1 ) The Working Committee for
Development of Border Areas and National Races held the coordination
meeting No 1/2002
Poppy cultivation, opium production declining as national brethren of border areas cooperating with government
State spends K 23,390.66 million to implement border areas development plan in entire nation

Yangon, 12 March- The Working Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races held the coordination meeting No 1/2002 at the meeting hall of the Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs at
3 pm today, with an address by Chairman of the Working Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present on the occasion were members of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint and Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than of the Ministry of Defence, ministers, deputy ministers, members of the Working Committee and Subcommittees, the director-general of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads and officials.
First, Chairman of the Working Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt delivered an address.
He said the government started the development task for national races living in border areas in 1989.
It has been implementing the tasks in all the 14 states and divisions including Wa region for over 12 years.
During the 12 years, armed insurgency almost ended in all border areas, he said. Peace and tranquillity has also been restored at the areas. As the rule of law has been restored in the entire nation, the government is striving with added momentum for proportionate progress of all border areas.
Based on genuine goodwill, mutual trust and confidence and sincerity towards all the national races, the government is making endeavours for regional development and uplift of living standard of local people, he said.
He said that he himself frequently visited the border areas and undertook the tasks practically.
National races are joining hands with the government in participating in border areas development tasks. This is why unprecedented progress has been made in developing border areas.
Due to zeal of the Wa national leaders and local people and the mutual love, understanding, trust and sincerity between them and the government, the Wa region which lagged behind progress most in the past is now achieving significant development.
Based on the progress made in Wa region, efforts must be made for development of other regions in combination with the government's assistance and efforts of local leaders.
Therefore, the task force consisting of the deputy ministers and departmental heads was sent to Kokang and Wa regions, Kachin special region-2 and regions in Mon State to gave necessary advice and provide assistance to them.
Previous month, he said, a team consisting of chairmen of work sub-committee and heads of departments led by the Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs made a field trip to Laukkai-Kongyan region and provided assistance to them for development.
He spoke of the need to continue the tasks without hesitation.
The Secretary-1 said the first term of the second five mid-year plan of border region development project is going to be ended soon. During the second five year plan, Senior General Than Shwe gave guidance on the five tasks. He quoted the Senior General as saying that eradication of poverty will be made in the country if the people in rural areas are rich.
Therefore, rural development tasks must be carried out seriously.
The Secretary-1 said rural areas means border areas that lagged behind development. He spoke of the need for officials who engaged in the tasks to raise the momentum based on the guidance of the Head of State for ensuring better transport in border areas, development of education and human resources, getting drinking water, better health care services and uplift of rural economic life.
In according with the guidance of the Head of State, necessary assistance will be provided to the region after inspection in some regions left under-developed. Arrangements have been made to build a university, a technological college and a computer college that will contribute towards the development of Loilem including Panglong region which produced Panglong Spirit.
He said the Loilem Hospital was upgraded to a 200-bed hospital for uplift of health care services of local people in honour of the Panglong region. Local people are to participate in the task.
Speaking on the occasion, Secretary-1 quoted the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, as saying,
" As the border areas development task and drug elimination tasks have inter-relation between each other, efforts should be made in accord with the master plan drawn for progress of border areas and national races. At the same time, energetic efforts are required to root out the narcotic drugs.
He said in accord with the guidance, priority has been given to building roads and bridges, which are the basic infrastructures, in the border regions which lagged behind development.
Other areas including education, health and public relations included in the social infrastructures and agriculture, forestry, water supply, livestock breeding, irrigation and mining included in the economic infrastructures are being developed in all sectors.
Some border regions are achieving progress which exceeds the expected target. Poppy cultivation and narcotic drugs production have been decreased to a significant degree. Mongla is a model region in eliminating the narcotic drugs. The State has rendered assistance to the endeavours of the local people which are being made with firm determination.
Thus, Mongla was been declared as an " Opium Free Zone
" to the world in 1997. Conducting of opium-substitute cropping and farming, setting up of cottage industries and value added industries have been extended in Wa region to be able to declare the whole region another"
Opium Free Zone " of Myanmar in 2005.
Kokang region is also striving to totally free itself from drugs by the year 2005.
The State is implementing the 15-year narcotics elimination plan under its own expenditure. The plan got only a few amount of foreign assistance.
