1 ) Secretary-1 receives Secretary-General of Indonesian Ministry of Defence
Yangon, 13 Feb- Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt received Secretary-General of the Ministry of Defence Lieutenant General Johnny J Lumintang and party of the Republic of Indonesia at the Yeiktha of the Ministry of Defence at 4 pm today.
Also present at the call were Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win and Director-General Thura U Aung Htet of the Protocol Department.
The guests were accompanied by Indonesian Military Attache Col Amiruddin Usman.
Academy urged to steer agricultural, livestock
breeding and fisheries and forestry sectors
towards fulfilling national requirements
Secretary-1 attends second annual meeting of Myanmar Academy of Agriculture, Forestry, Livestock Breeding and Fishery Sciences

Yangon, 13 Feb- Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt attended the opening of the second annual meeting of Myanmar Academy of Agriculture, Forestry, Livestock Breeding and Fishery Sciences held at International Business Centre on Pyay Road here at 8 am today.
Also present on the occasion were the ministers, the deputy ministers, officials from the State Peace and Development Council office, directors-general, managing directors, rectors and officials from the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, the Ministry of Forestry, the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, chairmen and members of the Myanmar Medical Association, the Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science and the Myanmar Academy of Technicians, Chairman U Tin Hlaing of Myanmar Academy of Agriculture, Forestry, Livestock Breeding and Fishery and executives and distinguished guests.

The Secretary-1 made a speech. He said as the Government is endeavouring in all sectors for keeping the State abreast of the others and development of national economy, good foundations for development of the national economy have been laid and the results have been achieved in improving the living standard of the people.
It is a good time to make these good foundations firmer with the strength of national forces such as governmental organizations, social organizations, national entrepreneurs, intellectuals and intelligentsia. So, emphasis is to be placed sector-wise on keeping alive and dynamic efficiency in technology, finance, service and trade of the national forces. Moreover, it is needed to systematically use national forces for the development of the State.
As the world is in progress with the advancement in technologies, earnest efforts are to be made for the State to be able to achieve success on the right national track. Attention should be paid to all sectors for enhancing efficiency of the national forces and ability to use modern techniques.
So, Head of State Senior General Than Shwe has urged to establish academies in respective sectors with brilliant and experienced technicians and intellectuals to be able to serve the interest of the State and nurture outstanding new generation youths continually.
In accordance with the guidance of Head of State, duties have been assigned to academies in respective sectors. The activities of the MAAFLBF, like other academies, indicates the success of the far-sighted guidance of the Head of State.

Moreover, it is hoped that the activities of the association will contribute to development of agriculture, forestry, livestock breeding and fishery sectors in line with national needs.
As the economy of the State is based on agriculture, forestry, livestock breeding and fishery sectors, development of these sectors plays a key role in promoting the socio-economy of the public and the State.
The agricultural, livestock breeding and fisheries and forestry sectors contribute 42 percent to the gross domestic product of the nation. Thus, the volume of the sector's participation in national economic progress is large. As, the sectors are the main economy of the rural people which is playing a vital role in producing food for the people, they are also contributing to further improving the living standard and developing the rural areas.
Myanmar is rich in natural resources including agriculture, livestock breeding and fisheries and forestry.
As long as the rich resources can be used in a most effective way and conserved for their long-term existence, the Union will be able to stand proudly depending on her own strength.
In the world today, priority has been given to exploiting the natural resources from the social point of view in addition to the economic point of view and adding value to them.
In addition to extended cultivation of crops, special attention is being paid to
applying of modern techniques to raise the quality and per acre yield, use pedigree strains and add value in the agricultural sector.
In the forestry sector also, plans are being made to
conserve natural forests, to lay down long-term conservation and extraction plan, to green the environment, to maintain the ecology and to protect the endangered wildlife.
Modern farming, production, storage, packaging and distribution techniques and advanced machinery have been introduced to the livestock breeding and fisheries sector.
