1 ) Systematic arrangements made to develop modern science and
technologies of education sector, main driving force for progress
Government implementing education system that will serve and promote national interests in accord with time
Refresher Course No 47 for Basic Education Teachers concludes
Yangon, 8 March - The Special Refresher Course No 47 for Basic Education Teachers con-cluded at the Central Institute of Civil Service (Phaunggyi) this morning.
Minister for Education U Than Aung read out the written speech of Chairman of the Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were ministers, the chairman of the Civil Service Selection and Training Board and members, deputy ministers, senior military officers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads, the rector of CICS, the pro-rector, heads of departments, course instructors and trainee teachers.
In the speech, the Secretary-1 said that in the world today, the science and technologies are developing in leaps and bounds; the world nations are vying with each other to effectively use the developing science and technologies for their interests and progress and also for their peoples.
Especially, rapid pro-gress in the ICT field is dominating all the developing sectors of the world. Thus, science and technological divide between the would nations has led to further deepening and widening the existing gap between the rich and the poor and the level between the developed and the developing. Thus, all the nations are striving for their progress in competition with each other.
At this time, some of the developed nations which are gaining economic and technological upper hand are trying to discriminate the developing countries to deepen and widen the technical and development divide and to put them under their domination.
Hence, a developing country like Myanmar will have to strive to be able to walk on her on way and to freely choose the future of the nation and the people within the frame of the national policy.
At this point, it is specially required to firmly build the national strength. In addition, all will have to make efforts to enable the nation to stand shoulder to shoulder with other nations, to strengthen the national economy and to develop the human resources which have the ability to timely acquire and use the developing science and technologies of the respective branches for national progress.
Myanmar which is a Union is also required to make all-out efforts to catch up with others in terms
of development. In addition, it should strive for harmonious and proportionate progress of all the people of the 14 states and divisions. Only then will the amity among the national races and the Union Spirit be further strengthened.
Thus, the government has been building the economic infrastructures in all the 14 states and divi-sions with the aim of bringing harmonious progress
to the entire Union, laying firm foundations for economic development and strengthening the national economy. Systematic arrangements have been made to develop the modern science and technologies of the education sector, which is the main driving force of all the current developments, to advance in accord with the national requirements.
The education promotion programmes are being implemented stage by stage to enable the students to face and solve the future challenges and to instil in them the spirit and the ability to fulfil the national requirements.
The government is also implementing an education system which will serve and promote the national interests in accord with the time as education is now playing a leading role in every sector.
Only an ever-flourishing education system will enable the new generation youth to face and overcome the future challenges and to uplift their spirit and will to always serve the national interests.
Concerning the important sector of the new generation youth, Head of State Senior General Than Shwe gave the following guidance in his address delivered at the Special Annual General Meeting 2002 of the Union Solidarity and Development Association:
ÒThe nation-building is a task which must be implemented continuously from one generation to another. It is a task we had implemented in the past, are implementing at present and will continue to implement in the future as well. In this way, we are going to strive to build a better future for the entire nation.
" The new generation need to be able to preserve historical traditions, maintain the good legacy and improve the social status of Myanmar
In accord with the guidance, the education sector will have to take the main responsibility in training and nurturing the new generation youth to become persons who are able to build and defend the future nation.
The sector has been launching the education promotion programmes since 1998-99 academic year with the aim of giving well-rounded education to the students beginning from the most basic level, developing their education level to meet the international standard and narrowing the education gap between the rural and the urban.
Based on the success of the education promotion programmes, the special four-year national education promotion has been implemented. Year-wise targets has been realized in implementing the programmes which has linked the education promotion programme (third stage) and the higher education sector.
Arrangements have been made to implement a 30-year long-term educational plan covering short-term educational plans.
The long-term educational plan is aimed at enabling every citizen to acquire basic education and developing human resources who are capable of building and safeguarding a peaceful, pleasant and modern nation by use of science and technology, turning out stalwart sons and daughters who are imbued with Union Spirit and patriotism and capable of preserving and safeguarding traditional culture, nurturing children to be physically strong and have morals and providing equal opportunities of pursuing education in urban and rural areas.
All the national races born of a family in the Union of Myanmar have been living in unity and through thick and thin for years countable by the thousand; they are now living in 14 states and divisions bounded closely together by Union Spirit; it is a Myanma family system which everybody should be proud of.
All the teachers need to nurture student youths to believe in national solidarity, the flourishing of Union Spirit and preservation of national culture and character while they are learning science, technology and information and communication technology so that the nation can be on a par with others in development.
