1 ) Maj-Gen Ye Myint inspects regional development in
Mandalay Division
Yangon, 20 March- Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence, Deputy Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Brig-Gen Than Tun and officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office and the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation yesterday inspected regional development in Mandalay Division.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party, accompanied by Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint, Mandalay Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Nay Win and departmental officials, inspected the site of Meiktila-Mandalay section of the six-lane Yangon-Mandalay Highway near Nyaungbingyi Village-tract.
The road section is being undertaken by Hong Pang Co. Maj-Gen Ye Myint inspected installation of machinery, construction of a bridge at Nyaungbingyi Village junction, paving of the road and production of concrete pipes.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint, the commander and party inspected construction site of Ayeyawady Bridge (Mandalay). Deputy Superintending Engineer U Htay Myint of Ayeyawady Bridge (Mandalay) construction project reported on progress of work.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint gave instructions and inspected construction of piles for the approach structure on Mandalay side.
The Ayeyawady Bridge (Mandalay) is being constructed near Sagaing (Innwa) Bridge.
The main structure will be built of steel trusses and the approach bridge of reinforced concrete. The four-lane bridge is 5,614 feet long and 49 feet wide. Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party inspected construction of Mandalay Kandawgyi ring road and gave instructions.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party also inspected construction of circular road by Mandalay City Development Committee and construction of Shwekyin Creek Bridge near Kyweyegon Village.
Member of MCDC U Saw Lwin reported on construction of the bridge.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint and party inspected construction of the circular road with the use of heavy machinery.
Member of Panel of Patrons of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Maj-Gen Ye Myint met executives of Division, District and Township USDAs at the Division USDA Office.
Present were Patron of Mandalay Division USDA Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Than Tun, Secretary of Division USDA U Tin Maung Oo and executives of Division, District and Township USDAs.
Secretary U Tin Maung Oo reported on organizational set-up of the association, membership, activities, organizational matters and tasks to be undertaken for rural development.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint said the five rural development tasks that are the most basic factors in building a new modern developed nation were formulated in the future tasks of USDA. He called for cooperation with local people for success of the rural development tasks as national duty.
He then fulfilled the requirements.
( 2 ) The Press
Statement released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Press statement issued in connection with
" Nation " editorial in reference to Wa people
US Charge d'Affaires expresses Washington's regret over confusion caused by inaccurate testimony of
US Assistant Secretary of State on United Wa State Army
Yangon, 20 March-a The Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control held a Press conference related on endeavours of narcotic eradication in Myanmar at the Drug Elimination Museum at the corner of Hanthawady and Kyundaw Streets in Kamayut Township this morning. Present on the occasion were Chairman of the CCDAC Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, Vice-Chairman Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Minister for Labour U Tin Winn, Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung,
Diplomatic Corps Ambassador of the Lao People's Democratic Republic Mr Ly Bounkham and ambassadors, Charge d'Affaires of embassies, military attaches, officials of UNDP and UNDCP, departmental heads, Deputy Director-General of Myanmar Police Force Police Brig-Gen Zaw Win, officials of the Ministry of Information, Kyodo News Agency correspondent U Sein Win, Patron of Myanmar Foreign Correspondent Club U Hla Htwe, President U Sao Kai Hpa and correspondents and guests.
First, master of ceremonies Director-General U Win Mra of International Organizations and Economic Department explained the purpose of holding the Press conference.
Then, CCDAC Vice-Chairman Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung explained the Press Statement on 20 March 2002 released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (Reported separatedly)
Next, Ms Priscilla A Clapp, Charge d'Affaires ai of the US Embassy said that the Freign Minister in his statement referred to the testimony given in Washington by the Asistant Secretary of
State Mr Rand Beers.

When I saw the transcript, personally I myself questioned Washington to clarify the statement that we viewed the United Wa State Army as a terrorist organization. I received clarification from Washington and I would like to enter it into record here that Washingtion regrets the confusion caused by the inaccurate statement, testimony. We do not view the United Wa State Army as a terrorist organization. We do remain concerned
about the activities, the drug trafficking activities. As I said Washington regrets.
Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung said that he thanked for the clarification and the Press conference came to an end.
