups have had the freedom of movement throughout the nation in search of fertile land, and lived together at every location, in every region.
However, in the colonial period, new administrative patterns, for
"frying the fish in its own oil," as a Myanmar saying goes, were developed by the colonialists in order to avoid the trouble of providing an administrative presence on their own in regions that were not easily accessible or that did not contribute much to their external trade. Lack of uniformity in administrative patterns gave rise to such distinctions as the Myanmar proper, the states and the hilly regions. Since then a wedge was driven into national unity. Subsequently, the relationships among those who used to be of one mind in desiring national independence deteriorated to such a degree that they were reduced to negotiating with one another at the time independence was to be gained.
Thus, in the post-independence period, the threat of disintegration surfaced within the Union time and again. Unity of the entire nation is a prerequisite for the perpetuation of the Union. Today, there are 14 States and Divisions in our nation. Seeing them separately instead of as one integral whole brings the risk of national disintegration. As the 14 States and Divisions are in fact the Union of Myanmar, each state or division is the Union itself in microcosm populated by the various national groups.
Due to the weaknesses in national unity, internal strife and conflicts appeared immediately following the regaining of independence, giving rise to a multitude of armed insurgencies. As the ruling political party was incapable of addressing those problems, the Tatmadaw had to provide protection for community peace, rule of law and order and security of the people's life and property. Because of the weaknesses in the law and order situation in the country in the post-independence period, the nation lagged behind in development in all areas at a time when the nation should be building up its economic and military might. While the Tatmadaw is assuming national responsibilities, our historic mission is to bring about peace, tranquility, modernization and development of the nation.
A principal underlying factor in a nation's development is none other than peace and tranquility. Toward this end, we have now been able to achieve national reconciliation and reconsolidation to a degree unprecedented in any period. Based on the Union Spirit, our national groups are continuing their efforts to ensure that there will never be a return to the wrong path of disunity and division.
The Union Spirit is the essence of nationalistic and patriotic sentiments and signifies that the entire people
living, in any part or region of the nation, cherish our one and only motherland-our mother country-and work together for her development, protection and security. Only a strong Union Spirit is capable of making the nation free from internal and external threats and of ensuring everlasting peace, tranquility and development.
With the achievement of peace and tranquility in the nation, strenuous efforts are made toward national modernization and development in economic and social sectors.
In the economic sector,
as the country's economy
is based on agriculture,
expansion of cultivated land,
availability of adequate water for agricultural purposes and promotion of new and advanced agricultural technology are being implemented everywhere across Myanmar. As a result, cultivated land area currently stands at over 37 million acres, up from 23 million in 1988.
Projects for improved transportation are also being implemented with great momentum as they are of great benefit to both economic and social sectors. Networks of highways and railroads that crisscross Myanmar have been constructed. As part of road construction, a considerable number of bridges, including large river-crossing bridges, are also being built in rapid succession.
In addition, as you comrades are aware, special efforts are being made in the electric power and energy sectors, which play a vital role in the nation's industrialization.
Thus, the national economic sector has achieved progress year over year. In the short-term 4-year plan from 1992-93 to 1995-96, an average annual growth of 5.1% was targeted, and an actual growth rate of 7.5% was achieved. In the second short-term 5-year plan from 1996-97 to 2000-01, an average annual growth of 6% was targeted and that of 8.4% was achieved. Currently the third short-term 5-year plan for 2001-02 to 2005-06 is being implemented.
With the economic development of the nation, measures have been taken in the health sector, the education sector and the highly qualified human resource development sector with a view to achieving improved living conditions for the people.
With regard to health care for the people, the Myanmar National Health Committee has drawn up plans and taken effective measures for educating the public, for preventing diseases and providing modern and advanced treatments, and for upgrading the standards of teaching of medicine.
In education and the development of highly qualified human resources, a national plan for upgrading the education standards of the entire nation has been drawn up and is being implemented. Individual experts have also formed various organizations to ensure that standards of education keep abreast with those in the region.
In our country, 70% of the population live in rural areas. Thus, a healtheir, more prosperous and better educated rural population will surely strengthen the nation. You comrades reach all the rural areas including border areas while on military duty. Wherever you find yourselves, I would like to urge you to dedicate yourselves to working for the benefit of the people, with full cetana, for improvement in and upgrading of transportation, access to water, education standards, health care, and regional economic development in the rural areas, joining hands with the Union Solidarity and Development Association.
These are the times when the Tatmadaw is making endeavours in every aspect to enhance the political, economic and military might of the nation. Untiring efforts are being made, motivated by the love of the nation, to ensure that when the time comes to hand over the responsibilities of the State, succeeding governments will be able to provide leadership with rectitude and with continuity to a nation where favourable conditions of stability and peace prevail. Our genuine goodwill and efforts have been proved and are being proved with deeds, not words. While there is an opportunity to discharge your duties in the service of the nation, I would like to urge you comrades to serve the interests of the people as the true patriotic Tatmadawmen that you are.
Our principal duty is national defence as well as national peace and tranquility. In order to discharge the duty of national defence fully and effectively, the Tatmadaw has to be built up so that it stands as a capable Tatmadaw forever. Building a modern Tatmadaw forms a vital part of our great task of endeavouring for all round development of our nation. With the development of political and economic capabilities of the nation, the Tatmadaw, tasked with the defence of our society, also has to keep abreast with the times.
Material requirements for the building of a modern Tatmadaw have to be fulfilled in accordance with the nation's financial wealth. Basically, it can be said that to enhance the capability of the Tatmadaw and do strengthen morale, the Four Unit Structuring Tasks for the building up of the Tatmadaw must be vigorously implemented.
You comrades are steadfast in adhering to the Four Oaths for the sake of the nation, for the people and for the Tatmadaw. While safeguarding the nation on the one hand, you comrades have to serve the national interests at any time in any period. All threats to the nation have to be staved off without anyone's bidding. Similarly, I would like to urge you to serve to the best of your ability and with utmost diligence in whatever role you are assigned to in working for the benefit of the people.
The duties of national defence and national building have to be fulfilled in collaboration with fraternal organizations such as Myanmar Police Force, Myanmar Fire Brigade and Myanmar Red Cross Society. The Myanmar Veterans Association formed with your well-experienced comrades who have strong Union Spirit should also be assigned appropriate duties. There must also be cooperation with all public service personnel. Likewise the strength of the NGOs and the people must also be garnered.
