1 ) Chemicals used in producing
amphetamine tablets not available nor produced in Myanmar
DEA acknowledges poppy cultivation, opium
production decreasing in Myanmar
Yangon, 6 March- Secretary-1 of the State Peace
and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt delivered an address at
the Special Meeting No 1/2002 of the Central Committee for Drug
Abuse Control at the meeting hall of the Ministry of Home Affairs at
2.30 pm today.
Also present at the meeting were ministers,
the Chief Justice, the Attorney-General, deputy ministers, senior
military officers, members of CCDAC, officials of the State Peace
and Development Council Office, heads of department, members of the
work groups and guests. Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt said Myanmar
has been launching the anti-narcotic drugs and narcotic drugs
elimination programmes with greater momentum since 1988. As there
were armed groups in the jungles, the previous governments were not
able to effectively and successfully wipe out the narcotic drugs
despite the operation Moe Hein they had launched to eradicate the
narcotic drugs. After 1988, the State was able to make efforts for
the armed groups to return to the legal fold and arrangements to
develop the border areas. The State has created opportunities for
the national race armed groups to set up industrial, gems,
agricultural and livestock breeding enterprises. It has also
provided assistance and disburse bank loans to them. As members the
groups can now lay firm economic foundation for their businesses,
the border areas they are living in are also achieving progress. Due
to the encouragement given by the colonialist government, poppy
cultivation began in Myanmar during the colonial period.
Drug manufacturing business such as opium
production and refining heroin grew gradually during the time. The
government laid down and implemented border area development plans
and at the same time, it has systematically launched campaigns to
root out the narcotic drugs. For two years, the 15-year narcotic
drugs elimination plan has been systematically drawn and
implemented. As the national races residing in the border areas have
been educated and organized, they are now actively taking part in
the task to eradicate the narcotic drugs.
Wa national race leaders have made a firm pledge
to totally wipe out the drugs from their land by the year 2005.
Similarly, the Kokang national race leaders have made a firm pledge
to rid their region of the narcotic drugs. And leaders of both
national races are striving to do so. Mongla region has been
declared to the world as an Opium Free Zone since 1997. The leaders
of Wa national race have set up agriculture and livestock breeding
enterprises with zeal and correct ideas for progress of their
people. The enterprises are now producing import-substitute items
and are also exporting goods. Myanmar signed the ASEAN Plus China
Accord Plan in 2000. The nation is enhancing cooperation with the
ASEAN nations and the People's Republic of China.
Myanmar and PRC signed an agreement in Yangon in
January 2001 to cooperate in eradicating the drugs. Now the two
nations are closely cooperating with each other to wipe out the
drugs. Similarly, Myanmar signed an MoU with Thailand in June 2001
to collectively control the narcotics. In coordination with the Thai
government, model villages have been set up at the border areas as a
project to wipe out poppy cultivation at the border. Modern
communication facilities have been set up among the bodies of six
countries which have signed an MoU to establish central
organizations to gather information of the drugs. Japan
International Cooperation Agency is providing assistance to
cultivate buckwheat as an opium-substitute crop. As the project is
achieving success, plans are under way to extend buckwheat
The CCDAC of Myanmar and DEA of the US are
conducting joint studies. It is known that the DEA has made a remark
that poppy cultivation and opium production are decreasing in
Myanmar. There were accusations from outside the nation saying that
Mongyun had drug refineries; but when the accusers from foreign
nations were invited to visit the town, they found only the hydel
power stations and the markets at the places which they had alleged
to be drug refineries. Myanmar has laid down and implemented the
15-year plan to wipe out the drugs. It is not implementing the task
with short-term view. But some big western countries are launching
slanders against Myanmar, saying that Myanmar is the largest
narcotic drugs producer and distributor; and that its efforts to
wipe out the drugs are without any effect.
As the nation is actively conducting
anti-drug activities, it cannot accept the slanders. Some big
western countries are pointing a finger at Myanmar and accusing her
of the nation producing largest amount of amphetamine tablets. But
the accusation is not fair.
