1 ) Tanai Township gets new USDA office
Yangon, 14 Feb-Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence, accompanied by officials, left Myitkyina for Tanai by air on 11 February morning and arrived there in the afternoon.
In the evening, Maj-Gen Ye Myint met with Chairman of Kachin State Peace and Development Council Commander of Northern Command Brig-Gen Maung Maung Swe, Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Myint Thein, Brig-Gen Kyaw Oo Lwin of Tanai Station and departmental officials at the guest house of Tanai Township. They discussed making concerted efforts for regional development in cooperation with social organizations and local people.
On 12 February morning, Maj-Gen Ye Myint attended the opening ceremony of the new office of Tanai Township Union Solidarity and Development Association.
Also present were Commander Brig-Gen Maung Maung Swe, Minister
Maj-Gen Saw Tun, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Myint Thein, Brig-Gen Kyaw
Oo Lwin of Tanai Station and officials, Secretary of Tanai Township USDA U Hsaing La and members and guests.
Member of the Panel of Patrons of USDA (Central) Maj-Gen Ye Myint and Commander Brig-Gen Maung Maung Swe formally opened the new office.
After inspecting the office together with the commander, the minister and guests, Maj-Gen Ye Myint met with USDA members at the office of the association and elaborated on successful implementation of tasks hand in hand with departments and local residents for national and rural development.
After that, Secretary U Hsa La reported on conditions in constructing the new office. Next, Maj-Gen Ye Myint
attended to the needs and donated K 100,000 for the Township USDA.
Minister inspects construction of dams

Yangon, 14 Feb- Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, accompanied by officials, inspected a cotton mill in Aunglan on 12 February morning.
Managing Director Dr Thein Htay and general managers of the Myanma Cotton and Sericulture Enterprise conducted the minister round the mill.
Then, the minister inspected the No 9 Sugar Mill (Yonseik) in Aunglan. Managing Director of Myanma Sugarcane Enterprise U Myo Myint and manager of the mill reported on cultivation of sugarcane and production of sugar. The minister left instructions on quality of the product.

Then, the minister and party proceeded to the construction site of Kun Chaung (2) dam included in the cluster of dams on the west bank of the Ayeyawady River near Tatkon Village in Kyangin Township, Hinthada District. He inspected construction of the main earth embankment and reinforced concrete conduit. Director-General of the Irrigation Department U Kyaw San Win and Director (Construction-2) U Tin Maung Ohn reported on progress of work.
The minister also inspected the construction site of Ma Mya Dam project on Ma Mya Creek and dicussed
matters related to the project. On completion, the dam will be able
to store 70,000 acre-feet of water, irrigate 10,000 acres of
cultivated land and prevent floods in the fields nearby.
( 2 ) Transport Minister inspects Myamalar Market Ship
Yangon, 14 Feb - Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, together with Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint visited Myamalar Market Ship of Inland Water Transport at Botahtaung Wharf this afternoon.
Managing Director U Tun Aung Myint and officials reported on the trip of the market ship, measures for ensuring the trip smooth and secure, opening of shops and sale of products at towns along the trip.
Then, the minister inspected the private shops on the lower deck of the market ship and attended to the requirements.
Afterwards, he inspected the shops of Yangon East District Government Employee Cooperative Ltd on the upper deck of the market ship and gave instructions.
Managing Director U Tun Aung Myint and officials reported on transportation work for departments.
Myamalar Market Ship leaves here on 15 February, stops at about 20 towns
along the trip between Yangon and Mandalay and arrives at Mandalay
on 12 March.
Education Minister U Than Aung receives
Managing Director of Myanmar Yutani Co Ltd

Yangon, 14 Feb - Minister for Education U Than Aung received Managing Director of Myanmar Yutani Co Ltd Mr Yoshinori Komaru at the Higher Education Department (Lower Myanmar) this afternoon.
Also present at the call were Deputy Ministers for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung and U Myo Nyunt and officials of the ministry.
H & T Minister receives foreign delegation

Yangon, 14 Feb -Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin received Divisional Director, Mr Henrik Svartstrom and party of Finnfund, Finland, Business Investments Myanmar (Tourism & Fishery) at his office this afternoon.