In conclusion, I would like to exhort you to
-strive together with the people for emergence of a peaceful modern and developed nation
-forge national unity though Union Spirit
-build a modern Tatmadaw of high calibre to safeguard
"Our Three Main National Causes"
join hands with the people in guarding against the internal and external dangers
in accordance with the objectives of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day. With this I conclude.
Excerpts from the Address of Senior General
Than Shwe
- All our citizens were united by the national political
awareness that independence was the first priority, making
sacrifices and taking risks.
- We were able to successfully overcome all obstacles
and difficulties. In this manner we were able to establish a great
tradition so that even the colonialists themselves could not help
but recognize and acknowledge the capabilities of the Tatmadaw.
- Tatmadaw that arose out of national necessity and is
formed from among the different national groups in the country.
- In our country, all the national groups have lived
together in harmony since prehistoric times.
- Even during the feudal period, there was no thought of
creating boundaries within the nation according to national groups.
- 14 States and Divisions are in fact the Union of Myanmar,
each state or division is the Union itself in microcosm populated by
the various national groups.
- We have now been able to achieve national reconciliation
and reconsolidation to a degree unprecedented in any period. Based
on the Union Spirit, our national groups are continuing their
efforts to ensure that there will never be a return to the wrong
path of disunity and division.
- Only a strong Union Spirit is capable of making the
nation free from internal and external threats and of ensuring
everlasting peace, tranquility and development.
- Cultivated land area currently stands at over 37
million acres, up from 23 million in 1988.
-As part of road construction, a considerable number of
bridges, including large river-crossing bridges, are also being
built in rapid succession.
- Special efforts are being made in the electric power and energy sectors, which play a vital role in the nation's industrialization.
- In our country, 70% of the population live in rural areas. Thus, a healtheir, more prosperous and better educated rural population will surely strengthen the nation.
- I would like to urge you to dedicate yourselves to working for the benefit of the people, with full cetana, for improvement in and upgrading of transportation, access to water, education standards, health care, and regional economic development in the rural areas, joining hands with the Union Solidarity and Development Association.
- Our genuine goodwill and efforts have been proved and are being proved with deeds, not words. While there is an opportunity to discharge your duties in the service of the nation, I would like to urge you comrades to serve the interests of the people as the true patriotic Tatmadawmen that you are.
- Our principal duty is national defence as well as national peace and tranquility.
- Building a modern Tatmadaw forms a vital part of our great task of endeavouring for all round development of our nation.
- With the development of political and economic capabilities of the nation, the Tatmadaw, tasked with the defence of our society, also has to keep abreast with the times.
-All threats to the nation have to be staved off without anyone's bidding.
( 2 )
Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe
addresses 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade

Yangon, 27 March - The 57th Anniversary
Armed Forces Day Parade was held at the Resistance Park on U Wisara
Road here today with an address by Chairman of the State Peace and
Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior
General Than Shwe.
The 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade was
held in accord with the objectives to strive together with the
people for emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed nation; to
forge national unity through Union Spirit; to build a modern
Tatmadaw of high calibre to safeguard "Our Three Main National
Causes"; and to join hands with the people in guarding against the
internal and external dangers.
Present on the occasion were Vice-Chairman
of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief
of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye,
State Peace and Development Council Secretary-1 Chief of Military
Intelligence Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, State Peace and Development Council
members Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann, Maj-Gen Soe Win and Maj-Gen Ye
Myint of the Ministry of Defence, Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein
Sein, Quartermaster-General Maj-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo,
Maj-Gen Tin Aye of the Ministry of Defence and 57th Anniversary
Armed Forces Day Observance Leading Committee Chairman Chief of
Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Commander-in-Chief (Navy)
Vice-Admiral Kyi Min, 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Observance
Management Committee Chairman Yangon Command Commander Brig-Gen
Myint Swe, Chief of Staff (Air) Brig-Gen Myat Hein, ministers, the
Chief Justice, the Auditor-General, the Civil Service Selection and
Training Board Chairman, the Yangon City Development Committee
Chairman Yangon Mayor, deputy ministers, senior military officers,
advisers to the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of
department of the State Peace and Development Council Office and
various ministries, members of the National Convention Convening
Commission, members of the Information Committee of the State Peace
and Development Council, delegates of Myanmar War Veterans
Organization Headquarters, military attaches of foreign embassies,
senior Tatmadaw officers of battalions and units under the Yangon
Command, Japan Minamikan member and Japan-Myanmar Economic
Cooperation Co Ltd Chairman Mr Shigemoto Okuda and members, Chairman
Mr Yasuhivo Izumiya of Japan-Myanmar History and Cultural
Development Association and members, officials of News and
Periodicals Enterprise of the Ministry of Information and local and
foreign journalists, members of Myanmar Foreign Correspondents Club,
members of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council, senior
police officers of Myanmar Police Force, Fire Services Department,
Myanmar Red Cross Society, Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare
Association, Myanmar Medical Association, Myanmar Dental
Association, Myanmar Nurses Association, Myanmar Writers and
Journalists Association, Myanmar Thabin Asiayon, Myanmar Music
Asiayon, Myanmar Motion Picture Asiayon, Myanmar Traditional Artists
and Artisans Asiayon, Myanmar National Committee for Women's
Affairs, Myanmar Women's Sports Federation, Myanmar Women
Entrepreneurs' Association, Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers
of Commerce and Industry, Myanmar Computer Scientists Association,
Myanmar Rice Wholesalers Association, invited Mawgun award winners,
representatives of the Union Solidarity and Development Association,
trainees and winners in competitions to mark the 57th Anniversary
Armed Forces Day.

Tatmadawmen, members of MPF and Myanmar
Fire Brigade and MRCS who would be taking part in the marching
columns of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade assembled at
Myoma Grounds at 5 am. At 6 am, Parade Adjutant Lt-Col Min Khant
(Air) presented to Parade Commander Brig-Gen Hla Tun nine columns
that would march to the Resistance Park. The bag-pipe platoon led by
Sergeant Kyaw Naing Oo and Central Military Band led by Capt Thein
Tun marched to the Resistance Park in advance and took the
designated places.

