1 ) Ayeyawady Division now has 1,328 miles of
motor road, up 888 miles from only 440 in 1988
Only when all regions of Union developing and
national economy picking up, will economic and social
standards of people improve more and more
Secretary-1 attends opening of Shwelaung Bridge in Wakema Township
Yangon, 21 March - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, together with member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than of the Ministry of Defence, ministers, deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads and officials, this morning left here by car and arrived at Bo Myat Tun Bridge, where they were welcomed by Chairman of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Commander of South-West Command Brig-Gen Htay Oo and officials.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party proceeded to Shwelaung Bridge in Wakema Township, Aye-yawady Division.
A ceremony to inaugurate Shwelaung Bridge to hail the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day was held at the Mingalar pandal near the bridge at Mile Post
No 21/0 on Pantanaw-Shwe-laung-Wakema Road, Wakema Township, Aye-yawady Division, at 8 am today, with an address by the Secretary-1.
Also present were Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Commander Brig-Gen Htay Oo, ministers, deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads, officials of Public Works (Head Office) and the Bridge Construction Project Special Group No 2, local authorities, departmental personnel, construction entrepreneurs, teachers and students, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, social organizations, band troupe and pom pom troupe, Kayin traditional Yein troupe and local residents from Pantanaw and Wakema townships totalling over 10,000.
U Hla Win of the Myanma Radio and Television acted as master of ceremonies.
Secretary-1 said the State is implementing its noble plans in launching development programmes in the entire nation to enable the nation to stand shoulder to shoulder with other nations, to develop and strengthen the national economy and to improve the living standard of the people.
The Shwelaung Bridge was inaugurated as a gesture hailing the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day.
Thus, the bridge is a pride not only for the Tatmadaw, but also for the people of Ayeyawady Division.
Emergence of the bridge has extended the scope of a network of roads and bridges being built by the government to reach Shwelaung, then to Wakema, Kyonmange and Mawlamyinegyun. Thus, it will effectively contribute to the progress of Ayeyawady Division.
Ayeyawady Division is a delta criss-crossed by a large number of natural watercourses and facing the sea at its southern and western ends. Due to its rich land and water resources, agricultural and aquacultural enterprises thrive in the region.
As it is a delta region, it is the largest rice producer of the nation.
Moreover, marine industry is also flourishing. Thus, the region is much
reliable for food production and is also contributing much toward national economic progress.
Its even and beautiful sea beaches are also earning a large amount of foreign exchange.
With the existence of rivers and creeks flowing in the division, it had to rely on water transport in the past. Despite the rich natural resources, development of Ayeyawady Division was slow.
Hence, the government has given priority to the development of the transport sector of the division since assumption of the State's duties. It has used a large amount of money to build bridges across the watercourses.
It is clear that the task is not so beneficial
when assessed only from the economic point of view. In accord with
the Head of State's goodwill to bring proportionate progress to all the regions and to improve the living standard of the people all over the nation, the government is fulfilling the requirements for progress of every region of the nation. Thus, the government is not assessing its projects from the economic point of view. It is implementing them in the interests of the national people.
Thus, the government has built 4,359 miles of new roads in the whole nation since 1988. At present, Ayeyawady Division has 1,328 miles of motor roads, up 888 miles from only 440 miles in the past.
The largest number of roads has been built in the division. Many embankments and bridges have been built to implement the road projects in the division.
Up to now, the government has built 140 major bridges crossing the rivers and creeks in the nation, spending K 544,210.58 million and US $ 130.36 million.
Of the 140 major bridges, 35 have been built in Ayeyawady Division alone. They were built at a cost of K 10,968.51 million and US $ 18.623 million.
Bo Myat Tun Bridge, the longest in Myanmar up to now, is included in the 35 bridges. After building Bo Myat Tun and Maubin bridges, the government is now building Dedaye
Bridge. The over 600-foot long facilities including Myaungmya Bridge, Kyaunggon Bridge, Ngawun Bridge, Labutta (Pinlelay) Bridge, Uto Creek Bridge and Gonnyindan Bridge have been constructed to ease transport between one
town and another. Wakema Bridge will be completed soon.
As the government has been systematically implementing plans to link the major towns of the division by road transport, significant progress has been achieved in developing the transport sector. Now Pathein can be reached from Yangon within 12 hours by road. As Pathein-Monywa highway has been completed, there emerged a Union highway in the western sector of the division. Now the people can travel to Rakhine State from the highway through Ngathaingchaung-Gwa and Padaung-Taungup roads; to Bago Division through Nawade Bridge; to
Magway and Mandalay
Divisions through Anawrahta and Magway bridges.
Kyaunggon-Einme-Myaungmya-Labutta road, Pyapon-Bogale-Dedaye road, Maubin-Kyaiklat-Dedaye road, and Kyaiklat-Pyapon road are being built in the division phase by phase. Some of the sections of the roads have been completed.
The Shwelaung Bridge is located on Pantanaw-Shwelaung-Wakema-Kyonmange-Mawlamyinegyun road. When the Wakema Bridge is completed, the motor road will link Pantanaw and Kyonmange via Shwelaung and Wakema. The road will also link the regions with Pathein, Yangon and Hinthada.
