1 ) State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe's message on Peasants Day
Yangon, 2 March - The following is a translation of the message of Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Senior General Than Shwe on the occasion of the 2002 Peasants Day.
Esteemed peasantry,
Peasants Day is observed every year in honour of all the Myanmar peasantry on 2 March 2002. On this auspicious day, I would like to wish all the Myanmar peasantry well-being in body and mind and success of agricultural work.
The State Peace and Development Council is implementing political, economic and social objectives with the aim of ensuring peace and tranquillity and modernizing and developing Myanmar. In the light of the present situation, the economy of Myanmar is based on agriculture, on which over 70 percent of the population of the nation has to rely. That is to say, at the present time, development of other economic sectors of the State banks on the strength of the agriculture sector.
Therefore, the Government is implementing plans to tap land and marine resources to the full with the aim of promoting the development of the agriculture sector. Dams, reservoirs and embankments have been built with added momentum in a short time to ensure sufficient water supply for agricultural purposes.
There are altogether 130 dams, reservoirs and embankments built after 1988 inclusive of Paingkyon Sluice Gate inaugurated in Kawa Township, Bago
Division, in February.
Thirty-two dams and reservoirs projects are
in course of implementation, and plans are afoot to build yet
another 44 irrigation facilities. River water pumping projects as
well as dam and reservoir projects have been implemented to utilize
water from rivers and creeks provided by Nature. There are
altogether 262 river water pumping projects. Moreover, underground
water has been tapped, thereby providing drinking-water and water
for agricultural purposes for rural people. Viable ways and means
have been sought in all the regions to supply water for agricultural
purposes. As a result, irrigated acres of land grew from 2.5 million
acres of land to over 4.9 million. There were 23.8 million acres of
sown acreage in 1988. The total acres have increased up to 37.14
I would like to urge all the peasants to make best use of the cultivable lands which have emerged due to the arrangements of the Government, and to work harder to improve socio-economic life and to meet the target of agricultural production of the State.
Esteemed peasantry,
To sustain economic development of the State, a third short-term five-year plan which runs from 2001-2002 to 2005-2006 is being implemented with the following aims:
-to establish and extend agro-based industries,
-to develop the electricity sector and the energy sector in keeping with the extension of industries,
- to ensure local sufficiency of food in the agriculture sector and the meat and fish sector and to promote export,
-to develop other sectors as well,
- to extend education and health tasks for development of human resources,
- to develop rural areas. In implementing one of
the six aims
- to develop rural areas where the peasants live
- the Government has paid first priority to betterment of condition of transport, water supply and improvement of education, health and economic standards, which are fundamental necessities of the rural areas.
In response to the goodwill of the Government, all the peasants need to cooperate with it in implementing these aims.
Esteemed peasantry,
The State Peace and Development Council is safeguarding the national policy of the State non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of national solidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty
and working hard day and night for the emergence of a new, peaceful,
modern and developed nation out of pure love of the country despite
internal and external interference and difficulties and
stringencies. One of the tasks being undertaken by the Government is
to ensure emergence of a new State constitution which guarantees the
modernization, development and perpetual existence of the nation.
If there were no acts of interference from inside
and outside the country with the self-reliant efforts of the
Government and the people for the prosperity and development of the
State and if there were no attempts to push the nation into a
difficult situation, the nation would make progress more quickly and
become more prosperous, and the living standard of the peasants
would be higher than it is now.
Hence, I would like to urge all the peasantry
emphatically to actively and harmoniously cooperate with the
Government in striving for the development of the agriculture
sector, which plays a crucial role in the economic growth of the
nation, for the realization of the aims enshrined in the third
short-term five-year plan, for the development of rural areas
where the peasantry are residing, and for the emergence of a
new enduring State constitution with the aim of building the nation
into a peaceful, modern and developed one.
( 2 )
General Maung Aye inspects Thaphanseik Multi- Purpose Dam Project
Yangon, 1 March - Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye accompanied by Maj-Gen Soe Win, Maj-Gen Ye Myint and Quartermaster-General Maj-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo of the Ministry of Defence, Commander-in-Chief (Air) Maj-Gen Myint Swe, Chairman of Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Commander of North-West Command Brig-Gen Soe Naing, Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint, ministers, deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office and departmental heads, left Kanbalu for Thaphanseik Dam in Kyunhla Township by helicopter at 11 am yesterday.