Parade Commander Brig-Gen Hla Tun led the
military columns, followed by Parade Adjutant Lt-Col Min Khant
(Air), the Standard bearers of Union flags and flags of Tatmadaw
(Army, Navy and Air) led by Maj Nay Myo Thant, the military band led
by Cpl Tun Aung, Column Commander Col Thaung Shwe ushered Anawrahta
Column which was made up of Guard of Honour of Directorate of
Ordnance led by Maj Zaw Min, Commanding Officer Lt-Col Thein Tun
Aung, parade company of No 55 LID led by Maj Khin Maung Kyaw, parade
company of Northern Command led by Maj Zaw Lwin Tun, parade
company-2 of South-East Command led by Maj Aung Myat Oo, parade
company-4 of Eastern Command led by Maj Thein Htay, parade company-2
of Eastern Command led by Maj Aung Kyaw Oo and parade company of
Western Command led by Maj Maung Maung Lwin. Column Commander Col
Tin Hla, the Standard bearers of Union flags and flags of Tatmadaw
(Army, Navy and Air) led by Maj Than Oo, the military band of No 6
Basic Military Training Depot led by Sgt Aung Kyaw Soe, ushered
Kyansittha Column which was made up of Guard of Honour of
Directorate of Armour led by Maj Nyi Nyi Wint, Commanding Officer
Lt-Col Khin Maung Oo, parade company of Eastern Command led by Maj
That Naing Win, parade company of No 22 LID led by Maj Win Naing,
parade company of No 101 LID led by Maj Win Nyunt, parade company-3
of Triangle Region Command led by Maj Win Myint, parade company of
Directorate of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers led by Maj Myint
Toe and parade company-3 of Western Command led by Maj Zaw Min Thein.
Column Commander Col Khin Maung Win, the Standard bearers of Union
flags and flags of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) led by Maj Nyi Zaw
Myint, the military band of Eastern Command led by Cpl Zaw Min Tun,
ushered Bayintnaung Column which was made up of Guard of Honour of
No 77 LID led by Maj Thant Zaw, Commanding Officer Lt-Col Kyaw Naing
Oo, parade company of South-West Command led by Maj Aung Htay Myint,
parade company of Southern Command led by Maj Min Oo, parade
company-2 of North-West Command led by Maj Aye Win, parade company
of Office of the Chief of Defence Equipment Industries led by Maj
Thein Oo, parade company-2 of Triangle Region Command led by Maj Soe
Lwin and parade company-2 of Coastal Region Command led by Maj Thein
Tun Oo Column Commander Captain Han Sein (Navy),
the Standard bearers of Union flags and flags of Tatmadaw (Army,
Navy and Air) led by Lt-Cmdr Ye Lwin, the military band of Defence
Services (Navy) led by CPO Han Tun, ushered Nawade Column which was
made up of Guard of Honour of Office of the Commander-in-Chief
(Navy) led by Lt-Cmdr Aung Zaw Moe, Commanding Officer Cmdr Tun Sein,
parade company of Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Navy) led by
Lt-Cmdr Thein Htut, parade company of No 44 LID led by Maj Tin Maung
Lwin, parade company of Triangle Region Command led by Maj Tin Maung
Htay, parade company-3 of South-East Command led by Maj Myo Min
Than, parade company of Directorate of Military Engineers led by Maj
Zaw Win and parade company-2 of Western Command led by Maj Khin
Maung Maung.

Column Commander Col Khin Maung Latt, the
Standard bearers of Union flags and flags of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy
and Air) led by Maj Aye Kyaw, the military band of No 33 LID led by
Cpl Cho Aye, ushered Aungzeya Column which was made up of Guard of
Honour of Directorate of Artillery led by Maj Zaw Min, Commanding
Officer Lt-Col Aung Thu, parade company of Directorate of Supply and
Transport led by Maj Khin Maung Myint, parade company-4 of Western
Command led by Maj Htay Aung, parade company of No 88 LID led by Maj
Moe Zaw Oo, parade company-4 of Coastal Region Command led by Maj
Soe Moe Kyaw and parade company of North-West Command led by Maj Tin
Aung Tun. Column Commander Col Myo Thant (Air), the Standard bearers
of Union flags and flags of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) led by Maj
Win Maw Aung (Air), the military band of Defence Services (Air) led
by Sgt Nyan Zaw, ushered Hsinbyushin Column which was made up of
Guard of Honour of Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Air) led by Maj
Myo Min Tun (Air), Commanding Officer Lt-Col Soe Maung (Air), parade
company of Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Air) led by Maj Kyaw
Soe Moe, parade company of Central Command led by Maj Myo Aung,
parade company of Directorate of Signals led by Maj Kyaw Zan Thein,
parade company-3 of Northern Command led by Maj Ko Ko Maung, parade
company-2 of Yangon Command led by Maj Aung Naing and parade company
of No 33 LID led by Maj Win Naing. Column Commander Col Aung Min,
the Standard bearers of Union flags and flags of Tatmadaw (Army,
Navy and Air) led by Maj Myint Htwe, the military band of Yangon
Command led by WOII Myint Naung Zaw, ushered Bandoola Column which
was made up of Guard of Honour of Yangon Command led by Maj Moe Zaw,
Commanding Officer Lt-Col Tint Swe, parade company of Directorate of
Medical Services led by Maj Kyaw Tint Maung, parade company of No 66
LID led by Maj Myint Maung, parade company-2 of Northern Command led
by Maj Kyaw Swa Myint, parade company of South-East Command led by
Maj That Naing Oo, parade company-3 of North-East led by Maj Tint
Lwin and parade company-3 of Coastal Region Command led by Maj Zaw
Tin Moe. Column Commander Col Hla Moe, the Standard bearers of Union
flags and flags of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) led by Maj Soe Soe
Naing, the military band of No 11 LID led by Sgt Win Moe, ushered
Myawady Column which was made up of Guard of Honour of No 11 LID led
by Maj Khin Latt Gyi, Commanding Officer Lt-Col Than Htaik, parade
company of No 99 LID led by Maj Kyi Htoo, parade company-2 of
Central Command led by Maj Tin Maung Nyunt, parade company of
Coastal Region Command led by Maj Myint Thura, parade company-2 of
Directorate of Artillery led by Maj Aung Soe Naing, parade company-2
of North-East Command led by Maj Tun Than Ohn and parade company-3
of Eastern Command led by Maj Htein Win. Column Commander Col Thaung
Zin, the Standard bearers of Union flags and flags of MPF, Myanmar
Fire Brigade and MRCS led by Police Maj Naing Win, the military band
of MPF Band led by Police Sgt Aung Zaw Oo, ushered Aung San Column
which was made up of Guard of Honour of MPF led by Police Maj Kyaw
Soe Oo, Commanding Officer Lt-Col Myint Soe, parade company of MPF
led by Police Maj Tun Naing, parade company of Myanmar Fire Brigade
led by Assistant Director Ye Thura Kyaw Thiha, parade company-2 of
Myanmar Fire Brigade led by Assistant Director Ye Thura Thawdar,
parade company of MRCS led by Company Commander Lwin Maung Maung,
parade company-2 of MRCS led by Company Commander Zaw Naing Thet and
parade company of North-East Command led by Maj Tun Lin Aung.