With goodwill towards the national people, the Government is implementing plans for the equitable development of the entire Union formed with 14 states and divisions and improvement of living standard of all the national people.
To ensure the harmonious development of all the regions of the Union, plans for progress of border areas and national races and special plans are being implemented; in addition, the number of development zones have increased up to 22. In this way, efforts are being made for educational, health and social development with the use of internal resources and without obtaining external assistance.
According to the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, Panglong region where unity of Union-born national races was evinced and the Union was conceived, has been recently designated as a development region. And development plans for Loilem district including Panglong are being implemented. Now development regions number 23.
According to the development plans, Panglong University will be built in Panglong; Panglong Technological College and Panglong Computer College, near Loilem. The 16-bed hospital in Panglong will be upgraded to a 25-bed one; a 100-bed hospital in Loilem district, to a 200-bed one.
Therefore, Panglong region, which is a land of victory where the Union was born, will soon develop. In the long run, Panglong University and College will produce highly-qualified human resources; therefore, the future prospects of Loilem district including Panglong region are bright.
The Government has spent large sums of money on special plans, region-wise plans, border and rural area development plans and other development plans to ensure the equitable development of all the regions of the Union. It is not because the nation is very rich but because the Government wish the nation and the people to be able to stand tall in the world and the living standard of national people to improve. Therefore, under the leadership of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, the entire national people are working hard with might and main by use of internal resources.
Notwithstanding that there are internal and external interference and disturbances resulting from pessimism, continued efforts are being made to further promote the interests of the nation and the people. So, the entire national people including teachers need to work hard for the development of respective regions.
Only then will the goal emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed nation be achieved in a short time.
Therefore, as the Government is striving for the development of national brethren with pure goodwill, all the national brethren also need to work hard unanimously for the development of national economy and improvement of living standard of all the national people.
Teachers need to produce academicians and technicians who are imbued with a sense of national solidarity and Union Spirit and capable of striving for the development of the nation so that the nation can stand tall in the world.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 urged all to strive for promotion of national education so that the Union of Myanmar can stand shoulder to shoulder with others, to contribute to implementation of national educational plans designed to turn out highly-qualified human resources who are capable of overcoming the challenges of the future, and to lead the entire national people including student youths in defending the nation with patriotism, Union Spirit and nationalistic spirit.
On behalf of the Secretary-1, Minister U Than Aung presented the model trainee awards to senior assistant teacher U Kyaw Lwin of No 6 Basic Education High School in Pathein, Ayeyawady Division, and junior assistant teacher Daw Wah Wah Tun of the Institute of Education Practising School in Kamayut Township, Yangon Division, diligence awards to Principal U Tin Win of Nganwahseik BEPS in Kyaukkyi, Bago Division, senior assistant teacher Daw Than Than Myint of No 1 BEHS in Hlinethaya Township, Yangon Division, and Principal Daw Win Kyi of Kayingon BEPS in Thegon, Bago Division.
Afterwards, he presented the best hostel prizes and completion certificates to the trainees.
Next, the trainees presented K 10,000 for the Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Buddha Image, K 10,000 for renovation of the Koenawin Pagoda of CICS, K 10,000 for construction of the Dhammayon of the pagoda, K 10,000 for renovation of the ancient pagodas in Bagan, K 7,500 to hail the National Convention Convening Commission, K 7,500 for the fund of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, K 10,000 for PEPS of the CICS, K 2,000 for the pre-primary school of the CICS and K 10,000 for Phaunggyi BEHS totalling K 77,000 to Minister U Than Aung.
After the ceremony, Minister U Than Aung had a cordial conversation with the
trainee teachers.
( 2 )
UMFCCI President receives guests
Yangon, 8 March - Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry President U Win Myint received Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of Itochu Management Consulting Co Ltd of Japan Mr Takashi Morinaga and General Manager of Itochu Corporation, based in Myanmar, Mr Shigeki Ura at the office of UMFCCI on Merchant Street this afternoon.
USDA Secretary-General receives guests
Yangon, 8 March - Secretary-General U Than Aung of the Union Solidarity and Development Association received Secretary-General of South East Asian Youth Voyage Programme of Japan Mr Masahide Morita and party at the USDA head office this afternoon.
Also present at the call were USDA CEC members U Thein Sein and Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko, officials of the head office and delegates of the youth team.
( 3 ) Construction of Myeik bypass inspected
Yangon, 8 March - Chairman of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Coastal Region Command Maj-Gen Aye Kwyay, together with officials, arrived at Mazawbyin section of Myeik bypass in Nandawya Village on 1 March afternoon.
