1 ) Secretary-1 inspects construction of northern and southern stairways of Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image

Yangon, 16 Feb- Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, together with officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, arrived at Mindhamma Hill where Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image is kept in Insein Township this afternoon.
The Secretary-1 and party were welcomed by officials, experts and members of the Board of Trustees.
The Secretary-1 paid obeisance to the Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image.
The Secretary-1 inspected construction of northern and southern stairways and all-round construction work, and gave instructions.
Maha Wizaya Pagoda Pujaniya to be held
Yangon, 16 Feb- The 17th Buddha Pujaniya of Maha Wizaya Pagoda will be held at the pagoda from 17 to 28 February.
"Soon" offering ceremony will be held at 5.30 am on 27 February (Full moon day of Tabodwe) and a 5,000 candle lights offering ceremony at 6.30 pm from 26 to 28 February.
Members of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee and Ovadacariya Sayadaws of the pagoda will consecrate the pagoda at 5.30 am on 28 February.
The second non-stop Maha Pahtana recitation ceremony will be held from 17 to 21 February.
Twenty-nine wut associations will recite parittas and religious verses at Gandakutitaik from 6 am to 6 pm daily.
Bahan Township Maha Withoaddayon Pali Takka-tho Kyaungtaik Presiding Sayadaw Tipitakadhra Dhammabandagarika Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Sirindabhivamsa will deliver a sermon at 7 pm on 26 February; Mayangon Township Tipitaka Maha Gandayon Kyaungtaik Presiding Sayadaw Tipitakadhara Dhammabandagarika Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Sumangala Lankara at 7 pm on 27 February; and Dagon Myothit (East) Township Tipitaka Maha Gandawin Kyaungtaik Presiding Saya-daw Tipitakadhara Dhamma-bandagarika Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Vayamin-dhabhivamsa at 7 pm on 28 February. Myanma traditional Htamane (sticky rice) preparing competitions will be held at 4 pm on 26
Koehtatgyi Pagoda Buddha Pujaniya ceremony held
Yangon, 16 Feb- The opening ceremony of the 29th Buddha Pujaniya of Atuladipati Mahamunithakya Koehtatgyi Pagoda was held at the precinct of the pagoda on Bagaya Road in Sangyoung Township this morning.
It was attended by members sayadaws of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee led by Vice-Chairman of SSMNC Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Aungmyaybonsan Sayadaw Bhaddanta
Pannindabhivamsa, Oavadacariya sayadaws of the pagoda, Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko,
Director-General of Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana
U Sann Lwin, No-3 Military Region Commander Col Yan Naing Oo, Chairman of Yangon West District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein, members of District and Township Peace and Development Councils, Koehtatgyi
Pagoda Board of Trustees, wellwishers, Wut associations, members of USDA, members of red cross society and fire brigade and pilgrims. The Buddha Pujaniya ceremony will be held up to 23 February and the sayadaws will deliver sermons daily during the festival.
( 2 ) Secretary-1 unveils signboard of Myanmar Fishery and Livestock Fair-2002 at Yangon Trade Centre
Yangon, 16 Feb- A ceremony to open the Myanmar Fishery and Livestock Fair-2002, jointly organized by the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, was held in front of Yangon Trade Centre on Upper Pazundaung Road in Mingala Taungnyunt Township at 8.30 am today, attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present on the occasion were Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe, the ministers, the deputy ministers, the vice-mayor, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads, visiting Director-General Mr Banphot Hongthong and party of Ministry of Commerce of Thailand, Chairman of Bangladesh-Myanmar Economic Promotion Council Mr Rashed Maksud Khan, Commercial counsellors and officials of foreign missions in Yangon officials of the Organizing Committee for Myanmar Fishery and Livestock Fair-2002, officials of the work committee, local and foreign companies which are participating in the fair, officials of the booths, members of Township Union Solidarity and Development Association, Township Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigade, the band troupe of Botahtaung Basic Education High School No 4, students and guests.

At the auspicious time, Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone and Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein formally opened the Fair.
Then, the Secretary-1 unveiled the signboard of the fair.
Next, the Secretary-1 formally inaugurated the Myanmar Export Product Pavilion on the third floor of the Yangon Trade Centre. He then viewed various items of personal goods and finished-wood products manufactured by the Ministry of Cooperatives, the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, the Ministry of Forestry, Shwepin Ngwepin U Than Tun Furniture and Hla Bayin Furniture, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Mines, the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, the Ministry of Industry-1 and the Ministry of Industry-2.
