1 ) General Maung Aye inspects dress rehearsal of Parade columns
Yangon, 23 March-Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye this morning inspected dress rehearsal of Parade columns, which will participate in the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade, in the Resistance Park.
General Maung Aye, accompanied by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Chief of Military Intelligence Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, members of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann and Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than of the Ministry of Defence, Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein, Quartermaster-General Maj-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo, Chairman of the Leading Committee for Observance of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Chief of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Chairman of Management Committee for Observance of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe, Chief of Staff (Air) Brig-Gen Myat Hein, ministers, senior military officers, arrived at the Resistance Park at 6 am today.
General Maung Aye inspected the Anawrahta column, the Kyansittha column, the Bayintnaung column, the Nawade column, the Aungzeya column, the Hsinbyushin column, the Bandoola column, the Myawady column and the Aung San column, which marched from Myoma Grounds to the Resistance Park under the leadership of Parade Commander Brig-Gen Hla Tun. General Maung Aye gave necessary instructions to the officials and left there at 8 am.
( 2 )
Secretary-1 warns merchants not to manipulate commodity prices
only for their own interest, taking advantage of rumours
Eighth annual general meeting of Myanmar Rice Wholesalers Association held
Yangon, 23 March- The eighth annual general meeting of Myanmar Rice Wholesalers Association was held at the Sedona Hotel this morning, with an address by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Brig-Gen Myint Swe, ministers, deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads, Chairman of Myanmar Rice Wholesalers Association U Nyein, executives, members of the association and guests.
First, Chairman U Nyein extended greetings.
Next, the Secretary-1 said the State Peace and Development Council is now endeavouring
to enable the Union of Myanmar to keep abreast with others in the
world in development and to strengthen the national economy.
At the same time, the Government has laid
down plans systematically and is implementing them so that all the
national people can enjoy the fruits of national development. In its
efforts to enable the nation to stand shoulder to shoulder with the
nations of the world, he said, the Government has been implementing
the plans systematically by enlisting internal strength such as
strength of natural and human resources and participation of the

Therefore, the Government is also implementing plans for sector wise formation of strong associations in order to exploit state-owned natural resources, develop human resources up to international standard and make the strength of the people dynamic, he said.
In the economic sector, the Government has been giving encouragement to national private economic enterprises while practising the market-oriented economic system. It is also encouraging these enterprises to possess the power to shape national economy, he added.
Moreover, he said, the government has been giving support to national entrepreneurs so that national economy is developing on the right path and contributing to the long-term interests of the State. At the same time, it is also making arrangements for establishment of non-governmental organizations in various sectors.
Myanmar Rice Wholesalers Association was established in 1992 in line with the policy of the Government. Like other economic associations, the MRWA has cooperated with the Government in promoting the interests of members of the association in conformity with the economic policies of the State, he said.
Rice is a very important crop for the Union
of Myanmar. Most of the people in Myanmar rely on agriculture as
their livelihood and Myanmar people eat rice as their staple food.
Therefore, rice is the main economy of the State and the primary
food for local consumption. At the moment the government is making
efforts for progress of national economic life based on agriculture
and for boosting production of rice in conformity with the
increasing population, he said. The government set the target for
production of 1,000 million baskets and for cultivation of 14
million acres of monsoon paddy and four million acres of summer
Altogether 15.71 million acres were grown in
2000-2001 and production was over 1,000 million baskets of paddy. In
2001-2002, over 830 million baskets of paddy were produced from
13.05 million acres of monsoon paddy and 2.4 million acres of summer
paddy were grown. The government provided necessary assistance to
farmers for boosting the yield of paddy. It disbursed monsoon and
cold season cultivation loans of over K 10,000 million and over K
2,000 million to farmers. The government disbursed loans to the
farmers for seven million cultivation acreage.
In 2001-2002 , Myanma Agriculture Service distributed over 100,000 tons of fertilizer and national private entrepreneurs were permitted to import fertilizer.
