1 ) Government will continue to work for development of Union based on collective strength of national people,
opposing all forms of internal and external disturbances
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt meets staff, officials and townselders in Loilem
Yangon, 3 March -Chairman of the Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, accompanied by ministers, the Chief of Staff (Navy), the Chief of Staff (Air), deputy ministers, officials from the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads and officials, left here for Namhsan in Shan State (South) by Tatmadaw aircraft and arrived there at 12.15 pm on 1 March.
The Secretary-1 and party were welcomed at the airport by member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Aung Htwe of the Ministry of Defence, Chairman of Shan State Peace and Development Council Commander of Eastern Command Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint, Commander of Namhsan Station Brig-Gen Kyaw Aung and military officers and civilian officials.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt viewed Panglong Agreement Monument in the Union Monument Ground in Panglong. Then, the Secretary-1 and party arrived at Loilem.
The Secretary-1 met with members of Shan State, Loilem District and Township Peace and Development Councils, district/township level departmental officials, township executives of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, members of social organizations and townselders at Narawat Hall in Loilem at 8 am on 2 March.
Also present on the occasion were Maj-Gen Aung Htwe of the Ministry of Defence, Commander Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint, the Chief of Staff (Navy), the Chief of Staff (Air), deputy ministers, officials from the State Peace and Development Council Office, members of Shan State Peace and Development Council, departmental heads, the chairman and members of Loilem District Peace and Development Council, chairmen and members of Township Peace and Development Councils in the district, Shan State/district/township level departmental officials, members of USDA and social organizations, chairmen and members of village/ward Peace and development Councils and townselders.
Commander Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint reported on the tasks to be carried out according to the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe.

Then, Chairman of Loilem District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Myint Tin reported on development tasks including agriculture, education and health care tasks being carried out in the district.
The Secretary-1 then made a speech.
The Secretary-1 said that his visit to Loilem District where Panglong, the historic place in the national independence struggle, is located, is aimed at bringing benefits to Panglong region as well as Shan State.
In accordance with the guidance of the Head of State to honour Panglong region where the Panglong Agreement which kindled the Union Spirit was signed, one university and two colleges will be opened there and the district hospital will be upgraded to a 200-bed one. As for the Union, Panglong is a place of great significance; in other words, it is the land of victory for the Union.
The leaders of the national races evinced Union Spirit on 12 February 1947, which led to emergence of the Panglong Agreement. Consequently, independence was regained on 4 January 1948. Hence, Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, immediately after the Government took over the State responsibilities in 1988, gave guidance that Panglong region was to be honoured one day. However, due to various reasons, the guidance could not be effectively implemented before; now that favourable conditions such as prevalence of peace and tranquillity and stability and participation of national race leaders have emerged, arrangements can be made to implement it.
The Secretary-1 said that he arrived at Panglong the day before and chose suitable sites for construction of the university and colleges. The university and colleges will be built as soon as possible; Loilem Hospital upgraded to a 200-bed one. As Panglong Hospital was a 16-bed one, it will also be upgraded to a 25-bed one.
The State Peace and Development Council has made relentless efforts in the interests of the nation and the people without caring for self-interests. As a result, the entire nation is peaceful and stable, economic good foundations are gained, every area including border and rural regions are achieving development and socio-economic lives of the people are promoted. These are the undeniable achievements in development endeavours.
In Shan State, motor roads, railroads, river-crossing bridges, hospitals, rural health care centres are built.
Extended opening of universities and colleges for human resources development have been carried out with might and main in northern, eastern and southern Shan State. In addition, border areas and national races development activities have been carried out since 1989 to date in border areas and rural regions.
Now, Shan State has become peaceful and stable and the Secretary-1 and party arrived Panglong to honour it by fulfilling the requirements in human resources development and keeping the people healthy and fit as guided by the Head of State.
To ensure better transportation for the people residing in Panglong and surrounding areas, two flights per week are plying between Namhsan and Yangon. Moreover, the Namhsan-Hsiseng-Taunggyi railroad is expeditiously being built. Those Union Solidarity and Development Association members present at this meeting are to collectively strive for sooner completion of the constructions of the universities and colleges here.
It is to convince the local people of Panglong region that there are 14 States and Divisions in the Union and the Government has been paying attention to develop all States and Divisions equally.
