1 ) Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt receives Director of Henry Dunant Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue
Yangon, 21 Feb - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt received Mr Martin Griffiths, Director of the Henry Dunant Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, based in Geneva, at the guest house of the Ministry of Defence this evening.
Also present at the call were Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win and Director-General of the Protocol Department Thura U Aung Htet. Mr Martin Griffiths was accompanied by Resident Representative Mr Leon de Riedmatten.
( 2 )
Second-day first session of the Special General Meeting ( 2002 )
Yangon, 21 Feb - The second-day first session of the Special General Meeting of the Union Solidarity and Development Association (2002) was held at the Pyidaungsu Hall of the USDA Executives Management Training School of the Central Public Relations Unit in Hmawby on 20 February morning.
It was attended by member of the Central Panel of Patrons of USDA member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Soe Win of the Ministry of Defence, Secretay-General of USDA U Than Aung and members of the Secretariat, CEC members, secretaries of state/division USDAs and delegates of state/division/district/township USDAs.
Member of the USDA Secretariat U Ko Lay presided over the meeting with CEC members of USDA U Aung Thaung and U Thaik Tun as members of the panel of chairmen. Daw Swe Swe Than, executive of Rakhine State USDA, acted as master of ceremonies, and Daw Pwint Oo Han, executive of Pyay Township USDA in Bago Division (West), as joint master of ceremonies.
Then delegates from State/Division USDAs began group discussions.
Secretary of Mon State USDA U Tin Soe Moe Naing said the State/Division USDAs successfully organized the mass rallies at the respective venues from 6 to 16 January this year.
Motions in support of the all-round developments in the nation during a ten-year period were tabled and supported with precise data to enable the people and the USDA members to understand the national and rural development endeavours. The results of the mass rallies have led the people to understand more about the fact
" The strength of the nation really lies within". The rallies also disclosed that the nation had achieved peace, modernization and progress due to the consolidated force of the people and the Tatmadaw under the leadership of the State. The people had upheld Our Three Main National Causes more firmly at present.
He then quoted USDA Patron Senior General Than Shwe as giving guidance
"At present, the nation is heading for progress; thus all the association members will have to participate with full vigour for continued development of the nation. They are required to render cooperation with their utmost physical and intellectual ability to successfully implement the third five-year short-term national economic plan in accord with the future working
programmes." At present, the nation is striving to materialize the guidance given by USDA Patron Senior General Than Shwe.
At the Special General Meeting (2002), which was held on 19 February this month, the Senior General also gave guidance, saying,
" The USDA members are to develop patriotic spirit; to strive for the development of the Union and safeguard it with their lives; and as befits the members of the USDA; and to nurture strong will and determination so as to overcome any difficulty whatsoever.
" All the members should resolutely uphold the guidance.
Mon State has a favourable climate. Although water is not scarce in the state, the coastal areas have to use tube-wells and reservoirs to supply water. Thus, five large dams including Azin Dam, Winphanon Dam and Shwenattaung Dam have been built in the region. The USDA contributed over K 2.5 million to build 13 ponds, sink six tube-wells and four wells and two manual water pumping stations in the villages.
The USDAs at different levels in Mon State will continue to strive with the consolidated force in accord with the guidance of the USDA Patron and with the close supervision of the CEC members.
The future tasks will be implemented successfully if the rural areas can be developed from all sectors. The Mon State USDAs made a firm resolution to energetically strive for progress of the nation and the rural areas.
Executive of Rakhine State USDA Daw Myint Myint Tha said the State Peace and Development Council government has restored the national consolidation and developed the nation to an unprecedented degree. It has laid down and implemented working programmes to harmoniously develop all the sectors including the economic and social sectors.
As most of the surface area of the state is covered with many mountains and natural watercourses, it had to rely on air and water transport in the past. The government overcame many difficulties and spent a large amount of money to build the Yangon-Sittway Highway. The road has ensured easy and smooth transport for the national people. It is a milestone for the people of Rakhine State.
As the Kyaukphyu-Yangon road is being built through the tidal areas, the project staff faced much difficulties in building it. The project will be completed in 2003. The government is also building an international deep-sea port in Kyaukphyu.
The facilities have contributed to strengthening national unity.
Myanmar is wiping out polio from the country as a national task. Members of Rakhine State have taken part with might and main in giving polio vaccine to the children. Health education talks have been held in 165 villages in Rakhine State. Fly-free toilets have been built in 85 villages. The USDA members have repaired rural dispensaries in seven villages. The association also distributed vaccines to six villages.
The association has also repaired schools and organized parents to send their children of school age to the schools. It has also taken part in the literary campaigns. Moreover, the association will open summer courses for the youth.
