1 ) National races to refute slanders with practical drug eradication projects
Ambassadors, diplomats of foreign missions and
local, foreign journalists visit eastern and northern Shan State

Yangon, 14 March - The ambassadors and diplomats of foreign missions in Myanmar and local and foreign journalists left here for Monghsat on 11 March to study the border area development and narcotic drug elimination tasks in eastern and northern Shan State.
The team was accompanied by Joint Secretary of Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control Police Col Kham Aung.
In Wanhon region, members of the team visited the Wanhon model farm covered by the opium substitute-crop cultivation project. Wa national race leader U Pau Yu Yi, liaison officer U Khin Maung Myint and others explained drug elimination and opium-substitute crop cultivation in the region. They said regional development task has been implemented with the help of the government since restoration of peace in 1989.
At the same time plans have been laid down to eliminate the drugs. Plans are under way to strive to declare the whole Wa region an opium free zone by the year 2005. Efforts are being made to wipe out the narcotic drugs in addition to the opium. Opium-substitute perennial crops such as logan, orange and coffee have been planted in the region. Paddy has been cultivated on reclaimed land. The region is now enjoying food sufficiency. Arrangements are being made to extend rice cultivation. Despite the efforts to wipe out the drugs, some foreign media are launching slanders against the Wa region. They will refute the slanders by practically implementing the drug eradication projects in accord with the guidance of the State. They replied to queries asked by diplomats and journalists.
On arrival at Mongla, the team members were welcomed by Vice-Chairman of Shan State (East) Special Region 4 U Hsam Lu and national race leaders. General Secretary U Min Ein of the region told them that regional development tasks have been carried out with the help of the government since peace has been
restored in 1989. At the same time drug elimination plans have been laid down and implemented. Mongla has been declared
" Opium Free Zone " in 1997. With the revenue from the lawful business such as gem and mineral mining and tourism, the region is implementing the transport, education and health projects.
In Kengtung, team members attended the dinner hosted in their honour by CCDAC. They also enjoyed the traditional dances presented at the dinner.

Two ambassadors presented flower baskets to the dance troupes.
The next day, they visited the weaving training school in Kengtung. In Mongpok, they visited the UNDCP opium-substitute farm project. U Chin Yon and Project Coordinator Mr Xavier Bouan said the project stared in 1998. Efforts to reduce poppy cultivation and develop opium-substitute crop cultivation in southern Wa region has been made since 1994. The project covers the tasks to cultivate paddy and tea and to conduct livestock breeding, health care services, water supply and road constructions. Construction and maintenance of roads and vaccination projects have been explained with the help of audio-visual aids.
On arrival at Pansang, they were welcomed by Leader of Wa Special Region 2 U Pau Yu Chan and party. Luncheon was hosted in honour of the guests at Mayzin Hotel.
U Pau Yu Chan explained cultivation of opium substitute crops for eradication of narcotic drugs in Wa special region
He said that Wa region was dominated by BCP for 20 years, and as a result, it lagged behind in development.
After separating itself from BCP in 1989 and making peace with the Government, it has worked for regional development. The Government has also provided assistance for economic, industrial and mining work. Realizing that cultivation of opium has only an harmful effect on all mankind, it is working to put an end to cultivation of opium by 2005. At the same time, in the education and health sectors, schools, hospitals and clinics are being built. There were only 20 primary schools 13 years ago, and now there are 289 primary schools and 20,754 students. There were only four hospitals and clinics previously, and now there are 20 hospitals and 160 clinics. Seven hydro-electric power stations have been built and 13,900 kilowatt of electricity can now be generated.
Therefore, the entire Wa region has got electricity. As there is power, industries have been established. A cigarette factory, a tin refinery and a gem polishing workshop have been built to augment the income of local people. To better the condition of transport in the region, 3,000 kilos of roads have been built. Thirty bridges have been constructed. Fallow and virgin lands are being reclaimed, and paddy has been cultivated on about 4,000 acres of land. There are 8,900 acres of rubber, over 1,300 acres of tea plants, 6,600 acres of other crops and 160,000 teak plants. There are one pig farm and one poultry farm in Tachilek. Now the income of the people has increased by 30%. Industries and livestock breeding work have been introduced gradually to reduce cultivation of opium, thereby putting an end to it by 2005. Strenuous efforts will be made to achieve this end. Efforts to eradicate narcotic drugs are making progress to some extent, and all should provide assistance instead of making critical remarks.