At the briefing hall of Thaphanseik Multi-purpose Dam project, Minister for Electric Power Maj-Gen Tin Htut reported to the General on implementation of hydro-electric power project, installation of cables to link the power generated by the station with national grid system, construction of sub-power station and arrival of machinery for power stations.
Afterwards, acting Director-General U Win Kyaw of Hydro-electric Power Department of Ministry of Electric Power reported on installation of three turbines and progress of work.
Later, Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin explained to the General storage capacity of the dam, the amount of water to be released from the dam to irrigate crops and to generate power, and crop cultivation in the irrigated areas.
Next, Chairman of Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Commander Brig-Gen Soe Naing reported on cultivation of pre-monsoon paddy, monsoon paddy, summer paddy and other crops in the environs of the dam.
Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Soe Win gave a supplementary report.
Giving instructions, General Maung Aye said the government spent a large amount of money to build the dam on Mu river to extend irrigated areas and mixed-cropping and to generate power. Efforts should be made to irrigate crops in accord with the original target.
He urged the officials to make efforts for generation of power as soon as possible.
Then, General Maung Aye and party inspected construction of electric power station, installation of generators and progress of work. The project manager and officials conducted them around the project.
Next, General Maung Aye presented gifts to technicians from People's Republic of China who are performing installation work of generators together with Myanmar Engineers.
Later, General Maung Aye and party inspected the main spillway and secondary spillway. They also inspected the dam along the embankment by car.
Thatphanseik Dam was commissioned into service on 17 April 2001. Storage of water started on 27 January 2001 and 400,000 acres of monsoon paddy could be irrigated in 2001-2002.
At present, the dam is irrigated 45,000 acres of monsoon cotton, 172,500 acres of summer paddy and 26,300 acres of summer sesame.
Ministry of Electric Power and department concerned are making efforts for generation of electric power with the use of three ten-megawatt generators.
General Maung Aye and party in the afternoon left Thatphanseik Dam for Mandalay Nanmyo where they were welcomed by Mayor of Mandalay Brig-Gen Yan Thein, Deputy Commander, Brig-Gen Nay Win and
( 3 ) Physical and spiritual development becomes main requirement to develop
national economy, improve living standard
It is national duty to strengthen, qualify, modernize Tatmadaw to be able to stand as firm force ready to safeguard sovereignty
Yangon, 1 March - The 12th Defence Services Medical Conference was held at the Defence Services Medical Academy in Mingaladon Township here this morning with an address by Chairman of the National Health Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe, ministers, deputy ministers, the heads of the directorates of the Ministry of Defence, senior military officers, members of Defence Services Medical Research and Development Committee, members of NHC, senior officials of the Directorate of Medical Services, retired medical commandants, rectors of institutes of medicine and DSMA, pro-rectors, professors, department heads, officials of social organizations, students of DSMA and guests.

Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt said at present, efforts are being made to enable the Myanmar Tatmadaw to stand perpetually as a strong, qualified and modern one. Holding the conference annually is included in the programmes which contribute towards emergence of a Tatmadaw formed with healthy, fit and brilliant soldiers.
The results of the conferences have enhanced the ability of the members of the Directorate of Medical Services and the effectiveness in giving health care services to Tatmadawmen and families and the people.
The conference has been held twelve times since 1990 with the participation of scholars of the DMS and physicians, who discuss their research findings and the therapeutic and medical developments of the Tatmadaw. Zealous efforts made by the DMS members in accord with the guidelines of the Military Research and Technological Development Committee and under the supervision of the Defence Services Medical Research and Development Committee have contributed to the success of the conferences.
The Government, the Tatmadaw and the people, trying to overcome internal and external disturbances, are harmoniously carrying out nation-building tasks for emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed Union and striving to enable the nation to stand shoulder to shoulder with the world nations.