Moreover, Kyonmange-Mawlamyinegyun road will be extended up to Bogale. Thus, Bogale, Pyapon and Dedaye will have direct road access to Yangon Division.
A network of roads and bridges, a fundamental driving force for development, is being built in Ayeyawady
Shwelaung opened Division, and they will contribute to the development of the economic and social sectors of Ayeyawady Division.
Local people need to make best use of the improving transport condition and to endeavour for the development of agriculture, livestock breeding and production.
The Government, taking in account the prospects for development of Ayeyawady Division, the favourable condition for economic development and the efficiency and capital of national entrepreneurs, has been working for emergence of strong economic undertakings. Agricultural work and fish and prawn breeding work are being carried out in wetlands in Ayeyawady Division, and beach resorts can also be seen. Due to economic and transport infrastructures and the efforts of the people, Ayeyawady Division will soon develop all the more.
The Government is striving to enable the Union of Myanmar to be on a par with other nations in development, to achieve equitable development in all the regions of the Union, to develop regional economy and to improve the economic, education, health and social standard of local people.
When the Tatmadaw assumed State duty, efforts had to be made for the stability, peace and tranquillity and development of border areas which had lagged behind in development.
Later, emphasis has been placed on development of regions which fell behind others in development due to various reasons.
A large number of bridges crossing rivers and creeks are being built in Rakhine State and Ayeyawady Division, which once lagged behind in development due to difficulty in transport.
Development plans based on cities of states and divisions are being implemented to ensure equitable development among them.
Arrangements have been made to build universities, colleges and hospitals as soon as possible.
Previously, there were 22 development regions all over the nation. According to the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, Panglong region in Shan State and Maubin region in Ayeyawady Division have been designated as development regions. Now the development regions total 24.
In addition, in accord with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, five rural development tasks are being undertaken.
In view of road, bridge and dam projects under implementation in 14 states and divisions, economic, education, health and social plans, development plans and rural development tasks, all the parts of the Union will soon develop harmoniously.
Only when all the regions of the Union are developing and the national economy is picking up, will the economic and social standard of the people improve more and more. Only then will the gap between the haves and the have-nots become narrower and narrower. There will not be divergence in ideology, and nationalistic spirit, the sense of national solidarity and Union Spirit will flourish all the more.
Realizing the goodwill of the Government, the national people need to participate in the regional development tasks.
The people in Ayeyawady Division need to strive for development of agriculture, livestock breeding and fishery industry so that the State can rely on it in promoting national economy and producing sufficient food.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 urged local people to make more efforts for the development of respective regions, an increase in productivity and production of adequate food, and to strive for the emergence of a modern, developed nation with Union Spirit at a time when the development plans for Ayeyawady Division laid down by Head of State Senior General Than Shwe are taking shape.
Then, Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun said: The government is implementing not only short-term but also long-term plans ministry-wise with the aim of building a peaceful modern developed country. The Ministry of Construction, in accordance with the guidance of the Head of State, has been constructing more and more roads and bridges where necessary all over the country year after year.
Shwelaung Bridge is 1900 feet long. It is a bailey truss suspension bridge. Its foundation is made of reinforced concrete bore plies. It is constructed on reinforced concrete footing.
To get a lot of clearance for a large number of water craft plying in Ayeyawady Division, the bridge was built as a bailey truss suspension one with the use of two towers. It has 14-foot wide motor way and a 3-foot wide pedestrian lane on either side. Towers are 47 feet high and span of steel truss suspension bridge in the middle is 500 feet long. It can withstand 36-ton loads. The clearance under the bridge is 400 feet wide and 36 feet high. In Ayeyawady Division, Ayeyawady Bridge (Dedaye), Wakema Bridge and Dahka bridge are under construction. More bridges will be constructed based on the need for easy and smooth transportation. Bridges have been constructed on self-reliance without any external assistance.
Therefore, in meetin the fundamental requirements of political, economic and social sectors, the government has to overcome limitations in captical, machinery and time frame by various ways and means without having sufficient capital. In conclusion, the minister urged those present to take necessary measures for durability of the bridge.
Afterwards, Commander Brig-Gen Htay Oo said: there used to be delays in transportation because people had to rely on water craft to travel from one place to another in Ayeyawady Division, a delta region, where there are in rivers, creeks and lakes. People can make trips by land in a short time thanks to construction of roads and bridges by the present government.
On behalf of the people in Ayeyawady Division, I would like to thank the Head of State, the Ministry of Construction and its employees for construction of the bridge. The Ayeyawady Division is witnessing advantages and respective regions are witnessing progress in socio-economic life owing to construction of bridges by the government. A total of 1,281-mile 3 furlong motor road Ñ 412-mile 3 furlong long asphalt road, 605-mile 5.5 furlong long gravel road, 260-mile 5 furlong long earthen road Ñ has been constructed in Ayeyawady Division.