Then, he replied to the queries raised by the ambassadors and the correspondents.
Later, they went to the cigarette factory and Honepan Distillery by car. They also visited Lonhtan Tin Refinery and opium-substitute tea plantations in Khwema Village by Tatmadaw helicopter, and then proceeded to Lashio.
At night, the CCDAC hosted a dinner in their honour at the Lashio Motel.
On 13 March morning, the Ambassadors and the foreign correspondents left Lashio by Tatmadaw helicopter and arrived at Mongmaw at 9.30 am. They were welcomed by national race leader of Special Region-1 U Pau Yu Hlyan. They studied the tile factory, tea plantations and the dry tea leaf factory.
U Pau Yu Hlyan explained efforts for regional development.
He said that in Mongpauk region, a hydroelectric power station, a water purifying factory, a match factory and a tile factory have been built. He also gave an account of construction of dams, land reclamation and cultivation of tea, and replied to the questions raised by the ambassadors, the diplomats and the foreign correspondents.
Later, they went to Nantit region by helicopter. They were welcomed by Wa national race leader U Aik Yon, U Lu Shin Kya and local people. In the township hall, they heard reports on efforts for eradication of narcotic drugs and cultivation of opium-substitute crops such as lychee, mangoes and rubber in Nantit. They then proceeded to Laukkai by helicopter.
They were welcomed by national race leader of Kokang Special Region-1 U Phone Kya Shin and local people.
The ambassadors, the diplomats and the foreign correspondents visited Kokang Drug Elimination Museum in Laukkai.
U Phone Kya Shin explained efforts to rid Kokang region of opium and cultivation of opium-substitute crops.
Next, they left Laukkai by Tatmadaw helicopter and arrived at Lashio in the evening. Then, they arrived back here at 5 pm by Myanma Airways.
The study team comprised 33 including the ambassadors of Brunei Darussalam and Vietnam, diplomats of USA, Australia, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, the Philippines, Indonesia, India, Britain, China and the Republic of Korea, personnel from US Drug Enforcement Agency and Australian police force, correspondents of BBC, Asahi Shimbun, AP, TV news agencies, Myanmar Foreign Correspondents Club, Myanma News Agency (Internal) and the Myanmar Times.
Transport Minister inspects booth
Yangon, 14 March - Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, accompanied by Deputy Ministers Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint and U Pe Than, inspected booth of the ministry at the Defence Services Museum on Shwedagon
Pagoda Road this afternoon. The minister viewed the documentary
photos of the respective departments under the ministry,
scale-models of projects under construction and records of progress
shown in the booth. Responsible officials reported on points of the
respective departments and deputy ministers made supplementary
reports. Then, the minister left necessary instructions.
Minister inspects booth of Ministry of
Yangon, 14 March - Minister for Cooperatives Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe inspected the booth of the Ministry of Cooperatives opened for the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Exhibition at the Defence Services Museum here this afternoon.
The minister was welcomed there by the Director-General of the Cooperatives Department Col Soe Win, Director-General of the Cottage Industries Department U Sein Than, Managing Director of the Cooperatives Exports and Imports Enterprise Daw Khin Swe Soe and officials.
The officials concerned explained matters about the booths of the departments under the ministry and the minister attended to the needs.
At the booth of the Ministry of Cooperatives, today's cooperative activities, participation of the cooperative societies in the rural economic development tasks and activities of women cooperatives are displayed. International cooperative activities, Cooperatives Colleges and Training Schools, Myanma Institute of Lacquerware and training courses and products, Cooperatives factories, workshops, hospitals and clinics, Cooperatives banks and bank branches and monetary services, exports and imports, and cooperatives movements are
( 2 )
Medical equipment donated to Yangon (East) General Hospital
Yangon, 14 March - A ceremony to donate medical equipment to Yangon (East) General Hospital of the Health Department was held at the meeting hall of the hospital this afternoon.
It was attended by Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Deputy Minister Professor Dr Kyaw Myint, directors-general, deputy directors-general and directors of the departments under the ministry, medical superintendents, physicians and the representative of wellwishers Mr and Mrs Soomboon Yuprapan of Jakata, Indonesia. Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein made an opening speech and representative of the wellwishers U Soe Lin of Foremost Co Ltd explained the purpose of the donation.
Then, the minister accepted medical equipment worth K 30 million handed over by U Soe Lin. The minister gave him a certificate of honour. Medical Superintendent of the hospital Dr Nu Nu Tha
spoke words of thanks.