He said the government implemented irrigating facilities and made arrangements for rice sufficiency in the region, after calculating the increasing population and paddy requirements and provided assistance for mechanized farming of national private entrepreneurs. So, there is surplus of paddy in the country, he said.
But, the government purchased 12 per cent of the paddy output and private merchants were permitted to purchase the rest freely in the country.
The Secretary-1 spoke of the need for officials to undertake the purchase of over 1,00 million baskets of monsoon paddy in 2001-2002.
The government laid down the policyÑ Only when there is local sufficiency, will rice be exported. Export of internationally accepted high quality rice can be done through the Ministry of Commerce according to the policy.
The government stored rice for service people and organizations. In case of emergency in the country and among ASEAN nations reserve rice has been stored systematically.
He pointed out that the price of rice should not be raised due to scarcity of rice and export. He said that central authorities gave directives to local authorities concerned to ensure transport of rice freely, not to control the transport of rice and flow of rice and not to close down rice mills and hullers.
The price of rice should be stabilized due to the above-mentioned reasons. However, there was instability of price of rice in February. That was because of storage of paddy in some private rice mills in the townships, manipulation of market prices and rumours about the government's purchase of rice for export, and storage of rice by those who are not rice merchants, he said.
He said there are some conditions that sale and purchase of rice cannot be regarded as a mere business undertaking. Instability and soaring of rice prices are sometimes linked to unscrupulous instigations, he observed.
As the stability of rice price is linked to food, clothing and shelter needs of the people and stability of the State, it is to be assumed that there always exists the danger of destructionists in the rice/paddy trade. Moreover, whenever there occurs an unusual and unstable occasion, some of the merchants in Myanmar, with no scruple for the interest of the nation and the people, took advantage and served the self-interest by hiking prices of rice, edible oil, gold, silver etc exorbitantly.
In this context, the manipulation of commodity prices which will be burdensome and harmful to grassroots level hand-to-mouth workers, the poor and service personnel must be prevented. Some persons in the economic sector are not to create instability of commodity prices and not to seek excessive profits, he warned.
If there is stability in the basic commodity prices such as rice and edible oil, the basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter of the people will be easy and their standard of living will also be raised thereby facilitaing national plans.
He said Myanmar people believe in serving the interest of secular and spiritual wellbeing and they are endowed with humanitarian spirit. If the merchants do their business with noble mind and seek just profit, holding the cardinal virtues without excessive selfishness, their business will prosper in the long run.
He warned the merchants that they are not to manipulate commodity prices only for their self-interest, taking advantage of rumours.
Rice merchants are permitted to purchase and sell 88 per cent of paddy output freely in the country and the amount of their buying and selling of paddy is growing day by day, he said.
He said the power that create national economic life in private sector has now developed because of the government's goodwill. He spoke of the need to carry out the tasks for regular development on the right path of national interest and their self-interest after realizing the government's goodwill.
Myanmar Rice Wholesalers Association formed with rice dealers is to organize and lead them so that they will always keep in mind the goodwill and aims of the government. They should not lose sight of the interests of the members of the association, and to strive for emergence of favourable conditions. In addition, they are to strive to achieve the goals of national economic plans, and then to strengthen the national economy.
Since its inception, the association has joined hands with the Government in keeping rice and commodity prices stable and striving for the better conditions of food, clothing and shelter of the people.
In 1999 when rice prices rose, the association opened 446 rice shops in Yangon and sold 1.5 million bags of rice at reasonable prices. As a result, rice prices decreased considerably.
The Government has opened tax-free markets and Win Thuza Shops of the Ministry of Industry-1 to sell rice, edible oil, meat, fish, kitchen goods, household goods and consumer goods.
Today the association has opened rice shops at tax-free markets and sold rice daily one Pyi of Emahta rice at K 100 and one Pyi of Ngasein rice at K 90. This is helpful to poor and needy people.
