1 ) Only ever-flourishing
education system will enable new generation youth to face and
overcome future challenges
To develop human resources which have ability
to acquire and use developing science and technologies of respective
branches for national progress
Special Refresher Course No 13 for Basic
Education Teachers (Upper Myanmar) concludes
Yangon, 9 March - Special Refresher Course No 13 for Basic Education Teachers concluded at Yadana Hall of the Central Institute of Civil Service (Upper Myanmar) in PyinOoLwin Township this morning.
Minister for Education U Than Aung read out the written speech of Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were Chairman of the Civil Service Selection and Training Board Dr Than Nyun, Mandalay Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein, Deputy Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Nay Win, member of CSSTB U Hla Myint Oo, local authorities, the rector of CICS (Upper Myanmar), the pro-rectors, heads of department, course instructors and trainee teachers.
In the speech, the Secretary-1 said that in the world today, science and technologies are developing in leaps and bounds; the world nations are vying with each other to effectively use developing science and technologies for their interests and progress as well as for their peoples.
In addition, all will have to make efforts to enable the nation to stand shoulder to shoulder with other nations, to strengthen the national economy and to develop human resources which have the ability to acquire and use developing science and technologies of respective branches for national progress.
The education promotion programmes are being implemented stage by stage to enable the students to face and solve the future challenges and to instil in them the spirit and the ability to fulfil national requirements.
The government is also implementing an education system which will serve and promote national interests in keeping with the time as education is now playing a leading role in every sector.
Only an ever-flourishing education system will enable the new generation youth to face and overcome the future challenges and to uplift their spirit and will to always serve national interests.
The sector has been launching the education promotion programmes since 1998-99 academic year with the aim of giving well-rounded education to students beginning from the most basic level, developing their education level to meet the international standard and narrowing the education gap between rural and urban areas.
Based on the success of the education promotion programmes, the special four-year national education promotion programme has been implemented.
Year-wise targets have been realized in implementing the programmes which have linked the education promotion programme (third stage) and the higher education sector.
Arrangements have been made to implement a 30-year long-term educational plan covering short-term educational plans. The long-term educational plan is aimed at enabling every citizen to acquire basic education and developing human resources who are capable of building and safeguarding a peaceful, pleasant and modern nation by use of science and technology, turning out stalwart sons and daughters who are imbued with Union Spirit and patriotism and capable of preserving and safeguarding traditional culture, nurturing children to be physically strong and have morals and providing equal opportunities of pursuing education in urban and rural areas.
All the teachers need to nurture student youths to believe in national solidarity, the flourishing of Union Spirit and preservation of national culture and character while they are learning science, technology and information and communication technology so that the nation can be on a par with others in development.
Teachers need to produce academicians and technicians who are imbued with a sense of national solidarity and Union Spirit and capable of striving for the development of the nation so that the nation can stand tall in the world.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 urged all to strive for promotion of national education so that the Union of Myanmar can stand shoulder to shoulder with others, to contribute to implementation of national educational plans designed to turn out highly-qualified human resources who are capable of overcoming the challenges of the future, and to lead the entire national people including student youths in defending the nation with patriotism, Union Spirit and nationalistic spirit.
On behalf of the Secretary-1, Minister U Than Aung presented the model trainee awards to Headmaster U Myint Zaw of Myothit BEMS, Mahlaing Township and Junior Assistant Teacher Daw Nang Sanda San of Tinton Village BEPS in Singaing Township; awards for diligence to Headmaster U Tin Aung of Yonbin Village BEPS in Shwegu Township, JAT Daw Nyunt Nyunt of BEPS No 56 in Taungbyin-1, Taungdwingyi Township, and JAT Daw Nang Khin Sein of BEPS No 7 in Zay Ward, Hsipaw Township; and model hostel awards to leaders of Hostel-7 of Male Company-1 and Hostel-5 of Female Company-1.
Next, Minister for Education U Than Aung accepted K 10,000 for Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image, K 10,000 for Tooth Relic Pagoda (Mandalay), K 10,000 for renovation of ancient pagodas in Bagan, K 5,000 for National Convention Convening Commission, K 5,000 for Union Solidarity and Development Association, K 10,000 for Zeebingyi Village Affiliated BEHS by the trainees.
After the ceremony, Minister U Than Aung had a cordial conversation with the
trainee teachers.
( 2 ) U Aye Zaw Win and three sons taken into custody for conspiring to seize State power and effect some changes in leadership of State
The moves destined to break up unity within Tatmadaw and cause its disintegration
Yangon, 9 March-A special press conference with local and foreign journalists was held at the Tatmadaw Guest House on Inya Road here at 2 pm today.