Minister receives Korean guests
Yangon, 14 March - Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw received Senior Vice-President of L G Electronics Inc Mr Charles Kang of the Republic of Korea and party at his office this afternoon.
Also present at the call were the managing director of Myanma Posts and
Telecommunications and officials.
Fish donated to parade columns
Yangon, 14 March - Hailing the Armed Forces Day, wellwishers of Annawa Fisheries, Pyi Aung Yadana, Hai Long, BTB, Myanmar Mann and Annawa Hlwan Fisheries and Director-General U Than Tun of the Fisheries Department donated a total of 16,000 viss of fishes Ñ 7,000 viss by the ministry and 9,000 viss by the fisheries companies Ñ for the parade columns at No 1 Transit Centre (Bayintnaung) this morning.
Parade Commander Brig-Gen Hla Tun accepted the donations, and spoke words of
( 3 ) Seminar on disseminating traditional medicine held
Yangon, 14 March - The Medical Science Department and the Traditional Medicine Department co-sponsored a seminar on disseminating traditional medicine at the MSD this afternoon.
Speaking on the occasion, Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein said Head of State Senior General Than Shwe gave guidance to restore and preserve potent traditional medicines and for the flourishing of traditional medicine that meets the international standard.
In accord with the guidance, efforts should be made to restore traditional medicine therapies, potent herbs and make traditional medicine practitioners known to all.
Systematic research work and application of modern methods and techniques are required to make traditional medicines and therapies internationally acceptable.
It is required to combine the therapies of the western and traditional methods and to produce therapies that can cure the diseases which cannot be cured by the western medicine. Plans to develop highly-qualified human resources should be implemented for propagation of the traditional medicine.
Also present at the meeting were Deputy Minister for Health Prof Dr Kyaw Myint, directors-general of departments under the Ministry of Health, rectors, pro-rectors, professors, directors, physicians, Resident Representative of WHO Dr Agostino Borra
and officials. The seminar continues tomorrow.
receives Israeli Ambassador
Yangon, 14 March -Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin received Ambassador of Israel to Myanmar Mr Yaacov Avrahamy
at his office yesterday afternoon. They discussed matters related to
boosting the bilateral cooperation in agricultural sector between
the two countries. Also present at the call were heads of department
under the ministry and officials.
( 4 ) Cornerstones laid for new building of MGH
Yangon, 14 March - The cornerstone-laying ceremony for construction of a new building donated by U Kyaw Nyunt and family of Tampawady Ward, Mandalay, for the Blood Bank of the Mandalay General Hospital was held at the chosen site for the building yesterday morning.
It was attended by Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint, Chairman of Mandalay City Development Committee Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Nay Win, senior military officers, Secretary of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Tin Ohn, officials, Head of the Division Health Department Dr Than Tun Oo, Medical Superintendent of the MGH Dr Win Shein, wellwishers and guests.
The commander, the mayor and officials took position at the designated places and at the auspicious time, they laid cornerstones for the building.
Then, the commander put the gem casket and the stone plaque and sprinkled scented water on them.
The three-storey building, which will be 104 feet long, 46 feet wide and 44 feet high, is going to be constructed by the Construction Project Group 6 of Public Works.
development work inspected
Yangon, 14 March - Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Col Zaw Min, accompanied by officials, arrived at Taungtat Chaung-2 Dam in Yenangyoung on 9 March morning and inspected water storage, Thitseint trees cultivated on 2 acres of land near the dam and water supply for vegetable plantations.
Next, he inspected Salin-Seikphyu-Pakokku road and Yaw Creek Bridge and gave necessary instructions. Afterwards, he went to Tantkyi mountain range and inspected forest reservation and growing of trees. Altogether 200,000 trees are grown along the road from Taungthonhtat shortcut to Yaw Creek Bridge. He also inspected construction of 1-mile-and-5-furlong long Pontaung-Tantkyitaung shortcut and the growing of Thitseint trees on 3 acres of land near Anawrahta Bridge in Seikphyu. Later, he met with officials at the bridge and attended to their needs.
Computer quiz on Twelve objectives continues
Yangon, 14 March- Hailing the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, computer quiz on Twelve State's objectives continued at the booth of Twelve State's objectives of the Defence Services Museum at 9 am today.
First, Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Director of the Resettlement, Ministry of Defence, explained the purpose of holding the quiz. Assistant Lecturer U Khin Maung Win of the University of Computer Studies explained the methods of taking the quiz.