Efforts are being made to give priority to environmental conservation and restoration and protection of the bio-system in combination with breeding and fisheries activities.
As the scope of agricultural, livestock breeding and fisheries and forestry sectors has become wider and more sophisticated, the
sectors' reliance on the technical field has become more important. Thus, conducting of the research work and nurturing of qualified technicians has also become the crucial part of the business. Thus, the sector of the academy has become more vital.
The noble aims of the academy are: to enable the technicians to render assistance to the task to build a peaceful, modern and developed nation with their intellectual
power; to implement research projects in the interests of the nation and to lay down research directives; to make arrangements to produce technicians who will benefit the nation; to develop the academic foundations required by the nation; and to lay down plans for continuous development of intellectual and technical skills of the people who are taking part in the nation-building task.
The academy should strive to steer the agricultural, livestock breeding and fisheries and forestry sectors towards fulfilling the national requirements in accord with the aims.
Thus, assistance has been given to extension of sown acreage, cent-per-cent utilization of cultivation land, raising of sown acreage and introduction of efficient cultivation methods for progress of the agricultural sector. Research have been made on the respective sectors to fully utilize the land and water resources, mechanical power, modern techniques, quality strains and the working forces. The agricultural technicians are required to take part in the task from the respective sectors.
He said in forestry sector emphasis was to be placed on conservation of equal balance between environment and climate and forest conservation for earning foreign exchange, greening, bio-diversity and ecological system, systematic exploiting forest resources and boosting extraction of marketable timber and disseminating technique that contributed to production of valued-added products.
He spoke of the need to strive for the national economic development, creating job opportunities, and enabling the people to meet food, clothing and shelter needs. In this context, constant research works are to be carried out and modern techniques be used in line with the passage of time in developing the livestock breeding and prawn & fish breeding works, spreading pedigrees and preventing them from extinction, controling diseases, developing production, packaging, storing and distribution, and exploiting the nation's livetsock and fisheries resources most beneficially, he pointed out.
He urged experts and technicians to boost productions for ensuring local sufficiency of food and for earning foreign exchange through export of surplus; and to provide leadership in promoting qualities of products by combining the use of modern techniques and equipment with the
experts' wisdom and experience in agriculture, forestry, livestock breeding and fishery sectors.
As the Government relies on the national strength in endeavouring for the national development, each and every intellectuals and intelligentsia are to make constant efforts and innovations in view of serving the national interests in their respective sectors. Only then, can the Union be able to stand tall among the world's nations and it will certainly become a modern and developed nation, he said. Hence, the Academy of Agriculture, Forest, Livestock and Fisheries are to fully understand the belief, concepts and aims of the Government and to render helping hands enthusiastically for contributing towards national development, elevating the living standard of the people and ensuring the emergence of a modern and developed nation, he urged.
In conclusion, he urged the experts and technicians to make earnest efforts with their respective expertise in exploiting the natural resources most effectively in the interests of the nation and the people.
He also urged them to nurture and bring out new generation experts and technicians as well as to develop modern techniques which are essential to the national development and economic progresses. He also urged them to make efforts, with their invaluable wisdom, rich experience, far-sightedness and nationalist spirit, for bringing about long-term interests of the nation and the people and for ensuring the emergence of a modern and developed nation. Then, the opening ceremony came to an end.
Afterwards, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and ministers together with Executive Committee members of the Academy of Agriculture, Forest, Livestock and Fisheries posed for a documentary photograph. Next, the Secretary-1 and party viewed round the exhibition booths concerning with agriculture, forestry, livestocking breeding and
( 2 ) Eighty roads linking states and divisions of entire nation upgraded stage by stage to become Union highways
Tanai River Bridge inaugurated in Tanai Township, Kachin State
Yangon, 13 Feb- A ceremony to inaugurate Tanai River Bridge undertaken by Public Works of the Ministry of Construction was held at the Mingalar Mandat near the bridge in Tanai Township, Kachin State, yesterday morning, with an address by member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence.