Bridges have also been constructed a large number in Ayeyawady Division. In doing so, Myaungmya Suspension Bridge was inaugurated in 1996, Natchaung and Seikma bridges in Bogalay Township, Daydalu Bridge in Pyapon, Uyinwa Bridge in Kyaiklatt Township and Khattiya Bridge in Maubin Township in 1997, Pinlayle Bridge in Labutta Township and Maubin Bridge in 1998, Bo Myat Tun Bridge in 1999, Uto Bridge, Pantanaw Bridge and Ywaleyoegyi Bridge in Yekyi Township in 2000, Gonnyintan Bridge in Kyaiklatt Township, Khonminyoe Bridge in Yekyi Township and Thekon Bridge in Kyaungon Township in 2001. The bridges under construction are Wakema Bridge in Wakema Township, Dakha Bridge in Kangyidaunt Township and Dedaye Bridge and they are to be opened soon.
In Ayeyawady Division, one-fourth of total sown acreage of monsoon paddy and two-thirds of summer paddy in the whole country have been put under cultivation. Myaungmya District plays an important role in growing and purchasing of monsoon and summer paddy, Wakema Township in production and selling. The newly constructed Shwelaung Bridge will contribute to speedy transportation of goods. Wakema Township used to be a place where priceless cultivable land was under by water. Out of 2,972 acres of wetland, a total of 2,000 acres have been put under cultivation of 1,715 acres of monsoon paddy, 152 acres of jute and 200 summer paddy. Similar projects could be implemented in nearby regions.
Agriculture and livestock breeding products, outcome of concerted efforts made by local people and national entrepreneurs, will be very beneficial to the region and the State. This project has been a success owing to concerted efforts of local people, authorities and entrepreneurs in accord with the guidance of Head of State.
In conclusion, on behalf of the people of Ayeyawady Division, I would like to thank the government which is making endeavours for construction of peaceful modern developed country with goodwill and taking the leading role. In a manner to repay gratitude of the government, we pledgede to make every effort to maintain the bridge.
Then, on behalf of the local people, Secretary of Wakema USDA U Kyaw Lwin spoke words of thanks for construction of the bridge.
The Secretary-1 presented a gift to Deputy Superintending Engineer of the project U Khin Maung Lay.
Afterwards, the opening of the Shwelaung Bridge followed at the archway of the bridge.
Commander Brig-Gen Htay Oo and Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun formally opened the bridge.
The Secretary-1 and party, together with local residents, posed for a documentary photo at the archway.
Next, the Secretary-1 formally unveiled the stone plaque of the bridge.
The Secretary-1 and party and guests took a stroll along the bridge and the opening ceremony came to an end.
The Secretary-1 and party then arrived at the work site of the land reclamation project of the Yuzana Agriculture and Livestock Breeding Group at the Mogok-Deedok (South) wetland in Pantanaw Township, Ayeyawady Division, and inspected preparations being made for marketing fish harvested from the fish breeding ponds.
The Secretary-1 and party inspected fish hatchery pond and strain fish, sample strain fish being kept and fish breeding ponds.
At the briefing hall, Chairman of the Group U Htay Myint reported on total permitted acres of land to be reclaimed in Mogok-Deedok (South) wetland in Pantanaw Township and Ashwekwin in Nyaungdon Township, progress of reclamation of land, digging of fish breeding ponds and breeding of fish where agriculture is not favourable, production of crops including summer paddy and monsoon paddy season-wise, tasks being carried out for fish breeding, cultivation of 4,338 acres of monsoon paddy, 124 acres of jute and 687 acres of summer paddy and the production in 2001-2002, breeding of fish and prawn in the ponds and marketing them, planting of edible oil palm in Taninthayi Division and targets, and upgrading of Yamethin-Pyawbwe road section of Yangon-Mandalay Highway.

The Secretary-1 said that Head of State Senior General Than Shwe had given guidance to render assistance for successful implementation of agriculture and livestock breeding works of national entrepreneurs; so national entrepreneurs are to strive for systematically carrying out tasks in accordance with the guidance of the Head of State; they are also to make efforts for carrying out agriculture and livestock breeding tasks in harmony; tasks are to be extended for exceeding the targets of paddy and beans and pulses production and exporting them; with the proper use of modern methods and techniques in breeding fish and prawn, more success has been achieved; the State is providing assistance to national entrepreneurs to enable them to participate in business such as agriculture and livestock breeding, construction of road and housing, services and other construction tasks and to enjoy proportionate benefit; thus they are to strive for realizing the aims of the State with might and main.
The Secretary-1 and party arrived back here in the afternoon.
( 2 )
Reported seizure of 150,000 stimulant tablets at Pachee Tatmadaw outpost just scheming and fabrication of SURA Ywet Sit
Live on Thai side and have to attack own national race on Myanmar side resulting in death of brethren to the delight of others
Press conf held to explain SURA Ywet Sit group's attack on Pachee outpost and slanderous news reports
Yangon, 21 March - A Press conference on the terrorist acts of SURA drug-trafficking insurgent Ywet Sit, its drug trafficking and its scheming and fabrication in the attack on Pachee outpost was held at the Tatmadaw Guest House on Inya Road at noon today.