Also present at the call were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu, officials and Managing Director of May Htay & Associates
U Khin Maung Htay.
( 3 ) UMFCCI General Secretary meets guest
Yangon, 14 Feb - Advisor Dr Kyaw Htin and General Secretary U Zaw Min Win of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry received Commercial
Attach' of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea to the Union of Myanmar Mr Kim Jae-Chan of Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA) at the office of UMFCCI yesterday afternoon. They cordially discussed matters related to the signing of MOU for promoting the trade and investment between UMFCCI and Korea International Trade Association (KITA) to be held at the
Traders' Hotel on 22 February and the holding of discussions in
investment between the business delegates of KITA and industrialists
and Myanmar entrepreneurs.
Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win signs Book of Condolences for
late HRH Princess Margaret
Countess of Snowdon of Britain
Yangon, 14 Feb - Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win signed the Book of Condolences at the Embassy of Her Britannic Majesty at 3.30 pm today in memory of the Late Her Royal Highness The Princess Margaret Countess of Snowdon
of Britain.
( 4 ) Second Annual Meeting of Myanmar Academy of AFLBFS concludes
Yangon, 14 Feb-The second annual meeting of Myanmar Academy of Agriculture, Forestry, Livestock Breeding and Fishery Sciences continued for the last day at International Business Centre on Pyay Road here at 8 am today.
It was attended by directors-general and managing directors of departments and enterprises under the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, the Ministry of Forestry and the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, rectors, directors, professors, Chairman U Tin Hlaing, executives and members of Myanmar Academy of Agriculture, Forestry, Livestock Breeding and Fishery, scholars of Yezin University of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Bureau, Yezin Institute of Forestry, Forestry Research Bureau and University of Veterinary Science, officials and guests.
Academy of Agriculture, Academy of Forestry and Academy of Livestock Breeding and Fishery held separate meetings at three venues. Director-General U Tin Htut Oo of the Agriculture Planning Department presided over the meeting of Academy of Agriculture. Members of the academy discussed implementation of future work schedule laid down at the first annual meeting and future tasks for 2002; holding of paper reading sessions, workshops and seminars, writing of advisory papers on implementation of projects, publishing of proceedings on research papers and technical journals, writing of agricultural research policies and drawing of research schedules according to priority, advising and consideration of the schedules and matters on systematic training on prevention technology.
Director-General U Shwe Kyaw of the Forest Department presided over the meeting of Academy of Forestry.
Members discussed matters relating to implementation of work schedules laid down from the first annual meeting and future tasks for 2002; development of technology on forestry, research work, holding of seminars, main project of national forestry sector, greening of nine districts, thirty-year-all-round-main project, reconsideration of forest administration plans drawn district-wise and manufacturing of forest products.
Vice-Chairman Dr Maung Maung Sa of the Academy of Livestock Breeding and Fishery presided over the meeting of the academy.
Members discussed matters relating to implementation of work schedules laid down from the first annual meeting and future tasks for 2002; training students of University of Veterinary Science and employees for human resources development, conducting of applied and fundamental research, holding of paper reading sessions, workshops and seminars, compiling of papers on respective subjects, technology and others. Chairman U Tin Hlaing of the academy presided over the plenary session held in the afternoon. Vice-chairmen Dr Myint Thein, Dr Nyan Tun and Dr Maung Maung Sa reported on implementation of tasks in 2001 and future tasks to be carried out in 2002 by respective academies. The meeting came to an end with closing remarks by the
Committee for 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Exhibition meets
Yangon, 14 Feb - The committee for displaying nation-building tasks at the 57th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Exhibition held its second meeting at the meeting hall of the Defence Services Museum on Shwedagon Pagoda Road this afternoon, with an address by Chairman of the Committee Minister for Labour and for Culture U Tin Winn.
Also present were the committee members deputy ministers of respective ministries, departmental heads, Secretary of the Committee Director of the Defence Services Museum and Historical Research Institute Col Ye Htut
and officials. The minister spoke on the occasion. Committee members
reported to the minister on booths of respective ministries to be
opened at the exhibition. The meeting ended with concluding remarks
by the minister.