Although the nation is not rich, it is continuously striving to root out the drugs as a national tasks. As the national people have understood the manace of the drugs, they are joining hands with the government in rooting out the drugs. Thus, poppy cultivation and opium production is declining.
In the previous year buckwheat, an opium substitute crop, was grown on 3,110 acres, and yielded 169.438 tons. This year, 4,160 acres of land was put under buckwheat. Up to 7 march 2002, 154.47 tons of buckwheat have been purchased.
The crops is exported to Japan. As the buckwheat is popular among the world nations, the officials at different levels should strive to extend buckwheat cultivation.
Although the nation is striving in all sectors to root out the drugs, some big nations are launching slanders against her concerning the drugs. The nation is refuting the slanders. And at the same time the media should strive to distribute the news on the endeavours of the national people to cultivate opium-substitute crops.
Since the start of the border areas development plan in 1989 and up to February 2002, the State has spent K 23,390.66 million in implementing the plan at all the regions of the nation.
The State is using a large amount of money to cement national unity and living standards in the border areas.
Development of the border areas will lead to improvement of the living standards of the local people. It will also help strengthen national solidarity and flourish the Union spirit.
The ministries, the subcommittees should strive in harmony with added momentum to successfully implement the border areas development plan.
Then, Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt
reported that K 632.61 million for ordinary expenditure, K 2,236.06
million for capital expenditure and K 797.33 million for provided
funds, total amount K 3,665.98 million were received for carrying
out development tasks in border areas for 2001-2002 financial year.
Tasks undertaken in respective border regions from 1989-90 to
28-2-2002 are as follows: Regarding the road and bridge sector, 2,654/2 miles of earth road, 1,402/5 miles of gravel road, 283/3 miles of tarred road were constructed and 2,596/7 miles road, 39 large bridges, 627 small bridges and 16 suspension bridges were maintained.
Regarding the health care service sector, 46 hospitals, one station health care unit, 74 dispensaries, 18 rural health care units and 30 branches of rural health care units were opened
- Regarding the education sector, 366 Basic Education primary Schools, 48 BEMSs and 19 BEHSs were built.
Regarding the agriculture sector, 31 agriculture offices and 113 agriculture camps were constructed; 40 dams are being built and are under construction; survey work have been undertaken for construction of 17 dams and four canals; and 11 tractor stations were built.
Regarding the forest sector, four reserve forests were demarcated; arrangement are being made for demarcation of four reserve forests; and 12 saw mills and seven forest nursery were established.
- Regarding the livestock and breeding sector, 19 livestock breeding farms and 41 veterinary offices were opened and 111 pedigree cows and asses were distributed.
Regarding the energy sector, power supply is being carried out in 177 towns with the use of 241 generators and eight towns with hydel power.
- Regarding the public relations sector, 85 TV retransmission stations were built. Regarding the communication sector, 53 post offices were opened; 45 radio telephones were installed; 54 local exchanges were built; 442 miles of trunk-call line and 21 carrier machines were installed; and 45 telegraph offices, 11 microwave stations and nine communication buildings were built.
Regarding the human resource development in border area, 17 national race youth training schools, two Nationalities Youth Resources Development Degree Colleges and 12 Domestic Science Training Schools for the Women were built.
Moreover, development tasks for border areas and national races are being carried out by the Work Committee in cooperation with UNDP, UNDCP, JICA, KOICA and other NGOs.
The Work Committee and UNDCP are cooperating in the implementation of southern Wa region substitution development project with the five-year plan from August 1998 to July 2003. Within the period of the plan, tasks were undertaken in construction of nine project buildings, injection treatment for children of 234 project villages, water supply for 11 villages; construction of four BEPSs and two BEMSs, power supply of Pangsang-Mongpauk, construction of 13.24-kilometre-long Mongpauk-Mongka road, establishment of the forest nursery and distribution of seeds. The project fund was set up with US$ 11.6 millions and K 28.36 million and UNDCP provided US$ 8.84 millions to the project.
Under the CDRT project of the UNDP from September 1999 to April 2002, construction of 136 primary schools, repair of 20 primary schools, construction of 343 lakes, wells and other water supply, 1,517 lakes, 227 tanks for water filtering, construction of 4,545 fly-proof latrines, 26 dispensaries, and one station hospital, distribution of coffee saplings and cultivation of seasonal crops were undertaken.