In view of enabling far-flung and rural areas of States and Divisions not to lag behind in development, the border areas development projects are being implemented and the five rural development tasks are being carried out. Emphasis is laid on border areas and rural areas development works in northern, eastern and southern parts of Shan State. Motor roads, river-crossing bridges, airports, hydro-electric power stations, telecommunication stations, TV re-transmission stations, commercial-scale plantations, livestock breeding stations, schools, hospitals, dispensaries and other socio-economic promotion facilities have been built based on the financial strength of the nation.
Now, the Panglong region in Loilem which can be called as central part of Shan State will be facilitated well for not lagging behind in development. On the other hand, it is aimed at honouring the victory land of the Union.
The Government is fulfilling the requirements for ensuring equal development of all regions of the Union with the genuine goodwill and attitude of the parents upon their siblings. The residential national brethren are to join hands with the Government and participate in the regional development works and five rural development tasks. Members of USDA and well-wishing social organizations are also needed to take leading role in making efforts for those development works.
The Government, without taking external assistance, has made endeavours on self-help basis with own financial strength and all are to make efforts for preventing loss and wastage and for ensuring effectiveness.
The Government's regional development works will be very beneficial to Loilem District especially Panglong region. Regional development endeavours could be made by participation of local people hand in hand with the government thanks to national leaders.
While I am about it, I would like to explain national unity and Union Spirit in line with national history.
For a Union like Myanmar which is home for over one hundred national races, spirit of national unity and Union Spirit play vital role in making the Union stand tall.
In other words, long existence of the Union completely depends on eternal unity of national brethren as well as consolidation of Union Spirit among them.
It is natural for every nation and people to have desire for the nation to exist as long as the world exists.
But, we can clearly see for several times ill fate of many nations that disintegrated due to lack of protection and safeguard of national interest with national outlook during a period of half of century.
Although Union of Myanmar is a developed country which is rich in physical wealth, to have a look at mental richness, it is a country where national spirit of preserving cultural heritage, spirit of national unity of national brethren and Union Spirit of living in harmony firmly exist.
There is historical tradition that national people live in union throughout the history of thousands of years. There were also historical examples that national people fought against external disturbances.
This land of Panglong is a firm evidence that mutual respect reliability and mutual interest among national people always prosper.
To have a look at history of Union of Myanmar there was firm historical evidences that the country has past through old stone age, new stone age, bronze age, iron age, city stage age since human being first came to existence.
In the territory which would later become the Union of Myanmar, the national races went round looking for greener pasture in groups and later became the national races such as Kachins, Kayins, Chins, Bamars, Mons, Rakhines and Shans, etc with own traditions, customs and specific racial characteristics in the respective regions.
Along the history, as the national races have lived in unity, the Union has gained the status of a strong nation for three times which was respected by the neighbours. In those times when the national unity was weak, the status of the nation declined and it had to experience external aggressions and invasions. Thus, it is important for all to take note that the spirit of national unity and Union Spirit are vital for enhancing the national prestige and integrity.
When the national unity was weak and the nation lagged behind in development and modernization in comparison with world's nations, she had to encounter foreign aggressions and invasions. After waging three aggressive wars, the nation fell into servitude.
During the colonial period, the colonialists by knowing the might of unity of the national brethren, practised the divide-and-rule system by sowing racial discord among the national brethren and applying different administrative systems in main land and hilly regions.
It can vividly be found in administrative records of the colonialists that in some places, poppy cultivation was introduced, deliberate attempts were made for creating development gaps and discord was sown among the national peoples. However, throughout the colonial period, the national peoples constantly antagonised and fought against the colonialists. The nationalist spirit and patriotism were rekindled and the colonial administration was opposed in various ways and means. But, there can be found many instances that if the national spirit and patriotism in diversity could not achieve success in the national independence struggle. Hence, there had been many times that patriotic persons strove to mobilize the entire national peoples with the nationalist spirit and patriotism.
The most significant point is that the national race leaders got united into oneness and they consolidated the national spirit and Union Spirit at the historic Panglong Conference. We can take pride that the seed of Union Spirit sown at this Panglong Conference later bore fruit of national independence. Hence, the Panglong region which conceived the struggles for independence can be assumed as the victory land of the Union.