Moreover, the association has kept a record of in-coming and out-going rice of Yangon and the price of rice daily, thus keeping rice prices stable.
The association has also participated in the ceremonies in which the Tatmadaw members (Army, Navy and Air) have offered dry rations to members of the Sangha and nunneries.
It has also made donations for other religious and various social affairs.
The association has given economic advice and information about market prices, helped promote foreign relations, organized seminars and training courses and sent its members to seminars and training courses abroad.
Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, together with other brother economic associations, stands as a strong national economic force and is working for the improvement of the national economy.
Myanmar Rice Wholesalers Association, keeping its fine traditions, is to undertake distribution and sale of rice and to strive for the perpetual existence of a favourable economic climate in accord with the policy of the State.
At a time when the market-oriented economic system is not taking shape fully, national-level economic associations including Myanmar Rice Wholesalers Association need to lead and organize national private entrepreneurs in accord with the policy of the Government and to ensure that the national economy is improving.
At a time when the Government has placed greater emphasis on the development of the agriculture sector, Myanmar Rice Wholesalers Association is to contribute to the development of the agriculture sector and to make sure that the people enjoy the fruits of agricultural development.
To keep the rice markets stable at home and abroad, the association is to contribute to production of rice of good quality; to cooperate in keeping the sale and distribution of rice stable in the country; to avoid dishonest speculation in rice which can disrupt the sale and distribution of rice in the markets; to organize its members to ensure that the gap between retail price and wholesale price is not greatly wide; to prevent the manipulation of the rice market and sale of rice at higher prices by inventing and circulating rumours; to strive for the development of Myanma rice market which will contribute to the economic growth of the State; and to play a pivotal role in keeping rice prices stable and enabling consumers to buy rice at reasonable prices.
Myanmar was once the great exporter of rice.
After 1988, rice was not exported to ensure domestic sufficiency of rice in the nation, and Myanma rice market was almost lost.
In the ensuing years, the export tonnage of rice was only five figures. Since last year, strategic plans have been laid down, and now Myanma rice has a place in the international market. Over 200,000 tons of rice have been exported.
Export of rice brings not only immediate but also long term benefits to farmers. In the Asian rice market, the Thai government stopped buying paddy from farmers as of mid February, and in Vietnam, export of rice was kept under control. But now the rice market has been opened again as new harvests of paddy are available. More rice is being exported to the rice market, and rice prices abroad are declining.
In addition, some Asian nations have predicted that El Nino will occur this year, and therefore, mixed cropping, cultivation of summer paddy and the use of water have been restricted.
As for Myanmar, dams and reservoirs have been built systematically. Therefore, the nation is protected against shortage of water, weather changes and floods. Agricultural work can be done all the year round.
If efforts are made on the basis of these favourable conditions and in consideration of systematic storage and transport of rice, rice mills of high quality and systematic and correct sale of rice, the Union of Myanmar will be able to achieve sufficiency of rice and won a stable place in the international rice market. This will invariably benefit not only the State and the people but also farmers and rice dealers.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 called on all to cooperate in accord with the national economic policy in striving for the emergence of a stable economic environment, improvement of the national economy and prosperity of the nation; to cooperate in striving for development of cultivation, storage and distribution systems of rice with the aims of ensuring domestic sufficiency and promoting rice export; to make efforts for keeping rice prices stable so that the people can have sufficient food, lead a peaceful life and have high standard of living; and to strive for production of rice of high quality so that Myanma rice can secure a place in the international rice market again.
The Secretary-1, Commander Brig-Gen Myint Swe and Minister Lt-Gen Min Thein accepted donations to the fund of construction of a building for the association.
The donations included K 5 million by OK Rice and General Trading, K 500,000 by Aung Soe Paing Rice Sale Centre, K 300,000 each by Zabukyaw Sale Centre and Pwint Oo (1) Rice Sale Centre, K 200,000 each by Mya Shwe Wah Rice Mill and Sale Centre and Myat Mon Yadana Rice Sale Centre and K 100,000 each by ten sale centres.