Present at the conference were Minister for Labour U Tin Winn, Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Brig-Gen Khin Aung Myint of the Ministry of Defence and senior military officers, departmental heads, news and information officials of the Ministry of Information, Corespondent U Sein Win of Kyodo News Agency, Patron of Myanmar Foreign Correspondents Club U Hla Htwe, President U Sao Kai Hpa and members, Bureau Chief of Bangkok-based Sankei Shimbun News Mr Suzuki, Correspondent Ms Aiko Doden of Bangkok-based NHK and guests.
Maj-Gen Kyaw Win said the Press conference is concerned with the drug trafficking group of Ywet Sit which is launching armed insurgency at the Myanmar-Thai border. On 21 April 2001, Ywet Sit's group under cover of the Thai army barrage attacked the Pachee outpost of the Tatmadaw at the border. When the group had seized the Pachee outpost, Ywet Sit made a slander as if the stimulant tablets (in reality, he took them from his camp in Thai territory to the outpost) were seized at the outpost. He then made a Press meet with the Thai journalists and TV crew who accompanied him to the outpost. The Thai media in collusion with the Ywet Sit group manufactured slanderous news reports, saying as if the Myanmar Tatmadaw were trafficking in narcotic drugs. As the true reason to create and distribute the slanders was known, the Press conference was held to explain the matter to the journalists.
The Press conference on the battle of Pachee outpost had already been made at the No 20 Tatmadaw Guest House on 25 April 2001. Maj-Gen Kyaw Win then recounted the Press conference in brief. He said an outpost was set up at Pachee in Myanmar territory at Myanmar-Thai border near Pungpahkyem region in Mongton Township, eastern Shan State for security and defence purposes. There were only about 20 soldiers stationed at the outpost then. About 50 yards opposite to the outpost lies a Thai military camp.
At midnight on 21 April 2001, three truck-loads of the members of Ywet Sit's SURA drug trafficking group arrived at the Thai military camp. At about 1.15 am the next day, heavy weapons and small arms began firing on the Pachee outpost from the Thai military camp. Then, about 200 attackers from the Thai camp approached the Pachee outpost. During the attack, the searchlights from the Thai camp were projected on the Myanmar outpost; and the Thai camp also gave the supporting fire of heavy weapons and small arms. Six Myanmar soldiers of the Pachee outpost fell during the attack and the remaining troops had to withdraw as the situation of firepower and manpower was unequal. Concerning
the attack, the 23 April
2001 issue of The Bangkok Post daily of Thailand
reported that when about 200 members of Ywet Sit's group overran a Myanmar Tatmadaw outpost, they seized seven bodies of Myanmar soldiers and 170,000 stimulant tablets. Similarly, it is stated in The Nation Daily that seven bodies of Myanmar soldiers and 150,000 stimulant tablets were seized. The iTV, a Thai TV channel, quoted Ywet Sit as saying that seven Myanmar soldiers were killed and nearly 200,000 stimulant tablets were impounded when his troops attacked the outpost. In reality, these news reports are just fabrications to put the blame on Myanmar concerning the narcotic drugs. As the precise information on Ywet Sit's slanderous plots were received after the battle of Pachee, it was revealed at the then Press conference.
One person with the rank of company commander, another with the rank of platoon commander and a private of the Ywet Sit drug trafficking group exchanged arms for peace at the border in Mongton Township, eastern Shan State, during the previous month. Of the three, two had taken part in attacking the Pachee outpost. They knew very well about the heavy weapon covering fire given by the Thai army for the Ywet Sit's group and the carrying of the stimulant pills to the outpost by the members of the Ywet Sit's groups to make a slanderous plot as if they were seized at the outpost.
The three are now in front of the journalists. The first person, Aik Maung with the rank of company commander, is a native from Panglong. He was captured by the MTA of U Khun Sa since the age of six. He attended school at MTA children's school in Homein Headquarters. After undergoing military training, he was enlisted as a private at the age of 15/16 at the battalion under the command of Ywet Sit. When MTA members exchanged arms for peace in January 1996, the battalion under Ywet Sit's command exchanged arms for peace at Monghtaw/Monghta. Afterwards, Ywet Sit led 120 members of his battalion and fled to Maheinhtet region in Thailand. Aik Maung was included in troops that went to Thailand. He had to closely work with Ywet Sit. In 1998, he served at Konsint column at the rank of platoon commander. He took part in the Pachee battle.
Another person is Kom Kham with the rank of company commander in the 757 brigade of the Ywet Sit group. He was born at Hsaungkye village in Hsipaw Township. He was captured by U Khun Sa's MTA in 1990 to be recruited as a private. He accompanied the group under the leadership of Ywet Sit which went underground again. He attended the officer training course at Loi Tai-hlan camp of Ywet Sit's drug trafficking group in 1999. He was serving as a company commander. He was included in the troops to attack the Pachee outpost.

The third person, Aik Pee, a private, is a native of Panglong. He sneaked into Thailand in 1995 and worked in Chiangmai as an illegal immigrant till 2001, when Thai police caught him at a restaurant in the city. The Thai police sent him to Loi Tai-hlan camp of Ywet Sit. He was forced to attend the training course for recruits of Ywet Sit's group. He had no combat experience. The Thai police captured Shan national races who were working illegally in Thailand and sent them to the headquarters of Ywet Sit. Ywet Sit forcefully made them to attend the military training course. Ywet Sit got 3,000 new members through the method. The persons who were said to be the retired Thai soldiers and citizens from a certain big western nation were giving military training to them.