However, after regaining independence, the national unity was disintegrated due to racism and suspensions among the national races caused by the colonialists. Armed insurgencies were emerged as evil heritage.
Due to acts of instigation by the colonialist, armed struggle remained for over 40 years, and the nation had to suffer its consequences, and lagged behind others in development. The people had to live in a state of panic for over 40 years. All the people will not be able to forget that experience.
There are many occasions in which the Union was on the verge of collapse, the Union was faced with foreign invasion, and the Union was near disintegration in 1988 when administrative machinery came to a grinding halt and acts of anarchy were rife. And things came to such a pass that there was imminent foreign military invasion. Therefore, the Tatmadaw had to take over the duty of the State under unavoidable circumstances. These are lessons which cannot be deleted from the memory of the people.
Therefore, all the national people need to adopt the attitude that patriotism and nationalistic spirit alone are not enough to perpetuate the Union; national solidarity and Union Spirit need to flourish; moreover, the nation needs to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with others and overcome acts of instigation in unity.
This concept, belief and conviction have been conceived throughout the history of building the nation and safeguarding independence and sovereignty.
Therefore, in the time of the present government, top priority has been given to national reconsolidation with the aim of building up national solidarity and Union Spirit. As a result, armed struggle which lasted over 40 years came to an end, and armed groups returned to the legal fold. Regional development tasks are gaining momentum.
Today, national unity based on mutual understanding, consideration, honesty, forgiveness, trust and mutual reliance has been built up. Consequently, the Union is enjoying stability, peace and tranquillity and development.
At that time, the Government managed to undertake tasks for development of border areas and national races, and border areas where national races reside are thriving, and the living standard of local national people is improving.
In striving for the development of border areas and national races, the Government has implemented plans for development infrastructure pertaining to roads, bridges, energy and communication, social infrastructure related to education, health and public relations and economic infrastructure concerning agriculture, livestock breeding, irrigation, forest and minerals.
The Government has spent K 23,078.93 million on tasks for development of border areas and national races since 1989. The total amount will increase if the expenditure of each ministry is added to it.
About K 12,208.5 million has been spent on construction of roads and bridges in border areas.
So, there are 39 big bridges, 626 medium-sized bridges and 16 small bridges.
In border areas, 40 dams have been built, and 17 are in course of construction.
In the agriculture and livestock breeding sector, 31 agricultural offices, 113 agricultural stations, 19 livestock breeding farms and 41 veterinary clinics have been established.
There are 177 towns which get electricity and eight towns which get hydroelectric power. Eighty-five TV relay stations have been built.
In the communication sector, 53 postal offices, 54 telephone exchanges, 45 telegraphic offices and 11 satellite communication stations have been established, and 45 radio telephones and 21 carrier machines installed.
In the education sector, 366 basic education primary schools, 48 middle schools and 19 high schools have been opened. In the health sector, 46 hospitals, one station health centre, 74 health clinics, 18 rural health centres and 30 rural health clinic branches have been opened.
Today, in accord with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, rural development tasks are being undertaken to expedite development of border areas. Therefore, the entire nation including border areas will develop before long.
The Government is undertaking the tasks for development of border areas and rural areas with the aim of promoting equitable development of the regions of the Union and national races and ensuring the further flourishing of the sense of national solidarity and Union Spirit among national brethren.
The Government is working hard with pure goodwill to improve the living standard of all the national people, to promote the economic development of the nation and to enable the Union to keep abreast with other nations.
Efforts for the development of the nation and the people are being made not for the long-term existence of the Government but for the improvement of living standard of the nation and the people and development of socio-economy among national brethren.
Today, national solidarity is becoming stronger and Union Spirit is flourishing. At this time, all the national people need to join hand with one another to keep these good results in perpetuity.
However, some big nations, which are advocating democracy and human rights for Myanmar, are disturbing the nation-building endeavours of the people.
There are still internal and external disturbances and pressure with the use of distorted facts and information so that the plans of the Government to fulfil the needs of the people and develop human resources cannot meet with success.
Only when the Union can keep pace with others in development and its national economy is strong, will the people be able to live the life of high standard. And a democracy which is free from influence of others will emerge.