In the second session of the meeting, the report and financial statement of the association were approved.
General Secretary of the association U Aung Than Oo put forward a proposal to change the name of the association and sought the approval.
Then, he replied to the letters of suggestions.
The members of the central executive committee chaired by U Nyein and executives were elected.
New Chairman of the association U Nyein spoke words of thanks, which brought
the ceremony to a close.
( 3 ) Entries invited for short story, article, song, poem, cartoon, painting and poster competitions
Yangon, 23 March - Entries are invited for the short story, article, song, poem, cartoon, painting and poster competitions to be organized by the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control in commemoration of the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking which falls on 26 June 2002.
The rules for the competitions are as follows:
The entries are to be composed on the basis of the mottoes of the CCDAC and
to be aimed at eradication of drug abuse and illicit trafficking.
For the short story and article competitions, there is only one open
division. The entry is to be typed or written neatly on one page.
The original and a copy are to be submitted. The range of words
is from 3,000 to 5,000. For the song composing competition, there is
only one open division. The entry is to be new and can be sung
individually or in group. Only one song is to be submitted. Together
with a cassette or a master reel, two copies of lyrics and the
original of musical notation are to be sent. For the poem
competition, there is only one open division.
The entry is to be typed or written neatly on one page. The
original and a copy are to be submitted. The range of the stanza is
from 50 to 100. For the cartoon, painting and poster competitions,
there are four divisions: under-tens, from the 10-year-old to the
15-year-old, from the 15-year-old to under-twenties and
above-twenties. A recommendation from the headmaster or the chairman
of Ward Peace and Development Council is needed to certify that the
entry is his or her own work. Any paper, paint and style can be
used. At the bottom of the entry is to be put a signature of the
entrant. The cartoon or the painting is to be 15 inch by 20 inch.
The poster is to be 20 inch by 30 inch, and a motto is to be stated
on it.
One entrant is allowed to send only one entry for each competition. Paintings, cartoons and posters drawn with the use of computer will not be taken into account.
To be attached with the entry are two passport photos, the entrant's name, the national registration card number, address, curriculum vitae and statement that the entry is his or her own work and has not been printed before.
The entries for the short story, article and poem competitions and the entries for the song, painting, cartoon and poster competitions are to be sent by 10 May 2002 and by 31 May 2002 respectively to Police Col Maung Maung Soe, Secretary of Crime Reduction and Information Committee, Yangon Division Police Force, Bank Street, (at the corner of Strand Road and Sule Pagoda Road), Yangon.
The list of winners will be announced on 15 June 2002, and first, second, third and consolation prizes will be given to them in a fitting manner in Yangon on 26 June 2002.
( 4 ) Second
Meeting of Fifth State Central Working Committee of Sangha begins
Yangon, 23 March- The Second Meeting of the Fifth
State Central Working Committee of the Sangha commenced at the Maha
Pasana Cave on Kaba Aye Hill here this morning. It was attended by
State Ovadacariya Sayadaws, Chairman of the State Central Working
Committee of the Sangha Chairman of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka
Committee Abhidhaja Agga Maha Ratha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha
Saddhammajotika Myingyan Koehsaungtaik Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sobhita,
member Sayadaws of SSMNC and member Sayadaws of SCWCS, Minister for
Religious Affairs U Aung Khin, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aung
Ko, Adviser to the State Peace and Development Council U Arnt Maung,
Director-General of the Department for Promotion and Propagation of
the Sasana U Sann Lwin, Director-General of the Religious Affairs
Department Dr Myo Myint, officials of RAD and DPPS and heads of
State/Division/District Religious Affairs Departments.