Afterwards, the opening ceremony was held on the second floor of Yangon Trade Centre. Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone delivered an address.

He said.
As you are already aware, "Myanmar Fishery and Livestock Fair-2002", is conducted with the following objectives namely:-
(1) To develop awareness of Myanmar's developing fishery and livestock products internationally,
(2) To gain market access for the fishery and livestock products,
(3) To attract foreign investment in fishery and livestock sector,
(4) To obtain technical know-how of fishery and livestock production and other related manufacturing.
To increase production of meat and fish products for domestic consumption and share the surplus with other countries is one of the sectoral policies and principal objective of this Fair and is aimed to expand market share of Myanmar's surplus fishery and livestock products within the region and to visualize the investment potentials of the sector.
In this context, Myanmar, a member of ASEAN, has a long coastline, nearly 3,000 kilometres and provides a very good base for the development of shrimp and prawn culture. There are also many potentials for the development of the livestock breeding industry, as Myanmar has vast pasture-lands with suitable climate and other animal feed are available in different regions.
As the Motto of the Fair, that is "Myanmar's Fish and Meat for
all", it is therefore hoped that Myanmar Fishery and Livestock Fair-2002 will bring about more business contacts and promote intraregional trade and investment on Fish and Meat sector of the region.
In this Trade Fair about 135 foreign and local companies have participated by taking about 250 booths indoor and outdoor space.
They are displaying a wide range of products related to livestock and fisheries such as livestock feedstuff, veterinary medicines, live shrimp, steel structure building, materials for cold storage, etc.
During the Fair, Seminar on Fishery Development Potential in Myanmar, Livestock Development Potential in Myanmar, Quality Assurance of Fishery Products in Myanmar and also Investment Opportunities in Fishery and Livestock Sector will be conducted for the benefit of both foreign and local participants of the Fair. Besides that, Tour Programmes
for Livestock Sector and Fishery Sector have been arranged by the
Organizing Committee for the Trade Fair guests.
Before I conclude, my appreciation and thanks are also extended to all the exhibitors and visitors from both home and abroad for your keen interest and participation in this
"Myanmar Fishery and Livestock Fair-2002".
Then, Minister Brig-Gen Pyi Sone presented the souvenir to mark the opening ceremony of the fair to the Secretary-1.
Next, Minister Brig-Gen Pyi Sone presented souvenirs to visiting Director-General Mr Banphot Hongthong of Thai Ministry of Commerce and President of Bangladesh-Myanmar Economic Development Council Mr Rashed Maksud Khan.
Afterwards, artists entertained songs and Myanmar traditional dances to the guests. Then, the Secretary-1, the ministers, the deputy ministers and party viewed booths of the Fair and left Yangon Trade Centre at 10 am. A total of 250 booths are displayed by 135 local and foreign companies at Myanmar Fisheries and Livestock Fair-2002, which will be kept open from 9 am to 5 pm daily up to 22 February. Admission is free.
( 3 ) Secretary-1 attends opening ceremony of Zay Kabar Co Head Office, inspects regional
development works in Hlinethaya-Htantabin Region
Yangon, 16 Feb- The opening ceremony of the Head Office of Zay Kabar Co Ltd was held in Mingaladon Garden City in Mingaladon Township this morning, attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.

Also present were Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe, the ministers, the deputy ministers, the vice-mayor, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of departments, construction entrepreneurs, the Chairman of Zay Kabar Co Ltd and staff and guests.
At the auspicious time, the Secretary-1 formally unveiled the signboard of Head Office of Zay Kabar Co Ltd.
The Secretary-1 and party inspected scale model of the housing projects of Zay Kabar Co Ltd and the new head office.
Chairman of Zay Kabar Co Ltd Agga Maha Thiri Thudhamma Manijotadhara U Khin Shwe reported on formation of Zay Kabar Co Ltd, investment, construction works, hotel and tourism services, land preparations, Mingaladon Garden City Project and Yangon Industrial Zone and contributions for education, social, sports and religious affairs sectors.