Chemicals used in refining the amphetamine
tablets are not available nor produced in Myanmar. They entered
Myanmar via the neighbouring countries. Thus, we trust that they
should made an assessment on their accusations from the objective
point of view. These big countries has never provided any assistance
to Myanmar to wipe out the drugs, instead they were launching
slanders against her. However, Myanmar has made a determination to
let the world know her efforts to eliminate the narcotic drugs by
her own strength, which have been designated as a national task. The
nation destroyed poppy fields at the border areas in the early 2002.
The government is distributing provisions to the people whose poppy
fields have been destroyed. It will also render help for them to
earn their living. The national races leaders are actively taking
part from the respective sectors to implement the 15-year plan under
the leadership of the State.
Thus, the plan will surely achieve success.
All are required to harmoniously strive in accord with the plan and
to refute the slanders from outside the nation. Then, Chairman of
the Central Committee for Drugs Abuse Control Minister for Home
Affairs Col Tin Hlaing reported the Secretary-1 on growing of
short-term and long-term poppy-substitute crops in Wa and Kokang
regions, cooperative effort of the local people for drug elimination
with the State, condition on cooperation of local authorities and
officials from state/division CCDACs for the success of the 15-year
drug elimination plan, hosting of the meeting in Myanmar on drug
elimination of high ranking officials from China, Laos, Myanmar and
Thai, attendance of Myanmar delegation at the ministerial meeting on
drug control of the four countries held at Beijing in China, the
fruits of the meeting, destroying of poppy plantations and seizure
of drugs, drug control tasks being launched under the arrangements
of the CCDAC and the UNDCP, conducting of educative courses for
students on drug control and elimination with the help of the WHO,
future tasks for success of drug elimination tasks of the CCDAC and
Work committees in accordance with the guidance of Head of State.
Afterwards, Secretary of CCDAC
Director-General of MPF Col Soe Win briefed on work done for
implementing the decisions of the meeting 2/2002 of the committee.
Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and
Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt reported the Secretary-1 on
projects on drugs elimination and region-wise tasks of the ministry
for development of border areas. Then, officials from work
committees briefed on distribution of seeds for growing of
poppy-substitute project and chicken, piglets and fish, tasks for
rehabilitation of drug-users, conducting of educative courses for
students and public, condition on opium yield survey made at
Namkhait, Mongshu, Tangyan, Naunghlaing, Shauk-or and Lonhtan
regions in Shan State. The Secretary-1 made a concluding speech. He
said the successes of drugs elimination tasks were known due to the
reports of the committee and work committees and a large amount of
cash used by the State in drugs elimination sector has contributed
to success of the tasks. The ministries also took part in the tasks
with their own plans. Progress has been achieved due to the efforts
of deputy ministers who led special groups and went down to the
grassroots level for drugs elimination task and national race
leaders' active participation in the task, he said. Now, it is
learnt that production of drug like heroin, which is based on poppy,
has decreased while that of amphetamine has increased. This clearly
shows the declination of cultivation and production of poppy.
Our country does not produce chemicals used in
producing amphetamine tablets and they come in through the
neighbouring countries. So prohibition of these chemicals are to be
proposed, he added. Prevent the chemicals from entering our country
must be done because amphetamine cannot be produced without having
raw chemicals. Tasks for penalizing drug criminals have been carried
out in the country and these tasks are to be made known to the
world. Success has been achieved in training the drug-addicted
youths to be good ones and giving them vocational education, and
efforts are to be made for more success, he pointed out. Nationals
grew poppy for their living not for economy. Rice, oil and others
are to be supported to them in destroying poppy plantation. Earnest
efforts are to be made for the success of the 15-year drug
elimination project, he added. In conclusion, the Secretary-1 urged
officials to make organizing tasks for the success of drug
elimination task within the set period. Then, the meeting came to a
( 2 ) Loinanpha Dam opened in Dimawhso to irrigate over 2,000 acres
Yangon, 6 March- A ceremony to inaugurate Loinanpha Dam, built by Irrigation Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, was held at the pandal near the dam in Loinanpha Village, Dima-whso Township, Kayah State, yesterday.
Present on the occasion were Chairman of Kayah State Peace and Development Council Brig-Gen Nyunt Hlaing, Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation U Ohn Myint, the Secretary of Kayah State Peace and Development Council and officials, the deputy director-general of ID and officials, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Auxiliary Fire Brigade and Red Cross, Working Committee for Women's Affairs, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, teachers, students, dance troupes and local people from Dimawhso and Phruso townships totalling over 6,000.