It was attended by Minister for Labour U Tin Winn, Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, senior military officers of the Ministry of Defence, heads of departments, officials of the Ministry of Information, Correspondent U Sein Win of Kyodo News Agency, Patron of Myanmar Foreign Correspondents Club U Hla Htwe, President U Sao Kai Hpa, member correspondents and invited persons.
As explained by Maj-Gen Kyaw Win at the meeting, the State has taken into custody in time U Aye Zaw Win of Maykha Street, Yangon, and his sons Aye Ne Win, Kyaw Ne Win and Zwe Ne Win for their having conspired to seize State power and having made moves to cause antagonism and divide the Tatmadaw.
It was explained that authorities were lying in wait upon receipt in advance of information that U Aye Zaw Win and sons Aye Ne Win, Kyaw Ne Win and Zwe Ne Win were conspiring to seize State power and effect some changes in the leadership of the State after winning over some troops and some leaders and that a meeting had been arranged with a Tatmadaw Commander on 7 March 2002 at a restaurant to discuss the seizure of State power and had accordingly taken them into custody.

According to questioning, it was learnt that U Aye Zaw Win and sons had the grudge that they suffered economically on account of the State's systematic stipulations and were not in accord with frameworks of the State in some of their private enterprises, that they did not enjoy special privileges as in the previous period, that they were dissatisfied with the State giving opportunities to the nationalities organizations economically, that they were dissatisfied with the political and economic undertakings carried out by the State leaders and so had conspired to effect changes in the leadership of top State leaders with the use of the strength of the forces and form a new Government; they had planned to meet with a senior military commander they had once known and discuss the plan in detail, and likewise they had also attempted to organize the other senior military commanders as well.
As these moves were destined to break up unity within the Tatmadaw and cause disintegration of the Tatmadaw, and moreover as it is also destined to thwart the stability, peace and development of the State, the authorities have taken them into custody and are initiating legal action as necessary.
The said U Aye Zaw Win is U Ne Win's son-in-law, husband of Daw Khin Sandar Win, and Aye Ne Win, Kyaw Ne Win and Zwe Ne Win are U Ne Win's grandsons.
The special press conference concluded at 2.15 pm.
( 3 ) Tatmadaw columns continue
parade drills
Yangon, 9 March-Tatmadaw columns which will take part in the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade continued drills at Resistance Park today.
Under the leadership of Parade Commander Brig-Gen Hla Tun and Reserve Parade Commander Col Than Htay, the Anawrahta column led by Col Thaung Shwe, the Kyansittha column led by Col Tin Hla, the Bayintnaung column led by Col Khin Maung Win, the Nawade column led by Col Han Sein, the Aungzeya column led by Col Khin Maung Latt, the Hsinbyushin column led by Col Myo Thant, the Bandoola column led by Col Aung Min, the Myawady column led by Col Hla Moe and the Aung San column led by Col Thaw Zin continued drills from 6 am to 10 am.
Vice-Chiefs of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Win Myint, Brig-Gen Aung Kyi and Brig-Gen Thein Swe, Chairman of Best Parade Column Scrutiny Committee Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, Chairman of Security Work Committee Deputy Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Hsan Hsint, senior military officers and officials inspected the drills.
Winners for Painting and Sculpture Competitions announced
Yangon, 9 March- Hailing the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day which falls on 27 March 2002, the Subcommittee for Organizing the Painting and Sculpture Competitions and Exhibition under the Work Committee for Holding Poem and Art Competitions, chaired by Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt, announced winners in the painting contest.
In the pre-primary level painting category, Ma San Hnin Phyu of the pre-primary school of Defence Services Records Office won the first prize, Maung Pyi Hein Htet of the pre-primary school of the Methodist Church the second prize, Maung Khant Pi Han of Pre-primary-1 of Bahan Township the third prize and 10 consolation prize winners.
In the lower primary level painting category, first standard student Ma Hsu Yamin of Dagon BEHS No 1 won the first prize, second standard student Ma May Thet Zin of Lanmadaw BEHS No 1 the second prize, second standard student Maung Htet Naing Linn of Dagon BEHS No 1 the third prize and 10 consolation prize winners.
In the higher primary level painting category, third standard student Ma Su Myat Noe Nwe of Dagon BEMS No 1 stood the first, fourth standard student May Poe Wa Win Myint of Thingangyun BEHS No 2 the second and fourth standard student Maung Kaung Htet of Kamayut Institute of Education Practising School the third and 10 special prize winners.