She spoke of construction and repairs of 12 primary schools and 59 post-primary schools, measures taken to get all the children of school age to go to school in Yanbye, Manaung and Sittway as well as in Taunggup, Kyaukphyu and Kyauktaw, arrangements to open 223 summer cultural courses for over 48,600 trainees and the opening of libraries in villages.
Then, Secretary of Khayan Township USDA of Yangon Division U Myint Oo said that in Yangon Division, the Government has built altogether 11 dams including Ngamoeyeik Dam, Tabuhla Dam, Kabu Diversion Weir and Lagwanbyin Dam. With regard to the transport sector, altogether 23 bridges including Thanlyin Bridge, Bayintnaung Bridge, Maha Bandoola Bridge, Aungzeya Bridge, Shwepyitha Bridge and Ngamoeyeik Bridge have been built.
In Yangon Division, the Government has dug 469 artesian wells and 90 wells to tap underground water and 1,700 artesian wells and 3,496 wells to supply drinking water.
In the education sector of Yangon Division, 54 e-learning centres and 156 multimedia teaching centres have been opened. Dagon University, Yangon Eastern University, the University of Computer Technology and the University of Culture and colleges have been opened. ICT Park has been constructed.
In the health sector of Yangon Division, 54 rural clinics were opened, and trust funds were set up in 2001 over K 29 million for 21 township hospitals, over K 2.5 million for 17 station hospitals and over K 2 million for seven rural clinics.
Yangon Division USDA is implementing the fourth and fifth tasks out of seven future tasks laid down at the 2001 Annual General Meeting and five rural development tasks covered by three resolutions passed at the mass meeting held in January 2002.
To improve the condition of transport, 120 tarred roads stretching 28.11 miles in all, 59 concrete roads stretching 7.69 miles in all, 15 gravel roads stretching 10.97 miles in all, 22 laterite roads stretching 7.20 miles in all and 37 earth roads stretching 9.45 miles in all have been built.
To develop the rural region and supply sufficient water, 90 2-inch artesian wells, 29 4-inch artesian wells and one 8-inch artesian wells.
Next, Secretary of Taunggyi District USDA of Shan State (South) U Sai Tin Htwe said that to develop the transport sector, the central executive committee member minister inspected construction of roads in Nankhoak village, Hopong Township, and in Taungni village, Taunggyi Township.
The association has built a bridge of concrete type, 162 feet long and 18 feet wide, which links YeU village and Theingon village in Ywangan Township.
To enable rural people to carry out economic, social and communication activities, SN-568 cordless telephones have been installed at Township USDAs with the permission of the ministry concerned. Telephone lines have been extended to 39 villages through nine towns such as Hopong, Hsihseng and Loilem. Arrangements are being made to install telephone lines at Maukmai, Maingkaing and Kyethee Townships and Aungban, Bawhsaung and Wanhat villages.
Altogether 53 dams have been built in Shan State (South). Shwenyaung-Yaksawk railroad, Aungban-Loikaw railroad, Shwenyaung-Taunggyi-Banyin-Hsaikkhaung railroad and Namhsan-Mongnai railroad have been built.
Hsaikkhaung-Namhsan railroad is being built. Namhsan Airfield in Loilem District has been upgraded.
As to hydroelectric power projects, Zawgyi-1 and Zawgyi-2 Hydroelectric Power Plants have been built in Yaksawk Township. Moreover, the biggest coal-fired power station is being constructed in Tikyit village, Pinlaung Township. A cement plant has been built as well. In Shan State (South), there were previously 1,930 schools. The number of the schools has increased up to 2,300 by 400.
Some villages have been upgraded into townships. For the development of border and rural areas, 116 miles of roads have been built. Kyaingtaung-Kholan road has been built, too. In the cultural sector, over 2,000 ancient pagodas in Kattu Village, Taunggyi Township, are being renovated.
Afterwards, Secretary of Shan State (North) USDA U Aye Thaung said. A country needs to be peaceful and stable to develop. Development is never possible without peace and stability.
Our region, Shan State (North) legged behind compared with other regions due to armed insurgency. But, national unity has regained and eternal peace could be built through goodwill and patience of the government. Our region, Shan State (North), has developed to a level which has never experienced in any period for active participation of national groups who returned to legal fold in regional development work.
The government has made efforts for border areas and national races development with added momentum. As a result, Laukkaing, Chin Shwe Haw, Nemtit, Mongmaw, Pengsang, Kaungkha and Mantone which used to be small villages on the border have developed to a level of urban cities. National people can travel conveniently and easily in the short time on the strategic roads Mandalay-Lashio-Muse motor road, Hsenwi-Kwunlone-Chin Shwe Haw-Laukkaing motor road and Tarkaw-et-Laylu-Nemtein Nyinaung Bridge.