Therefore, believing in the collective strength of the national people and opposing all forms of internal and external disturbances, the Government will continue to work for the development of the Union and improvement of national economy and living standard of the people.
If there are no internal and external disturbances, the goal of the State will be achieved in a short time.
In the event of internal and external disturbances, the Government and the people have to try to overcome them, and as a result, the goal will not be able to be achieved in a short time.
Therefore, the national people need to be united under the leadership of the Government and to work hard with Union Spirit so that such good things as peace and tranquillity, unity, honesty and mutual understanding can be maintained.
All the national brethren need to cooperate in safeguarding against acts of sowing discord and interference and disturbance while striving for the further flourishing of national solidarity and Union Spirit.
The Secretary-1 urged local people and those from NGOs such as the Union Solidarity and Development Association and others to cooperate in building Panglong University, Panglong Technological College and Panglong Computer College.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 called on local authorities, departmental employees and local people to cooperate with the Government in striving for regional and economic development and improvement of living standard of the people, to strive to be able to keep national solidarity and Union Spirit flourishing among national people, to make concerted efforts for the perpetual existence of the Union and emergence of a discipline-flourishing democracy, and to cooperate with the Government in striving for the development and prosperity of Panglong region and emergence of Panglong University, Panglong Technological College and Panglong Computer College from whatever roles assigned to them.
On 1 March afternoon, the Secretary-1 and party went to the Union Monument Ground in Panglong.
In the briefing hall, Chairman of Loilem District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Myint Tin reported on maintenance of the Union Monument and the historic place where the Panglong Agreement was signed.
Meeting with townselders and local national people, the Secretary-1 said that Panglong region is an important place of the Union where Union Spirit was conceived.
In 1947, the unity of the Union-born national races was evinced in Panglong region, which led to the regaining of independence.
In addition, it is in Panglong region where all the national brethren opposed the act of sowing discord by the colonialist, and succeeded in building the Union unanimously.
Therefore, since 1988 when the Tatmadaw assumed the duty of State, it has been thinking of appropriate arrangements to honour Panglong region deservedly.
However, as the Government has been making efforts to strengthen national economy and develop the nation, and constant attention has been paid to stability and peace and tranquillity of the nation and development of border areas where national races reside, the aims set for Panglong region has not yet been implemented.
The Secretary-1 added that as the development of the entire nation including border areas is today gaining momentum and the national economy has become strong to some extent, he came to the region to implement the plans of honouring Panglong region according to the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe.
According to the plans, Panglong University, Panglong Technological College and Panglong Computer College will be built; Loilem People's Hospital, upgraded to a 200-bed hospital; and Panglong Station Hospital to a 25-bed hospital.
Therefore, the national people in Panglong region will become strong and healthy; their children, academicians and technicians. They will serve the interests not only of Panglong region but also of the entire Union.
There is a regular flight to Namsang, and a new railroad is being built to link the region with Taunggyi.
So, the plans of the Government for Panglong will materialize in the not-too-distant future, and Panglong region will develop all the more.
Later, the Secretary-1 and party viewed the Panglong Agreement Monument.
On 1 March evening, the Secretary-1 selected the 240-acre site for construction of Panglong University at the exit of Panglong to Leikha and gave instructions on construction work.
The Secretary-1 and party arrived at Loilem and inspected the 40-acre site chosen for construction of Panglong Computer College at the exit of Loilem to Panglong.
Next, the Secretary-1 inspected the 40-acre site chosen for construction of the technological college on the pine hill beside Myakantha Lake at the exit of Loilem to Namsang.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party arrived back to Loilem.
On 2 March evening, the Secretary-1 and party went to Loilem District Hospital.
The Secretary-1 inspected condition of construction of new buildings for the upgrading of Loilem District Hospital to a 200-bed hospital.
Then, he inspected the patient wards.
In the hall of the hospital, Medical Superintendent Dr Maung Maung reported on the location and area of the hospital, the lay-out of the hospital, strength of staff and treatment.
peaking on the occasion, the Secretary-1 said that with a view to ensuring development of Loilem District and emergence of high-qualified human resources in the future, plans have been made for construction of one university and two colleges so as to honour the Panglong region where is the origin of the Union.
Moreover, the Loilem District Hospital will be upgraded into the specialist hospital (200-bed).