In the middle school level painting category, sixth standard student Maung Tha Tha Han of Myoma BEMS in Taikkyi Township won the first prize, fifth standard student Maung Thiha Tin of Dagon BEHS No 1 the second, sixth standard student Ma Khin Khin Myat Thu Hlaing of Myoma BEMS in Taikkyi Township the third and 10 consolation prize winners.
In the high school level painting category, eighth standard student Ma Hsu Win Htaik of Dagon BEHS No 1 won the first prize, tenth standard student Maung Nanda Aung of Latha BEHS No 1 the second, tenth standard student Ma Thiri Khit Oo of Kamayut Institute of Education Practising School the third and 10 consolation prize winners.
In the open level painting category, Maung Ye Kyaw Tha of 483(A), Aungthabye lane-1, South Kyeepwayay Ward, Thingangyun Township won the first prize, Maung Yaza Tun of 47, Room-16, 4th floor, Thamaing Station Road, Ward 2, Mayangon Township the second, Maung Hla Han of 47, Ywethla Street, 18/A, Dagon Myothit (South) Township the third and five consolation prize winners.
The sub-committee accepted 734 works from competitors in the pre-primary and basic education levels all over the country and 63 works from the competitors in the open level. Number of competitors and creation of the works have increased in the open level more than the previous year.
Winner lists of the sculpture contest in commemoration of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day will be announced soon.
In addition to the works of the Painting and Sculpture Competitions, paintings and sculptures for the exhibition are being accepted at the Tatmadaw Convention Hall on U Wisara
Road. The paintings and sculptures for the exhibition will be
accepted till 10 March 2002.
( 4 ) Armed Forces Day commemorative Computer Quiz continues
Yangon, 9 March- The Computer Quiz on Twelve Objectives of the State in commemoration of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day continued at the twelve objectives booth of Defence Services Museum on U Wisara Road in Dagon Township this morning.
Staff Officer (Grade-II) Maj Soe Myint Thein of Directorate of Resettlement and Assistant Lecture U Khin Maung Win of University of Computer Studies explained the rules of the quiz.
Then, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association of Mingala Taungnyunt, Kyimyindine and Dalla Townships took part in the quiz.
( 5 ) Myanmar delegation leaves for Singapore

Yangon, 9 March - A 24-member delegation led by Chairman of Myanmar Plastic Entrepreneurs Association U Tun left here by air this morning to attend the 10th Term AFPI Council Meeting and ASEAN PLAS Exhibition to be held in Singapore from 11 to 15 March.
They were seen off at the Yangon International Airport by the officials.
Deputy Minister inspects land reclamation
Yangon, 9 March - Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Brig-Gen Khin Maung, accompanied by General Manager of Myanma Sugarcane Enterprise U Ye Htut, arrived at the land reclamation and agriculture camp of Fortune International Ltd in Tabuhla region in Taikkyi Township yesterday morning.
In-charge of the camp U Soe Naing reported on reclamation of land,
cultivation of sugarcane and extension of cultivation. The deputy
minister and party inspected nurseries of sugarcane. In the
afternoon, the deputy minister and party proceeded to the camp of
Super One International Co (Myanmar) Ltd. Those in-charge of the
camp reported on cultivation, purchasing and production of
sugarcane. The deputy minister also inspected the sugarcane
( 6 ) Commander inspects regional
development tasks
Yangon, 9 March -Chairman of Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council Commander of North-East Command Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing, accompanied by Deputy Commander Col Hla Myint and departmental officials, arrived at the Moutnarat cement factory in Lashio on 5 March afternoon.
Those in-charge of the factory reported on progress of work and the commander gave necessary instructions. Then, he inspected import-substitute coal factory and the cement factory. Then, he proceeded to the site for upgrading Lashio People's Sports Grounds and inspected the site.
He also inspected water supply of the Development Affairs Committee in Lashio. Responsible officials of the DAC reported on distribution and storage of water. The commander left instructions on growing of trees and flowering plants in the surrounding areas of 10 ponds.
Basic Buddhist culture courses open
Yangon, 9 March- A ceremony to open the basic Buddhist culture course and basic Buddhism course, organized by Attorney-General's Office Buddha Nuggaha Association, was held at the Dhammayon of the Attorney-General' Office on Bahan Lane-2 at 11 am today.
Present on the occasion were Deputy Attorney-General U Khin Maung Aye, Director-General Dr Tun Shin, directors, officials, course instructors, trainees and guests.
At the ceremony, Attorney-General U Tha Tun gave a speech. A total of 56 trainee children are attending the basic Buddhist culture course and 92 trainee youths the basic Buddhism course. The courses will last up to
26 March.
( 7 ) Minister inspects construction of Alaini Dam
Yangon, 9 March - Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, accompanied by departmental officials, this morning inspected Alaini Dam construction project site near Kyankhwun village, Bago Township.