First, Chairman of Kayah State Peace and Development Council Brig-Gen Nyunt Hlaing gave an opening address. He said that the Government has been laying down and implementing plans for bringing about all-round development in the whole country. For extension of agricultural tasks, the Government has been building dams and reservoirs spending huge sums of funds, he said. He continued to say that by opening the Loinanpha Dam, agricultural works can now be extended further in Kayah State.
Loinanpha Dam will irrigate 2,150 acres of land, he said. He also said that dams, reservoirs and irrigation facilities in Kayah State including the Loinanpha Dam will supply water to over 36,000 acres of cultivated land. He pointed out that serious attention be paid for boosting agricultural produces while water is supplied sufficiently. He also urged the local populace to actively participate in regional development works of the Government. He called on the local people to collectively strive for durability of the new dam.
Next, Deputy Minister U Ohn Myint explained the opening of the Loinanpha Dam with the aim of ensuring extended cultivation of crops in the region.
Kayah State USDA Secretary U Kyaw Swe spoke words of thanks.
Next, Deputy Minister U Ohn Myint presented gifts to national race leader U Tun Kyaw of Kayah State Special Region-2 for their contribution to the construction of the dam.
Afterwards, Brig-Gen Nyunt Hlaing unveiled the stone inscription of the dam.
Then, Brig-Gen Nyunt Hlaing and Deputy Minister U Ohn Myint formally opened the dam. They cordially met with those present and visited the dam.
Loinanpha Dam was built on Tikellya Creek near Loinanpha village, Demawhso Township, Kayah State. The earthen dam, 60 feet high and 1,690 feet long, has 1,300 acre-feet of water capacity. The dam has one main canal, 10 feeder canals and 172 small canals.
The construction tasks of the dam in 1999-2000 and it was constructed at a cost of K 209.875 million. The dam will irrigate 2,150 acres of land. Moreover, a lake was built in the village with siphon method for ensuring supply of drinking water in the rural area.
As the Government builds and opens dams and reservoirs annually after 1988, the newly-opened Loinanpha Dam is the 131st dam of the
( 3 )
Regional development tasks inspected in Ayeyawady Division
Yangon, 6 March - Members of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and Maj-Gen Maung Bo of the Ministry of Defence, accompanied by Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads, fishery entrepreneurs and officials, arrived at Pathein on 4 March morning.
They were welcomed there by Chairman of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Commander of South-West Command Brig-Gen Htay Oo, Chairman of Pathein District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Maung Pyone and officials.
Then, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party, together with Brig-Gen Htay Oo, went to the Myat-mawtinsun Hsan-dawshin Pagoda in Ngapu-daw Township, Pathein District, where they were welcomed by Staff Officer (Grade I) Cmdr Tun Tun of local Naval Regional Command, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Red Cross Society and Auxiliary Fire Brigade and local residents.
The fishery entrepreneurs donated cash for renovation of the pagoda. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party paid homage and offered provisions to Mawtintawya Kyaungtaik Sayadaw Bhad-danta „anobhasa.
U Htay Myint of Yuzana Co donated K 600,000 to the Kyaungtaik; U Zaw Zaw of Max Myanmar Co K 500,000; U Hla Than of Pyi Phyo Tun Co and U Than Win Aung of Pale Nadi Co K 200,000 each; and U Tun Hla Baw of Myanmar Dairy Industries Ltd, U Kyee Sein of Shwekhayu Co, U Hla Maung Shwe of Golden Family Co, U Mya Han of Fortune International Co and U Thet Aung of Winner Brother Co K 100,000 each through the commander and officials.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party proceeded to Haingyi Island in Ngapudaw Township. They were welcomed there by Captain Aye Pe of local Naval Regional
Command, departmental personnel and others.
They inspected the sea prawn breeding station being undertaken by Annawa Aungmye Co Ltd at the island.
They also inspected Haigyi Police Station and its vegetable plantations and Haigyi PeopleÕs Hospital.
At Ngayokegaung Village in Ngapudaw Township, they met with local authorities, members of USDA, MCWA and Red Cross Society and Auxiliary Fire Brigade and gave instructions on implementation of the five rural development tasks, construction of rural roads, agriculture and breeding of fish and prawn for the development of the village.