( 5 ) Agreement signed to export
buckwheat to Japan
Yangon, 14 Feb - A ceremony to sign an agreement on sale of buckwheat to Japan was held at Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading on Pansodan Street this evening. Buckwheat has been grown as an opium-substitute crop in northern Shan State.
It is for three years that Myanmar has cultivated buckwheat as an opium-substitute crop in a bid to eliminate narcotic drugs and exported the crop to Japan. Buckwheat will continue to be sold in coming years. General Manager of MAPT U Thein Lwin and representative of the buyer U Aung Moe signed the agreement.
Also present on the occasion were Managing Director of MAPT U Min Hla Aung, General Managers Lt-Col Soe Tint, U Moe Paw and Lt-Col Kyaw Nyein, officials, technician Mr Masaru Imamura of Japan International Cooperation Agency and U Yan Aung Tun and U Thura of the buckwheat cultivation
Rural roads,
artesian wells opened
Yangon, 14 Feb - As a gesture hailing the 55th Anniversary Union Day, Ah Myint-Nyaungpinzauk gravel road, and Myaingsi Village and Hleda Village artesian wells built by Monywa Township Development Committee, were opened on 12 February. It was attended by Chairman of Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Commander of North-West Command Brig-Gen Soe Naing, local authorities, social organizations.
Likewise, the Kalaw Township Development Committee held a ceremony to open a gravel road in Pinmakon Village on 9 February. The road is 4,250 feet long and 12 feet wide, and two bridges 20 feet long and 4 feet wide, and one bridge 56 feet long and 5 feet wide, which were built with K 2.575 million provided by the township development committee.
Similarly, Pakokku Township Development Committee opened an artesian well in Kyiywa Village on 11 February. As the four-inch artesian well can supply 1,200 gallons of water per hour, water is now sufficient for the villagers all the year round. The artesian well was dug with K 826,232 provided by the township development committee and the local people.
( 6 ) Seven
honoured for presenting gold antiques

Yangon, 14 Feb- Seven persons were honoured for
presenting gold antiques of Konboung era to the State at the
Ministry of Culture this afternoon. Minister for Culture U Tin Winn
and Deputy Minister U Soe Nyunt presented K 1,669,786 and
certificates of honour to the seven persons. They found the
antiques, ten gold rings and pieces of gold which are the cuts from
the gold rings, while digging earth in the farmland at Ywama region,
Sakhangyi Village-tract, Natmaw Station, Hinthada Township, Hinthada
District, Ayeyawady Division, on 8 November last year. The seven, Ko
Than Htay, Ko Aung, Daw Khin Thein, U Soe Than, Ma Aye, U Tin Tun
Aung and Ko Myint Aung of Ywama region, presented the finds to the
Archaeology Department under the Ministry through officials
concerned. The market value of the ten gold rings and the cuts
weighing 152.38 grams is K 1,107,808. As the finds are of the
Konboung era, K 352,132 was added to the finds' original market
value and another K 209,846 for workmanship. Thus, they received a
total of K 1,669,786 as prize-money. The minister delivered a speech
on the occasion. Also present were Director-General of AD U Nyunt
Han, officials and local authorities.
Wellwishers invited for
sinking tube-wells
Yangon, 14 Feb -The Development Affairs Committee under the Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs are making concerted efforts in order to get sufficient fresh water in rural areas in States and Divisions where there is a shortage of water.
One 200 feet deep two-inch diameter tube-well costs K 250,000; one 400 feet deep two-inch diameter tube-well costs K 500,000; and one 200 feet deep four-inch diameter tube-well costs K 500,000.
Those wishing to donate cash for the tubewell sinking projects for rural areas may contact the Director-General (Tel: 01-245420 & 253088), the Deputy Director-General (Tel: 01-240118), the Director (Engineering) (Tel: 01-291967), the Director (Sagaing Division Development Affairs Committee) (Tel: 071-21012), the Director (Magway Division Development Aaffairs Committee) (Tel: 063-23164) and the Director (Mandalay Division Development Affairs Committee) (Tel: 02-54657).