Border areas are developing in parallel with urban areas in education, health, communication and information sectors.
Patron of Shan State USDA the commander and CEC member in-charge of the region the minister have constantly fulfilled our requirements and given necessary assistance.
In addition, they have supported Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Red Cross, Fire Brigade and War Veteran Association with cash and kinds. They are K 4.75 million, 120 sets of uniform for Red Cross and Fire Brigade, 600 sets of uniform and 1,200 hats for USDA, 35 stretchers, 15 sewing machines, four typewriters, 25 generators, 35 sets of television, 20 units of video and VCD players and 1,200 sheets of corrugated iron. According to geographic conditions, transportation in our region is difficult due to thick forests and mountains and very few plains. As a result, economy, education, health and social standards were low in the villages on mountains.
Unity has loosen due to a lack of communicationdern technology in agriculture. Arrangements has been made to exhibit one acre modern model plantation and one livestock breeding farm each at 42 agriculture camps in strategic villages.
At this point, I would like to present matters related to drug eradication in our region. Destruction of poppy plantations has been made combing the region for complete elimination of poppy plantations in Shan State (North) during this year. USDA could help the local peasants who found difficulty in food, shelter and clothing for not being able to grow poppy get assistance of 800 rice bags and K 7 million. Overall assistance for growing opium substitute crops and breeding animals will be given to them to make a living.
Later, Secretary U Saing Lone of Kengtung District USDA, Shan State (East) said.
In the time of present government, transportation has become more developed than before in Shan State (East).
In a decade, 219-mile tar road, 133-mile gravel road and 531-mile earthen road totalling 793 miles have been constructed. As a result, one can travel more easily between townships after emergence of Kengtung-Tachilek road, Kengtung-Mongpyin road, Kengtung-Mongla road, Tachilek-Mongsat road, Mongpyin-Mongsat road, Mongyan-Selu road and Mongyan-Hoetaung-Mongpauk-Penseng road.
People from Mongtone and Mongsat townships can easily make trips to Taunggyi due to construction of Thalwin River Bridge linking Mongtone-Tarhsan, a significant emergence.
One BEHS, five BEMS and 52 BEPS totalling 58 schools could be constructed under border area development programme. As a result, offspring of local national people can pursue basic education. Moreover, a Degree College, a State Technology College and a Computer College could be opened in Kengtung in higher education sector.
New generation national races have been able to pursue higher education. Multimedia classrooms could be opened in 14 BEHSs. Five electronic learning centres could also be opened. Member of Panel of Patron of USDA Maj-Gen Soe Win opened an electronic library at the library of Kengtung District Information and Public Relations Department on 2 February 2002. Similarly, en electronic library was opened in Tachilek Township by the commander of Triangle Command on 14 February 2002. That is like our dreams come true.
During a decade, six hospitals and 12 clinics could be opened for border area development in Shan State (East) because uplift of rural people contain as an important strategy in five rural area development policies. Moreover, one nursing training school could be opened and the school has already given birth 212 nurses.
A total of 58 projects Ñ sinking of shallow tube-wells, upgrade of lakes for drinking water, upgrade of artesian wells, water supply from streams could be implemented at the cost of K 17.7 million in 28 villages in nine townships under the arrangement of Ministry of PBANRDA.
Communication plays a key role for smooth performance of economic and social tasks. In Shan State (East), 12 post offices, ten telegraph offices, six radio telephone offices, 12 switch boards, 12 satellite communication ground stations have been constructed and 56-mile cable has been installed.
Smooth transportation is a main factor in rural area development. Arrangements have been made for construction of five rural roads and one bridge located on the road between a village and a city in five townships in Shan State (East). between villages and national races because of difficulty in transportation. To change this situation, USDA in collaboration with Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Department has constructed roads in rural areas. So far, 338-mile gravel road and 173 small bridges have been built. Arrangements are being made for construction of 410-mile rural road and 228 bridges in five-year period.
One of main objectives of our region, Shan State (North) is food sufficiency in the region.
Ten township USDAs could grow 42 acres of summer paddy and 500 acres of hybrid paddy with the use of modern technology. Organizational efforts are being made in regional dialect so that local people can utilize mo
Then, Secretary U Than Tun of Ayeyawady Division USDA spoke on education sector.
