1 ) Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing attend consecration ceremony,
offer "soon", robes to Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Buddha Image
Yangon, 27 Feb- The Consecration Ceremony and First Buddha Pujaniya Ceremony of the Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Buddha Image took place on Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township here this morning, attended by Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing.
Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing offered soon, fruits, flowers and water and Shwekya Thingan (robes) to the image.
Also present on the occasion were Ovadanariya Sayadaws of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee, Chairman of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddamma-jotika Myingyan Koesaung-taik Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sobhita and member Sayadaws, Tipitakadhara Dhamma-bandhagarika Sayadaws, Vinayadhura Sayadaws, members of the Central Working Committee of the Sangha, Sayadaws from the International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University, the State Pariyatti Sasana University (Yangon) and other Sayadaws, Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, wife of Lt-Gen Tin Oo Daw Khin Than Nwe, members of the State Peace and Development Council and their wives, the Commander-in-Chief (Navy) and the Commander-in-Chief (Air), the Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command, ministers, the Attorney-General, the Auditor-General, the Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor and their wives, deputy ministers, ambassadors and officials of the Laotian, Nepalese, Indian, Sri Lankan, Thai, Cambodian and Japanese embassies, departmental heads, members of Board of Trustees and invited guests.
Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing and members paid obeisance to the image at 5.45 am.
Then, Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing, General Maung Aye, Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin offered soon to the image. They also offered fruits, flowers and water to the
Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing, General Maung Aye and Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt offered Shwekya Thingan (robes) to the image.
Then, 108 members of Sangha led by the Chairman Sayadaw of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee consecrated the image.
The merit sharing ceremony then commenced with the three times recitation of Namo Tassa.
Vice-Chairman Sayadaw of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Maha Aungmyay-bonsan Kyaungtaik Sayadaw Bhaddanta Pa–indabhivamsa, on behalf of the Chairman Sayadaw, administered the Nine Precepts to the congregation.
Then, members of the Sangha recited parittas.
Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing, General Maung Aye, Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, wife of Lt-Gen Tin Oo Daw Khin Than Nwe and members presented offertories to the Sayadaws.
Afterwards, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt supplicated on religious matters to the Sayadaws.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt said that stone sculptor U Taw Taw found a gigantic marble, over 37 feet long, 24 feet wide and 11 feet thick. U Taw Taw expressed his wish to donate the gigantic marble to the State, to carve it into a Buddha image for public obeisance. In accord with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, the Secretary-1 visited Sakyin Hill where the marble was found. He presented the matter to Senior General Than Shwe that the marble was suited for carving it into a Buddha image. Senior General Than Shwe then gave guidance, saying that as there were marble Buddha images in Sagaing, Innwa, Amarapura and Mandalay in upper Myanmar, the marble should be conveyed to Yangon where there was no huge marble Buddha image then. When he sought the ovada from the Sayadaws, they told him to carve a Buddha image in accord with the religious traditions.
Conveyance of the semi-finished image began on 10 July 2000. It was conveyed on board the decorated barge on 24 July 2000. Along the journey to Yangon, the barge made over-night stopovers at 12 towns.
The barge carrying the image arrived at the Shwephaungdaw Jetty on
Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing Hline river bank at Gyogon ward, Insein Township, Yangon, on 5 August 2000. Twenty-seven Sayadaws led by the chairman of State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee welcomed the image at the jetty. Daw Kyaing Kyaing, wife of the Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council, and party, the Secretary-1 and ministers, and over 500,000 people paid obeisance to the image.
The image was then conveyed by decorated rail carriage to the Mindhamma Hill on 6 August 2000. The specially designed carriage drawn by two diesel locomotives from the front and pushed by another two diesel locomotives from the rear conveyed the image to the hill on 8 August 2000. It arrived at the foot of Mindhamma Hill on 10 August 2000. On 12 September 2000, a ceremony to mark the successful conveyance of the image onto the throne was held at the hill. Foundation was laid on the same to day to build a Gandakudi for the image.
The Gandakudi is 126 feet high, 136 feet long and 124 feet wide.
The two stairways are 24 feet wide and 246 feet long. Each of the stairways is guarded by two lion statue at the archway.
Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Service Senior General Than Shwe, accompanied by Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council General Maung Aye and ministers, inspected the Mindhamma Hill all-round renovation task on 1 November 2000 and 2 April 2001, and gave guidance on work.
Religious objects were enshrined in the image on 28 November 2001. The Shwehtidaw was hoisted atop the Gandakudi.
The existing small cetis and Buddha images near the Gandakudi were relocated on Aungchantha Hill near the Mindhamma Hill. The pagodas were renovated into larger ones and named
"Aungchantha Pagoda".
Retaining walls were built to enlarge the surface area of the Mindhamma hilltop. Over 50,000 trees and plants have been grown at the hill.
The family of Thiri Thudhamma Manijota U Taw Taw and family donated two BuddhaÕs foot prints and two images of Arahats. They will also donate a large Thabeik measuring 10 feet in diameter at the opening and 12 feet deep.
In accord with the guidance of the Senior General, the Buddha image is being kept in a 40-foot high glass-walled chamber to preserve the marble's quality and hue. The endeavours concerning the image were put into record in Pali, Myanmar, Sanskrit and English on the plaque. The opening ceremony of the Buddha Pujaniya ceremony was held on 23 February 2002 at the hill.
"Soon" was offered to 1,000 monks the next day. Religious ceremonies were held for five continuous days from 23 to 27 February at the pujaniya ceremony. A total of 108 Sayadaws would consecrate the image today.
The people led by Senior General Than Shwe and Daw Kyaing Kyaing received the Nine Precepts from the Sayadaws and shared the merits gained for pious deeds.
Then, Secretary Sayadaw of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Thaddammajotika Magway Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kumara administered a sermon and wellwishers led by Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing shared merit gained.
Afterwards, the Sayadaws and those present recited Buddha Saranam Siram Tittahtu three times to close the ceremony. At that time, members of Taingya Htidaw Hoisting Group blew auspicious horns and beat auspicious drums to mark the success of the ceremony.
Then, rituals of silver and golden showers were performed while vocalist Daw Yee Yee Thant sang a song to the accompaniment of Myanmar orchestra.
After the ceremony, Senior General Than Shwe and party viewed the stone inscriptions of the image, inspected greening tasks for the hill and gave necessary instructions.
Then, they paid obeisance to two footprints of the Buddha and left there in the
( 2 ) Maj-Gen Maung Bo inspects development tasks in Hpa-an,
Kya-in-Seikkyi, Kawkareik
Yangon, 27 Feb- Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party, accompanied by Commander of South-East Command Brig-Gen Thura Myint Aung and Chairman of Kayin State Peace and Development Council Col Maung Shein, arrived to attend the opening of Myawady TV retrans-mission station in Hpa-an, Kayin State, on 25 February morning.
They were welcomed there by local authorities, departmental officials, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigades, Kayin don dance troupes and local people.
First, Chairman of Hpa-an District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Soe Myint Aung and townselder U Nyein Tin formally opened the station.
Then, Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party inspected the retransmission station.
Next, they went to Hpa-an Degree Collage where they were welcomed by Principal U Saw Han Shein and faculty members.
At the meeting hall, Principal U Saw Han Shein reported to Maj-Gen Maung Bo on the history of the degree college, subjects taught and the number of students admitted every year. Maj-Gen Maung Bo gave necessary instructions.
Then, Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party inspected the multimedia teaching centre of the degree college.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party proceeded to Hpa-an General Hospital where they were welcomed by Medical Superintendent Dr Kyaw Oo and nurses.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party inspected wards and units of the hospital and left necessary instructions to the officials.
Next, Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party attended the opening ceremony of Hpa-an Traditional Medicine Hospital (16-bed). Deputy Director-General Dr Myat Moe of Traditional Medicine Department presented a commemorative pennant to Maj-Gen Maung Bo.
Chairman of the Hospital Construction Committee Secretary of Kayin State Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Kyaw Win Maung handed over documents related to the traditional medicine hospital to Deputy Director-General Dr Myat Moe.
Then, Maj-Gen Maung Bo formally unveiled the signboard of the hospital.
Chairman of Kayin State Peace and Development Council Col Maung Shein and Deputy Director-General Dr Myat Moe formally opened the Hpa-an Traditional Medicine Hospital (16-bed). Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party inspected the hospital.