Myaynikyin Kyaungtaik Sayadaw of Chanayethazan
Township, Mandalay Division Agga Maha Kamma-thanacariya Bhaddanta
Okkansa, Hsinkyoun Tawyakyaung Sayadaw of Yamethin Township Agga
Maha Pandita Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Kosalla,
Thitsarwadikyaung Sayadaw of Muyitkyi Village, Chaungzon Township,
Mon State, Bhaddanta Nandasami, Kamawet Taikkyaungthit Sayadaw of
Mudon Township, Mon State, Bhaddanta Palita and Maha Withuddanyama
Sayadaw of Pakokku, Magway Division, Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta
Sumangala were elected as Ovadacariya Sayadaws for the meeting.
Myingyan Koehsaung-taik Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sobhita chaired the
meeting. Joint-Secretary Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Agga Maha
Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Tejaniya acted as master of ceremonies and
opened the meeting.
Then, the master of ceremonies presented
agenda for the meeting and sought the approval of the meeting. Next,
members of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Bhaddanta
Jotikabhivamsa, Bhaddanta Candasiri, Bhaddanta Sumana, Bhaddanta
Sirinda and Bhaddanta Vicara read the Ovadakathas of the five
Ovadacariya Sayadaws. Afterwards, Bhaddanta Kumara read out Saraniya
Ovadakatha of Bhaddanta Sobhita. In his Saraniya Ovadakatha, Sayadaw
Bhaddanta Sobhita said that he was pleased to see the presence of
members of the Sangha at the meeting. Some monks are acting not in
line with the Sasana, he added and urged members of the Sangha
concerned to wipe out such these monks for purification,
perpetuation and propagation of the Sasana.
To implement tasks for perpetuation of the Sasana,
the State Pariyatti Sasana Universities were set up and Pariyatti,
the basic part of the three Sasana, is being taught with the use of
modern techniques. To implement the tasks for propagation of the
Sasana the government established the Department for Promotion and
Propagation of the Sasana. The department is conducting religious
courses for monks and lay devotees and brought out missionary
persons. Minister U Aung Khin then supplicated on the religious
affairs. He said that it was a great pleasure to have the golden
opportunity of paying obeisance to members of the Sangha from
various parts of the nation who arrived here to attend the meeting.
Purification of the Sasana, perpetuation of the Sasana and
propagation of the Sasana are interrelated. Only when there are
purification and perpetuation of the Sasana, will the Sasana be
There is unity among members of the Sangha at
different levels owing to the successful holding of the first Sangha
Meeting of All Ganas in 1980. As cases of members of the Sangha
occurred in Sasana could be handled by Sangha organizations at
different levels, it could make those who did not respect members of
the Sangha respect and those who respect members of the Sangha
respect more.
Then, Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kumara presented the report of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee and the meeting adjourned for a while.
The meeting resumed in the afternoon with presentation of reports on Vinaya, religious and education affairs by the respective Sayadaws.
The first day session ended with the replies to the reports by Joint-Secretary Sayadaws.
To mark the meeting, U Tin Win-Daw Thein Thein Oo and daughter Thin Yu Aung of 9/1, Khayaymyaing Street, Thuwunna, Daw Khin Hla and friends U Hla Myo-Daw Khin Win Maw, U Min Naing and family of 17/C, Thayawady Street, Sayasan Ward, Bahan Township, and family of Sandi Traditional Medicine offered
" soon " and desserts to members of the Sangha on 21, 22 and 23 March.
Htidaw hoisted atop Padamya Nagayon Pagoda in Mongshu
Yangon, 23 March- The Htidaw hoisting and the consecration ceremony of Shwephonedaw Abhaya Labha Muni Padamya Nagayon Pagoda was held at the pagoda in Hsainghlyan region of Mongshu Gems Land, Shan State (South), on 20 March.
Present were State Central Working Committee of the Sangha member Agga Maha Ganthavanaka Pandita Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kosiya and members of the Sangha, Chairman of Shan State Peace and Development Council Commander of Eastern Command Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint and senior military officers, departmental officials, local authorities and local people.
Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kosiya administered the Nine Precepts.
The commander and wellwishers offered the Seinbudaw, the Hnget-myatnadaw, tiers of the Htidaw and provisions to the Sayadaws and shared merits gained.