According to Aik Maung, at 8 am on 19 April 2001, about 80 members under the command of Ywet Sit left the Loi Tai-hlan camp in Thai territory by three four-wheel-drive trucks. On the car on which Ywet Sit himself was riding were stimulant pills packed in eight knapsacks. The group arrived at Panmapha village in Maehonghsaung Township at about 1 pm. They rested for two nights at the village. Fifteen trucks from the Thai army arrived at the village at 6 am on 21 April. On the car were about 60 Thai soldiers wearing camouflage military uniforms and Thai journalists. The cars also carried rations and heavy weapons and rounds. At about 7 am, the members of Ywet Sit's group left the village together with the Thai troops on the Thai military trucks. The members of the group also carried the eight knapsacks on the Thai military trucks together with them. They arrived at the Thai military camp located opposite to the Pachee
outpost at midnight. The group made preparations to attack the
outpost. The Thai soldiers also unloaded the heavy weapons and
rounds from the cars and made preparations to give the covering
According to Company Commander Kum Khan, who took part in Pachee battle, about-250-strong unit led by Sai Aung Kham, Khun Kyaw and Cho Pha was stationed in the Thai territory opposite to Pachee one month before Pachee Camp was attacked. Preparations were made at Paneint Camp near Naungmo Village in Thailand to attack Pachee Camp. Three days before launching the attack, Brigade Commander insurgent Sai Aung Kham gave three bags of stimulant tablets to the company of Kun Khan. At 6 pm on 21 April, they approached Pachee Camp from the side of Thailand. At mid- night, opium-trafficking insurgent Ywet Sit, who arrived at the Thai camp, contacted and commanded them. At 1.15 am on 22 April, shooting started from the Thai camp. Heavy and small weapons fired as searchlights from the Thai camp were aimed at the camp. At 1.45 am, the camp was seized. At about 5 am, Ywet Sit himself arrived at Pachee Camp. He had eight bags of stimulant tables laid in the supplies and ammunition warehouse. The three bags of stimulant tablets which were carried by Kun Khan and his group were put at the place where documentary photos would be taken. At 6.30 am, 15 reporters from Thai newspapers and TV came there and photographed and televised stimulant tablets. It is learnt that Ywet Sit explained to the reporters that 11 bags and about 200,000 stimulant tablets were seized from Pachee Camp and they were produced and sold by Myanma Tatmadaw and Wa forces. In the light of it, it is evident that the Thai armed forces and Ywet Sit's group connived in this matter.
The Thai media is lionizing opium-trafficking insurgent Ywet Sit and his group as a narcotic drug eradication group. In fact, they are an insurgent group producing and trafficking in narcotic drugs.

It is learnt that Ywet Sit's group has a heroin and stimulant factory. That factory is situated near Myanmar-Thai Border Mile Post BP-5 about 4 miles to the east of Lwetainglyan Camp. The one who is in charge of the factory is tactical operations insurgent Khay Phyu. It is learnt that before U Khun Sa's MTA group exchanged arms for peace, he was skilled at production of heroin and in charge of the heroin refinery. About 80 armed men were posted at that camp, and others were not allowed to enter that restricted area. It is learnt that Ywet Sit and Khay Phyu are directly taking charge of production of narcotic drugs. Chemicals required for the camp are kept at Ywet Sit's house and sent to the factory when needed. Narcotic drugs are carried to Ywet Sit's house at night twice a month. Section Commander Aik Maung who has returned to the legal fold was one of those who took charge of the factory security and carrying chemicals.
Ywet Sit's group is not only an opium-trafficking insurgent group but also a terrorist group. On the night of 3 January 2000, an explosion occurred in Mongshu gems land, and over 100 innocent people were killed. It was planned by Ywet Sit, it is learnt. In 1999, Ywet Sit met with the Thai officials in Bangkok. Also among them were two citizens of a western nation. After he returned from Bangkok, Ywet Sit said at a regular meeting held once a month that Mongshu gems land was in the hand of Wa nationals and the Chinese of mixed blood and that it had to be blown up for the sake of Shan nationals. Then, he assigned brigadier commander Mein Sin and Kyauk Wan Li, the commander of Kun Sint, the task of blowing up the gems land. To carry it out, mine expert Aik Aung was sent together with explosives. That insurgent unit operated around Ponsam Village near Mongshu. Aik Aung and 15 others worked at Mongshu mining blocks and observed the condition. They plotted to explode the mining blocks of Wa group, La/16 and La/19. They planted time-bombs at places where fuel oil was kept. As the plan met with success, Aik Aung was promoted to the rank of an officer.

In view of the account given, opium-trafficking insurgent Ywet Sit is allowed to live in the territory of Thailand. As is known to all, he has received assistance. Obviously, Ywet Sit's group has been formed with MTA remnants and is a terrorist insurgent group.
However, with every intention of covering the fact that they are not totally free from drug trafficking, some Thai politicians and some personnel from the Thai armed forces are pointing an accusing finger at Myanmar and manufacturing stories as if Myanma Tatmadaw were involved in drug trafficking.