They headed for the Chaungtha Beach Hotel and met with local authorities, departmental officials and prawn breeders and discussed extended breeding of sea prawn.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than spoke of the need for placing emphasis on extended breeding of fresh water prawn, sea prawn and fresh water fish. He urged national fishery entrepreneurs to extend modern and scientific breeding of prawn and fish, and to disseminate and discuss scientific breeding methods. He elaborated on paying serious attention to carrying out tasks for extended breeding of prawn and fish without damaging farm lands and gardens which are thriving. Local authorities and departments concerned are to render assistance and national fishery entrepreneurs are to strive for extended prawn and fish breeding, he pointed out. The State will attend to the requirements, he added.
Then, Commander Brig-Gen Htay Oo reported on economic development of the Division; Minister Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein on aims and functions of the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, prawn sector and meat and fish sector; and prawn breeders on breeding and production of sea prawn and future tasks.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and Maj-Gen Maung Bo gave necessary instructions.
They inspected the shrimp fry hatchery station of the Universal Concord Co Ltd in Chaungtha, Pathein Township, and Mayflower Fish and Prawn Breeding Station and gave instructions.
Yesterday morning, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party inspected progress of construction of international standard Hotel Max in the Chaungtha Beach Resort.
They then arrived at the Yuzana prawn breeding group (Po Maung Gyaing Station) in Ngwehsaung region, Pathein Township. Chairman of the station U Htay Myint conducted them round the station and reported on work being done. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than left instructions.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party inspected the sea prawn breeding at Bawdigon station and Alechaung station of the group.
Later, they visited sea prawn breeding stations of the Golden Family Co Ltd and Shwekhayu Co Ltd near Thazin Village and the sea prawn breeding station of May Myanmar Co Ltd near Thazin Creek.
They inspected conditions of the development of Ngwehsaung region from the Ngwehsaung Beach Hotel.
Then, they inspected progress in constructing Darka bridge on Darka River, which links Paikthaung Village in Kangyidaunt Township and Yathechaung Village in Kyaunggon Township. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than gave necessary instructions to the officials concerned.
They arrived back here in the evening.
MWVO Central Organizing Committee holds meeting
Yangon, 6 March- The Myanmar War Veterans Organization Central Organizing Committee held Meeting No 2/2002 at the meeting hall of the headquarters of Myanmar War Veterans Organization at 8th mile on Pyay Road in Mayangon Township at 2 pm today, attended by member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of MWVO Central Organizing Committee Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein.
Also present at the meeting were ministers, deputy ministers, the vice-chairman of Yangon City Development Committee vice-mayor, members of the MWVOCOC, departmental heads and officials.
First, Central Organizing Committee Chairman Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein gave an opening address. Then, Secretary Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung reported on the minutes of the previous meeting and completion of tasks.
COC members Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Minister for Science and Technology U Thaung, Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein and Deputy Minister for Labour Brig-Gen Win Sein reported on organization, finance, economic and health sectors related to the five tasks of the Committee. Next, organization group leaders reported on tasks being carried out in the respective sectors and those present took part in the discussions.
COC Chairman Maj-Gen Thein Sein gave necessary instructions and the meeting came to an end.
After the meeting, Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein inspected the specialist clinic of Myanmar War Veterans Organization (Central) and left necessary instructions.
( 4 ) Regular
Press conference held
Yangon, 6 March - A regular Press conference with local and foreign journalists took place at the Tatmadaw guest house on Inya Road here this morning.
Present at the meeting were Minister for Labour U Tin Winn, Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Brig-Gen Khin Aung Myint and senior military officers of the Ministry of Defence, departmental heads, officers of the Ministry of Information, Correspondent U Sein Win of Kyodo News Agency, Myanmar Foreign Correspondents Club Patron U Hla Htwe and President U Sao Kai Hpa, foreign correspondents, and guests.
On the occasion, Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, U Khin Maung Win and officials
replied to the queries of journalists.
In his replies, Maj-Gen Kyaw Win said with respect to receiving Myanmar citizens working in Thailand illegally, the two governments are coordinating in view of maintaining mutual friendship; and the date to accept them has already been fixed; however, some of them are returning home before the scheduled date, and hence, a reception camp has been opened in Myawady beginning 5 February 2002. So far, over 800 Myanmar citizens have returned and medical check-up and cash assistance were provided to them; those who have come back have been sent back home safe and sound.