The Karamosia International, an NGO of Japan, is implementing the Hotaung region alternative development project in southern Wa region from October 1999 to March 2002 and has constructed an industrial development centre in Mongphyan region. It contributed ´ 220 million equivalent to about US$ 2 million and has spent US$ 0.35 million on the project to date.
Moreover, in cooperation with Border Areas and National Races Development Department, the Karamosia International is carrying out cultivation of crops and planting trees in the surrounding areas of Inlay Lake with the contribution of US$ 0.822 million.
Likewise, the Swiss Foundation for Development Cooperation (SWISSAID), an NGO of Switzerland, in cooperation with Border Areas and National Races Development Department, is implementing the Kachin State and Shan State development project (2001-2004) with the contribution of US$ 0.45 million.
Besides, on 13 December last year, the officials of the two nations signed the Exchange of Notes for which the Japanese government granted ´ 800 million for Laukkai-Kongyan road upgrading project and Kyashishu Village electric power supply project.
In poppy substitute crop cultivation project, a total of 1,980 acres of buckwheat was cultivated in Kokant region, 180 acres in Kutkai, 400 acres in Tamonye, 200 acres each in Panhsay and Kyaukme, 500 acres in Kaungkha and 700 acres in Monekoe. Altogether 154.47 tons of buckwheat have been purchased up to 5 March 2002 and of them 18 tons have been exported to Japan for the first batch.
With the Japanese government's grant of ´ 624 million, the five-year rural water supply project is being implemented for Shan State (North) beginning 2001-2002 fiscal year.
As part of border areas human resources development project, altogether 17 youth training schools were opened in the respective border areas by the Education and Training Department and 446 primary school students, 848 middle school students and 337 high school students are being nurtured and trained.
In addition, domestic schools for women were opened in Muse, Lashio, Mongsat, Kentung, Tachilek, Loikaw, Myawady, Ye, Myeik, Kawthoung, Haka and Maungtaw for uplift of morale character and all-round development of food, clothing and shelter and altogether 9,350 national race trainees are being taught.
Then, chairmen of the respective work sub-committees and officials reported on work to be carried out for regional development.
Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence and those present at the meeting gave supplementary reports.
In response to the reports, the Secretary-1 said that work for development of border areas and national races was carried out at first in the areas where there was no armed insurgency and later in border areas in northern and southern part of the nation including Chin and Rakhine States.
At present, work for development of border areas and national races is being carried out throughout the nation in accordance with the guidance of the Head of State.
In addition, rural and national development work was being extended to 22 developing areas in 14 states and divisions so as to be able to carry out the development work in all parts of the nation.
Now, there were 23 developing areas in all as Panglong region developing area was added to 22 developing areas, and the developing areas will be extended as necessary.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 called upon all to make harmonious cooperation in wide and effective implementation of all development work being undertaken in developing areas, rural development tasks, and tasks for border areas and national races being under taken in all parts of the
( 2 )
Secretary-1 addresses opening ceremony of Course in Diplomacy for
Myanmar on right path to achieve national goal
of peaceful, prosperous, modern and developed state
Yangon, 12 March- A ceremony to open the Course
in Diplomacy for Officers-CID/2002, organized by the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, was held at Wunzin Minyaza Hall of the ministry at
8.30 am today, with an address by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and
Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present on the occasion were
ministers, the Chief Justice, the Attorney-General, Minister for
Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win,
officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office,
directors-general, deputy directors-general of departments under the
ministry, Myanmar ambassadors, scholars of universities and
trainees. At the opening ceremony, the Secretary-1 delivered an
He said: It gives me great pleasure to learn that
the Course in Diplomacy 4/2002 being opened today is being attended
not only by personnel from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs but also
by trainees from other Ministries as well as from the
Attorney-General's Office and the Office of the Supreme Court.
Today, the nature of the international relations
has assumed wider dimensions and, in addition to diplomats,
personnel from different government ministries, non-government
organizations (NGOs), businessmen and entrepreneurs and even various
circles of the society are playing important roles in diplomacy.
Therefore, it becomes imperative for government ministries and
various organizations to be acquainted with the characteristics and
complexities of modern-day diplomacy. As such, in order for the
government service personnel to be able to protect and advance
effectively the national interests of the nation, special courses
are being arranged for them.