At a time when concerted efforts are being made by the national force comprising the Government, the Tatmadaw and the entire people to develop the national economy and improve the living standard of the people, physical and spiritual development of the people has become a main requirement.
With the aim of uplifting the health and fitness standards of the entire nation, the State Peace and Development Council has systematically laid down national health plans to offer cent-per-cent health care services to the people of the entire nation regardless of place and status. Due to the efforts of the national health forces including the DMS, doctors, health staff, social organizations and the personnel of the health-related fields, the health standard of the people is improving.
In addition to national defence duties, the duties of the Tatmadaw cover nation-building and national economic development tasks and the task to raise the living standard of the national people.
The nation, which is home to all the national races, is being faced with internal and external disturbances and acts of outside instigation at present.
The Myanmar Tatmadaw is discharging its duties brilliantly in accord with its fine traditions to further strengthen national unity, perpetuate the Union and safeguard sovereignty.
It is a national duty to strengthen, qualify and modernize the Tatmadaw so
that it can stand as a firm force always ready to safeguard
sovereignty. Thus, the scope of
the task of the DMS members to ensure full health care services to Tatmadawmen and families at any place has become larger. Thus DMS members are required to always strive to enhance their ability.
Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe has acknowledged the important role and the fine traditions of the DMS in enabling the Tatmadaw to stand firmly and brilliantly.
The Senior General has always given encouragement to enhance the skills of the DMS members.
The DMS is extending hospitals and medical units, upgrading the existing hospitals, opening specialist hospitals, utilizing the most advanced equipment in implementing diagnosis, treatment, education, research and experiment programmes. Defence Services Medical Academy and Defences Services Nursing Academy were set up to continuously bring out medical doctors and graduate nurses in order to develop the human resources of the medical science field.
Moreover, doctorate and master courses are being conducted at the Defence Services Medical Academy, and some have been sent abroad for further studies. After 1989, ten MRCP graduates, 14 FRCS graduates, two MRCPCH graduates, three MRCOG graduates, one FRCS (ENT) graduate, one FRCR graduate, one FRCS (Ortho) graduate and one FRCA graduate have emerged.
Altogether 24 trainees are attending the doctorate courses. One Dr Med Sc degree holder and one Ph D degree holder have emerged from the Directorate of Medical Services. One trainee is doing a Ph D on dental medicine.
One Ph D (Nursing) degree holder has emerged from the Directorate of Medical Services. Two persons have been sent abroad to do Ph D (Nursing), and one person is attending Doctorate of Nursing course.
Due to all-round encouragement, the quality of the Directorate of Medical Services has improved and can perform tasks in accord with the international standard. For instance, Pace Marker implantation has been able to be conducted since 1991, and Bicor can be used for Coronary Angiogram and angioplasty at the Defence Services General Hospital. Since 1994, Coronary Artery By-pass Graft (CABG) has been able to be performed without foreign help.
Kidney transplant has been conducted three times at Defence Services General Hospital: operation was performed on five patients first time in 1995, on two patients second time in 1997, and on three patients third time in 1999. Similarly, total knee replacement and total hip replacement have been able to be conducted since 1998 at Defence Services Orthopaedic
In cooperation with 24 medical teams from
England, France, Japan, Belgium, Singapore and Thailand, surgeons of
the Directorate of Medical Services have operated on 300 patients.
In 2001, medical experts from England, Germany, Australia, India,
Pakistan, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and China gave lectures and
conducted studies in Myanmar. Moreover, it is found that the
Directorate of Medical Services can undertake tasks related to
health education and prevention of infectious diseases. Special
medical teams have been sent to stations and operation areas to
prevent outbreak of infectious diseases.
In addition, they managed to do research. Defence Services Rehabilitation Hospital has produced Prosthesis and Orthoses and is carrying out rehabilitation work.
The conducting of research for the improvement of health care provided by the Directorate of Medical Services contributes greatly to turning the Tatmadaw into an efficient and dynamic one.
As things are changing and improving rapidly in the world today, the scope of requirements for health care have become wider. So more and more health research needs to be conducted, and the field of research needs to be extended.
At the present research-paper reading session, 54 academic research papers will be read, and there will be 12 research posters and four seminars. Six resource persons from England, Singapore, Indonesia and China will participate in the paper reading session.