Altogether 7,139 members of the Tatmadaw, MPF, Red Cross and Fire
Brigades participated in the marching columns.

Along the route from Myoma Grounds to the
Resistance Park, the marching columns were accorded rousing welcome
by the families of the Ministry of Defence, Directorate of Medical
Services, Yangon Division USDA, Tatmadawmen, MPF, Myanmar Fire
Brigade, MRCS, No 11 LID, camp commandant's office of Yangon
Command, Phugyi Station, Directorate of Supply and Transport,
Ayeyawady Naval Region Command Headquarters, MPF, nurses and Red
Cross members, Auxiliary Fire Brigade, pom-pom dance troupes of
basic education schools and people who waved the miniature flags,
presented flowers and garlands to the Tatmadawmen. Singing marching
songs, the parade columns entered the Resistance Park through No 1
Gate and took the designated places in the park at 7.15 am. The
Senior General Than Shwe, accompanied by Secretary-1 of the State
Peace and Development Council Chief of Military Intelligence Lt-Gen
Khin Nyunt, arrived at the park at 7.30 am.
The Senior General was welcomed and ushered
to reviewing stand by member of the State Peace and Development
Council Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann of the Ministry of Defence,
Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Vice-Admiral Kyi Min and Chief of Staff
(Air) Brig-Gen Myat Hein. After the Senior General had taken
position on the reviewing stand, the columns saluted him. Next,
Parade Commander Brig-Gen Hla Tun presented the columns to he
Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe.
Then, the Senior General inspected the columns.
The Central Military Band played the
National Anthem while those presented saluted the Flag of the Union
of Myanmar. After paying tribute to the fallen leaders and members
of the Tatmadaw, the columns made up of the Tatmadawmen, member of
MPF, Red Cross and Fire Brigades took he Four Oaths. Then, the
Senior General delivered an address (reported separately). The
columns led by Parade Commander Brig-Gen Hla Tun marched past the
Senior General, exited the park through No 1 Gate of the Resistance
Park and felt for Myoma Grounds. Afterwards, the Senior General left
there and the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade ended at 8.50
am. Various kinds of flowers are in full bloom in the Resistance
Park, venue of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade. There
are archways and banners along the route.
The ten signboards, 30 feet long and 12 feet wide
each, described "57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, 27 March 2002"
in hailing the Armed Forces Day, were erected on the corner of Dagon
Park, near the Myoma School in the Myoma Grounds, on the side of U
Wisara Road, in the Myoma Grounds, at the corner of Military
Hospital No 2, at the corner of Pyay Road and Shin Saw Pu Road, at
the corner of Pyay Road and Bagaya Road near Yadanabon Cinema,
Hanthawady Roundabout near Sarpay Beikman, at the corner of U Wisara
Road and Dhammazedi Road ahead Olympic Building, at the corner of
Bahan Sports Grounds and Bahan Roundabout near Motor Transport
Battalion. Similarly, various signboards with mottos of the Tatmadaw
in commemoration of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day were
erected at the road corners, parks, gardens, roundabouts along the
route. The Resistance Park was illuminated in the evening.
( 3 ) Chairman of State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing host Armed Forces Day Reception and Dinner
Yangon, 27 March -State Peace and Development Council Chairman Defence Services Commander-in-Chief Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing hosted the Reception and Dinner in commemoration of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day at Zeyathiri Beikman on Konmyinthta of Yangon Command Headquarters this evening.
Senior General Than Shwe arrived at the reception and dinner at 6.45 pm.
Afterwards, the Senior General together with Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye, Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Chief of Military Intelligence Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, members of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann, Maj-Gen Soe Win, Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein and Maj-Gen Tin Aye of the Ministry of Defence, Chairman of the Leading Committee for Observance of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade Chief of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Vice-Admiral Kyi Min, Chairman of Management Committee for Observance of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe, Chief of Staff (Air) Brig-Gen Myat Hein, greeted Dean of the Diplomatic Corps Ambassador of Laos Mr Ly Bounkham and ambassadors and their wives, Charge
d' Affaires ai, resident representatives of the UN agencies, military attaches and their wives, member of Japan Minamikan and Chairman of Japan-Myanmar Economic Cooperation Co Ltd Mr Shigemoto Okuda and members, Chairman of Japan-Myanmar History and Cultural Development Association Mr Yasuhiro Izumiya and members, national entrepreneurs and delegates of the Union Solidarity and Development Association.
Also present on the occasion were ministers, the Chief Justice, the Attorney-General, the Auditor-General, the chairman of Civil Service Selection and Training Board, the Yangon mayor, senior military officers of the Ministry of Defence and their wives, deputy ministers, senior military officers of Yangon Command, the parade commander and the column commanders, officials of Myanmar Police Force, Myanmar Fire Services Department, Myanmar Red Cross Society and social organizations, local and foreign journalists, departmental heads, members of the Observance Committee and Work Committee for the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade and guests.
Before the reception and dinner, variety songs were presented to the audience by Myanma Athan Modern Music Troupe. During and after the dinner, the Fine Arts Department of the Ministry of Culture entertained the guests with dances.
( 4 ) Secretary-1
inspects all-round construction tasks at Mindhamma Hill
Yangon, 27 March - Secretary-1 of the State Peace
and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, accompanied by officials
of the State Peace and Development Council Office, arrived at the
Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Buddha Image on Mindhamma Hill in
Insein Township at 2 pm today. They were welcomed there by deputy
ministers, departmental heads, members of the Pagoda Board of
Trustees and officials. The Secretary-1 paid reverence to the image.
Then, officials concerned reported on arrangements being made for
construction of the Dhammayon and the museum. The Secretary-1 gave
necessary instructions. After inspecting progress of all-round
construction tasks, the Secretary-1 left the Mindhamma Hill later in
the afternoon.