Irresponsible remarks of Chat Thai Party Deputy Leader Mr Kobsak
blatantly attack on sovereignty and territorial integrity of Myanmar
Myanmar will not allow any interference in its internal affairs or any intrusion on its territory that will compromise the country's sovereignty
Myanmar genuinely committed to eradication of narcotic drugs and making significant progress in all these efforts
Yangon, 20 March - The following is the press statement released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs here today.
We are totally shocked by the Editorial of the Nation dated 12 March 2002 which quoted Chat Thai Party Deputy Leader Mr Kobsak Chutikul as saying
" the US should not rule out military option in the fight against one of the world's largest drug armies, operating freely along the Thai-Burmese
border" a clear reference to the Wa People of Myanmar.
According to the Nation's Editorial, Mr Kobsak
was further quoted as saying that " surgical air strikes against the Wa Army would be in line with the emerging world
order ". It is equally shocking that a reputed newspaper like the Nation has blindly endorsed the remarks. Knowing full well the dangerous implications
of such remarks, the endorsement by the Nation is, in our view, most unethical and highly unprofessional.
The irresponsible remarks of Mr Kobsak, endorsed in the editorial of the Nation, and made under the pretext of feigned concern about narcotic drugs are, in fact, a blatant attack on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Myanmar.
It is a well known fact that Myanmar is a peace loving country, which has, since independence, defended its sovereignty and territorial integrity while at the same time fostering friendly relations with other countries, particularly its neighbours. In line with this stance, Myanmar will not allow any interference in its internal affairs or any intrusion on its territory that will compromise the country's sovereignty, however plausible the reasons may be.
At a time when the bilateral relations between the Myanmar and Thailand have, as a result of sincere effort by both countries, recognizably improved, it is most tragic and even incredible that a high ranking politician of a neighbouring state could be so imprudent and impulsive as to suggest military attacks on a sovereign friendly country. These suggestions have the potential to undermine the traditional relations of friendship and cooperation between the two countries in particular and the regional peace and security in general. While every attempt is being made by the Myanmar Government to combat narcotic drugs in cooperation with its neighbours in the region and UNDCP, Mr Kobsak, apparently unaware of these energetic efforts, has blown out of proportion a non-issue, and to our consternation, recommended the most violent means which is incompatible, with the universally accepted norms of behaviour in international relations. We, therefore, categorically object to these intrusive suggestions.
It is learnt that two high officials of the United States Administration, in their testimony before the Senate Committee on Judiciary and Law Enforcement Affairs, have mentioned
" The United Wa State Army " as a " terrorist group " with links to drug trafficking around the world. It is regrettable that a respectable newspaper like the Bangkok Post has found it newsworthy to repeat this statement, regardless of its implications. Myanmar is against all acts of terrorism. Out of twelve international instruments on terrorism, Myanmar has already signed six conventions.
Moreover, Myanmar has submitted its report on counter-terrorism efforts in the country to the Counter-Terrorism Committee of the Security Council.
In view of Myanmar's active cooperation with the international community in combating drugs and terrorism, these remarks are regrettable.
Contrary to these remarks, the Wa people are one of the national races of Myanmar who have renounced their past policy of armed insurgency against the government and wholeheartedly made peace with and are fully cooperating with the Government for the development of their region. They have totally renounced their involvement in the cultivation of opium poppy and production and trafficking of narcotic drugs.
The Wa leaders have, in fact, even pledged to totally rid their region of the narcotic drugs by the year 2005, and they are making every effort in collaboration with the government to achieve that goal as targeted. Very recently, the Yangon based diplomats have paid a visit to Wa region and they have witnessed first hand the genuine efforts of the Wa people to combat the narcotic drugs.
To eradicate narcotic drugs, the Government of Myanmar is implementing various projects and programmes in the Wa region in cooperation with the United Nations International Drug Control Programme (UNDCP).
The most significant was the Wa Alternative Development Project from 1997 to 2001, which was implemented in southern Wa Region. There is also the on-going
" Wa Symbiotic Development (WSD) Project " in Mongpauk and Mongmaw townships being funded by a Japanese Non-Government Organization
" Karamosia International ". In addition, there is also a project in Wa Special Region 2 north of Namtit, aimed at the eradication of narcotic drugs in Northern and Southern parts of Wa region. In this regard, the UNDCP is collecting baseline data for the entire Wa region.