He said under the leadership of the association, altogether 548 basic education high, middle and primary schools were constructed and renovated, language labs were opened in 202 schools, new 27 rural primary schools are constructed, 23 rural primary schools were renovated, and 52 primary school were supplied with furniture. During the coming four years, plans for reconstruction of 221 primary schools and renovation of 488 schools out of 5809 will be carried out year by year, and in some townships, assistance will be given for purchasing of all schooling-age children and for opening of primary schools, he said.
In health sector, one station hospital and 38 rural health care branches were opened and 13 rural health care branches were reconstructed and out of 772.
He said he wanted to report that there are 297 rural health care branches to be renovated and 143 were under renovation under the aegis of the association and another 154 were to be renovated during the coming four year period.
One doctor, four nurses and three staff were appointed at Ahtaung Station Hospital in Kyonepyaw opened by the association, and health care services for rural people have been carried out and altogether 44,513 patients were treated with free of charge to date. In cooperation with physicians and executive doctors, the members toured the region where transportation is difficult to give free-of-charge treatment to 157,424 local people in 1,192 villages, he added.
For availability of potable water in the division, the association has renovated 238 ponds and 380 tube-wells in the delta region where clean water is not available since it was founded, and similar plans will be implemented during the coming four years, he said.
In linking village roads, the association had constructed 30 roads lengthening 107,367 feet before special three month period, and during special tree month period, 25 roads that link 50 villages have been constructed and there will be similar plans for the villages where there is difficult transportation during the coming four years.
The CEC member the In-charge of the division met with local people and USDA members from 1,020 village-tracts at 53 venues and explained that assistance has been rendered for construction of new 100 primary schools and renovation of 693 ones, construction of 24 rural health care branches and renovation of 119 ones, renovation of 518 bridges and construction of new five fire offices, one red cross office, 19 MWCA offices and 438 libraries attached to the USDA offices.
Afterwards, Delegate U Nyunt Win of Myitkyina Township in Kachin State reported that the Government has implemented tasks for development of transportation infrastructures essential for progress of social and economic sector of the people, and constructed 276 miles of tarred road, 308 miles of gravel road and 1010 miles of earth road in Kachin State during a decade, he pointed out.
Moreover, the State has constructed eight bridges including Bala Minhtin Bridge and Tanine Bridge that is opened recently, and Kachin State USDA has made arrangements for construction and renovation of 14 small bridges and it will also participate in constructing 10 roads linking towns and villages. In health sector, 58 rural health care branches and 208 dispensaries have been opened in Kachin State, he said.
In health sector, Kachin State USDA conducted first aids courses at 14 venues for 1945 members and traditional medicine courses at five venues for 279 members for the primary health education. Altogether 2613 bottles of blood were donated and rural dispensaries in Mohnyin, Phakant, Swegu, Momauk, Putao and Khaunglanphu townships were renovated, furnished and supply with medicine. Altogether 22370 members took part in the health care development tasks and K 10,969,800 was spent, he said.
Altogether 29,050 members attended the Culture Courses conducted by the association for the promotion of national culture and character, and with the help of experienced teachers, the associations in townships opened study classes for metric students and 4430 students are learning there. Kachin State USDA has contributed assistance to availability of drinking and cultivation water in rural areas and members actively took part in building Kangyi Dam in Bhamo Township, renovation of Manpon Lake in Momauk, digging of Ngapauk well in Swegu Township, digging of ditches for water pipes in Putao Township, digging of canals in Naungmon and Khaunglanphu townships, supplying of water in Sumprabun Township and digging of a lake in Chipwe Township.
Altogether eight tube-wells, six ponds and tasks for availability of drinking water in 95 schools are under way, he pointed out.
In conclusion, he said the development of a nation depends on the combination of labour of the citizens with resources and capital and the association will try its best for the rapid development of the nation and vowed to crush all the destructive elements risking lives with strong mind for the stability of the State.
Secretary of Kayah State USDA U Kyaw Shwe said that in the education sector, Kayah State USDA has constructed a new building and repaired an old one in the Basic Education Primary School in Htaythama Village in Loikaw Township. The association has also provided assistance for construction of the walls and floor of BEPS in Monlon (Htilanga) Village.
It has reconstructed Loikamu Village BEPS, and built a new building in Kunthaya Village BEPS, a new building in Ziphyugon Village BEPS in Dimawhso Township. It has donated sawn timbers to Ziphyugon Village BEPS in Dimawhso Township. It has provided cash assistance for the teachers who assisted in the monastic education school of Kunthaya Village. The association has also donated cash and contributed voluntary labour to construction of Nwalabolt Village school.It has opened evening courses for matriculation students. As to promotion of education for the development of human resources, the Government has opened Loikaw College, Government Technical College, Government Computer College, two learning centres, a training school for the progress of the border area and national races, a domestic science school and a nursing and midwifery training school.