The significant feature of the conference is two research papers on lung cancer and hypertension compiled by traditional medicine practitioners.
At the conference, there are not only booths on western medicines but also booths on traditional medicines.
After the conference, Endourology Workshop and Symposium on Invitro Fertilization will be held as Post Conference Workshops.
Researchers and specialists need to work in unity so that the Defence Services Medical Conference can bring forth good results not only for the Myanma Tatmadaw but also for the State and the people.
First priority needs to be given to different kinds of research which are appropriate to the topography and social condition of Myanmar and which can fulfil needs related to health care.
The research findings are also to be used for the benefits of all the entire people including the Tatmadaw members.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 urged all the members of the Directorate of Medical Services and researchers to contribute to building the Tatmadaw into a strong, capable, efficient, dynamic and modern one from the health sector, to contribute to development of the nation and improvement of national economy and living standard of the people and strive to ensure that all the national people including the Tatmadaw members are healthy and strong and can perform national defence duty, and to work in harmony and unity to promote the efficiency of the Directorate of Medical Services and to uplift the health standard of the people.
Then, Chairman of Defence Services Medical Research and Development Committee Director of Medical Services Brig-Gen Mya Thein Han said that the 12th Medical Conference is held with the aim of improving the standard of medical science of Defence Services, bringing about different kinds of research which contribute to treatment and diagnosis, conducting disease prevention research, turning out researchers of new generation and upgrading inter-departmental research to international research. Then, the Secretary-1 formally opened the 12th Medicine and Medical Equipment Exhibition. Afterwards, the guests looked round the exhibition.
( 4 ) Minister receives American
Yangon, 1 March - Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein received Associate Director Mr Carmine J Bozzi of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, United State of America, and party at his office this morning.
Also present at the call were officials of the ministry.
Industry-1 Minister receives guests

Yangon, 1 March - Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, received General Manager Mr Huang Yuanbin of China Textile Machinery (Group) Co Ltd and party of the People's Republic of China and Additional Secretary Mr P Rath of the Ministry of External Affairs and party of the Republic of India separately at his office at 2 pm and 3 pm today.
Also present on the occasions were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Win, the
director-general and managing directors of the department and
industries under the ministry.
F&R Minister receives guests
Yangon, 1 March - Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein received Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the Union of Myanmar Dr Farouk Mabrouk and Vice-Chairperson of Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China Mme Chen Baoliu and party at his office at 2 pm and 3 pm today respectively.
Also present on the occasions at the calls was Governor of the Central Bank of Myanmar U Kyaw Kyaw Maung.
( 5 ) Maj-Gen Aung Htwe tours
Mongkai and Kehsi townships
Yangon, 1 March Ñ Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Aung Htwe of the Ministry of Defence, accompanied by Chairman of Shan State Peace and Development Council Commander of Eastern Command Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint and Shan State-level departmental officials inspected Mongkai People's Hospital, gave instructions and cordially had a conversation with the patients on 24 February morning.
Then, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe met with township-level departmental officials at the local regiment in Mongkai and discussed regional development. After hearing reports presented by officials, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe attended to their requirements.
In the afternoon, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe visited affiliated Basic Education High School in Hanngaing Village, Kehsi Township, Kehsi BEHS and Kehsi People's Hospital and attended to the needs. He next met with the trainees of the midwifery training course at the hospital.
At the office of Kehsi Township Peace and Development Council, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe met with the chairman and members of the council, township-level departmental officials, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Red Cross Society and Auxiliary Fire Brigade, War Veterans Organization, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Committee for Women's Affairs and the midwifery training course and townselders and elaborated on tasks being implemented for regional development.
Then, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe urged departmental personnel and social organizations to make concerted efforts in cooperation with local people at a time when the State is striving for the regional development. He spoke of the need of ensuring smooth and secure transport, extension of agricultural and livestock breeding work and provision of education and health care services.
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and the commander presented a set of computer each for the school through the township education officer and the headmistress. Afterwards, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe presented K 10,000 and the commander five bags of rice for the trainees of the midwifery training course to the officials.