The United States Drug Enforcement Administration has carried out 9 opium yield surveys since 1992, including the Wa region. The last survey was conducted from 25 February to 1 March 2002. Under the Alternative Development Project, funded by the Japanese Government, the experimental 4 acres of buckwheat have expanded to over 4,000 acres. At present, other substitute crops such as Longan, Honey Orange, Coffee, Tea and Rubber have been successfully grown over thousands of acres in the Wa region. Because of crops substitute programmes,
opium production in the country has significantly decreased over the
past several years.
A United States narcotic agency, comprising
officials from the US State Department, has in its latest report on
Myanmar for 2001 has confirmed that the opium production in the
country has decreased about 60 per cent over the past 5 years.
Together with these accomplishments, stepped up law enforcement
measures have led to more significant seizures of narcotic drugs. In
2001, over 1,622 kilos of opium, 95 kilos of heroin and over 32
million tablets of stimulant were seized. The above-mentioned
anti-narcotic efforts and accomplishments clearly indicate that the
Government of Myanmar is genuinely committed to the eradication of
narcotic drugs and making significant progress in all these efforts.
We, for our part, will continue to cooperate fully and steadfastly
with the international community in the efforts to combat these twin
evils of narcotic drugs and terrorism.
( 3 ) Plenary Meeting of State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee concludes successfully
Yangon, 20 March-The Fourth 47-member Plenary Meeting of the Fifth State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee continued the second day session at Wizaya Mingala Dhamma Thabin Hall on Kaba Aye Hill this morning and the meeting concluded in the evening.
Present were Secretary of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha
Saddhammajotika Magway Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kumara and member Sayadaws, Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin, Adviser to the State Peace and Development Council U Arnt Maung, Director-General U Sann Lwin of Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana, Director-General Dr Myo Myint of Religious Affairs Department and officials.
Vice-Chairman of the Committee Agga Maha Pandita Agga Maha Sad-dhammajotika Myitkyina Sayadaw Bhaddanta Silavnamsa presided over the meeting and Joint-Secretary Agga Maha Pandita Agga Maha Saddhammajotika-dhaja Yenangyoung Saya-daw Bhaddanta Tejaniya acted as master of ceremonies.
Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Kitti, Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Sunanda and Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Siri discussed work done on Vinicchaya affairs from the report of the Fifth State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee (second branch), religious affairs and education matter respectively.
Then, the meeting passed decisions on Vinicchaya affairs.
In the afternoon, the Sayadaws discussed reports
of the Sayadaws of the State Central Working Committee of the Sangha, the matter on approval for agenda of the second meeting of the Fifth State Central Working Committee of the Sangha, criminal cases excepted for observation of Fifth 47-member Plenary Meeting of the Third State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee and tasks to be carried out under Section 56 (c), Chapter 7 of Vinaya Dhammakam regulations. Joint-Secretary Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Agga Maha Saddhammajotikadhaja Bhaddanta Tejaniya supplicated on decisions for the report of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee (second branch) during the second period. Then, the meeting approved the report.
Next, the Sayadaws made decision on the selection and invitation of State Vinayadhara Sayadaws for the fifth four-monthly period and general matters.
The Fourth 47-member Plenary Meeting of the Fifth State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee concluded in the
( 4
) Parade columns practise marching from Myoma Grounds to Resistance Park
Yangon, 20 March - Parade columns which will take part in the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day parade, practised marching from Myoma Grounds to the Resistance Park from 6 am to 10 am today.
Under the leadership of Parade Commander Brig-Gen Hla Tun and Reserve Parade Commander Col Than Htay, Tatmadawmen, members of Myanmar Police Force, Fire Services Department and Red Cross Society from Anawrahta Column led by Col Thaung Shwe, Kyansittha Column led by Col Tin Hla, Bayintnaung Column led by Col Khin Maung Win, Nawade Column led by Col Han Sein, Aungzeya Column led by Col Khin Maung Latt, Hsinbyushin Column led by Col Myo Thant, Bandoola Column led by Col Aung Min, Myawady Column led by Col Hla Moe and Aung San Column led by Col Thaung Zin practised the parade drills. Chairman of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Observance Management Committee Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe, Vice-Chiefs of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Win Myint, Brig-Gen Aung Kyi and Brig-Gen Thein Swe, Chairman of Best Company Selection Work Committee Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, Chairman of Security Work Committee Deputy Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Hsan Hsint, senior military officers and officials inspected the parade drills of the military columns.