The Government has also opened multi-media classrooms in 11 basic education high schools and in some basic education middle schools and an e-library in Loikaw for the development of Kayah State.
To broaden the scope of knowledge of the national races, the Government has opened TV relay stations in Loikaw, Pruhso and Bawlake and other three stations were opened in Mawche, Shataw and Ywathit under the arrangements of Kayah State. The Government has also opened a micro-wave station , 105 auto-exchanges, 7 rural communication stations, 5 libraries, 8 telegraph stations. Five rural communication stations are under construction and plans are afoot to build 10 more stations. USDA has supported such endeavours of the Government, and pledged to join hand with the Government wherever necessary.
For supply of drinking water for rural areas, the Government sank 161 tube-wells in rural areas of the region and another 138 for schools. Members of the USDAs also joined hand with the people of Pangan Village and Dawkalow Village in Loikaw Township in carrying out rural water supply tasks.
Then, the session ended at 9.45 am.
( 3 ) Commerce Minister welcomes Korean delegation
Yangon, 21 Feb - At the invitation of the Minister for Commerce, a delegation led by Mr Hwang Doo-Yun, Minister of Trade of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Republic of Korea, arrived at Yangon International Airport by air this evening.
They were welcomed at the airport by Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, officials from the ROK Embassy and departmental heads.
Education Minister receives guests
Yangon, 21 Feb - Minister for Education U Than Aung received Mr Kenichi Ohira of Rotary International, District 2760, AICHI Japan and World Community Service (WCS) Committee and party, who donate computer and stationery for the students of Myanmar, at the Diamond Jubilee Hall on Pyay Road this afternoon.
Also present at the call were Deputy Ministers for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung and U Myo Nyunt, directors-general and officials of the departments under the ministry, the managing director of Myanmar Tokiwa
Corporation and officials.
Industry-1 Minister receives Japanese guests
Yangon, 21 Feb Ñ Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung received Vice-Chairman of Hiroshima Kasei Co Ltd of Japan Mr Akihiro and party at his office this evening.
Also present were Deputy Ministers Brig-Gen Thein Tun and Brig-Gen Kyaw Win, directors-general and managing directors of the departments and industries under the ministry.
( 4 ) Myanmar-Japan ICT Association meets
Yangon, 21 Feb - The meeting of Myanmar-Japan Information and Communication Technology Association took place at the Myanma Information and Communication Technology Development Building in Hline Township this morning.
A Japanese delegation led by Professor Mr Mikami, Rector of Yangon University of Computer Technology Dr Paik Tin, Chairman of Myanmar Computer Scientists Association U Thein Oo, Chairman of Myanmar Computer Industry Association U Tin Win Aung and Vice-Chairman of MCSA U Thaung Tin held discussion.
Minister receives guests
Yangon, 21 Feb -Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein received Director-General of Livestock Breeding Development Department of Thailand Mr Rapeepong Vongdee and party at his office yesterday evening.
Similarly, Minister Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein received Managing Director of Europ Continents Co Ltd of France Mr C Felix and party at his office yesterday evening.
Mr C Felix presented three cold storage boxes and one solar refrigerator worth US$ 6,270 to Director-General U Maung Maung Nyunt of Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department.
Also present at the call were Deputy Minister U Aung Thein, directors-general and managing directors of the departments and enterprises under the ministry, head of office and officials.
MICT Development Co holds meeting
Yangon, 21 Feb - The meeting of shareholders of Myanma Information and Communication Technology Development Company Ltd was held at MICT Park in Hline Township this evening.
Present were members of the board of directors of the company and shareholders.
Member of the board of directors Lt-Col Tin Oo made an opening speech.
Members of the board of directors U Thein Oo spoke of the aims and set-up of the company; U Pyone Maung Maung, performance of work and future tasks; U Tin Win Aung, financial matters of MICT Park.
The shareholders also took part in the discussions.
A dinner was hosted to those who rendered assistance for MICT Park at the Park. Present were Chairman of MICT Development Co Ltd Col Thein Swe and members of the board of directors and the shareholders. Col Thein Swe spoke words of thanks for those who provided assistance for MICT Park and presented certificates of honour
to them.
( 5 ) Construction of six-lane Yangon-Mandalay Union Highway in progress
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than tours Bago Division
Yangon, 21 Feb-Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than of the Ministry of Defence arrived at No 12 Sugar Mill (Nawade) of Myanma Sugarcane Enterprise under the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation near Mya Village on the eastern bank of the Ayeyawady River, five miles away to the north of Pyay, on 17 February morning.