Also present were Chairman of Kachin State Peace and Development Council Commander of Northern Command Brig-Gen Maung Maung Swe, Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Myint Thein, Brig-Gen Kyaw Oo Lwin of Tanai Station, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office and the Ministry of Construction, chairmen and members of district and township Peace and Development Councils, local members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Red Cross Society and Auxiliary Fire Brigade, social organizations, drum troupes, traditional dance troupes, band troupes, pom pom troupe, aerobic dance troupes, students and local residents totalling over 12,000.
Maj-Gen Ye Myint said hailing the 55th Anniversary Union Day, Tanai Bridge spanning the Tanai River on Tanai-Nanyun Road, was opened today. The Tanai-Nanyun Road is a section
of Myitkyina-Namti-Tanai-Nanyun Union Highway.
The highway which linked Ledo in India is famous as the Ledo Road during the World War II.
As the old bridge collapsed due to raging floods, the new reinforced concrete bridge was built. The 942-foot bridge is the 138th bridge, whose length exceeds 180 feet, built by Public Works of the Ministry of Construction.
Due to the bridge, Nanyun and Pansaung in the border regions will be easily accessible. The PW is upgrading the 87-mile Namti-Tanai section of the highway to become an all-weather facility, and the Tatmadaw battalions, the 73-foot Tanai-Shingbwiyang-Nanyun section.
In accord with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, 80 roads linking the states and divisions have been upgraded and extended stage by stage to become Union highways. Bridges large and small have been constructed on the highways. The aim of building highways is to ensure an easy link between the nation's northernmost and southernmost regions and the areas between the eastern end and western tip in all weather conditions.
Easy links among the regions including border areas will lead to development of the production, social, education and health sectors. Moreover, it will also contributes to strengthening love and understanding among the national people.
Concerning the aim of building transport facilities, the Senior General had often given the guidance, saying,
"Easy transport between the regions is required to enable the national people to share and exchange knowledge and technology and trade goods. The new railroads, motor roads and bridges should be built where necessary to ensure smooth and easy
Transport was difficult in Kachin State which is located in the north of Myanmar. Due to the natural barriers and the insurgency which existed in the region once, transport and communication was difficult between one township and another in the state; communication with other states and divisions was also difficult.
At present, armed insurgency has ended in Kachin State; the national people are unitedly striving for regional and national progress with mutual understanding and sympathy.
Once, Kachin State had to rely only on railroad as the major mode of transport. Now Myitkyina-Shwebo-Mandalay road and Mandalay-Thabeikkyin-Tagaung-Bhamo-Myitkyina road and the bridges on them are being built with greater momentum. These roads will become new transport links of the state. These links will become more important as Bhamo-Si-U-Mabein-Momeik-Mogok road and Bhamo-Mansi-Namhkam road are being upgraded.
In addition, Myitkyina-Sumprabum-Putao road and Namti-Tanai-Nanyun road are being upgraded and extended. At present there are 285 miles of tarred roads in Kachin State, up 125 from 160 miles in 1988; 310 miles of gravel roads, up 154 miles from 156 miles in 1988.
As there is peace and stability, the national races can now earn their living in peace. If all make actual efforts, not only the Kachin State, but also the whole nation will achieve rapid development.
During a period of over ten years, more roads have been built and the existing ones upgraded in Kachin State.
Eight major bridges Ñ Bala Min Htin Bridge across Ayeyawady River, Tapain River Bridge, Tabet Creek Bridge, Nammyitkha Bridge, Maliyan Bridge, Nanthsan-yan Bridge, Moepale Bridge and the present Tanai Bridge Ñ have been opened in the state. The airports in Bhamo and Putao have been extended.
Production of technicians region-wise is important to skilfully conduct regional
development undertakings. Thus, multimedia teaching centres have been opened at schools in the state and more institutions of higher learning have been opened in Myitkyina and Bhamo.