Health Minister receives guests
Yangon, 20 March - Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein received Israeli Ambassador to Myanmar Mr Yaacov Avrahamy at 1.30 pm and Nepalese Charge
d' affairs Mr Harishchandra Ghimire of the Royal Nepalese Embassy at 2.30 pm at his office on Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Road in Dagon Township today.
Also present at the calls were Deputy Ministers for Health Prof Dr Mya Oo and Prof Dr Kyaw Myint, and officials.
Cooperatives Minister tours Chin State
Yangon, 20 March-Minister for Cooperatives Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe, accompanied by officials, arrived in Falam on 15 March. The minister inspected Weaving Training School of Cottage Industries Department.
Then, the minister met with personnel of Falam Township Cooperative Department and gave instructions.
On 16 March, the minister, accompanied by Chairman of Chin State Peace and Development Council Col Than Win and officials, went to Marao Livestock Breeding Cooperative Ltd in Thantlang Township and viewed wild ox breeding.
The minister met departmental personnel at Thantlang Township Peace and Development Council Office. In Haka, the minister inspected Seinpanpya Trading Cooperative Ltd and Chin State General Trading Cooperative Ltd. He then met with departmental officials, chairmen and personnel of cooperative societies. Later, the minister inspected the tea plantation at the Chin State Cooperative Department and construction of the office.
( 5 ) Maj-Gen Aung Htwe inspects regional development in Monghkat, Kengtung
Yangon, 20 March- Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Aung Htwe of the Ministry of Defence and officials inspected People's Hospital in Monghkat Township in Shan State (East) on 17 March.
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe was welcomed by Tactical Operations Commander of Triangle Region Command Col Soe Thein, departmental officials and nurses.
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe visited patients at the hospital. He then inspected medical store, operation theatre and fulfilled the requirements.
On 18 March, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe paid respects to Sayadaw Bhaddanta Siha and members of the Sangha at Maha Bodi meditation centre in Monghkat.
The congregation received the Five Precepts from the Sayadaw. Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and party presented offertories to the Sayadaw and members of the Sangha.
The Saya- daw delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits.
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe met departmental personnel and members of social associations at the Township Information and Public Relations Department. Chairman of Township Peace and Development Council U Ko Ko Aung reported on transport, agriculture, livestock breeding, education and health, Chairman of Kengtung District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Khin Maung Kyaw and officials on measures undertaken for regional development.
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe called for harmonious cooperation for regional development.
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and Deputy Commander of Triangle Region Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe inspected construction of Kengtung-Monghkat section of 73-mile Kengtung-Monghkat-Mongyang Road Project near Tattaung Village in Kengtung Township. The project is being implemented by special region-2 of Shan State (East).
Shan State Superintending Engineer of Public Works U Thaung Htay and officials reported on the work. Maj-Gen Aung Htwe fulfilled the requirements.
In the evening, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe inspected summer paddy plantation in Yan Law Village Tract. Altogether 1,635 acres of summer paddy are grown in Kengtung Township.
Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council inspects tax-free markets
Yangon, 20 March- Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe inspected tax-free markets here this morning and fulfilled the requirements.
The commander arrived at the tax-free market at the corner of Hanthawady Road and Kyundaw Road in Kamayut Township.
The commander was welcomed by Commander of No 3 Military Region Col Yan Naing Oo, Chairman of Yangon West District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein and officials.
The commander and party inspected vegetable shops of the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of Energy, Yangon City Development Committee, regiments and battalions of Yangon Command, Indaing Station, Yangon North District General Administration Department, Hmawby Township Peace and Development Council and Nyaunghnapin vegetable cultivation and poultry farming special zone, meat, fish and egg shops of the Union of Myammar Economic Holdings Ltd, the Ministry of Livestock Breeding and Fisheries, YCDC, Yangon Command and Myanmar Livestock Breeding Federation, sea fish shops of Mann Myanmar Co Ltd, Annawa Fisheries Holdings Lt and Pyi Aung Yadana Co Ltd and central model fish market in Kyimyindine Township, edible oil shop of the Union of Myammar Economic Holdings Ltd, rice shops of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council and Myanmar Rice Wholesale Dealers Association and shops of the Ministry of Industry-1.
The commander had a cordial conversation with customers. He also fulfilled the requirements. The commander and party also inspected the shops at the tax-free markets in Yankin and Tamway Townships.