At the briefing hall, together with Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Southern Command Brig-Gen Aung Min, Chairman of Bago Division (West) Peace and Development Council Col Soe Nwe and departmental officials, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than heard a report presented by the manager of the mill on location of the mill, production capacity, different kinds of sugar, condition of crushing sugarcane at the mill in 2000-2001, plans for sugar production in 2001-2002 and personnel affairs. The deputy general manager of MSE and Col Soe Nwe presented supplementary reports.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than gave instructions on extended cultivation of quality sugarcane, cultivation of one kind of beans and peas, fulfillment of requirements of farmers, the boosting of per-acre yield and purchase of sugarcane as targetted and production of sugar.
In this season, the mill has purchased 120,126 tons of sugarcane against the targeted 210,000 tons and has produced 10,979 tons of sugar out of the targeted 18,375 tons.
A total of 2,000 acres of land have been put under sugarcane and black pulse as multiple crop near the mill. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than inspected Mya Village Water Pumping Project undertaken by the Water Resources Utilization Department to supply water for sugarcane plantations near the mill. The project is aimed at irrigating 3,000 acres of sugarcane and supplying water for cultivation of multiple crops in the villages of Pyay District.
Then, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party proceeded to No 11 Sugar Mill (Inngagwa) of MSE in Paukkhaung Township. After hearing reports presented by the manager of the mill, Col Soe Nwe and officials concerned at the briefing hall, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than gave necessary instructions. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party inspected production process in the mill and warehouses of sugar.
Next, they went to Taungnawin Dam built over Taungnawin Creek near Yatthit Village, Paukkhaung Township. Deputy Director of Bago Division (West) Irrigation Department U Saw Napoleon reported on matters related to the dam and progress of cultivation of summer paddy with the use of water from the dam.
Afterwards, Commander Brig-Gen Aung Min reported on the rendering of assistance by local authorities for Taungnawin Dam Construction Project, and Chairman of Pyay District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Khin Win on arrangements for extended cultivation of summer paddy with the use of water from the dam in Pyay, Paukkhaung, Thegon and Paungde townships.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than urged officials concerned to make sure that local farmers realize the aims of construction of the dam and to actively participate in cultivating summer crops as targetted, and inspected the dam.
The dam was constructed with a view to irrigating 62,500 acres of farmland in Pyay, Paukkhaung and Thegon townships in Bago Division (West).
In the afternoon, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party arrived at the office of Road Construction Special Group-7 of Public Works under the Ministry of Construction in Paukkhaung Township, which is undertaking the task of upgrading Pyay-Paukkhaung-Toungoo road.
At the briefing hall of the project, Superintending Engineer (Civil) U Khin Thet reported on upgrading Pyay-Paukkhaung-Toungoo Yoma short-cut; Division Superintending Engineer U Kyaw Lwin on availability of funds for upgrading Pyay-Paukkhaung-Toungoo road, arrival of heavy machinery, progress of work and future tasks. Commander Brig-Gen Aung Min and officials concerned gave supplementary reports.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than gave necessary instructions.
Pyay-Paukkhaung-Toungoo road upgrading project covered the length of 109 miles and 3 furlongs Ñfrom mile post Nos 0/0 to 9/1 in Pyay Township, from 9/1 to 52/1 in Paukkhaung Township and from 52/1 to 109/3 in Ottwin Township. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party then headed for Taungle Station Hospital in Taungle Village-tract in Paukkhaung Township where Head of Division Health Department Dr U Zaw
Win reported on facts about the hospital. After giving instructions, Khin Maung Than inspected extended construction of the hospital, wards and drug store.
Later, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than inspected upgrading of road section from mile post Nos 36 to 37 of Pyay-Paukkhaung-Ottwin-Toungoo road in Nyaungwun camp in Paukkhaung Township and left necessary instructions.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party arrived at Taungpaw Shukhintha camp in Toungoo (South) timber extraction region on Pyay-Paukkhaung-Ottwin-Toungoo Yoma short-cut. After hearing the report presented by Manager (Timber Extraction) U Aung Kyaw Moe, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than gave instructions on maintenance of forests, systematic extraction of timber and planting of trees after laying down plans.
On 18 February morning, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party arrived at No 7 Sugar Mill (Ottwin) in Ottwin Township.
At the briefing hall, the manager of the mill reported on facts about the project of the mill, production capacity, purchase of sugarcane and production of sugar, plans to be implemented for extended cultivation of sugarcane up to 10,000 acres and others. Commander Brig-Gen Aung Min and the chairman of Toungoo District Peace and Development Council gave supplementary reports.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than gave necessary instructions to the officials concerned and inspected the mill.