The Secretary-1 accepted K 100 million donated by Chairman of Zay Kabar Co Ltd Agga Maha Thiri Thudhamma Manijotadhara U Khin Shwe and wife Daw San San Kywe for Shwedagon replica Pagoda and K 50 million for Kyaikhtihsaung Hsandawshin; K 15.3 million donated by Thiri Thudhamma Theingi Daw Khin Thein, wife of late Lt-Gen Sein Aung for Kelatha replica Pagoda; K 10.8 million donated by U Khin Maung Aung and wife Daw Yi Yi May for Kyaikhtihsaung replica Pagoda; K 31.5 million donated by U Khin Myo Aung and Daw Hla Wai Wai Lu for Maha Myat Muni replica Image and K 10.8 million donated by U Ko Ko Htoo and wife Daw Sanda Aung for Kyaikhtiyo replica Pagoda and K 4.8 million for Maha Gandhayon Kyaungtaik. In memory of late Lt-Gen Sein Aung, Thiri Thudhamma Theingi Daw Khin Thein and family presented K 3.6 million for ordination of 108 men of Shwepaukkan Myothit supervisory office in-charge Thura U Win Myint of Shwepaukkan Myothit.

The Secretary-1 and party inspected construction of Shwedagon replica Pagoda, Dhamma Razaka replica Pagoda, Dagundaing, Kyaikhtiyo replica Pagoda and Maha Myat Muni replica Image in Mingaladon Garden City.
Zay Kabar Co Ltd is making efforts for success of economic enterprises and presents donations to education, social, sports and religious affairs sectors. In the afternoon, the Secretary-1 and party inspected upgrading of Hlinethaya-Htantabin short cut road in Hlinethaya Township.
In the briefing hall, heads of departments and officials reported on development of human resources, regional development in Hlinethaya and Htantabin and upgrading of Hlinethaya-Htantabin short cut road. The Secretary-1 then gave instructions.
The Secretary-1 went to the site for construction of the white elephant house in Insein Township.
The Secretarry-1 viewed the white elephant.
The Secretary-1 inspected construction of garden and the white elephant house and construction of the waterfall.
The Secretary-1 then gave instructions.
( 4 ) Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than tours Bago Division
Yangon, 16 Feb- Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than of the Ministry of Defence, together with officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office and departmental heads, left here for Bago and arrived there at 9 am yesterday.
They were welcomed there by Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Southern Command Brig-Gen Aung Min, Commander of No 66 Light Infantry Division Col Aung Tun, senior military officers, Chairman of Thayawady District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Ohn Myint and members, local authorities, secretaries and members of Thayawady District/Township Union Solidarity and Development Associations, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, WomenÕs Affairs Committee and officials of social organizations.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than met with officials of Thayawady District and Township at Saya San Hall and gave instructions.
Chairman Lt-Col Ohn Myint reported on the location and area of the district, use of land, progress of cultivation of monsoon and summer paddy, targets of crop production, purchase of monsoon paddy, transport, health and education and others.
Then, General Manager of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading U Tin Shwe and General Manager of Myanma Agriculture Service Dr Min Aung reported on purchase of crops and assistance rendered by their departments. The commander gave a supplementary report.
In his address, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than said that he, together with officials, arrived there to make arrangements for fulfilling the needs of economic and agriculture tasks in Thayawady District, Bago Division, on which reliance can be placed in the agriculture sector, in coordination with departments concerned.
According to the reports, there was an increase not only in acreage of monsoon paddy but also in per-acre yield.
He spoke of the need to make efforts to exceed the targets and increase per-acre yield in production of summer paddy, beans and peas and oil crops. Priority should be given to livestock breeding.
All concerned were to make earnest efforts in undertaking five major regional development tasks and maintaining community peace and prevalence of law and order, he stressed.
In conclusion, he urged departmental officials under the supervision of local authorities to make concerted efforts in implementing the economic plans laid down by the State.
Then, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than cordially greeted those present.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party proceeded to the 100-acre model summer paddy field at Chanthagon Village-tract in Letpadan Township.
At the briefing hall, Bago Division Manager of MAS U Hla Gyi reported on the use of quality paddy strain and fertilizer at the model plot. Then, the commander and officials gave supplementary reports.
In response to the reports, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than gave instructions on extension of summer paddy cultivation and the conducting of research to increase per-acre yield.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party then went to the 250-ton rice mill in Letpadan.
At the briefing hall, the manager of Bago Division (West) MAPT reported on the background of the mill, target and progress of milling work in the fiscal year 2001-2002, and staff welfare.
Then, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than gave necessary instructions and inspected milling of rice for export and production of polythylene bags.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than inspected sunflower and green gram plantations at Kungyangon Village-tract in Letpadan Township and gave instructions.
Then, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than inspected Bawbin Dam Project where Director U Tin Maung Ohn of Construction Group-2 reported on the work being carried out.