Therefore, extended construction will be carried out in upgrading the Loilem District Hospital and specialists, modern surgical equipment and devices for medical treatment will be provided.
Implementation of the regional development plans will contribute to the improvement of social and economic sectors of the whole Loilem District.
The Secretary-1 urged the surgeons and health staff of the district hospital to strive for uplift of health care service to enable the local people to enjoy the flourishing of regional development.
On 1 March afternoon, the Secretary-1 attended the opening ceremony of multimedia teaching centre of Namhsan Basic Education High School in Loilem District.
Also present were member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Aung Htwe of the Ministry of Defence, Chairman of Shan State Peace and Development Council Commander Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint, the ministers, the Chief of Staff (Navy), the Chief of Staff (Air), the deputy ministers, Commander of Namhsan Station Brig-Gen Kyaw Aung, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads, local authorities, departmental personnel, members of USDA, social organizations, wellwishers, the Shan State Education Officer and party, members of the School Board of Trustees and Parent-Teacher Association, Headmistress Daw Tin Nyunt, teachers, students and dance troupes.
Headmistress Daw Tin Nyunt and Chairman of SBT U Sai Kyaw Myint formally opened the multimedia teaching centre.
Then, Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt unveiled the signboard of the multimedia teaching centre.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party inspected the language lab, the computer skill room, the computer aided instruction room, the audio visual room and the reading corner and learning of the students at the centre.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 inspected the art room and the domestic science room.
Then, the Secretary-1 viewed performance of the students at the music room.
The opening ceremony of the multimedia teaching centre followed at the hall of the school.
On behalf of all students, matriculation standard student Ma Nang Su Han spoke on the occasion.
Headmistress Daw Tin Nyunt reported on construction of the multimedia teaching centre and Chairman of SBT U Sai Kyaw Myint on efforts made for emergence of the multimedia teaching centre.
Then, the Secretary-1 accepted K 500,000 for Namhsan BEHS donated by Commander Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint, K 300,000 by U Aung Win of Narai region development group and K 165,000 by U Maha Gyar of Homein region development group.
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe of the Ministry of Defence and Commander Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint accepted K 250,000 by people of Ward 2 in Namhsan, K 250,000 by U Sai Leik of Ward 2 in Namhsan, K 2,662,550 donated by people of Namhsan and K 100,000 by Daw Nang Kyar Yon (Chanmyay family) of Ward 2 in Namhsan.
Afterwards, the headmistress accepted sports gears for the school presented by Chief of Staff (Air) Col Myat Hein through the Ministry of Sports.
Next, the Secretary-1 presented teaching aid tapes for the school to the Headmistress.
Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt said. Promotion of education of youth students who will take future responsibilities plays a key role in building modern developed country.
The Head of State Senior General Than Shwe has given a guidance that education promotion of youths is to be carried placing priority for a nation cannot be set up with nonentities.
In accordance with the guidance of the Head of State, education promotion programmes, special four-year national education promotion plan and long term programmes are being implemented at different levels. Owing to active participation of the people, educational plans and objectives of the State are achieving success.
At present, to accelerate development of the country from grassroots level, five rural area development tasks are being implemented in accordance with the guidance of the Head of State. Education promotion of rural areas is one of these tasks.
The State is making endeavours for development of all sectors including education sector in all regions regardless of their location in the Union formed with 14 states and divisions where national people live in harmony.
In doing so, active participation of local people help gain fruitful outcomes. He called for making concerted efforts for emergence of peaceful, modern and developed nation and prevalence of the State by speeding up existing cooperation. Then, the ceremony came to a close.
After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 and party posed for documentary photograph with members of the school board of trustees, wellwishers, headmistress and teachers and students.
Similarly, Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt attended opening ceremony of multimedia teaching centres held at BEHS Panglong, Loilem Township on 1 March evening.
Also present were Chairman of Shan State Peace and Development Council Commander Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint, members of Loilem District and Township Peace and Development councils, service personnel, members of USDA, social organizations, wellwishers, the education officers of Shan State and members, the school board of trustees, wellwishers, headmistress, teachers, students, the band and dance troupes.
Headmistress Daw Khin Shein and Chairman of the school board of trustees U Sai Ohn Myint formally opened multimedia teaching centres of Panglong BEHS.