At the press conference held yesterday, the preposterous accusations of some personnel from Thailand were already explained. Instead of behaving like a good neighbouring nation, it has done some improper acts. But Myanmar doesn't want the bilateral relations to be harmed.
At present, the relations between the Thai government and the Myanmar government are in good condition, which Myanmar will maintain.

Then, he invited all to ask the three who exchanged arms for peace to know exactly how much was true and how much was false.
After Vice-Chief of Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win had given clarifications with the help of video, it was arranged for local and foreign journalists to interview company commander Kum Khan, platoon commander Aik Maung and private Aik Pee all from Ywet Sit's SURA drug-trafficking terrorist group who had recently returned to the legal fold by exchanging arms for peace.
Then, company commander Kum Khan and platoon commander Aik Maung replied to the questions raised by the journalists.
Company commander Kum Khun, age 27, was a native of Saungkyae village, Hsipaw Township. In 1990, he was arrested by MTA armed group to be recruited into SURA and served as a commander of No 2 company of SURA Brigade 757. Platoon commander Aik Maung, age 24, was a native of Panglong. In 1987, he was also arrested by MTA armed group and recruited into SURA and served as a platoon commander of No 4 company of Kumsint column. Aik Maung had to take responsibility for the security of Ywet Sit and his family affairs. Private Aik Pee, age 27, was also a native of Panglong. It was in April, 2001, that he was arrested by Thai Police Force and sent to SURA. He was assigned to No 2 company of Brigade 757 and had to undertake security duties at Wepakha camp. Company commander Kum Khan and Platoon commander Aik Maung personally took part in the attack at Pachee camp on 21 and 22 April, 2001. It was untrue that, in that engagement, 150,000 stimulant tablets were seized from the camp of Myanma Tatmadaw. It was just the scheming and fabrication of SURA Ywet Sit. In reality, the company commander Kum Khan and platoon commander Aik Maung took part in the SURA column, carrying the bags of stimulants on their shoulder by order of Ywet Sit. During their temporary siege of Pachee camp, they invented a story that the bags of stimulants they had been carrying were seized as if from Pachee camp of Myanma Tatmadaw. Ywet Sit explained to a Thai TV group which accompanied the SURA column that stimulants were seized from the camp of Myanma Tatmadaw. That TV group also telecast the made-up stories of SURA group.
Lwetaishan camp, headquarters of Ywet Sit's SURA drug-trafficking terrorist group, is situated in Thai territory. Well-known Thai vocalists often gave performances at the fun-fairs held at that camp. It was also at that camp military training was given. Some Thai war veterans and citizens from a big western country usually gave lectures at these military training courses. It is expected that Ywet Sit's SURA group is 7,000-strong. The majority of Ywet Sit's SURA group are the youths of national races who were arrested and recruited against their will. Some of them are three-year olds, the majority being five to 15 years old. These youths were given military training and armed. Weapons were bought by the Thai instructors with the money from a big western country. Then, members of SURA group were provided with these weapons. The money realized from the drug-trafficking and provided by the western country was used for the living of SURA
members. Although there were many mouths to feed, there were only a
few who could put up the fight.
Regarding Ywet Sits SURA group and their involvement in drug-'trafficking, they apprehended small- scale drug-traffickers and added one or two lakhs of stimulants to their seizure and invited reporters and TV cameramen from Thailand and made them photograph the drugs.
All the members knew that a piece of invented news that stimulant tablets were seized on the side of Myanmar, was circulated. The benefit which Ywet Sit and those in higher positions got for doing this and seizing stimulant tablets was in US dollars.
The purpose of their entering the legal fold was that the majority of the members at lower positions have to eat and live like dogs and pigs while Ywet Sit and those in higher positions are rolling in luxury. They lived on the side of Thailand and had to attack their national races on the side of Myanmar. Other people will clap their hands happily for it. Those who died were only the national races, and no benefits were got. It is meaningless. As they didnÕt want to attack their national races, they have entered the legal fold.
With regard to the terrorist acts of SURA, Lt-Col San Pwint of Military Intelligence said that in addition to SURA Ywet Sit group's blowing up Mongshu gems land on 3 January 2000, about 20 members of SURA arrested the four-member family of U Aung Sein, a worker of Public Works at the Union Highway Repair Project Site between Kali Village and Mamongin village in Kunhein Township, southern part of Shan State, at 10 pm on 3 January 1997, and beat them to death.
At about 10 pm on 18 January 1997, about 20 SURA members came to Methwaygon Village in Namhsan Township, set five houses on fire and shot at the people. Thirteen people including children were killed and eight were injured. At about 9 am on 21 January 1997, about 20 SURA group fired at two civilians from Ward 6, Namhsan, who were making charcoal. At 5.30 pm on 13 June 1997, about 40 members of SURA stopped 30 passenger vehicles on Kunhein-Kengtung motor road, extorted money and looted jewellery. Then, they fired at the passengers. Twenty-five passengers were killed and five were injured. On 21 May 1998, a group of SURA members planted a bomb at the Myoma cinema in Mandalay.