The commander gave a supplementary report. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than gave instructions on timely completion of the project and minimizing loss and wastage, and inspected the project site.
On completion, the dam can irrigate 30,000 acres of farmland. Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party arrived at Shwedaung Textile and Finishing Factory of Myanma Textile Industry.
They were welcomed by Deputy Minister for Industry-2 Brig-Gen Aung Thein Lin, local authorities and factory staff.
At the briefing hall, factory manager Lt-Col Soe Hlaing reported on the background of the factory and others to Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, who attended to the needs and looked round the factory.
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party inspected production process at the factory.
They then arrived at Pyay at 6.30 pm.
In the evening, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party visited Shwesandaw Pagoda there.
Commander visits Yangon Division Vegetable and Poultry Farming Special Zone
Yangon, 16 Feb- Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe, together with division-level departmental officials, met with officials and gave instructions at Yangon Division Vegetable and Poultry Farming Special Zone near Nyaunghnapin Village, Hmawby Township, Yangon North District, this afternoon.
On arrival at Hmawbysan Hall in the special zone-1 at 2.45 pm, the commander was welcomed by officials.
Manager of Yangon Division Agriculture Service U San Maung in charge of the special zone-1, Deputy Commissioner of Yangon North District General Administration Department U Thein Naing in charge of the special zone-2 and Head of Yangon Division Settlement and Land Records Department U Naing Win in charge of the special zone-3 reported on clearing of bushes, earth work, completion of cultivation of vegetables, poultry farming and arrangements to establish vegetable purchasing centre.
Director of Yangon Division Irrigation Department U Kyaw Thein reported on water supply for agricultural purposes by Kalihtaw water-control building in the special zone-2, water supply through the right canal of Ngamoeyeik Dam; Engineer of Yangon Division Electric Power Enterprise U Hla Paik on installation of power lines in the special zones.
The commander gave instructions on completion of clearing of bushes for poultry farming and cultivation of vegetables before the rainy season sets in and the provision of necessary machinery, and called on departmental officials to cooperate in completing the tasks.
Then, the commander inspected cultivation of 30,000 Thitseint saplings for the special zones by the Forest Department and the water flow into the special zone-1 through the right canal of Ngamoeyeik Dam. Afterwards, the commander inspected construction of Kalihtaw water-control building and water supply for the special zone-2.
Director of Yangon Division Irrigation Department U Kyaw Thein reported on
facts about the water-control building. The commander gave
instructions on timely completion of construction work, and left
there in the evening. The ministries and entrepreneurs have so far
grown vegetables and crops on 3,263 acres of land and raised
altogether 494,825 poultry.
( 5 ) L&F Minister receives guests
Yangon, 16 Feb- Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein received Director-General of the Ministry of Commerce of Thailand Mr Banphot Hongthong and party, who
arrived here to attend the Myanma Fishery and Livestock Fair-2002, at his office this afternoon.
Also present at the call were Deputy Minister U Aung Thein, the directors-general and managing directors of departments and enterprises under the ministry, the head of office and officials. The guests were accompanied by Commercial Minister-Counsellor of Thailand to Myanmar Mr Matyawongse Amatyakul.
Minister receives Thai guests
Yangon, 16 Feb- Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone received Director-General Mr Banphot Hongthong of the Ministry of Commerce of Thailand and party at his office on Strand Road this afternoon.
Also present at the call were Director-General of the Directorate of Trade U Nyunt Aye, Director-General of the Border Trade Department U Nay Win, Managing Director of the Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading U Min Hla Aung and officials of the UMFCCI.
( 6 ) Minister attends 56th Anniversary of MRTV
Yangon, 16 Feb- A ceremony to mark the 56th Anniversary of the Myanma Radio and Television was held at the MRTV at 5.30 pm today, with an address by Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung.
Also present were Deputy Ministers U Thein Sein and Brig-Gen Aung Thein, directors-generals, managing directors, advisers, deputy directors-general, general managers and directors under the ministry, technicians of MRTV, guests and service personnel.
The minister presented prizes to a recipient of Medal for excellent performance in administrative field (Class II), two recipients of Medal for excellent performance in mechanical field, five recipients of Good Service Medal and six outstanding staff in mechanical and production fields of MRTV.
Then, the minister presented souvenirs to members of Myanma Classical Song Scrutinizing Board and Myanma Modern Song Scrutinizing Board and advisers.
Afterwards, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aung Thein presented prizes to 17 outstanding staff in their respective fields.
Deputy Minister U Thein Sein presented prizes to 20 outstanding staff and children.