As the local people are also making efforts, Kachin State can now produce surplus amount of paddy. It is exporting some of its surplus. The state is also extending cultivation of edible oil crops, beans and pulses and sugarcane. The state saw a 23.9 percent economic growth in 1999-2000 and a 21.4 per cent growth in 2000-2001.
The state will enjoy more fruits of progress in the future due to the harmonious efforts of the people, the government and the Tatmadaw and prevalence of peace and stability in the entire nation.
Improvement in the basic infrastructures such as roads and bridges will help
create more opportunities in the health education and economic sectors and improve the living standard of the people.
Based on the present development, all are required to strive with the Union spirit and patriotism for progress of the motherland and perpetuation of the Union.
Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun said Tanai Bridge was opened on the Union Day and it was a day of auspiciousness for the State and Kachin State. In efforts for national development, arrangements are being made for equal development of all regions including border areas, he said.
He said the government has been giving priority to development of economic infrastructure and it is also making endeavours for construction of infrastructure on transport.
The minister quoted the Head of State as saying that roads are being built in a short time with the aim of ensuring transport linking one region after another including far-flung areas. Transport can promote economic development and the position of social environment of the people, the minister said.
He said construction of bridges and new roads in the whole country contribute much toward the regional development. Altogether 138 bridges including the present one which are 180 feet and above were built and 17,873 miles and six furlongs of roads were also constructed.
After completion of the bridge, matters relating to trade can be undertaken, using Myitkyina-Namti-Tanai-Chibweyan-Nanyun-Panhsaung Road, once famous Ledo Road. There will be speedy sale of regional products and opening of the bridge will also contribute toward the regional development and improvement of economic, social, health and education standard of the local people.
He said he believed that national solidarity spirit and the Union Spirit would be strengthened after realizing the government's goodwill.
He called for maintenance of the bridge for durability and cooperation for improvement of economic, social, health and education standard of the local people.
Commander Brig-Gen Maung Maung Swe said at a time when the government is making efforts for development the Tanai Bridge on Myitkyina-Ledo-Panhsaung road was opened with the aim of development in the region.
The commander said the Ledo road is a strategic one where the Tanai Bridge is situated. Economic, social, education and health standard of local people will improve due to the opening of the bridge, he said
Mokaung-Nankaung Creek Bridge, Mohnyin-Nanyin Creek Bridge and bridges on Ledo Road will be built, he said.
He urged local people in Kachin State to maintain the bridge and to participate in building of a modern developed nation in hand with the government.
Secretary of Tanai Township USDA U Hsai La spoke words of thanks for building Tanai Bridge.
Then, Maj-Gen Ye Myint presented gift to Deputy Superintending Engineer U Soe Thet of Tanai Bridge Project.
At the auspicious time, Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Commander Brig-Gen Maung Maung Swe and Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun formally opened the bridge.
Next, Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun formally unveiled the stone inscription of the bridge. The Mingala Drum troupe played Aungzay Paingzay song. Then, Maj-Gen Ye Myint, the commander, the minister and guests had documentary photo taken in front of the archway of the bridge.
Afterwards, they passed through the bridge and the opening ceremony came to an end.
Tanai Bridge is an important on Myitkyina-Panhsaung-Ledo Road. The upper structure of the bridge was built with H20 and RPT steel frames combining reinforce concrete. The bridge is 942 feet long and 12 feet wide and it can withstand 30-ton loads.
On 11 February evening, Tanai Bridge was illuminated with multi-colour lights and audience were entertained with
( 3 ) Health Minister receives guests

Yangon, 13 Feb- Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein received Representative of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Society (IFRC) Ms Margarette Roberts and party at 10 am and Ambassador of the Republic of Korea Mr Chung Jung-gum, who had completed his tour of duty in Myanmar, at 11 am at his office on Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Street today.