It is only when enough skilled diplomats as
well as government service personnel who are knowledgeable about
diplomacy and international relations have been nurtured will
Myanmar be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the rest of the
world. May I therefore take this opportunity to express our deep
appreciation to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for arranging such
courses for Myanmar diplomats as well as for service personnel from
other ministries. A review of the current international situation
will reveal that the conditions in the world are both complex and
Even as conflicts and acts of violence are
happening daily in most corners of the world, the gap between the
rich and the poor, and the technological divide between advanced and
developing nations are also becoming wider and wider. It can also be
observed that while some small and developing nations face internal
strife and even the danger of disintegration, powerful nations and
groups of nation are openly interfering in the internal affairs of
other countries under various pretexts in order to mould them
according to their wishes. In other words, there have appeared many
instances where the very independence and sovereignty of smaller
nations are under threat.
Under these circumstances, it is of paramount
importance for developing nations like Myanmar to possess the
necessary national resilience to be able to withstand the attempts
by outside powers to intervene in their internal affairs and to
exert influence over them. As such, Myanmar is endeavouring day and
night to strengthen the nation under the guidance and leadership of
the Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Senior
General Than Shwe.
Moreover, in these endeavours, it is paying
special attention to the development of the nation's political,
economic and defence might. The issue of armed insurgency that has
plagued the nation since the time of the regaining of independence
is now almost completely resolved and for the very first time,
Myanmar is enjoying peace and stability practically in the entire
country. In addition, the strengthening of the Union Spirit among
the national brethren has also resulted in the consolidation of
internal unity and solidarity.
The Government is also trying its best for all
the national races and all organizations and institutions from all
spheres in the country to come together and cooperate with each
other in working for the development of the nation. Therefore, I
wish to reiterate that the Government is always keeping the door
open to those groups who have still not yet joined hands with us. In
striving for the strengthening of the all-round capability of the
country, economic development and progress play a crucial role. It
is our belief that while peace and stability contribute to economic
progress, lasting peace and tranquillity can only be assured by
sustained economic growth. Based on the prevailing peace and
stability in the nation, the Government is working day and night on
nation-building efforts.
Due to the correct policies and strategies
adopted by the Government and the whole-hearted and joint endeavours
of the Government, people and the Tatmadaw (Armed Forces), it can be
said with confidence that Myanmar is on the right path to achieve
the national goal of a peaceful, prosperous, modern and developed
state. Relying on our own resources and efforts, the economy has
grown steadily despite the fact that some western nations have
imposed embargoes and sanctions and that Myanmar has practically
received no official development assistance.
If one looks at Myanmar's economic growth, it can
be seen that the economy attained an average 7.5 per cent per annum
growth against a plan target of 5.1 per cent during the 1992-93 to
1995-96 Short-Term Four-Year Plan. Similarly, Myanmar's economy grew
by an average 8.4 per cent in the 1996-97 to 2000-2001 Short-Term
Five-Year Plan, surpassing the planned 6 per cent annual growth. At
present, the nation is implementing the 2001-2002 to 2005-2006
Short-Term Five-Year Plan. Although the Plan calls for 6 per cent
annual growth, we are confident that we will be able to exceed the
Because of the endeavours of all responsible
persons in the nation, Myanmar currently is enjoying peace and
tranquillity as well as all-round economic growth and development.
Likewise, Myanmar's international standing has also improved. Its
ties and cooperation with its neighbours and the countries in the
region as well as with like-minded and friendly nations are growing
stronger day by day and it is participating more actively in
international fora including the United Nations and in regional
associations like ASEAN and BIMST-EC.
Regrettably, opposition groups within and
outside the country as well as some countries continue to ignore the
achievements in Myanmar and spread false allegations to tarnish the
image to the country, to give pressure and to try to isolate Myanmar
for their own political motives. These opposition groups and nations
even tried to grad in international organizations in their nefarious
schemes. Moreover, Myanmar has to confront all sorts of allegations
regarding human rights, forces labour and narcotic drugs designated
to damage the international reputation of Myanmar.