Some Thai newspapers carried the news that some Myanmar families were killed in Thai border area. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has requested the Thai Government to make an effective investigation into the issue as it is a criminal case, he said.
He also disclosed that recently, some fake K 1,000 currency notes, which were smuggled into Myanmar through the border area where Kayin insurgents resided, were seized; action is being taken to expose those who are guilty; there is no need to worry as all of the fake currency notes have been seized; moreover, the rumour to the effect that the Government will circulate K 5,000 and K 10,000 currency notes is untrue; the rumour to the effect that some of the currency notes will be demonetized is also untrue; as it has been already announced time and again, the State Peace and Development Council Government will not demonetize currency notes in any way, he said.
Next, Lt-Col Hla Min of the Ministry of Defence gave replies to queries concerning the annual report on international human right released on 4 March by the government of USA. Then, the regular Press conference came to an end. Afterwards, local and foreign journalists viewed the documentary photos on reception of Myanmar workers in Myawady who returned from Thailand.
( 5 ) Deputy Ministry U Khin Maung Win leaves for Thailand
Yangon, 6 March - Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win left here for Thailand by air this evening to attend the Fifth Meeting of Myanmar-Thailand Joint Boundary Committee to be held in Bangkok, Thailand.
He was seen off at the Yangon International Airport by officials from the ministry and officials from the Royal Thai Embassy in Yangon.
The advance team of Myanmar delegation comprising officials from the ministry, the Ministry of Defence and departments concerned left here for Thailand yesterday to attend the Senior Officers Meeting of Joint Boundary Committee. The Myanmar delegation will hold discussions with Thai counterpart on matters related to boundary between the two countries.
13 Myanmar bodies found in Thailand
Yangon, 6 March -Today's issue of the Nation expressed in its headlines that 13 bodies of Myanmar were found in Thailand and police suspected that the victims were beaten and drowned. Children were among the dead.
The paper said Thai Police launched an investigation into the brutal killings of 13 people including five children and some with heavily bruised bodies who are found in rice sacks on a waste site in Muang District.
Police rushed to the scene after being alerted by a local villager. Provincial Deputy Police Commander Pol Col Pinit Satcharoen said that some of the victims had broken necks and severe bruises, while others appeared to have drowned.
Their clothes were still wet and their bodies bore no trace of gunshot or knife wounds, Pinit said, adding that some were also suspected of having been poisoned.
The victims were a man, seven women, three boys and two girls. They were believed to have been dead for at least eight hours but less than 24 hours before being discovered, Pinit said.
The rice sacks containing the bodies were dumped under sacks of fertilizer and animal waste.
We are still looking for more evidence at the scene," Pinit said.
Police found tyre track traces near the scene, leading them to believe the victims were murdered elsewhere and moved to the site by truck before being dumped.
Police suspect those killed were Myanmar immigrants as they wore longyi,
Myanmar sarongs. A note written in Myanmar and Myanmar bank notes were found among the bodies. Several local villagers told police that the dead were possibly workers from a nearby construction site.
Police said they were transporting the bodies to the Police Hospital in Bangkok for autopsies. Prachin Buri Governor, Chaijit Rattakajorn, said the sacks were produced in Samut Prakan and were imprinted with a logo from the Krungthep Animal Food Co.
The murders come at a time when the government is trying to encourage employers of Myanmar workers to join a registration programme, allowing the government to better ascertain the number of Myanmar workers in Thailand. Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Chavalit Yongchaiyudh said he believed the victims were Myanmar nationals working illegally in Thailand.
Last month, 20 corpses, believed to be ethnic Myanmar, were found floating downstream in a river along the Thai-Myanmar border in Tak's Mae Sot District.
Last October, the labour Ministry registered around 560,000 of an estimated two million illegal workers in an effort to control the flow.
( 6 ) Minister for Hotels & Tourism
receives foreign guests

Yangon, 6 March - Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin received Chairman of Yangon International Hotel Mr Koki Onodera and President/CEO of L & M International Co (Korea) Mr Lee Jong Man at his office at
10 am and 11 am today respectively.