Over 680 herbal plants are grown in the compound of the hospital.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party proceeded to Hpa-an Government Technological College of Technical and Vocational Education Department of the Ministry of Science and Technology. Principal Daw Than Than Htay reported on the brief history of the college, number of students and strength of staff. Maj-Gen Maung Bo gave necessary instructions.
Then, Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party inspected the nursery garden, the electronic communication and electric power workshop, the civil engineering workshop and the machine tool workshop of the college.
Next, Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party left Hpa-an by helicopter at 11 am and arrived at Kya-in-Seikkyi at 11.45 am. Tactical Operations Commander Lt-Col Aung Kyaw Nyein and departmental officials welcomed them.
First, Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party inspected progress of Kya-in-Seikkyi Town by car.
At Zami Hall of the township, Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party met departmental personnel, social organizations and local people. Chairman of Township Peace and Development Council U Thet Naing Oo reported on economic and social matters and development of the township.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo gave instructions on participation of departmental personnel in undertaking regional development tasks in cooperation with local people, construction of local roads and regional development tasks.
They then proceeded to Kawkareik by helicopter.
They were welcomed there by Brig-Gen Khin Maung Soe of Kawkareik Station, Chairman of Kawkareik District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Ko Ko Gyi, departmental officials and social organizations.
At the town hall, Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party met with township level departmental personnel, members of USDA, MCWA, War Veterans Organization, Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigades.
First, Chairman of Kawkareik District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Ko Ko Gyi reported on administration, economic and social matters of the district and Chairman of Kawkareik Township Peace and Development Council U Aung Kyaw on administration, economic and social matters of the township, growing of Thithseint trees (belleric myrobalan) and livestock breeding tasks.
Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung reported on assistance provided to the basic education schools in Kawkareik Township and Deputy Minister for Construction Brig-Gen Myint Thein on road and bridge works being carried out in townships of the district.
Deputy Director-General of Myanmar Police Force Police Brig-Gen Zaw Win reported on functions of MPF.
Then, Maj-Gen Maung Bo called on the departments concerned to join hands with local people in undertaking development and beautifying tasks of Kawkareik District and Township.
After the meeting, Maj-Gen Maung Bo cordially met with those present.
On 26 February morning, Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party arrived at the site of Gyaing Diesel-fired River Water Pumping Station in Gyaing Village, Hpa-an Township. At the briefing hall, Assistant Director U Soe Lwin of Hpa-an District Water Resources Utilization Department reported on the aims of the River Water Pumping Station and mechanical and civil tasks of the station.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo gave instructions on ensuring sufficient water supply for agriculture work and cultivation of summer and monsoon paddy and cold season crops to exceed the target.
Then, Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party inspected the river water pumping tasks.
On completion, the station will irrigate 1,000 acres of summer paddy in 2002-2003 and will contribute to the local sufficiency of rice.
Next, they went to Hpa-an Education College where Principal Daw Nu Nu Yi reported on pre-teachership training course of the college. Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung presented a supplementary report.
Then, Maj-Gen Maung Bo attended to their needs. They left Hpa-an by car and arrived back here in the
( 3 ) Chief of Armed Forces Training inspects parade drills of Myawady, Aung San Columns at Kyaikkasan Grounds
Yangon, 27 Feb- Chairman of the Leading Committee for Observance of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Chief of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Kyaw Win inspected the drills of Myawady Column and Aung San Column which will participate in the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Parade, at Kyaikkasan Grounds this afternoon.
The Chief of Armed Forces Training arrived at the parade ground in Kyaikkasan Grounds at 3.30 pm. He was welcomed there by Chairman of Management Committee for Observance of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe, Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, Deputy Chiefs of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Win Myint and Brig-Gen Thein Swe, Parade Commander Brig-Gen Hla Tun and senior military officers.
First, Maj-Gen Kyaw Win inspected parade drills of Myawady and Aung San Columns at the parade grounds and gave necessary instructions.
Then, the Chairman of the Leading Committee inspected dining halls and hostels, welfare shops and relations units for the respective companies of military columns and left necessary instructions.