Also present at the calls were Deputy Minister Professor Dr Kyaw Myint,
directors-general of departments under the ministry and officials.
Minister receives French Ambassador

Yangon, 13 Feb- Minister for Labour and for Culture U Tin Winn received Ambassador of France Mr Bernard du Chaffaut at his office this morning.
Also present at the call were Director-General of the Labour Department U Soe Nyunt, Director-General of the Department of Cultural Institute U Myint Thein Swe and officials.
( 4 ) Minister inspects Myanma Airways, Ahlon Shipyards

Yangon, 13 Feb- Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe and Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint this morning inspected major repairs of the aeroplanes of the Mechanical Department of the Myanma Airways in Mingaladon Airport and attended to the needs.
They then proceeded to Ahlon Shipyards of the Inland Water Transport. After hearing reports presented by officials concerned, the minister gave necessary instructions and fulfilled the requirements.
In the afternoon, the minister attended the third meeting of Singapore-Kunming Railroad Special Task Group at the Ministry. Also present were Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint, Deputy Minister for Rail Transportation U Pe
Than and members of the group.
Minister inspects Sugar Mill, Bwetkyi Dam in Aunglan
Yangon, 13 Feb- Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, accompanied by Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Col Zaw Min, Chairman of Bago Division (West) Peace and Development Council Col Soe Nwe and officials, inspected No 10 Sugar Mill in Duyingabo, Aunglan Township, on 11 February.
Then, the minister and party attended the meeting on setting up of Myanmar Cotton and Cotton Production, Sugar and Sugar Production of Merchant and Entrepreneur Association at Aungmye Shwewa Hall in Aunglan.
Next, the minister proceeded to Bwetkyi Dam Project near Dandaunt Village in Aunglan Township. They inspected construction of the dam. The minister gave necessary instructions the officials attended to the
Committee for Printing Textbooks holds a quarterly coord meeting
Yangon, 13 Feb- The Committee for Printing Textbooks held a quarterly coordination meeting at the hall of Sarpay Beikman Press on Pyay Road this afternoon.
Present were Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung, Chairman of Sub- committee for Printing Textbooks Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Chairman of Sub-committee for Distribution of Textbooks Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung, Deputy Minister for Industry-1 Brig-Gen Kyaw Win and heads of departments under the Ministry of Information and the Ministry of Education.
Minister Maj-Gen Kyi Aung spoke on the occasion.
Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aung Thein reported on work carried out. The textbooks will be distributed to basic education primary, middle and high schools for 2002-2003 academic year beginning February. The textbooks will be distributed to basic education schools in far-flung areas under the special arrangements. Altogether 15.73 million of textbooks have been printed. The textbooks were printed by the Ministry of Information in cooperation with the Ministry of
( 5 ) Appointment of Ambassador agreed on
Yangon, 14 Feb- The Government of the Union of Myanmar has given agreement of Mr Lee Kyung-woo as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea to the Union of Myanmar in succession to HE Mr Chung Jung-Gum.
Mr Lee Kyung-woo was born on 8 January 1945 and graduated from the College of Law, Seoul National University. He studied at the International Institute of Public Administration, Paris in France in 1975.
Since joining the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea in September 1968, he had served in various capacities at the Ministry as well as of the Republic of Korean Embassies in France, Senegal, Mauritius, and UK and the Consulate General in Chicago, USA. From August 1997 to September 2000, he was appointed as Ambassador to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Since then, he has been serving as Secretary-General of the Bidding Committee for the 2010 World Exposition. He is concurrently serving as Ambassador at the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea. Mr
Lee Kyung-woo is married and has two daughters.
( 6 )
39th Gems Empo from 4 to 12 March

Yangon, 13 Feb- A meeting on reviewing the sales of the mid-year Myanma
Gems Emporium held in October 2001 and a meeting of the central committee for 39th Myanma Gems Emporium to be held in March 2002, were held in the hall of Myanma Gems Museum this afternoon.