Secretary-1 inspects construction of White Elephant house
Yangon, 27 March - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, accompanied by the officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, arrived at the construction site of the White Elephant house on the southern part of the Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township here this afternoon. They were welcomed there by deputy ministers, the vice-mayor, departmental heads, members of the security committee for the White Elephant and officials.
First, Deputy Minister for Forestry Col Thaik Tun, Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa, Deputy Minister for Science and Technology U Nyi Hla Nge, Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko
and officials reported on works to take care of the White Elephant,
cultivation of plants for feeding it, progress of construction work
of the White Elephant house, the lake and waterfall. Next, the
Secretary-1 gave necessary instructions. Then, the Secretary-1 and
party viewed the White Elephant and inspected the construction works
of the White Elephant house and left instructions.
( 5 ) Special prizes presented to computer quiz winners
Yangon, 27 March- The prize presentation ceremony to the computer quiz winners to mark the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day organized by the Twelve State's Objectives booth was held at the Defence Services Museum on Shwedagon Pagoda Road here this afternoon.
It was attended by Chairman of the Work Committee for Twelve State's Objectives booth Director of Resettlements of the Ministry of Defence Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Vice-Chairman of the work committee Director of Defence Services Museum and Historical Research Institute Col Ye Htut, quiz winners and invited guests.
Brig-Gen Aung Thein spoke on the occasion and presented special prizes to the winners.
Then, Col Ye Htut presented gifts to those who rendered assistance to the computer quiz competition and the ceremony came to a close.
Military attaches pay tribute to the Fallen Heroes
Yangon, 27 March - The military attaches of foreign embassies in Myanmar, who attended the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade, paid tribute to fallen comrades at the Memorial to Fallen Heroes at 9 am today.
They were welcomed there by Chairman of the Maintenance Committee of the Memorial Commander of Yangon Station Commandant of the Defence Services Records Office Brig-Gen Myo Myint and officials.
The military attaches led by Dean of Military Attaches of the Lao People's Democratic Republic Col Phanh Sonephachanh paid tribute to the fallen heroes, laid a flower basket, signed in the
visitors' book and posed for documentary photos.
Tatmadawmen participating in marching columns accorded rousing welcome
Yangon, 27 March - Tatmadaw members of Anawrahta
Column, Kyansittha Column, Bayintnaung Column, Nawadae Column, Aungzeya Column, Hsinbyushin Column, Bandoola Column, Myawady Column and Aung San Column and members of the Myanmar Police Force, the Myanmar Fire Brigade and the Myanmar Red Cross Society led by Parade Commander Brig-Gen Hla Tun marched from Myoma Grounds to the Resistance Park along U Wisara Road this morning.
Along the route, they were cheered by thousands of people.
Among the people, family members of Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing, Daw Mya Mya San, wife of Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye, Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, wife of Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Chief of Military Intelligence Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Daw Khin Than Nwe, wife of Lt-Gen Tin Oo, members of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann's wife Daw Khin Lay Thet, Maj-Gen Ye Myint's wife Dr Daw Tin Lin Myint, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe's wife Daw Khin Hnin Wai, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than's wife Daw Malar Tint, Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein's wife Daw Khin Khin Win, Quartermaster-General Maj-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo's wife Daw Khin Saw Hnin, Maj-Gen Tin Aye's wife Daw Kyi Kyi Ohn, Chairman of the Leading Committee for Observance of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Chief of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Kyaw Win's wife Daw San San Yee, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Vice-Admiral Kyi Min's wife Daw Aye Aye, and Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe's wife Daw Khin Thet Htay presented garlands and flowers to Tatmadawmen and members in the marching columns.
Moreover, members of the columns were accorded rousing welcome and presented garlands and flowers along both sides of U Wisara Road by thousands of people, personnel of respective Ministries, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Tatmadawmen and their families, officials and members of NGOs, the Myanmar Police Force, the Myanmar Red Cross Society, the Myanmar Fire Brigade, nurses, teachers and students, members of boards of directors under respective companies doing business in Myanmar and officials.
( 6 )
concludes visit
Yangon, 27 March - Minister of Commerce of the People's Republic of Bangladesh Mr Amir Khasru Mahmud Chowdhury and party left here for home by air this evening.
They were seen off at the airport by Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, Ambassador of Bangladesh Mr Ahmed Rahim
and officials.
Commander presents consolation prizes to winners in competitions
Yangon, 27 March- The prize presentation ceremony for winners of consolation prizes in the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Commemorative Literary and Art Competition was held at Mya Nyila Hall of Basic Education High School No 2 in Latha Township at 1 pm today.
Present were Chairman of the Management Committee for Observance of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe, Yangon Station Commander and No 4 Military Region Commander Brig-Gen Myo Myint, No 3 Military Region Commander Col Yan Naing Oo, senior military officers of Yangon Command guests and families of the winners.
The Commander presented certificates of honour and cash prizes to consolation prize winners in the short story competition (novice class), the article competition (novice class), the colour photo competition entitled
" Nation-building endeavours (novice class), the lovely culture and arts colour photo competition (novice class) and (the class for those who have won the prizes), the long poem level-1 competition, the short poem level-1, the long poem level-2, the pre-primary level painting competition, the primary school (lower level) painting competition, the primary school (upper level), the middle school level and the high school level painting competitions, the painting competition (open level), the university/college/institute level essay competition, the basic education high school level poem competition, the middle school level poem competition, the education level TV quiz, the plaster (painting) competition (open level), the sculpture competition (open level), the wood carving competition, the military song level-1 and level-2 competitions and the marching song competition.
( 7 ) Maj-Gen Tin Aye meets with USDA members
Yangon, 27 March- Member of the Panel of Patrons of the Union Solidarity and Development Association (Central) member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Tin Aye of the Ministry of Defence attended the ceremony to meet executives and members of township USDAs and cash presentation ceremony held at the hall of Mogok Township USDA on 24 March.
Also present were departmental officials, executives of township USDAs, organizers of Ward and Village USDAs, wellwishers and guests.
Executive U Khwa Lon of the township USDA reported on conditions and functions of the association and the respective USDA members reported on requirements. Then, Chairman of Kanbawza Bank Ltd U Aung Ko Win presented K 1 million for the township USDA through executive U Win Myint.
Next, Maj-Gen Tin Aye made a speech.
After the ceremony, Maj-Gen Tin Aye signed in the visitors' book of the township USDA and inspected its library and computer room.