Members of USDAs from Mingaladon, Mayangon and North Okkalapa Townships participated in it and Director Brig-Gen Aung Thein
and officials encouraged the participants.
( 5 ) Counselling Centres for Women inspected
Yangon, 14 March-Leader of Yangon Division Working Group for Protection of Women against Violence and Rehabilitation Daw Khin Thet Htay, wife of the Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command, accompanied by officials arrived at the counselling centre of Yangon (South) District at Yangon (South) District Peace and Development Council Office this morning and inspected the function of the centre.
Then, Daw Khin Thet Htay and party met with members of Working Committees for Women's Affairs in townships in Yangon (South District) and attended to their needs. They also visited the counselling centres in Yangon (East District), Yangon (West District) and Yangon (North District).
No 2 MPRU entertainment in Shan State (North)
Yangon, 14 March - With the aim of enabling the national people dwelling in states and divisions and local Tatmadawmen to relax, the entertainment troupe of No 2 Mobile Public Relations Unit, under the arrangement of the Directorate of Public Relations and Psychological Warfare, performed at the hall of Kunlong Station on 21 February evening, at the sports ground of Hseinwi Station on 22 February evening and at the sports ground of Mongpaw Sports Ground on 2 March evening.
Among those who enjoyed the performances were local Tatmadaw members, departmental staff and local people in towns and nearby villages.
( 6 )
Medical equipment, medicines, trust funds donated to Workers' Hospital
Yangon, 14 March -Minister for Labour U Tin Winn attended the ceremony to donate medical equipment, medicines and trust funds to the
Workers' Hospital (Yangon) held at the hall of the hospital on Kyaikkasan Road here this afternoon.
Also present were Deputy Minister for Labour Brig-Gen Win Sein, directors from the ministry, the chairman of the Social Security Board, the medical superintendent, the deputy superintendents, specialists and wellwishers.
Hailing the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, medical equipment, medicines and trust funds were presented for the
Workers' Hospital (Yangon).

U Thet Soe of Thet Paing Soe Co Ltd presented 828 bottles of Nutrisol 5.5% valued at K 1,176,050; Fortune International Co Ltd, Engrex B injection worth K 630,000; U Thein Han-Daw Than Yee and family, K 600,000 for a tube-well; Oculist Dr Daw Aung May Kyi, on behalf of Mayor U Ko Lay, contact lens worth K 500,000, Mr Emmanuel Felix of Europ Continents Co Ltd, K 180,000, Fumigation syrup and Oxygen Concentrator worth US$ 2,100 and trust funds of 78,000; AMD Co Ltd, ambubags, ventilators and flow meters worth US$ 1,375; Lion Myanmar International Co Ltd, medicines and medical equipment worth US$ 300, One
" 6 " General Trading Co Ltd, medicines and medical equipment worth K 168,500; U Ba Khant-Daw Khin Shwe of Shwe construction material trading, trust funds of K 10,000; Mr Liwe J Doehler of Hamburg, Germany, trust funds of K 10,000; Dr Mary Phyu and daughter Dr Thida Aye Aye Phyu and sons, medicines and medical worth K 100,000; Alcon Co Ltd, furniture worth K 88,000; Dr Aye Aye Maw, an auto clave worth K 75,000; Pneumoco-niosis of Japan, medicines and medical equipment worth K 75,000; U Tin Oo-Daw Mya Than and family, K 50,000 for a water pump for the Eye Department, Sandhi Daewi Health Care Services Cooperative, trust funds of K 50,000; Dr U Aung Myat Soe and Daw Thazin Myint Aung and family, a spot light worth K 40,000; Lecturer Dr Yee Yee Myint, K 34,000; U Soe Tint Naing-Dr Yin Kyi Oo and family, medical equipment worth K 32,000; Daw San San Yee of San Hla Min Co, K 30,000; U Kyaw Kyaw Soe-Daw Nan Yadana Win of Htoo Maung Co, trust funds of K 30,000; Daw Sein Tin and children, trust funds of K 30,000; U Shwe Maung of Pazun-daung, medical equipment worth K 30,000; U Khin Maung Kyaw-Ma Chit Chit of Kyaukmyaung, medicines worth K 29,650 and trust funds of K 50,000; Daw May Oo (Bayintnaung), medical equipment worth K 20,000; U Tun Pe-Daw Tin Myint, trust funds of K 20,000. Minister U Tin Winn and Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Win Sein accepted the donations. Today's donation amounted to K 4,148,200 and US$ 3,685.