( 4 ) Finance & Revenue Minister arrives back
Yangon, 27 Feb- A Myanmar delegation led by Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein arrived back here by air yesterday evening after discussing matters relating to ASEAN Finance Ministers Meeting in Indonesia, Cambodia and Lao PDR.
The delegation was welcomed back at Yangon International Airport by Minister for National Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha, Minister at the Prime Minister's Office Maj-Gen Tin Ngwe, Deputy Minister for Finance and Revenue Brig-Gen Than Tun, Ambassador of Lao People's Democratic Republic Mr Ly Bounkham, Ambassador of Cambodia Mr Nim Chantara, Ambassador of Indonesia Mr Nasarudin Koro, departmental heads and their families.
While in Indonesia, Minister U Khin Maung Thein, accompanied by Myanmar Ambassador to Indonesia U Nyo Win, called on Minister of Finance of Indonesia Mr Boediono and party in Jakarta on 23 February and ASEAN Secretary-General Mr Dorolfo C Severino and party separately and discussed works of ASEAN finance ministers.
On 25 February, the minister, accompanied by Ambassador to Cambodia U Tint Lwin, called on Cambodian Prime Minister Mr Hun Sen and Cambodian Minister of Finance Mr Keat Chhon in Phnom Penh, Cambodia and discussed tasks ASEAN finance ministers.
On 26 February, accompanied by Myanmar Ambassador to Lao PDR U Tin Oo, Minister U Khin Maung Thein called on Lao PDR Prime Minister Mr Boungnang Vorachith in Vientiane, Lao PDR and discussed functions of ASEAN finance ministers. Members of the delegation Governor of Central Bank of Myanmar U Kyaw Kyaw Maung and Director U Nyo Myint also arrived back
( 5 ) Myanmar-Thai border region health exhibition
and health week held
Yangon, 27 Feb- Myanmar-Thai border region health exhibition and health week were held at Kawthoung in Taninthayi Division, Myanmar, and Ranong in Thailand yesterday morning under the Myanmar-Thai border health cooperation programme.
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein of Myanmar, Minister of Public Health of Thailand Madam Sudarat Keyuraphan formally opened the ceremonies.
The two ministers also gave speeches at the ceremonies.

The host conducted the Maj-Gen Ket Sein and party around the exhibition which was held in Ranoung.
Maj-Gen Ket Sein hosted a luncheon in honour of Madam Sudarat Keyura-phan and party in Kawthoung. The two ministers then formally opened the ceremony. They then presented prizes to outstanding students.
Maj-Gen Ket Sein and Myanmar officials con-ducted Madam Sudarat Keyuraphan and party around the exhibition.
The exhibition and the health week will continue till 4 March. Professors and physicians of Yangon are giving medical treatment and performing operations under special arrangements.
( 6 )
Regular press conference held
Yangon, 27 Feb- Regular press conference was held at Tatmadaw guest house on Inya Road this afternoon.
Present were Minister for Labour U Tin Winn, Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, senior military officers, departmental heads, officials of the Ministry of Information, U Sein Win of Kyodo News Agency, President of Myanmar Foreign Correspondents Club U Sao Kai Hpa, foreign correspondents and guests.
Minister U Tin Winn, Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, member of the National Convention Convening Commission Col Than Tun and officials replied to the queries raised by the newsmen.
Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win said Myammar has continuously worked in cooperation in labour affairs with the International Labour Organization (ILO) since she became a member of ILO
in 1948.
Myanmar is
cooperating with ILO in order to inform it about true situations concerning accusations of forced labour in Myanmar and measures undertaken on legal, management and administration sectors. Myanmar repeatedly received representatives of ILO and they were conducted round the places where they should visit. Especially a high level team called on high-ranking officials of the State in September 2001 and the team was allowed to visit Rakhine, Mon, Kayin, Kayah and Shan States freely in order to know the State's measures on forced labour and true situations.
During this month, Myanmar received a four-member ILO expert team led by Adviser to the Director-General of ILO Mr Francis Maupain. Myanmar allowed to receive the team for strengthening of cooperation between Myanmar and ILO.
Arrangements were made for the expert team to stay from 19 to 24 February. Out of the four, the two left on 23 February. The leader of the team and other person left on 25 February.