An objective evaluation will show that these
accusations are very different from the actual situation in the
country and are politically-motivated. Even UN organizations have
acknowledged that narcotic production and trafficking have fallen
sharply as the Government is undertaking elimination of narcotic
drugs as a national cause. It is also known to all that Myanmar is
taking legislative, administrative and executive measures to
eradicate forced labour in the country. To show that human rights
abuses are neither practised nor condoned, the UN Human Rights
Special Rapporteur Professor Sergio Pinheiro has been permitted to
visit various parts of the country and to observe at first hand the
true situation.
He was even able to visit jails and to meet with
the prisoners and detainees freely. Up to now, nearly 200 women
prisoners who are pregnant or who are with small children have had
their sentences suspended and set free as a humanitarian gesture. In
brief, it can be said that significant strides have been made
towards the national goal of a peaceful, prosperous, modern and
developed state sue to the vigorous and systematic efforts of the
Government. On the other hand, the future society that we aim for is
the emergence of a disciplined democratic nation in accord with the
aspirations of the people. As many instances in the world have
shown, countries that did not take systematic steps in changing from
one system to another often have to counter unrest and instability
that sometimes threaten the very fabric of nationhood.
We cannot permit the existing positive and
favourable conditions in the nation to be undermined. Allow me at
this juncture to say the western nations that, if your intention is
to see democracy flourishing in Myanmar, if your wish is for Myanmar
to be a nation contributing to regional and international peace and
prosperity, you should try to help and assist the Government in its
endeavours instead of placing obstacles and hindrances. Trying to
obstruct these efforts in the part of the Government through
sanctions and embargoes will only result in delaying the progress
towards these goals. On our part, we are committed and determined to
strive to reach our noble goal whether or not we received assistance
from abroad.
While the Government is making untiring and
vigorous efforts towards the establishment of democracy and national
development, we are very much disturbed by an untoward incident
aimed at undermining our cherished goals and disintegration if the
armed forces. Nevertheless, we are doubly committed to carry on to
reach the objectives of the country. In these times and
circumstances, it is all the more important for the service
personnel to be well-versed in the policies laid down by the State
as well as to understand domestic and international conditions.
In this context, I am convinced that
trainees will make every efforts to diligently study the subjects of
diplomacy and international relations as well as the initiatives and
activities of the State which are being taught in the Course. Let me
take this opportunity to put on record my sincere appreciation to
the Minister and Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Heads of
Department, Retired Ambassadors, and also Professors for taking time
to teach the trainees despite their heavy responsibilities. In
conclusion: may I wish the trainees who participate in this course
will become truly distinguished personnel who could shoulder the
duties of the State; may all the officials in the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs become loyal and distinguished diplomats; and may a
peaceful, modern, developed and democratic state emergence in the
short period due to the unremitting efforts to these loyal service
personnel. Altogether 40 trainees of ministries, the Chief Justice's
Office and the Attorney-General's Office are attending the 17-week
( 3 ) A
special press conference
Acts of U Aye Zaw Win and his sons solely aimed
at establishing family power and seeking family interests
May cause nation to deviate from desired goal
of modern democracy
Can break up unity within Tatmadaw and harm peace and stability
Yangon, 12 March-A special press conference with local and foreign media journalists on matters relating to the conspiracy to seize State power and the attempts to break up unity within Tatmadaw and cause antagonism was held at the Tatmadaw Guest House on Inya Road here at noon today.
It was attended by Minister for Labour U Tin Winn, Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Brig-Gen Khin Aung Myint of the Ministry of Defence, senior military officers, departmental heads, officials of the Ministry of Information, Correspondent U Sein Win of Kyodo News Agency, Myanmar Foreign Correspondents Club Patron U Hla Htwe, President U Sao Kai Hpa, member correspondents and invited persons.

Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win explained matters on the conspiracy to seize State power and the attempts to break up the unity within Tatmadaw and cause antagonism.
He said: Today's press conference is the follow-up of the previous press conference held on 9-3-2002. At the previous press conference, it has been disclosed that U Aye Zaw Win and his sons Aye Ne Win, Kyaw Ne Win and Zwe Ne Win conspired to seize State power and made attempts to break up unity within the Tatmadaw and cause antagonism. At today's press conference, matters on how they hatched their scheme will be explained.
As explained at the previous meeting, U Aye Zaw Win, Aye Ne Win, Kyaw Ne Win and Zwe Ne Win, whenever they encountered difficulties in their business undertakings, were critical of the State leaders. It is also learnt that they have expressed their dissatisfaction because they could no longer enjoy privileges as before and the State has been giving economic opportunities to the nationalities organizations. They discussed the need to effect changes in the leadership of top State leaders with a view to changing the existing conditions of the State to suit their needs.