( 7 )
Book, Photo, Ten Traditional Arts and Crafts Exhibitions and Book Fair to be held
Yangon, 14 March - Book Exhibition , Photo Exhibition, Ten Traditional Arts and Crafts Exhibition and Book Fair will be held at
the second floor of new Yadanabon Market in
Mandalay from 25 March to 3 April this year.
Those wishing to open book shops at the fair may contact U Than Tun, Acting Director (Production), Information and Public Relations Department, 22/24, Pansodan Street, Yangon, Ph 252452 or U Myo Myint Oo, Staff Officer, Information and Public Relations Department, Mandalay District Office, Mandalay, Ph 02-88002 not later than 18 March.
Myanma Gems & Jewellery Com Web Portal launched
Yangon, 14 March -The launching ceremony of the Myanma Gems & Jewellery Com Web Portal, organized by Ray Net Information Technology and MCC Team X Co, was held at the meeting hall of MICT Park in Hline Township here this afternoon.
Present on the occasion were deputy ministers, chairmen and executives of Myanma Computer Federation, Myanmar Computer Scientists Association and Myanmar Computer Industry Association, departmental officials, gem merchants and invited guests.
Vice-Chairman of the e-National Task Force Deputy Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement U Hlaing Win, Deputy Minister for Mines U Myint Thein and Chairman of MCC Group U Tin Win Aung extended greetings.
Managing Director U Maung Sein of Ray Net Information Technology briefed on arrangements for sales of Myanma gems and jewellery through Internet, Director U Wunna Moe of MCC Team X on Myanma Gems and Jewellery Com together with demonstrations.
The Myanma Gems and Jewellery Com is a new programme of the Group e-Application Working Committee of the e-National Task Force for improving e-commerce.
It is aimed at direct selling Myanma gems and jewellery at good prices through internet to the purchasers all over the world.
The programme is very useful to the Myanma Gems Emporium held yearly by the Ministry of Mines, and it is a web portal that can be used for selling Myanma gems throughout the year.
( 8
) Five-district U-13 football tourney opens
Yangon, 14 March - The opening of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Chairman's Trophy Five-District Under 13 Men's Football Tournament took place at the Division sports grounds in Pathein yesterday afternoon.
Among the spectators were Chairman of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Commander of South-West Command Brig-Gen Htay Oo, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Tint Swe, senior military officers, Secretary of Ayeya-wady Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Sein Maung, and officials.
The commander made an address on the occasion.
After the opening cere-mony, the first day match followed. In the match, Myaungmya District team beat Maubin District team
2-1 and the man of the match prize went to Wai Phyo Aung of the former.
Myanmar Products Expo' 2002 on 6-9 April
Yangon, 14 March - With the permission of the Ministry of Commerce, the Dragon Exhibitions Ltd is making arrangements to hold the Myanmar Products
Expo' 2002 to launch the Myanmar Thingyan Festival on a grand scale at Yangon Trade Centre on Pazun-daung Road from 6 to 9 April 2002.
The Crony Commercial Co Ltd, the sole agent of the Owl International Ptd Ltd of Singapore in Myanmar, will present entertainment programmes and will also serve visitors with its famous Owl, Negresce,
Yee Yee Coffee Mix, Tea Mix as the official main sponsor. Various
kinds of electric and electronic appliances, energy drinks and
juice, plastic wares, cosmetics, foodstuff, personal goods, local
and foreign textiles and traditional medicines will be exhibited in
conjunction with product demonstrations of the Hundred Smiles
Entertainment Group.
___________________________ ( 9
) Han Golf Master New Generation Tourney on 20-21 March
Yangon, 14 March - The second Leg of the Han Golf Master New Generation Age Group Tournament to mark the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, organized by the Myanmar Golf Federation and mainly sponsored by the Han Golf Master Pte Ltd with a view to turning out new generation golfers, is going to be held at the Myanmar Golf Club on Pyay Road, 9th Mile, on 20 and 21 March on a grand scale. The 2nd Leg was grouped into five categoriesÑunder-10 division, aged 11-12 division, aged 13-14 division, aged 15-16 division and under-18 womenÕs division.
Those wishing to participate in the tourney may enlist at the Myanmar Golf Club, Pyay Road, 9th Mile, and Mya Yeik Nyo (Pro-Shop) not later than 18 March noon. The Wilson, the Rapier (Golf Australia), the Canon, the Pan-West (Myanmar), the Ping and the Star Ice-Cream will officially cosponsor the