The ILO expert team met with Minister for Labour U Tin Winn and Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win. Detailed discussions between the committee formed with officials of the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Attorney-General's Office were made from 19 to 22 February.
Myanmar held discussions with genuine goodwill of cooperation with the ILO as far as possible and it complied with proposals and statements of ILO. Discussions included matters that were not taken into consideration before. Myanmar made a constructive proposal.
However, the team did not accept the constructive proposal and forcibly made their demands holding the strict positions.
Myanmar with goodwill hopes that the ILO will realize the measures for cooperation with the organization.
Minister U Tin Winn and member of National Convention Convening Commission Col Than Tun also replied to the
( 7 )
Divisional MCWA holds meeting
Yangon, 27 Feb- The coordination meeting of Yangon Division Maternal and Child Welfare Association and township MCWAs in Yangon Division was held at the meeting hall-2 of the Yangon Division MCWA at noon today, with an opening speech by wife of Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe Patron of Yangon Division MCWA Daw Khin Thet Htay.
Also present on the occasion were member of Yangon Division MCWA Supervisory Committee wife of the Deputy Commander of Yangon Command Daw Khin Ma Lay and members of Panel of Patrons, Chairman of Yangon Division MCWA Dr Tin Maung Win and committee members and members of township MCWAs in Yangon Division.
Patron Daw Khin Thet Htay made a speech on future tasks to be carried out by township MCWAs.
Chairman Dr Tin Maung Win briefed on undertakings being carried out by the association and Secretary Dr Nwe Ni Ohn on requirements to Patron Daw Khin Thet Htay who later gave necessary instructions.
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24th ISD Golf Team Championship continues
Yangon, 27 Feb- The 24th Inter-State and Division Golf Team Championship organized by the Sports and Physical Education Department and Myanmar Golf Federation and mainly sponsored by Isuzu Motors Ltd, Japan, continued for the third day at Yangon Golf Club in Danyingon here this morning. Among the spectators were MGF President Brig-Gen Win Hlaing, executives, guests and fans.
After the third round, Yangon Division team was leading the tournament with 682 strokes, followed by Mandalay Division team with 711 strokes, Bago Division team with 717 strokes, Magway Division team with 734 strokes, Shan State (East) team with 745 strokes and Shan State (South) team with 746 strokes in the team scratch event.
In team handicap event, Taninthayi Division team stood the first position with 617 strokes, Kachin State team the second with 620, Mandalay Division team the third with 629 strokes, Mon State team the fourth with 632, Magway Division team the fifth with 634 and Ayeyawady Division team the sixth with 635 strokes.
In individual scratch event, Aung San Win of Yangon Division was leading with all total 220 strokes, followed by Thein Zaw Myint (Yangon) with 225 strokes and Zaw Win (Bago) with 228 strokes. In men's individual handicap event, Tun Shan (Taninthayi) was leading with 199 strokes, followed by Yaw Ba (Kachin) with 200 strokes and Zaw Min (Ayeyawady) with 205 strokes. The championship continues
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Two jailed for illicit drug possession
Yangon, 27 Feb- The Yangon East District court punished two for illicit possession of stimulant tablets, giving imprisonment to them on 20 February this year.
The combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and local Myanmar Police Force, acting on information, stopped and searched the bus with the number plate KaKa/4699 in front of the Shukhintha Hotel in Thakayta Township at 10.45 am on 28 July 2001 and seized 3,886 stimulant tablets from passengers Aye Aye Thwe and her son Tun Tun Lin.
Further investigation led to the seizure of more 1,992 stimulant tablets.
The Thakayta Township police station filed Aye Aye Thwe, 40, daughter of U Maung San of Migyaungtat Village in Amarapura Township and her son Tun Tun Lin, 21, son of U Min Kyi under Section 15/19(A)/20(A)/21 of Narcotic Drug and Psychotropic Substances Law.
The Yangon East District court heard the case and sentenced Tun Tun Lin to 15
years' imprisonment under Section 19(A) and 20 years' imprisonment under Section 20(A)/21 to serve separately, and Aye Aye Thwe
to 15 years in prison under Section 19(A)/21 and 20 years under
Section 20(A)/21 to serve separately.