According to the statements of other witnesses, not only U Aye Zaw Win and sons but also Daw Khin Sandar Win numbering five family-members had frequent closed-door meetings in the Nawarat Concord office in recent months.
According to the statement of U Aye Zaw Win, a military force to disarm the security force was needed in trying to meet the Senior General for effecting changes. Aye Ne Win and younger brothers were assigned duties to mobilize the required military force and persuade a senior military commander and U Aye Zaw Win was to enter Senior General Than Shwe's residence with the use of military force to disarm the security guards. Then, when the residence was under siege, he would voice complaints to the Senior General and put pressure on him. After that, Senior General Than Shwe would be taken to Ady (Maikha) Road to meet with U Ne Win. The person who would not obey the order of U Ne Win would be detained at his residence and the person who would follow the directions of U Ne Win would be appointed as leader. The changes in the Government would be made by forming a new Government with those who would stay under the influence of U Ne Win. At that moment, the military force of the senior military commander they could have organized would take security duty near the residence of U Ne Win and Senior General Than Shwe would be pressed. That was one way.
Another way was that using the military force of a senior military commander they could have organized, U Aye Zaw Win and youngest son Zwe Ne Win were to enter the Senior General's residence while Aye Ne Win and Kyaw Ne Win were to go into the residences of General Maung Aye and Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt simultaneously. To do so, they intended to use sufficient military force to disarm the security units of the respective residences. Afterwards, Senior General Than Shwe, General Maung Aye and Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt would be taken to the residence of U Ne Win on Ady (Maikha) Road. Before U Ne Win, they would be asked to peacefully hand over the State power and a new government would then be formed with those who would follow the directions of U Ne Win. To facilitate this, the commander they could have organized would have to arrange for the security of U Ne Win by taking security duty near U Ne Win.
Of the two ways, the one to choose would depend on the commander they could have organized. The way that would come out through consultations with the commander would be used. U Aye Zaw Win and his sons using military force and U Ne Win's influence would put pressure and detain the ruling State leaders to effect changes in the leadership of the State. They had conspired to form a new government by deviating from the Tatmadaw Government's policy for the emergence of genuine multi-party democracy. It is clear that to successfully carry out their plot, they had committed acts to mobilize some military forces and cause disintegration of the Tatmadaw. They would take advantage of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day when military troops of various places are in Yangon for the occasion. In this way, they attempted to seize state power, making a stooge of the Tatmadaw.
Of the business enterprises of U Aye Zaw Win and sons, the Golden Crown Co headed by Kyaw Ne Win was kept open in the premises of Nawarat
Hotel. Although they had declared to be doing construction business,
there had been no construction undertakings whatsoever. They have
been grooming over 50 persons who would follow their orders by
providing them high salaries. Wherever they go, they are always seen
with their properly trained followers like their own private
security guards.
When going outside, they moved in a
motorcade and their own security guards ahead and back. They also used their own security guards at their residences and offices. They kept own security guards by giving each of them from K 40,000 to K 50,000 per month. They have to spend about K 3 million per month to give as salaries to those private security guards.
When the authorities searched the office and store room of Golden Crown Co on 8 March 2002, altogether 59 communication sets which could be used only by the Tatmadaw and state security organizations were found together with bases, re-transmission devices, trunk-call aerial antennae and aerial cables. Some of them are used-ones and some brand-new. Similarly, 27 rubber batons that could be used only by security control battalions, 20 signal lights carried by traffic police, 2 mine sweepers, badges of police offices, badges and arm emblems of security force members, arm-bands, uniforms, caps and trousers, boots armoury, belts, camouflage and equipment were also confiscated. These things could have been intended to be used when their conspiracy met success as well as in making demands to the State leaders.
The hat badge and the arm badge designed by Aye Ne Win are significant. The hat badge portrays a ka-daung (dancing peacock) wearing a magaik crown. The ka-daung implying the sun represents U Ne Win. The arm badge portrays three swords symbolizing the three brothers. It also includes a picture of a tiger holding a royal tha-mee fan ( a Yak tail fly-whisk) which stands for Aye Ne Win, a harp representing the ancestors of the grandmother, and a ngayant fish representing the ancestors of the grandfather.