( 6 ) CEC member U Aung Thaung meets with USDA executives
Yangon, 20 March - Secretaries, executives and ward and village organizers of Mandalay Division, District and Township Union Solidarity and Development Associations held a meeting on five rural development tasks at the Division USDA at 5 pm on 18 March.
Present were Mandalay Division USDA Patron Central Command Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint, USDA CEC member U Aung Thaung, Division USDA Secretary U Tin Maung Oo, secretaries and executives of district and township USDAs and village and ward USDA organizers.
Mandalay District USDA Secretary U Tin Thein reported on progress in carrying out the five rural development tasks, future tasks and community welfare tasks being implemented.
Then, CEC member U Aung Thaung assessed matters related to carrying out the five rural development tasks.
On 19 March morning, Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung inspected the No 3 Paper Mill (Paleik) of the Myanma Paper and Chemical Industries in Paleik, Singaing Township, Mandalay Division, and gave instructions on systematically carrying out preventive measures against fire.
After inspecting the mill, the minister left instructions on exceeding the set target.
Later, member of the Central Organizing Committee of the Myanmar War Veterans Organization Leader of the Organizing Work Group of Mandalay Division WVO Supervisory Committee (Outside MCDC Area) of the Organizing Work Group 11 Minister U Aung Thaung met with members of WVO Supervisory Committees of Mandalay Division, Mandalay, Kyaukse, Myingyan, PyinOoLwin and Yamethin districts and Kyaukse, Myittha, Singaing and TadaU townships at the Paleik Textile and Finishing Plant. After hearing reports presented by chairmen of the respective supervisory committees, Minister U Aung Thaung attended to the needs and gave necessary instructions.
Communication facilities inspected
Yangon, 20 March-Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw, accompanied by officials of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications, arrived in Hpa-an on 17 March. He called on Kayin State Peace and Development Council Chairman Col Maung Shein and discussed matters on telephone lines installation in rural areas of Kayin State and extension of communication tasks.
On 18 March, the minister went to Mon State and inspected the telephone lines installation being carried out in Arutaung Village of Ye Township. He also inspected progress in construction of auto-exchange in Ye as well as auto-exchange and microwave station in Thanbyu-zayat. Yesterday, South-East Command Commander Brig-Gen Thura Myint Aung and the minister went to Kyaikmaraw and gave instructions on installation of public phones and tasks to be carried out for convenience of trunk call facilities. Next, they inspected post offices and telephone exchanges in Mawlamyine, Mottama, Paung, Zinkyaik and Yinnyein. In the afternoon, the minister inspected the post office and the telephone exchange in
( 7 )
Myanmar-Thai Joint Trade
Commission meeting held

Yangon, 20 March - A Myanmar delegation led by Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone attended the Third Myanmar-Thai Joint Trade Commission meeting on 18 and 19 March in
Bangkok at the invitation
of Minister of Commerce
of Thailand Dr Adisai Bodharamik.
The ministerial-level meeting is held annually to seek means to promote trade between the two countries.
The Myanmar delegation visited Burirum in the dry region of Thailand on 19 March and studied rice cultivation, rice milling and domestic courses to uplift the life condition of the farmers who are the grassroots of the region.
The ministers from the two nations delivered addresses at the meeting which was held at 3 pm on 19 March. The minutes of the meeting was signed and exchanged.
The delegation arrived back here yesterday evening.
Contract signed on construction of digital
Yangon, 20 March- A ceremony to sign the contract on building 13,500-line-capacity digital auto-exchanges was held at the Communication and Postal Training Centre on Lower Pazundaung Road this morning.
Present were Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw, departmental heads and guests.
Managing Director U Maung Maung Tin of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications and Export General Manager Mr Guo Jian of China National Electronics Import & Export Shenzhen Company (CEIEC SZ) gave speeches.
Then, Managing Director U Maung Maung Tin and Export General Manager Mr Guo Jian signed the contract and exchanged the documents.
New digital auto-exchanges will be built at a cost of US$ 6.5 million in Meiktila and 11 other towns. After signing the contract, machines will be installed within 18
Minister inspects Paunglaung Multi-purpose Dam Project
Yangon, 20 March - Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin visited the work site of the Paunglaung Multi-purpose Dam Project being implemented near Kyitaung Village, east of Pyinmana, Yamethin District, Mandalay Division, on 18 March morning.