On 25 February morning, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and the commander attended the opening of the branch of the Myanma Economic Bank in Kehsi.
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe spoke on the occasion.
Then, the manager of Shan State (South) MEB explained the purpose of opening the branch. Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and the commander formally opened the branch and looked round it.
Next, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe, the commander and party visited Wutpaung-kyaung at 2nd mile, Kehsi and offered provisions to Sayadaw Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Javana and members of the Sangha.
The chairman Sayadaw of Township Sangha Nayaka Committee invested the congregation with the Five Precepts. Maj-Gen Aung Htwe, the commander and officials presented offertories to members of the Sangha. The chairman Sayadaw delivered a sermon, followed by the sharing of merits gained.
e-National Task Force Vice-President
receives Japanese guests
Yangon, 1 March - Vice-President of e-National Task Force Deputy Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement U Hlaing Win received Executive Managing Director Mr Sumio Horiuchi of the Institution of Professional Engineers, Japan, and party at the MICT Park in Hline Township here yesterday afternoon.
Also present were members of working committees of e-National Task Force. They discussed matters related to IT development of Myanmar and bilateral recognition between Myanmar and Japan engineers.
Chairman of MICTD Co receives guests
Yangon, 1 March - Chairman of Board of Directors of Myanmar Information and Communication Technology Development Co Ltd Col Thein Swe received Chairman of Korea Computer Communications Ltd of the Republic of Korea Mr T H Kang and party at MICT Park in Hline Township yesterday morning.
They discussed matters related to performance of e-Government tasks.
Also present together with MICTD Co Ltd Chairman Col Thein Swe were members of the board of directors.
( 6 )
Armed Forces Day Management Committee
Chairman inspects hostels of parade columns

Yangon, 1 March- Chairman of Management Committee for Observance of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe inspected the hostels of Bandoola Column, Hsinbyushin Column and Kyansittha Column, which will participate in the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade, this morning.
Chairman of the Management Committee Brig-Gen Myint Swe arrived at the hostel of Bandoola Column at Defence Services Orthopaedic Hospital (500-bed) this morning.
First, the commander and party inspected the hostels, the mess, welfare shops and information units and left necessary instructions.
Then, the commander and party proceeded to the hostel of Hsinbyushin Column at Maintenance Air Base in Mingaladon where they were welcomed by Camp Commandant Col Khin Maung Aye and officials.
Brig-Gen Myint Swe then inspected the drill of Hsinbyushin Column, hostels, the mess and information unit and gave necessary instructions to the officials.
Next, Commander Brig-Gen Myint Swe went to the hostel of Kyansittha Column at the local battalion in South Okkalapa Township. The commander was welcomed there by No-2 Military Region Commander Col Tin Oo Lwin and Parade Commander of the Kyansittha Column Col Tin Hla and officials. Afterwards, the commander inspected hostels, the mess, welfare shops. After hearing the reports of the officials, the commander fulfilled their requirements.
Yangon, 1 March- Chairman of Management Committee for Observance of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe inspected the hostels of Bandoola Column, Hsinbyushin Column and Kyansittha Column, which will participate in the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade, this morning.
Chairman of the Management Committee Brig-Gen Myint Swe arrived at the hostel of Bandoola Column at Defence Services Orthopaedic Hospital (500-bed) this morning.
First, the commander and party inspected the hostels, the mess, welfare shops and information units and left necessary instructions.
Then, the commander and party proceeded to the hostel of Hsinbyushin Column at Maintenance Air Base in Mingaladon where they were welcomed by Camp Commandant Col Khin Maung Aye and officials.
Brig-Gen Myint Swe then inspected the drill of Hsinbyushin Column, hostels, the mess and information unit and gave necessary instructions to the officials.
Next, Commander Brig-Gen Myint Swe went to the hostel of Kyansittha Column at the local battalion in South Okkalapa Township. The commander was welcomed there by No-2 Military Region Commander Col Tin Oo Lwin and Parade Commander of the Kyansittha Column Col Tin Hla and officials. Afterwards, the commander inspected hostels, the mess, welfare shops. After hearing the reports of the officials, the commander fulfilled their requirements.
e-ACCP 2003 Aptech Career
Programme Seminar held
Yangon, 1 March -"e-ACCP 2003 Aptech Career Programme exclusively for Software Development Companies
Seminar" organized by Myanmar Computer Co Ltd (MCC) and APTECH Ltd was held at Myanmar Information and Communication Technology Park in Hline Township here on 27 February.