Other confiscated items not known for astrology or the lowly way were a gold basket, a silver basket, a gold dove, a silver dove, a gold gong, a silver gong, a thanhlet (a royal weapon), a figurine of a frog, miniature statues of the leaders of the State. The media persons will have to find the answer to all that by themselves.
What he could tell is that Myo Myint Aung (a) Setkya Aung Pwint Khaung (a) Saya Lay of 956, 12th Yathawady Street, Ward 13, South Okkalapa, was hired as an adviser at Sky Link Company at a monthly salary of K 300,000. The company was managed by U Aye Zaw Win and Kyaw Ne Win. The man was provided with an Isuzu Trooper car (Plate No 3kha/6383) and a cellular phone. The company also provided him with a barrel of octane petroleum per month.
According to the papers seized at Golden Crown Company, the expenditure for staff salary alone for the month, February, amounted to K 3.3 million and FEC 16,311. The individual monthly salaries of the office staff and the security staff of the company can be also found in the papers. The list of code names and code words can be also found in the documents.
The three brothers, Aye Ne Win, Kyaw Ne Win and Zwe Ne Win, always went outside in a motorcade under the protection of their private security guards. When they had a quarrel with other youth, the security guards bullied and hit the other youth like gangsters. Kyaw Ne Win was said to be a womanizer spending a large sum for the purpose. Due to these misdeeds, it was rumoured in public that the grandsons of U Ne Win were gangsters.
Kyaw Ne Win and Zwe Ne Win and their security guards entered Feel Restaurant at 11.30 am on 3 January 1999 while Maung Kyaw Ye Lin, 18, son of U Moe Nyunt, of Ward 7, Mayangon Township, and his friends were dining at the restaurant located at Ward 6, in the same township. They took Maung Kyaw Ye Lin and friends to the compound of the Traffic Police Office near Inya Lake. They released Maung Kyaw Ye Lin's friends, Maung Thet Toe Han and Maung Ye Zaw Tun, but held Maung Kyaw Ye Lin. Under orders of Kyaw Ne Win and Zwe Ne Win, the security guards slapped, hit and kicked Maung Kyaw Ye Lin. The security guards also shaved his head and his eyebrows. They also made him do exercise under the sun as punishment. Kyaw Ne Win and brothers used the Army unit in their quarrels with other youth resulting from enmity. The brothers made the soldiers of the unit go beyond the limit in hitting other youth. The soldiers who were involved in the quarrel faced actions in accord with the military rules.
Similarly, there was another rowdy incident at 5.30 pm on 30 July 2001. Kyaw Ne Win and four accomplices pulled down Kyaw Thu, 20, from his car near the traffic light at the junction of Insein and Parami roads in Hline Township. The reason was that Kyaw Thu who was driving a Dyna light truck of Wa Wa Win Construction Company carrying iron grilles did not make way for their Land Cruiser car (4Kha/9) to overtake him. After hitting Kyaw Thu, they took him to Nawarat Concord Hotel and forced him to carry rice bags. The problem ended as the victim did not file a law suit against them.
Grudge against the State leaders
For their acts misleading the public and their breach of social rules, the authorities concerned, under the instructions of the Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, warned, U Aye Zaw Win and sons against going outdoors under personal security and using communication facilities. They also warned them to abide by the law. It was heard that the whole family bore grudge for giving them the warning.
They sold GSM telephones to the public before they got permission and they did something that should not be done. Authorities concerned had to intervene and handle the case break out lest there should be a problem between them and the people. Regarding the sale of GSM telephones in cooperation with the Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telegraphs, Kyaw Ne Win assigned duties to KLN Co and sold the phones before the permission was obtained. The KLN Co gave Kyaw Ne Win K 545 million out of K 627.67 million realized from the sale of 1,092 telephones. Regarding the illegal measures undertaken without the permission, authorities concerned detained telephone seller, and made arrangements to draw money for those who paid money in advance to get telephones. The KLN Co made arrangements to repay the money to those who bought the telephones and authorities concerned demanded the money from Kyaw Ne Win. Payments were then made to those who bought the telephones. U Aye Zaw Win, Daw Khin Sandar Win and sons were indignant against State leaders concerning the money they had to refund.