Patron of the central committee Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint delivered an address at the meeting. Present on the occasion were Chairman of the central committee Deputy Minister for Mines U Myint Thein, Managing Director of Myanma Gems Enterprise U Khin Oo, central committee members and secretaries of subcommittees.
The meeting decided to hold the 39th Myanma Gems Emporium from 4 to 12
Union Day cultural variety dances presented
Yangon, 13 Feb- The Union Day cultural variety dances, organized by the Subcommittee for Holding 55th Anniversary Union Day Dinner and Entertainment, was held at the National Museum at 7 pm today.
Present were Chairman of the Subcommittee Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt and members, departmental heads, traditional cultural troupe, members of States and Divisions and delegates of Union Solidarity and Development Association who attended the 55th Anniversary Union Day
ceremony and dinner, and people.
The variety dances included the duet dances presented by gold medalist students to the accompaniment of Sein Myet Pyu traditional orchestra which won gold medal in the Ninth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions, cultural dances by nationals, the drama entitled Lawbago Thatkyabanaw directed by Bogale Tint Aung, the drama entitled Myitta Wingabar by Academy Gitalulin Maung Ko Ko and other items.
The variety cultural dances will continue tomorrow.
Japan IT Engineering Course, MYIT (2) concludes
Yangon, 13 Feb- The closing ceremony of the Japan IT Engineering Course, MYIT (2), organized by the Association for Oversea Technical Scholar (AOTS) opened at the Japan-Myanmar e-Learning Centre of Myanmar ICT Park at Yangon University (Hlaing Campus) was held at the hall of Myanmar ICT Park this evening.
Present on the occasion were Vice-Chairman of e-National Task Force Deputy Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement U Hlaing Win, Chairman of Myanma ICT Development Corporation Head of Department of Office of the Chief of Military Intelligence Col Thein Swe, officials from Myanmar Computer Federation, members of Board of Directors of Myanma ICT Development Co Ltd, guests, course instructors and trainees.
The deputy miniter and Resident Representative of Association for Oversea Technical Scholar (AOTS) Mr Seizaburo Shin Ta Ku delivered addresses.
Then, the deputy minister, Vice-Chairman of Myanmar Computer Federation U Thein Oo, Secretary of the MCF U Tin Win Aung, Resident Representative of AOTS Mr Seizaburo Shin Ta Ku, Senior Vice-President Mr Minoru Ikeda of Fujitsu Asia Pte Ltd, Course Instructor Mr Brain Ong Poo Lee of the centre and Assistant Course Instructor Miss Takako Hoshi presented certificates to the trainees.
Altogether 48 trainees attended the six-week course at the centre.
( 7 )
Myanmar Academy of Agriculture,
Forestry, Livestock and Fishery
Sciences holds second annual meeting
Yangon, 13 Feb- The Myanmar Academy of Agriculture, Forestry, Livestock and Fishery Sciences held the first day-session of the second annual meeting at International Business Centre on Pyay Road at 9 am today.
Present on the occasion were directors-general, managing directors, rectors, directors, professors of departments, enterprises and universities of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, the Ministry of Forestry and the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, President of Myanmar Academy of Agriculture, Forest, Livestock and Fisheries U Tin Hlaing and executives, scholars from Yezin University of Agriculture, the Agricultural Research Centre, University of Forestry, the Forest Research Centre and University of Veterinary Science, officials and guests.
President U Tin Hlaing presided over the meeting and gave a speech.
Vice-Presidents Dr Myint Thein, Dr Nyan Tun and Dr Maung Maung Sa explained undertakings in agriculture, forestry and livestock & fishery sectors.
In the afternoon, the agricultural scholar group, the forestry scholar group and the livestock & fishery scholar group held sector-wise meetings at three places.