Then, the Secretary-1 formally unveiled the signboard of multimedia teaching centres.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party inspected teaching the students at the computer aided instruction room, the computer skill room, the language lab, the audio visual room, the printed media room and the domestic science room.
Later, the Secretary-1 and party viewed skill demonstration of the students at Arts Room.
The Secretary-1 presented a computer set and video tape teaching aids to the headmistress for the school.
Next, the Secretary-1 accepted K 500,000 presented by the commander and K 800,000 by townspeople for the school.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party posed for documentary photograph with members of the school board of trustees, wellwishers, headmistress and teachers and students.
The Secretary-1 proceeded to Panglong Station Hospital where he met with medical superintendent Dr Sao Than Nyunt and the staff.
The Secretary-1 and party arrived back here in the evening after inspecting regional development work in Shan State (South) on second and third March.
On second March, General Secretary of USDA Minister U Than Aung, Secretary Minister U Thaung and CEC members Minister Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Minister Col Tin Hlaing and Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Khin Maung met with secretaries and executives of USDAs from 11 townships in Loilem District and Township at Loilem District USDA Office.
First, Secretary of Loilem District USDA U Sai Pa reported on organizational matters.
Then, General Secretary of USDA Minister U Than Aung and CEC member Minister Brig-Gen Pyi Sone gave instructions on organizational tasks, welfare tasks for the people and regional development
Excerpts from the speech of
Secretary-1 Lt- Gen Khin Nyunt
- As for the Union, Panglong is a place of great significance; in other words, it is the land of victory for the Union.
- Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, immediately after the Government took over the State responsibilities in 1988, gave guidance that Panglong region was to be honoured one day.
- Due to various reasons, the guidance could not be effectively implemented before; now that favourable conditions such as prevalence of peace and tranquillity and stability and participation of national race leaders have emerged, arrangements can be made to implement it.
- It is long ago that fourteen states and divisions constituted the Union; the Government, without discriminating among states and divisions, has paid constant attention to equitable development with the aim of bridging the gap among them.
- The guidance given by the Head of State out of pure goodwill is implemented with the aim of ensuring that Panglong region in Loilem District which can be called the central part of Shan State is not behind other regions in development and honouring
the region, the land of victory of the Union.
- The national brethren from this region
need to cooperate with the Government in undertaking regional
development tasks.
- Efforts for the development of the nation
and the people are being made day and night on humanitarian grounds
and with a sense of patriotism not for the long-term existence of
the Government but for the improvement of living standard of the
nation and the people and development of socio-economy among the
national brethren.
- There are still internal and external
disturbances and pressure with the use of distorted facts and
information so that the plans of the Government to ensure the easy
livelihood of the people and turn out highly-qualified human
resources cannot meet with success.
-Only when the Union can keep pace with
others in development and its national economy is strong, will the
people be able to live the life of high standard. And a democracy
which is free from influence of others will emerge.
-If there are no internal and external disturbances, the goal of the State will be achieved in a short time.
- As for the Union, Panglong region is the land of victory where Union Spirit was conceived.
- It is in Panglong region where all the national brethren opposed the act of sowing discord and pursuasion by the colonialist and succeeded in building the Union unanimously.
- Since 1988 when the Tatmadaw assumed the duty of State, it has been thinking of appropriate arrangements to deservedly honour Panglong region, the land of vicotry
of the Union.
- Panglong University, Panglong Technological College and Panglong Computer College will be built; Loilem People's Hospital, upgraded to a 200-bed hospital; and Panglong Station Hospital, upgraded to a 25-bed hospital.
- So, the plans of the Government for Panglong where the Union was born, will materialize in the not-too-distant future, and Panglong region will develop all the more.
( 2 )
Public and fans accord tumultuous welcome to 22 victorious footballers
Myanmar youth team arrives back from Malaysia
Yangon, 3 March- The Myanmar football team led by Deputy Director-General U Thein Aung of Sports and Physical Education Department arrived back here by air at 3 pm today.
The Myanmar youth team took part in the First ASEAN U-17 Youth Football Tournament held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 19 February to 2 March and won the championship trophy and the fair play award.