In this season, the mill has crushed 73,828 tons of sugarcane out of targeted 150,000 tons and has produced 5,325 tons of sugar against targeted 13,125 tons of sugar so far.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party inspected three acres of black pulse and sunflower plantains of farmer U Nyi Tint in Pyaungthe Village-tract in Pyu Township and 33 acres of sugarcane and green gram in Yayshangyi Village-tract.
Then, they went to the project office of Olympic Co Ltd on Yangon-Mandalay Highway in Kyeemanoe Village-tract, Pyu Township, which is undertaking Yangon-Mandalay Union Highway Upgrading Project. At the briefing hall, officials of Dagon International Ltd, Kanbawza Pathfinder Co Ltd and Olympic Highway Co Ltd, and Lt-Col Tin Maung Win of Southern Command and reported on tasks being implemented for upgrading Yangon-Mandalay Union Highway. Commander Brig-Gen Aung Min gave a supplementary report.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than spoke of the need for cooperation with authorities concerned for meeting the set standard and supply of tar and gravel required as the project for upgrading Yangon-Mandalay Six-lane Union Highway Project was the State's special project. Efforts were to be made with goodwill and might and main for timely completion in construction of the highway within the three remaining months and for ensuring smooth transport during rainy season, he noted.
Then, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party went to the diversion tunnel of Ye Nwe Dam Multipurpose Project being undertaken by Construction 1 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation two and a half miles south of Myochaung Village, Kyauktaga Township, Bago Division. After inspecting construction of the entrance of the tunnel, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party, together with officials, posed for a documentary photo in front of the tunnel. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than then inspected building of the spillway of the project.
Officials of the Irrigation Department and the Ministry of Electric Power reported on matters related to the project.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than gave necessary instructions and inspected the construction of the dam.
The project is on Ye Nwe Creek. The earth-embankment dam is 1,050 feet long and 251 feet high. It can store 1,212,600 acre feet.
The purpose of constructing the dam is to supply water to about 118,500 acres of farmland and 237,000 acres of crops and to generate 25 megawatt. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party inspected vegetable plantations each side of Yangon-Mandalay Union Highway in Wewun Village-tract, Nyaunglebin Township and cordially greeted local farmers.
The farm is distributing a large amount of produce to Yangon, Kyaikhto, Theinzayat, Bago, Mandalay and other regions.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party then inspected the sector of the Yangon-Mandalay Highway project which is being built by Shwe Thanlwin Company. They then inspected DaikU feedstuff factory and pig farm.
Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein and officials explained points about the factory and the farm. The farm is raising over 11,000 pigs for various purposes. It is the largest pig farm in Myanmar.
The factory is producing 50 tons of feedstuff powder and 25 tons of solid folder every work shift.
After inspecting the various sectors of the highway project, Maj-Gen Khin Maung
Than and party arrived back Yangon in the evening.
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Myanmar Fishery and Livestock Fair-2002 continues
Yangon, 21 Feb - Myanmar Fishery and Livestock Fair-2002, jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, continued for the sixth day at Yangon Trade Centre on Upper Pazundaung Road here today. The fair was crowded with foreigners, monks and people.
Companies from England, Japan, Australia and America signed contracts worth US$ 3.5 million to purchase of 673.38 MT of fish and prawn with Yuzana Fisheries, Annawar Fisheries, Myanmar Sunrise and General Myanmar Co Ltd on 20 February morning.
Under the programme to promote Myanma tourism services of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism, cultural items of the national races in Myanmar, documentary photos of the famous pagodas, customs of Lisu, Chin and Naga national races, Inlay region and Chaungtha Beach are shown for the foreigners and local people to study.
At the booth of Foreign Compang (Business), equipment for poultry farming, fresh water and sea fish and prawn breeding and production, feedstuff and medicine for fish and prawn breeding are exhibited.
At the " Myanmar Export Products Pavilion", the products of the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Mines, the Ministry of Industry-1, the Ministry of Industry-2, the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, the Ministry of Forestry and finished wood based products of Shwebin Ngwebin U Than Tun, Myitmakha and Asia modern furniture houses are displayed.
Cultural dance troupe of the Ministry of Culture and music troupe of Pianist Ko Ta Tun Nyunt entertained the public with variety dances and songs. The restaurants are also opened at the fair.
The fair will be kept open from 9 am to 5 pm till 22 February.