Then, the commander inspected land preparation with the use of heavy machinery. After hearing reports by officials concerned, the commander gave instructions and fulfilled the requirements.
Afterwards, the commander met with members of Peace and Development Councils of Nandawya Village, Asheibyin Village and Mazawbyin Village and village elders, and discussed rural development tasks.
On 2 March morning, the commander arrived at Daw Village where Boke Village section of Myeik bypass was under construction.
He inspected the earth work being carried out with the use of heavy machinery and left necessary instructions.
Later, he met with members of Alechaung Village, Daw Village, Papyin Village, Yazabar Village and Bamadi Village Peace and Development Councils and village elders and gave instructions on regional development tasks.
Then, the commander attended to the needs concerning the reports presented by the officals.
The 21-mile-and-three-furlong-long road section of 38-mile-long Myeik bypass has been constructed.
The remaining part is under construction by Public Works.
Industry-1 Minister visits factories

Yangon, 8 March - Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, together with Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thein Tun, visited No 16 Garment Factory of Myanma Textile Industries in Thingangyun Township this morning.
The minister inspected machinery and production work, and gave instructions.
Later, the minister went to No 15 Garment Factory in Thingangyun Township.
The minister met with officials of the factory.
Factory manager Daw Hla Thida and General Manager U Saw Win of Myanma Textile Industries reported on production work and distribution of products.
The minister gave instructions on production work.
Next, the minister and party proceeded to No 21 Blanket Factory in Thin-gangyun Township.
The minister inspected machinery and gave instructions.
He also met with 30
senior workers and presented cash awards to them.
Afterwards, the minister went to No 28 Sewing Thread Factory in Yankin Township.
The minister inspected the factory and gave instructions on future tasks.
( 4 ) The International Women's Day observed
Yangon, 8 March - The ceremony of the International Women's Day was held at the International Business Centre on Pyay Road here this morning.
It was attended by Chairman of Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, members of Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs , Chairman of MNCWA Deputy Minister for SWRR U Hlaing Win, the deputy ministers, Deputy Chief Justice U Than Oo, Deputy Attorney General U Khin Maung Aye, Vice-Mayor of Yangon City Col Maung
Pa, Vice-Chairperson of MNCWA Prof Dr Daw May May Yi and members of work committee, patrons of Myanmar Women's Sports Federation, lady ambassadors of embassies in Yangon and wives of the ambassadors, resident representatives and officials of organizations under the United Nations, Sub Committee for Women's Affairs members, members of social organizations and invited guests,
First, Minister Maj-Gen Sein Htwa made an opening speech. Then, Resident Representative of UNDP Mr Patrice Coeur-Bizot read out the message of Mr Kofi Annan, UN Secretary-General, to the International Women's Day.
Next, member of the MNCWA Daw Ni Ni Nay Win briefed on the International Women's
Day. The ceremony then came to a close. '
MMA members entertain parade columns
Yangon, 8 March - Hailing the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, the Aurora Music Band, led by Myanmar Music Asiayon Executive U Soe Moe, together with members of MMA, entertained the Tat-madaw members of Anaw-rahta, Bayintnaung and Aungzeya parade columns for the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day at No 1 Transit Centre from 7 pm to 10.30 pm yesterday.
The performance was enjoyed by Parade Commander Brig-Gen Hla Tun, Anawrahta Column Commander Col Thaung Shwe, Bayintnaung Column Commander Col Khin Maung Win, Aungzeya Column Commander Col Khin Maung Latt and the Tatm-adaw members.
Then, the parade columns presented cash awards to the vocalists.
Later, MMA Executive U Soe Moe-Daw Phyu Phyu Win family donated K 30,000 and Vocalist Khaing Htoo K 30,000 to the parade columns.
( 5 ) Over US$ 1.39 million fetched from sale of jade lots
Yangon, 8 March - Patron of the Myanma Gems Emporium Central Committee Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint arrived at the 39th Myanma Gems Emporium being held at the Myanma Gems Mart on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road here at 11.15 am today.
The minister was welcomed there by Chairman of the Central Committee Deputy Minister for Mines U Myint Thein, Secretary Managing Director of Myanma Gems Enterprise of the Ministry of Mines U Khin Oo and the central committee members.
The minister inspected the sale of jade lots through tender system at MGE and left the venue in the afternoon.
Altogether US$ 1,391,855 was realized from the sale of 225 jade lots through tender system at today's sale programme of MGE.