The selected Myanmar youth team was welcomed back at Yangon International Airport by Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, Yangon Mayor U Ko Lay, Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Deputy Minister for Hotels and Tourism Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu, Vice-Chairman of MOC Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, leading patrons of the Myanmar Women's Sports Federation, presidents, secretaries and executives of sports federations, athletes and the people.
At the airport, the team was accorded a rousing welcome by athletes of Sports and Physical Education Institute, artistes and fans.
When the plane of Myanma Airways carrying the Myanmar youth team arrived back at the airport at 3 pm, selected Myanmar youth footballer Tun Min Oo descended the plane carrying the Union Flag. Then, the team leader, coaches and players disembarked the plane. They were cordially greeted by the MOC Chairman Minister for Sports, the Mayor, the Deputy Minister for Information, the Deputy Minister for Hotels and Tourism, the leading patrons of the MWSF and officials of the Ministry of Sports.
Next, the team leader, the coaches and the selected youth players left Yangon International Airport.
Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Council Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt welcomed them in front of Yangon University.
The team was accorded tumultous welcome along the route by members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigades, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, film stars and artistes, students and soccer fans of Mayangon, Kamayut, San-gyoung, Dagon, Lanmadaw and Latha townships. In front of Marlar Hostel, officials of Kanbawza Bank Ltd also welcomed the players.
Then, the ceremony to honour the victorious selected Myanmar youth football team was held at Aung San Stadium at 4.45 pm. Present on the occasion were Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Deputy Minister for Hotels and Tourism Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu, Vice-Chairman of MOC Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, leading patrons of the Myanmar Women's Sports Federation, presidents, secretaries and executives of sports federations and soccer fans.
The leading patrons presented flower baskets to the players and the players were introduced to the audience.
Then, the team leader presented the championship trophy and the fair play award to the President of Myanmar Football Federation.
Next, MFF President Director-General U Thaung Htaik of SPED handed over the championship trophy and the fair play award to the Minister for Sports.
Afterwards, the MOC Chairman Minister for Sports delivered an address.
The minister expressed his pleasure for the winning of the championship and fair play award by the Myanmar youth team in the first ASEAN U-17 Youth Soccer Tournament.
In retrospect, the Myanmar youth team won the championship in the Lion Cup Soccer Tournament in Singapore in 1992, and it is for 10 years that the Myanmar youth team did not win the ASEAN championship.
The Lion Cup Soccer Tournament is just an ordinary youth soccer tournament. In the regional soccer tournaments, Myanmar soccer teams have not won any championship for about 30 years.
The Myanmar football team emerged champion two times in Asia soccer tournament in 1966 and 1970,
five times in South-East Asia
Secretary-1 presents US$ 500
soccer tournament in 1965, 1967, 1969, 1971 and 1973, three times in Merdecar soccer tournament in 1964, 1967 and 1971, three times in Patchonhee soccer tournament in 1971, 1972 and 1973 and three times in Jakatar annual soccer tournament in 1971, 1973 and 1974. In 1972, the Myanmar youth team stood first in the Asia zone-2 Olympic qualifier match, and won fair play award at Munich World Olympic.
Afterwards, the Myanmar soccer team did not have any achievement. Now the Myanmar youth team has won the championship of the ASEAN Youth Soccer Tournament. It can be said this achievement is a new step taken to restore the golden era of Myanma soccer.
The Myanmar youth team stood third in the U-23 soccer tournament of the 21st SEA Games held in September 2001, second in the first U-20 soccer tournament held in January 2002 and first in the ASEAN (U-17) soccer tournament. The standard of the Myanmar soccer team is gradually improving. Therefore, all need to continue to strive to win the Asian championship.
A study of the success of the Myanmar youth (U-17) soccer team shows that the team possesses swiftness, team spirit, a sense of discipline and obedience, tenacity and perseverance.
The most outstanding characteristics of the players are the spirit of regarding any other teams as no match for them and the strong spirit of beating any other teams. Therefore, it managed to win every match.
In conclusion, the minister called on all to strive to win the Asian (U-17) qualifier match in which Myanmar, Hong Kong and Singapore will take part.
Then, the Secretary-1 presented US$ 500 each for 22 victorious football players through the MOC Chairman Minister for Sports who met the players individually.
At 5.30 pm, the victorious team met with officials of periodicals and sports writers at the meeting hall of Aung San Stadium.