Agricultural scholars U Tin Hlaing, Dr Tun Hsaing, Dr Kyaw Than and Dr Nyi Nyi presented research papers to the meeting; forestry scholars Dr Nyan Tun, U Than Myint and U Tin Ohn submitted research papers to the meeting; and livestock & fishery scholars Dr Maung Maung Sa, Dr Than Hla, Dr San Aung, Dr Saw Palei Saw and U Maung Maung Sein reported their research papers to the meeting.
In the evening, Minister for Forestry U Aung Phone hosted a dinner in honour of scholars and officials who attended the meeting, at International Business Centre. The second annual meeting will continue
USDA management course concludes
Yangon, 13 Feb- Central Executive Committee member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Brig-Gen Thein Zaw attended a closing ceremony of USDA
executives" management multiplier course No 8 and the spoken English course held in conjunction with a ceremony to submit USDA membership applications at the Dawbon Township USDA office this afternoon.
Brig-Gen Thein Zaw accepted 735 membership applications. Next, he presented prizes to outstanding trainees and certificates to trainees. He also accepted cash donations from wellwishers. Present on the occasion were secretaries and executives of division, district and township USDAs,
township-level departmental officials and 83 trainees.
PBM summer English courses to be opened
Yangon, 13 Feb- Course instructors, students and parents attended the closing ceremony of Post International English regular course of PBM English Centre held at No 14 B, Baho Street, Ward (2), Thamaing, Mayan-gon Township here this morning.
Six categories of the summer English courses of PBM English Centre of Pyinnya Beikman
Education Services Cooperative Ltd Ñ KG, Basic-1, Basic-2, Elementary-1,
Elementary-2 and Intermediate Ñ will be opened on 2 March. Discount for
service personnel is 20 percent and for company staff is 10 percent.
( 8
) Maungtaw study group visits Hlinethaya Industrial Zone
Yangon, 13 Feb- At the invitation of the Chairman of Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races, visiting 41-member national races study group from Aungthabye Region, Maung-taw Township, Rakhine State, who are here to pay homage to the pagodas and to study the development of the state, visited Hlinethaya Industrial Zone this morning.
They viewed round the FMI City, Tokyo Pipe Factory and Hninzi Garment Factory.
The study group later paid obeisance to Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Buddha Image
and viewed the White
Then, the study group visited Myanma Radio and Television where they were extended greetings by Deputy Director-General Lt-Col Thein Aung. They studied the demonstration of telecasting of MRTV before proceeding to the Defence Services Museum where they were conducted round by the officials.
Union Day delegates continue excursion
Yangon, 13 Feb- Cultural troupe members from states and divisions and Union Day delegates of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, who attended the 55th Anniversary Union Day flag-hoisting ceremony and dinner, continued their tour of Yangon today.
First, the study group visited the Yuzana Plaza in Mingala Taungnyunt Township where they were entertained with music and the study group also gave performances with songs and dances. Next, they visited the Bogyoke Aung San
Union Day Exhibition continues
Yangon, 13 Feb- The 55th Anniversary Union Day Exhibition continued for the seventh and final day at the Tatmadaw Convention Hall on U Wisara Road here today.
The exhibition was visited by 4,476 visitors including monks and laity, teachers and students of Tamway Township BEHS-3, Botahtaung Township BEHS-4, Latha Township BEHS-2, Lanmadaw Township BEHS-2, BEPS-1 and BEPS-4, members of Hlinethaya Township USDA and Thingangyun Township Red Cross Brigade members. The sales of books at the exhibition today amounted to 80,300 kyats.
The Union Day Exhibition was successfully concluded at 5 pm.
___________________________ ( 9
Poppy plantation destroyed in
Ngaphe Township
Yangon, 13 Feb- A combined team comprising Tatmadawmen, members of the local Intelligence Unit, Myanmar Police Force and departments, acting on information, destroyed 1.56 acres of poppy plantation about one mile south-west of Naung Village, Ngaphe Township, Magway Division, on 27