Then, the commander and wellwisher U Nay Win Tun conveyed the first tier of the Htidaw atop the pagoda and officials conveyed the tiers of the Htidaw, the Seinbudaw and the Hngetmyat-nadaw atop the pagoda. Next, Sayadaw Bhad-danta Kosiya and members of the Sangha consecrated the pagoda. Later, the commander and officials offered
"soon" to the Sayadaws.
Shwehtidaw of Zabuaye Pagoda hoisted
Yangon, 23 March - The Shwehtidaw hoisting ceremony of Zabuaye Sutaungpyi Pagoda of Kamahtan Kyaungtaik, Zibyubin, Toungoo, Bago Division, was held at Pyittaingdaung Dhammayon of the Kyaungtaik yesterday morning. Present were Kamahtan Kyaungtaik Presiding Sayadaw Bhaddanta Suriya and members of the Sangha, Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Southern Command Brig-Gen Aung Min and wife, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Thura Maung Ni, Brig-Gen Thura Myint Thein of Toungoo Station and senior military officers, Secretary of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Aung Min and members, local authorities, social organizations, wellwishers, guests and local people.
At the ceremony, the Sayadaw and members of the Sangha, the commander and wellwishers conveyed Seinbudaw, Hngetmyatnadaw, and Shewhtidaw round the pagoda clockwise three times and hoisted them atop the pagoda by the carriage.
On 21 March, the commander attended the birthday ceremony of the Sayadaw, who turned age 93, and presented offertories to him.
( 5 ) Golden Jubilee paper-reading session of Ministry of Culture continues
Yangon, 23 March - The Golden Jubilee paper- reading session of the Ministry of Culture continued at the National Theatre today, attended by Minister for Culture U Tin Winn, the directors-general and deputy directors-general of the departments under the ministry, rectors of the Universities of Culture (Yangon & Mandalay), directors, lecturers, assistant lecturers, students of the University of Culture (Yangon) and guests.
Director-General of the Department of Cultural Institute U Myint Thein Swe presided over the session and Director of the Department of Archaeology Daw Sanda Khin acted as master of ceremonies.
Resource persons Director-General U Kyaw Win (Manutha Kyaw Win) of Fine Arts Department, Assistant Lecturer U Zaw Than Htut of the University of Culture (Mandalay), and Lecturer U Tin Maung Lwin of the art department of the University of Culture (Yangon) presented papers in the morning session.
In the afternoon session, Assistant Curator Daw Thida Tun of National Museum and Director-General U Nyunt Han of the Department of Archaeology presented papers and replied to the queries raised by those present. Then the paper reading session concluded.
The public and students viewed and studied works of paintings and sculptures of the students from the Universities of Culture (Yangon & Mandalay).
People also viewed the exhibition displayed at the National Museum. In the evening, entertainments were presented at the National Museum and so it was packed with people.
The exhibition continues tomorrow and admission is free.
Urban, rural roads put back into service in Thanlyin
Yangon, 23 March - Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt, accompanied by Director-General of Development Affairs Department Col Myo Myint, attended the ceremony to open repaved roads constructed by Thanlyin Township Development Committee under the supervision of Yangon Division Development Committee, this morning.
Present were Director U Tin Soe of Yangon Division Development Committee, members of Yangon South District Peace and Development Council, the chairman of Thanlyin Township Peace and Development Council and departmental officials, members of Yangon Division Union Solidarity and Development Association, township USDAs, War Veterans Organization, Township Committee for WomenÕs Affairs, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Auxiliary Fire Brigade, Red Cross Society and local people.
First, the minister and party attended the opening ceremonies of repaved U Bo Thein Road, at Myohaung East Ward in Thanlyin Township and new Htamalon-Saylongyi gravel road and later inspected the roads. In 2001-2002 financial year, eight urban and five rural roads in Thanlyin Township were constructed at a cost of K 20,784,570.