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Armed Forces Day Observance Leading Committee Chairman meets officers of Tatmadaw columns
Yangon, 21 Feb - Chairman of the Leading Committee for Observance of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Chief of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Kyaw Win met with the senior military officers of parade columns which will take part in the Armed Forces Day Parade at Pyidaungsu Hall in Kyaikasan Ground this afternoon.
It was attended by Chairman of the Management Committee for Observance of the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe, chairmen and officials of work committees, senior military officers, the parade commander, column commanders and senior military officers.
First, Chairman of the Leading Committee Maj-Gen Kyaw Win and Chairman of the Management Committee Brig-Gen Myint Swe made speeches.
Then, Chairman of the military parade work group Deputy Chief of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Win Myint, Chairman of the work group for selection of the best parade column Brig-Gen Maung Nyo and Vice-Chairman of the military parade work group Parade Commander Brig-Gen Hla Tun
reported on respective tasks.
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) Myanmar Nurses Conference continues
Yangon, 21 Feb - The second-day sessions of the 47th Conference of the Myanmar Nurses Association was held at the Institute of Nursing on Bogyoke Aung San Street this morning.
It was attended by MNA (Central) Chairperson Daw E Babaro and executives, delegates of state, division and township branches of the association, members of association and guests.
Daw Law Na presided over the conference and Executive (Education) Major Daw Than Aye acted as master of ceremonies in the morning session. MNA (Central) Vice-Chairperson-2 Daw Aye Myint chaired the evening session and Executive (Information/Organizing) Daw Mai Nwe Nwe Yi acted as master of ceremonies.
Myanmar Nursing and Midwifery Council Chairperson Daw Khin May Win gave talks on Nurses Regulation, Vice-Chairperson-2 Daw Aye Myint on Nurses Education Trend and Assistant Lecturer Daw Kyawt Kyawt Swe on Research. Then, MNA Executive (Education) Subcommittee Chairperson Daw
Law Na and delegates took part in the discussions and the second-day
sessions came to an end in the evening.
Poem and Arts Competitions Work Committee meets
Yangon, 21 Feb - A work coordination meeting on scrutinizing the lyrics for military songs composed by musicians to mark the 57th Anniversaty Armed Forces Day 2002, was held at the Ministry of Culture on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road at 1 pm on 19 February.
Present at the meeting were Armed Forces Day Commemorative Poem and Arts Competitions Work Committee Chairman De-puty Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt, Vice-Chairman Assistant Chief of Armed Forces Training (Air) Col Ko Ko, Secretary Lt-Col Ohn Maung (Retd), subcommittee members and musicians.
Hailing the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, marching songs will be composed by Gitalulin U Ko Ko, Wunna Kyaw Htin U Sein Mya Maung, Htilar Sitthu, Myinmu Maung Naing Moe, Pianist Chit Maung, Thet Tin Aung, Kaytu Win Htut, Pianist Chit Swe and A-1 Soe Myint.
Military songs will be composed by Bogalay U Tint Aung, Pantra U Chit Hlaing, Hinthada U Myint Ngwe, Pyinmana U Myint Hlaing, Pianist Tin Win Hlaing, Maung Kyemon, Ko Nyunt Wai, Maung Okka, Yenantha Win Maung, Maung Maung Lat (Naung) and Ko Lay Nyunt. Scrutinized songs will be telecast at MRTV and Myawady
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) Myanmar trounces Brunei 11-0
in ASEAN soccer

Yangon, 21 Feb - Myanmar youth team beat Brunei youth team 11-0 in the match of group-A of year 2002 First ASEAN Youth U-17 Football Tournament in Kualar Lumpur, Malaysia, this evening.
In the first half of the match, Zaw Htet Aung,
Nyi Nyi Aung, Bo Bo
Aung and Myo Min Tun scored one goal each;
and Kyaw Kyaw Soe, two goals. In the second half, Kyaw Kyaw Soe, Han Win Aung and Zaw Myo Min scored one goal each; and Nyi Nyi Aung, two goals.
Tomorrow, Myanmar youth team will play against Singapore youth team.
Drug trafficker sentenced
Yangon, 21 Feb - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and railway police, acting on a tip-off, searched passenger Aung Myo Min, who was on board Mandalay-Myitkyina express train, at Khin Oo Station at 6.45 pm on 25 March 2001, and seized 654 grams of raw opium and 390 stimulants.
In connection with the case, the Khin Oo Police Station filed Aung Myo Min, 27, son of U Hla Maung of Aung Tha Pyay Ward 1, Moehnyin under Section 15/16 (C)/ 19(A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Shwebo District Court handed down a fifteen-year imprisonment on him under
Section 19(A) on 31 January 2002.