Accompanied by officials, the minister inspected progress in construction of stone-reinforced main embankment of the dam. After meeting with engineers of the Irrigation Department, he laid down the future tasks.
At the briefing hall of the project, Director of the Construction Group 5 U Win Maung reported on construction of the earth embankment and spillway, progress in carrying out feasibility study and soil test for construction of a diversion weir, strength of heavy machinery, progress of work and future tasks.
Then, Director of the Hydro-electric Power Department U Soe Myint reported on work being carried out for building two diversion tunnels and the intake structure.
The minister gave instructions and fulfilled the requirements.
Afterwards, the minister and party inspected tasks being carried out and progress of work.
The minister then attended the meeting on dissemination of agricultural methods organized by the Agricultural Research Department under the Myanma Agriculture Service and the Agricultural Education Centre at the Pyinmana Yezin Agricultural Research Department.
Also present were Managing Director of MAS U Tun Than and general managers, agricultural experts and those in-charge of Division, District and Township Agriculture Education Centres.
Speaking on the occasion, the minister said that efforts were being made for extended cultivation of crops and boosting per acre yield in order to meet the local demand. He gave instructions on dissemination of the results of the research works to farmers. He spoke of the need for agricultural staff to disseminate agricultural methods to the farmers regionwise.
Dissemination of agricultural techniques, research works and agricultural education activities were to be carried out in harmony, he added.
The minister inspected the Agricultural Research Department. He also inspected the results of the tests and findings for the best period to cultivate Lone-thwehmwe paddy strain and production of humus, and gave necessary instructions.
Next, the minister proceeded to the No 5 Sugar Mill (Myohla) under the Myanma Sugarcane Enterprise. The manager of the Mill reported on conditions of cultivation of sugarcane and production of sugar. He met with managers of the sugar mills in Bago
Division (East) and discussed cultivation of sugarcane and sugar production this year and sugarcane cultivation for coming sugarcane crushing season.
Then, the minister inspected the sugar production process at the mill.
Later, the minister inspected the No 6 Sugar Mill (Yedashe) and gave necessary instructions to those in-charge.
Myanmar Industrial Development Committee meets
Yangon, 20 March - The Myanmar Industrial Development Committee held meeting on progress of the industrial zones at the Ministry of Industry-1.
Present at the meeting were Chairman of MIDC Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, Chairman of Myanmar Industrial Development Working Committee Minister for Industry-2 Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, Minister at the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office Lt-Gen Min Thein, Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung, Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi, Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw, Minister for Science and Technology U Thaung, Minister for Electric Power Maj-Gen Tin Htut, Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint, Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, the deputy ministers, members of MIDC, chairmen of nine subcommittees, industrialists and officials of the industrial zones.
The MIDC chairman and the MIDWC chairman gave speeches.
Members of the subcommittees and officials of the industrial zones took part in the discussions.
Ministers Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, Maj-Gen Tin Htut, Brig-Gen Lun Thi, U Thaung, Brig-Gen Thein Zaw and Lt-Gen Min Thein and Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Win gave suggestions. The meeting ended with concluding remarks by Minister U Aung Thaung.
( 8
Seminar on BIMST-EC Energy Data and
Information Systems held
Yangon, 20 March -The ceremony to open the seminar on BIMST-EC Energy Data and Information Systems was held at the hall of the Ministry of Energy this morning, attended by Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi, Deputy Minister U Tin Tun, directors-general and managing directors of the departments and enterprises under the ministry and officials.
The seminar was held to establish the BIMST-EC Energy Information Centre at the ministry.
Minister Brig-Gen Lun Thi made an opening speech. Then, Research Officer Mr Renukaradhya of the Tata Energy Research Institute of India briefed on orientation programme, arrangements, objectives and future tasks.
Two experts from the Tata Energy Research Institute and Myanmar experts on oil & gas, electric power, coal, forestry and science & technology sectors took part in the discussions at the seminar which continues till 22 March.
H & T Minister inspects
exhibition booth
Yangon, 20 March - Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, accompanied by Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu and officials, inspected documentary photos of the activities of the ministry, scale models of hotels which are conducted with foreign investment, scale models of hotels under Myanma Hotels and Tourism, tourist map of Myanmar and documents, leaflets, photos and exhibits related to tourism displayed at the booth of the ministry at the Defence Services Museum in commemoration of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day this afternoon. Next, he gave necessary instructions to the officials.