It was attended by Myanmar Computer Industry Association Chairman U Tin Win Aung and executives, officials of IT companies, invited guests and enthusiasts.
Chairman U Tin Win Aung made an opening address. Then, Mr Bhaskar Chowdhury of APTECH Ltd gave talk on e-ACCP 2003 Aptech Career Programme exclusively for Software Development Companies Seminar. The officials concerned replied to the queries raised by those present. Then, the seminar came to a close.
SLAMEO guests visit MICT Park
Yangon, 1 March -Director of Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Secretariat (SLAMEO Secretariat) Mr Arief S Sadiman and party visited the Myanmar Information and Communication Technology Park (MICT Park) in Hline Township here this morning.
The directors U Tin Win Aung, U Pyone Maung Maung and U Kun Oo of Myanmar ICT Co Ltd briefed them on work done and arrangements to extend Myanmar ICT
Seminar on VSAT Technology to be held
Yangon, 1 March - Under the sponsorship of the Myanmar Computer Scientists Association, Special Interest Group of Communication Technology (SIG-CT) will hold a seminar at MICT Park from 1 pm to 3 pm on Saturday, 2 March.
A Telecommunication Engineer from Bagan Cyber Tech will give talk on VSAT
Technology. Those interested may attend the seminar and contribute
to the discussions.
( 7 )
Dhamma Thabin being held on
Mindhamma Hill
Yangon, 1 March-Dhamma Thabin to mark the success of the First Buddha Pujaniya of Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image kept on Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township, Yangon Division, is being held at Gandakuti Kyaung on the hill from 28 February to 2 March.
Withuddayon Shwekyin Taikthit Sayadaw of Bahan Township Tipitakadhara Dhamma Bhandagarika Agga Maha Pandita Yaw Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sirindabhivamsa delivered a sermon at 7 pm yesterday.
Pyinnyamon Kyaung-taik Sayadaw of Ottha Myothit in Bago Dhamma Kathika Bahujana Hitadhara Bhaddnata Pan–asami was to deliver a sermon at 7 pm on 1 March and Dhamma Kathika Sasanadhaja Dhammarcariya Sadhamma Nepuna Dhammacariya Sasanajoti-pala Dhamma-cariya AGTI (Civil) Dhammaduta Ashin Chakkinda at 7 pm on 2 March.
Golden Jubilee of Myanma Insurance
Yangon, 1 March - A ceremony to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of Myanma Insurance was held at the meeting hall of Myanma Insurance this morning.
Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein attended the ceremony and made an opening speech.
Also present at the ceremony were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Than Tun, governor of the Central Bank of Myanmar U Kyaw Kyaw Maung, Managing Director U Thein Lwin of Myanma Insurance and departmental heads, staff and guests. In his speech, the minister recalled brief history of Myanma Insurance and urged the staff to serve the interests of the people and the State.
Afterwards, the managing director and heads of branches presented certificates of honour to the staff who had completed 30 years of service.
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) 32 armed group members exchange arms for peace
Yangon, 1 March-The State Peace and Development Council, upholding Our Three Main National Causes, is making efforts with might and main and genuine goodwill for the national recon-solidation to ensure the emergence of a new modern developed country.
Remaining armed groups, realizing that their destructive acts did not benefit the nation at all for a long time and their acts retarded development of their regions, and understanding the genuine goodwill and correct endeavours of the Government, have been exchanging arms for peace individually or in groups.