At the briefing hall, Director of Yangon Division Irrigation Department U Kyaw Thein reported on construction of the main embankment Nos 1 and 2 of the dam and the conduit, and tasks to be carried out before rainy season. Deputy Director-General of ID U Khin Zaw reported on water storage capacity of Alaini Dam after digging a canal linking Lagoonbyin and Alaini dams, construction of the irrigation canal, strength of heavy machinery and volume of work.
The Lagoonbyin Dam was put into service at the border between Yangon Division and Bago Division.
Afterwards, the minister gave instructions on site clearing of the floor of the Alaini Dam before receiving water, and digging of the
canal which will link Alaini Dam and Lagoonbyin Dam. Then, he inspected construction of the main embankment No 1 and No 2 and attended to the needs.
On completion, the Alaini Dam will be 5,700 feet in length and 52 feet in height and it can store 39,000 acre feet of water. The two dams will be linked by the 2,100-foot-long canal.
Later, the minister and party visited the Vegetables and Fruits Development Research Centre in Hlegu Township.
Traditional kite flying contest to be held
Yangon, 9 March - A coordination meeting on holding of Myanma traditional kite flying competition and market festival, sponsored by Myanmar Traditional Sports Federation and CISS Co, was held at the office of MTSF this morning, with an opening speech by President of MTSF Thiha Thudhamma Theingi Daw Mi Mi Khin (medalist for outstanding performance in social field).
They discussed that Myanma traditional kite flying competition and market festival are to be held on a grand scale at the football training grounds (Thuwunna) near the National Indoor Stadium-1 from 3 to 7 April.
Those wishing to take part in the competition are to fill up application forms and send them to the office of MTSF, Aung San Stadium, from 11 to 31 March.
( 8
) Maha Thingyan pandals to be built systematically
Yangon, 9 March-Traffic congestion occurred during water festival as some pandals of Maha Thingyan were built in violation of rules last year in the area of Yangon City Development Committee.
Pandals of Maha Thingyan need to be built in accordance with rules to enable the public to travel conveniently during the water festival of 1363 ME.
This being so, those wishing to put up pandals during Maha Thingyan are to observe the rules and regulations of YCDC.
Departments, companies and citizens are to build pandals in the area of YCDC only after getting permissions from Engineering Department (Road/Bridge) of YCDC, announced the authorities
Seminar on A Solution for Professional Certification held
Yangon, 9 March-With a view to developing Information Technology, a seminar on A Solution for Professional Certification jointly organized by Myanmar Computer Scientists Association and SSi-KCL(IT Division) was held at MICT Park in Hlaing township here this morning.
It was attended by Vice-President of Myanmar Computer Federation Dr Kyaw Thein, Chairman of Myanmar Computer Scientists Association U Thein Oo and executives, Chairman of Myanmar Computer Industry Association U Tin Win Aung, members of MCSA, IT technicians and enthusiasts. First, Chairman of MCSA gave an adress. Next, MCSA member Ko Okkar Kyu Pe gave a detailed explanation of receiving MICROSOFT Certified Solution Developer (MCSD) after taking MICROSOFT EXAMS. Those present raised questions on MCSD
Yangon City bustling with activities
Yangon, 9 March - Today is Saturday, an office holiday, and pilgrimage centres were crowded with members of the Sangha and devotees, and parks, recreation centres and cinemas with holiday-makers. Devotees paid obeisance to Shwedagon Pagoda and offered flowers, water, lights and made donations to the pagoda. Among them, tourists were also seen visiting the pagoda.
Similarly, Sule and Botahtaung Kyaikdaeup Pagodas were crowded with members of the Sangha and pilgrims. Likewise, Kan-dawmingala
Park and Happy World modern playground were teeming with
holiday-makers individually or in families or in groups riding
amusement vehicles, playing games including video games joyfully.
The cinemas were also crowded with movie-goers.
___________________________ ( 9
Heroin, stimulant tablets seized in Nawnghkio
Yangon, 9 March - A combined team including members of local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, after receiving information, stopped and searched a van with number plates 1 Kha/ 2879 driven by Aik Hsaing, son of U Aik Pu of Dalon Village, Muse Township at check point of the entrance of Nawnghkio in Northern Shan State on 28 February. Along with the driver in the car were Win Myint, son of U Tha Tun Aung of Maingna Village, Waingmaw Township, and Maung Lun, son of U Maung Me of Ohnbaung Village, Mogaung Township. The authorities seized 2.3 kilos of heroin and 5,600 stimulant tablets hidden on the floor of the car together with them.
In connection with the case, the police station concerned filed them under Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.