Also present at the call were Deputy Minister for Hotels and Tourism Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu, Managing Director of the Myanma Hotels and Tourism Services U Kyi Tun and
Maha Thingyan Festival to be held on grand scale
Yangon, 6 March -Myanma traditional Ozi, Dobat, Yein and dance contests will be held at Yangon Mayor's Maha Thingyan pandal (1363 ME) in the Thingyan Festival and handsome prizes will be awarded.
The contests are 12-member Yein troupe for nursery schools and 12-member troupe, 16-member troupe, 20-member troupe and 24-member troupe for offices, schools and other organizations.
Application forms for the contests are available on the fourth floor (Inspection Department Office) of the nine-storey building on 38th Street in Kyauktada Township from 8 to 18 March during office hours.
Pre-contests will be held at the sports stadium in Maugon. For further information, contact the head of department (Tel: 286612,
09-9926931) and the deputy head of department (Tel: 278003) of the inspection department on 38th street and the office of temporary assessment work committee in Maugon (Tel: 292715, 299401), assistant heads of department of the inspection department (Tel: 289508, 276715) and the office (Tel: 274822).
Cash donated to CCDAC
Yangon, 6 March - A ceremony to donate cash to the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control was held at the reception hall of the Narcotic Drug Elimination Museum this evening.
Present on the occasion were Chairman of CCDAC Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, Chairman of CCDAC Supervisory Committee Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, Secretary of CCDAC Director-General of Myanmar Police Force Police Maj-Gen Soe Win and officials.
On the occasion, Chairman & Managing Director of Pinya Manufacturing Co Ltd U Kyi Lwin and Managing Director of Penisula Enterprise U Than Lwin explained the purpose of the donation. Afterwards, Chairman & Managing Director U Kyi Lwin presented K 3,000,000 and Managing Director U Than Lwin K 500,000 to Minister Col Tin Hlaing who spoke words of thanks.
( 7 ) Chief of Armed Forces Training inspects drills of military columns at Myoma Grounds

Yangon, 6 March- Chairman of the Leading Committee for Observance of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day member of the State Peace and Development Council Chief of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Kyaw Win inspected parade drills of military columns at Myoma Grounds this morning.
At 6.30 am, Chairman of the Leading Committee member of the State Peace and Development Council Chief of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Kyaw Win arrived at Myoma Grounds where he was welcomed by Vice-Chiefs of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Win Myint, Brig-Gen Aung Kyi and Brig-Gen Thein Swe, Best Cadet Selection and Prize Presentation Committee Chairman Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, Chairman of Security Committee Deputy Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Hsan Hsint, senior military officers and officials.
First, Maj-Gen Kyaw Win inspected parade drills of the columns.
Under the command of Parade Commander Brig-Gen Hla Tun and Reserve Parade Commander Col Than Htay, Anawrahta Column led by Col Thaung Shwe, Kyansittha Column led by Col Tin Hla, Bayintnaung Column led by Col Khin Maung Win, Nawade Column led by Col Han Sein, Aungzeya Column led by Col Khin Maung Latt, Hsinbyushin Column led by Col Myo Thant, Bandoola Column led by Col Aung Min, Myawady Column led by Col Hla Moe and Aung San Column led by Col Thoung Zin and members of Myanmar Police Force, Fire Services Department and Red Cross Society participated in the parade drills. Then, the Leading Committee Chairman gave necessary instruction and left Myoma Grounds at 10 am.
Next, Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, accompanied by Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe, Vice-Chiefs of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Win Myint, Brig-Gen Aung Kyi and Brig-Gen Thein Swe, Vice-Quartermaster-General Brig-Gen Htin Aung Kyaw and officials went to Maintenance Base in Mingaladon Township at 3.30 pm and inspected hostels of Hsinbyushin Column.
Hsinbyushin Column Commander Col Myo Thant reported on accommodation of companies of the column and welfare tasks.