In the Eastern command area, Privates Seinda, Tun Sein (a) Sein Tun and Lon Maung of SURA armed group together with two M-22 automatic rifles, one M-16 automatic rifle, eight magazines and 451 rounds of ammunition;
In the Triangle region command area, Kya Oo with the rank of Lt of SURA armed group, Law Wu with the rank of 2nd-Lt, Clerk Aik Sai, privates Kyaga, Aik San, Aik Ta, Kyamu, Lawgya, Kyami, Kyapha, Kyanu, Kyabon, Lawkyan and U Kya Oo together with ten M-22 automatic rifles, ten magazines and 150 rounds of ammunition, and private Yalar;
In the North-West command area, privates Ma Aye Aye Myint (a) Ma Ran Hle Dein;
In the South-East Command area, Private Maung Oo of Company-5 under Battalion 102 of KNU armed group together with one AR-15, one magazine and seven rounds of ammunition, Kyaw Htoo with the rank of Sgt, Soe Aung with the rank of Cpl and Private Law Kwa Htoo of Company-4 under Battalion 16, Private Pho Kay of Kyaikhto Township Administrative Group together with one M-22 automatic rifle, one magazine and three rounds of ammunition, Maung Oo with the rank of Cpl of Company-4 under DO Battalion-2 together with one magazine, ten rounds of ammunition, six 40 mm projectiles;
In the Coastal Region command area, Phado Kyi Swe, Privates Saw Hla Moe, Ngachauk, Hsan Htay, Saw Shedi and Saw Phe Pheik of Battalion-11 of KNU Armed Group together with one .38 revolver, one .22 automatic rifle, one AK-47, one magazine and 27 rounds of ammunition, Tar Kye Kye with the rank of Sgt, Shwe Kayin (a) Saw Phado with the rank of Cpl of Combat Company of Brigade-4 together with one AR-15, one M-16 and 40 mm automatic rifle, two magazines, 25 rounds of ammunition, and two 40 mm projectiles, exchanged arms for peace at the respective military camps and units from 1 to 31 January 2002.
Officials of the respective camps and units warmly welcomed those who exchanged arms for peace and attended to their needs, There are still more members of armed groups to exchange arms for
___________________________ ( 9
24th Inter-State/Division Golf Team C'ship concludes
Yangon, 1 March Ñ The 24th Inter-State and Division Golf Team Championship organized by Sports and Physical Education Department and Myanmar Golf Federation and mainly sponsored by Isuzu Motors Ltd of Japan, continued for the fourth day with the prize-presentation ceremony at Yangon Golf Club in Danyingon, Yangon this afternoon.
Among the spectators were Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, Chairman of Myanmar Golf Federation Brig-Gen Win Hlaing, General Secretary of Myanmar Olympic Committee Director-General of Sports and Physical Education Department U Thaung Htaik, General Secretary of MGF U Aung Kyi and executives and guests.
After the fourth round, Resident Representative in Myanmar U Aye Cho of the Isuzu Motors Ltd, Japan, presented the second prize for team captain tournament to U Han Lin (Shan State-East) and the first prize to U Sein Win (Shan State-South).
General Manager Mr Kage Eta of the Isuzu Motors Ltd presented the third prize for individual handicap to Myo Naing (Mon State), the second prize to Zaw Min (Ayeyawady Division) and the first prize to Tun Shan (Taninthayi Division).
Executive Mr Kishino of the Isuzu Motors Ltd presented the third prize for individual scratch to Zaw Win (Bago Division), the second prize to Thein Zaw Myint (Yangon Division) and the first prize to Aung San Win (Yangon Division).
General Secretary of MGF U Aung Kyi presented the second prize for team handicap to Kachin State team, Director-General U Thaung Htaik the second prize for team scratch to Bago Division team, MGF Chairman Brig-Gen Win Hlaing the first prize for team handicap to Taninthayi Division team, Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint the first prize for team scratch and the championship cup to Yangon Division team. Then, Yangon Division Team captain Col Tun
Yee spoke words of thanks.
Six-nation basketball friendly to be held
Yangon, 1 March-The six-nation friendly basketball tournament for the year 2002, organized by the Ministry of Sports and the Myanmar Basketball Federation and mainly sponsored by the Ayeyamye Companies Group, will be held on a grand scale at the National Indoor Stadium-1 in Thuwunna starting from 2 March.
On 2 March, Myanmar will play against Laos and Cambodia will meet Singapore in men's division. In women's
division, Myanmar will be in action against Singapore.