After the ceremony, a dinner was hosted and a music programme was presented to the minister, the deputy ministers and guests.
Dinner hosted to mark opening of MFLF 2002
Yangon, 16 Feb- The committee for holding Myanma Fishery and Livestock Fair 2002, jointly organized by the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, hosted a dinner in honour of visiting Director-General of the Ministry of Commerce of Thailand Mr Banphot Hongthong and party, Chairman of Bangladesh-Myanmar Economic Cooperation Council of Bangladesh Mr Rashed Maksud Khani and officials of local and foreign companies who participated in the fair at Karaweik Palace at 7 pm today.
Present at the dinner were Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, departmental heads, commercial counsellors of foreign embassies in Yangon and officials, officials of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry and invited guests.
Before dinner, those present were entertained to Myanma traditional cultural variety dances. Then, Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone
presented a basket of flowers to the dance troupe.
( 7 )
Minister inspects Psychiatric
Hospital in Ywathagyi
Yangon, 16 Feb- Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, accompanied by Deputy Director-General Dr Hla Pe of Health Department and officials, inspected progress in construction of Psychiatric Hospital in Ywathagyi, Dagon Myothit (East) Township and resettlement matter this morning.
Work site engineer U Aung Sein of Asia World Co reported on completion of the construction tasks, Medical Superintendent Dr U Toe Aung on resettlement of staff of the old hospital and Professor Dr Sao Sai Lon of Psychiatric Department on preparation for the Psychiatric
Hospital as teaching hospital. The minister attended to their needs. Then, the minister inspected construction of wards of the hospital and left necessary instructions. Next, he inspected progress in building the staff quarters. The minister cordially met with staff and fulfilled the requirements.
Minister inspects Hoping Bridge, Shwebo-Myitkyina road section
Yangon, 16 Feb- Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, accompanied by officials, left Hoping on 10 February morning and arrived at the site chosen for building new Hoping Bridge across Thayet Creek on Shwebo-Myitkyina Road.
At the briefing hall, officials reported on work being carried out and future tasks to the minister who gave necessary instructions. Then, the minister inspected road construction between mile posts 209 and 249 on Shwebo-Myitkyina Road and gave necessary instructions.
The minister also inspected construction and maintenance tasks between mile posts 249 and 259 on Shwebo-Myitkyina Road and left necessary instructions.
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USDA multiplier course ends

Yangon, 16 Feb- The concluding ceremony of the multiplier course No 14 organized by Bahan Township Union Solidarity and Development Association was held at No 22 Basic Education Primary School in the township this morning.
It was attended by USDA CEC member Col Tin Hlaing, executive of Yangon Division USDA U Min Thein,
Secretary of Yangon (West) District USDA U Tin Win and executive
committee members, local authorities, secretary of the township USDA
and members, guests and trainees.
Faculty members for MMU and MAEU invited
Yangon, 16 Feb- Candidates, who are Myanmar nationals and who meet required qualifications, are invited to send their applications, together with full testimonials, to the Higher Education Department (Lower Myanmar), Ministry of Education, not later than 15 February 2002, for the posts of teaching staff in the Myanmar Maritime University under the Ministry of Transport, and the Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University under the Ministry of Science and Technology, which will be soon opened.
Candidates are to sit for a written 2-hour English test and to be interviewed.
Excellent educational qualifications and experiences will be an advantage. Government employees can apply for the posts with the permission of respective departmental heads. The candidates must not be older than 35 on 15 February 2002. Age limit will be reconsidered for those who have specific qualifications. Application forms are available at respective HEDs in Yangon and Mandalay, and universities, degree colleges and colleges under HEDs for other regions. Timetable for the written test and interview will be announced later. Advertisements for inviting the faculty members were inserted in the newspapers on 1, 7, 13 and 15 February.
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Cruiseliner Fujimaru arrives
Yangon, 16 Feb- Cruiseliner Fujimaru carrying 161 tourists arrived at Bo Aung Kyaw Jetty here this morning. The tour programme was arranged by Sai Travel Service (Myanmar) Co Ltd and Today Top Star Co Ltd under cooperation of Ministry of Hotels and Tourism and Ministry of Transport.
They were welcomed at the jetty by the officials of the ministries, Sai Travel Service (Myanmar) Co Ltd and Today Top Star Co Ltd.
The tourists toured downtown Yangon today. They will tour Bago and Bagan on 17 February and Thanlyin on 18 February. The cruiseliner will leave here on 18 February evening.