Later, they proceeded to Chaungsauk Village, Kyauktan Township and inspected the village. The minister met with local authorities, townselders and villagers there. He cordially discussed matters relating to rural development and gave necessary instructions.
( 6 )
application skill contest held
Yangon, 23 March- A computer application skill contest for basic education high school students at central level in commemoration of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day was held at the University of Computer Studies in Hline Township this morning.
Deputy Minister for Science and Technology U Nyi Hla Nge, Professor (Head of Department) of University of Computer Studies U Mya Thein, Secretary of Committee for Computer Drawing and Skill Contest U Saw Shwe and members of board of judges visited the contest. Altogether 17 students from states and divisions participated in the
A&I Ministry holds ordination and novitiation ceremony
Yangon, 23 March - The tenth ordination and novitiation ceremony of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation was held in the hall of the ministry this morning.
It was attended by Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin and wife Daw Khin Myo Oo, staff and families of the enterprises and departments under the ministry and guests.
The minister and the congregation received the Nine Precepts from Vice-Chairman of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Agga Maha Saddhama Jotikadajha Lashio Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kavindacara.
Then, members of the Sangha recited parittas. The minister and staff families presented offertories to the members of the Sangha and shared the merits gained.
Afterwards, soon was offered to members of the Sangha and the ceremony came to a close.
A total of 248 persons were ordained or novitiated at the ceremony.
Packages of Biriani donated to
parade column
Yangon, 23 March - As a gesture of hailing the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, Haji U Myint Naing of Ngapali General Trading, Tamway, donated 500 packages of Biriani worth K 200,000 to the Tatmadawmen of the Anawrahta column of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade at No 1 Transit Centre (Bayintnaung) this morning.
Commander of the column Col Thaung Shwe accepted the packages of Biriani and presented a certificate of honour to the wellwisher.
( 7 )
Commander inspects development works in Bhamo District
Yangon, 23 March - Chairman of Kachin State Peace and Development Council Commander of Northern Command Brig-Gen Maung Maung Swe, accompanied by officials, inspected the construction of the self-reliance affiliated Basic Education Middle School in Hantat Village, Mansi Township, on 14 March morning and gave necessary instructions.
Then, he donated K 50,000 each to Maternal and Child Welfare Association and Union Solidarity and Development Association of the village.
Then, the commander arrived at Shwegu and inspected the Shwegu Myoma paddy purchasing centre. Kachin State Agricultural Produce Trading Manager U Nyunt Wai reported on purchasing of paddy during the year 2001-2002. The commander fulfilled the requirements. He also inspected the paddy warehouses.
At 11.30 am, the commander arrived at the construction site of Mandalay-Shwegu-Bhamo road (Eastern bank of Ayeyawady River) project in Nga-oh Village, Mabein Township, Shan State North. At the briefing hall, Deputy Superintending Engineer U Win Maung reported on road construction of Nga-oh-Thayagon section and Mabein Township Chairman U Pasi on cultivation of monsoon paddy and purchasing of paddy to the commander. The commander fulfilled the requirements.
Then, the commander proceeded to the Ruili River Bridge (Nga-oh) construction project site in Nga-oh Village. Senior Engineer U Win Kyi reported on progress of work.
The commander inspected around the project site and gave necessary instructions.
On 15 March morning, the commander inspected the Nantmaung Creek bailey bridge and Nantmeik Creek bridge in Momeik and gave instructions to the officials.
On 16 March morning, the commander, together with Health Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein, who arrived in Bhamo, inspected the Bhamo People's Hospital and Momauk PeopleÕs Hospital and left necessary instructions.
The commander arrived at land reclamation project site of Agricultural Mechanization Department in Madeeyan region, Momauk
Township, in the afternoon. After hearing reports presented by the
officials, the commander fulfilled the requirements.
Stone inscriptions opened at Taunggyi BEHS 1 & 3
Yangon, 23 MarchÑ Minister for Education U Than Aung met with officials of the higher education sector in Taunggyi yesterday afternoon and discussed education programmes and education research tasks.