One person was killed, and eleven were injured. There are a lot of terrorist acts of SURA opium-trafficking insurgent Ywet Sit's group. There are 23 terrorist acts including those above mentioned. Altogether 107 innocent people were killed, and 53 were injured. It is obvious that SURA Ywet Sit's group is not only trafficking in opium but also perpetrating terrorist acts.
The press conference ended at 1 pm.
Then, local and foreign journalists viewed the map showing how SURA opium-trafficking insurgents attacked Pachee Camp, the map showing the headquarters of SURA (Lwetainglyan Camp) and opium refinery, the map showing outposts around SURA opium-trafficking insurgent headquarters (Lwetainglyan Camp), photos of SURA insurgents and photos of the three platoon commanders of SURA
who exchanged arms for peace.
( 3 ) Maj-Gen Maung Bo inspects construction of bypass in Taninthayi Division
Yangon, 21 March - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Maung Bo of the Ministry of Defence inspected construction of Bok-Papyin-Dahthwe-Mazawpyingyi-Myeik bypass and Kyaukphya-Thabok-PinO-Dawh road in Taninthayi Division on 18 March.
At the briefing hall of the project, Maj-Gen Maung Bo heard a report on progress in construction of Bok-Papyin-Pano section of the bypass, Boktaung bypass and Kyaukphya-Thabok-PinO-Dawh road presented by Myeik District Senior Engineer of Public Works U Hla Soe. He gave suggestions.
Accompanied by officials, Maj-Gen Maung Bo met with departmental personnel and local authorities and local elders of Thanyut, PinO, Alechaung and Papyin villages. He urged them to take part in regional and road transport development tasks.
In the afternoon, he met with local elders, members of social organizations and teachers at PinO, Thabok and Letkok villages, and looked into the requirements in carrying out the regional, education, health, road transport development tasks.
Bok-Papyin-Dahthwe-Mazawpyingyi-Myeik bypass is 38 miles long. Earth-filling of the 15 mile and two furlongs long Bok-Pano section and the 12 miles and two furlongs long Mazaw-pyingyi-Tharabyat section have already been completed. Kyaukphya-Thabok-PinO-Dawh road is 12 miles long. Gravelling of the four miles long Pyonekyauk-phya-PinO section of the road has been completed. The road is linked with the bypass.
Maj-Gen Tin Aye inspects tax-free markets
Yangon, 21 March - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Tin Aye of the Ministry of Defence, together with Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe and officials, inspected the activities of tax-free markets here this morning.
Maj-Gen Tin Aye and Brig-Gen Myint Swe arrived at the tax-free market at the corner of Hanthawady and Kyundaw Streets in Kamayut Township at 7 am.
They were welcomed by Commander of No 3 Military Region Col Yan Naing Oo and officials.
Maj-Gen Tin Aye, Brig-Gen Myint Swe and party inspected the vegetable shops and the meat, fish and egg shops of the ministries, Yangon City Development Committee, battalions, units and stations, departments, Nyaunghnapin Vegetable and Poultry Production Zone and entrepreneurs, the grocery of Yangon Division Wholesale Centre, the edible oil shop of the Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd and the rice shops of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council and Myanmar Rice Wholesalers Association.
They also had a cordial meeting with the buyers and sellers.
Maj-Gen Tin Aye, Brig-Gen Myint Swe and party went to the tax-free market on Kyaikkasan Street in Tamway Township.
They were welcomed by Commander of No 2 Military Region Col Tin Oo Lwin and officials.
They inspected the vegetable shops of the ministries, departments and entrepreneurs, the meat, fish and egg shops of YCDC and entrepreneurs, the sea fish shop and edible oil shop of the Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd, and the rice shop of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council and Myanmar Rice Wholesalers Association.
Then, Maj-Gen Tin Aye and Brig-Gen Myint Swe proceeded to the tax-free market near the Ministry of Industry-2 on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road in Yankin Township.
Maj-Gen Tin Aye and Brig-Gen Myint Swe inspected the vegetable shops of the
ministries, departments and entrepreneurs, the meat and fish shops of
companies, the edible oil shop of the Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings
Ltd and the rice shops of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council
and Myanmar Rice Wholesalers Association. They gave instructions to the
officials, and attended to their requirements.
( 4
) Minister receives foreign guests
Yangon, 21 March - Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone received Chairman of the Bernas Group, Malaysia, Mr Dato Seri Mohd Noor and party at his office at 5 pm today and cordially discussed the matters related to bilateral economic cooperation.
Also present at the call were Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, Director-General of the Directorate of Trade U Nyunt Aye, Director-General of the Border Trade Department U Nay Win, Managing Director of the Myanma Agricultrual Produce Trading U Min Hla Aung and officials.
Education Minister inspects exhibition booth
Yangon, 21 March-Minister for Education U Than Aung attended a workshop on Skills in Myanmar Tradition at Central Department of Auxiliary Myanmar Literacy Campaign in the compound of Myanmar Educational Research Bureau this afternoon. Also present were Deputy Ministers Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung and U Myo Nyunt, members of Committee for Contest of Skills in Myanmar Tradition directors-general and chairmen of departments and boards under the ministry and officials. The minister inspected scale models, VCDs, CDs and books put up to the competition.