In the evening, Maj-Gen Tin Aye paid obeisance to Chanthagyi Pagoda in the same township and made donations there.
Myanmar delegation arrives back from PRC
Yangon, 27 March -Myanmar delegation led by Auditor-General Brig-Gen Tin Aye after making a study tour of the People's Republic of China arrived back here by air yesterday evening. The delegation was welcomed back at the Yangon International Airport by Chief Justice U Aung Toe, Chairman of Civil Service Selection and Training Board Dr Than Nyun, Deputy Auditor-General U Khin Win, Director-General of the Auditor-General's Office Daw Thin Thin, Deputy Director-General Daw Tin Kyi Oo, officials of the PRC Embassy and families of the delegation.
Director of the Auditor-General's Office U Than Shwe and Yangon Division Auditor U Thein Tun also arrived back here on the same flight.
( 8
) Prizes presented to winners in military code of conduct, extempore talks competitions
Yangon, 27 March -A ceremony to present prizes to winners in Military Code of Conduct and Extempore Talks Competitions (Central Level) to mark the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day was held at the new hall of the Ministry of Defence this morning, with an address by 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Observance Leading Committee Chairman State Peace and Development Council member Chief of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Kyaw Win.
It was also attended by senior officers of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) of the Ministry of Defence, prize winners and contestants.
Maj-Gen Kyaw Win presented the Defence Services Commander-in-Chief's certificates of honour to BC/ 31978 Lt Thant Zaw Soe of No 12 Operation Control Command who stood first in military code of conduct (Central Level) competition at officer level; No/ 268900 WO I Maung Aye of Yangon Command who stood first in military code of conduct (Central Level) competition at warrant officer level; Ta/ 114549 L/Cpl Win Htet of Yangon Command who stood first in military code of conduct (Central Level) competition at sergeant level and won the promotion to the rank of coporal; Navy/ 29195 Pvt Thet Aung of the Commander-in-Chief (Navy)' Office who stood first in military code of conduct (Central Level) competition at private level and won the promotion to the rank of L/Cpl; Navy/ 4142 Sub-Lt Nan Wai of the Commander-in-Chief (Navy)' Office who stood first in extempore talks (Central Level) competition at officer level; Air/ 21775 Navigator-1 Thawda Saw of the Commander-in-Chief (Air)' Office who stood first in extempore talks (Central Level) competition at warrant officer level and won the promotion to the rank of Master Signaller; Navy/ 24457 L/Cpl Myo Aung of the Commander-in-Chief (Navy)' Office who stood first in extempore talks (Central Level) competition at sergeant level and won the promotion to the rank of coporal; and Ta/ 152030 Pvt Soe Than Win of Southern Command who stood first in extempore talks (Central Level) competition at private level and won the promotion to the rank of L/Cpl.
Then, Chief of Staff (Navy) Rear Admiral Soe Thein presented first, second and third prizes to BC/ 31978 Lt Thant Zaw Soe of No 12 Operation Control Command, Navy/ 3940 Sub-Lt Than Htaik Aung of the Commander-in-Chief (Navy)' Office and Navy/ 3925 Sub-Lt Soe Moe Han of the Commander-in-Chief (Navy)' Office respectively in military code of conduct (Central Level) competition at officer level; and the first prize to No/ 268900 WO I Maung Aye of Yangon Command, the second prize to No/ 474905 WO II Zaw Bauk of No 11 Light Infantry Division and the third prize to No/ 703718 WO II Khin Maung Lat of Southern Command in military code of conduct (Central Level) competition at warrant officer level.
Next, Chief of Staff (Air) Brig-Gen Myat Hein presented first, second and third prizes to Ta/ 114549 L/Cpl Win Htet of Yangon Command, No/ 924177 Sgt Clerk Ye Win of South-West Command and Air/ 24594 Cpl Myint Aung of the Commander-in-Chief (Air)' Office respectively in military code of conduct (Central Level) competition at sergeant level; and the first prize to Navy/ 29195 Pvt Thet Aung of the Commander-in-Chief (Navy)' Office, the second prize to No/ 986595 Pvt Ye Win of South-West Command, and the third prize to No/ 985589 Pvt Tun Naing of No 66 LID in military code of conduct (Central Level) competition at private level.
Later, Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo gave away first prize to Navy/ 4124 Sub-Lt Nan Wai of the Commander-in-Chief (Navy)' Office, second prize to BC/ 25692 Capt Tin Tun of No 11 LID, and third prize to BC/ 29399 Lt Win Kyaw Thu of Southern Command in extempore talks (Central Level) competition at officer level; and first prize to Air/ 21775 Navigator-1 Thawda Saw of the Commander-in-Chief (Air)' Office, second prize to No/ 414473 WO II Hla Oo of Southern Command, and third prize to No/ 476160 WO II Min Zaw of Central Command in extempore talks (Central Level) competition at warrant officer level.
Director of Defence Services Resettlements Brig-Gen Aung Thein gave away first, second and third prizes to Navy/ 24457 L/Cpl Myo Aung of the Commander-in-Chief (Navy)' Office, Air/ 25349 Cpl Min Zaw of the Commander-in-Chief (Air)' Office, and No/ 843609 Cpl Ni Win of No 77 LID respectively in extempore talks (Central Level) competition at sergeant level; and first prize to Ta/152030 Pvt Soe Than Win of Southern Command, second prize to Air/ 26340 Pvt Myint Zaw Oo of the Commander-in-Chief (Air)' Office, and third prize to Navy/ 29908 Pvt Myo Myint Win of the Commander-in-Chief (Navy)' Office extempare talks (central level) competition at private level.
Prizes presented to best companies, best columns in Armed Forces Day Parade
Yangon, 27 March -A ceremony to present prizes to best companies and best columns in the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day parade was held at Myoma Grounds on U Wisara Road here this morning, attended by Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann of the Ministry of Defence and Chairman of the Leading Committee for Observance of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Ceremony Chief of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, on behalf of the Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services.
Also present were Chairman of Management Committee for Observance of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe, Chairman of Parade Work Committee for Observance of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Ceremony Vice-Chief of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Win Myint, Vice-Chairman Vice-Chief of Armed Forces Training Brig-Gen Aung Kyi, Chairman of Work Committee for Selecting Best Parade Company Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo and members, Security Work Committee Chairman Yangon Command Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Hsan Hsint, Deputy Adjutant-General Col Khin Soe and members of, Parade Work Committee and senior military officers. Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann took the salute of the Parade Commander Brig-Gen Hla Tun, the Tatmadawmen, members of Myanma Police Force, Myanmar Fire Services and Red Cross Brigade.