Then, the minister and party viewed the booth of Northern Command, exhibits to be displayed by the ministry at the booth of nation-building tasks and the booth of twelve State's objectives.
Railroads, bridges inspected in Ayeyawady, Bago Divisions

Yangon, 20 March- Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung, accompanied by officials, inspected the pier of Myokwin Bridge and bank erosion and gave necessary instructions on 18 March. The minister inspected maintenance tasks on the railroad section between Ingapu Station and Kany-inngu Station.
Then, the minister supervised repair of the railroad at mile post No 181/24 between Duyingabo and Pyalo stations.
On 19 March, the minister inspected earthen work being carried out at Hmawza Junction Station and gave instructions on tasks to be undertaken as soon as possible for direct transport from Shwedagar Station to Aunglan railroad section.
Afterwards, the minister visited Bridge No 427 and left necessary instructions.
Cash donated to Zawtikayon Pariyatti Sarthintaik in Mayangon
Yangon, 20 March- The family of Ministry of Education donated cash for setting up the funds at Zawtikayon Pariyatti Sarthintaik was held at the Sarthintaik on Thukha Street in Ward 5, Mayangon Township, this afternoon, attended by Minister for Education U Than Aung and wife Daw Win Shwe.
Also present were Deputy Ministers Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung and wife Daw Myint Myint Wai and U Myo Nyunt and wife Daw Marlar Thein, directors-general and chairmen of departments and boards and staff.
Presiding Nayaka of the Sarthintaik Maha GanthavaŤaka Pandita Agga Maha GanthavaŤaka Pandita Bhaddanta Sutalankara administered the Five Precepts. Then, the minister, the deputy ministers and officials donated K 1,706,000 to the funds.
Next, the Sayadaw delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits gained.
___________________________ ( 9
) 2nd leg of New Generation Age Group Golf Tournament held
Yangon, 20 March -The second leg of Han Golf Masters New Generation Age Group Golf Tournament, organized by Myanmar Golf Federation and sponsored by Pan-West (Myanmar) and Han Golf Masters Pte Ltd, and 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Commemorative Golf Tournament 2002 was held at Myanmar Golf Club on Pyay Road at 9 miles here this morning.
Present on the occasion were General Secretary of MGF U Aung Kyi and executives, invited guests, golfers and fans.
After the first round, Nyan Lin Thant was leading the tournament with 46 strokes, followed by Ye Zaw Aung with 50, Ye Myat Win with 52 and Thein Than Htay and Yan Myo Aye with 53 each at aged-10 and under event (9 holes).
Than Zaw Htaik stood at the first position with 76 strokes, Kaung Myat Win and Lwin Maung Maung with 77 each the second, Lin Moe Tun with 78 the third and Nay Bala Win Myint with 80 the fourth at aged 11-12 event (18 holes).
Thein Naing Soe scored 83 strokes for the first position, Phyo Teza Aung 86 for the second and Yan Myo Aye and Min Thura Aung 87 each for the third at aged 13-14 event. Naing Naing Lin stood first with 81 strokes at aged 15-17 event. The runners-up were Phyo Kyaw Kyaw, Bo Bo and Min Min Thein. Hnin Marlar was leading the tournament with 95 strokes, followed by Sandhi Toe Saung with 108 and Khine Mon Kyaw with 125 at aged 18 and under
girls' event. Loi Hein Co Ltd, Wilson, Rapier (Golf Australia), Canon, Star Ice-cream, Teddy-C and Begesic also co-sponsored the tournament.
Phensedyl bottles seized in Mandalay
Yangon, 20 March - Members of the local intelligence unit, acting on information, while waiting near Myitnge Village, Amarapura Township, Mandalay, seized 67 bottles of phensedyl labelled JJ Brand weighing 6.7 litres on 10 March this year.
However, the drug trafficker managed to escape.
The authorities were in hot pursuit and then arrested Ma Khin Mar Yee, daughter of U Kyaw Min of Nyaungpintha Ward, Region 8, Kale Township, and her accomplices Ma Win Mar, daughter of U Tin Maung of Waba Village, Dabayin Township, and Ma Cho Wai Lwin (a) Ma Nge Htwe, daughter of U Tin Aye Swe of Bo Aung Zeya Ward, YeU Township, in Chan-myathazi Township, Mandalay, on 11 March.
Action was taken against them in accord with the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the police station concerned.