Later, he inspected the booth of Ministry of Education to be displayed at the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Exhibition at Defence Services Museum on Shwedagon Pagoda Road in Dagon
( 5 ) Nawade column entertained by Saing Orchestra
Yangon, 21 March -Mingala Saing Troupe of Defence Services (Navy) entertained Tatmadawmen of the Nawade Column of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade at Thiha Thura Tun Tin hall of Ayeyawady Naval Regional Command Headquarters on yesterday evening.
Commanders of the headquarters and the column, officers and other ranks enjoyed the entertainment.
Parade columns entertained
Yangon, 21 March - Hailing the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, the Akyaiktaw Music Band conducted by U Htay Myint, together with vocalists Cho Pyone, Khaing Heman, Sandar Phyoe, Phyu Phyu Han, Zarchi Han, May Thingyan, Waing, Zin Zin Tun, Nge Nge Aung, Lin Lat Tun, Thiri Ko Ko, Aye Sandar Aung and Cho Wah Lin, entertained Tatmadawmen of the Anawrahta Column, the Bayintnaung Column and the Aungzeya Column of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade at No 1 Transit Centre in Bayintnaung from 7 pm to 9 pm yesterday.
Commander of the Anawrahta Column Col Thaung Shwe, Commander of the Bayintnaung Column Col Khin Maung Win, Commander of the Aungzeya Column Col Khin Maung Latt, officers, other ranks and family members of the transit centre enjoyed the entertainment.
Myawady magician troupe entertains parade column
Yangon, 21 March - Under the arrangement of the Directorate of Public Relations and Psychological Warfare, Myawady magician troupe entertained Tatmadawmen of the Hsinbyushin Column of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade from 6.30 pm to 9.30 pm yesterday.
Commander of the Hsinbyushin Column Col Myo Thant, officers and other ranks enjoyed the entertainment.
Invitation cards for Armed Forces Day parade
can be drawn
Yangon, 21 March - The list of Mawgun Awards Winner first-class title recipients and second-class title recipients who are invited to attend the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, has been published on March 22 issue of the Myanma Alin Daily and the lists of Mawgun Award Winner third-class title recipients on March 22 issue of the Kyemon Daily.
They can draw their invitation cards at the Myanma News Agency, No 212, Theinbyu
Road between 9 am and 4 pm from 23 to 26 March.
( 6 ) Victorious Myanmar U-17 football team honoured
Yangon, 21 March - A dinner was hosted in honour of the Myanmar U-17 football team, which brought honour to the State, at the Traders Hotel yesterday evening.
The Myanmar team won the group 7 qualifiers of Asia Youth U-17 Football Tournament, which comprised Myanmar, Singapore and Hong Kong, held at the Youth Training Centre in Thuwunna, here, from 13 to 17 March this year.
It was attended by Chairman of the Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, Chairman of the Committee for Ensuring Success of the Myanma Sports Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay, Vice-Chairman of MOC Vice Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, Deputy Minister for Hotels and Tourism Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu, Secretary of MOC Director-General of the Sports and Physical Education Department U Thaung Htaik, officials, members of the Leading Panel of Patrons of the Myanmar WomenÕs Sports Federation, Chairman of the Kanbawza Bank Ltd U Aung Ko Win, officials of social organizations, the manager, the coach and players of the Myanmar team and guests.
The minister made a speech on the occasion and presented K 300,000 each awarded by Chairman of the Myanmar National Olympic Council Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt to the manager, the coach and the players.
Maung Win Min Htut, on behalf of the footballers, spoke words of thanks.
Then, the dinner was served to the members of the victorious team.
( 7 )
MV Lady M leaves for
Yangon, 21 March - MV Lady M of South East Asia Liveaboards Co Ltd, which arrived at Yangon on 18 March 2002, left Nanthida port for Singapore 4 pm today.
Officials of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism and the Ministry of Transport saw off the crew members at the port.
South East Asian Liveaboards Co Ltd has started power-yatch enterprise around the Myeik Archipelago and Kawthoung
since 1997 and is now making arrangements to attract tourists to
visit Yangon aboard ships like MV Lady M.
( 8
) Myanma buckwheat exported to Japan
Yangon, 21 March - Myanmar is making efforts for the eradication of narcotic drugs and has grown buckwheat as opium substitute crop in the region where opium poppy was cultivated before. This year is the third time that buckwheat has been exported to Japan by the Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading.
A ceremony to mark the export of buckwheat to Japan was held at Direct Freight Handling Section-3, Group-15, Store-32, here this morning attended by Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, Managing Director of the Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading U Min Hla Aung and officials, Mr Imamura of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and officials, Director U Yan Aung Tun of Myanmar Nippon AK2 Co Ltd and others.
MV Bago will leave here tomorrow, carrying Myanma buckwheat.
___________________________ ( 9
) Poppy plantations destroyed in Kachin State
Yangon, 21 March - A combined team comprising local Tatmadawmen, members of Myanmar Police Force and Anti-drug Squad, together with members of Kachin State Special Region-2, destroyed a total of 1336.173 acres of poppy plantations in Pajao-Naphaw and Hsamar regions in Kachin State from 12 February to 14 March this year.