Then, the minister attended the opening ceremonies of stone inscriptions bearing Myanmar education goal at Taunggyi Basic Education High School Nos 1 and 3.
Also present on the occasions were Deputy Commander of Eastern Command Col Myint Aung, local authorities, departmental heads, teachers, members of Maternal and Child Welfare Association and officials.
At Taunggyi Education College, the minister heard reports on the college by the principal. The minister explained the 30-year long-term education plan.
Energy Minister inspects
vegetable patches, poultry farm
Yangon, 23 March- Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi, accompanied by officials, arrived at the vegetable patches of the
ministry at Nyaunghnapin Vegetable Cultivation Special Zone in Hmawby Township this morning.
At the briefing hall, Managing Director Col Sein Tin Win of Myanma Petroleum Products Enterprise reported on agricultural tasks being undertaken by enterprises of the ministry and sale of vegetables at tax-free markets. The minister gave necessary instructions and inspected cultivation of various crops and doing research. Then, he proceeded to the broiler farm of MPPE and inspected 20,000 broilers. Next, he went to tax-free market at the corner of Kyundaw and Hanthawady Streets in Kamayut. He inspected selling of vegetables, fruits and eggs of the agricultural farm of the Ministry of Energy and met with buyers and sellers. In the afternoon, the minister and party visited the booth of the Ministry of Energy at the Defence Services Museum and left necessary
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Three-R Instructor course opens
Yangon, 23 March - The Summer Course for Three-R Instructors in Border Areas for 2002 co-sponsored by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs was held at Myanmar Education Research Bureau on Pyay Road here this morning.
It was attended by Chairman of the Education Subcommittee for Implementation of Development of Border Areas and National Races Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung and members, the directors-general and chairmen of departments and boards under the ministry, officials of Department of Border Areas and National Races Development, guests and trainees.
The deputy minister delivered a speech on the occasion.
The three-day course is being attended by 42 trainees from the ministry.
Prizes presented to winners in BEHS (Central Level) Extempore Talks Competition
Yangon, 23 March- The opening ceremony of for Basic Education High and Middle School (Central Level) Extempore Talks Competitions in commemoration of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day was held at Yankin Education College in Yankin Township this morning.
University/College/Institute and Basic Education Level Literature and Extempore Talks Competitions Organizing Committee Chairman Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung gave a speech.
Then, 17 competitors of States and Divisions took part in the competition.
Next, Chairman of the panel of judges Professor of History Department of Yangon University Prof Dr U Kyaw Win announced the winners of the competition. They were: Ma Hsu Wady Nwe of Ahlon BEHS No 6 in Yangon Division won the first prize, Ma Zar Zar Aung of Kutkai BEHS the second, Maung Pye Chit of Aungmyethazan BEHS No 1 the third in the Basic Education High School Level and 14 were consolation prize winners.
Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung, Chairman of Subcommittee for Organizing the Basic Education (Central Level) Extempore Talks Competition U Bo Win and Secretary of the Literature and Extempore Talks Competitions Organizing Committee U Saw Lwin and party presented prizes to the winners.
The Basic Education Middle School (Central Level) Extempore Talks Competitions will be held
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7th ISD U-13 Mini-Volleyball Tournament ends
Yangon, 23 March- Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint attended the final matches and the prize presentation of the 7th Inter-State/Division Under-13 Mini-Volleyball Tournament at Aung San Gymnasium yesterday noon.
Present were Director-General U Thaung Htaik of Sports and Physical Education Department, officials of Myanmar Volleyball Federation and spectators.
After the final matches, Director-General U Thaung Htaik and officials presented prizes to the winners.
Then, Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint presented best player awards to Thazin Aye of Bago Division girls' team and Htet Ko Ko Lin of Ayeyawady Division
boys' team and championship shields to Bago Division girls' team and Mon State
boys' team.