Confiscation of cars
without licence
In connection with the offences committed by U Aye Zaw Win and his sons, some witnesses were questioned. Out of the vehicles used in the Golden Crown Co, 15 were without licence. The photos of the vehicles without licence were put on display.
Position of senior military commanders
After investigating the senior military commander said to have been involved in the attempt as they have persuaded, it is clearly found that they directly told him their plot. It is obvious that they have conspired to commit a treason. Some military commanders were indirectly persuaded. It was revealed that U Aye Zaw Win and sons persuaded those who might have sympathy for them and admired them.
The acts of U Aye Zaw Win and sons Aye Ne Win, Kyaw Ne Win and Zwe Ne Win were improper and solely aimed at establishing family power and seeking family interests. It could harm the political history of Myanmar at a time when national solidarity has flourished and could also deviate from the way of ensuring the emergence of a new modern and developed democratic nation desired by the citizenry. Moreover, it can destroy the unity within the Tatmadaw and harm the peace and stability of the country.
Their acts amount to committing crimes and are violations of economic laws. Action will be taken against them in accordance with the existing laws.
Then, the Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence gave replies to the questions raised by the mediamen. The special press conference ended at 12.45 pm. Afterwards, the journalists viewed the confiscated items and documentary photos displayed there.
( 4 ) Princess floating restaurant and recreation centre opened
Yangon, 12 March - Under the supervision of the Ministry of Transport, a ceremony to open the Princess floating restaurant and recreation centre of Tet Nay Aung Co Ltd and Hnin Thitsa Co Ltd was held at Wadan jetty (Padamya jetty) this evening.
It was attended by Daw Khin Than Nwe, wife of Lt-Gen Tin Oo, the ministers, the Yangon mayor, the deputy ministers, the vice- mayor, departmental heads, officials of the Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Hotels and Tourism and Tet Nay Aung Co Ltd, artistes and invited guests.
First, Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, Managing Director of Tet Nay Aung Co Ltd U Zaw Win and Managing Director of Hnin Thitsa Co Ltd Daw Khin Thida formally opened the restaurant and the recreation centre.
Then, dinner was hosted to those present.
The restaurant and the recreation centre were built dividing into two sections on Wadan Jetty Nos 1 and 2. Section-1 has an air-conditioned hall with a capacity of 500 persons and a balcony from which the beauty of Yangon river can be enjoyed. Section-2 has a modern musical sloon, a beauty Salon, a karaoke lounge and a fitness centre.
( 5 ) Illicit timber logs seized in DaikU
Yangon, 12 March - A combined squad of members of local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, acting on information, laying in wait at the edge between DaikU and Bago townships on 10 March and seized eight trucks with illegal logs.
The logs on the trucks were about 35 tons of Pyingadoe and 10 tons of others. Six timber merchants bought the said logs from illegal loggers in the area of Bago Yoma and DaikU and smuggled them into Yangon.
Action was taken against drivers Zaw Hein, Saw Mu Shin, Win Bo, Zaw Lin, Tin Lin and Thein Zaw and timber merchants Kyaw Gyi, Soe Shein, Thaung Yin and Aung Tun who were arrested in connection with the seizure of the logs.
Drivers Maung Myo and Min Lwin Oo managed to escape. The authorities concerned are in pursuit of the remaining illicit timber merchants Nay Win Naing and Naing Win of Phayagyi Village in Bago Township who did not accompany the trucks.
( 6 )
Highest buyers of Gems honoured
Yangon, 12 March - Sales of gem lots at the 39th
Myanmar Gems Mart on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road here at 11.45 pm
yesterday.Gems Emporium Central Committee Chairman Deputy Minister
for Mines U Myint Thein presented a mosaic and a certificate of
honour to Mr Chatchai Kijragoonrat of JJ and Ton Jewellery Ltd of
Thailand who is the highest buyer of gem lots at the emporium.
( 7 )
Gems Emporium fetches over US$ 20m
Yangon, 12 March-A total of US$ 20,089,200 was
realized at the 39th Myanma Gems Emporium held at the Myanma Gems
Mart on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road from 5 to 11 March- US$ 5,7669,703 from
307 jade lots, US$ 13,525,190 from 88 gem lots, US$ 120,474 from 20
pearl lots through tender system and competitive bidding, and US$
673,833 from jade figurines, jewellery, gems and jade at fixed