The sale of jade figurines, gems and jewellery at fixed prices amounted to US$ 15,521. The sale of jade through competitive biding will continue on 9 and 10 March. Altogether 683 gems merchants Ñ 226 local and 457 foreign merchants have arrived at MGE to
Deputy Minister arrives back
Yangon, 8 March - Myanmar delegation led by Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, arrived back here from Thailand by air this evening after attending the Fifth Meeting of the Myanmar-Thailand Joint Boundary Committee held in Bangkok.
Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win and the delegation members were welcomed back at Yangon International Airport by Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung and officials of the ministry and those from the Royal Thai Embassy in Yangon..
( 6 ) SWRR Minister inspects drills of Aung San Column
Yangon, 8 March -Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa inspected parade drills of Aung San Column for the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day at Kyaikkasan Grounds this afternoon.
At 2 pm, he arrived at Kyaikkasan Grounds and was welcomed by Deputy Minister U Hlaing Win, the director-general of the Fire Services Department, Aung San Column Commander Col Thaung Zin and officials. The minister inspected the parade drills of the column. Later, he presented K 50,000 to members of the two companies of FSD
and gave necessary instructions to the officials.
Publications donated
Yangon, 8 March- The donation ceremony of books and magazines to the Information and Public Relations Department of Ministry of Information was held at the meeting hall of the IPRD Head Office here this afternoon.
It was attended by Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Managing Director of the News and Periodicals Enterprise U Tin Kha, Managing Director of the Printing and Publishing Enterprise U Myint Thein, officials and wellwishers.
Wellwishers Dr Tin Tun Oo-Dr Khin Moe Moe (Thuta Sweson Publishing House) presented 1,330 Thuta Sweson Magazines and 900 Arojam Magazines; U Chit San Win
(Pannmyotaya Sarpay), 727 of publications on general knowledge; Major Tin Win (Retd) of 34th Street, Kyauktada Township, 450 magazines; U Kyaw Myint, U Phone Kyu Pe and Saya Dagon, 1,398 Waida Magazines; U Sai Aung Win (Chairman), Mann Construction and Trade Co Ltd, 555 Anupyinnya Kyemon Magazines; U Ko Thu Shein (Manager-JA Ltd), 348 journals; Yangon City Development Committee, 1,000
"Kyuntaw Lethamagyi " novels written by Thaung Wai Oo; Daw Tin Tin Nu (Lon Ma Lay-Women Magazine), 904 Lon Ma Lay magazines; Captain Tha Sein, 358 novels, Pro-rector Dr Ba Myint (Retd) of Yangon Institute of Technology, 546 varieties of magazines respectively. Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aung Thein accepted the donations and presented the certificates of honour. He also spoke words of thanks.
Three footballers honoured
Yangon, 8 March - A ceremony to honour three footballers of Tagun Club, a first division football club, who had taken part in U-17 and U-20 Myanmar youth selected teams which won Gold and Silver medals in respective tournaments was held at the Oriental House Restaurant on Myoma Kyaung Street this evening.
It was attended by Patron of the football club Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Managing Director of News and Periodicals Enterprise of the Ministry of Information U Tin Kha, Chairman of Kanbawza Bank Ltd U Aung Ko Win, journalists, the manager and the coach of the football club, footballers and others.
Maj-Gen Kyaw Win explained the purpose of the ceremony. He said the ceremony was to honour Kyaw Khaing Win of U-20 team and Han Win Aung and Tun Min Oo of U-17 team.
He also said that another team like Tagun club will emerge soon. It is Kanbawza team, which will take part in second division soccer tournament in the coming football season. The two teams will participate with the aim of turning out new generation footballers who can enhance the prestige of the nation. Then, queries raised by the journalists were replied to and dinner was hosted.
( 7 ) Commander looks into regional
development tasks
Yangon, 8 March - Chairman of Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council North-East Command Commander Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing, accompanied by officials, inspected Hsinshwewa summer paddy fields in Phinekyaung Village, Muse Township, on 4 March morning.
The commander cordially met with local farmers and fulfilled their requirements.
At 10 am, the commander proceeded to Kunlon Village in Namhkam Township and inspected cultivation of summer paddy and progress of land preparation. The manager of Township Myanma Agriculture Service conducted round the commander there.
The commander gave instructions on timely cultivation of crops and the boosting of per-acre yield by strictly following 10 methods. The commander also fulfilled the requirements of the farmers.
Then, the commander arrived at Shweli suspension bridge and inspected construction of the road leading to Shweli Hydel Power Project. At the project site, Managing Director of Asia World Co U Tun Myint Naing and officials reported on progress of work in construction of a 28-mile earth road linking Tinlon Village in Namhkam Township with the project site and implementation of the project. The commander gave necessary instructions and fulfilled the requirements.