Then, Chairman of the leading committee Maj-Gen Kyaw Win presented first, second and third prizes to the company representing Myanmar Police Force, Myanmar Fire Services (No 1 Company) and Myanmar Red Cross Society (No 1 Company) for model prize of Aung San Column; prizes to nine military bands of nine columns, Bag-pipe Troupe and Central Military Band; first, second and third prizes to the military bands of Bayintnaung Column, Bandoola Column and Nawadae Column for best military band, and first, second and third prizes to Flag-bearer Companies of Anawrahta Column, Aung San Column and Nawadae Column for flag-bearing.
Brig-Gen Thura Shwe Mann of the Ministry of Defence presented first, second and third prizes to the companies representing No 11 LID, Commander-in-Chief (Air)'s office and Central Command for marching song; first, second and third prizes to the companies representing Directorate of Medical Services office, Commander-in-Chief (Air)'s office and Northern Command for military discipline; first, second and third prizes to the companies representing Commander-in-Chief (Navy)'s office, Directorate of Ordnance Services and Yangon Command for parade; first, second and third prizes to the companies representing Directorate of Armour, No 77 LID and Directorate of Artillery for model prize, and best parade column prize to Hsinbyushin Column.
Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann took the salute of the Parade Commander Brig-Gen Hla Tun, the Tatmadawmen, members of parades representing Myanma
Police Force, Myanmar Fire Services and Red Cross Brigade, and the
ceremony came to a close.
Then, special prizes for parade, military
discipline, marching song, best camp, best welfare task and best
mess hall were presented. The company representing Directorate of
Supply & Transport won the special parade prize-1; the company
representing Directorate of Signals, the special parade prize-2; the
company representing No 44 LID, the special parade prize-3 the
company representing No 66 LID, the special parade prize-4 the
parade representing No 99 LID, the special parade prize-5.
The company representing Commander-in-Chief (Navy)'s
office won the special military discipline prize-1; the company
representing Southern Command, the special military discipline
prize-2; the company representing Eastern Command, the special
military discipline prize-3; the company representing South-West
Command, the special military discipline prize-4; the company
representing No 101 LID, the special military discipline prize-5.
The company representing No 33 LID won the special marching song
prize-1; the company representing No 55 LID, the special marching
song prize-2; the company -2 representing South-East Command, the
special marching song prize-3 the company representing Triangle
Region Command, the special marching song prize-4 the company
representing Directorate of Military Engineers, the special marching
song prize-5. The No 1 Transit Centre won the best camp prize. The
company representing Directorate of Supply & Transport won the best
welfare task prize. The company representing Directorate of Military
Engineers won the best mess hall prize.
___________________________ ( 9
) Chief of Armed Forces Training attends prize presentation ceremony of Literary and Art Competition
Yangon, 27 March- The prize presentation ceremony of the Literary and Art Competition in commemoration of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day was held at the National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Street in Dagon Township at 1 pm today, attended by Chairman of the Leading Committee for Observance of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Chairman of Organizing Committee for the Literary and Art Competition member of the State Peace and Development Council Chief of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Kyaw Win.
Also present on the occasion were ministers, the mayor, the Chief of Staff (Navy), the Chief of Staff (Air), deputy ministers, senior military officers, members of the Leading Committee, members of Organizing Committee for the Literary and Art Competition, chairmen and members of the work committee and sub-committees, officials and prize winners.

U Hla Win and Daw San San Yin of Myanma Radio and Television acted as masters of ceremonies.
First, Chairman of the Leading Committee Chairman of Organizing Committee for the Literary and Art Competition member of the State Peace and Development Council Chief of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Kyaw Win delivered an address. Then, the prize presentation ceremony followed.
Chief of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Kyaw Win presented first, second and third prizes to Chit Daung Nwe, Yenatha Maung Kyaw Nyunt and Maung Wan Tun (Sale) in the long poem level-1 competition in commemoration of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day respectively; first, second and third prizes to Shwenyartha Myat Min, Shwe Aye (Minhla) and Swan Wai (Zegon) in the long poem level-2 competition respectively; first, second and third prizes to Aphyaukmyay Maung Swe Mon, Pyinmana Myint Hlaing and Maung Maung Moe Aung in the short poem level-1 competition respectively and first, second and third prizes to Chan Aung Myin (Yawmyay), Maung Myay Mar (Pyapon) and Swan Wai (Zegon) in the short poem level-2 competition respectively.
Vice-Chairman of the Organizing Committee for Literary and Art Competition Chief of Staff (Air) Brig-Gen Myat Hein presented second prize to Kayah Maung (Loikaw) in the novel competition for those who had won prizes, first, second and third prizes to Paing Yun (UDE), Min Beda (Pwintbyu) and Ye Nyi Hlaing in the novel competition for novice class; first, second and third prizes to Ko Htwe (Kalaw GTI), Tekkatho Nang Phyu Phyu Tun and Maung Soe Htaik (Thonze) in the short story competition for those who had won the prizes respectively; first, second and third prizes to Soe Yan Hmu, Ko Cho San and Soe (Muse) in the short story competition for novice class; second and third prizes to Maung Lu Thant and Hsukha Phone Myint in the article competition for those who had won the prizes respectively; first, second and third prizes to Aye Naung (NDC), Nyunt Ni Oo and Khin Maung Yin (Hinthada) in the article competition for novice class respectively; first, second and third prizes to Shwe-Intha Khin Maung Win, Chit Saya (Yankin) and Ko Soe Min (Aung Thiha) in the colour photo competition entitled ÒNation-building endeavoursÓ for novice class.
Minister for Science and Technology U Thaung presented third prize to Nyo Win Aung (Taunggyi) in the lovely culture and arts colour photo competition for those who had won the prizes; first, second and third prizes to NyaungU Than Htay, Kyaw Myint Than (Lanmadaw) and Hlaing Than Tint (Shwebagyi-Photo) in the novice class; first, second and third prizes to Ma Loi Yei Tun of Mawlamyine Education College, Cadet Thein Min Zan of PyinOoLwin DSA and Ma Su Khin Lay Oo of Yangon Institute of Economics in the university/college/institute level essay competition respectively; first, second and third prizes to Maung Nyein Chan Aung of No 3 BEHS, Sagaing, Ma Kay Kay Zin of No 2 BEHS, Pathein, and Ma Shu Mawa of No 1 BEHS, Nyaunglebin in high school level essay competitions; first, second and third prizes to Htet Hsu Wai of Myeik, Ma Htet Su Su Lwin of No 1 BEHS, Toungoo, and Ma Nay Chi Lin of No 1 BEMS, North Okkalapa in middle school level essay competition.
Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing presented first, second and third prizes to Cadet Aung Ko Ko Thet of Defence Services Technological Academy, Cadet Tin Zar Maw of Defence Services Medical Academy, and Maung Zaw Myo Aung of University of Distance Education, Mandalay in institutions of higher learning level poem competition; first, second and third prizes to Maung Pyi Sone Aung of No 6 BEMS, Pathein, Maung Kyaw Phyo Hsint of No 1 BEHS, Loikaw, and Ma Hsu Mon Lin of No 2 BEHS, Myitkyina in high school level poem competition; first, second and third prizes to Maung Zin Min Htet of No 7 BEMS, Mawlamyine, Maung Thura Soe of No 6 BEHS, Nattalin, and Maung Po Ke of No 2 BEHS, Sagaing in middle school level poem competitions.
Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung presented first, second and third prizes to Ma San Hnin Phyu of pre-primary school of Defence Services Records Office, Yankin, Maung Pyi Hein Htet of ChristÕs Methodist Day Care Centre, Ahlon, and Maung Khant Pi Han of No 1 Pre-Primary School, Bahan in pre-primary level school art competition; first, second and third prizes to Ma Hsu Yamin of No 1 BEHS, Dagon, Ma May Thet Zin of No 1 BEHS, Lanmadaw, and Maung Htet Naing Lin of No 1 BEHS, Dagon in primary school (Junior) level art competition; first, second and third prizes to Ma Su Myat Noe Nwe of No 1 BEMS, Dagon, Ma May Poe Wa Win Myint of No 2 BEHS, Thingangyun, and Maung Kaung Htet of Institute of Education Practising School, Kamayut in pre-primary school (Senior) level art competition; first, second and third prizes to Maung Tha Tha Han of Myoma Middle School, Taikkyi, Maung Thiha Tin of No 1 BEHS, Dagon in primary school (Junior) level art competition and Ma Khin Khin Myat Thu Hlaing of Myoma Middle School Taikkyiin middle school level art competition; first, second and third prizes to Ma Hsu Win Htaik of No 1 BEHS, Dagon, Maung Nanda Aung of No 1 BEHS, Latha, and Ma Thiri Khit Oo of Institute of Education Practising School, Kamayut in high school level art competition; first, second and third prizes to Maung Ye Kyaw Tha, Maung Yaza Htun and Maung Hla Han in open division art competition.
Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay presented first, second and third prizes to Maung Myo Min Aung of Dabain Village, Hlegu, Maung Soe Min Naung of Dabain Village, Hlegu, and Maung Aung Zaw Oo of Dabain Village, Hlegu in sculpture (wood) competition; first, second and third prizes to Maung Sai Aik Naw of University of Culture, Yangon, U Nyi Nyi Tun of University of Culture, Mandalay, and Maung Sai Min Latt of Art and Sculpture School, Yangon; first, second and third prizes in marching song competition to Nay Mon Shwe Win, Win Tun (Myawady), and Saw Yan Kyaw in open division sculpture (plaster) competition; first, second and third prizes to Sgt Phone Myint, Lay Naing Min (Myawady) and Gita Sarso Soe Thit in military song level-1 competition; first, second and third prizes to Saw Min Naung, Sgt Saw Pala Si and Aung San Win in military song level-2 competition.
Chairman of Literary and Photo Competition Work Committee Deputy Minister for Information U Thein Sein presented first, second and third prizes to Maung Myint Maung Maung Sein of Yangon Division, Ma Nyo Zin Myint of Ayeyawady Division and Ma Mone Man Wint of Sagaing Division at extempore talks competition organized by USDA; Ma Hsu Wady Nwe of No 6 Basic Education High School, Ahlon Township, Ma Zar Zar Aung of BEHS in Kutkai Township and Maung Pyay Chit of BEHS Mandalay Division (high school level); Maung Ye Min Latt of No 5 BEMS in Mogok, Maung Kyaw Maung Maung Sein of No 1 BEHS in Thanlyin Township and Maung Kyaw Zin Aung of BEHS in Labutta Township (middle school level). Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein presented first, second and third prizes to Maung Ye Ko Ko Aung of No 1 BEHS in Tamway Township, Maung Saw Nay Lin Tun of No 1 BEHS in Hpa-an Township and Maung Bo Naing Lin of No 2 BEHS in Sittway in the computer drawing competition (high school level); Maung Kaung Myat Maung Maung Myint of No 3 BEHS in Bago, Ma May Thinza Oo of BEHS in Hoping and Maung Kaung Sithu of No 3 BEHS in Dagon Township in the computer drawing competition (middle school level); Maung Kyaw Min Oo of No 5 BEHS in Botahtaung Township, Ma Hsu Mon Tun Myat of No 2 BEHS in Pathein and Maung Myint Nyan Thein Win of No 2 BEHS in Kengtung Township in the computer application skill competition (high school level).
Chairman of Poem and Art Competition Work Committee Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt presented first, second and third prizes to third year Cadet Aung Myint Myat of DSA, Maung Maung Lwin of University for Development of National Races and first year student Ma Ei Ei Phyo of Government Technological College and first year student Ma Hsu Min Thaw of Bogalay Education College in Pyay in the TV Quiz (higher education level); Ma Kay Thi Nwe of No 2 BEHS in Sangyoung Township, Maung Tun Tun Win of No 1 BEHS in Myitkyina and Ma Hta Ni Win Aung of No 1 BEHS in Magway and Maung Pyi Soe of No 16 BEHS in Mandalay in the TV Quiz (basic education level).
Chairman of higher education and basic education literary and art competition Work Committee Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung presented first, second and third prizes to Maung Hein Hlaing Soe, Ma Sanda and Maung Aung Khin Zaw of USDA in the Twelve Objectives and TV Quiz on the Tatmadaw competition. On behalf of the winners, Ko Htwe (Kalaw-GTI), winner of short story competition, spoke words of thanks.