At the ceremony, the team leader, the chief coach, officials and players answered the queries raised by officials of periodicals and sports
( 3 ) Minister makes field trip of Bago Division
Yangon, 3 March - Minister for Labour and for Culture U Tin Winn, accompanied by Chairman of Social Security Board U Aung Ba Kyi and Director-General of the Department of Archaeology U Nyunt Han, inspected a clinic of the SWB in Nyaunglebin on 1 March morning and met staff of the Labour Department, the Factories and General Labour Laws Inspection Department and SSB of the township at the SSB office. At the meeting the minister gave instructions on health care for workers.
Then, the minister proceeded to Pyu and inspected a clinic of SSB and left instructions on staff welfare.
Afterwards, the minister, together with Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Southern Command Brig-Gen Aung Min, went to the ancient city in Zeyawady. They visited NanOo monastery in the ancient city and paid homage to the Sayadaw. Officials at the ancient city reported the minister and the commander on brief history of the ancient city. Then, the minister and the commander viewed the ancient city. The ancient city was the palace of King Bayintnaung in 912 ME.
At 7 pm, the minister met staff of the department, the board and the committee under the Ministry of Labour in Toungoo and left necessary instructions.
( 4 ) Second meeting of MGE central committee held
Yangon, 3 March - Chairman of the Central Committee for Myanma Gems Emporium Deputy Minister for Mines U Myint Thein and the central committee members viewed jade lots, gem lots, pearl lots, jewellery and jade figurines exhibited at the 39th Myanma Gems Emporium 2002 at the hall of Myanma Gems Emporium on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road this afternoon.
Then, the second meeting of the Central Committee for 39th Myanma Gems Emporium was held. Chairman of the central committee Deputy Minister U Myint Thein made an opening speech at the meeting.
Also present at the meeting were Joint-Secretary of the central committee Director of Myanma Gems Enterprise U Thein Swe
and central committee members. Respective sub-committees reported on
progress of work and replies of merchants to attend the gems
emporium. The chairman and members of the central committee
fulfilled the requirements and the meeting came to a close with
concluding remarks by the chairman.
( 5 ) Rural development tasks
undertaken in Hlegu Township
Yangon, 3 March- Member of the Central Executive Committee of the Union Solidarity and Development Association U Aung Thaung, accompanied by officials from Yangon North District USDA and Hlegu Township USDA, met with villagers of Wayonsun Village, Hlegu Township, for rural developmental reasons at 2 pm today.
Organizers from USDAs of Wayonsun and Swelat Villages, on behalf of villagers, presented 600 USDA membership applications to U Aung Thaung. U Hla Myint, on behalf of the people of Wayonsun Village, reported to the CEC member on their economic, health, education and transportation matters.
Then, CEC member U Aung Thaung fulfilled their requirements and gave instructions. He said the Head of State had urged to pay special priority to the development of rural regions. Laying down the policies for the development of rural regions in sectors such as transportation, water supply, agriculture and livestock breeding, education and health, the association is making field trips to rural regions. As it is required for the rural people to be rich in knowledge, the association has been conducting non-stop courses on languages and multiplier courses with the aim of improving the human resources. Taking rural development affairs as a national concern, people of rural regions, joining hands with members of the association, should carry out the five tasks for faster growth in regions, he stressed.
Afterwards, CEC member U Aung Thaung presented K 100,000 to the headmaster for repairs of a village primary school.
( 6 ) Six Nations Basketball Friendly Contest continues
Yangon, 3 March - Under the arrangements of the Ministry of Sports, the Six Nations Basketball Friendly Contest for 2002, organized by Myanmar Basketball Federation and sponsored by Ayeya Myay group of companies, continued at the National Indoor Stadium-1 in Thuwunna at noon today.
Among the spectators were President of Myanmar Basketball Federation Professor Dr Sein Myint, Vice-President U Thet Oo (Ayeya Myay group of companies), General Secretary U Maung Maung Myint, executives and guests.
In the men's event, Singapore team beat Brunei team 64-27 and Malaysia beat Singapore 70-30 in the women's event.
The tournament continues at noon tomorrow at the same venue.
Cambodia and Myanmar will meet in the men's event, Myanmar and Malaysia in the women's event and Brunei and Laos in the men's event.