Afterwards, the commander and party inspected the project site.
Shweli Hydel Power Project is aimed at generating power by harnessing Shweli River and supplying sufficient power to Lashio and other regions along the Union Highway.
In the evening, the commander arrived at Muse. He inspected the construction of Muse Guest House and left necessary
Commander inspects regional development
work in Thabaung
Yangon, 8 March-A ceremony to conclude Course No 1/2002 on National Culture and Morals jointly organized by South-West Command and the Religious Affairs Department was held at Ayeyawady Hall of the command on 7 March morning. It was attended by Chairman of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Commander of South-West Command Brig-Gen Htay Oo and wife, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Tint Swe and senior military officers and their wives, officers of battalions and units, family members of Tatmadawmen and 86 female trainees.
The commander made a speech on the occasion and presented prizes to the outstanding trainees. Then, the deputy commander presented completion certificates to the trainees and gifts to course instructors through officials. Then, the ceremony came to an end.
Later, the commander attended the work coordination meeting of Ayeyawady Division General Administration Department at the meeting hall of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Office. Division Commissioner U Than Win reported on the work done and the commander attended to the needs.
Afterwards, the commander, accompanied by officials proceeded to Myo Oo Pahtamapyan Sarthintaik in Thabaung where they paid obeisance and presented offertories to Sayadaw Bhad-danta Kelasa.
And the commander inspected progress of construction of Parahita Gayha.
Next, the commander, accompanied by officials,
arrived at Kanyin Chaung Dhamma Beikmen Sarthin-taik in Thabaung where they paid obeisance and presented offertories to Township Sangha Nayaka Sayadaw Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Vizaya. The commander
inspected construction of the
ordination hall and fulfilled the requirements. Then, the commander inspected construction work along Thabaung-Yaynatha road. On arrival at the 12th Mile camp, officials reported to the commander on progress of work and the commander attended to the needs.
( 8
) Minister meets Myanmar U-20 football team
Yangon, 8 March - Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint met the Myanmar youth football team led by Director of the Sports and Physical Education Department U Than Zaw at the National Indoor Stadium-1 in Thuwunna this afternoon.
The Myanmar team will take part in the U-20 Asia Youth Group 11 Qualifier to be held in Singapore from 13 to 17 March this year. Also present were Director-General of SPED President of the Myanmar Football Federation U Thaung Htaik and officials. First, the minister was introduced to the participants of the Myanmar team individually. Then, the minister made a speech.
The manager of the Myanmar team and officials reported on preparations for the qualifier. The minister gave necessary instructions and greeted the players.
The Myanmar team comprises Director U Than Zaw as manager, U Khin Maung Tint as chief coach, U Aye Kyu as assistant-coach, Dr Oat Soe Oo
as medical officer and 18 footballers. The Myanmar team will be in
action against Singaporean team on 13 March and against Chinese team
on 15 March.
___________________________ ( 9
Drug traffickers sentenced
Yangon, 8 March - A combined squad of members of local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, acting on a tip-off, searched Kan Htoo and Win Thein who were at the tea shop in the compound of railway hospital at Zaygon East Ward, Insein Township, here on 3 September 2001.
The authorities arrested the two together with 4 packages of marijuana weighing 1.992 kilos in their possession.
Action was taken against Kan Htoo, 44, son of U Tun Shwe of No 504, Pawhsanmwe Road, Hlinethaya Township and Win Thein, 52, son of U Pain of No 1942, Zabuyadana 3rd Street, Phawkan Ward, Insein Township, Zaw Min Hteik, 19, son of U Aung Than of Tinminnyinaung Road, Aung Soe Moe Ward, Kyaukkyi, Kyaw Myint, 23, son of U Hla Moe of Yepaukgyi Village, Zalon Township, Min Lwin, 30, son of U Ei of East Gyokon Ward Insein, and Aye Aye Khine, 31, daughter of U Tun Ngwe of Aphyauk Village, Nyaungdon Township under Section 15/19(A)/20(A)/21 of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Insein Police Station in connection with the seizure of the drug.
Kan Htoo was sentenced to 25 years in prison under Section 19 (A), Win Thein, Zaw Min Hteik, Kyaw Myint and Aye Aye Khine to 25
years' imprisonment each under Section 19 (A)/21, Min Lwin to 5 years in prison under Section 15 and 25
years' imprisonment under Section 19 (A)/21 to serve separately by
Yangon North District Court on 28 February 2002.