Afterwards, the Leading Committee Chairman inspected dining halls, hostels, welfare shops and the information unit for respective companies and gave necessary instructions. Then, Maj-Gen Kyaw Win proceeded to Defence Services Orthopaedic Hospital (500-bed) where Bandoola Column Commander Col Aung Min reported on accommodation of companies of the column and welfare tasks. Later, Maj-Gen Kyaw Win inspected dining halls, hostels, welfare shops and the information unit for respective companies and attended to their needs. He left the hospital at 5
Commanders, minister inspect construction tasks of airports
Yangon, 6 March -Commander of North-East Command Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing and Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, accompanied by officials, inspected sites for extended runway of the airport in Lashio and stone grinding tasks yesterday morning. Managing Director of Asia World Co U Tun Myint Naing and officials explained extension of the runway with the use of the charts and the commander and the minister gave necessary instructions.
Commander of North-West Command Brig-Gen Soe Naing and the minister in the evening arrived at Monywa airport where Director-General of the Department for Civil Aviation U Win Maung reported on current condition of the runway of the airport and extension of the runway to the south and north.
Next, the commander and the minister viewed along the runway by car.
Then, they inspected the sites to extend the runway and officials reported to them on the condition of earth and environs.
The commander and the minister met with divisional officials at the hall of North-West Command Office this morning. They then discussed matters pertaining to the dried-up U-ru Creek. Officials of Directorate of Water Resources and Improvement of River Systems also reported on condition of Myintha-Yepawmee-Shwedwin Road with the use of the map. Then, the commander and the minister gave necessary instructions.
Afterwards, they inspected the grinder in Shapyay Village from which stones can be obtained.
Then, together with Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Soe Myint, the minister paid homage to Bawditithtaung Sayadaw and made cash donations. He also inspected construction of the standing Buddha image and fulfilled the needs.
This evening, the minister, accompanied by Director-General U Win Maung, inspected the construction of the building, where machinery is to be stored, at Mandalay International Airport and construction of the head office.
MV Seabourn Sun arrives
Yangon, 6 March - Under the supervision of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism, the Ministry of Transport and the Myanmar International Thilawa Terminal and with the arrangement of the Insight Myanmar Tourism Co Ltd, MV Seabourn Sun with 530 passengers and 451 crew arrived at MITT in Thanlyin this morning.
Officials concerned from the ministries and the company welcomed the crew and visitors there.
The visitors toured around Yangon today. They will visit Bagan tomorrow and
leave Myanmar on 8 March.
( 8
U-20 beat U-17 2-1 in special tune-up
Yangon, 6 MarchÑÊUnder the arrangement of Myanmar Olympic Committee, the Myanmar youth team which won the silver medal and the fair play award in the ASEAN U-20 Football Tournament met against another Myanmar youth team which won the gold medal and the fair play award in the ASEAN U-17 Football Tournament at the Youth Training Centre in Thuwunna at 4 pm today.
The U-20 team beat the U-17 team 2-1.
Tint Naing Tun Thein of the U-20 opened the scoring in the 25th minute in the first-half and Soe Lin Tun of the same team scored the second in the 10th minute in the second-half. The lone goal of the U-17 was scored by Kyaw Swa Win in the 28th minute.
The two teams will take part in the Asian Youth's Cup qualifiers soon.
___________________________ ( 9
) Poppy plantation destroyed in Phakant
Yangon, 6 March - A combined team comprising local Tatmadawmen, members of intelligence unit, Myanmar Police Force, Kachin State Special Region (2), departmental personne and local people, acting on a tip-off, destroyed 8.50 acres of poppy plantation cultivated along the Dunbon creek, north of Donbomekha Village, Phakant Township, Kachin
State, on 25 February.
Two marijuana traffickers jailed 15 years each
Yangon, 6 March- A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Bago Special Anti-Drug Squad, acting on information, searched a bus with number plates 3Kha/6544 at Polan check-point in Bago at 3.30 am on 23 November 2000.
They seized 12 kilos of marijuana in the bag of passengers Kyi Soe and Zaw Win.
The Bago Township Police Station No 1 filed Kyi Soe, 33, son of U Pauk Sa of Kyuntan village, Yedashe Township and Zaw Win, 37, son of U Pho Cho, under Sections 15/ 19(A)/ 21 of Narcotic Drugs and Phychotropic Substances Law.
On 23 January 2002, Bago District Court sentenced Kyi Soe and Zaw Win to 15
years' imprisonment each under
Section 19 (A) of Narcotic Drugs and Phychotropic
Substances Law.