( 7 )
Opening ceremony of MFL Fair rehearsed
Yangon, 14 Feb -A rehearsal of the opening ceremony of Myanma Fishery and Livestock Fair-2002 was held in front of the Yangon Trade Centre in Mingala Taungnyunt Township this morning. Patron of the Central Committee for Organizing the Fair Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone viewed the rehearsal and gave necessary instructions.
Also present were Chairman of the Central Committee Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan and the Central Committee members and officials of respective subcommittees.
Maungtaw study group
continues excursion
Yangon, 14 Feb - At the invitation of the Chairman of the Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races, visiting 41-member national races study group from Aungthabye region, Maung-taw Township, Rakhine State, who are here to pay homage to the pagodas and to study the development of the State,visited the Yangon Zoological Gardens and Aquarium this morning.
In the afternoon, the study group visited the head office of Union Solidarity and Development Association where they were briefed by Central Executive Committee member U Thein Sein on the tasks of the association.
Then, the study group visited the Fire Services Training School and studied the demonstration of fire services.
They also visited the Thamada Cinema in the evening.
( 8
) Yangon Mayor inspects agriculture, livestock breeding tasks
Yangon, 14 Feb-Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay, accompanied by officials, inspected agriculture and livestock breeding tasks in Uto-Kya-in region, Taikkyi Township in Yangon Division this morning. The mayor inspected netting of fish at the fish ponds and decoration of three extended guest rooms and gave instructions to the officials.
The mayor then went to Okpon Creek main sluice gate and inspected water intake of the canals from Tabuhla Reserviour, water supply to plantations from Insu pond, raising of pigs at the camp, breeding of fish and growing of crops.
After that, the mayor viewed the preparations for distributing of various kinds of crops to markets and bazaars in Yangon, which are grown using natural fertilizer at Green House plantations, 25-ton rice mill, fire-wood substitute material factory, cleaning and winnowing of beans and pulses. He gave necessary instructions and attended to the
___________________________ ( 9
) Opium refineries exposed in
Lashio Township
Yangon, 14 Feb - A combined team comprising members of the Tatmadaw men, the local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, receiving information that there were opium refineries at Monyaw/Monkyat region in Lashio Township, Shan State (North), stormed and combed the areas on 29 January, 2002, and seized two opium refining camps, 18 big tents , 42.72 kilos of heroin, three kilos of powdered morphene, 383.18 kilos of raw opium, 57 litres of heroin liquid, 568 litres of Acetic Anhydride, 3069 litres of ethyl alcohol, 114 litres of Lysol, 170 litres of hydrochloric acid, 75 kilos of bone charcoal, eight glass steamers, one Ethyl steamer and eight items of other related equipment.
Action is being taken in connection with the seizure of the precursor chemicals and equipment under the Narcotic Drugs and Psycho-trophic Substances Law.
Poppy plantations destroyed in Kokant, Shan State (North)
Yangon, 14 Feb-Concerted efforts are being made for total elimination of cultivation and production of poppy in Laukkai, Kokant region, Shan State (North), by the year 2005 after setting up aims, reduction of yearly poppy cultivation and cultivation of more poppy substitute crops in the region.
Members of Myanmar Police Force, the special anti-drug squad, departments, Kokant Special Region No 1 and local people, led by local regiments and district and township Peace and Development Councils, are now destroying poppy plantations in the region beginning 2002.
In Laukkai District from 23 January to 5 February, a total of 1,633.25 acres of poppy plantations 213.25 acres in Hsankawkywin, Manshin, Yweehtan, Tashan, Maw-htaik, Chinseikhtan and Shaukkai village-tracts in Kongyan Township, 1,037 acres in Hositonhaw, Hwe-tauklin, Shikwelan, Pawai, Kyweepa, Taungkoelon and Namkaw villages in Tashwe-htan Village-tract and 383 acres in Takanhtan, Phyin-gyanshwe, Shaukkanhtan, Panwaing and Hsinshwehtan villages in Pasinkyaw Village-tract Ñ were destroyed.
Officials concerned provided assistance to those whose poppy plantations were destroyed.
Continued efforts are being made to destroy the remaining poppy plantations.